The left is still really salty about the gamergays

The left is still really salty about the gamergays. The London Guardian published this yesterday:

Other urls found in this thread:

Perhaps the true lesson of Gamergate was that the media is culturally unequipped to deal with the forces actively driving these online movements. The situation was horrifying enough two years ago, it is many times more dangerous now.


They still can't believe that against all odds (at least in the public eye), Trump still won.

Their problem is that they pissed off the very group of people they thought they could recruit in nerds. And now look, the nerds find more in common with far-right folk than they do the SJW lefties.

Reap what you sow leftists.

The enduring salt is the one real, unassisted accomplishment of Gamergate.


gamergate really was the first real blow deliverd against the SJW hordes
and it all happened because a few nerds just wanted to be left alone and play vidya

even now when most of gamergate has been coopted and pozzed they still flog that dead horse, let it be a constant reminder to the muh pr argument, the adversary does not want to discuss issues with you, only to destroy you
interestingly enough in trying to shut down the relative benign gamergoys they ended up with us and we are a lot more radicale then they expect
couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of noses


OH THE PAIN! OH THE HUMANITY! Make sure to donate to my millions on patreon!

Major fucking wew.

Three things: they have so few things to complain about and are thus desperate, they can only reach low-hanging fruit or illusions, and they are used to beating dead horses because they don't fight back.


I would make some comment involving a pot calling a kettle black but I think the modern version would be more a kettle calling the pot racist.


Where can I find more of Rondo Duo's stuff?

The same place where you kill yourself. Fuck off.

in hell

The fiends!
Don't they know diversity and cultural malcontents are our strengths!
Don't you shitlords know navel-gazing and whining are better than doing and accomplishing?

top kek

No, user, you are the cancer. But I'll let you go back to your LARPing now.

Jesus fuckballing Christ … don't shit up Holla Forums with this garbage.


The left are still under the assumption we're in the Bush era.
They love playing as the underdogs even though things already go their way.

Seems you are still under the assumption we're in the Obama era.

This article is as much about the President Elect as it is gaymers.

The best part is now Trump is talking about ethics in journalism.

Good news is, things won't be going their way much longer. The Obama era is coming to an end. Trump will make Bush look like a cuckservative compared to him.

No, this cancerous infection has been driven out. Do not bring it back.

It's funny to say it like that, I've done it myself, but it makes more sense to outsiders when discussed with the gravitas it deserves. "What gravitas?" I hear you asking, "It's just fucking kid's games!"

But you know the truth. Since most of us were young, we were told that white men have been oppressive and bad for the world. Selfish, murderous, bad. We were told that there were enough white men in power, and we needed more women in charge. Women could become scientists, engineers, anything they wanted! Men weren't needed anymore for the roles they traditionally filled. They were replaced by the welfare state. The institution of marriage was dissolving right before our eyes the whole time we were growing up, monogamy was seen as a joke. A smaller and smaller number of men were attracting a large number of sexual partners and less cost to themselves, as the dissolution of a conscious system of monogamy led to hypergamy gone wild. "It's fine," we said to ourselves, as the house burned to the ground around us. "I'm not entitled to any woman's body, and my ancestors oppressed all the brown people and I have undeserved privilege and only white people can be racist." We settled down in a state of quiet surrender, having been indoctrinated from INFANCY to believe ourselves to be the villains of history. Excess human trash that didn't deserve any better. "It's fine," we said. We turned on the TV or the computer and went to live inside fantasy worlds where we could be heroes. Where we could meet pretty girls and not be ashamed of being heterosexually attracted to them. We surrendered the real world peacefully to those who hated us, because we were gentle souls who never wanted to hurt anyone and just wanted to be happy ourselves. And so it was for a few decades. We retreated to the one place left that didn't hate us for the circumstances of our birth. The one place that let us fight the monsters without being called monsters ourselves. The one place where we could be at peace and be accepted, even if we were only being accepted by fictional nonentities. It was the last corner of existence we could hide.

And then they came for it as well.

Why won't this die? These people are deranged.

60 years from now, the left will still be bringing up gamergate in the same way that we,and sometimes even normie conservatives bring up the different communist groups that operated in the 60s and 70s.

there won't be a left in 60 years.

In the short time it took you to ask to be spoonfed, I googled a torrent for it, found out there is an english patch for that shit, downloaded it and I'm ready to fap.

I didn't disguise shit. The article is about how the author thinks gaymergay was a prelude to Trump's victory. Try literacy.


I'm not bitching about anime, just your degeneracy and rampant faggotry. Also it's not even an anime. Fuck off.

get with the times user, its 2016! anime is real and life is a videogame

Most of the "alt-right" isn't racist kkk members but disenfranchised (mostly) white male youth. Most leftists don't get it. They think we are all cross-burning David Dukes hiding behind computers. Reality is we are young, we have energy to meme all day, and we're damn better at it than you are. Perhaps we would've all outgrown video games whether or not Gamergate happened, but the feminists tried to unplug us too early and without consent.
Speaking as someone who browsed Holla Forums, never cared about politics before Gamergate, then got drawn to 4/pol/ and gradually redpilled, Gamergate really started a lot of us on the road to the far right.

Still assmad about Gamergate, goon? lel

We are still in the Obama era until Jan 20th, 2017.

To use OP's logic …

Anime is a current event because it's happening right now. It's why this GG crap is about to be spammed all over this board and nobody will do anything to stop it.

Don't pretend you weren't warned.

Main difference is that they were right about the communists #Venona #BringBackHUAC

there will be, but they will be a very small fringe minority who do nothing but shitpost on obscure message boards.

Fug. Flynt will milk this for another few months of relevance.

Reminder that the left is shitting themselves because this is what defeated them.


It's worse than that. On Twitter he first claimed he wanted to run for President, but has since downscaled and made claims about contacting people that will help her run for some other political office.

