"i am protestant Presbyterian… and i go to church and i love god and i love my church… and… the great Norman...

"i am protestant Presbyterian… and i go to church and i love god and i love my church… and… the great Norman Vincent Peale was my pastor" - Trump


about 18sec into the video

(Norman Vincent) Peale was also a 33° Scottish Rite Freemason.[11] - wikipedia (many other sources)

Of course this cannot be used as a proof that Trump is a Freemason just because he happens to be attending a church where a 33° Mason happens to be Pastor.

But let's add it to circumstantial evidence. Maybe there is more circumstantial evidence out there

Scottish heretige and somehow got elected president.

The Origins of the Scottish Rite
What is the Scottish Rite?

Other urls found in this thread:


We've had a lot of Presidents of Scottish descent. I believe a majority.

Even if Trump's election was a civil war within the elite, it was the better circumstance. Regardless, the fight for utopia has only began.

Kek speaks… It was only a coincidence.

Don't forget the based Scots-Irish, lad.

Every old man with limited success was a Freemason back in the day, user. It was as popular as golf is now for business. There is a reason why they are in every small affluent town in America, and it's not just because of "WORLD DOMINATION!" Only recently has it become a Jay Z youtube Lucifererian meme

Remember who the true power is…


That degree doesn't grow on trees, user :^)
Trump might have been nurtured. A good sign would be that he builds stuff. Something that masons do to preserve knowledge.
Let's just hope that he isn't. Or that he rebelled against the order.

Also. The only part of the Protocols that isn't coming trues is King of the world part.

And how many of them were Freemasons ?

Of the 43 people who have been President of the United States, roughly one-third (14, or by some counts 15*) were Freemasons. Along with the presidents listed below, Lyndon Johnson had been initiated into the 1st Degree of Freemasonry (an "Entered Apprentice") but did not advance any further and did not become a full member of his lodge,[1] Ronald Reagan was made an honorary Freemason, and Bill Clinton as a youth was a member of the Order of DeMolay.[2][3]


From 43 people 14 (15?) were Freemasons and you think that is coincidence ?

Do you know what is coincidence detector ?

You missed all the Founding Fathers…

Reminder: Freemason became cucked after Napoleon emancipated the Jews for shekels… And worst when the "New Age" spiritualism became a thing in the mid-1800s

explain how freemasonry is cucked. it's globalist and non pro tradition but it always has been

So? Weren't all the founding fathers Freemason too?

Two jewish Freemasons.

what about them? freemasonry was kabbalistic from the start


Freemasonry seems like a red herring to me, but, admittedly, I'm pretty uninformed about all of it. It's hard for me to believe that it's any kind of 'secret society' when there's online public forums for them and there's even a lodge in my town (with its own public website, schedule and member list).

He really was a lucky guy, to have him as a pastor.

It could be that freemasonry is trying for a power grab against the (((current power))) would be entirely feasible. There is the whole deal that various conspiratorial factions are fighting here and the highest echelons of freemasonry does require trinitarian christianity. Who knows what their agenda actually is?

Jewishness was injected into it in the same way they inject themselves into everything they can.

Communism, right under the nose of Americans. Trotsky was trained in America in a jewish lodge and came to lead the Red Army before he was Stalin's rival and was forced to flee, only to get killed anyway. Not much of a secret either.

FDR was another Freemason Red who filled his government with jews.

But Freemasons are in power from the beginning. Founding fathers were Freemasons. There is a Freemasons sign on one dollar bill

Today, the Eye of Providence is often associated with Freemasonry. The Eye first appeared as part of the standard iconography of the Freemasons in 1797, with the publication of Thomas Smith Webb's Freemasons Monitor

One of the legends of freemasonry is that freemasons were builders of temple of solomon. If this is true than first freemasons were jews

I thought the legend said that the Temple was built by demons that Solomon summoned and controlled with his magic jew-star ring.

are we lord of the rings now wtf?

Try harder, moishe.


Yes, and I imagine my tail often wags the dog. Freemasons are the ultimate goodgoys.


Something like that.

Stephen Wozniak is Freemason. The Apple I went on sale in July 1976 at a price of US$666.66, because Wozniak "liked repeating digits" and because of a one-third markup on the $500 wholesale price.

Many books, including Morey's recent one, portray the American lodges as anti-Jewish. This is a smokescreen. The only Grand Lodge that was really anti-Jewish was the Prussian Grand Lodge which eventually transformed itself into the Thule Society and then into the Nazi Party. The reason that the Prussian Lodges became concerned in the early 19th century about Jewish control of Freemasonry could be a book in itself, but was based on several items, 1. being close to the several radical Jewish movements in Poland and the German States, the Germans were more aware of what was taking place, 2. in Germany warnings were given by ex-Masons and Masons, 3. German authors like Johann Christian Ehrmann in 1816, Eduard Emil Eckert (Der Freimaurer-Orden in seiner wahren Bedeutung, c. 1850), and Georg Michael Pachtler to name a few wrote books warning the Germans about Freemasonry and the power of Jews within the lodges.

