These fucking jews…
https:[email protected]/* *//the-necessity-of-the-great-change-ad05a2d7ae64
They really are going all out now in their quest for white genocide.
These fucking jews…
https:[email protected]/* *//the-necessity-of-the-great-change-ad05a2d7ae64
They really are going all out now in their quest for white genocide.
Other urls found in this thread:
What is this, user? Don't be a lazy 4cuck
Wait, did they mass import niggers into Germany back then ?
Why would they hide it anymore. The arrogant Jews are winning. They do not fear us.
Don't give this fucker any clicks.
OP's link,
This can't be real… can it?
This article made me smile. I want it to be real.
It's probably some sort of false flag.
"Herschel Lieberman"? I think that was proven to be a fake person/account on Twitter and likely a Holla Forumsack.
yeah i did the same. probably fake unfortunately.
I think if that were presented to Jews and anti-whites they would agree with it, though.
Yeah, on second look this does appear to be satire. Perhaps well intentioned satire to bring attention to this situation playing out in Europe. The article may be satire, but the sentiment it makes a parody of is very real.
This is a parody user. Go to the guys twitter and find his website. Dude has got some good content
Maybe OP is "Herschel" himself.
time to invade africa then
africa for the aryans
I thought that may be the case right as I posted actually
yes i know its fake, point still stands
This thread is bullshit 00 anchor it for false advertising
I swear to Kek the jews must have just plain gotten blind stinking lucky. Are we sure this isn't one of our parody accounts? Because if it isn't it's hard to imagine how these moron mutants got to run the world except some bizarre good fortune.
They are not very smart (typically) they are just very opportunistic. We ate up their lies of egalitarianism and that they are a religion rather than a race. We treated these jews as equals and saw the as "white" (people) and they exploited this weakness. This is why they fear nationalism so much as it exposes them and their crimes.
Why is the dear rabbi TRS guy writing for medium?
I fucked your uncle and now i have hiv
I don't think there is any difference between satire and the real thing in Current Year anymore.