Why is Holla Forums and imageboards allowed to exist mostly unmolested?

Considering that we spawned GamerGate(the first shot that lead to the massive pushback against SJW's), memed Trump into office, awoke an ancient primordial chaos god, and is starting to seriously investigate elite pedophilia we've gotten way WAY to powerful to just be a mere honey pot. cuck/pol/ and 8/pol/ combined are by far one of the most influential groups in the world. I'd way that we're more powerful than any single media company at this point.

So why the fuck do we still exist? How difficult could it possibly be to buy out Hiroyuki or Jim to stop a swarm intelligence that's threatening the entire world order? Are they scared of the Streisand effect? Have we just reached critical mass to a degree where if both sites where shut down some user would just create a decentralized imageboard and then nobody would have control over anything anymore?

My working theory is that imageboards have been weaponized by a group of elites who oppose the post-1945 world order, the world operates on eternal struggle and it would be foolish to think that there were no elites who thought as we do. No group can ever truly monopolize power, I mean a bunch of fascists almost pulled a coup in 1933 USA and lots of American businessmen had very friendly relations with the third Reich, I doubt that those people just vanished. I also highly doubt that us being introduced to the occult, memetics, chaos magic, information warfare, and persuasion on a mass scale was a coincidence. These people must have enough leverage to keep trptb from fucking with us to much.

Can anyone else think of another plausible theory?

Other urls found in this thread:


Where do you think all of the thousands of us would go if they were to nuke this place?

How many people actually visit here? It's got to be more than a few thousand.

Well then the logical question is why where we allowed to reach critical mass?

If you count halfchan easily over 1 million anons.

They realized too little too late. We were the wild card and now all attempts at rounding us up into the (((alt-right))) failed so they've got nothing. All they can do at this point is hope that we're forgotten about, they kind of fucked that up too though.

These boards have been molested beyond recognizability by shills, refugees, newfags, alt-righters, etc.

Probably no one will believe this, but I'm releasing a decentralized image board on 22.12.16

Screenshot this if you want to rub it in people's faces later.

Maybe friends with deep pockets?

we are a controlled hugbox for growing dissatisfaction. This way feds know where we are and what we are doing

What does decentralized mean?


And we're stronger than ever before, I could run psyops against this place better than the faggots than they've sent at us.

We are the fucking yes man ending of fallout new Vegas, except we are yes man, not the courier.

/r/ing the Nazis are coming back guise!, user.Trumps speech tonight and the medias reaction to it seems to suggest that there is definitely a power structure shift behind the scenes. The elites are frisky because they don't know how far Trump will take all this. I gather this from when he was talking about mass immigration, he said, "I don't have to say who's bringing them in." What if Trumps the mole and the is the counter globalist stand at peace? A top class negotiator to work out the details of guaranteeing our survival, but it's on us to seize this opportunity. This is going to be a struggle but we can win through peaceful but a step in guaranteeing a future we shall win by force.

People come and go. Some lurk for years before posting. Some never post. I'd imagine tens of millions have been exposed to Holla Forums, 4 and 8 collectively.

nntp? It's probably gonna be useless until Jim fucks up big time though.

This made sense in the past but now that we've gotten so much power that theory no longer applies.

You do know that if we properly blow up pizzagate we'll be destroying the entire entire western elite power structure right? At that level us just being a containment site no longer makes any sense.

Kikes always have more money, if we have powerful friends then they'd only be able to exert influence with leverage like violence or blackmail.



It's always good to have a perfectly functional second option as leverage against abuses of power.

you can fuck off with the d and c shit

Who's to say that this is unmolested, you are just free to do as you feel because somebody is allowing you to.

Not even close.

To be clear, I'm not launching a competing message board. I have zero interest in running an online community of any kind.

I'm concerned about free speech on the nets. There are dire things brewing for the freedom of the internet, I can feel in it my bones.

Kek has given me a vision.

I'm releasing a new technology that will create a decentralized, uncensorable bastion of free speech that, if my hypothesis is correct (and I need help testing it, that's why the pre-alpha will be released on 22.12.16, with source), will be unassailable short of taking down the entire internet.

I can never keep my goddam mouth shut about something I'm excited about, so here I am partially spilling the beans while procrastinating Tor integration.

I'm going back to work.

Anonymity. You can't attack what you can't define. And if you manage to attack anyway, anonymity turns into an amorphous blob that slips through your fingers and reforms in a new location to continue on as if nothing happened.

I'm not [email protected]/* */ at all, I see no current trend of abuse but it's always nice to have a backup.

What it boils down is that, ultimately, each of us who think freely have come to a similar conclusion: we each seek a better, more beautiful world. However we got here will differ but the yearning is all the same… we know much better can exist out there and it pains us deeply that "reality" isn't very real at all; it doesn't reflect the beauty and majesty of our inner world whatsoever and each day it gets worse and worse.

We are born Hitlerists.


Because we are data mined
Every shitposter on this board is on a watch list somewhere and when shit hits the fan and we are the first persons heading into the reeducation camps.

Wow, who knew anime was actually redpilled. I guess Trump SHOULD make it real.

That, and the pic you posted.

There are forces out there constantly locked in conflict and we're the byproduct of almost a hundred years of that. It is a definite possibility that anonymous image boards were the final failsafe against jewish subversion.

It's not so much the anime as much as it is the nuclear hellfire which spawned it all.

stay woke

You know what? Instead of saying "do it faggot" I'm gonna laugh at you because we'll most likely need this when Jim fucks up. And when people get laughed at, they're more motivated to prove those laughing people wrong.

hahahahahahahahaha faggot

Godspeed user.

Well good luck with that.

It's already real, more real than what people call reality, and it's significantly better than this illusory world. The world of art is the reflection of the soul: degenerate art reflects a degenerate soul, etc., and that soul then creates a degenerate world to reflect it. Imagination is what creates reality, it is therefore master to "reality." Reality is only the canvas.

It's this one. Better to have us congregate in a known spot than scatter to IRC and the darknet where we'd be much harder to watch.

Add to that, freedom of speech. If a Chan owner doesn't want to sell and doesn't want to force SJW mores on his board, he can't legally forced to do so. Don't forget that Twitter and Facebook SOLD OUT their users; they were not FORCED to censor anything. They CHOSE to favor one group over another.

Honestly I wonder how many intelligence agents we've turned into agents of our Hivemind.

We consume people.

Destroying Holla Forums would open up Pandora's box. The last thing they need are a bunch of pissed off Holla Forumslacks invading every reach of the internet. Each of us are like a one man army and we can turn anything into a weapon. We conduct a form of internet guerrilla warfare and destroying our nest doesn't stop us. It just makes us disperse.

Every time we've built colonies and outposts it ends with a few Holla Forumslacks commanding legions of normies. Our force gets expanded.


Maybe it's not what you think it is, ever consider that?

Because an imageboard isn't the Third Reich, and the kikes are probably laughing in entertainment/don't care.


I don't care, I post here raw dog. No tor, no VPN. Let them send me to a camp, see if I give a shit.

Better to study your enemy than nuke them outright, lest they come back tenfold and you still don't know how to properly dismantle them.

This is why there's so many supposed articles on them studying us, why CTR is here, why they're trying to figure out why a cartoon frog is slowly disrupting and eroding their entire fabrication: because they haven't yet cracked us.

Furthermore we can easily regroup. Our memes are our shibboleth, allowing us to identify each other in a way that goes unnoticed to normalfags.

pic related.



It's true the_donald started as a Holla Forums colony and eventually it led to Reddit currently committing seppuku. It's honestly amazing how much power anons wield over the internet.


You're a big guy.

The nature of imageboards make them difficult to co-opt or destroy. When shills like CTR turn up and try to herd Anons around they quickly get identified and mocked because they stick out like sore thumbs. In addition, the main idea behind anonymous posting, that the idea being presented is more important than the speaker, puts weak, shilled arguments at a disadvantage. Anonymity itself is a powerful weapon given that leftists primary weapons are shaming and socially punitive actions. This isn't Facebook or Twitter or Reddit where you have an identity or status that needs to be protected so there's never a reason to speak socially palatable lies instead of the harsh truth.

As for why they don't just shut it down, anyone who can bang a server together can host an imageboard so even if you kill one chan, another replaces it. Even worse for them, the very act of moving against us riles people up and makes us stronger. Remember that they moved against 4chan in response to Gamergate, they took mod positions, convinced moot to take compromising positions and then bought him out when the community backlash against him got too much for him to handle. And what did that gain them? It caused another exodus to Holla Forums and we're somewhat more extreme than 4chan is. They already treat as the monstrous boogeymen that haunt their nightmares. You'd have to be as stupid as Hillary Clinton to kick the hive at this point, let alone trying to knock the whole thing over. You'll just end up with something worse and stronger.

ill see you in the gulags mate I also bareback the tubes

Skinwalkers are the niggers of the forest

This is true, but it doesn't mean that the place is totally "unmolested". We're molested but that's just groping and there's no penetration. Also nice letter-dubs on the ID.

Something like 0chan on zeronet? I would love for that king of thing to take off but I don't see it happening unless our sites get nuked and even then it would only be a minority of us that exodus.

Whatever, my wife is a fucking Sun Wizard and I am stuck being a Tower Chariot. I am fucking pissed off man.

infiltration > destruction

its what leftypol does best

Issue with shills lately that make them harder to notice is that people aren't articulating their posts anymore. You'll more often than not see people engage shills in the same way the shills were shilling in the first place and it becomes an automatic clusterfuck. I almost assume it's two shills putting on an act to incite confusion since people tend to deviate towards one side or another when a argument takes place, which makes it easy to manipulate people. A prime example would be democrats vs republicans, in the end they're both options given to us by jews.

But ever since 2014 our power has been growing exponentially first we bleed Gawker enough for Thiel and Hogan to destroy them, we became the core internet propagandists for the next president of the world hegemon, we caused the entire MSM throughout the entire western world to attack a cartoon frog, and then we put the entire media on the defensive. Now we're uncovering and mass exposing a conspiracy that has the potential to bring down entire governments and literally get the the most evil powerful people on earth executed.

How much more powerful can we get?

theyre learning from us. we are an unaccounted for anomaly. theyll shut us down whenever they need to. but then the right wing death squads activate

If they really are monitoring this its very plausible pizzagate and many other things are fake and planted by them to keep us busy

Hey, you left out 'warping the fabric of reality'.

Because they have the enemy located in a publically-accessable place where they can be monitored and counter-action can be A-B tested.

My personal theory is that we're being studied. No clue for what purpose. Perhaps it's just fascinating what's going on here. Perhaps they just want to figure out how to kill us.

In a few decades from now world leaders will be talking privately about their shitposting back in the day on Holla Forums as they lay out plans for the final solution to the Jewish problem.

We're the vanguard. Our reach is at the essence and at the top of every happening.

If that's true then there's absolutely no way to defeat or stop us. We've become an invincible swarm intelligence.

The only reason that we'll fail will be our own deficit of will.

At this point absolutely every powerful group and intelligence agency knows about us. Not to mention we've been heavily monitored ever since chanology and anonymous was co-opted by alphabets.

We can't meme a guy into being the most powerful man alive and go unseen.

Probably cause they think they can control the general consensus on anonymous imageboards over time with sustained shill attacks spanning years.

This. They post wild goose chases and months-old stories to waste our time. Happens pretty regularly.

Becouse if they go full on SHUT IT DOWN MOSHE on us, we'll just flock to the next imageboard where the board owner possibly won't be under their control and data mining is not possible.
So the next best thing is to leave us be and try to control our discourse, information intake and morale. Just look at the stickies that are pinned up here. It's the best direct indicator what the board owners want you to think.
And also remember that Jim is a freemason. ALL OF THE MODS ARE ACTIVELY SHILLING HERE. Rach is a mod. They've got bots posting here, which should be impossible with captcha. What does that tell you?

tl;dr The freemasons are nurturing us/trying to control us as much as they can. At least the shabbos goy low IQ anons. This frog spam(bringer of light lel), extreme unironic racism injections that defy realpolitik and strategy, we are all natzees CONFORM meme, etc. are all the things that the babylon control system operates in.