A close examination by reliable Masonic, Jewish, and other sources reveals that the Jews have indeed played an important part in the Masonic lodges since their beginning. A person today will witness for instance such things as the Feast of Tishri observed by for instance the Arkansas Lodge of Perfection.30


Andrew Jackson is one of the best examples.

In America it kinda does. It's a lot more common than the Red Cap because being 33rd means you can no longer receive it.

Whut. Masonry is traditionalist to a fault, and certainly not globalist.

A couple were.
Just the eye? Not really a Freemason thing. Though Yanks have adopted it a bit.

Hiram of Tyre was not a Jew, if that's what you're getting at. He would have been Phoenician.

Anyways, I'm not a huge fan of Freemasons, and we should be vigilant, but we have bigger fish to fry than worrying about stuff like this.

Remember that 'mason' just means 'stone worker' (i.e., 'builder'), and Trump is obviously a builder.

kabbalah was hermetic from the start, the jews steal and corrupt everything, what's your point? the jews weren't even good traders, phonecia kicked their asses.


Its really 2009 in here.


The error a lot of people make in examining Freemasonry, in any context, is a failure to recognize it's highly decentralized nature. Every nation with a grand lodge operates sovereignly without any overseeing international body and in the case of the United States there is no national grand lodge with each state independently organized and governed. The scottish rite isn't even monolithic within the United States either and has two independent supreme councils.

In Europe the issue becomes even more complex as Continental Freemasonry aligned with the Grand Orient of France is not recognized as legitimate by Anglo-American Freemasonry due to it being atheistic, politically active and admitting women.

Observations on Freemasonry, positive or negative which do not take interest in rightly understanding the independence of the various jurisdictions are in error, especially when they are applied globally on information largely concerning the parctice of Continental Masonry despite that the larger international body of Freemasonry repudiates them as wayward and non-masonic.


Jews never built cathedrals or did construction you stupid pleb

It's always the goyim. If they didn't exist, the jews wouldn't do evil or oppress anybody. Just blame the goyim.

Grand orient of France ?

The one from where national socialist took documents and made Forces occultes ?

And later Russia took that documents ?

THOUSANDS of documents and artifacts looted from Scottish Masonic Lodges in Europe by the Nazis are to be returned to their rightful owners.

The Russian government has delivered 750 crates full of precious objects such as hand-embroidered aprons, medals and wall hangings to the French Masonic headquarters in Paris.

The goods were plundered from European lodges during the Nazis’ brutal persecution of the secret order, which saw more than 80,000 people sent to concentration camps.

It is thought significant amounts of the material, which languished in Berlin until it was taken by the Russians after the war, belongs to lodges set up by Scots in the 18th century and could be returned to Scotland.


Those phonies don't make up the whole of continental Masonry. Each country has it's own real lodge system. But France and the Netherlands have prominent fake ones.
So the term "Continental Masonry" really just means the opposite of American supper-club style.

That pic is irony, right moshe?

This is not a mere coincidence.


Freemasonry was actually in a huge part working for the jews (meaning the most powerful lodges were controlled by the jews) when the french revolution, the first masonic revolution, occured.
the jew Weishaupt founded the illuminati order and with Rotshilds money and other top-kikes and a few good goyim of high social status they inbfiltrated freemasonry and made it a jewish weapon. its been one ever since

How so?

they acted as if their new order, the order of the illuminati, was just another lodge.
but they were super powerful, had rothschilds money and german top jews and goodgoys making propaganda.
they then sent their own people into the other most important freemasonic lodges and began changing them from within to make them accept the world government by illuminati freemasons.
today they still exist, even tho the power of freemasons isnt just AS important as before, groups like the Bilderbergs are nonetheless filled with illuminati masons.
illuminati are the highest freemasons and B´nai Brith has the most illuminati (jewish only lodge) and more or less controls freemasonry today.
one of the best books ever is:" under the sign of scorpion" by Juri Lina. ignore the two pages were he implies the Nazis were another freemasonic front(he had to put it in there to get it published in sweden) and you have the best book written on the topic of evil kikes and their grab for world power using freemasonry as their tool. he focuses most on communism and the russian revolution but also covers other topics. youtube.com/watch?v=oIuW-vNQsQI is the documentary he produced for the book

They who?
It's not even a group anymore, but if it were, it still wouldn't be a Masonic group. It'd likely be the same as Soc. Ros. but less exclusive.
Even less to do with Masonry. It's Jewish Oddfellows or Buffaloes.

Trump isn't a mason, you dipshit.

Speaking of which…

wtf i love Masons now!

wtf I hate Trump now

>>>Holla Forums

Why do you think illuminati is another freemason lodge ?

Adam Weishaupt (1748–1830) was a professor of Canon Law and practical philosophy at the University of Ingolstadt. He was the only non-clerical professor at an institution run by Jesuits, whose order had been dissolved in 1773.


Weishaupt was jesuit. Not jew.


also, at the time jesuits were suppressed by pope

By the brief Dominus ac Redemptor (21 July 1773) Pope Clement XIV suppressed the Society of Jesus. The Jesuits took refuge in non-Catholic nations, particularly in Prussia and Russia, where the order was either ignored or formally rejected. The Jesuits were allowed to return to many places starting in the late nineteenth century.


