Canada State TV Runs Miscegenation Ads Against Alt-Right

(((CBC))) is funded by Canadian Tax Dollars

What do you leafs have to say for yourselves?

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webm pls


The balance will budget itself?



I fucking cannot stand what they've done to Western culture since the 80s, actually since the 60s. Brown people, nigger rap, drum machines, gang-style clothes, sexual deviancy, drug abuse, faggotry… shit like this is why Anders Breivik went for the high score instead of just getting a job in an office somewhere to support his Norwayfu and a couple of kids.

Holy fucking shit I'm mad.


I honestly like the 80's I think it was and will forever be the last good time the west ever had.

Started watching that with the sound off and couldn't even make it half way through. The disgusting facial expressions of these faggy shitskins will turn off anyone with an IQ over 95. This will backfire on them.

I watched a second of it. Had sounds on though.

Day of the rope when?

What in the fuck did I just watch…

does canadia have a history of trying to wipe out the native population by racemixing?

even canadian rap is low energy

the funny thing is, both 'extreme left' and 'extreme right' believe there'll be peace when there's only one race.
left wants to eradicate race through outbreeding, right wants to separate

I don't have enough ammo for this.


Well, lets get digging. Who the fuck greenlit this?

Who could it possibly be?


I don't hate other races (other than jews), I just want them the fuck out of Europe.

Real diversity is having different cultures and nations in the world and there should not be a "white man burden", if niggers are too stupid to make a civilized country in Africa they deserve to die away. The ape's place is in the jungle.

the rap was absolute garbage

Well if there was ever any doubt that "white supremacy" was just code for white people existing then we can dispel with that doubt now.




Get in your multiculturalism bunker and grab yourselves some tendies, ovaltine, and a comfy blankie, lads

Ultra cringe

This is beyond degenerate. These mixling filth know they are lesser beings, and want to drag the rest of society down into the pit of impurity with them. Everything kikes promote is cancer.

mudshark children are genetic dead ends

All I see is weakness, it must be torn apart before it is allowed to breed and infect.

This video is literally like Holla Forums parody from 1 or 2 years ago.

Oh those crazy city rats, who knows what crazy antics (((they))) will be up to next! Meanwhile I am going to go fuck my white wife, going hunting with my white son, and get some local food from my all white town out in this "hick country". Stay Cold, Canada.

I've never seen lips that big on anything other then a nigger.

I hope Trump beats the shit out of Canada's economy.

Not that user but I'm guessing he means how drum kits, whatever else you might say about them, take some bare minimum of mechanical skill to play. Even with sequencers there's a little effort involved. But with drum machines there's absolutely none.

anyone have that image of the nightmare vision googles and everything looks exactly the same

Hey! Trudeau was suppose to do that!!

No dude, beige power

We seriously need to think about declaring war on Canada. They've gone to far.

all jews must die

thanks user its sad how real it is


Holla Forums isn't alt-kike, so I don't give a fuck

The funniest part is that they feel the need to signal against fucking Richard Spencer with the NPI hat.

A few posters around some cuck towns and the CBC throws money at the problem.

First they ignore you.
Then they laugh at you.
Then they fight you.

They have to mock everything at first because they really cannot cope with having opposition,

The only message you can take from that bizarre vid if any at all is "fuk u whitey we iz kangz now, hail globalism". How is this supposed to make the left more popular?



Nah dude, White Country Strong, enjoy your shit holes.

Dem trap beatz nigguh

Since leafistan is basically owned by America can we just get Trudeau kicked out and uncuck that fucking country?

I really don't want to have this level of faggotry on my northern border.

Here's a very recent white pill for you guys.

Wow someone said something on fake twitter. Totally whide billed.

This is what's so good about it.

Fucking hilarious. Never interrupt your enemy while they're making a mistake.

Due to the amount of trolling we have done im inclined to believe everyone who posts on twitter is either some alt right dude pretending to be a women or a federal agent maybe both

Not Twatter. It's the Jew-gabai.
which part?

That's the most degenerate thing I've watched in my life and I've seen some shit. It literally comprised every jewish stereotype known to man – pro-race mixing, gratuitous profanity, hyper-sexualized, anti-"Nazi" and "white supremacy".

In America, where despite Trump we don't have a real sense of white identity (too many cuckservatives still insist that "dems are the real racists"), something this blatant would only backfire and fuel the small but rising white nationalist sentiment. I don't know about Canada's culture since they did just elect le current year man, but I hope most canucks can see the conspicuous anti-white agenda here.

this tbh

can you guys get over this? We're never going to stop coming here

Spent the whole video watching the fat old spic in the back with the tits.

My trap meter didn't go off for either of those posts and I'm a veteran at sniffing them out. You make your own choice, though


Could his fucking eyes get farther apart and more asymmetrical? Race-mixing not even once.

ever heard of sarcasm you autistic canuck?


Misread white son as wifes son, kek.


Let's not pay attention to state funded race mixing propaganda because they used the term "alt-right"!


go away leaf
your country is shit and will never be great



They've failed to destroy us. They lost their chance to take us in our sleep.
Now the white man is awake

Are there ANY leafs, normie or not, that actually pay attention to the CBC anymore? I mean, most Canucks I know of have satellite hookups or Netflix and guzzle down American content with more sway behind it anyways.

Any Canadian patriotic enough to actively seek out Canadian content would likely be repulsed by the CBC's pozzed multicultist garbage on a matter of principle. The only thing they still have going for them is government funding and "muh hockey."

Holla Forums will love this.

It's most likely children having to watch filth like this. They don't care what you watch anymore all that matters is brainwashing the children as early as they can.

altistic-right faggots.

yeah its just as cringe as their memes

They'll think it's 'muh brave negro people' 'sticking it to the power that be'. Because, white people have power… not Jews KEK

As a student studying to try to work in an office to support a waifu and kids… This kind of shit fucking keeps me up at night. I'm so fucking mad. I want to fire up the ovens for every nigger in that room more than I can express in words.


Are you really that stupid?

Its like a commercial from the 80s but its about destroying your entire race through muh dicking.
I want to go back to a simpler time when they paid for raps to get kids to throw their trash in the trash can or not doing drugs.

Are you really that autistic?

How fucked is this country? The people I work with are mostly white, they know we're being bred out of existence and they think it's good. I've also heard women wish their children were transgender, because how exciting is that?

I hope it's only this bad around the major cities and not throughout most of the country.

Holla Forums gives me cancer so much. The fact they lack self-awareness and miss the fact they themselves are the pinnacle of materialistic and "bourgeois" thought.

Don't we all amigo.

Well, we're still more white than America, but whites of Canada need to wake up.

I fucking hate this country.

The Red Ensign is the true Canadian flag, not that stupid fucking leaf. Cananda has been complete and utter shit since then.

that's the greatest irony of all. That Marx himself was a bourgeois twat

Agreed. The 90's was when the very noticeable rot began to let itself be known.

Dubs confirm


CBC is still quite popular with the older folks (45+).

Well at least you can admit it. And nice double dubs

I did my part, OP.

Getting dislikes from all over the world always sends the best kind of message.

Also, appreciating the open hatred of many commenters.



I'm pretty sure my kill switch is primed and ready by now.

Even as a kid I could tell something was going wrong in the 90s. I feel bad that it took me so long to figure out what was happening, but they brainwash you pretty hard.

I remember catching hell about drawing swastikas on my notebook in the second grade. I must have known deep down.

I don't and almost everyone I know doesn't. They are to busy outside hunting, fishing, building and doing shit. The only thing I really ever see on the tube at family gatherings is Hockey, Food Network and more Hockey.

Get out.


According to my 70 year old father, its been a shit hole since 1940/50's.

Studying is not limited to people in their 20's, dickhead.

Holy shit we're making them fall on their own sword.



At this point I'm trying to figure out what I should do in the next ~5-10 years: can I move far enough north to escape the pozz and hold out for a better Canada? Or do I just say fuck it and move to the States or the V4?

Take off eh, freaking hosser.

All >alt kike statements aside, cancer on this level shouldn't be possible.
Good fucking job Canuckey land, you're dooming us all with open arms.

The same way people in cities go to movies for their regular experiences/activities, depending on Hollywood during the times they would, in old times, be spending doing things like you mention - now the infotainment media is filling that gap. City dwellers watch the news instead of going out fishing, hiking, etc.

The news is supposed to be 'true' the same way going out in nature and looking at the world is true.

I always thought 'yeah yeah people are being indoctrinated meme' was just a meme, but.. seriously, this is what city dwelling people DO if it's not the internet or outside activities, it's Media and Hollywood.

Media becomes more and more like Hollywood to keep people entertained.

I actually raised the red ensign on memorial day or whatever from my roof and my old neighbour said "Holy shit, you can still get those?" felt pretty good, then deep sadness right after.

Canada fucking blows hardcore when bullshit like this and our PM exist. It's a sick joke living here and I can't leave since my passport was revoked

I don't know, their are a lot of fucking hipsters in cities too that are too cool for "mainstream" things. But anyone who lives in a major city in Canada has it coming, they are still entitled to that choice though. I do not pity them. Just encourage them, endure the bullshit, fight it.

Go back to Europe and get enriched or stay and be cannon fodder. You sound like the type.

Where I work the vast majority of people are Filipino, Indian, or some other mud race. All recent immigrants.

In the last few years there's been a fucking flood of immigrants. They're fucking everywhere.

All I have to look forward to is their suffering during our cold ass winters.

you fucked up
live with your consequences
form a rebellion and take back your country

Found the fucking freak! It's a spicpakienglish named Shaun Majumder! /wiki/Shaun_Majumder
Twitter: /shaunmajumder

But you do have ducttape and plastic bags, don't you user?

Myopic faggot.

Did you misgender a snowflake? Worse yet, did you criticize a public piece of native art?


Dude, this guy has been a poster boy on CBC for awhile. How new are you?

This sounds like kike bait.

Someone has to make fast food.

Just wew.


To be fair us leafs cared not about what trudeau was. We just thought he was a lame duck do nothing to sit in boring meetings while we watch hockey and football with beer in our hands. Though most are apathetic, some are waking up.
Heres an idea, poster hockey arenas. Hockey is the whitest sport around here, and posters about ethnic pride being called racist will provoke a backlash and seed for future recruits.
It also might cause CBC to interuppt hockey night in Canada to scream about this shit, and the best way to rile up leafs is to fuck with hockey, or healthcare.

Too bad 8ch can't take the 13 minute webm I have of why Canada turned to shit.


I never watch CBC. Last I watched it was 18 years ago.

