So what the fuck is it?

Zionism or Satanism?

The whole pizza gate thing makes me wonder.

Who's at the tippy top of the pyramid?

George soros helped the nazi's by turning in the jews and he proclaims to be an atheist which is something a closet satanist would say.

Do satanists control the jews or do the jews control the satanists?

Other urls found in this thread:

In short.

Ancient mystery religions that predate sumeria made its way with the Jews out of Egypt with exodus.

This is the secrets of building civilization, the order of realty. However Jews are banished from accessing this power so they can only use the knowledge for evil or trick goyim into using it.

When Jews are tested they sell their soul and let reptile spirits into them, other dimensional beings that feed on human suffering. Its why they are all pedo's and shit. The more child fucking and sacrificing they do, the more the lizard spirits give them in wealth and power.

If they fail to deliver this chaos, they quickly decline.

Satanism is basically Moloch-worship. Like Zoroastrians, Jews worship both their light and their dark gods (Yahweh and Moloch). Just look at Exodus; once Moses turned his back and the left the heebs to their own devices, they immediately started worshipping the bull god Moloch. This is a characteristic of the Jew, as in, they play all sides. Just look at American politics, they've successfully subverted the left and are now trying to compartmentalize and control the new right conservative movement under the guise of the "Alt right" label.

Jews and satanists are one and the same. Look up the founders of the church of Satan. Every founder was jewish. Why do you think that is?

I thought the sickest of the sick shit was done to induce a split personality in the victims so they could be mind-controlled.

Think I found something interesting. Check out this Lanny Davis guy.

Seems to know a lot of politicians, not just the Clintons. Also likes to help international children with philanthropy.

He likes to invite a lot of the DC folk over to his PR firm right next to this Rumors restaurant


Both emails related

Interesting both Lannys were special counsel to wild Bill at the same time during his presidency.

His wife is the legislative affairs director for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, and he had the honor of having the office of the president of penn state as a client. Get's the noodles boiling, hmm.

Tell me what you fine folks make of this.

Copypasta'd, but I wonder who swings the bigger dick: Morgenthau or Soros?

Stop giving them romantic name and call them for what they really are: degenerate that need to be eradicated.

"Satanists" often don't believe in a deity. Rather they are people who are atheists but believe in self deification and believe in the creation of their own moral laws.
Soros is likely honest when he claims to be an atheist even if he has been involved in occultism or rituals.

Many of them are quite likely genuine in their beliefs in deities, but for many it is probably a means of cult-control and a way to indulge in their degeneracy, i.e. child-fucking.

I forget the imagecap, but there was an user who was connected high up and posted some reliable info on the behavior of the elites. He says the ultimate or "illumined" truth of the secret societies is that mankind is god. Easy to see given the personalities of people like Soros. You don't get to that level if you aren't after power for the sake of power.

jews god is JHWE who is the demiurg who is moloch who is satan.

It is all one and the same.
Man above God is what Jews and non-Jew luciferians believe.
You can call the non-Jews shabos goyim. It is just a matter of terminology, really.

Zionism or Satanism?
Why not both?

Pretty much this.

It's not a question of satan, jews don't believe in him.

They have Moloch. The god of abraham who demands blood and child sacrifices.
Then they have Yahweh. Who is more akin to the god the christians worship.

you guys need to learn some actual theology, you're just spouting shit you read on here or some conspiracy site

Jews are the satanists.

they are ethnic jews, their religion is satanism and their ideology zionism


It's a messianic cult that started in 1665 AD by Shabbatai Zevi, who declared himself the Jewish Messiah. About half of Jews at that time around the world believed he was the Messiah. Zevi organized mass orgies, wife-swapping events, blood rituals and goyim sacrifices. When he was forcefully converted to Islam by the Sultan of the Islamic empire, his followers took it as a sign that they should all convert and infiltrate other religious, while secretly continuing their Jewish beliefs.

Jacob Frank then expanded it in the 18th Century and with Mayer Amschel Rothschild's money and Adam Weishaupt's know-how, infiltrated Freemasonry.

