People from the crowd shout out "PRAISE KEK"
I can't tell the difference between memes and reality anymore
People from the crowd shout out "PRAISE KEK"
I can't tell the difference between memes and reality anymore
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There is no difference, we rule now, it is only a matter of time until the left figures it out.Our mentality swept into the masses, and before you know it, Joe from the barber shop will be praising kek too while thinking of how the world would look like without the "bad people".
And when we tell Joe the answer, he will smile with a grim.
Fucking nigger living faggot kike.
Also at this speech, a bunch of commies in ski masks pulled the fire alarm and busted in the place and started screaming NAZI RACIST KKK GO AWAY
and another highlight was the notorious leftist sociology "professor" who tells students he will fail them for being republican or conservative
milo shit on him
then you have the fat liberal at the very end who says he watches sargon of a cuck
it was an interesting speech. I'm glad i went
I don't care about Milo and neither should you
i like him cause he triggers the fuck out of liberals for being a gay white conservative immigrant
they don't know what to do with him because there used to straight white males being conservative
Shit on Milo's deranged sexual acts all you wnt, i do too. But this sort of work is important, we are a think tank, he's a voice spreading it behind the shield of homosexuality the left created, i'am not even sure if he is actualy gay. Learn some realpolitik, retards.
we need him because he's the only flamboyant gay outspoken trump supporter we have who educates millenials at colleges where it is desperately needed and he can bring gay leftists over to our side
I wish Holla Forums would hate on Milo a little bit less
Yes, he is a massive degenerate to put it lightly, but he is also an amazing speaker and is not the typical white male that can be attacked by conventional methods.
He could have sold us out a million times by now. I still remember someone asking him about how Trump supporters want to save white values and Milo corrected her and said it was actually western values that Trump supporters want to save. When I listen to Alex Jones and PJW I feel signs of controlled opposition, I don't get that with Milo.
and also women tend to listen more when the guy is gay and has an accent so we can pull more women over to our side. if you watch the entire speech, one girl asks him a question but before she does she said she used to be a dirty leftist but converted because of milo. it's happening everywhere because of him.
user… Have you learned nothing?
lurk more
you get that feeling with pjw and aj because so many people have said they are controlled opp so you have that in the back of your mind while watching them. if you cant tell those 2 are real by now you just dont have any gut instincts. especially with alex, controlled opp's never have that much passion. they act more like glenn beck and ben shapiro
The marxists hate great public speakers. Bill Cosby was another one and look what they did to him. I actually think it is a psyop all over reddit and the pols to get us to self censor Milo.
so what half my family is jewish doesnt mean shit. the nwo is satanism at the top anyways. you think soros is a jew? he sold out the jews to the nazi's when he was young. he's a satanist bro. what do you think pizza gate is ? jewish satanism?
Be proud you are not banned in public spaces anymore, moron
may be a psyop or may just be people who cant accept anyone on our side being jews and fucking black dudes
they don't care that they allign with almost everything he believes in they just go by identity politics like the sjw's.
Look at all the hate Milo instantly gets the moment he is mentioned. Pretty obvious there is a CTR psyop to keep him buried.
I know he proclaims to be jewish, and he's obviously a degenerate, but tell me, the effect of the speechs, does it turn people into degenerates, does it turn them into leftists, does it increase government surveillance? Fucking no, thats the point. It fights those things, for all i know Milo is just an actor pretending to be gay working for breitbart. In fact, i think that is more likely than he being an actual faggot who somehow discovered the truth and decided to fight the good fight.
sounds like he browsed Holla Forums too much and decided to pretend to be gay and also redpilled so he has a shield and a trigger sword against the left
There is no CTR psyop. He is a gay kike who promotes nationalism for Israel. Complete oposite of what Holla Forums wants.
you don't want nationalism for israel? so you want globalism for israel? i want nationalism for EVERY country
Holy shit, I didn't know there were so many Redditors here. Milo ought to fuck off to Israel and fuck his black boyfriend there
I wonder why
He acts as the gatekeeper and diverts people away from the truth they might have otherwise found here. He spreads a message that race makes no difference and degeneracy is okay. What do we have in common with him other than we share a common enemy it's not even our main adversary that we share with him either. It's just their puppets. He also makes us look like we're jewish fags that love nigger cock.