I'm honestly hoping for a decentralized system, like this user will hopefully engineer.

Theyre too small to bother with tbh

Do you now how absurd that is? Fake rumors that were far less damning, have been nough to destroy the careers of politicians. They would never start something this horrible against anyone who's reputation had any value. Now everyone thinks pedo when they hear pedesta and so forth. Real or not, this is destroying careers and has put people on kill lists of the mentally unstable.

user pls

These dubs have meaning. Meme magic will take us to the next level. Checked and keked.

well if this copypasta has any meat to it its failed
theres no wedge between >>>Holla Forums and Christians
theres a wedge between >>>Holla Forums and autistic Christians

So… owner is freemason, yet any attempt to state we should join the masons or that masons aren't the deil gets a week long ban. Explains?

Not to mention the proven precedent of elite Pedophilia that nobody in power that doesn't want to hang pedophiles would ever EVER want to drag up. I mean for fucks sake 6 months ago the former Speaker of the House and Podesta's friend was revealed to be a pedophile and jailed.

If this is a distraction then it absolutely reeks of complete and utterly desperation.

Unmolested? How new are you?
4cuck's been pretty turbulent over the years, too.

So you invented IPFS?

Beautiful digits, but it really explains itself if you just think about your own sentence for a couple of seconds.

do you need assistant programmers? I hve some light exp but i want to learn how imageboard software can be perfected to require no mods, and be immune to shills

Honestly I find those low level attacks that don't destroy us inject a very useful level of chaos and reactionary energy.

They only made us stronger, after all complacency is death.


What will it be next time?

I can see it now. ">kek posters arent actually doing magic! Kek did not get trump elected!"

You answered your own question, user.
Masons don't ask you to join. You have to seek it.
They slowly insert their ideas and convert you without you knowing it. So you join voluntarily and with greater conviction.
That's how their degrees work.

Checked bro, Praise KEK!

I think anons really need to go easy on this one. Trump is responsible for the majority of his success given the sheer amount of work he put in, and his strategists choosing the right pathway instead of the countless ways they could've fucked up. Obviously wikileaks, some FBI members and project veritas also made a significant contribution. If imageboards had literally single-handedly memed Trump into office they'd get slapped with the 'Russian propaganda' label and shut down as fast as Assange was.

I think as we are now the chans are largely considered interesting albeit an annoyance, that could potentially be used for their own ends. Aside from honeypotting, they tried that on cuckpol with CTR and weren't entirely unsuccessful.

freemasons are as much your enemy as christians are, and that's a lot of fucking white people

this is a honeypot dipshit

err, how do you do fellow nazis

don't tell them dipshit

Dont worry Mordecai, that oven is warming up just for you

they won't believe me anyway. i never did until when they told me

Mods here are pretty good
I seen them crack down hard on subversive posting.

and sometimes the mods abandon us to our own devices
On 8ch the Mods Can't Hear You Scream

the mods that mod best mod least nigger. if you want moderation go to yiddit

Hillary was gearing up to gas us, no doubt. We dodged that old cunt.

The 3 letter agencies reading this can now enjoy our bantz without worrying that someday they'll need to hunt us down. I hope they feel good too.

You sound suspicious
we wouldnt have been gassed
all ameribros get sent to FEMA camps/gulags while eurobros either get to live under a caliphate or get bombed into oblivion by ZOG bots

Get your head out of your ass, op.

You wouldn't like that. It would be similar to instancing where you only see posts from newfags and people you agree with. Many successful memes are created and propagated due to shill efforts backfiring. Also, anons become accustomed to dealing with shills which helps on other sites.

Ibe heard it said that its best to think of the chans as harbors or bays you can destroy a harbor or block off a bay but ships *the users* will always find a new place to go to shore so even if they tried to delete 4chan/Holla Forums or any/all of the other such sites all it would do is send the millions of shit posters all over ther web like millions of little ships looking for new safe harbors and where one could not be found one would be made

I've been wanting to see some improvements to image board software for years, if for no other reason than to be able to shitpost on a well-designed, functional, and stable engine. They seem prone to cock ups, though Holla Forums has improved from the verge of death that almost forced us to Next.

I've thought about making my own but I just don't have the time or knowledge to do it properly. It'd be great to have a decentralized system that's very resistant to attacks.

Wew. A fellatio master.

Hello Jim.


Without chans's influence, there would be no subculture that contributed to creation of Can't Stump The Trump-tier videos, to twatter's outreach or even reddit's (fuck, I threw up in my mouth a little). Memes get stolen by normies all the time, but user made an excellent gambit back when every piece of shit normalfag was flaunting how cool he is for making a coolface comic on 9fag - he started to joke about stuff nobody would dare to joke - namely, (((holocaust))), hitler did nothing wrong and so much more.

user made political climate on the internet the way it is. The next step of our master plan is to introduce Kek to normies. It's already happening, and in a few years (or even sooner) the fire will be starting.

I was on your side for the first half of your post at least.

Honestly outside deleting shit threafds , banning spammers, Pizzaposters etc user is just fine if your skin is thick enough,

Filter shill threads, ignore shills, etc. Essentially you're affected by shilling and D&C only if you let them to affect you

masking our memes in extremism was an early method of combating intellectual theft

At the very beginning early in the primary season, Holla Forums was rigging all of the online opinion polls for Trump. That gave him the initial legitimacy to demand access to the system. He loved to cite those polls, he often talked about how he was "winning in all the online polls".

I've seen people praising kek on twitter, youtube, and even reddit. Our esoteric frog cult grows more powerful every day. Of course only we check digits, so only we can commune with Kek. The masses are our sheep. Our useful idiots.

serious schlomo, give up. your meme magic is horrible go to /fringe/ and learn some

Don't forget fucking ADL added pepe to their list of hate symbols. Any kind of publicity good or bad is publicity none the less. Trump has been the biggest media troll that ran presidency, so yeah the model is proven to work.

If we really do get normalfags to become Kekite chaos wizards/witches on a mass scale of tens of millions then what will happen?

Also is it just me or is both 8/pol/ and 4/pol/ existing the perfect fucking relationship? 4/pol/ can take in and assimilate mass amounts of Reddit refugees and turn them into anons over time. While we can keep oldfag culture alive and we don't to worry about any of our raids/investigations getting shut down.

Perfect fucking relationship, I think that it's part of why we're stronger than EVER before.

Not to mention the wink and nod with his "internet people".

In 2024, we should flex our muscles and meme Sam Hyde to be POTUS.

Oh boii.. you should do your digs user and stop letting other users "show" you everything.

I'm okay with this

Exactly what ive been thinking.

the top down, mod dominated and owner controlled system is too vulnerable to social hacking and manipulation by shills, even if the software is completly anonymous it doesnt matter as long as the posters cant even recognize eachother by any identiy

it would be much like how gab or twatter was, but much larger and very input based, threads and shilling is controlled at a community basis, and entirely anonymous with no policing and no need to.

thats my 2c anyway, if you need help hit me up on my throwaway [email protected]/* */

anons who disagree are healthy to the board. shills are not, if you remember correctly, shills had been the reason we were kicked from 4cuck back in the day as they shilled ben garrison being a nazi and his libel case is what got us sent to this pozzed hole led by a midget jew (so much better than a filthy jew moot)

yes we have ways of dealing with shills, thats good, but it would be best to design a board that is immune and incapable of being shilled and is utterly anonymous and without structure at all, preventing anyone from 'taking control'

Can confirm.

Ever since i started shit posting here i'm always getting extra check ups on airports. Not even kidding…

I've gotten my fingers checked for stuff twice

I've gotten stopped by Immigration to check my luggages.

This never happened when i was a bluepilled normie.

Those who would destroy us cannot because we are a spawn of their own attacks on society.

We are taking in all sorts of degeneracy, nihilism and post-modern crap in our lives and vomiting it back in their faces in the shape of the society we want to live in.

Holla Forums is the opposite reaction to international jewelry.

Holla Forums is not Holla Forums. Holla Forums is you. And you will still take in the shit that is pushed into us and project it on the opposite direction, here or elsewhere.


Eh when i get on flights I travel light, dress nonchalantly and travel with at least one decoy
I get looks but the bearded arab or the hipster with the smash the state/anarchist iconography always get pulled over first
and Mr Hawaiian shirt and jeans passes through security without a second glance

This. Also perfect choice of smug.

I doubt that this is true. It would take too much resources for nothing.

But even it were, they cannot do anything to thousands of people unless you what you are doing is a crime.

travel with companions/associates

The last time I flew, they pulled my laptop for extra screening. I watched it the whole time, they never opened it or turned it on, just put it into some sort of secondary x-ray machine for a minute then handed it back. I thought that was weird. They did it to somebody else at the same time, but maybe that was just obfuscation.

They did that to me on my first flight but not my return flight, so maybe it was nothing.

What parallel universe are you living in? We've been up to our eyeballs in shills for nearly two years now. 4chan itself was subverted ages ago.

If by "unmolested" you mean "still operational" and only refer to Holla Forums, it's because they have no power to take down this site.

I mean it would take too much CIA/FBI resources to watch Anime faggots who will probably never do anything terribly ilegal in their lives.

The rank and file of the three letters probably love us. Most of those guys aren't allowed to have social media accounts in the first place, so they are probably predisposed to favoring anonymous forums. Not to mention we are always right, and many of them doubtlessly respect that.

weird definitely weird
is yours DIY? they might think you're smuggling something inside it if it was

apart from rape, child molestation and murder I can see most anons committing every crime under the sun and moon

did my 2 soros comments push you in this direction? This is what I've been saying

No, it was my mac. If it were my franken-thinkpad, that would have made more sense.

It's this. Look at Gamergate. Over a year and a half, two years now if you count the watchdog status, over a game developer fucking a journalist and no one reporting it properly. A few letters and a hashtag tanked a million dollar news organization and cost several others money, as well as created a new law in which collusion must be disclosed.

Imagine if the same happened to Holla Forums. We had people afraid of 'basement dwellers who masturbate to anime.' We got a president elected. We got Pepe to become a household name. What do you think would happen if someone tried to shut us down?

moot already tried to shut down Holla Forums but like the rest of 4chan itself he half-assed it.

Shills are a virus. When they expose themselves to us, and we fight back in a healthy way, we better ourselves for conflict. We need some shills here and there to keep our white blood cells active, or else a wave of them will genocide us like the american indians

This. Stop spamming every threads with your anti-kek and 'IIT'S NOT THE JEWS BUT MUHSONS!" autism, retard.

He tried to shut down GG too. Where's moot now? His gawker girlfriend cucked him and left, and he's irrelevant now and forever. What if someone REALLY tried to shut us down? They would face worse consequences, as we've proven we will go to the ends of the earth to expose their bullshit, no matter how long it takes.

Then we degrade our religion of peace into a hipsterfest like Discordianism, Pastafarianism and Wicca.

Google, actually. Not sure what they have him doing though.

indexing cuckporn

I choked on coffee.

He's a code monkey, like many others. The guy went from being worth millions from a fucking website to his website being sold for less than he would have gotten if he sold it to Gawker as planned. Guess what killed the Gawker deal? His response to Gamergate and the exodus from Holla Forums.

kek says it must be so

Ever think it's because the moment they understand us, they join our side?

A good portion of us from cuck/pol/ went to troll or shame but were convinced instead. The reason operations against us have failed is because we're fairly good at resisting infiltration on the core issues and most who are able to learn with relatively pure intentions has to face reality.

He's a terrible code monkey, he needed a REAL one to fix 4chan for him.
Not so sure about that, he always laughed at the prospect of selling 4chan and wanted people to send him offers in "taco dollars." I'm pretty sure Hiroshimoot only spent $100,000 at the absolute maximum to acquire the site, and he had to take out a loan to do it.

the moment a normie starts using Kek is the minute I activate plan B

where from?
Bitcoin mining companies or the National Sperm Bank of Nigeria

Some, like me, will post a lot some weeks and then hardly other times, for even months on end sometimes. Just depending on mood and topic and if I feel like contributing anything.

