Jealous Johnson Cucks

Gay Johnson cucking against Alt-Right and Richard Spencer. Must be incredibly jealous.

Other urls found in this thread:

Spencer and Johnson, two faggots having a slapfight.

Was this really worth having a thread about?

That fucking retard doesn't get cucking against your own wing doesn't do anything except shift the narrative to the left.

Besides at the very least this has caused "alt-lite" faggots like PJW from jumping away instead of trying to subvert

I'm fucking sick of this shit, I bash Dicky as much as the next man but I'm fed up, I won't do it anymore. He's fucking alright in my book bringing out the cucks early doors.

Anyone ashamed of being seen as a 'Nazi' is worthless

I always bashed Dicky except recently after the salute thing. The people attacking him are even worse so I attack them instead. When this whole thing blows over I'll go back to attacking Dicky.

Is Johnson fucking serious? He publishes goddamn Savitri Devi. I don't even like Spencer but is he fucking blind?

either case it's a win-win

except for the case that he was "foolish" enough to invite a couple of kike journos and heiled Trump right in front of their cameras

He responded to that question in the comments for this article on his site.



It's almost you haven't read rfr newfaggot

There's nothing wrong with Nazi/Hitler/Roman salutes whatever you want to call it.

Controlled opposition.
Contrived public drama.
Both sides gain publicity.
Both sides gain credibility.
Both sides are shills working together.
Two faces of the same Shekel.
Take your TRS shite, leave and die.

Read rfr and go watch yuri and then get back to me newfag

You should read Siege.

Spencer should have stood in front of the podium in full view, displayed a Hitler salute and yelled Hail Hitler.

Florian a good guy, his podcast is pretty good and he brings the hammer down on heretics.

I'll seek it out. I just thought he was a random poster.

Then why didn't he do just that? Instead, he did the one thing that forced Trump to disavow the NPI and subsequent growing white nationalist movement, by invoking Trump's name. Best case scenario, Implicit Dick did it to get coverage and thus more shekels regardless of the damage he knew it would cause. Worst case scenario, which isn't unlikely, he did it to try and purposely poison the well of the growing wn movement.

If the entire future of your movement hinges on Trump's approval then you have bigger problems on your hands than Dicky Spencer.

again, either go read rfr or fuck off newfaggot trshill and stop shitting up the catalog

That's literally what you said

There's niggers running around in the streets executing whitey, robbing and raping. There's Ahmeds running around blowing themselves up and raping the kafir women. There's Jews funded to the tunes of billions openly calling and pushing for your extermination. And yet here you are terrified of the optics of choice words and postures. You're pathetic.

you paranoid schizo nazi larpers should just donate to the pod casts or shut the fuck up

seriously fuck off

i want peace

He's edgy for Jesus.

Go die Sven. You are ruining everything Enoch built.

go read rfr and get back to us

You're the one crying about optics you shouldn't even read a book just go kill yourself you useless cunt.

You don't seem to get that we're the Alinskiites now, now the left.



This. Guaranteed it's the same faggots who bash trump and anyone else who doesn't sieg heil then cry like little girls when somebody actually does. Just a remodified version of do nothing wait for hitler.

go read the book and get back to us

STFU Tree.

Your brain is damaged and you're mentally broken.

if you wanted peace you wouldn't still keep shilling your kosher podcasts here

Johnson is used to winning, he needs to relax and push forward.

is NOT used to winning*



we are more redpilled than you are

we are at like 15/89 by now

focusing on the lgbt community as you nazi larpers do is just hurting our movement

seriously fuck off , lets have peace

ayy lmao


Wews had shit taste in men too. He likes spiccy looking italians. He's a friend of mine's pocket bitch.

You don't belong here

hang yourself



big surprise, fags have no loyalty.

Implicit Dick and Goy Johnson have always been faggots

It's the mannchild

Watering down Holla Forums memes and infecting them with lolbertardianism isn't exactly "building" something.

Never mind, I read the post, it clearly isn't either of them

shilling for shitty kosher podcasts isn't exactly building something either

Wyatt is Sven's kid.

that's a fucking lie

roleplay echochamber

this. I don't give a shit about "heretics", maybe he should bring the hammer down on his homo-enabling collegues

It's Grindr Greg

Nobody cares, Greg.