No, Canadian were quite aware that he was a communist sympathizer and loved Castro and praised that faggot chink in the 70's. The "New Society" of Canada has been forced for over 50 years.

Kill all Liberals, Kill all POC, Kill all Commies, Kill all Marxist faggots.

Well interracial marriages do have higher domestic violence and divorce rates.
That would be so fucking amazing.

And you accuse others of being juden?

That man is like 45 and dressing like a middle schooler. Weakest rap I've ever heard. It's like some cringeworthy Malibu's most wanted shit. He makes vanilla ice look like Eminem. Why the Fuck are these maplefags interested in the U.S anyway? They have pretty big problems of their own.

I guess the real question is do we just Fuck their shit up?

Looks like I'm not sleeping much tonight anyway….

Cool story bro, all you have been doing is bitching and using reddit spacing.

Yeah it's called your future progeny.

Nice frog meme leftypol, enjoy your shit hole cities.


fuuuuuuck this fuck everything fuck you Justine fuck you CBC fuck you fuck you fuck you

I don't know. Compared to Southern Ontario it's pretty huwhite further north but you still won't totally escape immigrants and poz. I can only imagine it'll make more inroads over time. I wonder if it might be better out west, but I've never been out there.

You also have to consider what kind of work you do. I've thought of going up north myself, but I work in IT and most of those jobs are in the cities.

Yeah, it seems like it's gotten really bad lately. I feel like the area was much whiter just a few years ago, but maybe I wasn't paying attention as a kid.

We had an intern who'd come here years ago from Syria of all places who said he hated all the other immigrants here and that Western countries were insane for allowing masses of people to come in from that region.

God, I've never encountered so many autists on Holla Forums in one thread. Learn how to read sarcasm. That was my point exactly. Why would have I even brought it up if I didnt already know that?

We here do not approve of the middlefinger expression and that clearly is a conterfeiture pepe and not an official licensed one.

oyyy veyyy

Gender isn't real. Humans being 100% homosexual does nothing but eliminate cishets that think they're better than fellow humans.

I was mad before but now I'm about to fucking lose it. Look at this faggots wife.

Instead of you faggots getting pissy about Canada taking a huge shit on all you alt-righters, why don't you use memes to fuck Canadas shit right up?


One of my cousins works up north and she is a psych nurse. It's always nice to hear from her and go off about the highest suicide rate in Canada is from chugs. She gets decent money and feels no remorse what so ever. What I have heard from my city brothers is that most immigrants get fired from their jobs pretty quick, then when that happens, they try and go to University and fail miserably. So then they horde up with there families and work at fast food restaurants. Then there are the fucking Chinks, they are the fucking plague unleashed. We have I think one family in town, never see them though.

middle finger is sign of saturn

I assure you, it's real. Many of the people living in the major cities are cucked beyond belief. These are the people who elected Current Year Man.


you think that will piss you off … this will really piss you off

I was mad about this to but his wife has a butter face tbh. still race mixing is still a cardinal sin.

Same for work, hoping I'll be able to work remotely in the future.

Yeah I know you know faggot I was just stating it explicitly. Nice autistic projection though.

Jesus H Christ

Fair enough.

She is butt fucking ugly, why are you mad?

Working on it, plus Canada is a lot different then America, so it is a lot different prep time.

She's still white and should be shamed into divorce or suicide.

Who the hell on Holla Forums who isnt a fresh newfag doesnt already know that?

9th layer of hell is reserved for traitors and mutineers.
Expect casualties.

That's what the memes should exploit. Show what a cucked country it is while going over the top with the balls out American nationalism.


do you even need to ask?

I've tried to redpill people on the immigrant situation subtly, but the reason I get is usually along the lines of

I don't have all the answer user
*I'll show myself out*

Yeah we need Shauny boys dox

The thing with the immigrant issue is there are A SHIT TON of liberal white faggots who are so lonely and desperate that they want attention from anything wither its white or shit colored.

The major cities people are faceberg clubhopping degenerates, or drones that think watching niggers play children's games is a hobby for weekends after fulltime employment. Watching over them are cops that don't ever socialise outside their profession to the point of not understanding common idioms or even innuendo and mistaking them for mental health issues, like mormons with handcuffs and handguns.
The cities are cucked, but the underbelly, the countryside and some gangs are based. Hell, the HA is all white from what I hear.

Alright burgers, I helped you guys get Trump in, we need to meme this fuck back to Cuba.. this is too much

I have never done any research on the Hell's Angels. I think I found my next research point.


Most here won't. You've got to understand that a lot of Canadians here have this attitude of "Whatever the US does/wants, we must do the opposite because they're all stupid Klansmen." A bit hyperbolic, but that's the general gist when it comes to big issues. During your whole election process, our news (which to be fair, is Current Year® all the time) basically acted as little more than one massive anti-Trump campaign. Things that are admirable about the US like your strong will to be able to keep yourselves armed are treated as "backwards" here even though we have lots of guns in this country. Basically any sign of acting like a man is bad - the day that Don Cherry for Burgers and non-hockey fans, Cherry does a segment every Saturday night during the hockey season for Hockey Night in Canada on CBC; he's probably more of a cuckservative than anything, but up here that still makes you somewhere between Hitler and Satan dies, the bigwigs at CBC are going to have a week long orgy because they'll finally get to replace him with some new super-cuck, token minority or woman. To get back on topic though, they won't notice -and even if they did- they wouldn't really care about the anti-white stuff. Canada is so spread out that a lot of rural places haven't been hit with it yet. This next issue isn't even necessarily unique to Canada, but I don't think that most people (especially whites) have ANY idea of the state of demographics. If you watch a lot of mainstream stuff, they act as if France is nothing but baguettes and and huge banners of models in windows of stores that have the latest fashion accessories; Sweden is nothing but good looking blonde haired people, and Los Angeles is nothing but rich celebrities, and the south is nothing but guys driving around in the General Lee. If you told the average person here that Canada was about 60% white and dropping, you'd probably have the conversation go like this:

I genuinely don't see anyone even remotely conservative getting elected here again. Even though it seems like a lot more people dislike Trudeau, I think he'll get re-elected when the time comes or we'll elect someone even more "progressive" or even a Bernie type if one arises. I do think that Trump DID help to grow a little bit of resistance to Current Year® stuff, but by the time the next election comes, more Boomers (mostly white) will die off, the young whites still won't be having kids, the imported votes will have had more kids, and Trudeau will surely have progressively (no pun intended) brought in more people from shitholes to make sure that Liberals can be assured to stay in power we're a diverse nation free of hate, etc.

I watched it through, why did I do that. Holla Forums what are the symptoms of an aneurism again?

I had been missing that burning passion post election… now the new mission is clear… Justine has to go

I wish we were as heartless and without empathy as the Chinese. At least then we'd be able to survive. Our greatest tool for early survival is our greatest inferiority in the modern age. And there's absolutely nothing that can be done about it–it's genetic.

It's hard enough to get people to accept civic nationalist talking points, never mind ethnic nationalism. They'll ridicule the notion that the Canadian economy should further the interests of Canadian citizens. They aren't "our jobs" they're for whoever wants to come and do them. It's not "our healthcare system" it's for whatever mongrel shows up in the emergency room with a sniffle.

The people I work with still defend Muslims after seeing how mosques teach their people to systematically defraud our social services.

this is pretty accurate. Anything American is labelled as "dangerous and stupid" …

fuck we need to fix this shit… we are cucked the fuck up

We need to create a Canadian identity… instead of just "do the opposite of America to make sure we aren't America"

Are they so retarded that they don't think that is proves the white nationalist narrative correct? They're basically admitting they have an agenda to exterminate the white race in this video, and they do it to something that sounds like one of those educational "don't do drugs" videos from the 1990. I mean they couldn't even find a good rapper. This sounds less evolved than fucking Sugar Hill Gang.

Cold weather won't hold back the niggers forever.

t. Minnesota aka new Somalia.

If that ice age really is coming in a few years then we might actually stand a chance.

How do you stand these fuckers? the last corporate job I had was filled with them and all I ever responded to them was proper logic and arguing constantly. What does red piling someone look like to you? I notice that conflict always brings curiosity and the more I fight back, the more people try and virtue signal but yet slowly start to admit their faults. I have only ever had one guy be stand offish and try and threaten my job, but then he realized he fucked up. Anyways, never be afraid to stand up to any one in Canada, most of them are fucking pussies.

It's probably too late for the US and Canada, and probably the UK, and maybe France. Once a generation or two grow up with a sizable non-white population, the general white population deems them "our people," because the average white person thinks in terms of nationality, and not race or ethnicity, and by nationality they think in terms of where you live. So these people, to most whites, are "our people," and thus we'll never be able to rid ourselves of them, and only become more and more brown. Here's to hoping the mass immigration is so rapid in shit-hole Germany and the like that the population draws that clear line in the sand of "us and them" so that doesn't happen. Otherwise there's absolutely no hope.

well of course it's bad, to the point even of self mockery
the truth is most people in this country are pussies, including the anti-whites. They could have easily made it more gritty and insulting but I think they know it would only fuel the same indignation seen elsewhere in the occident; the thing they fear the most.

I doubt it, you think the lead paint toys are just for the guilao? They put even worse poison in the stuff meant for domestic consumption, literally! They make potato starch noodles transparent with lead and use cadmium to accelerate the aging of hundred year eggs.

Another thing I don't understand is how fucking different my experience with Japanese and Chinks have been. They truly were German allies through and through. Same with the Italians.

Either way they'll be around longer than us. Our limitless empathy will kill us before long.

What a coincidence

And I just realized what pisses me off about how faggot leftists speak from this video. Real men talk from the chest and the diaphram and the only way you can get that faggot tone of voice is to let all your throat muscles hang limp and talk with your tongue alone. Why the fuck do they do that, are they deliberate trying to cultivate a voice of weakness?

I knew a few folks raised by them. They are tough as hellfire. They repair broken legs with nailing the bone together without anaesthetic even on their children. Secondly all their rivals are ethnogangs like the Tongs or Multicultigangs like the United Nations Gang.

boohoo mother fucker

Best case scenario is the US annexing the salvageable parts of the country I think.

Certainly not the whole thing though.


They delibrately do that, and its to emulate womanspeak due to all of them being raised entirely by women.

What I see happening, is if America does rise up to the challenge, and Europe does start fighting back, that all the faggots will try and flee here. Hopefully by that time all the old faggot boomers will be dead and the red pilled ones will fight back from the country. Cause the immigrants and faggots will flood the cities then try and come for us next. Just keep redpilling everyone you know.