so you want israel to embrace globalism…
This, and newfags also need to understand Holla Forums and some other lefty websites have a concerted effort to discredit any right-wing public figure, especialy effective ones like Milo. Most people saying hurr durr kill this faggot ahhhhhhhhhhh black dick jew jew jew, whitout pointing out how exactly he is bad for us are the actual shills, mostly leftists playing the "accuser" game. Listen to this whole speech, ponder the effects it has on the people listening, they love it, the love our ideas and our memes, and thats what is important. If he is an actual gay jew, i find that wonderfull because one, it means he makes jews look even worse to other jews since they cant criticize him for being gay, and since he is gay he wont be procreating, meanwhile he converts actual whites to a pro-white cause.
Debate me, mongrels, prove me wrong.
Pic related, how to trigger shills.
pro-tip:You can't
Nationalism is for us; atom bombs are for them.
i'm pretty sure people know that one gay guy doesn't represent everybody in the movement, considering there are many different types of "leaders" of the alt right or whatever you wanna call it
you're worrying too much.
You are welcome to schedule a speech at a university and point the normies towards the wonders of Holla Forums. Until you do so, stop making baseless criticism and punching to the right, faggot.
i'm talking about in real life, not in your fantasy. Israel has nukes so we cant just nuke them. But it is typical of people like you to resort to fantasies that will never happen, especially considering trump likes israel and electing someone who wants to and is willing to destroy israel probably wont happen in our lifetime, nor in our grandkids lifetime
We who? Holla Forums? Holla Forums is not the alt-right, the alt-right is a step forward, like gamergate was, eventualy it will be discarded for a better and more radical approach, when the time is right. You need more foresight and less worrying about milo under your bed.
This is why I like milo, he triggers the left just as much as he triggers you fags. he just triggers everybody it's hilarious
I wish people would remember about one central thing - there is no such thing as a "good Jew". There are only degrees of their degeneracy and corrosiveness to the society.
Milo is a degenerate but not as damaging as others. If you were to question him on the issue of white population, traditional morals or European survival, you would not get such a clear-cut answer as you would expect from someone who proclaims to be from the right of the spectrum, purely because he is a degenerate faggot Jew - a walking antithesis of everything we strive for.
Milo is a self-promoting faggot who simply has a subject to peddle and it happens to be something we take as a fundamental struggle for our race and civilization, while for him it's simply a comfortable ideological platform. He will attack leftists, but you will not hear him supporting the core ideas that are taken by Holla Forums for granted: the fourteen words.
He's a complete attention whore who glommed on to the right because being a gay conservative makes him a super special snowflake. And the moment stabbing the rightwing in the back and denouncing it wins him more special snowflake points, he'll do it in a heartbeat, just like little Benny did. He's also pozzing the right via faggot entryism. Milo seems like a bretty cool guy until you stop to think about what he is and what he's doing.
The guy's a flaming homo. He actively seeks out and gets reamed out by spooks. He represents the worst of the worst of modern degeneracy and decadence.
At the dawn of the Right's greatest political victory in decades - possibly even a hundred years, seeing as modern Progressivism has ruled since the early 20th century - some limey bloke from Britain is supposed to be the (or a) champion of American Nationalism? Some fruit from the country we won our independence from? This is no different than Piers Morgan bitching about our gun laws. He's not a citizen of the USA. He should keep his mouth shut, and then he should fuck off back to England.
Who knows where his allegiances even lie? No Jew should ever be elevated to a position of prominence in any movement whose primary focus is Nationalism and White strength. They're a subversive force, and will always act to undermine you. Maybe his sole goal is to make sure that faggots are still included in a modern Nationalist movement? For whatever reason, (((They))) have been hell-bent on pushing faggotry and assorted sexual deviancy on peoples around the world. Probably because it helps undermine traditional families and family structure, and keeps a portion of people always looking for A) love in another man's hairy ass; and B) somewhere to put their muhdick.
Are these the kinds of people you want in your ideal society?
And you schmucks got the the nerve to call me a CTR shill. Kill yourselves.
Glad to see someone gets it. It must be kiddie hour right now around here or something.
So who's the rat that told the normalfags about our harbinger of light?
Who's utilizing who?
It's what Jews do - jump in front of a movement and make sure it's safely steered away from the Jews.
