Remember that this is what you are dealing with.
Antifa Destroy "Neo-Nazi's" apartment
Other urls found in this thread:
I live in rural AK, in a bunker in the middle of hundreds of miles of tundra.
There are perimeter alarms that I use to alert me to big game, but also work on people.
Sorry you guys live in commie bloks.
How can I be you?
Come to Alaska. We have guns and basically no laws if you are smart.
Unless you live in Anchorage, but that's stupid.
He says, posting without a VPN.
That sounds fantastic but what is there to do for work up there? I head things started to get shitty after the global oil market crashed.
sons like hell on earth tbh fam
webm please
Yeah come try that in America and see what happens. Fucking American antifa is trash in non liberal cities, because we can actually defend ourselves
why didn't you post a webm dipshit
reported for faggotry
I turned it off because of that new law that is about to be passed to make you target for using one.
Also, physical security in this case beats out digital.
I have shot quite a few trespassers over the years.
Nothing beats living out here, subsisting on fresh game.
Any way we can find them ?
reported for homophobia
I sell furs for money.
Idk what you would do.
I mostly survive on fresh kills and dried fish. Oh and berries. Lots of berries.
Pic related is all I see for miles right now.
what were they? poachers?
Yeah, a faggot deliberately breaking the url to avoid a referral. Fuck off.
I have signs up that say no trespassing.
Also, one was an arsonist.
How's the internet connection and how far away is the nearest hospital?
Yet you were able to upload a giant picture like that with what surely has to be a crappy connection?
Sat internet connection and 300 miles.
If I get hurt out here, I'll die.
I get 50 Mbps.
Do you have an airplane? I hear there are a lot of unlicensed pilots in Alaska.
Naw, just boat and snow machine.
I have ground school but am poorfag.
State troopers apparently warn people not to come near my property anymore lol
I like man, props to you. I hope to find something like this but closer to town. After all you can't get that far living in Arizona. Payson and Prescott seem like nice areas to get away and be self sufficient. Pic is retreat site near payson.
So vegans are emulating MS-13 these days?
lol, that's really cool. What do they tell people when they ask why they can't go near ?
Looks nice.
That seems nice. Probably alot warmer and easier than here.
I am very anti-social and only came into town recently to vote.
Maybe someday when the blacks are subjugated again I'll come down to Arizona and do a homestead, but if I can't shoot trespassing people than its a no go.
How's the castle law in your state?
Was he a indian?
Not sure if legit…
Oh hello there. Valley trash here. How goes?
Do you have any friends or anything?
A nigger. He tried to start a forest fire. That wasn't near my property, but in Alaska it's legal to shoot arsonist scum.
AS 11.81.350. Justification: Use of Force in Defense of Property and Premises.
(a) A person may use nondeadly force upon another when and to the extent the person reasonably believes it is necessary to terminate what the person reasonably believes to be the commission or attempted commission by the other of an unlawful taking or damaging of property or services.
(b) A person may use deadly force upon another when and to the extent the person reasonably believes it necessary to terminate what the person reasonably believes to be the commission or attempted commission of arson upon a dwelling or occupied building.
There are lots of justifications in Alaska for violence.
Remember that you can live in a city of millions and have no friends…
What kind of guns do you got and have you seen any skinwalkers?
He probably lives with them. Skinwalkers are bros. Wendigos on the other hand…
Not bad. Fucking cold. About to smoke a fatty. It's legal as you know.
Only one. And I actually have a wife. And she's white.
No kids yet.
I'm a lonely kind of guy.
Too many guns, and wtf is a skin Walker?
He's asking about Fleshgaits, not Skinwalkers.
So Alaska is basically the Wild West, but instead of deserts and cacti you have snow and mooses
Lonely or loner ?
Yep, tossing Molotov cocktails around is an invitation to a legally administered death in much of the United States.
Don't go to Alaska. Go to Vermont. We have almost no gun laws (no license needed for open or concealed carry) and are mostly woodland. The weather isn't that bad, even in the winter, everything is dirt cheap, and the liberals mostly stay in the big cities.
Pretty much. Last frontier and all that.
Loner I guess. But I have had enough of this faggot blog posting. My fault for bringing it up. Just come to Alaska.
Very nice up here and free money every year if you are badass enough to endure the cold.
Also; natives are snow niggers.
Sorry, I prefer arctic/subarctic biomes
Fukken noice. Also, where the hell do you get good satellite internet? All the stuff I've seen is utter trash. I must know.
Outside of towns, yes. Also, it's just moose.
It's also easy access for cucks.