Currently I'm posting only once or twice most days, which makes the daily captcha far more annoying. I should really stick to posting in bursts every few days if I'm going to be at this current average rate of posts per week.

i'm probably just larping but they've never considered the actual boards a threat.

a severely underspoken, pretty unknown tale is anonymous was co opted by alphabet agencies after the DDoSing of scientology sites. the IRL protests and shit on wards, and dont forget occupy wall street were all basically attempts to try to "use" anonymous.

what they didnt understand was anonymous predates the meme of which is anonymous, by which i mean the idea/culture/knowledge/etc behind it (political leaning aside)

they didnt understand anonymous wasn't something "controlled" or actually had any real structure behind it (there were plenty of groups involved in their own projects that co mingled, and 1 generally accepted op center, that center being co opted by alphabets)

we needed to just wait for another project to properly rally us after the bbing spree of anons after the original

and that was gamergate

and then they realized, they fucked up

Then he's probably a consultant or some other bullshit position where he doesn't have to do much. There's a reason why he has not revealed his position, and why it is unsearchable. He's probably scrubbing toilets so sucking dicks under the desk if he's not ruining code.

But if he wanted it, he could have gotten it. The amount of traffic alone is so much potential ad revenue. It's no coincidence that he nuked Holla Forums and tightened up moderation sidewide at the same time he was getting cucked by Gawker chick.

In all honesty, it's likely that the singularity will happen. Meme magic is essentially technology allowing streamlined control of the collective unconscious, which is what shapes reality.


He couldn't really sell 4chan for the same reason he couldn't really get much advertising revenue aside from porn ads. It was the naughty side of the internet that associating your products with was a bad idea.

If he had deleted all of the porn boards, Holla Forums, and Holla Forums, and somehow survived the fallout of doing so, then maybe he could have sold it to the Cheezburger network or something.

He was trying to sterilize starting with Holla Forums then Holla Forums. At that same time, Holla Forums was becoming overrun with SJW bullshit. A lot of porn threads were deleted with the OP banned (not publicly, of course). Everything you're saying is true, and was in the process of happening,

is this a joke? you honestly think this board is "moatly unmolested"?

Holy fuck, I never used Holla Forums so I had no idea. He would have been better pulling the plug suddenly than doing it slowly and subversively.

Because as the election and history has shown, censorship doesn't work so it's pointless. It's unstoppable and like a certain someone said you can't kill an idea and Holla Forums is the most unkillable board in history. Before Holla Forums there was /new/ and another /new/ popped up for a time same with the predecessor /n/ and how when moot's faggotry tried to rid of its existence it continued on in other places like plus4chan /n/. There is no other board on history that has had such a strong survival instinct and each time it gets shutdown it just grows even stronger the next time like a hydra. It's over and thanks to leftism alienating whites it is unstoppable now so any intelligent person would know how futile it is to even bother.

Aye, the difference between we r leejun guyfuax shit and the actual natural mindset of giving up your identity and posting anonymously.

I don't think most normies even would grasp the concept of us feeling gut revulsion at a namefag. I've tried to start doing the social network shit during the election to try to reach new areas, but I couldn't stomach that shit, it just feels so needy and pathetic.

Maybe OP got pizzagated when he was a wee lad and has a skewed concept of "unmolested."

you don't fuck with the most powerful life forms on the planet and not pay dearly for it, the night is darkest before dawn, and dawn is here

His role in jewgle is just a shitty advisory role and pet cuck. It's a well known fact Christopher Poolesteinberg cannot code for shit. He had to steal imageboard code from some halpless Japanese girl to create what he did and constantly needed people who could actually code to help him maintain the website. He even had to ask for advice on fucking twatter about the most simple code.

It was, and still is, terrible, and hasn't really recovered since. The spam on porn threads was allowed to go unchecked because it was doing mods' work for them: discouraging people from posting it. And this spam was in fucking every thread. Holla Forums was overrun with reddit types bragging about girlfriends and such, the types that would have not fit in had it been years prior.

/sp/ was also feeling it too. /sp/ created many of the memes are reaction images you see here now. After moot posted a pic of him at a game with gawker chick, it was /sp/ that dug info on her and found out she was already dating someone else who looked better and had more money than moot. In retaliation, most of the content creators were banned from /sp/.

/a/ tried to ban SFW threads about lolis. The /a/ community revolted and I think a mod pretty much decided it was a lost cause.

A mod on /jp/ turned out to be slowly ruining the board as well. I believe this was learned after someone hacked the mod control panel on 4chan.

Indeed, shit was bad and it has still not recovered.

One of my favorite Holla Forums screencaps of all time.

normies virtue signal and look for attention
we like to sit in the shadows whispering truths to passersby

they wont understand us because they are directly opposed to us. although some of TPTB are not, but they aren't necessarily on our side, or ever will be.

most of you dont even know what side you're actually on

consider this, while there certainly has been a nat soc/right winged presence for several years now, that wasnt always the case (not just speaking of Holla Forums) and its not about being red pilled.

its purposeful political orientation shift to play the dictated paradigm game because politics like religion is a useful tool for creating dogma

its actually so obvious at this point with LITERAL MANIFESTATION THROUGH MEMES but people are hung up on the most literal, direct, and sub-saharan sun baked direction they could be looking as to whose on our side

I can relate. The Ego has its use but it is incredibly overvalued in our societies.

I'd say this is as accurate as it is comically creepy. The mental imagery is hilarious

Eh i don't really get triggered.
I'm a good guy. I just like to shitpost.

Yeah, is this an update to the zerochan engine? I'm really hyped up for that.

we all have roles to play


2014: "The only people who exploit said flexibility are those who opposed to the European nationalist identity. Very commonly, threads are derailed, content will be intentionally pushed off of the main page, and off-topic threads quickly dominate the content space. This results in perpetual agitation of the main community. However, because of their adherence to free speech, they refuse to fix this via policy and rarely issue bans even upon the most coordinated attempts of agitation. The agitation does not provide any significant criteria for education or conversion and, instead, is rooted in achieving identity revenge and low-hanging social justice objectives."


"Each European nationalist movement must strike multiple deals with the Federal Reserve. When those nationalists come to power, they will enact quotas and legal changes to alter national import/export mechanisms, (driven entirely by Federal Reserve policy objectives) those European nationalists will be allowed to easily repatriate their gold to bypass and undermine Brussels currency issuance limitations. In essence, European nationalism can be used to destroy the European Union with blessing from the Federal Reserve."

Look at the shills.

Holla Forums is literally how people were pre boomers.

And we all have quests to fulfill, even personal ones. By the way, "Black Holes" are science fiction, but the Black Sun is certainly something.

perhaps most of us are the mental superheroes of the current times, akin to what Socrates were to the Greeks. In a sense, we ourselves are a think tank who does it for free, and do it correctly for the advancement of humanity.

Im not sure if I would go that far, but ideas certainly go through some rigorous natural selection here.

There's a lot of opinions here but I think the best one is the ability to say what we really feel and that's appealing even to normies and one of the reasons Trump got elected. Even his enemies admitted during the primaries along with Trump's voters he just plain spoke his mind and that's why we won. You need to earn respect as a leader and nobody respects Bush and especially not obongo who world leaders have been dissing left and right lately in hilarious displays for the media circus to report on.

1) This isn't unmolested.

2) If Holla Forums falls, everyone will migrate to something else. Remember our own exodus here?

3) Eliminating the possibility of an exodus is impossible, because it is impossible to stop people from communicating nowadays. Crack down on the internet? Good fucking luck with that - expect a decentralized freenet to pop up in a few years, and expect everyone on it to hate you enough to organize serious resistance.

A simple answer is they are still playing catchup and don't understand how imageboard communities work.

However, there is almost certainly another "power that be" which tries to maintain a balance when (((they))) overstep the mark. It's only natural.

I really hope you're not joking. We need that shit to happen like two years ago. We're overdue.

krautchan has been taken over by leftists sadly, always bitching and moaning about Holla Forums when they were having Holla Forums tier threads a few years ago

an anonymous decentralized freenet and lists and bitcoin funded death pools.
No one will cut us off from our memes and get away with it.

I agree. Shills are helpful to build argumentative skills, and having open debates/discussions without mods stepping in and banning everyone are also helpful

Would such groups not wish to prevent their own subversion? Not that it matters tremendously without us they die in one generation. The path is simple. Infiltrate everything. Then prod the left into ever greater insanity and violence, then be the saviours that the world needs.

The alpha and the omega of digits there Jesus.

I think that we're being studied for the purposes of trying to drive us insane. They'll ramp up on trying to "trigger" us with real world shit to break us. Before that sounds narcissistic, I don't mean "us" as just Holla Forums, but people like us in general who just may not be here.

Also I see a lot of posts here that are saying shit like "haha they can't stop us"… this reeks of either genuine retardation (in which case, get your shit together) or orchestrated retardation to use potential hubris against the users (in which case, gas yourselves, shills) to lull people into a false sense of security. Don't ever underestimate the people who catalyzed the predicament that we're in; us believing that they're weak is just helping them. I'm not saying to just call everyone here that says something that smells fishy a shill (for fucks sake, too many of you do this in a way that makes you sound tumblr-tier), but if you do, at least give some sort of an argument. There is less reasoning on Holla Forums these days and an ever growing movement to status signal by just calling people "kike" and "shill" at every opportunity to fit in and get those sweet upvotes (You)'s - and they know this because it's utterly obvious.

There's another Holla Forums.

I agree with this, Holla Forums and chan culture in general are their own category, but they are not weak. Maybe their power structure has many who have indulged themselves in the same sense of securty you were warning us about. They just happen to have generations living under that sense of security, the jews. But those are not the only ones filling the power structure, they are still in control of thinkgs we don't even know about.
If you are in these sites, take everything with a grain of salt, because just as the anonymous tag is a protection for your identity, you will never know who wrote the posts. I could be a main physists in the Cern Program or a shill getting my 2 cents for each post, but who but myself and those monitoring me knows the truth?

remain sharp and pay attention to patterns

I agree, (((they))) aren't weak. But for now they don't understand us and they aren't able to combat us - we are immensely powerful and for the timebeing we should enjoy riding this wave. We should never ever let ourselves become complacent though, as given enough time our enemies will start to understand us - maybe not fully, but enough to start combating us properly.

Be vigilant. Be aware. Have fun.

We're not quite yet the gods of the new world order, but we're on the way there. We could quite easily lose it all by becoming complacent in our recent victories.


Could be good.

Follow it up with a decentralised version of facebook and we essentially retake the internet from the hebrew

Lol. It became unbearable often enough.

No, we're just professional shitposters.

We exist as the boogeyman. They can point to us and blame us for all the bad. We get shut down, we'll likely go somewhere new or even out to the more mainstream sites.

I believe we aren't controlled because nobody except us believes in our power.

If you tell an outsider that a small imageboard full of anonymous shitposters controls major world events they will think you are insane.
They would rather go on more influential sites like reddit, because they believe that those sites are the source of this cultural shift, not understanding that it goes way deeper.
They can block one channel of distrbution, but they don't ever go for the source.
The key lies in the alien nature of imageboard culture.
If you send someone here to study us without him being acustomed to chan culture they won't understand a thing,
People can't stay long enough to lean from us or they will be considered compromised.
We are as alien to normies as it gets and even the agencies are comprosed of normal people.

Adding to that is, that we are one of the few groups to actually understand how internet culture works.
Marxist academia is working in our favor this time, because their ideological blindness prevents them from understanding how things really are. And even high up organisations mostly rely on academic studies to understand things. Internet culture can't be studied, because there is a screaming marxist blocking every channel.

there are a lot of national socialists in the amercian goverment, most of them are the decendants of the people from project paper clip

they dont want to destroy this place, but want to "surpress" it because we do cause problems to them.

I can actually see that happening if they fuck with us to much.