These kikes believe homosexuality, murder, rape, incest, pedophilia and every sin imaginable is a "good" and that the goyim who resist are "evil."

Video related, from the Jew's own mouth.

Nah. They got thrown out by the Sumerians because they wanted to make their own religion/money.


They are one and the same.

This is a pretty good explanation, thanks.

Ok but Moloch gave the Jews instand gratification and power, at the cost of blood. He didn't fuck them up as long as they sacrificed someone to hin. Yahweh however constantly fucks them over when they don't follow his orders, leaving then to wonder in a desert for decades, letting other tribers kill them off, killing off their rules when they were too degenerate, and just generally punishing them for breaking the rules and forgetting his presence all the time. So why dodn't they just forget Yahweh alltogether and worship Moloch entirely instead? Do they believe Yahweh has more power and would kill them if they ever abandoned the faith for real? Does the Lighy God not mind that they worship the Dark God in secret too?

why not both?

Yaveh is an asshole, but don't forget kikes have a rampant victim complex so i`m willing to belive most of their biblical tragedis are a likelly true as their six gorillon

Because they are his chosen people.
Meaning they'll go to his heaven when they die.
Or just cease to exist.

satan is using the bloodline of christ for evil in an ultimate fuck you to God. it's the synagogue of satan that jesus mentions. the cabal of jews that are forever trying to distract from him and put all eyes on satan.

As best I understand it, the tippy top of the pyramid scheme was occupied by a small group of human scientists called the Bafath. They fancied themselves as our gods, which they weren't, and placed zero intrinsic value on human life, except as objects. They psychically 'impulsed' secret sects to come into being among all religions, governments, and fraternities, demanding obedience with blood lust. The Bafath have been haunting Earth since antediluvian times, based out of a large system of caverns under the Giza plateau, and slowly dwindling in number and devolving to the Earth's consciousness mean.

However, as Earthlings evolved in general mass consciousness and intelligence, we attracted other more advanced humans from other planets, who then came into conflict with the Bafath. Already in old age, and incapable of reproducing, the Bafath were removed from Earth a few decades ago, taken to another planet elsewhere in the vast Universe, where they could live naturally without impacting other peoples. Earth's secret blood-lusting sects, no longer guided by them, have been running on fumes ever since. The Satanist's gods can no longer respond to them, and they don't know why.

As Earth's consciousness continues to rise, driven by a need to prepare for escape from this planet (the sun is dying…), we will develop further in intelligence and science/technology, surpassing in about 60 or 70 years where the Bafath finally were when they were removed. Already, the attitudes groups of peoples have towards one-another is improving. We are learning what it means to be absolutely fair with one-another. The residual impulses from the Bafath upon Earth's consciousness sphere are slowly dissipating, and will be completely gone in about 300-400 years. Satanism will grow passe, then so will the religions, until ~800 years from now, people will cease associating with the final delusional religious holdout, Islam.

Our related racial associations will continue to be important, though, until we develop advanced enough genetic engineering to safely combine with other species of human, approximately 800 years from now. The crux of that matter will be both health and disparate intelligence, and there is nothing for it but to muddle through. A number of distinct species of human will go extinct. The 'defining element of the Jews', to dog the guilty complex of white people, will continue until no one has any wish to be Jewish anymore. Lifespans will increase to beyond 1000 years, and we will be traveling the stars once again by that time. Ultimately, all humans will leave Earth for other horizons by 2000 years beyond present, as Earth will be inhospitable by that time.

Since the Bafath have been removed, the tippy top of the pyramid must fall, I suppose, to the next in line. That would be the priestly heads of the secret sects within the religions, governments, and fraternities. Presumably, that's people like Marina Abramovich, people who know just a wee bit more than their followers, and pull magic tricks to keep the superstitious crew in line. I'm sure you can see that such situation is unsustainable, evidenced how quickly it's been unraveling.