We know that, but normalfags don't
Milo is just another jew opportunist chasing shekels and status. No one really cares about the e-celeb here.
That is irrelevant, don't you getit? Did you learn fucking nothing from political history? The alt-right was designed to fail from the beginning, its purpose is to give normies a push to our ideas, not to convert them into 14/88's., that is a next step wich has already been put in motion. The memes are never going away, little by little every day people become more and more sensible to our goals, more and more people, but some retarded newfags from cuckchan simply don't understand what is happening, hopefully they will be sent to reeducation camps like Lena Dunham and the like. Did you notice Milo joked about sending Lena and her pals to reeducation camps in the speech, and people loved it? No, because you are too worried about being the "whitest nationalist" and sound edgy while smarter people devise plans within plans that escape even the attention of the most cunning jew. Learn some fucking strategy, retards.
I don't know what to think anout Milo.
He shares my nationality, (English). But I can't help think his lectures are just showmanship and aggrandisement.
I'm not sure. He is very charming and eloquent.
But why does he have to makes (((jokes))) about sucking nigger cock?
No, i refuse, id' rather take action and act smartly with the tools we have.
You know who didint wait for hitler? AAdolf Hitler, he created a political movement from scratch and made the world tremble, and you know who was by his side when it started? Ernst Höm. Ernst Höm was later killed for betraying the ideal, his betrayal brought no fruit, all Milo has to do is not betray us later and he will live gloriously, or he can slip and die like a traitor, we win either way.
Your move.
Because he is an egotistic poofter, that's all there is to it. He was nothing before Gamergate, he was just another run of the mill fag and now he's trying to capitalize on the situation by promoting himself as a "gay conservative", implying that such spokespeople are needed.
He is not needed, he is a total opposite of what we are fighting for and he will be among the first to land in a bog when the time comes.
Fucking faggot.
Wait for Hitler, nothing. I'm not one of the RAHOWA/1488-ers. Brilliant as Hitler was, he still dropped the ball. He had the world and world Jewry on the ropes - economically, militarily, socially - and he fucked up. Some of his ideas are worth embracing and even emulating, but the NSDP playbook is, as a whole, nothing but a guide to failure.
I understand that you can't have National Socialism without Ethnic Nationalism; you can't have Ethnic Nationalism without Civic Nationalism. And CivNat never happens without patriotism and Your-Country-First-ism. There's a clear series of steps that need to take place to reach the end goal. None of that necessitates the presence of a foreign homosexual Jew. How can the exact antithesis of all those things help to further any of those things?
He lost because he went RAHOWA 14/88 ARYAN WARRIOR INVINCIBLE and tried to invade russia despite his own position, militry and diplomatic limitations, like you are doing now, and its why you fail. Follow his example, and also learn from his mistakes. There will be a time and place for killing leftistis and disposing of zionists and jewish subversives. The time is not now, the place is not at a Milo speech. Get with the program and learn the plan, aryan warrior. Or fail
Video related, the jew wants you to act like a braindead crazy maniac, what the jews dont expect is for a supposedly gay jew to suddenly start making pro-white anti-pc speechs in universities across the country.
Learn from the masters, not from your delusions of grandeur.Or go back to stormfront fo circlejerk with the other faggots who didint ccomplish anything in 14 years.
How about we do that but without including e-celeb garbage like Milo? He is clearly interested only in the spotlight, we don't need that.
No, nobody here did, because Holla Forums isn't stupid enough to fall for the tricks of a gay, entryist jew and listen to his speeches. You have fun with your gullibility though lel
And how will you spread the message without speaking it? A conversation needs both a mouth and an ear. Milo is but a cog in the big machine we operate, wich you clearly are too stupid to see.
You think the jews are clever? You aint seen nothin yet, boy. Our enemies can't even conceive of what i to come. You will be at the frontlines if you wish, to show all your love and bravery for the cause, but not all are fit for such roles, as you are not fit or able to understand the roles other play.
Oh gosh, I wonder who could be behind these posts.
This is Holla Forums, what we do here is far beyond anything Stormcucks can understand, perhaps you should have stayed there with your failed tactics.
It's like you're not even trying
Stay mad, Holla Forums
I see everything plainly, the problem is that Milo is diverting energy of normies away from truth and into his own little sideshow that just happens to use our props.