We're more or less a major Internet power on or above the level of Facebook or Twitter in terms of influence except we exist for free and we can't be shut down or destroyed like they can. Our influence isn't nearly as direct, it's utterly chaotic and impossible to plan against. More and more you're seeing our tentacles pretty much everywhere on the internet. In terms of total influence I think that only Google is as pervasive and powerful as we are.

I mean seriously if you were the tptb could you come up with a plan to cripple us or shut us down? I honestly can't.

They aren't.
Moot was forced to delete /new/ and enforce "no racism" policy on the rest of 4chan.

Guess what happened? We spread like cockroaches over the other boards and even started infesting the normie sites.
And because /new/ core was actually educated and knowledgeable we started converting people.

Then moot started Holla Forums as a containment board, which actually acted only as an operation base for the infestation and our agents spread to all corners of the normienet.

Then they started diluting Holla Forums with massive shilling and subtle censorship and the exodus happened. Meanwhile we gave birth to "alt right", TRS, Generation Identitaire and many others cucked and uncucked groups.

With our strategic shitposting we created a whole new spectrum in the world politics. It's too late to do anything about it, the cornerstone has been set. What we must do now, is get into the real world and lead our golems to victory.

Black hole is black sun ;-)

Hmm…maybe I should be writing this book about chan culture and history…

Shouldn't I mean.
Should not.

They aren't. Where the fuck have you been?

This is really getting on my nerves.

"Why are Holla Forums and imageboards allowed to blahblahblah", right? Still sounds weird in my head.

theres already the autistic chronicles of the encyclopedia dramatica
if you write down how to achieve memetic powers you betray this bardic tradition

Containment, its very easy to regulate the users.

I meant in a more legible format.
And its not so much how to achieve memetic power. More an explanation of chan culture, why it is the way it is and the history of the chans.

you want to write a how to guide book for how the FBI can fit in?

Doesn't matter. It will sound like ramblings of a madman to everyone who is uninitiated

To be honest. I've already experimented on this front. Providing a crash course in Holla Forums culture to a normie and then encouraging him to try and fit in. In exchange for cash prizes to provide a proper incentive.

Didn't really work.

No one can Resist a Good Dank Meme.

I've missed threads like these. It's really amazing what we've been able to accomplish in just two years on this website.

Replace Holla Forums with israel

of course not
the only ones who can understand this place Belong here

You can take control of anything user. There are exactly two different ways to do it and you said one of them.

You can't bring someone here, you can show them, but they have to come.

how many of us ended up here because we wanted to talk about video games, or because of the side splitting laughter every time you red one of those pale maroon pictures with the wierd green arrow text on it.

Now you just can't unsee, or unlean. All you can do is better yourself for the times ahead.

That's why I'm not so worried about people using it against us.
We're an extremely impenetrable culture.

Plus I think right now is the time for something like this to come out.
There'd be a lot of interest and being an oldfag has to be good for something.

Is that why Masons don't advertise and only accept people who come to them?

fucking Kek
dont make me chuckle user the laryngitis dont like it

Masons predominantly recruit from those close to them.
Family usually.
Sometimes close friends.

So it's the opposite to us really. We'll take anyone who wanders in. But there's no guarantee they'll stay.
Whereas all Masons are brought in by an existing Mason.

Another thing. I tried explaining the whole kek thing to a normie shit tier reporter.
I gave him a very in depth explanation. Even going into GETs, dubs, etc and their relevance in chan culture since they're integral to Kek.
Even gave him some of my own conclusions regarding the Chans and our odd love of coincidence.

It was odd really. He understood fragments. But he seized upon those fragments to cement his own worldview. Ignoring the whole.

I guess the desire to share information with other humans is natural as you get a bit older.
But still. It's interesting how difficult we can be to understand.

How new are you?

4chan used to remain up because moot didn't give enough of a shit to do anything about it. The moment heat began coming down on it, he fucked up Holla Forums until everyone relevant left. It's why 4/pol/ is a fucking joke nowadays.

So, people moved here. Since then, Holla Forums has been delisted from Google, banned from Patreon, Paypal and pretty much any funding method you can imagine, has been repeatedly DDOS'd and spammed to hell and back. It's had several attempts to take it down. Despite being all the way into the fucking Philippines, Hotwheels has had to deal with unimaginable bullshit, from people trying to frame him for crimes to trying to just out right rob him, etc.

4chan remains up because it's under control. Holla Forums remains up because they don't know how to shut it down. Simple as that. Oh, and with kikechink in charge of 4chan, expect it to circle the drain real soon. He'll probably sell it to fucking Reddit and they'll just turn it into a redirect.

"belief is the death of intelligence"

Like what? Strongarm robbery? Burglary? Rape?

its a reporter
they exist by concocting narratives

Barry is best girl

compared to the general population, japan has had an over-representation of prime ministers being christian

Very true. It was just interesting I found.
Though part of me suspects he skimmed it at most, or just read the first couple of paragraphs.

Rape (I'm not even fucking kidding), fraud and I believe drug trafficking, though I'm not sure about that last one. Never mind the numerous attempts at trying to frame him as the ringleader of a pedophile organization.

you know they say that when someone is abused (whites) they end up acting like their abusers (jews).


I missed (you)

all we need is an imageboard on the blockchain, with your private key being able to edit or delete your posts and create boards giving you the ability to delegate moderators. images can be served from ipfs.

It's because ultimately we're a swarm intelligence/hivemind that acts more like a single organism with a mind of it's own than a mob in meatspace or on normalfag social media sites. We're all just constituent parts of a larger whole that's much much greater than a sum of it's parts.

I think of Kek as the personification of the user collective and the first active deity in human history.

For every bit of leverage Trump shows, I think you can rest assured he has more aces up his sleeve.

Even at the very worst, in the death camps I won't be alone anymore.

Basically my theory is that Kek and Lain are the exact same entity except Lain was the amalgam of the entire human noosphere while Kek is limited to anons only.

They have tried to combat imageboards for as long as they have existed. Ive often thought its why we see so much trap/gay/cuck shit on Holla Forums. There is nothing they could show us that would stop us from using this site or halfchan as we just arent those kind of people. We might not be shockable but seeing that shit isnt something i want to do. They cant do it here as Holla Forums would rightly ban them and even if they forced it, a messageboard rather than imageboard would serve the same purpose for us and eliminates this method of attack from them. This is why we have so many shills here, their only weapon is our own anonymity. I dont know if the person replying to me is a shill or just another user like me. If 10 others show up and agree with him, someone observing would take their opinion as true and mine as untrue.

We have proved to be pretty immune to shills, due to our distrustful nature. I wouldnt be surprised if they genuinely dont know what to do with us as every attempt they make to subvert us has failed. As OP mentioned, even if they shut this and halfchan down today. There are other chans we could go to and people would surely set up their own chans with even more vociferous enforcement of rules to prevent subversion.

I dunno. Maybe?
Calling us a hivemind/swarm intelligence is a bit much I think.
Even if it sometimes looks like it.

I think we may be an extreme example of what I like to call the "PUG effect"
Using MMORPGs as an example you now often have mechanisms to tackle group content with a randomly selected "Pick Up Group" whereas in the past you had to know or find people yourself.
The difference between a found or existing group and a PUG is that in a PUG you may not ever actually communicate with your team.
But despite that the team functions. It is able to deal with the group content and achieve its objectives. Despite the seeming total lack of organisation or communication that would normally be essential to this.

If that makes any sense?

I mean if you recall the Habbo raids and Fort Longcat shenanigans. We weren't really communicating with each other all that much or planning anything.
We just acted individually and it came together.

If you could name any historical precedent at all for this type of reverse disinfo working, only then is it worth even entertaining the idea.

The American militia movement?
Heavily subverted by the government to the point where people involved with militias tend to be extremely paranoid in regards to anyone who suggests any form of action.

Don't talk about it anymore till it's done. THANK YOU, user.

there already is one on tor…..

This video/webm will never not be funny.

I'm a good guy. I just want jews dead.

I repeat: I'm a good guy.

Pizzagate rests on external assumptions being true, not a reflection of Holla Forums itself. If the emails are legit, and if all of these characters talk in their pedocode language, and if this pizza shop and others act as broker/dealers for human trafficking, then it is what it is. The premise is based off evidence as made public by wikileaks. I don't see how this compares to the militia because in that case it's direct subversion through fear of double agents, or at least that's what I imagine your point is.

But then I can see how they could trick us. On the assumption that wikileaks is compromised anyways.

this must be literally the first time you ever visit here

The OP makes it clear. He's asking why hasn't the site been bought up by some kike for some millions and then just taken down, not that there's no molestation throughout from various agencies. His question is a good one, actually.

I'm hyped, a good peer to peer chan is what Holla Forums needs.

you write like a fucking retard

That is way too obvious and would end up with the seller starting the site again with his newly acquired millions.

I've asked myself this question for years, in terms of existential thinking generally. Like why does good, love, justice etc. at all persist? The only real answer humanity has is some kind of divine providence sustains us. Or at least that's the white/christian etc. answer that we all kind of collectively understand. So by extension there have to be some outposts of freedom and justice has to be served (eventually), and this is keeping the faith and carrying on, I guess. If there's a better reason for this site existing then I'm all ears. Maybe it's just always a theory and we will never know.

just check any thread that is actually informative and watch it turn into a complete mess after a dozen posts

If i remeber correct that was exactly what kickstarted Gamergate
If it had been allowed to go unmolested it would have ended in nothing but bedroom e-drama and few Journo outlets of alrready dubious trust losing face but when they tryed to supress all discucion of GG everywhere user began to dig and fond out about the DIGRA/DARPA conection as well as Common Core

I don't doubt there are elites on our side, there has always been bad goys with more shekkels than any kike could dream of and they've always despised the kikes

That is an easy one. Makes sense. However, I could also see them simply threatening to end the life of the owner if he tried to make the site over again, knowing that no one would believe him and doing it through a channel that won't go back to them.

I agree. Truth will always strive to come out no matter what, and you just have to drop your ego, be humble, and see life for what it is (like anonymous posting/seeking what's going on). Truth, order, and understanding are the nature of life. Unfortunately, I still think disorder (jews) could win this planet though.

They have tried to shut us down multiple times, but we just come back, or migrate, or spam other areas of the net.

For now they keep us contained, and attempt to label and use us for false flags.

Some people on the inside are on our side.

Are you fucking retarded? I just came to post about animu, funs, and vidya.

Been here since goddamn 04 and the constant molestation of chans has made us goddamn 14/88 nazis. All we ever do is get fucking molested by kikes and their goodest goys which is why we push back. Evern before 4chan goons started fucking with faggots before my time on SA. You fucks never see the pattern of blowback for fucking with us. Now its too late, we are redpilled as fuck and out for a final solution. I grew up on goddamn Rocketeer and memphis bell movies. Now you made Hitler's vengeance real.

The only reason we still exist if that their methods of control have been working so far. So long as mainstream media prepared their messages strongly enough they have no need to shut down opposition. The whole fake news witch hunt is going on because they're losing control now. We will not be allowed to exist in the light for much longer, soon we will me forced underground unless we can capitalize swiftly on our momentous gains.

That's not what decentralized means.

(Hopefully) what that user means is not depending on one single point of (((failure))).

The Tor version of Holla Forums can still be censored/datamined by one single Jim.

Again the explanation is simple, look at what we know about the owners of Holla Forums and halfchan. If the owner left with no explanation or just said he was tired or whatever. We would see him then living it up with his millions through social media or some other vector. We would then put two and two together and figure out he got paid a fuckload. Then someone else decides to start a chan in the hopes of getting rich too or just because they want somewhere to shitpost animus.The kikes are then back in the position of having to pay off an autist with millions and even without him saying anything revealing people will find out what happened and the cycle starts again.

same here fam

Probably not the first active deity in human history, but I'm right there with you on the first active deity in this lifetime.


Good ol meta threads attract oldfags like flies

Well I doubt that it was even possible for a deity to form and permeate reality to any significant degree before the internet.

wut… Before this very recent trend of atheism, deities had complete access to the entire human population, driving behaviours.

