The Daily Show is Dead, Thanks Trevor
Conservative Youtuber demolishes Trevor, he throws the same old grenades but Tomi lobs them back at him!
Thought she was a con bimbo but now I am a new fan of Tomi
The Daily Show is Dead, Thanks Trevor
Conservative Youtuber demolishes Trevor, he throws the same old grenades but Tomi lobs them back at him!
Thought she was a con bimbo but now I am a new fan of Tomi
Other urls found in this thread:
sage all pedo threads, this is a slow infiltration to manipulate your sensitivity to this shit
sage all pedo threads, this is a slow infiltration to manipulate your sensitivity to this shit
sage all pedo threads, this is a slow infiltration to manipulate your sensitivity to this shit
sage all pedo threads, this is a slow infiltration to manipulate your sensitivity to this shit
sage all pedo threads, this is a slow infiltration to manipulate your sensitivity to this shit
sage all pedo threads, this is a slow infiltration to manipulate your sensitivity to this shit
sage all pedo threads, this is a slow infiltration to manipulate your sensitivity to this shit
sage all pedo threads, this is a slow infiltration to manipulate your sensitivity to this shit
sage all pedo threads, this is a slow infiltration to manipulate your sensitivity to this shit
sage all pedo threads, this is a slow infiltration to manipulate your sensitivity to this shit
sage all pedo threads, this is a slow infiltration to manipulate your sensitivity to this shit
sage all pedo threads, this is a slow infiltration to manipulate your sensitivity to this shit
sage all pedo threads, this is a slow infiltration to manipulate your sensitivity to this shit
sage all pedo threads, this is a slow infiltration to manipulate your sensitivity to this shit
sage all pedo threads, this is a slow infiltration to manipulate your sensitivity to this shit
Who is this guy?
Nice webm, faggot. The spam fag is correct.
For fuck's sake you goddamn degenerates and newfags.
This guy's pompous fake accent is really fucking annoying, I don't know if I'm gonna make it through this video.
Now explain what the pic in the OP has to do with the content? Fuck all, that what.
Now go fap to your 2D waifu you gigantic faggot loser
No shit he even said pic unrelated for you slow in the head retards that don't even have two brain cells to rub together.
Pretty much
When did Reddit start using 8ch?
And I said what the "unrelated" pedo pic was related to you subhuman shill that has destroyed Holla Forums with this little girl subtle rape culture
Seriously, you moe fags need to be gassed first. You weak faggots are a bane to all healthy societies.
When the elections started.
Angry sliding. Have a bump OP.
Photo was a character 37 yrs old
This is entertaining to be honest, never knew 8ch could get so butthurt?
Can we get back onto the purpose of this post?
Its one guy spamming.
Anyhow, seems like average interview from Daily Show that just looks more ridiculous because you get to see it in its entirety.
sage negated
Trevor is running it into the ground that fast, it will get canned in less than 12months i reakon
I heard a while back that It was going to get cancelled because of the absolutely shit ratings.
Ben was killed. And in the end, he won. Trudeau was right.
Hopefully sooner than later
pic related
Isn't Tomi on Glenn Beck's cuck channel? She probably *is* just a con bimbo. That said, she mostly did the correct set of things given her positions, but I doubt she won any libfags over with it. She also screwed up a few times ("I don't see color" then "Black Issues").
6/10, not a clear win but acceptable performance.
Yeah her start was shit but mostly did well
Webm and make a new thread, this one is cancer.
The media creates literal conditioned reflexes with their layers upon layers of brainwashing. Mentioning Hillary's emails (at least pre-DNC/Podesta leaks) or Benghazi triggers them in exactly the same way. They can't resist it. It's just an instant explosion of disgust, exasperation, and self-righteousness. They can't BELIEVE someone would say that. You fell into the trap the media ubermensch have attacked day in and day out.
On November 30, 2016, Lahren appeared on The Daily Show with Trevor Noah for a 26-minute interview segment that went viral the following day. Many critics compared her appearance with former host Jon Stewart's friendly rivalry with Bill O'Reilly.[14][15][16]
Women don't belong in politics.
There are a few good conservative women
I don't give a fuck what a woman thinks about politics.
Have a bump for all the triggered leftycucks.
Never agree to do the daily show unless it is live. This video has been highly edited.
She slayed that nigger.
