Germany Set to Blame Merkel's Loss on Russia

Germany Set to Blame Merkel's Loss on Russia
Head spy warns of a Russian "disinformation campaign" aimed at Germany.


these were the people who were in charge, think about that for a second. being hanged would be too quick, they need to be dragged through the streets first.

This might actually work.
Most Germans still hate the Ruskies.

t. Burgerfag who has visted family in Germany.

Bullshit. The number one thing that will end Angela Merkel's political career is Angela Merkel.

Well the BND wants to join the big boys club, and they have been some very naughty boys.

The interesting thing about germans is that they like harmony and they want to do their shit.
So such a thing, esp. if it comes to public perception is very usefull in disruption the germans. IT creates resentment of the state in itself since the state cannot protect its citizens, and then you just have to push that narrative. ANd the right wing approach is always the most visceral way to do this, because it stands for strength and boldness.
And the a little bit of chaos will sidetrack their narrative to counter this, meaning the cyka davai doing cyka davai stuff. Because they do not believe that shit at all, it is like pushing a botton over again, just like the old computer olympics games where you push the same botton just really fast.
So the russian objective should be a two sided front, weakening the counter narrative while amplyifing the threat of the german idiot bnd cunts being helpless and their americans friends not doing shit. Which will even create internal division between my very accurate bnd friends, that care about the tv fee.
If i would be russia i would hit certain critical infrastructure a bit more, like delaying some trains or disrupting traffic lights if possible or delay atm cashouts, which would be really effective since germans love their cash orderly on time which gives them a sense of security.
Left side always stands for weakness so this shit wont fly, right wing parties will militarize the thought process and be more pragmatic. Which might be profitable for the BND in a way of funding.

>Germany Globalists who control Germany have recently expressed their concerns butthurt over Russian interference, particularly through the spread of fake news stories news they tried to cover up with their Lügenpresse.

>Merkel has also warned that populists politicians who want to fulfil the wishes of the people instead of telling the people what they should think and social media platforms spreading propaganda their own opinions were in danger of causing unprecedented damage to democracy our traitorous agenda.

I wonder how they can still watch themselves in the mirror after saying shit like this.

What do you mean Merkel's loss? Did she lose? at what?

A German international student I knew in college was quite freaked out when Russia annexed Crimea. She was low-key sjw on many things, but that was the most vehemently scared/angry I had ever seen her. Of course, she would be one of the last to leave Merkel, and she has never questioned the EU objectives.

That would give motive for the attacks on Deutsche Telekom. As a burger, it's not a public reaction I would have anticipated. Here it would be more along the lines of "well of course it failed, it's only hanging on by a thread". Perhaps from the size and patchwork nature of the US and from affirmative action hires, you expect things to go wrong like that.

be prepared to have russian hackers as the source of every misfortune


The future current year is calling.

I have no fucking idea about the public reaction, just heard about it a week ago. And i assume a lame shit like the deutsche telekom would have holes is pretty save to assume. But then again the bnd idiots are talking about it, so either they are reporting on the truth or they themselves want a free ad. So maybe the cyka davais are always good for some ads, so lets look if they follow up on it otherwise it is just a one night stand. Good for the ego but nothing serious.
Which makes me think if i would do such a thing i would line it up with other shit to have some resonance. Like pushing those bottons.


Yeah, this one incident wouldn't cause many waves, but I mean that if a telecom company here went down for a while, people would probably think it was an internal screw-up. Shit happens all the time. It still erodes public confidence, but it may be a more effective tactic in Germany than in the US, where only a quarter of Amrack trains arrive on time.

rant over, I'm ok now

Dunno, an event like this needs a backlash. It looks more like a internal fuckup or could be sold as this, or some kids doing shit. Nothing serious. If you want something serious you need several events in a row, i assume so it sticks a bit better.
You need a guy talking about his not working internet and some guy that had to wait for his train for 1 hour due to a software failure and one that couldnt use his EC card. Bad news spreads a lot faster than good news, i bet this there is a sheme for this to work effectively and the russians would probably know this, and certainly a timeline to make stuff work. You could argue that you can do it in a longer timeline but i would fit a cascade of events into this longer timeline so it suits a certain patter of change perception. Cyka vodka putin.

Shall we meme Merkel's loss into reality? She's had it coming for a long time now.

Dubs confirm yes

It looks like Germany is going to have to be subjugated for the third time.

And they're actually going to be the bad guys for once.

user, this is the fall of Weimar, Germany are going to be good guys soon

Who buys this shit anymore?

The fall of Weimar just happened in America.

Also Germany is still an occupied country so i'm sure it would even be a war.