I think the real culprit has been the decades of jew lead anti-white propaganda.

Any victory is impossible without reversing this propaganda, but it's had a long time to set in and most people wouldn't even consider questioning it. It's formed the basis of our entire modern society.

I should also add to my long ass post one more thing:

Partly due to our media, and partly due to our education, we also have a lot of ingrained white guilt here. Keep in mind that most of our media is American, and as I'm sure you all know: god DAMN, your media loves to remind you that you're all literally Hitler. We obviously don't have it as bad since we don't have the slavery angle to work so much nor do we really have to deal with Mexico but we do still get pushed the "Even though your ancestors didn't really fuck too much shit up, they're white, and you're white, and therefore you're guilty of everything that has ever happened to a brown person." People just accept the bullshit, and our culture here is so passive aggressive and non-confrontational "nice" that there's virtually no resistance other than the odd "Hey now! We didn't do anything to XYZ group and you know that I love diversity and think it's our strength! I'm not the racist here, and in fact, I hate people who have any views like that!"

I really don't mean to sound so defeatist in these posts, but I lost hope a long time ago. I'm never going to accept the shit until someone lobotomizes me, but I'm not holding out for any sort of rally in the last few innings in regards to this fucked up situation.

Anyone else notice that moonman posts seem to get dubs pretty often?

Also checking these repeating digits while I'm here. SO MANY UNCHECKED DUBS. There's been a noticeable lack of digits being checked lately.

Hardly. Up here the Native American angle is mostly played. With constant talk of reparations.


It's ironic and sad that, even though he lost, no one has shaped the last 70 years of the West more than Hitler himself.
i.e. "Is this something Hitler would approve/think of? Then we must do the complete opposite of it and take it to the extreme lol say no to hate"

We also have a VERY BAD disease of fucking pussy ass Christians/Jehovah Witnesses. And like said, wide spread Native guilt. But that seems to be dying off pretty hard. At least from what I have observed.

The battle is in the USA. If America falls so does the rest of western civilization. Lets say Canada goes full on RWDS and next week there are only white people left. It still doesn't matter, what happens to America happens to everyone. Its already looking like Trump is a fraud. His "muh immigrants and guns" bullshit is probably going to be like Obama's legalized weed and government transparency. I hope I am wrong.

After Trump "Won" all I thought is we have to fight harder. I have not followed anything past November 8. Been busy up here.

I hate this because I actually kinda like cities, for their awe-inspiring massive architecture and activity. Why can't we have normal right-wing cities?

Well we do have that, but I'd still say that in terms of the guild pyramid, blacks still invoke the most up EVEN up here. Maybe I'm wrong, but even with our news/media here, I swear I've seen and heard way more talk about black issues in the last year than I've heard Native talk in the last half decade.

This is my general feeling, too. Whether people from the assorted non-US countries who are frequently represented here (Canadians, Aussies, Bongs, etc.), the US is the biggest influence. It can be good, but as we've seen - oh boy, it can be fucking bad.

After a certain number of population is reached the packs of interconnecting humans become a herd of zombie cows and leftist cancer takes root. Cities are cancer, period.


I don't really give two shits about most modern sports, to be honest, but sports is really the only thing most normies watch on the CBC anymore and many of the Canadian elite are proposing getting rid of the few remaining sports on CBC thus ensuring no normie Canadians need to watch the CBC ever again.

I will fess up that I still listen to CBC radio, mostly for classical music and opera, though.

The last time I saw/talked to a nigger was when I was 19 and I left him half dead on the ground.
he was a known pedophile and tried to rape one of my sisters friends
So I have no idea about niggers in Canada. Just chinks n natives is what I deal with.

Besides some of the Old Canadians Victorian stuff, most cities are pathetic NuModern design. Why can't we have them? cause there is no money in Normal Right Wing Cities.

It's probably related to the mouse utopia behavioural sink thing demonstrated by John Calhoun. Packing people together in an environment where they have abundant resources and are removed from the realities of survival turns them into faggots.

Honestly while I've seen lots of various mud races, I've barely seen any niggers. The few I've seen were very clearly fresh from Africa too.

What are their names?

The problem is that the old faggot boomers are already being replaced and are choosing their good goy faggot children to fill their boots, hence our current kulturkampf. The reason redpilled/pill of colour/transred folk aren't getting these positions is because
a) they're busy working hard in well paying jobs or they're angry neets
b) they're altogether BAD GOYIM and do not get a look-in due to ideological impurity
c) they're white (see above)

The problem with cities is that they're fundamentally based on transactional relationships rather than meaningful ones.

Someone is selling you something
Someone wants to make a trade

It puts the economic imperative first, above all. In that kind of environment tradition can't survive.

I walked away from the church when they tried to force acceptance/weakness/defeat down my throat. Religion is such a grey area for me that I try not to dwell on it. I stick the principles of National Socialism and the Third Reich. Studying that shit makes me feel awesome and empowered. I have not read a bible since I was 16 I think.

Shit, they still play classical music and opera on CBC radio? holy shit, how is that even allowed by their standards.

It almost seems like someone from here made a satire video. But we all know (((they))) made this propaganda trash and far too many people actually agree with this demonic message.

I don't know, I am fucking tired. I just know I have meet all out 60-70 year olds that hate anything that isnt white, then 40-50 are the faggot liberal mind set. After that is all mixed to shit. Anyways, I am tired, going to lurk then crash.

You're all probably right, but when we suceed, I'm still probably going to move to city and try to keep it from degeneracy, even if the cancer kills me

Not all cities are square cubes. Prague is a cool looking city

forgot pic

Oh I know, I was referring modern Canadian cities. That looks beautiful.

Its all the newfags and newshills. They dont understand the way of the chans, and the subsequent cult of Kek.

Canada begging for death for 2 whole minutes.

Lel….that shit was hilarious. oh im laffin


Oh, give it another decade, I'm sure the cultural mandarins will decide that classical music/opera is too European and replace it with Inuit throat singing and all those repetitive, ominous Arabic chants that are the background music in ISIS videos.

If you want something to be done about this (Or at least for it to have a real effect on normies), don't bottle up your rage here. Post about it on SM, talk about it IRL, use it as a weapon as opposed to bantz with people who already agree with you.

(You) sneaky bastard

We should encourage them to keep producing this kind of shit tier propaganda. It makes people alarmed and drives them into our ranks.


Lol, what was so bad about this? The only thing this shows me is the Left stands absolutely no fucking chance.

Exactly, their weapons are inferior and they're flailing to save themselves. If anything this video has made me optimistic.


Devious bastard.

Our taxes pay for this shit that is encouraging the extinction of white people.

We already know that racemixing is a mistake; thanks though, Canada.

even people who believe in the welfare state are getting turned off by the CBC

almost every day they have some brown bitch cry on the radio because she was fart raped

22 minutes, the show this came from is a "comedy" show. it was really good when rick mercer was in it but has zero direction and no good writing anymore. on the subject of rick mercer, he's a fag but appears not to be as degenerate as Milo the gay jew. he doesn't talk about homosexuality or shove it in people's faces, unlike the rest of CBC which is full poz

Shaun Majumder is the guy "rapping". He's pretty much a diversity hire, but he has his moments of humour. This isn't one of them, it's disgusting. Note that he was born to a white woman and indian man, who split after his birth. Sound like a familiar story? "Catch this hour has 22 minutes" he says. I'd rather he catches a bullet.


Kinda worried we'll grow complacent tbh.

Trump is beginning to rally again RIGHT ON FUCKING TIME.

The fucker is cutting it so damn close.



They did it. They decided to go all out and stopped being casual about turning us into nationless, raceless, degenerate goo-backs.

We are going to need about 14 more anders breviks and about 88 uncle teds.

Aimed directly at young white females.
Just think how many plain Janes watch this sort of crap and go out and race-mix. Every show like this probably loses us thousands of females, then there the cumulative affect on the wider culture.
And worse; its working. I see more miscegenation now than I ever have in my life.

He was so proud, so loyal, so brave. I miss him. :'(

Get away from the non-whites at any cost.
If you live in a city like Sydney you will be supporting them indirectly weather you like it or not.
At least by living in a rural area working a shit job and paying fuck all tax I know I'm not financially assisting non-whites or the pozz.
If you are a man with principles you will make sacrifices to uphold your principles.

Where is the first Canadian new anchor dressed as a nun or a priest? Or as a Jesuit? Or a fucking Shaolin monk?

I live in Commiefornia (gas us please) and going to church post-Trump is like going to a mourning session. I teach Sunday school and one of the kids said
These are 3rd-5th graders so this shit will follow them forever, makes me sad.

This. Fucking this.
The old flag was glorious, it inspired pride amongst Canadians and unity amongst the Commonwealth.

Fuck the leaf.


I hope Canadians are ready for the coming forced population resettlements.

Salut based grandpa and his ghostly dubs

William L.M. King befriended Hitler. We might have been allies if not for the jewed British Empire. I like the Red Ensign more than the multicult leaf but it's also a reminder that we got dragged into two wars that ended up being the death of our country.

You know you guys could just move to the Atlantic provinces (NOT Halifax NS) and never ever see a non-white.
Not if you're not poor.

But we've had single mothers since well childbirth was a thing.

I hear Halifax females are already having a hard time. Ran into 3 different ones (Im in BC) and they all said they moved out here because of all the crime back home. When I tried to get more specific answers they either wouldn't tell me or just gave another vague answer.

This was in the side bar pic 4

You guys = idiots, even the 50's was degenerate we haven't been ourselves, europeans for at least 300 years the bourgeoisie class struggle mindset still exist post-french revolution.

I guess the cucked country index was right all along.

Truly the fucking leafs are worse than Sweden.

Day of the rake when?

If you posted that without context, I'd have thought it's some kind of parody

Half-white here.

I sometimes talk about how I'm mixed race, and any evaluation on how good it is is usually of the form "I hate feeling like my mother and father threw away their heritage. I feel like I don't have a race, and I want one."

I find it completely and utterly baffling that these people are flaunting the destruction of race, as if that's a good thing. Having a race is like having a constant reminder of where you come from, and that's a good thing.

Having no race is like having a constant reminder that your parents didn't care about where they came from, and so that they didn't care about where you come from, and that it doesn't matter.

Telling people that everyone is going to have this happen to them makes me sad, and I want to stop it somehow.



Wow… Cuckanada has gone fully blatant with their propaganda…

When will you execute your shitty leader already?