A Jew is a Jew is a Jew. There is no way around that and the faster he is scuttled the better. The only benefit is that he might be entry-tier source of information for most people, but the meat of the stuff is here and in independent research, not around e-celebs.
If you want Hitler, find someone better for the role or go out yourself, because a gay britbong is not fit for the role.
Stomfront is operated by an actgual jew wich was in prison and has ties to the CIA, did you know that?
Stay mad, pedo.
Oops, misjudged you. You're one of the goons trying and failing to use animu as a fracture point again. Do you ever get tired of losing?
It figures you'd be pushing an entryist faggot kike. I expect nothing less from a goon.
I agree with most of what you say tbh, I just don't think Milo is actually a stepping stone. More like a playpen
In the same way that SpearChuka is
Did I ever mention stormfront? I don't give two fucks about these retards, I just know that what we have is diametrically different from them and from Faggopoulis and it focuses purely on fighting for Western Civilization in its racial, political and cultural aspects.
If you are that hung up on pseudo-PR and fail to see that most people are here because of their own volition as opposed to being herded here by this clown then I don't think you really get what Holla Forums is about. We are a think-tank of ideas, an accretion of ideals around central core vision, not a faggy conservative club that mentions NatSocs for giggles.
You sound like a shill, to be honest.
Go back to your own board, lefty, this is tiring.
Pay attention to what is happening and who are making things move, i assure you its not "le 14/88s racewar nao" crowd. Milo has a positive effect in the current climate wich is permeated with faggotry, all across the country, he is helping reverse it little by little by posing as one of them.
Think outside the box, and you might just see it. Pay attention to the forset, not the trees. Milo is a flaming tree, and soon the whole forest will be burning with the fire we started.
Milo'sw purpose is not to herd people here, its to easy OUR way into them, or do you think he was expecting someone in the crowd to chant praise kek?
He's our tool, not the other way around. I will use the tool to complete the task, if you think its better to hammer the nails with your hands, by all means, do it.
The rights biggest victory in decades is Brexit.
Its kinda essential that Brits were involved in Brexit.
I did say he is an entry-tier source for normies, but it must be stated clearly and with absolute conviction that he is not going to be involved in the final stage. Tool he might be, he is not going to be spared, nor must he be given any leniency from our side.
Once people are eased into the right direction, they should be able to discard him easily, this must be made clear.
No goon, I'm afraid you have to leave
Yup. He's your tool to increase the acceptance of faggotry and degeneracy on the right and on Holla Forums in particular. He's your entryist tool to get the door open and poz us.
See, you have no vision. Bro by the time we are done Milo will be wearing a uniform and heiling before going home to fuck his wife.
Into the bog he goes
By the time we're done Milo will be hanging from a lamp post and you'll be swaying in the breeze right next to him
You can always try, and you can also always be shot for incompetence or insubordination, just as he can. A cog who refuses to do its part has no place in the machine. re you doing your part user? Milo is doing his, and quite well, i might add.
Which part of GAY JEW don't you understand?
Seriously, you must be a shill.
Which is exactly why he needs to be shot. Instead of furthering fagbashing and antisemitism on the right he's impeding it.
Ernst Höm. End of discussion.
Night of the Long Knives. End of discussion.
Holla Forums is never accepting a gay coalburning kike and you're never getting those 10bux back. End of discussion.
People like you were killed in the night of the long knives, perhaps you should study it more closely…
In fact, i suggest you start studying the whole struggle of Hitler and the party, since the beginning, their transition to power, how they operated before that, during their daily lives and how they dealt with the people around them. We don't need idiots.
We don't need shills for jewish faggots either.
Hahahahahahahahaha, Ernst Rhöm was executed during the night of the long knives. I guess you're saying Milo should be killed? Okay, I agree with that . Glad we could find some common ground, goon-kun
Did you know a great part of the long knives was because former SA members ( the more maniacal ones, like you) were advocating the killing of foreign diplomats because they suspected they were jews?
Seriously, study, Stormfront rethoric will get you nowhere.
Milo is an opportunist, he saw the momentum behind GamerGate so he placed himself in it.
He now sees the meme support Trump has and jumped on that too. It's all to make money, I doubt he actually gives a shit about any of it.
doens't trs just shit on milo and hate him?
He's triggered by smugs. He's a full blown SA goon.
Seems unlikely. They generally love sodomy.