I only got about five minutes in but the kaffir didn't even address what she was saying half the time, relying on an audience that already is rabidly liberal for social proofs rather than trying to argue or define terms. My favorite part is when blm shooter guy is compared to trump because blm influenced the shooter and trump had support from kkk members.
That's the most retarded comparison I can think of. Blm influenced the guy to kill cops, it was the ideals that leaked downwards. I wish trump was more influenced by moonmans tribe but that's not how power works.
i was a libfag…
keyword "was"
A lot of us used to be libfags. That was society's default, it's how we've been groomed to be our whole lives. Most of us only really woke up within the past 5 years or so.
The difference is that the people still clinging to their liberal ideology in the face of EVERYTHING are too far gone to see the truth.
The nigger definitely has been coached by kikes on how to debate like a jew. Ask a question, interrupt and talk over them when they're midway through their response, then give your "correction" analysis on their unfinished half response then pivot and ask a different question before they can articulate their original thoughts. Rinse and repeat. The libtard mouth breathers eat it up, "SHE COULDNT EVEN ANSWER A QUESTION, WOW NIGGERS ARE SMART GOLLY GEE, WHITES ARE BAD. GOOD THING WE HAVE NIGGERS AND POCS AROUND." Kikes and niggers like this only motivate me to work harder and gain more knowledge to ensure the zog never wins.
Then why the fuck are people praising the shit out of Trevor if he got destroyed? I swear social media and libcucks will grab on to any small victory after Trump took the White House at this point
Pretty much, when the audience and the host are against you its easy to look defeated
Goons sure are triggered.
Smug bump for OP.
How long will you try to force that maymay, goon?
alt-right drumpftards absolutely btfo
IS "GOON" some pedo code word for something? Why is it when we call out the pedos on this new/pol/ that they call you a goon?
Goon now = sane heterosexual man?
There isn't even anything remotely pedo about the pic in OP. It's just generic anime moe shit that gets posted here all the time. So of course the thread is being raided by retarded goons. The fact you claim to not know what goons are proves you are one, since that's something they do.
It's the same kind of pedo pic that's 90% of the anime posted here now. It was also banned on Holla Forums before we were compromised
It's a matter of fact that she is a millenial. She is stating millenials tend not to like to be labeled. These are facts. She couldn't deny it any more than she could deny being white or a woman. (inb4 jokes about special snowflake gender identities) Labelling yourself in the context of what she's saying is to apply a subjective description upon yourself, especially one that people use to prejudge their opinions. She doesn't fit into the conservative mold. It's not a contradiction to say so. Especially if you say it tongue in cheek, which was the impression I got from her there.
Not that it has any relevance to the situation. They're just happy with "gotcha!" moments because all that's important to shitlibs is saving face. It's not even that it's a comedy show. If they got her on a dry political point and the audience was silent, they'd still cut it in there.
Tomi's always been really smart and straight forward. Of course, this is why leftists hate her. She's an attractive, white woman speaking the truth. A woman who isn't lefty pisses them off, and they equate white and good looking with "privilege". It's for these reasons they blow her off, ironically because of the fact she's white and female and they claim they're fighting against "racism and sexism".
I've seen/heard her before. I know they brought her on because they thought she'd make a fool of herself.
Why is she on the Glenn Cuck team?
It's not even sexual. It's just an anime girl's head. You're retarded.
You're not even trying. This shilling is just sad. Just go back to Freech already.
What's with all the gonn raids lately? They were relatively quiet and then BAM all of a sudden goons fucking everywhere.
It's being memed here for a purpose. It was banned before we were cucked by the AltRight. It's bullshit that you want to deny this. Or you're a pedo and need to die
Goon is now pedo code for heterosexual man who doesn't fuck kids
I want the something awful defense force to leave
The real question is: When will they stop using it?
Goons don't understand Holla Forums very well it seems.
Seriously lads the comment section requires more shitlord influence, help me out here.
One of the reasons I fucking hate memes is that they always attract the copious amount of cancer that is out there who then, over time, push the host population out. Basically immigration.
This is The Daily Show now? Could barely handle this softball of a guest and that is one unfunny nigger to boot. Obvious it was too busy trying to keep its talking points in order.
Millennial is a classification based on when you were born than the sort of label she's talking about.
Left is grasping at straws like noticing a typo in someone's argument.
Because she is kosher as fuck and wants white men to die for Israel
She doesn't articulate her her arguments very well & the "color blind" shit is cuckspeak.