Don't worry little happa menace, if Sarkozy-tier laws are ever enacted forcing whites into miscegenation, most anons will resist for a few generations by out-breeding with gooks.
If you're a niglet or spiclet just know that your progeny will be disadvantaged for a few centuries.

Have fun in that big, kike tent user.


Imo, as long as people dont push for it its ok, if we ran anti race mixing campaigns with discouraged people if it still happened, as long as its not something we push for.

obviously i dont know how good or bad it actually is because im not in your shoes



Yes, White Woman, interbreed and produce children as gay is the bastard rapper. It's gonna make the world a gayer place.

top fucking jej

checked those feel dubs

They control the airwaves
but we control the memes.

Your indoors. Take off your fucking scarf, you shitskin whore.




I don't care if this is real or not, I'm fucking mad.

I dislike this nightmare.

lmao what is this nigger on

Yes, all the sites that call themselves altright and part of a movement are imaginary.


What about her indoors? Did she do something to them?


This happened in the last 5 minutes, I was reading the comments a moment ago.

Yeah I know, when I refreshed they were gone

Goes to show that they were serious about this and that criticism hurts their butts

Race-mixed people are truly disgusting, I don't want to live in a world where everyone look like Mexicans. The purer, the better.

So Canada has reached Swedish state funded Blanda Upp levels of propaganda.


they've stumbled upon, or somehow refined, a rhetorical framework with the ability to trivialize or shrug off anything. Any idea, principle, or form of rational thought is labelled a spook and immediately discarded or mocked.

I wonder if these diverse fucks have ever read about the tribal religions based around demon-worship, wherein all their rituals and rites and other booga-booga are centered around appeasing or placating the demon that will come destroy them and everything they love if they don't dance, pierce their noses, and paint themselves with the blood of their enemies. If something bad happens, they dance and pierce and paint harder.

They don't realize that, through this framework, they've unintentionally crafted their own spook: the extreme right. The doom in the night that threatens their budding multiculti utopia that will see them and all their pet minorties hanged from the nearest lampost, and their intellectual legacy destroyed when we burn their materials.

They do not, and cannot, understand us. Their fear of this unknown (much in the same way that the MSM cannot and will not understand how the God-Emperor ascended) causes them to dance and sing and chant to each other harder and more frequently, each vying to outdo each other in their rituals which, while it may convince some onlookers that everything will be OK, will never satisfy us. They don't understand that nothing except their extermination can satisfy us, and their failure fuels even more extreme acts in desperation.

Their night terrors, blessed by the old gods, are coming for them, and there is nothing they can do.

They got their workers to vote

But the Chinese are so heartless that they even kill their own people en masse.

Their is none, its all been phased out by corporate bullshit. Your average canuk knows nothing about politics outside the colors, thinks tim hortons is good coffee and the NHL is a legitimate sports organization and not an entertainment company closer to pro wrestling then anything else.

I'm just waiting for the mini ice age to come in so I can watch these unprepared dipshits freeze to death.

Webm. Warning, this gave me cancer.

Can anyone share screenshots of the now deleted comments?

Works pretty good up here in Canada when it hits -40C and you get 1.5m of snow in a 12hr period and go around on snowmobiles.

Fuck this country

Comments disabled.

I'm a paranoid leaf so i'm not going to be telling him what I think, cause what I think is very not good.

But you guys from outside leafland. Please give him hell. Thanks

Im not even sure that accurately describes that abomination.

Someone should edit that video and have the "rapper"'s face be le happy merchants face.

They deactivated the commentaries, as usual niggers can sort of dish it but can't take it.

They're literally trying to make an anthem for Canadian coalburning.
And yeah, I bet Trump is listening. Northern wall when?

Stop being a faggot. The fact that you don't resist is WHY YOU ARE FAILING.

This is what mixed-race people look like: niggers who happen to have blue eyes or maybe slightly lighter skin than regular niggers.

Also half white here.
If you need an identity like whiteness to use as a crutch and feel good about yourself then you are weak.
Your race and heritage are a legacy to be upheld through strength. In this world of eternal struggle, to deny yourself the right to fight with everything you have and for whatever you are (even if you are a hybrid) is to do yourself and your parents a disservice.
Your parents made you, but they did not make you weak, you did that to yourself.

Don't be a faggot. I'm from Canada and called them out on it. Every bit counts for the Great White North.

This is a good advice for anyone who had a difficult childhood, you are not your parents.

Miscegenators get the rope and their spawn will be deported.

Individual humans are always weak. It is only by binding ourselves by common purpose and identity that we become strong. "Sitting out" of "identity politics" is a way to ensure your will is never accomplished.

This is proof that it doesn't matter if nothing but whites inhabited your land for the entirety of existence, they'll still try to rob it from you by justifying it with brainwashed arguments.


Funny how they justify that, but colonialism was the worst thing in history. What's the big deal if Africans are replaced by lighter skinned people with a vibrant culture? It's not like they didn't displace other hominid groups before them, they have no right to that land.

Save us.

Annex us if you can. We're trapped.

But this is fact

Wow they turned off the comments. I was on this thread yesterday and I manually went through all the comments on this video and about 1 out of every 200 comments I saw was actually even slightly positive. And there were some pretty fucking good comments. But ofcourse like they always do, they have to shut it down.

Step 1: Annex
Step 2: Death Camps
Step 3: Lebensraum



But you have absolutely nothing to fight for… that's why they✡ push for the mongrelization. Yet you don't see it, or more like, you are denying that fact. You were born dead, mongrel.

This deported and castrated.

Ameri-Mutt here. 3/4 leprechaun, 1/4 Levantine Hwite terrorist. You'd be surprised how much of what people perceive is based on appearance alone. My skin is pale as snow, and I have the straightest hair possible. Niggers and Worst Nations redskins always called me Whiteboy, Mexicans call me gringo. I have tried using my "other" blood in arguments against left-wing and brown trash to turn their arguments against them regarding Islam and mass immigration destroying what makes countries special. The response I've always gotten is that I look completely white, so I have white privilege (kek), etc. and soforth. Literally, if you have the appearance of a European, they will act like the rest of your heritage doesn't exist. You become the Evil White Man whether you're pure or not, and if you have the mind and heart of a White man, they'll hate you even more. Even a brown-haired, hazel-eyed guy like me became the same as Hitler when I suggested that turning the whole world brown was destroying diversity, not promoting it.

Arguing with brown Commie trash (and a few fistfights) revealed to me just how low self-esteem and self-hating they really are. They're r-selected, so they rely on having numbers to shout down and gang attack their opponents. There are others like you, you know. I may not be 100% pure-blooded Norwegian tracing my lineage all the way back to Thor himself, but it's clear as fucking day that Western White Civilization is the greatest thing that has ever happened to Earth.

сука блять

replace alt-right with Israel.

This. Wanting to keep Israel Jewish is so last century. It's inevitable that you mix with the Arabs, so just stop resisting.

Go hang yourself.

Canada has no foundation as a country if it's separate from the British Empire, and since that aint coming back there's no solid reason for Canada to exist (the monarchy we have is a meaningless charade).

The only way the good provinces can be protected is by becoming independent states, hopefully this will also create a renewed sense of culture and identity.



I know that feel. It's a glorious one.

More like the last 25 years




the second I'm off work I'm going all out on these fucks, this is too much

This it the fucking problem, you want to preserve that empathy you don't embrace those "evil hicks" like the ones I was raised by and live with in rural PA. I have zero empathy and would happily beat the skull a mud-child to splinters.

Embrace hatred, true hatred cannot be ignorant because it originates from an intimate understanding of the enemy.

With Trump's election, I'm starting to hope that something like "illegitimate immigration" could be memed into existence. Which is to say, that upwards of 90% of the people who have been brought here (or the US and Europe in general) since the (((laws changed))) were brought here with neither the knowledge, or consent, of the governed. It's ultimately a framing issue, and one that Trump understands brilliantly, which is why he doesn't say Hillary wants "65,000 more Syrians", but a "550% increase in refugees", which can't be handwaved away with "we're a big country" or "65,000 isn't that much!"

excellent analysis. We must go hard at this. The American Canadian border is not difficult to cross, if they end up in Canada they will only spread to America illegally when winter hits. This needs to be addressed very seriously.

We need another wall. Does Canada ignore that race mixed humans generally NEVER take to things like bone marrow transplants? Shit ain't healthy.

Top tier laddi

Well that's what Holla Forums wants right. Holla Forums wants to destroy alt-right and this is the way to make it happen. Why aren't you giving this your full support then?

I got injun in me from 5 generations back and it's still very much visible, most people think I'm whitish spic especially because I live in a heavily spic state. That shit never goes away if you race mix, from what it looks like it might still take another 2 generations for the injun in me to dilute sufficiently so my descendants will actually look white and not mystery meat. Grandfather fucked a full blooded injun back when they were all being integrated into Anglo society, thanks a lot gramps


i got 8 seconds in

You aren't welcome here.

I love you

yeah no thanks.

I wish Northern Ontario would seperate

Well, most people in the Levant already look whiter than say, Egyptians, Saudis or Iraqis.

Even Canada is scared now. Fret not, white man, this is the limp wristed wailing of a dying ideology. Stay the course and be true to yourself, and where you come from.


Would you rather have your own useful idiot or keep alienating one another?

Idiots here deny themselves free will and choice. I said legacy was to be upheld, but it is still up to you to choose to do so. To choose to fight alongside others with similar vision.
One must decide whose legacy to fight for of course. i probably wouldn't be wrong to say many here and around the world decided to fight for the freedoms and virtues of the white legacy.

It takes honesty to admit you have some mystery meat in you. I bet shitloads of 'white Americans' do, thats why there is no fucking uniform look among them. It's also why full blood attractive Swedes look like Adam and Eve.
If the US lets its mixing go on even 1 more generation and starts hitting Brazil levels you are going to need mandatory genetic testing for northwestern European blood.


The good thing about being a 'white Australian' is that most of us can very easily trace our linage to the British Isles. We are solidly Anglo-Celtic.
In contrast 'white Americans' come from all over Europe. These have already been exposed to the north American native genetics and are increasingly exposed to South American indigenous genetics (+ kikes and niggers and god knows what else).

For gods sake stop before its too late. You have to get miscegenation off the television!

Not really. Whites in America majority german or celtic descended.