That's why he got booted from TRS.

Dude we all know. It's cool. You and your kid will get along once he hits puberty and you stop pretending to run a business.


naw, spencer is the actual homosexual

oh, please post proof

fuck you faggot we have over 2000 people at trs

nevermind, I stand corrected

And yet he still sounds like a 17 year old.
jk fam, NRO was the best podcast on the site

Oh hi Natt, you and the rest of the iron larpers can fuck off

Are you drunk or autistic?

Sven calm down jesus. Go hang out with your gay friends and fat son. I'll see you 1/28. ^_~*

He had CommonFilth on the Nationalist Review Online, a TRS podcast, which resulted in both the podcast and Florian being kicked from their network and banned from the community. Now his shit is on Noose.

And unlike you guys, he can actually lift

Yeah, only a shill could get paid enough to post his worthless opinion that many times. Fuck off Autistic-Right.

you still mad I fucked your girlfriend, natt?

Fun times. Fun times.

Sven is #1

Whatever you say. How's the album btw?

He's ok, but he's nowhere near #1.


this… Fuck the homosexual esoteric alt-right and all their minions. We don't agree with their world view. We like women. We don't want the manosphere here. This is an Aryan board for deprogramming the Cultural Marxists, not replacing them with more kikery

he's as pozzed as the rest of them

Why does the right have so many homos in it? Even in the NatSoc party you had Ernst Rohm and his group of homos try to seize control of the party and overthrow the German government.

That's not him, just a jewtube account that uploads a bunch of different podcasts.


If you compare it with any other community I doubt the right would have more homos. They just stand out more since it's such an anti-fag community.

I have two theoies, first being that they're fags and like attractive men, and right wing movements tend to showcase virility and masculinity. The second is that it's psychological sublimation: they can't reproduce biologically as a contribution to society so they attempt to bulwark it.

TRS is part of the NPI/Counter Currents group. You faggots hang out every sunday.

then why is their fucking intern a homo and when someone called them out for it they got exiled?

he just wanted cummies, he's as natsoc as any one of you otherwise

he fucks men as if they were women

Whatever you say Freelance.

fuck off pedofaggot

That's not what did it.

They had Natt Danelaw on NRO, as well as other Iron March figures, and as TRS had put a ban on any sort of pro-Iron March activity, they pushed out Florian.

The shit on Noose is…. Not very entertaining, tbh fam. Not to say its not good content, its just not particularly 'enjoyable', at least for a non-Christcuck.

That's right, I got it mixed up with the southern show having CF on.

I still can't believe how but blasted Iron March makes them, though. It'd be like getting mad at people on Xbox-Live. It just shows how low quality of a person Sven is.

Sven is a bigger man than you, Natt

Nobody believes you're Sven, or even TRS. You try so hard and get nowhere. Sad!

Sven you're chubby. Danelaw might be a spaz but at least he's in shape.

You misunderstand.
The reason IM irks them so much is because, at its core, IM is what TRS is not - they are uncompromising idealists.

TRS has always sort of put me off, despite a good bit of their content being decently entertaining, because I could always see what it is that they seem to want to go for - right-wing Opie and Anthony-meets-Faceberg - and it screamed to me an absence of that same uncompromising idealism.

And I wager that's why TRS hates IM so much: Where TRS would bow to pozz if it gave them more exposure, if they believed it aided their cause, IM would not - and would decry TRS for not doing likewise.
If you're trying to employ a "big-tent movement" paradigm to create a right-wing media network and social media platform, a group that's more right-leaning than you are, that isn't afraid to jab you for any ideological compromise, and that isn't focused on the popularity contest which all big-tent paradigms create (especially those focused in social-/media), is going to be a thorn in your side.
TRS recognized as much, deemed the uncompromising approach to be counter-productive (in association with past WN movements which were similarly oriented and which failed), and approached IM with the same hostility IM would direct at them… Granted, while IM was fully justified in shitting all over TRS for being rife with degenerate faggots, NEETs and assorted vermin, TRS really has no leg to stand on (IMHO at least) as regards decrying IM for being uncompromising traditionalist fascist idealists.