The difference is that we have returned to a more primal "dirty selection" style pantheon rather than a single fathergod

The world we live in operates in high and low spiritual cycles. I am by no means the expert on this subject, but I believe the period we are in now is called kali yuga (the lowest spiritual point in the whole cycle).
At points where spirituality (real spirituality, not artificial like the normie chirstcucks or followers of Islam) has been at a high point in history I would assume communication with the gods would be much easier than it is today. If the human collective believes in what we now consider metaphysics, then I would assume that collective belief would make it possible for many godforms to commune with humans. (see ancient Egypt for just one example of this)

But those religions were operated on centralized control and didn't operate as a collective consciousness/group mind like we do.

The same forces that make up Kek were active in the past but only now has it become self aware. Sorta like how life evolved and is made up of cells rearranged differently to a point where the cells as a group become self aware. Now are are the cells being rearranged to form a larger conscious entity even though as individuals we aren't changing much.

Hey there s4t!

They're silently datamining. Once someone puts into law to round all dissenters up, they already compiled a long ass list and you will be hauled off to a FEMA camp. that really all there is to it.

On yeah they love us, it gives them cushy jobs. They are actively monitoring. No 3 letter agency is there for the good of the people in the end. Only needs an authorization and they'll get to you in no time.

In a sense they did develop in collective consciousness. They certainly had a much greater central control aspect but the way the manifested (I'm speaking of pantheons primarily) was based on individual methods of worship. Each god evolved based on the communities who worshipped them and in many cases were radically different from one group to the next.

The difference with us is communication technology as a radical accelerant.

It helps to think of deities as the personification of a cultural ethos. Kek and his avatar pepe are the unifying personifications of image board culture.

Whether you believe that deities inform culture or cultures form deities, the effects are the same.

The process by which we have acquired a deity is no different than the norm except by the culturally accelerated nature of the Internet.

Barrier of entry is so offensive to most people that that normalfags stay away. Hell, they won't even say Normal FAG, they changed it to "normie" to feel more comfortable in their safe spaces.


I've been pushing the jewish question for 4 years as a namefag on a relatively low traffic site, it's fucking soul crushing.

can confirm this is absolutely true.
I know we all hate plebbit and for good reason, and I virtually never use it because I simply don't care. However, occasionally there is something I wish to talk about that Holla Forums won't or can't, when it comes to whatever game or other topic, and sometimes when something is niche enough, the only place that actually has any discussion on said subject is, in fact, that site. Even the manufacturer of the game itself has its own forums, and those are dead.

So I went to the site of which we do not name and browsed for a few minutes before I got tired of it. I checked it again last night, saw a post about some guy bragging about a killstreak. I watch it. This guy is getting kills left and right by running literally into the middle of a bunch of enemy players, none of whom can aim. In any standard match, he would have died in 4 seconds. Additionally, he was a console peasant with aim assist. I point these facts out. I get downvoted, hard. I made sure not to even shit on the guy, I just pointed out facts, but no, those faggots need their safespace, nothing outside of absolute dickriding glowing praise and cocksucking is allowed.

I ragequit the internet for the night. Holy fuck is that place bad. I knew it was, but not just how bad. You step through the door for two minutes and you're surrounded by special snowflakes who scream and cry when they don't get their daily quota of praise and karma. Fuck my generation, everyone needs to fucking burn.

They arent.

Although its quite peaceful at the moment, because CTR and SA goons etc expended a lot of effort in the run up to the election. So now they are back in the shadows licking their wounds.

the absence of shills is certainly the sweetest music ive heard in a long while

the few that do wander in here either don't post because they're instantly called out and are vastly outnumbered, or they make barely any attempt to hide that they're a shill. almost zero energy in their shilling attempts, probably because why expend the effort when you know you're going to fail, but give it the ol' college try anyway.

It's already been done, Zer0net. But more power to you.

No, you're right. It is are.

OP is talking about two things, Holla Forums and imageboards. Therefore why ARE [they] allowed to exist. In his sentence it is ARE regardless if you consider Holla Forums a collective entity (who ARE Holla Forums) or a singular entity (what IS Holla Forums).

wasnt talking about the Holla Forums tor site newfriend

Curtis is dat you?

Its not unmolested, all redpilling threads are erased and the JIDF wont stop posting politically irrelevant threads. No more talking about the true power, jews.

Holla Forums is banned in Putinland cuz muh lolis and muh horse fucking.

That is.. reasonable.

Because to the average person, image boards and the humor and memes used on them seem highly autistic and weird.

I feel vaguely disappointed, but good on you all for staying on-topic.

They probably use places like these to study shilling tactics, anyone remember that Hillary Clinton hologram shit they pushed?

If (((they))) are gonna take places like half-chan and Holla Forums out of the picture, they'll do it indirectly by introducing draconian laws that make it difficult to run such sites, and eventually requiring real IDs to post stuff on the internet like they do in South Korea.

Prove me wrong on the 22nd.

hope you know OpenBSD


Meta threads are actually why I stayed on chans. Often the subject matter (animu, vidya, etc) was only passing in interest, I connected with the Holla Forumsrotherhood I found.

Stood together did we, us against the world, we saw it as merely comical then, little did we know we would soon rule the world with our lulz.

Kek's gonna prove you wrong.

OP has been drinking the Kool-Aid. Also, really doesn't undersand boards… or politics, or really how anything works.

So lefties have 3 BILLION luser Facebook and you're wondering… or rather theorizing that, "a group of elites who oppose the post-1945 world order,"… have this place.

I don't want to speak for Jim or any other staff but… hahahahaa err not a lot of overlap… interaction there hahaha.

Why are we allowed to talk is the question? Because we don't live under despotism *yet*.

Anyone else feel like putting a gun under OPs chin and making him repeat the 14 words? hahaha.

Memes are essential to space travel.
Whoever controls the memes controls the universe. The memes must flow.


You have to understand that they refused to take the Holla Forums-sphere seriously until it was too late.

The elites are very obsessed with being prim and proper and having the best taste like reading the new york times. 4/Holla Forums is like the messageboard equivalent of listening to drowning pool to them and they didn't even want to dignify it by taking it seriously.

The crackdowns will probably start now unless Trump stops it.

Are you me?

I had everything planned out, I was going to play vidya and chill, then the kikes ruined everything for me, over and over again. Now they've got hell to pay. I kept trying to become a normalfag and they kept kicking me out, and now here I am, just another anonymous Class A Memewar Criminal.

Thirteen years and counting, user.


So very prim and proper they are, raping, murdering and eating babies. They didn't (and still don't) take us seriously because they're arrogant fucks. Even child rapist John Podesta was saying that the CTR head faggot who's petrified of us is a delusional paranoiac who's afraid of his shadow and drenched in conspiracy theories. They still don't understand us, and they never will. They can't meme, they can't understand us, it's the fundamental nature of the jew.

Found the newfag.

any caps of that?

They fundamentally can't crack us because they don't have souls. They will never be able to figure it out, not in any number of universe lifetimes, it's impossible.

I remember a lot of posts according to those guidelines shitting on Christians, so they sure tried to push it.


There are others, but it would take me a while to find them. I hope other anons can help out with this.

Someone has to. It should be one (or more) of us before the kikes get to doing it. Can we anonymously crowdsource a history textbook?

Holla Forums has been shut down like 4 or 5 times now, though.

It means the botnet runs on your desktop or mobile device rather than using a central server.

Don't worry about the details, just download the app and run it. Click "OK" when it asks for permissions.

is it gonna be a "create your own board" type of imageboard or like 4chan where the boards are fixed and created only by the top echelon of moderation?

if the first, what is your stand on pedo boards?

Sometimes, my workmates will speak about the feats of "Anonymous" and I just cringe at all of it. And these coming from the same people that told me that Trump was going to get crushed by Rato and how Bernie was going to win the elections.

And that is the whole point of an anonymous imageboard.
twatter, kikebook, yiddit all contain an element of serving a user's narcissism through rts, likes, shares and upvotes (personas manufactured for social media included).
Whereas here oldfags and newfags alike will break their silence and post for ideas that are close and dear to their heart (and always remember, for every poster, there are 50-100 lurkers).
So this imageboard is the true bastion of free speech, the true safe space of the silent majority, the equivalent of the sacrosanctum of the ancient agora.
And fuck you alphabets, shills and spooks with your data mining. You just put your ear to the railroad track. Guess what's coming up next.

Are you fucking high, son?






I'm glad I'm already redpilled, but I worry for those who come here and just go "so fun to be an nazi's XDDDD"

This is a ruse, there are only 12 months. You can't release something on the 22nd month of the year.

This is fine. Someone STEALS from you, someone LIES on your behalf, it's perfectly reasonable, as per the UN convention of Crimes against Mankind, to RETALIATE

If our enemies are really that all powerful, then we have already lost. But they aren't. They have a kindergarden reading level in advanced memetics. Sure they can shut us down, but then we move on to the next place. At best they can hope to comprehend this place and try to use it against us, but the method of discourse evolves too fast for anyone but neets to comprehend to the point of weaponizing it against its own users. It is a losing hand, but it is their only hand.

You sound like a Pakistani.

That is standard in some countries. In most European nations every electronic device in your hand luggage must be taken out of it’s bag and put through an X ray machine.

We Europeans can thank the PAKISTANIS for the privilegeþ

Yes indeed. It would be easier just to ban Muslims from flying in all honesty. But NOOOOO we can’t do that because we have to extend all sorts of rights to the very same people who would tear us limb from limb if we tried one hundredth of the shit they do in our nations in theirs.

Honestly it would be more expedient to Nuke the Hometown of ISI Officer Hamid Gul.

You lying thieving cunt.

How about we just put an end to all the violence and enact strict Ethno-Nationalism. If they aren’t here they can’t kill us, which is good enough for me.

I couldn’t care what they do in their own nations. Live and let live. The history books will decide which civilisations were worth their salt and I very much doubt it will be Islamic ones.


ITT: 8/pol/ takes credit for everything.

Heresy! Literature threads were sliding important circle jerks!

Until we have a powerful hegemony on lesser meme sites e.g funnyjunk, memecenter, knowyourmeme, ifunny and convert/subvert them into becoming our puppets, we have yet a long way to go.

This will be taken into account.

Washington D.C.


Maybe we memed the resistance, and the sons of those folks are our protectors. We hear in passing that many of the upper crust are aware of us, and it may have been a lie, but we meme it into reality all the same as they hear rumor that we're a place men like them go.
Chicken, thy name is egg.

This guy has come up a lot recently. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emperor_Norton
The trappings of power are often power in themselves. If we give ourselves an impression of importance, people will give heed that we are such.
So when I say: Holla Forums is the center of chan culture, chan culture is the center of internet culture, internet culture is the center of popculture, and popculture is the center of the current global structure-
I give us the importance of the top of the pyramid in terms of culture. Some many would say this is bullshit, but they came here to read that bullshit, and it falls into their perception when we fuck things up for them. Our bullshit suddenly is, at least partially, true.

We're the tip of an inversed pyramid. Our airspace between eye and base is belief in entertaining any idea. We move and the whole world trembles, because we have the Word with us.


Have you two forgotten who won the election? Or are you from outside of the US?

This man better deliver.

All anyone needs to do to stop this imageboard is to make it known.


I've been looking for this everywhere!

Observe how the >592 and indeed everything else from this gracious country intends on making me not want to live anymore. Surely there must be a scientific procedure underlying these nucleararly oriented hydroconcentrated mental constructs. Definitely illegal.

Have you spoken to the NNTPchan guys? We all know this needs to be done and it will be beautiful when it is.

too late we beat you to it, august 2013 is when overchan first appeared.

If you were been on 4chan when we started getting actual proof of FBI watching us, you'd notice they took a much smarter approach than just "oy vey shut it down!"
You see, if they closed the place we would just make 2 new ones and have a bunch of us bleed out to random places.
The smart approach and the one they took was to poison the userbase with shills and make the site as public as possible (hackers on steroids was just an unfortunate incident though) to dilute actual anons

How about you garbage human beings submit to the court you set up a 5 generations ago?