Trump is of Both

Eh, I wouldn't exactly call it courage user. Looking in the mirror and denying what you see would take some libshit-tier mental gymnastics and I'm not that good of a bullshitter. The US has always been a unique situation. In North America most of the injuns died of disease and what remained were integrated into colonial and then later US society with most of em marrying into the Anglo and German families here. Whatever remaining tribes tried resisting were crushed and rightfully so. Europe has always been, well, Europe. Everyone lived and worked together peacefully but ultimately everyone kept to their except on the border regions from what I understand. Here, everyone mixed between the Anglos, Germans, Irish, Italiand, Polish, etc. Nobody saw much of an issue with it because it was still keeping it White. Hell, everyone in my family are all purely German and Italian which is why my father, aunt, and my brother and me all stand out like sore thumbs and so did my grandfather when he was still alive.

The injun in me is so distant at this point the only claim I have to it is from my weird ass clusterfuck of European and Injun features. Everyone in my family are all lily white and the injun was traced down my grandfather's line which is why only a couple of us in the family have the looks. Even my halfbrothers and sisters that my dad had look almost entirely white except for a couple of features that'll make em stand out a little bit if you look closely enough. I have no claims to Europe but I don't feel like getting kicked out of my home country because my ancestor dun fucked up and got prairie fever

Blanda upp at least was catchy. This just reeks of desperation.

Quite a few Americans I have met clearly have Mediterranean or 'wog' blood in them. And wog blood means sneaking in some underling north African blood.
Additionally the US has 5million+ kikes and god only knows how much that plague has spread.
Here in Australia abo blood is very visible, I'm not sure about 'native American'.
I find 'Hispanic blood' to be very, very visible.

The crown promoted race mixing with the Maori.

You just need to be aware of what you are and act/breed accordingly.
For instance I think should marry a female genetically from the British Isles. Even though I would love it, I think it would be wrong of me to 'pollute' the Scandinavian gene pool. (Even though its clearly the whitest swimming pool of them all).

Holy fucking hell this is infuriating.

To be honest I think race-mixing with the natives was only encouraged by the aristocrats of old as a means of subjugating them by 'sacrificing' some working class whites.
I bet the very, very rich have kept close watch on their bloodlines for centuries.


I can only feel pity for the Canadians who aren't cucked beyond belief. You guys must be in eternal suffering from this disgusting "It's okay if you do it to white people" crap.

See, look at his face, the Hispanic blood is very, very visible.

I fucking love juice.

Not really..
The East Coast has mostly Anglos, Irish, and Spaghetti Niggers.
Utah is a flavor of Anglo that's developed its own ethnicity.
The South/Bible Belt has Scots and various flavors of Celt. NO has some French but there's not many and it's hyperregional.
The Rust Belt is pretty heavily Germanic, Minnesota Swedish.
Chicagoland is where it starts to get strange. Polacks, Irish, and Germans with a sprinking of Italian.

Notice: Few Latins save Chicagoland and the East Coast, few French save New Orleans, few Slavs save Chicagoland, few Scandis save Minnesota. Burgers are the English Isles and the Germans mixed with a smattering of Europe depending on their region. There's no real heavy Native admixture with exception of the Mexicans, as we killed or segregated most of our Natives.

The problem is that Foreigners look at American as one country, rather than what it is, a patchwork of countries. They're made tall and blonde in Minnesota, for example, or distinctly Anglo in Utah, or stereotypical German in Pennsylvania.

The Americans you've met are likely travellers. There's your problem.
The United States is yuge. You can experience just about any climate you want to without a passport, and without flying, generally speaking. Flying overseas, to Yurop or Aussieland, hence, is something most Americans don't do because.. Why would we? It's expensive and if we want to see the desert we can just go to Arizona, or if we'd like to see the beach, we can visit Florida, or see the ocean, or whatnot. You don't need to shell out another half a K for a passport or airplane tickets for any of that.

The people you're seeing in Aussieland are the (((elites))) who can afford to travel. Not the same as visiting a suburban supermarket and seeing average Americans.

First we need to find our own Don.


so that's supposed to be rap or poetry jam? that is not just low energy, it's zero point energy. it's the most uninspired, lazy shit i'll see this month

Thank you whoever posted these comments

10x thanks if it wasn't you, and was instead the general populace

top kek Hudmar

Hate speech is speech that offends, threatens, or insults groups, based on race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, or other traits.

My, how elastic. The CBC obviously has it in for the Amish and agitates for…

"…any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article 2"

… their destruction.

Yeah was just thinking the same. Nice to see.

I hear you brother. The south end of Sudbury is becoming a haven for shitskins.

Interesting… I wonder how much the ethnic divisions you describe would affect a potential break up of the US.
El Norte is obviously a lot of Mexican blood
and New France has french blood, I guess the midlands are Germanic, while Yankeedom is the puritan cuck blood.
Who settled the 'tidewater' region? Is that the Scandinavian bit?

Since this is state funded propaganda it seems to clearly hit that element dead on.

The suffering has passed, friend. Even here the masses are waking up. At this point them kvetching about this shit on government funded talmudvision is pushing people in our arms.

It's always darkest before the dawn.

Also can any muricans confirm if the different regions architecture reflect the different European peoples that settled the areas?

That map's not exactly correct. Minnesota (The westernmost bit of Yankyeedom) Should be it's own nation, as it's incredibly distinct from the rest of the Rust Belt (The area around and south of the Great Lakes.)

It's more-or-less accurate but obviously glossed over. New Netherland is pretty much spaghetti nigger and jewland.

Whereas Yankeedom is Puritanland, Tidewater is Olde England. Anglican church is still strong there (Was even the official church of Virginia)

This being generally accepted as an international legal framework, it would behoove us to demand absolute preferential treatment in the processing of asylum seekers, fleeing war id est, from warzones (even though no war has been officially declared by any party except "ISIS") who have been slated for extinction by warring parties; such as the Yezidi people or Christian sects or communities, as such, found in the theatre of war in the Levant, Mesopotamia and Afghanistan.

I would say no not at all. Completely different construction practices here. Pretty homogenized architecture.

Comments disabled and likes/dislikes ratio of 1 to 300. Noice.

I missed the fun

Cool. So a clever fellow looking for a well bred wife could avoid the kike & spaghetti genetics by staying out of 'New Netherland' and avoid the cuck genetics by staying out of most of Yankeedom.

Go far enough North and you can have whatever fucking identity you want. Shitskins & kebab will stay the fuck away plus it will harden you the fuck up being in your natural habitat.

I have a confession. I took an anthropology class this semester of college and there was a girl who looked completely white and had blue eyes and dark brown hair. She was attractive and I viewed her as white at the time and we happened to have sat next to each other. We were discussing race in class and how its 'just a social construct' :^) and we had to get with the person next to us and look at this slide with people of different races and backgrounds and guess what race/ethnicity they belonged to. I got more right than anyone in the class. The girl next to me was able to tell that one picture was a man from the Levant. I asked her how she knew that.
During that class and after I had such bad cognitive dissonance. I barely consider some Slavs to be white. It really fucked me up. I don't want this to come across as me saying it's acceptable to accept non-North Western Europeans as being white; but to quote Jared "philo-semite" Taylor:
I don't think Jared Taylor would consider Levantine white because he has a more traditional definition of what makes people white rather than just white skin I assume. Though he does view Jews as being white which I view as debatable I personally think they biologically are an just are eastern europeans who are light eyed redheaded not actually semitic that converted and larped to the point where their inbred progeny was convinced of being actually israeli. Though I don't view them as white in the sense that I wouldn't trust ANY of them enough to allow them into a white country or any country that isn't their own (Israel) because they've had there chance to integrate and they blew it. I think that's kinda why the Nuremberg Laws work best.
I take a position when it comes to North America of having it be strictly for North-Western Europeans only since that is what white America is and has always been until a little bit before and after the turn of the 19th century. Still I wouldn't advocate for the destruction of other kinds of technical whites unless it got really bad and like the earth was imploding and we had only a limited number of people to take into space to colonize some planet or something along those lines.

The vast majority of White Americans are pure Deutsch-Keltisch (Teutons/Celts) and a lot of the "muh 1/64th cherokee blood" meme is whites with white guilt who will do and believe anything to try and feel non-white even if it isn't true. Most of the 1 droppers are usually in concentrated parts of America rather than spread out. And don't forget that aussies have their share of abo blood
I agree. North-Western is Bestern

Additionally the US has 5million+ kikes and god only knows how much that plague has spread.
Here in Australia abo blood is very visible, I'm not sure about 'native American'.
I find 'Hispanic blood' to be very, very visible.
Most of mediterranean Americans are from located and concentrated in urban east coast areas. And it all came to America in around the early 1900s and 1950s God damn wop's and yeah I agree don't consider white hispanic white american tier at all. Very swarthy and have that moorish blood.

Damn right and don't you forget it. We're "White and Exceedingly Fair and Delightsome" - 2 Nephi 5:21, Book of Mormon
(Mormonism was always essentially religious white supremacy in its conception, its scripture promoted the killing of native americans and claimed that whites were the ones who built central and south american civilizations because natives are savages, it was really only later it became ZOGified. The LDS church openly supported Nazi Germany before WW2. And only in 1979 did the church actually allow Blacks to 'join the priesthood' though none ever do and the few never mix. The mormon 'ethnicity' of the rock mountains still 100% white and comprised of mostly British/Scandinavian stock)

You really did

>Minnesota (The westernmost bit of Yankyeedom) Should be its own nation.

Not necessary. It is a state.

I'm half spaniard-italian half portuguese, i know how you feel and i wouldn't wish it to anyone. I have no past so at least i try to build my own memes, my own future to compensate and it feels like i'm working extra hard. People should appreciate their heritage more because i have none.

Apologies, that's what I meant. On that map, it should be marked as settled by a nation of scandis.

It's still legal to have an opinion, just be a little more restrained than on this board.

It's even better to have a legal opinion.

florida doesnt really fall so much into the deep south, its mainly the border with alabama that has southerners.
Also french canadians would be super salty about being thrown in with cajuns, so thats awesome.

They have written themselves in a corner, they cannot depict beautiful archetypes fearing they will be labeled sexist, fat shamers etc.

Hey now, fat chicks need disciplinary love too.

That's so fucking interesting… I have been thinking about the Mormon religion for fucking AGES now as a means of accessing a non-degenerate wife, but to realize that it would also afford me access to the whites best genetics is murica is just amazing.

Going along with their silly rituals for a few hours a week is small potatoes in comparison to what it allows one access too.

dude, you don't understand Mormons
There's a reason they settled the barren wasteland that is Utah and it's not because everybody liked them so darn much
Mormon is a culture that changes nearly everything about one's way of life and only makes you able to be friendly with other Mormons and the current LDS church is de-facto a branch of the CIA

If you're so thirsty that you will do anything for the prospect of pussy is the most beta of all. Why don't leave this board and harass strangers with the fine products of Herbalife (tm) while you're at it?