TRS is assblasted over IM because IM won't bow to the pozz for the sake of numbers, won't sacrifice quality control for quantity, while TRS will - and both know it; IM shits on TRS for it, and TRS gets buttflustered and tries to push back in the only way they can (see: "larpers"), and you end up with a clusterfuck of e-celeb drama and nonsense.


But why do this on Holla Forums? 8/pol/ too. Why here?

This is getting fucking tiresome. Either you people find common ground or keep your fucking cat fights off here.


Isn't it obvious? Because at the end of the day, they depend on donations and so in order for them to recruit unsuspecting anons from here, they need them to accept the pozz when they get there, so they shill for faggots like (((Spencer))) and others because all they care about is money.


You both are shilling here, like I said keep your fucking petty quarrels off here. Also did you read the second picture?

Oh look, the controlled ops are in-fighting. Fuck both these idiots. .

Not defending TRS from these shills is pretty kikey of you


Did you read it? Is right
Holla Forums will never except trs here at this point, we've given you plenty of opportunities to apologize for your shilling, fuck you and fuck (((trs)))



It's like they don't seem to understand why Holla Forums would take offense to that plan.

The problem is that they are demanding an official apology from us, which is like demanding an apology of the sea. Holla Forums is more akin to a place than a group. These idiots need to realize that.

meant accept

lmao source? I find that hard to believe. Nobody could be that stupid.

For fucking what?

They are literally trying to force memes

You want to make a proper apology?


Have you even read any of the screenshots



No. I don't keep up with drama.

If this pic is legit it's hilarious. They want an apology for shilling their board? Don't they have invitations? I'm not sure if I buy this. It's too perfect.
Either way I don't care. TRS isn't an enemy. They're more like that spergy cousin that thinks he's a normalfag because he wears Metallica t-shirts and got his ear pierced.

Da phuc?
Fuck those faggots.

Get the fuck Sven.


he gets it fine. The lolberg party are nothing more than psuedo marxists.

check out >>>/trs/1462 and >>>/polmeta/12189
I found it hard to believe at first, I didn't even care about their homo enabling shit until this.

pic related

Just to clarify, they want an apology for us calling them "a jew, a shill, a cuck, or some kind of gay leader/pawn, empty e-celeb". I know their formatting is retarded as fuck but the greentext and the regular body texts need to be read in reverse to understand it


The pic is legit. I was the one who emailed him in that exchange. He then proceeded to post our conversation on TRS making fun of my attempt to explain to him why people from this board disliked the blatant TRS shilling going on and how it's actually counterproductive. I can actually prove that it's me if anyone cares, but it's not a big deal either way.

It would probably be good so that any anons who are hesitant like will then fully understand that (((trs))) is now Holla Forums's enemy. Also I'd like to personally add it to my collection of counter trshill folder, but that's just me.

Greg Johnson has a problem with both Radix/Richard Spencer and The Occidental Observer. There's a reason why he's quiet and mostly doing his own thing, which is mostly a good thing. He probably rubs everyone the wrong way.

Why? You're trying to exacerbate drama. They're fucking stupid, but how does shilling a white nationalist podcast on Holla Forums make them villains?

Alright, here it is in order. Make sure to catalog everything on >>>/trs/


Because if being white nationalist means being a degenerate, accepting homosexuals and not calling out the jew then I'm not white nationalist, see pics related

Thank you, will do

They're libertarian entryists.

The question was "why are TRS Holla Forums's enemies for shilling their podcast?" It wasn't "are fags gay?"
I think you just enjoy the drama, which is pretty gay.

1. TRS got caught red handed shilling at us
2. We asked them to apologize and/or say they'll stop
3. They never agreed to stop and if anything they've stepped it up

And I answered you. Their podcasts are run by homo enablers and their forumns are run by homosexuals. Is that so hard to understand?

TRS is our enemy for shilling on here, being fags, and enabling fags.

Pretty sure you just want ongoing drama.

The kid in the pool party shirt is Wyatt btw.

Is this the new (((trshill))) talking point? Ignore all the evidence we post and call us goons? How new are you?

So you don't just want infighting and drama?

The intelligent and socially confident become family fathers, so they are unable to take part in any movement where you lose your job if you speak the truth.

I'm with Spencer here, btw.

They shill, they enable fags, and they are fags.

>reddit spacing



So yes. You want drama and infighting.