Watcha got to hide, am I rite?

Sage for stupid question.

That's a stupid quote.

This Nürnberg thing isn't going to go away no matter how much you wish.It will apply to all US heads of state. Except you wanna go all Hiroshima on Europe, again.

Exactly go ahead make my day. Jail me and make me a martyr you spineless cucks

That's Trudeau, right?

One of the IRA hunger strikers. I think he was a commie but his plan worked.

we don't exist unmolested.

several, even competing, groups have attempted to either co-opt or direct chan culture. this has ranged from rather obvious and inept groups like the JIDF, to state funded shills operating out airforce bases to the recent CTR incursions. A lot of the time their attacks are rather pathetic because chan culture successfully insulates itself from attack and the people they hire to do this shit are completely ignorant of how to blend in. Occassionally you will see more sophisticated attempts which revolve around leveraging some of the internal biases and fracture points like the divide here between the full Natsocs and the libertarians or attempts at misdirection during important investigations, for example you will see in many of the archived Tavistock and GATE threads there will be a concerted effort by some posters to move the topic of discussion away from looking into the tangible financial and associative connections between institute VIPs and think tanks and towards sharing anecdotal drug trip experiences or other schlock, delaying actual progress)

secondly, they can't just shut us down. at the expense of sounding cliche, they simply "can't stop the signal". a perfect case study is the exodus from 4chan's Holla Forums to here. attempts at outright censorship will simply result in all of the ideologues here, many of which are likely armed with nearly a decade now of experience from this place, dispersing to the other parts of the web, some to the more visible places like facebook or twitter to subtly influence group pages and others to more obscure sites to regroup. destroying the image boards would serve to multiply our influence in the long term and as it stands the image board status quo is actually a measure of containment, but to our strenght it allows a large group of redpills to co-ordinate as we have seen with the election, brexit, and even pre exodus the Zimmerman trials, the MSNBC killings or even covering the happening with the Palestinian flotilla raid

In short: Their only real option is to try either send us up the wrong tree or get us to fight ourselves. in an emergency they may try raid particularly effective posters but other then that they have no real way of countering us decisively yet and knowing that we should be pressing this advantage immediatly

> pic related

and this

because (((they))) do understand power and will fight to the end to hold it and (((they))) do understand

and won't ever know because we're outside the paradigm, we don't exist in (((their))) box.
>mfw frog gods from ancient egypt, memetics and a splash of numerology dubs, trips etc

dear user… sanity is vastly over-rated

this too!

and another brilliant observation

A million people go on 4 pol?
Also how do we even tell how many UIDs there are on 4 pol anywways

Cops are liars, like yourself. The judges are liars and the enemies of democracy, which they consider at best a joke, at worst a business.
Under no circumstance collaborate with a criminal in the employ of the state. Their house burns down, this is their business. A cop would never bother with your child burning to to death in your home. It's not their business.

You've got me rolling in nostalgia, user.

Imageboards may never have been good. But they were better.

This may sound ridiculous, but ALL COPS ARE PIMPS. In fact, they are worse than pimps. They're extortionists. They've abdicated the rule of law.

It's just another gang of anglo pimps.

I think you give 'elites' too much credit in that theroy

It's a combination of Streisand effect / the eventual creation of a similar replacement that may be worse (devil you know) and an aged population that … just … doesn't get it.

Reading these nerdy, faggy journalists attempt to do an exegesis of "chan culture" and "what this means", as someone who has been a part of it for about 10 years, I realize how impossible it is to explain and be understood by outsiders. It's like having the taste of roast beef described to you vs actually eating it.

Perhaps it is for the better.
Let us not let victory defeat us.
We r lejun

Because it is technically impossible to shut us down. If 8ch fell today their would be a thousand replacements in an hour. On top of that our retaliation would be 100 times worse then GG.

Because these boards are so peppered with racism and antisemitism that a lot of people are instantly turned off. As soon as they see "kike" and "nigger," they never come back. Not to mention the "Penis Pump" ads at the top. These boards are self-poisoning, so the normies will never look at them more than once. If I see something that might be offensive to some, I really don't care, because sometimes you have to wade through a sewer to find the gold. When I find an interesting item, I find the original reference, and maybe share that with my "normal" friends. I almost never tell other people where I find the good stuff. To me, the chans are the most important and entertaining thing on the internet, and I come here first when I want to dig into a subject, learn news before the regular channels publish it. I look at Holla Forums and /n/ mostly, and sometimes I go back to half-chan, but those folks are a little more immature, less strict moderation.

BTW I am a 60 year old white male. I am amused when I see
You kids are great, keep it up.

That's the FreeBSD daemon, user. OpenBSD logo is the blowfish.

We'll soldier on, sir.

Now go to bed, Grandpa.

I get to post with a guy 41 years older than me

And I get to call him a

You can't unsee what you've seen.

You guys get the future, use it wisely. Never give up.

I only lie about lying

The beautiful dawn.

Does Jeff Bezos even have children? I imagine he grows miniature tadpoles out of small pores in his back, small Bezos that are like super inquisitive and crawl all over his property like in the Thing and all have a real deep husky voice that goes something like "WHY AREN'T YOU MAKING MORE MONEY? WHY DID THE ALLIES LIBERATE YOUR GARBAGE COUNTRY? WHERE'S MY MONEY, GARBAGE?"

As funny as that mental image is, he's just another kike user, just another one for the rope.

We are most definitely not unmolested, not even mostly.

In fact, I'm willing to bet that Jim is already bought out, he's just not as obvious about it as Hiroshimoot is.

And Hiroshioot IS bought, make no mistake. For example, saying Ben Fischbein on 4/pol/ triggers an automated 3 day ban.

Go ahead, go there and try it.

You have been visited by the National socialist Grandpa of the future.

but only if you post


In this thread.

I have been in operation since 1998. I was redpilled at an ultra young age. The beginning of my redpilling began at a young age just by my observations and what my intelligent mind could discern.

These image boards are just a centralizing point of the force of people that are out there.

This place is merely and experiment of decentralized intelligence, organized and extrapolated. Its an excellent location to
test predictive programing and thats exactly
what this site and others like it do. If that effect
is intentional or not - we know about it. And
intelligence agency development programs most certainly have a hand in it.

Its contrived and has a purpose because someone or some entity org is benefiting
from its existence.

It was very satisfying when his highness, the Amazonian, inserted his languid observables into my property and made explicit that my country should have absolutely nothing to do with his country, at all.

Who do you think that is?

I wonder if it vexes Jeff, that I purchased his product and now use it as a paperweight.

I'm sure he cried all the way to the bank.

He doesn't look like the type that cries.

I struggle with much doubt, and today I learned it is because of my degenerate habits.
when the call goes out, we must have the courage to answer it.

I have been in operation since 1998. I was redpilled at an ultra young age. The beginning of my redpilling began at a young age just by my observations and what my intelligent mind could discern.

These image boards are just a centralizing point of the force of people that are out there.

This place is merely and experiment of decentralized intelligence, organized and extrapolated. Its an excellent location to
test predictive programing and thats exactly
what this site and others like it do. If that effect
is intentional or not - we know about it. And
intelligence agency development programs most certainly have a hand in it.

Its contrived and has a purpose because someone or some entity org is benefiting
from its existence.

Its not one group of people.

It's my opinion that a pendulum template has been in existence for a very - very -very…VERY long time.

IT is my guess that since computing power reached sufficient capability that certain general choices are made computationally. I think that the balances have been made for sometime now without much human decision making.

this would explain some of the no brainers that have been missed by our lawmakers, leaders and military commanders.

There is policy and procedure in place that maintains its self and that if broken is corrected.

Interesting hypothesis.

Do you think Trump and friends know about us, not as a collective but individually? Do they keep tabs on us and plan on contacting us at some point?

I really hope so

For what purpose?

To be recruited

Recruited to do… what?
Magick? Shitposting? Smug anime picture curation?

We are like the smartest people in the country, outside of government officials (who we probably tie with in terms of raw knowledge of geopolitics, history, society, everything in general)

I would like a red pilled government under Trump to reach out to basically the elite of the general population and give us jobs and status and stuff, especially since we were basically their covert intelligence network that helped to cause Trump to win

Stuff like the Trump train that I memed had an incalculably positive impact on getting the normies to go with Trump, and given how narrowly he won (not by electoral college but by raw people) we literally basically made him win

For what purpose?

Because it would be fun to be treated the way we deserve to be treated
We are better than the average person and we shoudn't have to do whatever normie bullshit we have to do as if we are just one of them

user, I for one am perfectly happy pretending to be a normie.
Hypothetically, I'd say "fuck status and recognition, I'd just as soon see that no ever knows what I did or didn't do, and the whole matter be lost in the sands of time."

They aren't unmolested. The irony is Holla Forums is actually the perfect example of this phenomena for about as far back as you can go in it's history. Whether it's /news/, old 4/pol/ or new 8/pol/ they have all been molested to some degree.

It's a noble thought for sure, but the main reason to get recognition is to be put into the history so that the future generation may not repeat the same folly that we face, that in itself is equally noble.

On that point I agree, but it seems that a method or tool or idea still functions just as well if we know it's creator's name or not.

I was gonna make a funny out of your numerics, but then I went to verify my cognition on Merriam-Websters. I'm glad they have a kids section but I still feel somewhat that I should fucking killmyself.

Why on earth did I try to research a word for some other godawful totalitarian?

Sometimes recognition is much more of a burden than a gift, once you are recognized, you need to lead the rest of your life righteously as the world is now watching your every move, a great burden for sure.

The illumination itself is the burden.
Being watched isn't the hard part, doing the watching is.

What a puny plan..

What do you think would be a better one?

Tina Turner, obviously.




The Jews were kicked out of (160?) countries. They were eventually rounded up and gassed by a vegetarian. They fled to america where they used the exact same modus operandus of taking over media and perverting the truth. People recognized this exact same tactic (shocking!) and now it's possible they'll have their nest scattered again.

I think they might be a little bit stupid.

I bet we can stomp our feet and scare them into their hive (israel). Then we'll cut off supply lines and Arabs will wear and tear them down.

These are the kinds of vermin who will raise an army if limp wristed faggots and defunct coons to do their bidding through protest only to realize at the last moment that the fags are weak and afraid and the coons are too scrambled in the head to do anything besides kill one another.

Let that sink in for a moment.

(supposedly) you mean

No. I want to believe. I want to believe a vegetarian found it necissary to do this. Its just too funny. That and the fact that they used the exact same method if operation that made a mans words from across the ocean 60 years ago exactly relevant to todays problems.

Short sighted and unadaptable, they are.

**Over 60 years ago. Closer to 80. I'm all tired and retarded rn.


She used to have a great voice, a presence.. back in the time.
She was sorta emblematic of an praxeological optimism.

I do miss her.

tfw I made that meme
never felt so good

this can't be real

Yes. Thank you.

To answer OP: Their track record for not getting shoahed is pretty lousy. That's why all of this is happening. They could have remained passive parasites but they always push it too far while failing to anticipate what will follow.

Heil fucking Hitler. It's happening again. Hopefully it's done right this time.


It's baffling how greedy they are. I understand that it is (((their))) nature but god damn you think they'd settle for their own fcukin country.


Yeah, there are many seemingly bizarre truths in this life. Reality itself is uncompromising. The only sustainable way to prosper in this life is to live by truth and balance with what is. Learn your lessons etc. Kikes do not live by truth, or balance. They desire to create their own. They are anti truth and thus by extension anti prosperity. They desire to breathe life into dead (non living) ideas, which ties into occultism. They cut their own growth short, and everyone else with them, because they do not aspire to complete themselves but rather indulge. They pride themselves on their limited creations which are just perversions. There is no major divine interference because free will needs to be free in order to be legitimate. They do it to themselves and they will have their kingdom. That's the whole idea behind sin, freewill, etc. They go against so they will be given death because it is what they asked for.