WTF are you doing on Holla Forums mate? You are way too mixed to be here. If I were as mixed as you I would just go for the lieutenant position in the antichrists army of mixed men.
The army that will destroy all cultures and all countries so that no one will have anything for their own folk.
One race: (mixed), one currency, one world government, one leader, one mark of the beast ect…

The Mormons a very interesting group to say the least. Its just a shame that the modern higher ups of the church/the mormon elite extremely cuckservative (Romney) especially towards supporting Israel.Though Mormons were the 2nd largest religeous group to vote Trump this election after evangelicucks (despite evangelicucks being the largest american religeous group). This gives me a lot of hope for the 'white and delightsome' people.

Dude, they are the Chinese of Christendom.

Perhaps the changing political environment will allow them to reconnect more with their original values.
They just need to get rid off the liberal cuckservative boomer generation like the rest of white society.

What the fuck is wrong with you?, YA FUCKING NIGGER, i'd rather die than do anything of what you suggested, fucking schizo.

Nah CIA hates the church. Church came first and im betting there is some sort of secret church doctrine to establish thier own nation in north america, because the US goverment is rightly suspicious of all the influence mormons have been gaining

You have no people. You are a 'global man'. Just embrace it, and see you on the battlefield.

lol what does that mean. I dont get your anology. I get that they arent actually christian and are heretics by actual christian standards but if your actually a strict christian then by your standards race mixing shouldnt matter because your all descended from Adam and Eve. While the Mormons (the common mormon folk I'm talking about, the majority not the elite cucks) believe that all humans were originally white and that all nonwhite races and their progeny were cursed to be satan worshipping wogs because of their failure to uphold covenants with their people made with god. The religeon is inherently white supremacist to the core.

I'm not even Christian but come the fuck one. Read a fucking book.

He could be a leader among his people. He could make like amobea and part the seas, in the literary sense. Be a Moses unto his lost flock. Break apart the rectangular block of milk chocolate, revealing the inner essence of creamy caramel and Ivory nougat.

Cool. If the US dose break up you can guarantee the 'Mormon Nation' will do pretty darn well afterwards. Huge birth rate, no need for immigrants, conservative culture. I wouldent be surprised if 100 years later they were waging some kind of religious war on the degenerate heathen states like Yankeedom and taking their territory!

I won't embrace any globalist bullshit, thank you.

The mormons believe all blacks indians and asians are evil. I have never heard any other denomination express similar sentiment. Infact every other sect encourages sucking nigger dicks

This shitskin walk down the street to the cbc studio nearly everyday. He walks alone, he wears a hat that will catch most of the exploding brain matter when his skull gets caved in, he feels safe right now as do the rest. Make an example of him so that the others may think twice before producing anti-white propaganda.

You are globalist bullshit.

Mormons have sad eyes.

The bibe is d&c. Humans were decended from Ash and Elm, dindus mongoloids and kikes… they can figure out their ancestors for themselves, though I doubt they will.

How's old Terry doing?



You swallowed the Jewish D&C pill like a good goy, you stupid faggot.

As for your other dilemma about that half-kebab girl - I say that mixed people who "look white" should be allowed to remain in our societies on the condition that they A. do not breed and B. devote themselves to the exclusive betterment of the white race. If they hold any loyalty to their other half, then they should be treated like any other invader.

Modern day Mormonism isn't what it once was. They now work hard to import as many shitskins as they can. They're as cucked as it gets unfortunately.

If you give a person DMT after they ingest a nonreversible MAOI, they will be legally insane for at least a month. Normies will not come back. DMT is incredibly easy to extract from plants growing all over the world, ssuming you're only trying to make a few doses. MAOIs are easy to come by.

t. MormonIDF

Mormons have missions all the time, which means they have a web of foreign contacts. Incredibly useful to the CIA. They also are a self-perpetuating fundraising appratus. Their church is naturally secretive, great for dismissing any concerns. Romney is the de-facto King of Utah and well acquainted with the Bush-CIA Cartel. Ed McMullin was a confirmed CIA operative. Every major figure in Mormonland has CIA ties.

Momons themselves are fine, if a little strange. The religion in of itself is fine, if strange. The church apparatus, at the higher levels, is deeply controlled by the CIA.

The curse of ham isnt exactly widley excepted though. And its mainly believed by old school New England puritans. And the 'establishment of nations' shit doesnt make sense theologically because it implys that some form of evolution is true because of the morphological differences based on geographical location. Mormons believe Whites are the purest incarnation of Humans in god's image that all other humans have deep sin made visible by himself so that the 'holier' humans would have a visible sign in order to avoid from frateranizing with them.

depends on the christians and there interpretation of the bible. A lot of modern christians might aswell be marxist. Which was one of the things Hitler himself didnt like about the plain interpretation christian theological doctrine. The book of mormon out right says all nonwhites are inherently sinful and at one time were cursed by god and the closest thing they can do to ever redeem themselves is to serve the mormon people. They literally told the Injuns that as long as they believed and payed tithe and didnt mix they would 'become white' over time fucking suckers Mormons are better salesman than most Jews are. And thats not even a joke, statisitically mormons make up more than Jews when it comes to working in businesses. I think its because they've mastered selling people bullshit through creating a fake religeon out of thin air and having people believe to the point where it mightaswell be a world power despite only being around since the 1830s.

yeah i've noticed a trend recently where these marxist fucks don't even try to hide their intentions anymore. they proudly state that they want whites to go away.

The problem is you let one dago in and every fucking Mediterranean blooded motherfucker wants into the northwest European genetic pool.
This is why I say 'American' needs to be its own genetic pool and its up to them what they want to do with it. If they want to split it into separate pools so be it, if they want to keep letting Mexicans into the bottom end of their pool so be it.

Nein. If you really knew anything about the church or the conspiracys that surround it you wouldnt be retarded. The mormons have a councial of high ranking officials who mostly runs things they own most corporations in utah and the jazz.the Bush family are WASPS they would despise mormons. The real conspiracy is desseret thats the country they are trying to make.



Bloody hell its like Islam for the white man. Sign me the fuck up.

Shit mang. Shitlibs are doing our work for us. This is FCKH8 tier. Even normies hate this shit.

We don't keep slaves

The day after their prophet Joe Smith died. A newyork newspapers headline was "The Modern Mohamet". And yeah mormons were all about that rahowa.
Pic reltated is the prophet joseph smith
I think the mormons didnt object to slavery though. They politically aligned themselves with proslavery politicians of the 1800s like Stephen Douglas (the guy who debated lincoln about the morality of slavery) we actually have a fort in Utah called Fort Douglas named after Stephen Douglas. Mormons viewed the CSA's poltical philosophy of popular sovreignty in high estieem.

So DMT and then a savage beating which results in his brain matter running into the storm drain? I just want to make sure violence leads the way.

You sound a bit CIAish from your posts. Whats wrong, this millennial whippersnapper thinking outside the agreed upon thought parameters?
Promoting sedition?
Fuck the USA. The sooner it breaks apart the better, if we did it tomorrow (ala soviet union fashion) the liberal dipshit states would limp along for 10-20 years while the white conservative states would have 10-20 years to get their shit together.

Leafs are the main vectors for communism and degeneration in the American continent. Cuckery is their defining trait and the will get butthurt when other countries call them out on it.

Kill all the fucking leafs.




Map looks pretty out of date. They are better of getting their sea access through Oregon. They are not strong enough to take on the degenerate and corrupt NCR. Although a mutual defense alliance with the Pacific Northwest might help to protect them.

You are too stupid to live. Please lay down in traffic, it is the responsible eugenic thing to do.

What a shit video. Those who hate us will like it, but there's no chance it will convince anyone to join them.

Yeah, it's just a bunch of pedophile polygamists following an ancient text about a sandnigger god.

If it promotes large white families and communities and non-degenerate females then I couldn't give a rats ass about anything else.

I am also half-white (half German, half Italian) and I feel the same.

Italians are not white

I take this as a compliment, thank you.
This is what we all thrive on, do we not?
The bread and butter of the CIA, the КГБ, 超級秘密強壯男子 ?
We're all adults here, I hope.

No, it would probably result in an hyper-militaristic empire more aggressive than the US has ever been.

Literally how?

I know somebody who can help.

Like intellectual freedom

They will become incredibly unstable and have a massive civil war

People not jews who look white are acceptable because typically they can easily adopt the identity of white. They can view themselves as white and therefore identify with white American culture. That is what is important, from a social dynamics perspective. People who cannot think of themselves as white, either because they have brown skin or because they are jews, will never fully assimilate. That makes them a problem.

I think your photo is labeled incorrectly (Canada?) I suspect 'Sydney Australia' is what you meant to type.

So we're counting on them fucking up to the tune of starving 90% of their population to death? That seems totally unprecedented in the modern era. Hell, even Mao killed only half of them, and I doubt any future Chinese tyrant will make the same mistakes.

I'm pretty sure the only thing that can stop the Chinese is intense neutron radiation.

First line:

Yeah that's not going to turn White people off really quick. Also:

They know they're fucked.

Best piece of propaganda for our side that I've seen. Which one of you convinced your boss this was a good idea? Bravo.

And you are not literate.

Not at all true. Urban areas are very prone to massive dieoffs, which have been recorded throughout the twentieth century. I was only joking, but seriously, how do you think all the gooks and poo in loos in Vancouver and Toronto are going to feed themselves when the Canadian dollar reaches hyperinflation and trucks stop moving food into the cities? Millions will die.

If you speak fluent Mandarin and consistently publish best-sellers in Mandarin, you will never be Chinese. Unlike Russians.

I think they wanted the 'Theocracy of Deseret' to fit most accurately with the naural geopghraphical boundarys. And the establishment of Mormondom in the western united states was occuring the same time as the migration of new englanders and europeans to the cascadian region via the oregon trail.
The LDS church wanted some sort of sea access and southern california at the time was ripe for picking, and it worked with the natural contours of the land they already inhabited. And as degenerate as southern california is you will still find mormons in country side, usually dressed very modestly, near south LA's cliffs.
pic related is an updated map of the Deseret mormon nation state
Also a pic related of the modern coast of california still inhabited by the descendants of the original settlers

I do not think the masses deserve much freedom at all to be honest. What do they do with it?
Become degenerate.
Destroy families.
Destroy Society.
Destroy western civilization.
They should access only the freedoms they need to make a prosperous health society.

I can confirm. I blame canadian culture. To be polite and politically correct is the ultimate canadian value. it's pathetic.