Sorry, that last one was also supposed to be "him."

Fucking trannys.

From the POV of normies, GamerGate only exists through what (((the media))) tells them.
And the (((MSM))) is really butthurt to the point that GG is constantly the reason why there's still evil in the world.

Must be really sucky to be a SJW in current year +1
2017 will be even worse for them

That would be the best opportunity for trolling since Wikileaks' relevance to quick politics faded.

2 years later and that still makes me angry.

Roll on CY +2

Gamergate is the gift that keeps on giving
the salt it has harvested so far is glorious and it keeps going and will keep going for Kek knows how long

It's more like Gamergate shoved social justice in the oven and Holla Forums turned on the gas.

And actually the left is still scared shitless about GG because they hyped it up as a super powerful group of evil shitlords, believed their own hype, and now they think GG is the dark hand guiding the war against (((progress))). They basically memed gamers into reverse jews.

To be fair, it was the attempt of pr, that ended up red-pilling a significant amount of people. Actually experiencing the media machine turned against you, is much more convincing then listening to someone tell about it.

Don't forget, GG lost Gawker 7 figures in advertising revenue and emptied their legal defense fund, allowing Hulk Hogan to deliver the killing blow.

i must admit i wouldnt be here if zoey quinn could keep her legs closed.

quite poetic, user


Underrated, post this deserves a (you) or two.

SJWs started as an annoyance on the face of imageboards and seemed avoidable in the late 00's. Then they started getting bigger and more shrill and started affecting the real world. A laughing stock online was suddenly in charge and covering up heinous shit. They were hired by DARPA to make vidya universal so it could be used to indoctrinate. They failed but captology resulted from their efforts (behaviour control for young children via games). This is why Van Valkenbergastein had her filthy cunt covered for. Holla Forums turned to us all back at 4pol, we came here in waves and then Holla Forums came downs with the syndrome and started listening to plebbit. They wind up in a fight with the real media who crush them without much effort and then proceed to gloat while using the shambling corpse as a puppet to scare people into compliance.

Meanwhile Holla Forums still existed and groups were slowly forming like TRS and such which all took time to mature but then synchronicity, divine will, meme magic or whatever one wishes to call it hit off. Trump announces his bid and the overdrive kicks in as he hits out against globalism. The media tries to treat him like they did gamergate, times 6 million. Concern trolling, public shaming, fake negotiating, backstabbing, you name it the (((media))) and (((academia))) tried to pull it. And now we're here. TRS and other groups have picked up an old /bmw/ real world propaganda idea from early on in the board's history and have run wild with it. Meanwhile Holla Forums gets to do what it does best reap tears and dig into shady shit to expose the jewish lies. And the media are DESPERATE to fight all of it. So long as things proceed things look like improvements and victories are feasible. But no cucking can be permitted. Remember how GG cucked. Remember how GG died. And press F to pay respects.

Truthfully, a lot of games have always had social commentary, but you didn't notice or didn't give a fuck. Once someone held up the magnifying glass to them, you can't help but see it everywhere now.

Ignorance is bliss.

viv thread?

Meh Gawker was cancer but it was nothing but a small tentacle from a much larger Kraken
I remember there where 3 media groups involved
Vox was mostly irrelevant, Gawker was the noisiest of them all but Silverstring was the real cancer, all the LWs, important people and dubious organisations where tied to it


I think the most upsetting thing to me is that people are so two-faced and hypocritical and duplicitous, all because they have to propagate this dumb social agenda and removing wrongthink, instead of being genuine

Wow was it really almost three years ago now. These fucking faggots are literally going to starting writing books about it soon.

there's still some good games to be found but they're few are far between. generally indie games that don't belong to any of the indie cliques, almost anything big companies shit out is garbage.

This better not become a meme.

Impressive dubs

Checking thos tirple dubs in a row
Kek be praised
GG died when PR cucks got to afraid to call out the Jew Holla Forums dug and dug and as always Jews where behind it all but most Holla Forumsirgin faggots didn't want to involve themselves in the big fight so they just settled for a small victory instead of going for an all out war
IA was right
All they had to do was attack attack attack


Speaking of Kek does anyone have an Archive of the thread back in the end of 2015 where we discovered him for the first time?

lol nobody on the right cares about that shit anymore

I've been playing a ton of From the Depths lately. Building and testing ships, planes, subs for hours clears my mind of all the blackpilling and demoralization. that game doesn't get enough love, I highly recommend if you're into building and blowing shit up(it's got a steep learning curve but all the best games do).


That'd be the case if Obama wasn't a lazy pos in addition to pyrsyn of color. President-elect may as well mean President in effect.

i admit it has piqued my interest. thank you for the recommendation.


Play vidya from before vidya went to shit. Problem solved.

It goes in all fields

that whole MUH PR shit they did really turned me off and as far as I could tell a lot of the other guys doing digging who came from /i/ back in the day. We were doxing everyone then they started crying about emails or something. Then I guess it turned into some leftist thing who just didn't like being bullied by sjws for being white men. They don't give a shit about the death of the white race or anything. Just their fucking video games. Fuck them.



How long before he blocks me?

the left are really sore losers, aren't they?

Here was my path:
-Learn about Ryan Faulk from his criticisms of Molyneux. Ryan Faulk presents strong arguments which turn me into a race realist, but not a white nationalist like he was.
>Generally research SJWism and investigate racism claim some more and find the arguments against races existing as totally obtuse. Discrimination against women was totally incompatible with a capitalist model which would favor profits over prejudice. Highly favor trusting my senses and data over ideological rationalizations. Rejecting racism would mean, to my 'autist' mind, rejecting evolution in every meaningful way. The cognitive dissonance is too much.