Hearing the audience gasp at actual statistical fact really solidifies how well the propagandist has trained them.
I'm honestly surprised that even people are fucking moronic as liberals can watch this faggot, Trevor Noah, and be entertained by his bullshit.
No they fucking don't. That's the point. A peaceful protest does not become a riot, you ignorant shitflinger.
You can practically see the moment when he realizes how badly he fucked up by inviting her on.
checked and keked
All of these types of "interviews" are just disingenuous laugh-fests for the 'useful idiots' on the Left. There is never any "debate" or "having an open and honest discussion about [whatever]" it's all just entertainment for them: "HURR DURR Let's all laugh at this stupid racist dumb white bitch hahahahahahahaha" that's the clip in it's entirety. The Left is like a golf ball rolling around inside a pizza box. That's about as much free thought as they have outside their conditioning. Going to these venues is useless because most of the viewers of this shit show can never be reached anyway. They should be secretly sterilized and put on a commune somewhere and monitored.
Hello MGTOW kike. I guess you're still mad that white women voted for Trump?
Tomi isn't really doing anything productive here, all she has done is give him room shit all over her views just by referring to what she said earlier in the interview causing her to need to defend herself. Doesn't answer the hosts questions just starts rambling. Unfortunate.
He's like half Jewish iirc
video got taken down, where the fuck is the webm
the niggers are still butthurt from when she destroyed transsexual onigger
The left doesn't seem to want to actually engage in any discussions, debates, or casual arguments. All they want to do is watch two other people debate and then find little humorous things about their opponent to laugh about. They don't like to show the opponent's argument and say "This is why this is wrong", they instead prefer to make blonde jokes, nitpick specific sentences, and virtue signal to their fellow Marxists all day. Even people I know personally that I assumed had at least a small brain in their heads have allowed themselves to adopt this lazy thought pattern and they are none the wiser. Turn your brain off and laugh at conservatives on your leftist propaganda programs and continue your insignificant life as usual, allowing yourself to fall deeper and deeper into a never ending pit of intellectual laziness and ignorance by the day.
this is why you archive and webm you god damned dumb ass
sage Pedo anime porn
They are trying to normalize this shit here when it used to be banned
Good job being wrong on all fronts my man
Wow, how surprising! A degenerate weeb is too stupid to make a webm, so he spams "smug" anime girls while jewtube takes down his precious video. Moron!
literally average weeb tier oriental worshipping stupidity
Is there a webm?
gee thanks for providing a webm or mp4 of this, really glad I didn't have to go to youtube to watch this and I hear it already got a copyright claim against it so it's lost forever now. Good job OP.
Was going to webm it for faggy OP but holy shit it's 37 minutes long and my webm skills are not sufficient to fit that into 8mb.
Yeah didn't realize how long it was until I saw this.
Wow, Sargon is gonna have a heyday once he gets back online.
Sounds a lot like what that Nasheed guy tried doing on Tucker Carlson, but Tucker very wisely just smugly giggled at him knowing full well he wouldn't even be able to untangle his own web, and just let him drown in a sea of his own buzzwords. It's really quite remarkable, even after the Trump win, to watch these folks still assigning a mystical power to these failed tactics and meaningless catch-phrases with no relevance to anything.
Why would you have to fit it into 8mb when it's a 12mb post limit?
Yeah caught this through the grapevine..
This was awkward to watch… but for the sake of Trevor. I am one to admit when the right wing looks cringey or we embarrass ourselves, but in this case the liberal looked stumped for words, clumsy on his feet, and basically at a loss.
I legitimately feel bad for leftists journalist calss who are looking for the old Stewart days and this is the best they have. I don't even feel triumphant, I just feel sorry for them.
If anyone is interested. I like Sargon's criticisms of the extreme left. He spoke some honesty when talking about Clinton vs Trump even though he came from the Bernie camp.
Scrotum of Mossad is bitch-tier.
Actually, no, I take it back. Scrotum of Mossad makes bitch-tier look alpha by comparison.
Here's a working link
I hate that smug fuck so damned much. Leibowitz was a faggot, too, but that guy's scrunched up dog-face always makes my fists itch.
Could someone please make a fucking webm?
Just saying, this chick is an excellent way to at least moderately redpill the women in your lives, and make them more resistant to leftist propaganda. She's attractive and well spoken, in addition to being charismatic. This makes her ideal for the purpose of combating cultural Marxism.
that just makes most women hate her.