I noticed the darkest skinned woman they had in that video was a very fair skinned amerindian at worst, but more likely just a tanned white girl. Kinda interesting in a video about race mixing they just want to mix all colors of men with one color of women. I'm sure it's just a cohencidence though.

But for real, this guy is less legit than that youth pastor who raps about Jesus to make the kids think religion is hip.

There's freedom and (((freedom))).

Holy shit, it's like one of those "yo not cool to do drugs commercials". They have lost, so out of touch they can't even propaganda.

That's because the Chinese have an authentic racial identity. America doesn't. At the best, America is Anglo and German. But many parts of America are largely Scandinavian, Polish, Scottish, Italian, Irish, etc. The only thing they really have in common is the ability to plausibly identify themselves as "white". That's as unified as you can get in America, that's the best American can do.

Uh, no, what happened with Mao was not a civil war. I think their population will be devastated by war.

Well if you're admittedly too retarded to deal with freedom for those reasons then I do urge you to go join the Mormons. Sounds like an argument for others to do it though, not for you, certainly not for me.

America has authentic racial identities. So does Russia, so does Europe.

Nowadays DMT is a common meme, everyone is talking about it, everyone wants to try it, but it needs to be with a shaman in the south americas, otherwise it doesn't work. TOPKEK
Pure DMT blasts you into outer space for some minutes, no need to be in some jungle shithole with some old sweaty shitskin giving me something that looks like puke.
I did DMT a lot for some years, I'm not proud of it now. It can help you, but can also totally fuck up your head if you don't know what you're messing with. Lefties use DMT a lot, and they don't become 'red-pilled', if anything, they become even more (((communist)))
We need an Augusto Pinochet in every country, or a Francisco Franco, and of course Adolf Hitler

The Leaf flag is about the best example I can think of cultural Marxism anywhere ever.

Even sweden, fucking SWEDEN was never so pozzed as to replace their flag with like idk…a dove or something.

I blame Pfizer.

Plural, sure. For instance you've got rural Pennsylvania with authentic German-Americans. But there is no single racial identity that could encompass all of the country, unlike in China.

In any future balkanization of the US, they'll never get sea access. The Siskyous mountain range on the border of Oregon/California is impassable, and barely provides a route to the coast from Utah through Nevada (there's a lot of geography they have to work around)…

The Sierra Nevada on the Nevada/California border is literally a giant wall. and then there's Death Valley at the southern edge of the Sierra Nevada on the Mexican/Californian border. Also at that junction, right before LA, near Las Vegas, is China Lake military base which is a huge operations center that the Mormons can't contend with (seeing as exotic tech is tested there). Not to mention the weapons stored and tested at Edwards base/Area 51 right north of Las Vegas, again, impeding the Mormons from reaching the southern California coast.

Also, at the northern head of the Sierra Nevada range is the Sierra weapons depot and Tulelake airforce base that the mormons will probably have no use trying to take over. So that impedes access to even the Siskyous (which are almost impassible) and then the California/Oregon coast (which has a coast guard and naval station nearby anyway).

I take it you mean there is no singular identity, like the Chinese Communist Party, that does so.
This is a fine thing.

I think freedom is a fair bit of a meme today.
What kind of freedom is that? Oh but annon I have the right to haul up on my property on my porch with my AR 15?
So what? Do people realize how insignificant that is?

They are burying their own graves

Basically the only 'freedom' I want is the right to live in a white ethnostate; which I most certainly do not have.

It means America could never be an authentic ethnostate. The best we can do is white nationalism, which is a poor substitute. Do you think it is a coincidence that the parts of the country with the most Scandinavians are also the most lefty parts? (Seattle for instance) Their cuckiness is genetically coded, what we call "white" in America is actually a genetically diverse set of people who often have hardcoded preferences towards incompatible political persuasions.

IDK sea access is somewhat outdated at least in warfare for the most part. Utah its self has one of the largest most advance AF bases; Hills Air Force Base. Also Mormons have always since the earlery settlement of utah have been avid gun makers and manufacturers as a way to try and ensure the securment of their land. Ever heard of the famous gun manufacturer Browning? one of most famously known gun manufactuers famous for having designed and manufactured many of the U.S.'s weapons during WW1 and WW2 and a whole shit load of other wars.
Browning himself and the Browning family were and still are mormons from Utah. The potential military might of Mormondom is the least of my concerns.

Wew Im pretty angry now tbh. The world they desire is not one I could live in.

Yeah, I don't think it's all that much of a concern either. The Mormons have a good amount of resources where they are now. The best thing for America is a peaceful dissolution, and friendly treaties between the new nation-states. But I doubt anyone will let that happen, and I guess we might as well see how far civic nationalism takes America with Trump. I still think an economic collapse is coming and the devastation that will follow could dwarf any president, so that makes me still wonder how this might all go down.

It is simple, really. Are you a Confederation of States or a Hemispheric Market State?

The way I see it, America is a corporation pretending to be a nation.

Yup. This is it right here: the pathological altruist gene; aka the 'Swedecuck gene'.
I'm not sure if 23 and me or Ancestry can pick it out yet.

On the bright side, at this rate we don't even have to try that hard to win people over to our side. These unfunny fucks are doing that for us.

The truth is freedom isn't real. Freedom and Power are the exact same.

You are either on top or on bottom. Whites are now on the bottom getting fucked. In early America it was a free country because white people were in power.

Dichotomies never really work out. Exempli gratia: Are you an American or a hyphenated American?

Of course you are are aware his father is a mutt himself, right?
Her children with a white guy, would, in all likelihood, would be considered hwhite according to the Nuremberg Laws.

lololol neither are the Irish

Let's extend it a bit. Any country ever to have been under rule of the Roman Empire is not white.

Peaceful now is better because the leftist/liberal states wont be forced into war. Instead they will make a big song & dance about how much better their socialist utopia is going to be than the evil white racist ethnostates.
20-30 years from now no one is going to believe the liberals when they tell people their countries will be better.

American isn't a race or nationality. Also that was a toatl Non sequitur that had nothing to do with my post. Learn to conversation.

I'm pretty sure "feminist fishmouth" and "nu-male" are both racial phenotypes. Something that is obscured by the overreaching concept of "white". I think if we studied these people scientifically, we'd find that it's not something all "white" people are equally predisposed to.

You seem unwilling to adapt to the methods employed by the Strategoi of your purported adversaries.

Italians/Irish not being white in America has multiple meanings. One one hand it can simply mean that you think the Irish are too stupid and criminal and the Italians are too polluted. Those may be true. However it can also mean that those groups only came to America in the 20th century. They can't authentically identify with 17th through 19th century America like Anglo and German Americans can.

However in practice they look white enough so if you raise an Italian or Irish American child to think of himself as a "white America" who is "just like" George Washington, they can see themselves that way. It may not be authentic, but in practice it works a hell of a lot better than nothing.

Are you well lad? Do you need an ambulance?

yeah I know. No fucking shit. You read my full post right? I barely consider some slavs white so why would I look at a levantine as white? also she is only 1/2 english which wouldnt make her children white. I also think the nuremberg laws differ from ethnicity it is.

lol ANY country? so, like the australian aboriginese?

Good post. I have quarter Italian heritage in addition to French, German, and Irish. You can imagine my identity crisis as I got older and learned the history of America, its immigrants, racial classifications, and the history of the European races.

I feel you my nigga.

You would be surprised how many fucking idiots (especially boomers) fail to grasp that American and Australian are meaningless terms in the modern context today because of immigration.
Some 1 million Chinks and Indians have Australian citizenship, are they 'Australian'?
France is 15% Muslims; Algerians and Tunisians and other garbage, are they 'French'.
WTF is American? I dont know… people all over halfchan and fullchan defend the term 'American' as synonymous with 'multiracial anything person who lives on the North American continent'.

This, but it seems no one seems to get that.

Its cool man. You aren't really as mixed as you think you are. I took a genetic test being a irish-german and I came out almost entirely R1b. As long as your ancestors came from the same general area we go all the way back before nations. Europe is our blood.

You're going to have to work that out with the Abos. Procedurally, the more recent immigrants have less of a say than they do in the matter.

I personally dont view Irish as nonwhite. Theyre just alcholic gingers that were persecuted and stereotyped by anglos for being catholic. Ive seen and been around plenty of full Irishmen that you would not know not know know they are irish by looks or behavior alone. Alot of stereotypes of the irish are about portraying them trashy leprechauns which is funny I admit but it isnt really true. Also its genetically not true because Irish and scots and most english have the same haplogroup: R1b.

What's with that nigger name?

wew lad

This fucking creeps me out. If I want to marry a white woman I fucking will and that's not racist to want that.

The Australoid has a say in nothing. He was conquered completely and totally by the European Caucasoid. Their race has been mostly exterminated, subjugated and their land appropriated. Everything the Australoid still possess is by the good grace of the European Caucasoid.
The amount of nonsense Australia engages in to obscure these simple facts is utterly astounding. Its a giant facade held together by the left wing media.

Hell, I feel similar and I am white. What am I supposed to identify with? My German side? North Italy? Anglo? Or just American? For fucks sake if I know. I don't want to be a nigger who hops around about muh heritage, it's not right to claim multiple heritages and traditions is it?

This is what's fucked up about learning in plain text your ethnic makeup. It didn't matter really back in the day, even your typical German was German regardless what his actual genetic makeup is. Germany itself is made up of multiple ethnic groups that formed the German identity anyway.

Maybe we should return to a more traditional classification of race and nationality.

I have no strong opinions on Irish whiteness, they seem white enough to me. But I understand that a lot of people on Holla Forums disagree.

If you are non-white it is because you are stealing females from a group that is rapidly declining and is only 8% of the earths population.
It would be far less racist to marry a Chink or Indian. Both these ethnicity's consist of well over a billion people and can spare being 'raided' much better than whites.

If you indulge in the Nietzschean notions of the Will to Power, certainly. Then again you must also concede that Islamic Supremacist doctrines are doing literally nothing wrong, currently.

American cultural influence is what did us in. The cold war killed us too.

So 3/4 Iberian, 100% South European Mediterranean.

Believe it or not I admire ISIS greatly. Young men with little to live for defying the entire world including a superpower and attempting to create a new state. It's very bold.
I also find it amusing to watch the US and other countries piss away their money and treasure in these foreign shitholes. Highly trained SOCOM warriors costing 100,000's per year to keep them in country vs illiterate goatfuckers with cheap $150 Chinese AK's and a few boxes of ammo.
Its like losing battle-cruisers to zerglings in Starcraft and the zergling just re-spawns when the sandnigger woman shits out another Muslim.
Whites used to know how to war but not any more.