What kind of message are they trying to send?
I'm not American so I can't.
How are Dixiefags viewed up there?
That they can do whatever the fuck they want and get away with it in the name of whatever schlomo has them doing that day.
Not all parts of AK are really cold. Then again it depends on what you think of as cold…
I used to have a contract with starband, but for some reason when they went under my internet still continues to work.
It's been two years, no bill.
Last post then I'm going to bed. I have to check the traplines early.
G'night faggots.
Watch our for hairy men.
I don't care about the cold, I was talking about getting the green card and living there.
You live on the moon?
I'm sure he's talking about immigration obstacles m80
This will tell you about skinwalkers, really good read
Those are Fleshgaits, dummy. Skinwalkers are those Injun guys.
They are all the same to me. Also skinwalkers sound cooler
You guys are cool.
Night bro. Also, fucking nice.
OIC. Well yeah the green card is kind of a bitch in the US no matter what. The state is pretty hungry for people so they like to help people move in. I'd search around a bit on jewgle.
I thought they were cryptids that would take and then impersonate people?
I said last post, but I know that feel to user.
Do they look for people who speak 3 languages ?
Lucky motherfucker.
Skinwalkers are Navajo shamans/warlocks that made evil deals. We use "Fleshgait" for the mimics.
Hidebehinds are also fucking terrifying.
Wouldn't doubt there's a port in Alaska that needs multi-lingual employees. But then that's not in the interior.
I really don't know.
Maybe this will help? You could always hit up the tourist stuff. In the summer a lot of people come through. Or what this guy said
Why not both?
I'll look, thanks.
Whatever. Skinwalkers/Fleshgaits are bad, but horse demons are far worse. Pic related.
NP. If you don't mind me asking, what languages do you speak?
There's never enough
s-sweet dreams
French, English, Spanish, I'm starting German.
I thought skinwalkers were like this?
The tourist companies would probably love you. Especially if you get excited and know your stuff about AK.
PROTIP: They don't hire many locals up there because they don't get excited about AK the same way outsiders do.
What do I need to know to get people exited about Alaska ? The history or the almost outlaw stuff you mentioned earlier ?
Probably stuff about its scenery/wildlife.
Mention anything AK. The place really does sell itself.
This is solid.
The history is interesting as AK has changed hands before, but I've never heard of it being used as a touristy thing. Stick to nature and you'll be good.
I hate Alaska
Then stay away
I know that feel my frog cousin.
I was talking about immigration rules not about an inability to take care of myself.
Shit that didn't happen. Storms can blot out the fucking sun. They're not going to even be able to see the moon much less it illumination the surroundings.
If you lose a limb, will it regrow? I have heard legend that such power is one of the many blessings of Kek.
Well you wouldn't need to go there if frogland was enough.
At least there's Switzerland next door.
You're not allowed to leave your own country? Are you living in 1970s East Germany or something?
No I can leave France but getting a green card is a 10 years process.
Vid & pic related.
I don't need to go there, I would just like to travel and see the world before I have to do nasty shit in the name of the 14 words.
I refuse to believe this isn't some failed comedian attempting to get the attention of Adult Swim.
What asteroid do you live on?
this is a new term for me
i've seen some weird shit in the woods, that fleshgait thing isn't a fucking joke
you lost me at herbal jew. no fucking thanks
Looks like weev in 10 years
Youtube mirror, who here feels like triggering some filthy commie bastards?
pretty sad bunch of manlets
nuff said
You just described 90% of the USA.
I love this kind of spoopy stuff, never was too much into /x/ shit but it is certainly fun to read. Got anymore of that stuff or where I can find it?
I live in the big bend region of west texas.
That describes where I live fine. Stay out of El Paso and marfa but that barely counts due to a bunch of reasons and you'll never encounter a liveral, cost of living's really low, and we never get bad weather.
Sometimes I think that maybe we need to pursue a peaceful and respectable political route, but then I see this type of shit and I realize we need the fucking Right Wing Death Squads.
/k/ has a thread up now filled with skinwalker stories
Confirmed for skinwalker scum
Weird how they don't show any evidence of the apartment owner being a neonazi while they're trashing the place. I know the police have a lot of work to do with protecting their women and kids from rapey "refugees", but surely they did something about this? The muppets put it up on the Internet for everyone to see for a start.
Mis-information. This is now believed to be a hybrid between two whale species that produces a genetically different whale species. It's also theorized that whales are slowly changing the tones of their voices by region, so there's that too.
We really have no idea what the fuck is going on with wales.
lel There was a portrait of Hitler on his table.