Some Jews are part of the secret sects, yes, as are some Christians, some Muslims, etc. Their outer trappings are just a cloak for their inner orientation. Admittedly, the Jews have comprised more than their fair share of the secret blood-lusting sects with zero value for human life. Eventually these poor misled, twisted souls will probably just die off, their numbers not being replenished with new members. However, for the next few years, the last gasp of these people will make itself known, as their religious beliefs are revealed to the public, and they will gain some intellectually weak followers during this period. It will seem that Satanism is growing, but in truth it will only grow in quantity, not in quality, and then as the quality of the religion fades, so will the religion. Still, it won't be completely gone for another 300-400 years.


Freemasonry was infiltrated from day 1. The Templar conquest of the holy land was a Zionist project. Freemasonry is a relic of the Templar's, and is based on Talmudist/Kabbalistic principles. Brief timeline:

The Stewart's were Cohens. Freemasonry was used as a tool to subvert and infiltrate, first England, and then the USA (among many others).





Jesus those teeth


Jews and satanists are pleb tier.

Take a look at occultism

Why do you retards keep repeating that myth even after somebody put the 60 Minutes interview on jewtube?

It's true. The elite jews have no problem using the lower jews as pawns to sacrifice toward their own ends.

No, it isn't true.

For years, according to Jonestein and everybody else, the 60 Minutes interview was the smoking gun where Soros admitted to helping being a "top Nazi agent" who helped round up his fellow kikes. Now that it's jewtube, Jonestein claims the 60 Minutes interview is simply a white wash, even though it's been the only source for that claim.

You're welcome

Kikes, just kikes.

That's how Jonestein tends to work though, he's a sensationalist. No he wasn't a "top nazi agent" but he DID help to confiscate jews property.

KROFT: My understanding is that you went out with this protector of yours who swore that you were his adopted godson.
Mr. SOROS: Yes. Yes.
KROFT: Went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of property from the Jews.
Mr. SOROS: Yes. That's right. Yes.
KROFT: I mean, that's – that sounds like an experience that would send lots of people to the psychiatric couch for many, many years. Was it difficult?
Mr. SOROS: Not – not at all. Not at all. Maybe as a child you don't – you don't see the connection. But it was – it created no – no problem at all.
KROFT: No feeling of guilt?
Mr. SOROS: No.
KROFT: For example that, 'I'm Jewish and here I am, watching these people go. I could just as easily be there. I should be there.' None of that?
Mr. SOROS: Well, of course I c – I could be on the other side or I could be the one from whom the thing is being taken away. But there was no sense that I shouldn't be there, because that was – well, actually, in a funny way, it's just like in markets – that if I weren't there – of course, I wasn't doing it, but somebody else would – would – would be taking it away anyhow. And it was the – whether I was there or not, I was only a spectator, the property was being taken away. So the – I had no role in taking away that property. So I had no sense of guilt.

Watch for yourself. You're wrong, but so is Joenstein.

Kikes are what they always have been. Parasites. They might be mind altering parasites that that disease you get from cat shit, but in the end, it is the political elite that is in charge, even if under varying amounts of (((influence))). The political elite is/was the satanists, but Trump BTFO'd them. Now Trump is in charge of the Narco power structure he co-opted from the Bush family. They will assume control on January 20th. Still sadly under Jewish influence, but hopefully said influence won't be so extreme.

Hopefully he will cleanse the Narcos as well, but his cabinet appointments make me question whether that is going to happen. It could be that Mitt and (((Co))) are just going to serve as native guides while he drains the swamp, and will be disposed of once their usefulness has passed.

And the part where he starts talking about that part is 8:20

I've seen the interview and read the transcript many times…

No, he didn't "help", in his own words, he was "only a spectator".

Are you really this daft? I literally just spoonfed you the source, and in his own words, he admitted to helping

KROFT: Went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of property from the Jews.
Mr. SOROS: Yes. That's right. Yes.


You're playing Talmudic word games. He says "yes", because he did go out with him, and then later clarifies that he was only a spectator.