This guy gets it. Just turn one of your old consoles into an emulator box and play SNES games all day every day.

that's what happens when you basically win every culture war you fight for years and years. it's unfathomable to lose, especially to a bunch of disorganized shitposters who usually don't give a fuck about anything except for one or two things they like. even shit like the sci-fi rabid puppies shit ends up being hilarious and derails something that's supposed to be some holy, serious affair into chaos, because coffee shop hipsters have absolutely no fucking idea what to do about it

there will always be a left, retard

hopefully in the future the left will be white nationlists, while the right will be ultra religious people

flynt will be trying to milk this until the day he dies due to an infection in his mangled inverse scrotum.

GamerGate ended up falling hard when all was said and done, but anyone who tries to tell you that it had no impact is lying. It seemed like a small thing but it really seems to have kicked off bigger, better things.

will Trump be generating salt 2 years from now?



They're saying that it had a negative effect when 99% of games are pozzed now? They're retarded.

This isn't anything new. The left always claims credit for anything "positive" just like they've claimed credit for "the Englightenment" and the LGBT rights talking points that they stole from centrist libertarians.

They weirdly won't claim credit for their involvement in Libyan Intervention and Syrian Airstrikes.


that reminds me, did milo ever finish his book, or is he just a lazy faggot?

throughout all of human existence from this point forward. just look at this shit-eating grin. this'll trigger any lefty, any time, any place. for fuck's sake, they still bitch about gore not winning 2000, and that could be considered a minor setback compared to this shitlord storming the white house and laughing the whole way there

Bill Clinton said "White people are going to need identity politics in the future when they're a minority."

Well, surprise surprise, we're starting early motherfuckers.

I agree that PR redpilled me. It taught me that you didn't need to respect people with ill intentions because you would be treated poorly like Carson. Like you said, they don't want discussion, they want you and your ideology to remain nonexistent because they believe in a false narrative. They don't want insight ( ), they want destruction.

In the long run, retaliatory belligerence worked for Trump. You can tell those dipshits to fuck off.

they still hate Bush, even tho he just pretended to be a retarded conservative in order to destroy the republican party

More than 8.

comics-gate when?

You do realize by accepting those labels you're telling everyone the jews own not only this universe, but the next one, right?

Meme. Responsibly.

needs to be longer

gg made it cool to hate liberals

that's why liberals hate gg so much.

They're just throwing tantrums in hopes that you'll finally submit to them. They're used to doing it with cuckservatives all the time.

No, that’s not even remotely what was being said there.

The communists will never NOT be salty about GG.
It was the first time anyone stood up to them and said, "no".

Who would have fucking thought? I am a gamergater, I came from 4chan to Holla Forums in the great migration. I am politically engaged and generally thought to be a socialist, but my morals haven't all been decided and I can change them if another belief contradicts the other, basically I am never hypocritical. These fucking anti-gamergater cucks make me furious. Firstly they are talking shit about my games! Secondly games are fucking shit, but not for their horribly surface reasons, aka not actually related to the medium of games. Okay I took a course in learning about games, absolute trash in the class, but the content was okay for teaching me about the way people look at what games are and how to make them. The golden age of most mediums has long past, but because there are so many games out there it is hard to find all the good ones, but I do find one or two a year, that's a 1 in 2000 chance of a good game. When someone comes along and says the medium is shit I want them destroyed mentally, you see saying a game is shit in comparison to others is fine, saying all games are shit because they are 'sexist' is the end for me. Anyway gamergate died, just like they said it had, just not at the time they said, because we won, then somehow people on both sides pretended it still existed and we get to this state where they are bringing it up again because there is physical proof that gamergate won - Trump will be president #45 for the USA. Meaning a socialist is an alt-righter!

Basically seeing the journalists all post the exact same article was just so corrupt, and then it happened again against Trump. Anita, Zoe, Brianna, the lot of different characters that popped up were the most amusing drama queens, but they weren't the issue exactly, for some reason the fact that journalists started writing about them made them the issue because of the cultist behavior in having the same story / same pov as everyone else. It's just the view point is a facade and I see through them! If they believed the shit they spouted and can generally give me a fool-proof explanation I would be so much happier.

Jesus Christ. How

They are severely buttblasted. MSM has become the new Gawker, like we all knew would happen.

Yes, it is. You are marking the universes as Stein and Stain, both Jewish.

Gamergate will never die for these people as even years from now, in the back of their minds, it will always stand as a testament of their failure to use a once innocent medium into a mass children indoctrination machine.
They were simply too slow and went in too early when the "culture" surrounding video games already got set in stone.

I'm from the 3-person JFK car universe

I meant too late, not early.

It's not. It died when they made Acid Man drove GG on Holla Forums off a cliff. This thread is probably linked to on the GG general in Holla Forums where they spend the whole time hugging each other and pretending the shit isn't completely irrelevant and dead as fuck now, because other wise they would be forced to ask questions about what they did wrong when they leaderfagged the thing to death. They're probably feeling pretty bad because Trump stole all their attention from SJW types.

Then they need to buck the fuck up and be user again.

Stay assmad revolt.

GG should be dead on the basis of time alone. And that was my point of my post.

I have no idea why you're so assmad at a BO like it was 2014.

Never went to revolt. I was redpilled on the Holla Forums cabal by it's own actions where they let a lolcow tranny spend all of GG's remaining capital on fighting other people he didn't like in GG. GG on Holla Forums officially ended pretty much when he made a sticky on his board about how he was reporting everyone that trolled him in GG to the FBI. Holla Forums never throwing Acid Man under the bus for his terrible decisions lead to it dying and to me realizing those people were as bad as John Kelly, Ralph or anyone else they railed against.


I'm mad because I was in GG and it actually had operational thrust before they made Acid Man a leaderfag. People making up excuses for why it's dead now are pushing narratives to excuse their selves from blame. GG could have done more, but it stopped because of decisions from some very stupid circle jerk that people trusted for some reason.

The finest salt

Make GG user Again.