Don't ever come to Alaska. 80%+ smoke weed.
Those are some real toughies
0/10 shit post.
My sides.
The footprints in the snow and the general spooky atmosphere reminds me of the hinterlands case - a real, unsolved murder from the early 1900s (1920-40 iirc) in Germany.
short version of interest:
a week before the murder, the nanny quits due to spooky shit. The family notices noises in the attic and things are missing/moving, like newspapers etc. The elderly father noticed footprints leading to the property, but none leading back out.
Family was lured one by one into a barn and killed with a mattock except a baby which was killed in the crib and the new maid. Whoever killed the family stayed in the house for about a week after, tending to the animals and eating the food. The murderer is rumoured to be the husband of the daughter who was believed dead in france in ww1 but the body was never found. It's also rumoured that the 2nd kid was a product of incest between the father and the daughter.
I've never understood the Welsh, either.
The Welsh know which side their cheese on toast is buttered on.
1. Move to Alaska
2. Buy a shit-ton of Bic lighters and always carry at least one in your sock
3. Get the drop on people who annoy you and blasticate them
4. Take Bic from sock and wrap vic's hand around it.
5. Repeat
Honestly it should be legal to kidnap a trespasser or home invader and keep them as a pet
Is there anything to eat besides game? Do you grow food on the tundra or drive to the local farmers market?
Calling BS. Details or STFU.
Now I want to more stories of a crazy Holla Forumsack and his nationalist Jap friend fighting monsters.
Moving to AK next year to be a commercial fisherman, fur trapper, construction and all around good life fella. Alaska is a white man's paradise. Notice I said man, betas need not apply.
AKanon,how did you meet your waifu?
Payson is a nice area, although the water table isn't so great if you own land, I'd love to go live somewhere like Greer if I stay in this state.
So why is this allowed again? because despite what antifa may believe, neo nazis are still human, just like them.
Since when have these commies ever believed in human rights?
There is more to eat than just game. Depending where you live of course. Homer for example has stores, a farmers market and tons of greenhouses.
I live in Anchorage and you're full of shit (unless you're at a base like Anderson).
Bullshit, you fucking degenerate. Also, that is the same as saying everybody sucks dicks. You fucking faggot
Leaf here, lived in Yukon a couple years back working in a diamond mine, excellent pay if you can handle the shit. Spent a month in AK before I went back east, I almost considered staying for a year just because of how fucking easy it was to find pot, everybody smokes something and out of the 60-70 people I met while I was there, only 1 of em didn't smoke pot he was from Salt Lake City and he grew the shit, just because he could and sold it off.
That comment sections is filled with leftycucks bunch of fucking degenerates who need to get over white power
Ak user here.
He had a point. I threw out all my shit.
Already craving like crazy, so it's probably a good thing.
Coffee and cunt is all I have left, but probably healthier.
Not really. I even threw it all out.
It's just whatever.
You couldn't live out here if you tried.
Nope, I live near Bristol bay. Try again faggot.
Point proven, by this faggot.
I live in Alaska as well, and no not in the big cities. It is good that you gave up the herbal kike. Going into the spruce is healthy and all the pastime one needs. Other than Holla Forums. By the way hope you aren't wasting the trapped meat. Hate when fucks do that just because "People don't eat predators".
I eat it all. I can't afford to be picky.
It's probably a good thing I gave it up, I was addicted and I didn't know, these cravings are very obviously withdrawal symptoms.
Have you tried lynx, heard it is fucking tasty?
Tastes like cat piss.
Bear is worse, but can't be picky.
pour wale :.(
He's legit you fucking autist. Read his posts.
Well if you gotta…
Also, all you spergs going on about
It has its uses like anything else. Smoke responsibly.
this is why i love Holla Forums although I'm not sure I should have read this when I'm about to go to sleep
I'm sorry, I really am, but this is what happens when you're not armed to kill intruders…they don't fear breaking into your home.
Now, if they were taking the risk of eating a bullet, they wouldn't be so quick to break in.
Here in the U.S. we can kill intruders with impunity in most places, and we won't even be charged.
And we would happily kill Antifa trash.
Ain't as cold here, but I get you, brother.
Wait what? Really? Is it some sort of "Live here so we can still claim this is our country" type deal or something?
I've been preparing for the mini ice age here in Canada because we're on a solar minimum cycle and its going to get very cold very fast. I'd move to Alaska in a heart beat if I could get paid for it.
Some parts of som countries pay you to live there. Like Alaska.
lmao France is the most geogically diverse country in Europe.
Just move in Lozère or some shit you incompetent fools.