It can be reasonable to admire your enemy, I don't think I could say the same of ISIS, but I respect their fervent idealism and sacrifice, something lost within our people. I will never admire a jewish-ploy though.

This is a fine observation but has it eluded the grasp of your mind that life is not a vidya gaym?

I made it just over a minute and this was what was onscreen when I paused it.

Notice how enthusiastic and engaged these actors look?

I figured that was a given.

Here's a question (because I'm bored), someone who is half white and half non-white, who should they reproduce with? For ease we'll say they're Half White/Asian. My guess is they should either whiten their genes, or Asian their genes, but absolutely no more race mixing.

You can't really explain this to Americans, until the late 90s the overwhelming majority didn't even own passports. They live in their own little bubble. Americans actually think of themselves as a "conservative" society and believe that "liberalism" comes from Europe. They have no historical grounding whatsoever.

What the fuck do you mean? Whites CONQUERED Australia, New Zealand, North America, South Africa and countless other islands and bits of land, they then settled and built cities on these pieces of land.
That was what white victory looks like.

It get's complicated.

These are all landmasses. No mention of the territory that separates them all, the one most inhospitable to the human species, the unforgiving mistress that is the domain of OKEANOS.

The miscegenation has already occurred. Two separate races separated by tens of thousands of years of evolution have interbred; the damage has been done. Personally I would fucking hate my parents, esp the white one for pissing away 40,000+ years.
Just breed with another mixed person. Defend whites as an auxiliary or help everyone else conquer them.
I already mentioned that if I were mixed I would just commit to conquering the world in the name of the 'mixed man'.
Basically thats the character I rolled during the generator so thats how I would play it.

Interesting thoughts, thanks for weighing in. This whole thing just largely interests (and disgusts) me as a whole.

True, many European ethnicities are made up of different populations that mixed into eachother, probably the largest case being the Aryans or Indo-Europeans.

We could study their brains to discover what the root cause of communism might be

What does 100% south european mediterranean mean? Did you make that up? Yes a lot of portuguese cucks probably have moroccan blood but never too serious. I'm portuguese and my father is aryan, maybe not pure but blonde hair and blue eyed. On my mother's side it is half greek, and my great grandfather was a slaver in Mozambique so I am sure I have nigger cousins unofficially due to grandpa fucking some niggrettes, but I don't have observable nigger or sand nigger family.

I.. I don't know what you're talking about! (frantically dialing 911)
Hahah, that's so cute! (Operator, he's acting up again. Bring the Ossifiers)
Take out the trash, you'll get some good boy points!

Good god. Why the hell am I still paying taxes again?
And that rap was so fucking low energy I'm ashamed to live in the same country as these fucks. I've seen literal 12 year olds make better raps than that.
City folk disgust me.

Canada's largest voting blocks are Ontario and Quebec. Imagine if every U.S. election was decided by New York and California.

I'm on team white.
You're on team mixed.
Figure it out.
If you breed with whites you are not 'joining team white' you are like a priest in Age of Empires converting someone from team white onto team mixed.
Except you are a fucked in the head unit running around the white base thinking u are playing for team white.

Downjewed it.

No, just disappointed.

Jesus christ nigger, you have been posting for over 10 hours. You won't get a "non-degenerate wife" if you spend the entire fucking day posting on a chinkanese sculpting imageboard.

That's certainly not true countries in countries in the far east, like China, Japan, S. Korea, Singapore, etc.


If you're daddy is white, then I don't care. Most kids associate their culture with their fathers.

Some of us here know what Holla Forums is and how it works. Controlling the culture here is important for, reasons…

Let's not go there, for reasons.. this picture from the 90s user??


No, that's modern day Scandinavia or something. Probably Sweden.

Oh dear, that's tragic…

Kinda like the US Marines, who will soon seem like a bunch of moron communist war criminals.

Doubtful with Mattis being new Secretary of Defense.

Canada will be a shit hole before 2040 comparable to South Africa.

This supposed miracle embodiment of viciousness will represent the righteousness of the American way of life?

An entire continent waits for you to deliver.

he sounds like les claypool on painkillers

I should slap myself for saying.

Well Canadian funded propaganda is nothing new here or anywhere else.

But I'm confident that the w33d cuckman 2015 won't get another 4 years.

Don't blame us all anyhow. We're in the same boat as many other countries. We have nwo breathing down our necks and lazy liberal hippies are brainwashed and have large numbers to vote.

Shitsucks but there are lots of great Canadians out here who don't like bullshit. We're just outnumbered by toronto and vancouver.. and didn't have anyone good to vote for anyways.

Fighting Irish

I have a bad feeling that weedman is going to get reelected. All the other parties are pure shit tier and our cucksertives are in total disarray anyway. Not to mention that Canadians desperatly want to be as globalist and marxist as possible to spite the U. S. Its like some white whore sleeping with niggers to rebel against her family in country form.

Our only feasible hope is Kevin O Leary and that guy is a turbo cryptokike.

We are completely and utterly fucked. Im not convinced there are any decent Canadians left outside of Holla Forums.

This "italian aren't white" meme is fucking retarded.
Italy is the highest medium IQ country in europe and I am 100% north-italian, 100% white with blue eyes and blonde hair.

When you think about "non white italians" you think about isleniggers or calabrians/lazians/camanians which are heavily bastardized with tunisinian shitskins or you're thinking of eastern-middle italy like Abruzzo or Puglia which are half slav from large mixing with historical albanians communities.

Northern italians are by no means far from austrians in genome, IQ, work ethics, you name it.

Nah, just a lot of d&c shills that think that only Scandinavians/Nordics are white, and exclude the rest of their European brothers.


Yeah it's quite a shame. Some people think that he's kind of like Trump which is delusional.

Here's one of them here

We need to prepare ourselves when this is actually pushed as a controlled opposition. He has no chance, and no credibility as a right wing/nationalist anyway. At least Trump was at a liked persona on television. As for MR crypto he is just straight up vile. I can see them playing this card and making Cuckdeau current year look like a hero who as defeated some sort of "alt-right" dragon.

good point, Kevin is not likeable.. he's pretty much the heel on dragon's den

muh white blood

Come on user don't be so salty you sound like you're about to starting calling people snowniggers and cumskins. They are just fucking with you when they say it. They probably do mean the Italians you mentioned tho.

This is by procedure, as by design
the way of supersedure;
Evidently benign, your excreture
putrid by any metric
(it does not rhyme)

Your own cup within you deposit,
all your hopes and dreams.
As of yet, you admonish
the procedure of our screams.

How can this, arithmetically
Succulenty compound, and diametrically
that I can be made to, in all good faith
kill myself with dignity and grace?
for this rasculous race?

Nigger, no.

he mentioned~

Holy shit, that music alone makes me want to get into the game. Is it still available anywhere for download?

Google's servers. Give them a call.

Fuck, figured that'd be the case. I'll get by watching videos I suppose.

Spanish-German-Flip mix here, I can wholeheartedly agree. I just wanted to be pure white.

psht fuck that shit. Maine is wonderful.

we are being robbed

Lying thieving cunt.

I went to vancouver once when I was about 12 and I could see a really flashy gay strip club from my Hotel. It wasnt even a hotel in a bad area or anything.

My church is pretty un cucked. Its mostly older people though, im the only young person that isnt a child there almost every week.

I'm half jap and this is fucking disgusting

yea feck of into the grave you've got to dig, you garbage piece of a human being! See, this is an army, innit? you don't give a fuck, for you are a fucking brit that comes off as super high flyer! So, whotsit, then, ya cant?

lad, zerglings can't attack battlecruisers

love isn't real

Looks like ernest

doeg isn't real

Till one day…

Moonman is part of the pantheon.

Don't even fuck with me with the "white americans are all northwestern euros" its fucking bullshit. You probably don't even know your own ancestry

jesus fucking christ. these licks are just too slick.

I have blue eyes, blond hair, and white features, and so does nearly every person I know in the midwest. When I found out brown was the most common eye color in the world as a kid, I didn't even believe it at first.

So you're basing your opinion of all 200 million whites in America on what you know in your little corner.


I'd say that most of the rural U.S. is legitamitly white. Pretty much all mongrels and 'whites' tend to almost always be concentrated on the west and east coasts in urban areas. The back bone of America though is white.

I knew exactly what Trudeau was. I did not vote because Harper was the Slowly Boiling Frog option, he would have kept on flooding us with flips and streetshitters and chinks as he did while he was in power, meanwhile we'd keep on thinking everything was fine because HURR ITS CALLED CONSERVATIVE PARTY IT MUST BE GOOD and one day we'd wake up a minority.

No, we need the enemy to be open about their goals. We need the frog of Canada to realize the water's hot. We need our own Obama if we're to have our Trump. We need Current Year Weed Man.

OK, cool 4U. I don't except any of you to give a fuck about anyone in "Yurop", so go fuck your obese elf!

(man, is it liberating to be American)




Yeah good point. I voted for some fourth party bullshit because fuck Harper too. Trudeau is so far so good: a total fucking embarrassment and failure on every level.

not letting quads go unchecked

lol wtf did I say that gave you the impression I was from Europe? I'm and American. If I were a European I'd probably say something along the lines of:

Underrated post

What's wrong with Mediterranean whites, faggot?

It's at -1 Kelvin.

Look at his fucking social media engagement… it's only his family and friends paying any attention to it.

THIS is their flagship comedian???

spelling error

What this scum doesn't understand is that THEY are in WHITE countries of which the population is being destroyed and which HAS a right to self-determination, exist, sustain, defend itself regardless of how they like to take advantage. People like this only deserve a bullet. They are in OUR homelands. We aren't in Pakistan making halfbreeds, breeding them out of existence with a nationalist, ethnocentric homeland, noo that's only for non-Whites. We're all "nazi" and we "won't exist" in the future. They seriously see White genocide as a normal, positive thing. Their own countries and people will not fade as they're not attacked as "nazi" and criminalized. Kill them all. No half breed, White or non-White can do this White genocidal nonsens in our countries. We WILL separate. We WILL kill you for anti-White activity, propaganda. You will NOT take advantage of our people. Absolute scum.

Did some research and discovered that Shaun Majumder goes to great lengths to appear taller than his wife, when in reality he is over 2 inches shorter than her. lel

Holy FUCK look at this lads!

This shitskin started a business in the form of a "resort manor", made a reality TV show about the process, and WANTS MONEY FROM THE GOVERNMENT TO PAY FOR IT: The Majumder Manor