Leaderfag = no longer user

And now a lot of it is ethics in ALL journalism.

BTW, I just checked the GG thread on Holla Forums. It's full of ass blasted leftists crying about Holla Forums. Check it out if you don't believe me:

>>>Holla Forums11358891
>>>Holla Forums11358587

Some of them come in here and pretend like were still one and the same from time to time, but they're always talking shit about Holla Forums when they think no one is reading their thread.

So dead they that they continue to cry about it. So irrelevant they continue to try to convince people of their irrelevance.

>>>Holla Forums11358565

Are you suggesting GG isn't dead? Are you that delusional? The problem here is GG was a SJW boogeyman after it died. Now Trump and the "alt right" is the boogeyman. So yeah, GG types coming in here and making threads each time they are mentioned so they can be patted on the back and feel relevant again is kind of sad. At one point someone made a thread about how GG got Trump elected, and Holla Forums general thread people pretty much raided it and called everyone who disagreed a shill.

The worst thing about GG is Trump proved you don't have to compromise with these people to win. Right out the door you had people spouting the "GG is a leaderless movement" meme trying to meet SJWs half way and trying to suck up to the media with shit like Airplay and what have you. So now they have to piggy back off of someone who proved the people they detest, like Internet Aristocrat who called them pussies for not wanting to fight, completely correct.


So, they're really retarded - in a charming way. Probably a bunch of gooks that feel excluded from white nationalism.

Being "GG" is the problem. Once you're a group, you're a target for D&C. Hence: Make GG user Again.

The reason why #GamerGate worked was because the GG label meant BAD JOURNALISTS. It didn't mean "I'M A GAMER"

It was identity by exclusion/negation. It's basically what fucking Alinsky uses. The moment you're invested emotionally in a label, the moment they can bend/manipulate you.

Might seem a little familiar…
White people defined themselves this way. "Not gay." "Not black." blah blah blah.

They turned white identity into 'evil' by this method.

What the left needs to do is partake in some solemn introspection.

they can't and won't. they still don't even really blame hillary, its always some else's fault

They can't and won't because they're afraid.
I can't imagine how they find the truth so terrifying. When did we stop teaching people it's okay to be wrong?

When they know Hitler is the only alternative.


Self-righteous hypocrites are essentially unable to partake in such a thing.

They did the worst D&C to their selves. They became so paranoid, that they thought all constructive criticism from people mad about them selling out to leftists were shills. In fact, they're so retarded they still think shills are posting in their thread to this day.

also made Gawker's brand toxic so no one even wanted to buy that shit, let alone touch it with a ten foot pole.



I was apolitical before Gamergate. Well, I was nominally conservative because my parents were but I didn't really think about it. Now, I'm a National Socialist. It feels good to be wrecking these people and be at the forefront of all of these political happenings. Holla Forums is driving world events now and we need to keep pushing and see where it leads.

Chelsea Van Valkenberg/Zoe Quinn's "memoir" about how the internet is real life and Gamergate is evil is still in progress, tentative release date in 2017, she was asking her orbiters to help with the title and author photo recently. The movie deal has possibly fallen through since I believe the person who approved it got shit canned from the studio.

This is the book she started in December 2014 after she got butthurt because a judge told her that the internet wasn't real life.

Speaking of political aspirations, Chelsea's anti-Gamergate Skype group also wanted her to go after Julian Assange and put him on her "KillBill list" of people she planned to try and ruin. They also wanted to get a lobbyist and Chelsea allegedly had contacts "on Capitol Hill" and with Mark DeLoura (the White House's Senior Advisor for Digital Media).

They were planning to go to war against Anonymous and were hoping they could get rid of anonymity and censor the internet because of Gamergate and wanted to enrage normies with mentions of swatting/etc. which they believed would be the only way it could happen.

Hey (119), get the fuck back in the GG thread, you're not going to beat the record by crossboarding.

I called myself a socialist before gamergate but I was always against open borders, letting muslims in, and distrustful of the media, particularly as far as 9/11. Wasn't that huge of a shift to go over to national socialism when I realized that Holla Forums was right about who exactly it was that controlled the media.

Amy Pascal? I thought she got a golden parachute from Sony, iirc technically she is now with her own company and can still work with Sony, but that valkenberger movie deal is probably too radioactive ever since Pascal's fuckup with nuGhostbusters2. Might be the same status with the book.

Every group or organization would be wise to identify and purge SJWs. These people are often the least skilled and least knowledgeable people. The first thing they do is bring in their friends. Then, they signal with their PC politics to identify who is receptive and who is not. They apply constant pressure on capable people who do not subscribe to their beliefs to get them to leave. They also apply constant pressure on those who are receptive, demoralize them, and pull them towards their groups, not as an equal, but as an orbiter. It always sickens me to see them work. I make a point to crush them every time I encounter them.

make that just nu ghostbusters, the sequel and nuGB cinematic universe is what pascal and feiggot was planning, on the assumed yuuuge success of the first NuGB abortion.

Yup, it's a revoltad alright.

I stopped posting in the GG thread when you wouldn't get rid of the pedophile communist Val from making every other post in it. So no I'm not crossobarding. I wouldn't even bother posting in that thread anymore, I'll just get called "ralphshill" or something for not sucking off your pedophile king.

I just want to prove a point. Every single fucking GamerGate thread on Holla Forums for a year and a half almost has had people whinning endlessly about how Holla Forums is bad and problematic, and how Holla Forums is too mean for GG, and GG would be better if Holla Forums didn't exist, blah, blah, blah, blah. Then you fags come into Holla Forums and want us to praise you for stuff you had nothing to do with.

He delayed/cancelled it because he was too busy becoming famous.

Revolt and the "Holla Forums cabal, or whatever you want to call them, are just as bad as eachother. It's just the Holla Forums circle jerk idiots are elitist assholes who think they know better than everyone else and think its their duty to leaderfag it instead of other people that tried to leaderfag it.