This is true but I don't care if I get v&, I hate my life.


Are you stupid or something? This shithole is filled to brim with shills, you can't have any conversation that isn't essentially circlejerking and then what little conversation remains gets thrown straight into page 9 due to tremendous amount of forum sliding.

Just in case, here is the bunker.

Only real men and real talk.



Places like this are the pubs of our time. You know the ones that the founding fathers met and discussed in? That sort. There will always be places like that that pop up. A healthy society needs them. If they get squashed, they will pop up in a different place.

I've noticed over the years and in my travels that pub culture is noticeably absent in the anglosphere colonies compared to back in the homeland
its all been phased out for degenerate clubs or loners drinking at home
you've lost the culture of going to the local pub after work for a pint with all the lads

It's a shame. Society is insanely isolated now. Neighbors don't know neighbors, even. It might have to do with the moral panics from the 80's.

I suppose partly it also has to do with the demonization of one of the human race's oldest friends… alcohol. For thousands of years, humanity's been drinking. Some people will always be idiots, alcohol or not. Pubs, in the United States, have an association of alcohol, it seems. Ergo, they're demonized unfairly. Either that or they're just a restaurant by another name. …and when do you get chatty with strangers when you're just taking the family out to eat?

Be advised, I knew someone last year (not an user, just an opportunist who thought he could make money on it,) who was gearing up towards doing this, and I do not doubt for a second that he would sell its userbase to the highest bidder at the first opportunity or convenience. Please scrutinize this heavily before using it. Open source or bust. I've seen multiple people moving in this direction, though. One of our Holla Forumsirgins was talking about developing one last year as well, but I don't know how far he got, if at all.

in the states I'd blame puritanical values
everywhere else its the subversive behaviour of islam
pubs becoming family restaurants is also a weird thing in my view
in my childhood the pub was a place me dad and grandad took me to so i could play on the snooker table or on the arcades or slot machines in the corner with a glass of coke while they sat at the bar and had a few pints
at best the barman could do some chicken nuggets and chips in the back or some sandwiches but certainly no three course meal with medium rare grass fed steak roasted to perfection with hollandaise sauce

Holla Forums is just a bunch of angry cyber bards writing poems all day. Memes and will power to manipulate the fabric of reality is exactly how the bardic magics work.

1.) We know too much.
We're wise to kike shenanigans, and to a certain extent, Holla Forums is a containment area. Especially 8/pol/, because it's too "extreme" for normalfags to handle. (Which helps prevent mass redpilling happening too quickly) When you look at the massive success (until Current Year +1 anyway) of the SJW brainwashing, (Take a look at ANY Western university or college) it was easy to think that Holla Forums was nothing more than a few outliers. And largely, it always has been. Only since Current Year has Holla Forums's power grown exponentially in response to the exponential increase in SJW insanity.
(((They))) know we despise Kikebook, Twatter, etc. and they'd rather have us sitting around here circlejerking than out there polluting, diluting and generally well-poisoning the SJW agenda.
2.) Holla Forums is fucking dangerous.
Many of us own firearms or even know how to manufacture simple ones from scratch (eg. shotguns). Including ammo. And improvised explosives. And much of Holla Forums understands and practices proper OPSEC and PERSEC. Then there's the fact that much of Holla Forums is completely disgusted with the degeneracy of the world around it, and just might decide to pull a Breivik and go for the high score if Holla Forumsacks didn't have a Tibetan Toenail Topiary Internet Forum to blow off steam and shitpost on instead.
3.) Given the above…
TPTB are fucking terrified of creating the next Al Qaeda out of us. Much better for them that we're staying in the basement memeing Trump into the presidency than the alternative; Holla Forums is not (at least in general, there will always be a few degenerates) a bunch of cave-dwelling goatfuckers with an IQ lower than room temperature. Thus whilst those in power hate us now, they will accept our internet presence because Holla Forums is too unpredictable to take on IRL. The average Holla Forumsack may not be a master tactician, but he is a master of logic and that's close enough, tbh. All it would take to create a militantcy out of Holla Forums would be to crack down on it and start vanning Holla Forumsacks IRL for shitposting. Results would not be pretty.

Holla Forums is weaponized autism.

Most people do not give a bloody knacker about an anonymous imageboard full to the brim with enough hilarious rubbish and amusing nonsense to fill an entire ocean twice.

And that is where they are dead wrong. If they suddenly start giving a damn and start to have us in their crosshair, it means they admit to the world that even as powerful as they are, they are just dim witted tossers that got one upped by a bunch of pillocks with too much free time. Then the former statement will start to ring. Why the powers that be came crashing down full force on a bunch of morons, maybe they are not really morons? That is why they tried to paint us labels 'the Internet hate machine' and 'GG the misogynists' and that will miserably fail because it is utter nonsense.

They got hoisted by their own petards, making people goes deep end of 'anti-superstition'. Making people think the improbable is nonsense despite all the evidences present, calling us the tinfoil hats, the neonazis, and the insane. Now we are pretty much the boogeyman in plain sight, and if they start telling the public that an imageboard pretty much meme'd Trump into office, people will call them insane.

They rather maintain status quo. Having us posting rubbish, let us threw a wrench in their plans from time to time and limit the damage. The alternative is to get called insane, get the people suspicious of them, and having an invisible war with us should they decided to came crashing down on us.

And this .

Ahahaha. Master of logic. If that were true, you'd all be anarchists.
No, pol is different, because we're broken.

Normies literally experience group rejection as death. For whatever reason, we either don't, or have a blunted response. We don't care whether we're hated.
This defuses their standard rhetoric, and it is here the danger lies.

If normies see enough people get called racist and responding with, "so what?" And not spontaneously combusting, then it is fucking over for the Kikes. They're done. Finished. Oven-fresh.

Which I suppose brings us to why they don't fuck with us here, as long as we stay here.

It is rejection and substitution, not just rejection. Normalfag hierarchy is rejected, some other niche hierarchy is substituted. Nearly everyone here can be made to care that they're hated, it just depends who is doing the hating. The only exception are people with extreme autism who pleasantly lack the capacity to realize that everyone hates them.

Are there any non-autistic Christians on imageboards?

So we are literally nazi zombies in their eyes.


Still, our niche hierarchy is strengthened when attacked along standard lines.
Calling someone a racist or sexist just outs you as a kike here.

I'm not sure what future Jewish attacks will look like. Accusing someone of being anti trump or pro rape ape seems to be where it's going, but pushing the group to the extreme rejection of others is not something I'd assumed the Jews want to repeat.

The real question is are there any non-autistics at all on imageboards?

At first.

At some point, you have to realise that the guns and knives are only props and the villains are regular guys.

So I was right then? I was wondering whether the technology existed to take all my internet activity, plug it into an algorithm, and map out my psyche so I can be controlled easier if I receive specific stimuli.

Which of course means that I could be driven to suicide if I see enough shit to get me more blackpilled than I already am…
I just don't know anymore.

You are literally suggesting the existence of The Patriots right now.

harden up fag
achieve enlightenment

And what is enlightenment? Laughing at the absurdity of it all?

achieving the ability to cut yourself off from worldly prisons
learn how to numb yourself to horrors when you need to be able to

Well, at least that's something. Thanks, user.

I'm ur Holla Forumsrudda fro another mutha

Yeah I had to get off criticizing the christian for being peaceful cucks and stop saying kike on a stick because its a D&C strategy. Goddamn it, it is effective to because /christian/ are a bunch of pansies that worship the jew.


Getting pretty tired of waiting.

Oh god my sides with these idiots

I don't know who they think they are fooling with that bullshit.



I did it for the lulz.

few reasons
1) To many peoples surprise, a lot of people in the FBI actually like this board because 9/10 times they are right, and closer to the truth then we actually fucking realize.
2)Its decentralized, its like a trained military going up against guerrilla fighters, they have no really organization so you cant cut off the head. This is why gamergate was unstoppable at first because there was no one to name call except random ghosts on the internet. Until it got co opted, which was right when, surprise surprise, "Leaders" came into the picture.

3)If you took this site down, it would only further prove the points made here.


Eagerly waiting. We might need this in the future. Hope you open source it all.

Holy fuck, my story as well albeit a bit delayed. Followed how they fucked over Ron Paul in 2008 and 2012, and yet cheered for him hardcore.
Then SJWs came for GitHub. Free software was the last bastion of freedom in the world and I am not giving it to those degenerates. I am not letting them dictate the rules. No more playing nice.

lol omg this fucking idiot is a legend!

Holy shit goys I have an idea. Listen closely.


no not going to be "ur a faggit"

Closer still

bruh serious its not fbi goy, just another user faggit oldfag.

if he comes looking for HIM, tell im his name is john podesta, lol

Any place where I can post anime.

I wouldn't say we've gone unmolested considering the majority of us came from 4cunt to begin with. FBI-kun taking over the moderator positions on Holla Forums and v&ing most of the users was one of the first instances of the site being violated against it's will. Though it surprised me that what was common knowledge on Holla Forums in regards to that, was only known by other boards once that one former janitor came forward. I always assumed everyone knew.

But so long as people are strong enough, and have the will to stand against the likes of the elite, places like this won't ever go untouched. We're too dangerous to be left to our own devices. Holla Forums has more than proven that with this election. And with how hard those on the left have tried to bring this place down; whether it's taking away the ability to pay server costs, or ddosing the site til it crashes, you can bet your ass it won't end!

Though I do have to disagree with the idea of a shill-less site. The shills keep us sharp. Newfags learn to deal with them as the rest of us have since they provide people with good study material. So while they're annoying as hell, they're still good for something. Keeps people skeptical, and watchful.

Jesus fuck, user! Are you the same autist who keeps screaming in other thread about this? Did they not give you a reach around when they fucked you as a kid or something? You do realize there are more organizations than muh masons who control shit. And what actual good would it serve them to promote the worship of a deity that predates their own by several thousand years?

It never ceases to amaze me how little some anons know when it comes to mythology as a whole. Though I'm more willing to bet you're a shill at this point with how intentional that stupidity seems. Masons are a literal circle jerk of faggots who use corruption and blackmail to get what they want. Compared to what else is out there, I'm less inclined to view Masons as anything more. They are the gay niggers of secret cults at this point.

I disagree in respect to the shills being unhealthy. As I stated above, if you don't know or understand your enemy, than how can you counter them? If we were to sequester ourselves to a proverbial safe space deeper on the internet, then people would potentially forget how to identify the shills if there is little-to-no exposure at all. It's one thing to read about something. But history has shown that direct exposure to a threat allows one to better identify and defend against it. So what some of you are proposing would only end up leading to a potential suicide via your own cockiness. Never become complacent because it eventually leads to an opening that the enemy will invariably seize upon at the first chance they see. And since everyone knows that the left, and others, lurk here to begin with, you think it would go unnoticed if people started getting lazy?

I'm going to quote the stein's gate poster and say that people should stay vigilant at all times.

kek'd. Though are we sure he isn't playing the little girl to the new CEO?

You and me both. I mostly lurk, and very rarely do I contribute. The RNC was actually the first time I'd ever gotten trips after 13 years of being on an image board. That should tell you just how hardcore of a lurker I am.

Forgive the blogpost here. Switch the sex of the comic's PoV and that's pretty much my life's story aside having never gone to college. Fourth row for me was because I wouldn't sleep with my bf, so he cheated on me and dumped me two months later because I'm not a slut. Found my Holla Forumsrothers via word-of-mouth from my older sister's friend, and chans have been my home ever since. Was easy to settle on Holla Forums cuz even my mother found humor in morbid things. She, as well as the rest of my family, use humor as a way of dealing with serious issues. Gore never bothered her either. She was essentially my introduction to Holla Forums before Holla Forums ever existed.

There's an infinite amount of Chans user, Trust me we'd all just sail to another dock, we're fine.

The jews will never stop until they are all dead. Never forget that.

Let me give you a small eulogy Holla Forums. I started coming to the chans ~2008, starting on Holla Forums. It soon felt too crowded by idiots and I migrated to /new/ when it was at the end of its rope.