Here's a much more detailed account of what happened.

Soros wasn't a Nazi, nor did he help the Nazis. He's the kind of jewish parasite the Nazis were fighting against, and unfortunately didn't exterminate.

Nice projection. I appreciate the extra info but you're still an idiot for trying to criticize using the transcript when it is plain as fucking day.

He was asked point blank, a specific yes or no question. That was his fuckup in saying yes to that specific question, not ours as the readers.

And nice strawman as well, I never claimed he was a Nazi.. That's jone's agenda. He made it clear in the transcript that he was pretending to be a gentile godson of his protector.

You moved your goalposts when you fucked up at the start of the argument, saying he didn't help, then you changed it to "oh but he meant he was a spectator"

You're using one word to fit your narrative, when he clarifies what happened a few seconds later.

You're pilpulling.

Do you suffer from autism?

You're right.

I hate the kikes user


Zionism = Talmudism = Satanism


Star of David (modern misnomer) = Star of Remphan

Acts 7:43 Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.

Its not satanism. Satanism is a term used to take attention off what it really is.. Which is Moloch worship. Why? How? Satan is supposedly the adversary to the jew god. Therefor "satanism" is anti-jew. The fact of the matter is that the kikes worship Moloch, the bull figured god of war and money. This evil diety demands sacrifices for his blessing and his favored flavor of sacrifice is the rape, torture and/or murder of children.

What is really going on is this bat shit insane evil as fuck "satanic" Moloch worship and zionism are 1 in the fucking same. This is the most difficult part of the jew question to get newfags to realize. There used to be a plethora of threads on it but I havent seen one get started here and not get deleted in a long fucking time.

I know it seems insane but newfags check it out plox.

Fucker looks like he chew betel nuts.

Malachi 2:11 Judah hath dealt treacherously, and an abomination is committed in Israel and in Jerusalem; for Judah hath profaned the holiness of the Lord which he loved, and hath married the daughter of a strange god.

Acts 7:43 Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.

Revelation 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Wew this is easy, who are the only people who worship in synagogues and call themselves Jews? The same people flying the star of Remphan and worshiping Moloch.



I mean that in modern vernacular. They have twisted the term to mean "it cant possibly be us goyim its the even satanists who are anti-jew"

Not sure what you mean buddy but Jews are definitely pro-Satan; if they don't worship the chief devil directly, they worship his followers


LRH had nothing to do with exposing the truth about Earth's wackadoodle Satanism infestation.

Implying they are not the one and same



Well, look at you… Aren't you a fucking edgelord?


Just take a brief look into Kabbalah and the Talmud and you will realize they are both just two aspects of jews.
I'm really not too informed on this matter but I honestly don't believe "satanism" as we imagine it actually exists, but jews definitely do indeed honor and draw power from several demonic entities within their whole distorted offshoot of their old testament religion.


Three different terms for the same thing.

Read Sanhedrin and tell me Judaism isn't exactly what we're talking about here. Child abuse is fully sanctioned in the talmud, as is slavery, vivisection, etc.

First post every time

Pro-tip: Jews are not that old and meming them as an ancient people only gives them more power. Jews have NO record (no Hebrew kingdoms) pre-300BC. If you're going to make shit up, at least do it to further the cause of white people

Judaism is not old testament based.

There is a sect of "jews" that follow the old testament, and disregard the talmud, and they are mocked and not viewed as real jews. They wouldn't be allowed into Israel.

Real judaism is Talmudism. It says in the Talmud that "The Talmud is the burial place of Moses." meaning that jews do not follow the Torah AT ALL.

Satanism was a recent meme… Not that recent but it's not the same thing. The truth is Zionism = Communism… and later Cultural Marxists took up fringe groups of "Satanists" who were former Christians to use them as a way to spread degeneracy

That's not true either. Jews follow the Torah and Talmud. And those Jews you mentioned live in Israel too. They are often protestors of the so called "Right Wing Nationalist" Jews

You know jack shit about Judaism. The Torah is just a symbol that they parade around in Temple. It has all the vowels omitted, and the rabbi interprets it as he sees fit. His interpretations can be completely off base, but those are taken as canon because the godliness resides in the Rabbi, not in the text.