He probably figured out no one actually read at this point because Trump happened, you know something more important that wasn't a bunch of nerds who still give people like Brianna Wu a platform.

I'm looking to see if what you say is true. So far I have only found this:

"I believe that in ways large and small, peaceful and sometimes violent, that the biggest threat to the future of our children and grandchildren is the poison of identity politics that preaches that our differences are far more important than our common humanity."

Stay triggered revoltard.

Are you going to call me the ralphshill too (whoever the fuck that is). You realize these strawman buzzwords have no impact outside of your retarded Gilda Mars LARP thread right?

We're forging ahead putting presidents in the white house and starting ancient Egyptian chaos cults while they're still crying about Zoe Quinn.


Acid Man would never have been a problem if Drybones hadn't fucking torched the second /gamergate/ board that was humming along perfectly. In doing so he caused a fucking war over what the third board would be. /gamergatehq/ won out but we really didn't fucking need that shit. He should have just peacefully handed it over to one of his Volunteers.

I will never use his Holla Forums clone. Fuck him with a rake.

Well Umberto faggot was not wrong in this one. For as long as the left tries to force their unnatural thought-policing tyranny on people our very nature will create a reactionary movement to restore the natural law.

Things that only happens in a goony imagination. You know that it's still not counting towards your (119), you know that right, sol birdy bae?

Trips of truth for an amazing post.

I paraphrased, since he referred to identity politics in a 'that behavior' sense.

Identity Politics/SJWism/Social Justice all the same.

Unfortunately I lost where I read or heard that.

I didn't post in your shitty thread retard, I just linked to stuff you're calling my imagination. I don't know who this person with (119) posts is. All I did was open the thread and put Holla Forums in the search bar. This is how paranoid you fuckers are. You think I'm some other user, when it's quite possible more than one person don't like you.

The funniest thing about this is that his conclusion is essentially to keep doing the exact same things they were already doing and not change tactics at all. So they'll just keep calling average people racists, sexists or misogynists because they don't agree with leftists and then the leftists will recoil and screech even louder when their hectoring drives average people into the arms of their opposition.

He's right though. I don't know about Holla Forums, never been to that perma-virgin shithole not even back in cuckchan, but the situation he describes has been recently leaking to other boards and I don't think this could have happened solely on external shilling efforts.

Sol, you're going with that? Feigning ignorance and doe eyed innocence? The PR angle? At this hour of the day at this month of the year? You know that is not an argument right? You know you are not going to get your (119) corrected for the record right?

He's just signalling to you his absolute refusal to consider anything you say because he believes he's pegged you and your behavior.

They'll continue doing this because the alternative (considering what you're saying seriously) is too triggering.

The only response to this kind of arrogance, when in either an echo chamber (where they perceive they have large numbers) or in actual large numbers, is nothing. They aren't your ally and they will never be your ally. No amount of seductive language will make them look past their own fearful arrogance. They offer you one solution: Assimilate.

And, it sounds like GG became totally POZZED… and they wonder why they're whinging all the time.

They say there's right-wing shills… Because the right-wing is paid for.. by who? Whoever this 'ralph' guy is sounds like a cult of personality. So, fans of him drop by GG. Being a fan is not being a shill.

Those who confuse shills for everyday fanboys is classic retardedness associated with being POZZED.

There is no money to be made for the poster. Hillary people were shills because they put: money > culture > video games.
Holla Forums is: culture > money.

You seriously came here to a Holla Forums thread just picking out a random user to be the (119) post guy in the GG thread.

Here, I want to test something…
I never posted in that same thread.


Don't be that guy, Holla Forums hates commies and cultural marxism as much as Holla Forums do.

Don't forget that drybones and his friends having complete mental breakdowns, because autism i guess, and going full on weird twitter burnouts mode, openly saying that they will kill both gg and Holla Forums.

And you would know he's right because, you never been and you don't know. Is that the gist of it then. :^)


All those Warhammer 40K games planted the seeds a decade ago.

He better put someone contrarian in. I think Alex Jones and Milo are kikes, but holy shit, if Alex Jones was press secretary I think my sides would leave the planet.

Go put a dragon dildo up your ass. I saw one of your POZZED-kin really enjoys that.

Twitter was both an effective front line assault and a corrupting warped influence on the minds of anons.

So far I think we gained more than we lost though.

The ridiculousness of their russian hacking claims really gets put into perspective with that one.

Where did you learn how to format your post exactly.

You can tell those seed sprouted long ago, as the relatively new Tau race are the most hated race for all their hippy diverse multicultural "greater good" faggotry.

If I was this (119) guy, I would admit it, because like I said, I've been driven to hate everyone in that thread, because like was said it's a fucking echo chamber circle jerk that helped kill off GG through pure hypocrisy. They are just as bad as revolt, triangles, cancer crew and every other boogeyman. It's just another group of autists who tried to bend GG to its will behind the scenes.

The GG general thread on Holla Forums is absolutely the worst and most paranoid echo chamber I've ever seen. Like they apparently have some beef with Ralph, who I also think is a faggot, but they're so butt blasted over him that there was one poster who came into defend him in the thread, and then they started referring to every user who ever disagreed with anything in the thread "ralphshill" for two years. It's the same thing with "revolt," which stopped being a board on Holla Forums a really long time ago.

Do you have autism?

It's a hybrid of 'chan, forums, reddit and youtube.

Try formulating your question as a hypothesis.

I used to think Brianna was singularly creepy and disgusting. After learning about pizzagate, our existing politicians make him seem like a paragon of virtue and wholesomeness.

Great counter argument you got there, salty Holla Forumsirgin.

This. Battlefield 1 is full of niggers and it's a WW1 game.
It's made in Sweden.

Make a game next where the majority of USA slaves were white with a few token black men thrown in.