Homo-enablers are in the same group as race traitors and homos, they all deserve to fucking hang. It's not infighting if they don't follow this line of reasoning

Fuck you.

It's not infighting if they are going to hang on the day of the rope anyway

Implicit Spencer must know now that faggots have no place in western (or human) society after his close fag friend stabbed a knife in his back.


Your deflecting skills are pretty shit to be honest.

Absolutely subversive.

why the fuck are you faggots talking about trs and not greg "fuck men in the ass then drink the cum" johnson attempt at pushing us all into some homo death cult

For fags wondering what the caption was.

who the fuck is this faggot posting 38 times in this thread. You have fucking autism. I hope you go murder these faggot traitors though

If it weren't for TRS even less people would know/care about GRIDS Greg.

It's pointless to talk about TRS here. They've burned whatever goodwill there is.

Anyway I'm actually confused at why this faggot waited this long to try to throw spencer under the bus. I was kinda getting a feel that Spencer was the one who won out in this exchange so going after him now seems pretty fucking retarded. Guess gays don't have the logic part of the brain considering they kept fucking each other after they knew that aids would fucking melt them.


They've hated each other for years and have been doing this bullshit back and forth long before Trump came around. TLDR: Tricky Dick wouldn't bottom for Johnson.

They're the same group based out of NYC. TRS is aimed at lowbrow, CC at high.


Make content, not e-celebs.

he's commented a bunch too. looks like Greg "can't show my face since I'm a registered sex offender" Johnson is going to be coming after those evil nazis.

Oh I never knew. Thought all those pro gays tweets by spencer were made with johnson being a faggot in mind.

Oh w/e then. I just listen to the snippets that morraiku uploads

We can't have it that it will be a career breaker among us if some video surfaces of anybody doing a Sieg Heil or two, so the uncucked thing is to not care what the cucks say if they complain over something the Jews don't like.

Greg is still the smartest WN by far. He's also been on point ideologically since the beginning while Spencer and co. act like girls chasing fashion trends. Shame Johnson is a fag though.

Unlike all those morons who deny the Shoah, right?

I don't read his shit but in my mind National Socialism would give us the mindset needed to solve problems in the current year so unless he's onboard with that (sounds like he isn't) I don't really care how "smart" he is.

If this is a Spencer v Johnson thread, then your points don't count because Spencer is 10x worse on those issues.

No-one in America gives a shit pal and your misrepresenting his position.
CC prints more natsoc material than all others combined.
Yeah you'll go far with that attitude.

You said he was the "smartest WN by far", that compares him to every other WN, not just the Dickster.

*you're and no I'm not. His position is that the Holocaust happened because Mark Weber and David Cole said so.

I made it about 4 minutes in before I just started staring off into the distance. This is coming from someone with a decent attention span. I can easily sit down and watch a 2 or 3 hour long documentary. I have no idea who the speaker is, but he is boring and monotone. The fact that the video isn't a video but is merely a picture doesn't help. This video is shit, and somebody needs to instruct this guy in rhetoric.

How the fuck did I not hear of this before.
God damn it… I really liked that fucker too.
Race mixing = Banishment.

It's not infighting if you're clearly an outside element trying to subvert us

Probably just a ladyboy.

Who's on that list exactly? Of the major personalities, it's not even close.
Yeah bullshit. His position amounts to…

Why do they act so much like goons?

No, he claims it was real (as in extermination) but exaggerated, just like his buddies Cole and Weber.

Is Greg not a bottom?

Mark Cernobich with Fatt Forney / Fatt Parrot / Fatt Hunchback #BaboonMindframe

Why is it that all IRC groups are cancerous scum?

What does Matt Forney do again?

Forney looks like a real alpha-male


Isn't that what fags use to symbolize buttrape?

What the fuck is wrong with his head?

Get chased like a little girl by niggers at the DNC


I have a video ridiculing him on my home computer but I felt bad because Matt seems like a good guy in a awkward body. Then again I don't know anything about him.

I think this is a faggot turns traitor and cares about what the jew media is going to print and he think we should start punching right thread.

He's not. He's an asshole and doesn't tip.


Your fagboy Johnson is getting thrown into a bog you know right?

Bog them both and get rid of Seventh Son as well. Tharru Larbi is the new leader of the Alt-Right.

Like a man who won't even say hail our people is supposed to be on our side???