Jews make pilgrimages to the burial sites of famous Rabbis, believing that the godly spirit of the Rabbi can heal their sicknesses. The Talmud contains stories of Rabbis winning arguments with God and teaching God how the world works. Jews, ultimately, do not believe in God, only in the Rabbis.

Stop talking nonsense Moeshe.

Kairite Jews follow only the Tanakh (similar in scope to the old testament, and the old Torah (oral tradition). They're considered apostate by the Talmudists, otherwise known as modern "Jews". They have no legal right to settle in Israel.

You're confusing them with other strains of Talmudism (e.g. Orthodox, Ultra Orthodox) who argue about what Talmudism is…

Kabbalah is neo-platonism meets Talmud. They stole the memes to make them Jewy. Most of the so called "mystery schools" have their roots in the NeoPlatonists. Just like the Gospels have roots in Stoicism. Before Christians took over the Rome/Egypt, the philosophy schools were more universally popular than the small degenerate cults. Neo-Platonists are essentially the most faggy esoteric philosophy school and really took the lead when places like Egypt had their cults ruled over by Romans. When Christianit started killing everyone like a bunch of proto-Communists, Neo-Platonists went underground and infiltrated within their ranks. This is why a lot of so called "Gnostic Christians" were burned alive

Zionism is more fascism for jews. Jews don't want communism for themselves, they don't wanna all the multiculti bs shitting up israel. jews created communism as a controlled opposition (Commies hate capitalists, jews are those fat cats)

satanism, setism, saturnism, zionism…whatever you want to call it. all doctrines of disorder followed by broken people whos will is not in alignment with the order of natural law. when they see suffering, the happy wires in their brain light up. they justify their actions by asking themselves why should they live in suffering by not carrying out their will. they were born that way after all (according to them). they do engage in sacrificial rituals. whether they actually receive help from supernatural entities is up for debate but im leaning toward it being true.

If you're referring to groups like the Neturei Karta, they're as devoted to the Talmud as their "right-wing" racial bretheren, they just have a different interpretation or WHEN they should have Israel.

He was probably talking about the Karites, who the Nazis didn't even consider to be jews, although there are some living Israel.

Yes I was referring to the Karaites.

Talmud-ism is still based on Torah as the foundations of their book. You may be one of those fucked up fringe Christian March To Zion race traitors but Talmud Jews still use the stories of Abraham from the Torah and the like… The Talmud in legend is a secondary law that came after Moses made his laws, a bunch of Jews sat around and started adding details when Moses came down from the talking volcano god. It's not a conflict of interests. It's still kikery

Kairite still live in Israel

I know you guys are super into Semitic myths but you should learn this stuff and stop watching youtube videos and reading chan posts like it's scripture. Because you're wrong

The jews were dumbstruck by the beauty and power they saw in national socialist Germany, so of course with their perverted kike instincts, they promptly destroyed it and then tried to recreate it for themselves (and failed, because they have neither genetic purity nor creativity.)

The Sabra was supposed to be the "new jew" of Israel. He was meant to be strong in body, to work long days on the Kibbutz and live a wholesome agrarian lifestyle. For obvious reasons, that didn't work out. Sabra propaganda is uglier, knockoff NSDAP propaganda with kike noses pasted on. No jew wants to do wholesome work out in the sun, so kibbutzes are generally a cross between a summer camp to get 15 year olds laid, and slave labour where profits are stolen by the management. Yes, jews even jew their own.

I'm not christian at all, but it's funny how quickly you try to paint me with Yeshua.

Saying the Talmud is based on the Torah is like saying Harry Potter is based on Beowulf. There might be some tangential relationship there, but the words "based on" do not come into it.