I just cannot believe what an impact we made during these years. I see Holla Forums memes in my carefully sanitized facehook flow these days. I never imagined a success like this in my wildest dreams, which leads me to think there's a lot A LOT more potential for us. Electing the POTUS was just warming up.

Shadilay Holla Forums

I'm a Christian who has been posting my own recipie for nerve gas on the boards since 2011 and continually refining the synthesis.


What have you done to prepare?


I just realized I reposted an image already in this thread that I got from this thread.


Thats some crazy shit user.

Look at the traffic of Holla Forums, it's small.

I was drunkposting last night so it doesn't surprise me that I forgot.

For me


You mean trolls, same difference though.

The camaraderie I felt here, the learning to see between the pixels, to sense the trolls or the Holla Forumsros, I never imagined it was tele(m)pathy 101, and that learning to surf that was energy work 101 and the fated role we would take on the magical world stage, it's been amazing beyond words & describable lulz.

Shadilay. It's been a pleasure shitposting with you all.


Postan other relevant to chans & awakening/enlightenment.

this. I remember when I first started browsing halfchan about 5 years ago (inb4 newfag), I had a hard time dealing with the anonymity, having browsed only Facebook and 9Gag before.
I had to first embrace shitposting (because I didn't want to be 'that guy') before I ever made an effort to write an actual helpful reply or do some actual research. My train of thought was "If I have nothing to show for it, what's the use?"
Now I have embraced Kek and march in his army as I put my graphic design-skills to good use.

I am more prepared than most. Access to farm land and well water. Also have 5 fire arms with enough ammo to have a nice long firefight.

is there any legitimacy to any of these stories? I know there have been some old legends about giant birds snatching children which turned out to be true but I have not seen evidence of the creatures described in this post.

pic not related I just had nothing appropriate to use.

C-come on, dude! …Bro! Dude!

Do we really have old grizzled femanons that have been on the ride since 2003 here?

Never though people like that existed.

only privately at his desk when google reels in the cave trolls for feeding time
he ducks under the companu IMac, squeezes on the tutu and the wig and starts singing little miss muffet to himself while viciously fingering himself with a biro

its awful right
its like every Agent they recruits name is Chad

Hatechan is in a unique situation in that most of the culture of the board is informed by our shared history of fighting/escaping shilling. The shilling back on half/pol/ is often so overwhelming (and crucially, not called out) that the place could never achieve anything without its (relative to us) sheer numbers.

Because they know outright shutting us down would trigger a chain reaction of shitposting and sabotage the likes of which they had never seen. They consider infiltrating and disrupting this board to be the more elegant solution. They seek to turn us into controlled opposition as they will never be able to quash these sentiments entirely.

Who knows, maybe we are already controlled opposition and just don't realize it. Question everything, suspect everyone, never get complacent.

The dubs say yes. And so do statics

It's kinda like being a billionaire, the greatest of it all it outstanding, but a part of you wishes you can go back to simpler times.

She literally sounds insane.

some nerdy fuck will probably make another chan so kikewheels isn't all that important if he kicks the bucket with his glass bones.

just waiting on an earthquake hitting the phillipines and we'll recieve news on the tubes that kikewheels was found as a fleshy lumpy puddle in his wheelchair shaken into a chunky soup by the tremors
and he'll still be convicted of sexual assault

Yeah, tell that to my asshole.
Also, we didn't spawn Gamergoy, we just got the refugees from 4chan.


Doing kek's work user. Emperor protect you.

They tried pretty hard to kill Holla Forums during the first few months you know.

Our power maintains hidden. This is just a central nerve cluster. Most normies experience us through sites like Twitter.
They are truly not aware of how important this place is.
I'm guessing a few smarter enemies are and are trying to convince their boss to do something about us, but we'll remain a place deemed relatively fringe for at least another year.

Which means a lot of you have been breakin' the first two rules of the internet.

user, I see in Imageboards the funniest and most autistic people who have ever lived. I see all these photoshops, and I see them squandered.

Goddammit, an entire generation watching anime, playing video games, fapping to tiles, NEETs with internet connections. Media has us chasing politics and economies, but the jobs died in '08, so we rot here making memes.

We're the disowned children of history, fam; no value or station. We have no real Future, no Escape from decline. Our future is a mortgaged future, our escape, is staying inside.

We've all be raised by the education system to believe that one day we'd all have careers and houses and families. But we won't; and we're slowly accepting that fact. And we're very, very bitter about it.

Speak for yourself nigga, I'm married to a wife who's more redpilled than I.

As oxymoronical as it sounds, I gained the social skills to achieve such and more thing because of chans. I was more awkward before a decade of Holla Forums, Holla Forums, Holla Forums, /a/, etc that after.

If you head the wisdom of history, Holla Forums will make a man out of you.

The rank and file of the FBI probably see the average channer as a useful idiot.

E.g. suppose the rank-and-file FBI agent wants to prosecute Podesta. His boss says there's not enough public outrage.

Agent Rank-and-FIle leaks some Podesta info to the chans. Boom, public outrage. Plausible deniability.

I just hope that within the next three months, Agent Rank-and-File gets off his butt and busts Pizzagate.

Pretty please, agent. We'll be eternally grateful.

Many Masonic lodges are desperate for new talent and they pretend not to recruit, but they are really recruiting.

You can walk into a library, trying to donate some old books, and if the librarian is a Mason, he might try to recruit you on the spot.

That does not appear to be grammatical German.

Are you trying to say that you are addressing Kek and telling him to conquer?

we're allowed to exist because the GRU is pouring millions of dollars into sustaining us in order to introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity

there really is a gulag in my future ;__;

you know it fam


The second bomb was dropped to demonstrate to the world (soviets) that we could reproduce the technology. Furthermore, nagasaki had a more mountainous/hilly terrain than Hiroshima, so in effect we'd be able to compare data from both and see the effect of that. Less people died in the second blast.

Otherwise that cap is dank

So how do we collect our paychecks from the Kremlin?

Don't bother switching to the Americans for allegiance money because the USA is too busy mailing checks to ISIS. Russian is the last hope in the world for shill shekels.

Holla Forums is like the revolutionary pubs. No loud music, just various idea exchange and intoxication (if thats your bag)

They shut gamergate down once people started looking into the DARPA connection. If they didn't, some of you goys would find the tavistein connection.

I strongly suspect shills have injected bullshit into pizzagate, like the obsession with basements and tunnels. It's to make the whole thing look like a dumb conspiracy theory.

Here's what's still explosive: the 49th most powerful man in DC is a perverted fag running a pizza joint, whose only visible connection to power is having sex with David Brock. His social media shows not just an individual, but a social circle fascinated with sexualization of young children. They may have never hurt a child, but they keep posting pictures of children with sly and evil sexual references.

His connection to the elites is strong and undeniable. His extreme perversion is undeniable.

I hope we can get those points through to the public. If pushed, the media will probably use the same playbook as they did in GamerGate, using the dumbest parts of the conspiracy theory to taint the whole.

The FBI is mostly concerned with federal crimes and counterterrorism. Not with meme posting. This board is probably one of many places they monitor to find the next domestic terrorist. I would imagine they have a model that assigns a probability of illegal behavior to each poster (assuming they bother to deanonymize) and feeds into a bigger database. I mean, they'd be remiss if they aren't somehow monitoring for a glaringly obvious mass killer.

As for the "western power structure" I doubt many FBI people give a fuck. They will still have jobs if Podesta's whole circle gets blown away. Yeah a few of them have connections to that circle, but I think most FBI would be equally happy to arrest you or Podesta.

Now what other "feds" would care? I could imagine DEA having a broad-brush program that watches thousands of boards for clues to internet drug sellers. Can imagine ATF having a similar system. Lots of people have posted evidence of full-auto mods on the internet; logical to scan for that.

So as long as you're not planning crimes or terrorism, I don't think the feds care about your shitposting, even if it causes regime change.

Didn't Sam Hyde post here before he did it?

I got news for you fam

And memeposting is certainly a threat to the nation (Israel) they are protecting.

OK, I learned from the Foreign Policy article that they have reprioritized. Apparently white collar crime is the lowest priority now and terrorism is the highest. And it's not just lip service; they moved 2400 agents in that direction.

Still doesn't change the fact: they have a legitimate need to monitor the internet for people planning terrorism, and they have no motivation or basis to care about political memes pushing Hillary or Trump.

As for Israel, that decision is made by our elected representatives. Of course if relations cool with Israel, some feds will quietly keep channels open with Israeli agencies because that's always been done through history.

I disagree that the image boards are directly owned by good guy elites. In fact, 4chan/Holla Forums could be poz'd by the CIA. However, when you think of it, gamer gate saw us practically being adopted by breitbart. Which was probably not an isolated decision. There is probably a circle of people behind bannon/trump who are mostly /ourguys/, and knew it would be wise to create ties.

O rly? Because it's so effective at achieving that alleged goal.

Er, wrong graphic, it's in here somewhere… (Had a source for number of terrorist plots foiled due to mass surveillance, and it was actually 0)

Correct image

I hadn't thought about Boxxy in ages until I saw your pic. I looked up her site and it appears to be defunct now. She has a whole imageboard as part of it, and the top post on Holla Forums (which is for "Boxxy") is from the admin from January 31st of this year that says that all boards are now locked. When I went on to look around the site, there were only two registered users and two guests online lol.

The way that guy speaks reminds me of Trevor from a Whitest Kids You Know skit.

sure is shilly in here. I guess it's because winter is coming.

Checked for truth.

Heed this warning!

controlled opposition

Just persistent legends from Native Americans combined with modern ones.

Nice meme

As a bit of an autist I lost hope for years. Turned my back on you and the rest of the internet in 2012. 4chan was destitute and Reddit was too popular and successful while the PS3/360 era was tearing my oldschool gaming scenes apart. At that point I really gave up altogether because the future seemed so bleak, but meanwhile user grew up and started 8/pol/ while Trump introduced enough chaos into the world to derail the future again. I rarely have the energy to post, but seeing user survive and prosper is keeping me on life support.

This whole board is shit.

They're either honeypots where dissent is contained and channeled into circular tail-chasing and distracted with peripheral topics (a lot of halfchan Holla Forums is like this) or they get targeted by more subtle consensus-cracking tactics. Honestly don't think you exist mostly "unmolested", you're routinely targeted by shills and alphabet agents.

Not sure why imageboards don't just get bought outright, but it's probably because the authorities know they'd just be playing a game of whack-a-mole with every new "extremist" forum that pops up. Better to infiltrate and disrupt the existing ones and keep them infiltrated and disrupted unless they really start becoming some sort of direct threat, then wheel out more hard edged tactics to snuff them out.

I personally don't think it's an MJ12 VS Illuminati situation. Russians might be leveraging imageboards to stoke dissent against Western governments but that's about it.

The only things I have 'spawned' are my son and daughter.
Video games are trivial, a diversion. Sure, they are fun. But that's all.
I visit Holla Forums because of shit like this:


Utter lies and propaganda.

There's a new meme floating about - 'fake news'. It's on a par with 'conspiracy theory'.
It's a clever trick to label your opponents as defective. Words are very powerful. So I visit Holla Forums to get some opinions that aren't mine.
Also, I like posting anonymously and shitposting.



What every religion of peace does once it gets a majority; be nice, kind and friendly to everybody.

Everybody who agrees to bow down to kekism and make shitpost sacrafices to kek will be treated as equals.

Everybody who doesn't believe in kekism must still make sacrafices and pay additional taxes and will be treated as subhumans.

Oh how enlightened and generous we are to let people not believe in kekism.

Of course we will treat those who don't bow to kekism AND don't believe in kekism in the most compassionate way. A death sentence.

This memetic hq of ours is open to the public, anyone can see what we're discussing, including our three-charactered friend. To leave us "unmolested" is the smart move as it keeps our guard down.


Are you fucking stupid OP? They know they can't shut it down without a massive backlash so they send in shills to try to subvert us.