US Court orders Bitcoin exchange to hand over identity of every US customer for the last 3 years on

Federal judge authorized a summons requiring Coinbase to provide the IRS with the records of every user who traded on the site between 2014 and 2015.

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It's not bitcoin, it's a bitcoin exchange.

you mainly use bitcoin to buy/sell, either way they've got the info, credit/debit card, bank account/routing info

*mainly use coinbase* to buy/sell

I thought the Jews liked Bitcoin, they could trade it during their day of rest because they don't recognize it as real money.

What happened, did the Kikes reuse the same wallet address to many times?

You can use bitcoin to buy things anonymously but there's pretty much no way to trade it in for cash without showing ID, which makes it kind of useless imho.

Bump for accidental sage

Anonymizers solve that problem fast.

you can actually (maybe)

i think lets you sell for paypal?

That's nice. Guess I'll be getting jailed for tax evasion.

mycelium wallet with threema

Oh god I bought like 3 bitcoin from these guys two years back, a-am I gonna get v& guys?

The IRS just wants some money

just tell them you spent the coins for drugs on silkroad



Most likely they are trying to use this to go after little goys for dodging taxes…

But how can you dodge taxes with something that the government hasnt recognized the value of?


It's like hosting their servers in france.. oh wait.


Are there good / average / bad bitcoin anonymizer services or they're pretty much all the same? I'd like to know more.

I'd like to know the answer to this too

I don't use cash very often anyways.

On an unrelated note, what the hell is that kid on?

They don't like it because they can't track or control it like they have with other currencies and liquid assets.

I really have trouble trusting those services. It's one thing to track BTC usage but if you focus on launderers you can get a small subset of people who are trying to avoid surveillance. I imagine many of them are honeypots.
The best way to anonymize bitcoin is to trade it offline where they can't track you. Unless you're a high-priority target, there's no way they could bridge that gap in the blockchain.

Here's the archive as OP is a massive faggot and linked directly to a FedGov website, not even a broken link

Did some recent event cause this?

Its time to pay up goy!


anonymizers dont help at all. to get cash you still have to go to someone like coinbase to convert it to cash. and any place like coinbase in the US will have strong a KYC system. stop talking about things you dont understand. and there arent enough people IRL wanting BTC to convert any significant amount of money to cash on craigslist or similar services.

Unconstrained male strength display and a steak every night.

Pick one and only

I still don't understand why or how these things hold value.

good this is what bitcoin users get for not waiting for me to get in on the bitcoin train sooner. I missed out on so much money!

Cute picture. But it holds zero weight unless there's some actual talk backing it up.

Then why not look it up and find out? The mechanics are well documented.


Bought me a car worth more than your house faggot hahahaha.

Bitcoin is taxed by the IRS, they recognize the value of it.

Disclaimer: I've never used bitcoin before; I've only read up on its use.
If I understand it right you give the entire amount of money you want to conceal to their wallet, and then they anonymize it I believe by shuffling the money through thousands of accounts and give you back what you gave them minus whatever fee they charge. I believe that if you get a bad anonymizer, then they might end up just taking your bitcoin and running. So you've got to trust them on it some. I'm really not sure what variations can occur in privacy. However, the privacy they offer is incomplete there's still a paper trail, but it's all over the place and hard as fuck to read. The best way to ensure your bitcoin remains anonymous is to buy it in a way that doesn't attach your name to it. You could find someone selling bitcoin for cash I believe there is actually a kind of big market for this, you can buy amazon gift cards and sell them at a slight loss for bitcoin, and you can get it through providing digital services in a way that doesn't break anonymity and taking bitcoin as payment.

Only gold is money goyim. Not dubs not trips and not Bitcuck.