The real meat of the Talmud is in the margins. The pilpul back and forth by rabbis over the fucking centuries. The Mishnah itself is derivative as fuck, that to the point when you get to the margins, it's so fucking derivative that it truly bears no relationship to anything in the Tanakh whatsoever.


Jesus this thread is full of ignorance.

The plan for Communism is to move the U.N. to Israel after all Nations are destroyed. A sort of Rome (in Rome) with all the Prophets as statues the way Rome has Saints everywhere. But Fascism is Nationalism and respects boundaries

The stories that are the bases of the Talmud come from Torah. Without the Torah, you have no foundation of Abraham, Issac, Israel. It's not hard to figure out.

Nothing I said goes against what you said. They want to be world hegemon, that is evident. They tried for a while to do eugenic things to their own people but failed miserably because they are broken beyond repair.

haha… Show me some Setism

Well you said "Fascism" not Eugenics. Fascists weren't Eugenicists. The National Socialist were

Incorporating the same names does not mean it espouses an at all recognizably old testament morality. It does not.

keep mincing words

Not the UN, that's one of their golems that they lost complete control over and now wish to replace.

(S)atan is better written as (s)atan because it wasn't a character in the Gospels until Christianity spread to Zoroastrian lands. The words satan = adversary. Many people, kingdoms, individuals were called "satans" in the Bible but the translation was left out by Catholics. The character of Satan is a European/Zoroastrian hodgepodge of different gods all rolled into one that stands against the Jesus god. This is why Satan looks like Pan.

setianism is michael aquino's little pet project.

It's pretty cringeworthy and just more "totally not satanism, goy"

Yeah, it's the UN. The U.N.'s charter was based on the Communist manifesto and Das Capitalism.

Well that Satanism is based on Epicurean philosophy… And pure degenerate 1970s behavior/larping

He doesn't look like pan, he looks like Moloch.

A red, burning bull. Pretty obvious.

I see it

Yeah, it's cringeworthy.

Learn to use words properly. Zionists are not Fascists you fucking Libertarian faggot

There is nothing moral about the Semitic cults, user. Jesus is moral like SJW are moral. But the stories are the foundation of the Talmud

It's what they tried to make it. It didn't work because jews gonna jew. But after the 6 day war, that's what they tried.

Don't be autistic, I'm not even a fucking christian, I was using morality as a neutral term to refer to what things groups value and ban.

This user might be on to something. Come back and tell us more!

And? I never denied that the jews were behind the foundation of the United Nations (that's obvious), but like many their creations, it eventually became a problem for them.

Now the biggest critics of the UN are kikes and those who serve them.

At this point, does it really mater? They need to be gassed. Period.

You get offended to easily and miss the points. It's the story foundation. Just as the Torah is the story foundation of Christianity for 99% of Christians

There are a fuckton of jewish "messiahs". Lots of cults like the Sabbateans, and they all devolve into the usual ritual murder and slave trade.

Pls. It's been pretty clear you're JIDF for 10 posts now. I know I'm making your palms sweaty.

I'm telling you that it's Communism. And Communism will be centered in Israel. How hard is this for you to fucking understand. Hellenism was eventually centered in Rome right?

The best was when those Chabad retards thought the rebbe would be resurrected after he finally died in 1994.

Really? Are most of them European based?

You said it's going to be the UN, that's false.

Communism and Zionism are two branches of the same tree. Even when they duke it out, they're ultimately fighting for the same interests in different ways.

No? It's worldwide.

Nehemiah 9:16–21
"This is your god, who brought you up out of Egypt,"

The golden calf isn't Moloch according to the legend. And calf worship is very common, especially in Europe


I'm guessing it has something to do with Alex Jonestien



What shite is this, Avram? The proper title for the Talmud is "The Babylonian Talmud". The story goes like this:

Jews are a biological entity, and "Satanism" is a meaningless term. There are Jews trying to genocide whites and that's all there is to it.

This is a non-question and this thread is shit.

Oh look, this totally legit poster coincedentally has a picture of alice and a white rabbit. How trustworthy!

I have nothing but disgust for that kushner.