You are trying very hard to pass, it's almost commendable, but you still have a tell that is difficult for you to suppress.

Pass what you retard? I was never part of your GG movement on the 'chans.

Because I see the consequences on the rest of the boards, moron.

Sol, you are not going to get your (119) corrected by continuing to crossboard, anymore than Stein and Clinton is going to win by a re-count. You have to go back sol.


This is suspicisly pro sjw for Wikipedia.

Also first result on jeewgle for "gamergate explained" is gawker.

Polite sage

Who the fuck is Sol, one of the voices in your head? Why do you keep talking about crossboarding when you're obviously the only autist doing that?

Do tell which boards.

At the point gamergate was gaining real traction and the possibility of a boycott was emerging, the studios EA, ect.. AND the developers started shilling personally. Peoples entire livelihoods were at stake so they went all in.
Christ, developers were talking to each other with voice modulators there was such fear.
Their plan was just to draw it out with indecisiveness and make everyone get tired of it.
Some developers truly did want to nuke the industry and clean out the trash as the medium needs to be gutted so very badly.
Unfortunately normalfags and capitalism won out so we just get a giant turd of an industry for the foreseeable future.

Guy's a GamerGay

Now I see why they say GamerGay.

Homos are more likely to be mentally ill than non-homos by a significant margin.

What the fuck even is this post. Why the fuck would you be surprised Wiki is SJW controlled? Why would you fucking bother linking to their page on GG? Why would you Google for Gawker pages? Why would you put sage in all fields like some Holla Forumstard?

probably a cuckfugee


Its about propagandizing to the children. Most kids are dumb as shit, everything they learn about the Great War will come from that stupid fucking politically correct game.
I'm Aussie and the great war is considered fucking sacred here. More Australians died in the Great war than Americans. (1 in 100 of the Australian population was killed in the great war, and 1 in 10 was involved in the great war.)

If you go to a tiny 1 pub town with 5 houses in the middle of nowhere in Australia, hundreds of kilometers from anything there WILL be a stone marker with a dozen names of the men from the region that were killed in that war.

Now Aussie kids play the hero nigger solider in the British army. That game is elite level pozz.

(119), are you perhaps angry about this
Did you know him well?



I'm saying it evolved, faggot. You sound like a revoltcuck that fell for the d&c. GG accomplished a lot regardless of you trying to narrow your view to namefag drama.

Those cunts that statted the bullshit feminist push ended up before the UN brought more attention on government kikery. More people began to question the narrative with general journalism and the agenda the propaganda was intended to push.

The usually quiet began to murmur. Now we sing songs to the Emperor as we stoke the ovens.


I have (16) in this thread so far, retard. I don't know what that link has to do with anything. I'm just glad I'm not so autistic that I start accusing random anons of being anons from other boards. That's a special kind of autism you got going on there.

Oh you're not random at all, far from that. :^)

You're the one who fell for D&C retard. The fact you keep parroting "revoltard" even though that's a word that means nothing now is proof enough of that.

Every single thing GG accomplished occurred before you let Acid Man turn into a crusade against the "revoltards." People bring up the namefag drama, because the namefag drama ended GG on really autistic note.

Anyone who trusted the media before GG was a retarded moron. GG didn't need to prove to anyone that the media was rancid. Most people who aren't stupid already fucking knew it. This is why people told GG not to try to suck up to the media with PR when you were trying to do so.

GamerGate and "Eternal Fascism" used in the same sentence. And this faggot then goes on to complain about words and concepts being stripped of meaning…

Wonder how these people would react if they ever met an actual fascist instead of the laughable version of it that only exists inside their heads.

Mostly /a/ and /r9k/.Most robots revolted because of it but /a/utists just bent over.

To the leftyfag, anything that is a danger to leftism is fascism. Its their own definition of the word, much like how they make up the definition of everything else in their mentally retarded cult.

It's totalitarianism under Talmudism. Anything contrary to totalitarian Jewish ethnic interests is considered totalitarian _to everyone_

Full/a/ is a no politics allowed board and the bo and meidos enforce that rule violently, keep trying.

For someone who whines about D&C, you sure focus a lot of attention attacking people that support the same thing you do. You can say "they started it!" but at the end of the day, people like you are what caused it to cave in. Nobody wants to get lost in autism fights and drama spirals. This tribalism and bickering pushed out everybody but autists and e-celebs who leech the fame for profit and status.

People here like to write it off as ancient history, and it wouldn't be a GG thread on Holla Forums without MUH PR accounting for 25% of the posts, but you need to learn from this. It's going to happen to the alt-right. I know, people here are happy to reject the label (I agree) as well as anyone even remotely moderate. However, you'll get the same thing that happened to GG if you spend serious amounts of time attacking your own. Accept that people may disagree with extreme positions because they're still breaking the conditioning or not aware of certain facts. Focus on converting the uninitiated, not purifying the converted. GG hit the saturation point a while back - there's only so many people who care about game journos - but I don't see that happening for a political movement.

A lot of people are stupid. That's why they need guidance on unraveling the media's lies.

Looks like Mr. Weaponised Minorities is a bit butthurt that he didn't manage to undermine #NYS.

Basically this. The only positions the left accept are: 'Things progressing' & 'Things progressing more slowly'.
Anything else is fascism. Things are never, ever allowed to go in the other direction.

I don't get it
Gamergay was a pussy PR movement that didn't have the balls to name the jews when it would hurt the most, and just pissed off a bunch of nobodies, yet the left fucking overreact to everything they do.
If it were not for all of the precedents against the left, a normal person would assume that the left was trolling gamergays, not the other way around

Checked, witnessed, screenied.

Holla Forums is meant for the extreme. trial by fire. that is its whole purpose. no one will ever damper that.

all degrees of dryness separate to where they're comfortable. GG now will always be stuck between a rock and a hard place because they took a red pill they regret swallowing and they're now trying to rationalize maintaining a connection with the spectrum but rejecting both ends.