Many anti-Jesuit conspiracy theories emerged in the 18th century Enlightenment, as a result of an alleged rivalry between the Freemasons and the Jesuits. Intellectual attacks on Jesuits were seen as an efficient rebuttal to the anti-masonry promoted by conservatives, and this ideological conspiracy pattern persisted into the 19th century as an important component of French anti-clericalism….Many have come to view the Freemasons as the lineal heirs of the Knights Templar, but other conspiracy theorists ascribe that role to the Jesuits, while others still place all three under the same umbrella, loosely or otherwise, since reading Albert Pike's Morals and Dogma:


Jesuits would be descendants of knights templars (?) and they were illuminati.

Illuminati (and Jesuits) are different from Freemasons. Also, pope at this moment is Jesuit.

Jesuits are jews you idiot


Pretty sure they're Catholic zealots.

Those ain't Catholics, they are filthy heretics.
t. Catholic.

On what grounds?

Plebs think freemasonry is anything. It was originally a society used to discuss esoteric, sometimes heretical ideas.


Ill just leave this here

I'll just leave this here.

Scotland was the most educated country in the colonial era. They all jumped ship and came to America to make money.

Didn't he have Irish blood, too?

Excuse the potato conspiracy meme

bump for butthurt mason thread

What is your point? Trump has been apart of the global elite for his entire life. At best he is someone who they have kept on the outside of the circle and becoming the president elect was all a giant fuck you to them. Or its all a circus and everything is predetermined.

american christians are anti-white, fuck them



A quote from the book 'English America' by David Katz:

We know without question that by 1677 the Jews in Newport had organized a formal community, for that in that year two of their number purchased a plot of land about thirty feet in length for use as a cemetery. Certainly they must have been resident in the town long before this. And indeed a further document exists which may demonstrate the presence of Jews in Newport twenty years earlier:

"Ths ye [day and month obliterated] 165[6 or 8, not certain which, as the place was stained and broken; the first three figures were plain] Wee mett att y House off Mordecai Campunall and affter Synagog Wee gave Abm Moses the degrees of Maconrie"

… A good claim for the authenticity of this document can easily be made. Samuel Oppenheim, in his article on the early connections between Jews and Masons in the United States, suggested that the author of the text was Moses Pacheco, one of the grantees in the cemetery deed. Oppenheim notes that the administration on the estate of Moses Pacheco was granted to Caleb Carr, whose son's widow was the sister-in-law of John Wanton, the eighteenth-century governor of Rhode Island who seems to be the link between Gould and the seventeenth-century Jews and Masons of Newport. Caleb Carr was himself a governor of Rhode Island in the seventeenth-century, and Pacheco is mentioned in his will. Indeed the cemetery deed itself was found in the same group of papers by N.H. Gould, whose son, at the suggestion of Samuel Oppenheim, presented the document to the American Jewish Historical Society at the beginning this century.

''As might be expected, this Masonic document has placed both historians of Freemasonry and of American Jewry in an unenviable position. The early period of Freemasonry is still shrouded in mystery … Yet instead of jumping at a credible piece of evidence of the existence of speculative Freemasonry in the New World as early as 1656 or 1658, long before the formal establishment of Masonic lodges there, Masonic historians have instead chosen to ignore the possibility, no doubt reluctant to claim Jews as the first known Masons in America. Such early connections between Jews and Masons would hardly be surprising, given the strong kabbalistical, magical, and Hermetical associations of the movement in the seventeenth century, and the many later Jews who became Freemasons.
So too do Jewish historians shy away from accepting this Masonic document, no doubt because of an unwillingness to confirm that the first Jews in English America were Freemasons.''

Muh Freemasons

What are you the Catholic Church?

I remember this. It is from time when HRC told CTR to push trump


We know it was a circus with predetermined candidates. CTR was pushing trump in primaries. we did not have time to take a note of DFT. We were busy with HRC and her emails, foundatin…etc. Now it is a time to turn a little bit of focus on DJT. That is all..to shine a little light on him.

The Hibernian conspiracy is silly leftypol nonsense, but it would be a good thing if it were true.

= The KKK



He also visited every state that had rain within the past 12 months.

coincidence? i think not

worth every vote

BOOM, it now makes sense:

I think it was a legit deal, I think he might have accepted at first but he clearly declined it in the end

Maybe she was expecting him to do it, say "nigger" and throw the election. The fact he didn't made her cry(there's photos)

How many (((journalists))) are also freemasons? Some maybe were expecting him to do it, but he didn't and then they got cucked hard.

that's my conspiracy Holla Forums, rate it

Shut up, nigger.

- Donald J. Trump

If anything hes in the knights of malta..which if i understand correctly is basically at war with the masons

Probably not as many as are jews

Disinfo. Jews were allowed to settle in Malta by permission of the Grand Master. There are several connections between Malta, the Scottish (which is not a good word) and Templar lore. (And the Scottish is judaic through and through.)


How? I mean, yea the Jocks are cheap as Jews but you're not making sense otherwise.

Strawman: The Posts