YOu need some words like cuck, you need to chain it to some nice propaganda to make it spread. Germany is a lot more stable than the usa.
Merkel is like kebap, it turns in a circle in the heat.
Make her look ridicolous, "wir schaffen das" and then you make a picture of a big area brothel whore that has to serve 2 dozends of costumers. Or the 300spartans having the "wir schaffen das" solgan, leonidas doesnt say "we dine in hell" but "wir schaffen das". Or that whore that is on the festival really happy getting groped saying "wir schaffen das" and then is really uncomfortable.

Honestly do you actually think Germany/EU would be dumb enough to go to war with America and Russia while having to deal with the V4 (soon to be 5 once Hofer gets in Austria) going against the EU as well

Is the German politicians the stupid ones, or is it the german public?

we'll soon find out

Some people actually will believe this.

user the EU is not made up of sane people that can mentally stand giving up power.

OR some muslims circling dumb german boobanimals chanting "wir schaffen das". OR some fat americans having a lot to eat "wir schaffen das".
Or the banks making money "wir schaffen das" because they create money of thin air. Or you use war like syria and say "wir schaffen das" and then you present some fucked up people. Or the arbeitsamt, presenting alcoholics and say "wir schaffen das". Or the "intelligence firends" presenting isis and "wir schaffen das". It is a process of creation. Use her meme and combine it with another meme and it is a supermeme.

I vote for them to be hung, drawn and quartered.
Can't go wrong with a classic

Stupid people who seek the path of least resistance.

Governments says it's outside influence that's causing problems {X,Y,Z} and I'm to lazy to be accountable to the fact that it's my duty as a sovereign citizen to remove any "Authority" that acts on my behalf.

Is that you CommonSpic?

No. My tone of writing is sometimes confusing, my apology.

People come here for the confusion, and people come here for the words. And we give them both.
And noone can do it like we do it.

Death by boiling


Neither is the US, but they'll have to give it up anyway.
America, Korea, Germany - it's gonna be a global swamp-draining.

No apologies, faggot!

they STILL don't get it.
the lugenpresse is finished

AKA the fucking TRUTH


It is not the fucking truth but the truth is like a pair of breasts waiting for a mallet to tenderize it. Looks really beautiful but needs that little hammer.
So at the first glimpse it seems like more of "we need more of a internet security update" hack. No bounty asked for.

So in a sense once the internet of thangs n shit goes online we need a gold standard of security n shit. And some fuck well paid nerds that make sure of it, and hoookers.

Holla Forums has to come to terms with the fact that communism aka political judaism for goyim is just a faustian deal by jews to get their 6 kiketillion goyim slaves per Chosen


Too bad there is none like trump. Not even half the fun. And the other candiates are a stretch. We need to get some profile back into the afd, alpha friends arent really alpha. Some of those fuckers has to get back to get shit working.

Smartest way to do so if none of those fucks get back is to ride the csu or cdu to then do a switch and get into afd, with a big payload. I guess if someone charismatic with some rhetoric skills and intelligence can lead a moderate way, and the turks dont like the immigrants either, will win big time.

>still no proof

t. Гордорусский

Let's pretend that it actually is Russia for a second.



Trump is going to be good for America, but don't kid yourself, he's not going to implement labour-backed currency or give interest free housing loans that are forgiven as families have kids. He's not going to unionize the entire work force and he's definitely not going to end unemployment completely.

Are they insane? If Russia was tampering in their elections that'd be an act of war. Since Russia is certainly not, or is probably doing so in ways they are too stupid to detect, then they've put themselves in a position where they are creating major international breaches in relations for cynical politics.

Why did you post a picture of some chinky kid with a tumblr filename? Why do you have that on your computer?

40% of children in Germany is non-German, you cuck.


Nothing wrong with hating steppe niggers. Blaming them for everything is stupid though, they're not Jews after all.

They can't watch themselves in the mirror if they don't have a reflection, user.

its like the gaming media and Gamergate

Wow, the Russians sure hate globalism and terrorist shitskins. They're trying to rig the whole civilized world against them! Single handedly!

Jesus H Christ I'd love to see the stats and numbers they found to scare themselves this silly
Fire Monkey was Fun.
Fire Cock Will Be even Better.


They dont pay our "intelligence" agencies to actually gather intel anymore, they are now just another propaganda outlet taken serioisly because they have "state authority

Get out of here G.O.P.N.I.K.!

This is a seriously shit-tier narrative and anyone who falls for it should be relentlessly mocked.

Back in the good old days, blaming a Russian conspiracy for everything got you called a literal tinfoil hat.

What's good for the goose and all…

That was when Russia was still working for the bad guys.

Dont forget "Putin has weaponized the refugees against the EU by bombing the rebels in Syria". That one has actually been used.

Pic is of Royal Navy ferrying refugees across the Med to Italy