They are supposed to be conflicted. That's the point. It keeps them off the left's side. That's what's important. The only side which cares about losing them is the left, because the left is facade - a deceit.. and for a lie to persist, it must have hosts.

#NYS may very well be more important than the gg hashtag as it was a far bigger slap in the cults face forcing it to reveal its ugly and duplicitous face to the world and how they treat, now, uncle Toms and girls with internalized misogyny that start thinking with their own head.

I wouldn't say it was more important but it was powerful for persuasion. Seeing such a blatant contradiction be rationalized away was the deciding factor for many people. It's when they realized the media's words had no truth and lost the power to shame anyone. It's indefensible. No amount of "b-but they're using them as a shield! I'm so witty!" could undo their gambit.

The scandal itself opened a lot of people's eyes to the way the left and the media manipulate and lie. I know, I know, no one should be trusting the media. But it's an inescapable fact that for most people to be redpilled on reality, they need to have an obvious conflict where the media's "reality" doesn't match up with their own experiences and what they know deep down to be true.

That happened with GG, it happened with the UK GE, with Brexit, and is currently ongoing with the US election. Shit, even the Windows 10 shenanigans had elements of it.

Sort of related:
My dad was somewhat wise to what was going on due to me talking with him a lot about GG. He got to observe it himself when following the Elite: Dangerous fiasco, and being close to the Win10 situation. We were both more than wise to it by the time Brexit happened, and Brexit was a real eye-opener for my mum, bless her. By the time Nov 8th rolled around we knew how it would go and will go, because the tactics and attitudes of the left haven't changed. They're still trying the same old shit that didn't work then and definitely won't work now.

Every time they re-use their talking points and tactics, they loosen their control on the masses. This renewed attack on "GamerGate" by the games journos, is an opportunity to show even more people exactly what these jokers are about. We didn't have as wide a reach before because it was just about gaming. But the journos have now made it about more than that.

I'm about to turn 44 and I work for a living. Still sent off quite a few concerned emails to help bring down Gawker.

And before anyone starts shit, I remember playing Pong when I was a few years old. I was literally gaming before some of your parents were fucking born. So I have a big stake in keeping games for gamers.

It would have been great if applied to the events that happened since GG. I saw a number of opportunities these last couple of years. Like all those women and minority Trump supporters being dismissed as having internalised -ism.

No, the problem was the Holla Forums circle jerk never had the balls to reign in it's own people, in this case Acid Man, when they went off the deep end. Like a true echo chamber, they stuck with their own retards and double downed untill GG ended completely. You had a chance to salvage GG, but you didn't because not proving the "revoltards" right by making the actual right decision was more important to you than GamerGate itself. That was the final burnout point for most people for a reason. Saying I'm part of the reason for criticizing people who spent all their time in GG going after other people in GG is pretty circular reasoning. People like the Holla Forums GG general care more about people like Ralph and revolt than actually accomplishing anything again.

The fact you even use the term alt-right and refer to it as a substantive thing proves what a fucking moron you are. You're the one trying to apply the GG mindset to things when the GG mindset, turning things into elitist cliques of echo chamber jerk offs, is what lead to its downfall. No one here would ever conceptualize their selves as an alt right, because that would be retarded, just like how you identify as "GamerGate."

You didn't though. Hogan brought down Gawker, and Hogan's lawsuit would have happened regardless. Fuck, GG isn't even responsible for most of the bad PR Gawker had before GG. Most of their bad PR was due to stories about outing homosexuals. Also taking down Gawker didn't kill Kotaku, which I thought was the objective. Kotaku is still publishing SJW shit as far as I know, so it's not a clear win for anyone other than Hulk HOgan.

How to spot a revoltard: the post

I was wrong about you guys.

For you to cause them such sheer permanent posterior punishment years later is an astonishing and meritorious accomplishment worthy of praise and the highest honours.

This is like the Zimmerman case. It's the gift that keeps on giving year after year.

Merry Christmas everyone

And don't forget to tip your menorah

They still don't get that they're faggots and people don't like that.

I never went to revolt. I posted in Holla Forums and the GG forums. If you want to play this game where everyone who criticizes you is revolt, a board that died a fucking long time ago, go ahead I guess. I guess everyone in Holla Forums is revolt to then, because they got sick of your faggotry before even I did.

And you wonder why punishment for losing in a war is usually brutal, far reaching and long lasting. Embellishments and rhetoric like that is not rare nor strange in the past. The only difference is that today we are yet able to entirely purge their existence all together

It was BMW that discovered him, and the thread is still up, IIRC.

I don't think it would have had anywhere near the effect on the games media and SJWs had it not been for Holla Forums. Gamers were railing against the games media all the time but kept getting BTFO by their disingenuous reporting.

I miss how it was inthe beginning, two boards coming together to fight a common foe, 2-3 online message board cultures putting aside their differences and joining forces, the spilling out onto social media and effective meme-warfare to undermine the message the media were trying to push. Then it devolved into infighting as the enemy backed off. People forgot what the plan had been in the beginning and fell for the opposition's "actually it's about ethics" meme.

If we learn anything from GG, it should be that. The enemy is capable of utilising memes against us occasionally. We always need to be vigilant and prepared, and not underestimate them no matter how retarded they seem.

The whole "revoltard" meme was fucking ridiculous. From my observations it seemed to be an extension of the "actually.." meme. A push against anyone suggesting that maybe the consumers should finally move onto the next step and start boycotting the games companies who were (and are) still shafting them while they were fighting with the media. The twitter and reddit lot were happy to use the "consumer revolt" line up until it meant they actually had to do something other than e-mail advertisers and snipe at games journos online.