Can't help that you live in Spictopia.
Would webm it but nah. It's not even that great. How could anything with Trevor Noah and his faceless band of applaud clowns be worth watching?
Is he blind? Where he points his eyes and the faces he makes it rather unsettling.
Tomi: I don't even see color.
Kaffir: So what do you do at a stoplight?
I have ass cancer now.
Only the fat and ugly ones. Nobody needs those anyway.
The weak fear eye contact with the strong, it's universal.
You clearly don't interact with many women user. The only ones that "hate her" because of that are land whales and lost causes.
Webm when?
aka lefties.
Unless we get a wizard that can get half an hour into less than 12mb while maintaining enough quality to be usable it ain't happening.
Reupload when?
it's still up on vimeo
stop posting that faggots vimeo shit.
here's webm
Not available in my cuntry.
You'd rather give The Daily Show with Trevor Noah's youtube clicks and views? What are you, a kike?
12mb limit.
holy shit, dumb nigger
Leaftopia, but I don't suppose it makes much of a difference, considering we're all pozzed with migrants.
the nigger who replaced jon leibovitz
Thanks, man.
It's either that or going right to the daily show.
Interview WEBM
I wonder if she's going to be the next Iron Anne
Iron Anne was shit, pissed off liberals, granted, but shit.
Doesn't have the same poise, seems to be a few IQ points lower too. The poor man's Iron Anne, perhaps.
Iron Anne wrote the book that made Trump run for president.
The fucking hypocrisy burns.
So we're suppose to suck on her clit now? Also let's not pretend Trump is a messiah either, he did end up appointing that kike from Goldman Sachs as treasurer just like he's been saying throughout much of 2015.
People actually listen to what trevor? It's like a handicapped child imitating John Oliver
The opinion of a guy who is trying to throw both Anne Coulter and Donald Trump under the bus in a single post is not one in which I am concerned about.
To be fair Oliver sounds handicapped already, his idea of humor is parroting shit with small hints of cognitive dissonance flavored irony in question format. Say whatever you want about Leobowitz during the Obongo administration, but during the Bush administration he had his shtick. Not just shtick but he managed to make every single fucking awful fuck up seem funny, awful, but funny.
From the Tom Delay scandal, Gitmo Bay, to the Scooter Libby shit show, to Dick Cheyney ordering the NSA, Jewgle and the CIA to stop spying on him and putting his shit on the web, but fuck NORMAL Americans. Then again, maybe that's not such a good thing in retrospect, maybe that was just a psy-op to make the populace desensitized to all the shit that goes on.
This nigger is so insufferable
It isn't hypocrisy, it's double standards. Words have specific meanings.
Seriously though is the nigger blind? I've seen legit wizards hold better eye contact when talking to women.
Pic related faggot, stop running away from reality.
He's afraid if he looks at her too long, his African side will compel him to rape her on live television.
That's how you know a goon made this
Notice how they never apply the same line towards right-wingers. They can eat shit.
Nice grammar
Why did she get all slutted up to talk to this nigger?
You do the same to them, except that you combine it with truth.
I noticed that too. Especially the contrast between her neckline here and on her own show.
I'd say she's engaging in very low dosage redpilling, probably out to get normies and chads who only watch the Daily Show >inb4 they don't because "everybody watches it", to watch her show.
That's only if she is as smart as Trump, and she knows how to plays 4D chess. She's probably not redpilled though because she spouts the "I don't see colour lol" meme.
If she is burning coal, she WILL pay the toll
Trevor Noah didn't explain how Tomi Lahren should criticize Colin Kaepernick either. Another leftist trying to shut some one else up because they don't like their opinion and are too cowardly to admit that they'd rather push their agenda rather than have an open and honest discussion.
wtf is going on they had drinks after the show? Is that why this was anchored?
The thread's anchored because it's trash. A woman and a nigger talked on television and somehow that's supposed to matter? Sage because the thread is trash and so are you.
You do know it's ironic as fuck right?
It isn't dead because some nobody nigger lost a debate. The show is dead because they got an unfunny nigger as a permanent host. It also stopped being relevant when they won the election with king nigger since all they want to do is suck democrat party cock instead of keep the fuckers honest and inform americans of lying bullshit like they did with dubya.