And to frustrate that angle even more, those who were for taking consumer action were further divided on how to do it. I think they might have been able to work together and come to a compromise had it not been for the loud mouths on twitter attacking anyone who so much hinted at not giving the corrupt companies their money that winter.

It seems it's literally another shoa, never forget the 6 million journalists that were raped and killed

Haha, okay champ.

Except when asked "what should be boycotted?" none of them had an answer, mainly because they knew fuck all about games or the gaming industry. They're schtick was talking about talking about boycotts. That and targeting anyone identifying as proGG with "digging" and twatter drama. Their board was created by the Holla Forums BO ffs.

Nobody "Wakes up" from 1984, user. That's the fucking POINT.

Dude, stop.

GG should have done what Breitbart ist doing with Kellogs right now. But GG has conflict avoiding leftoids who shat their pants every time someone mentioned boykott and as always those faggots weasel their way into positions of power which they then use to censor and ban the shit out of ideas which trigger their feelings

Goys, would you link me where i can find the complete story about Gamergate? (from a neutral, or this chan's perspective).

I've only read about it on (((wikipedia))) or biased (((msm))).

Just read the wikipedia and imagine it's opposite-day.

Actually the revolt crowd what tiny dregs of them remain are a good source. They're the ones who didn't cuck when the links went to Deep State and jewry. Generally speaking gamergate now is a dessicated corpse they drag out and use as a boogeyman/dildo to get their way. A few little remnants of it exist but the 8/v/ thread never moves and likely never will again. They sold out to sarcuck types, and are stuck plugged into the framework that keeps them comfortable as it is possible to be: Centrist classical liberalism.

ask over there
>>>Holla Forums11366243



Take you meds revolt.


After all this time, they still don't get it. Stop being dishonest. Stop being corrupt. Don't talk shit if you aren't prepared to get hit.

GG had run its course long before that, and this is coming from someone who came here because of GG, /revolt/ vs /hq/ was just final death throes of the Holla Forums branch. /revolt/ was nothing but "acid and /hq/ sucks, lets only have threads about them", I think they eventually fucked off to some 420freeultrachan, don't know if they're still around. The last remnants of /hq/ is what you can see in the Holla Forums thread of today, a circlejerk of a dozen of autists and namefags reposting the same retarded shit over and over again without actually doing anything.

That all said GG had some successes, it redpilled a lot of people, it may be dead but the people who were in it are still around. The salt that will flow in the years to come because of the insidious gubergrater boogeyman is just a bonus.

Gamergate was successful, not because of what it did, but because of what it didn't do.
It didn't quit. Sure, plenty quit, plenty got pozzed up (although I'd argue a lot of those people were planted there), but it stayed around long enough that now it lives in SJW heads rent free where it is an immortal bogeyman.
The left had their shock troops ready to shout racism and sexism at Jeb! or some other milquetoast cuckservative, but GG showed up and they blew their load early. They spent the two years before campaign season burning what social capital and credibility they had attacking a bunch of mostly anonymous gamers. Normalfags got sick of their shit long before they started in attacking Trump.

Because GG is an undead lich powered by the limitless energy source known as SJW butthurt.

Funny. I thought it represented a crudely drawn animated gif of Piccolo fucking Vageta in the ass.

Yes, and as we know, men can't be raped.

He's right, though. I went to a GG thread the other day, it was 99% Trump/politics discussion and GG waifu spam. Literally no video game or real GamerGate discussion. Brought this up and they all sperged about how Holla Forums sucks because nazis or because our mods are too trigger happy. I think is right:

GG the "movement" is dead, anyone that was fired up about this 2 years ago realized there were more important things going on in the world. GG the idea of not trusting the lugenvidyapresse, being aware of localization fuckery, SJWs in the industry, and being willing to boycott shit will always be around. We just haven't had a reason to exercise it because video games fucking suck nowadays and there isn't anything worth getting mad about. Even niggers in BF1 can't phase me these days, I just don't care about any of these games nor do I expect any better from these cucked cultural marxist devs.

Checked for truth, Satan

Checked and quoted for truth.

On the surface, GG failed, but when you really get into it, it was one of the most successful ops ever. it also red pilled ALOT of people

what i still don't understand is the sheer ineptitude and incompetence from the people running this thing

the articles with the same content coming out on the same day, the coordinated campaign far above the level of interest it warranted
censoring 4chan of all places, trolling and shitposting would have been more effective
and the fat ugly cherry on the cake valkenbergstein herself, lets not forget a massive nsa operation got blown the fuck out because some slut could not keep her legs closed
if we were ever to be the shadowy cabal running things behind the scenes, no random bitch is going to ge in the way, every thinking person in the intelligence community should have known the asset is burned and must be discarded quickly and quietly, if they just stopped zoe from sperging out on social media the noise would have petered out, but it was their intervention, which was above all reasonable levels that triggered the investigating and larger movement

it does show they do not understand us, but i refuse to believe veterans from the cold war spying era are this stupid, so internal power struggle perhaps

The left still think the Klan is tens of thousands strong and lynching niggers every week.
Never mind that actual lynchings in the south averaged one per year in the peak period.

that was Bladeee not drybones.

Here's how I make sense of it in my head. The alphabet soup agency has a few different methods of mind control with varying purposes and levels:
1) Education. This is the biggest level and it's accomplished by subversion of the material taught to children. Not an accessible medium for randos, this is the work in the cultural marxist sphere of Common Core and DiGRA.
2) The media. This is accomplished in a lot of different ways. The news reports on the stories they're fed and greenlighted. Movies are required to play to stereotypes for funding, or bolster their pro-Chinese message to get the Chinese market's cash. The giant corporations that have ties to alphabet soup are in the know on these particular methods and practice/ultimately deploy with their commercials, the primary source of programming in all media.
3) Actual kidnapping and drugging/torturing. This one is very mysterious and I don't think anyone outside the very inner establishment knows how it works or how widespread it is. It's possible a great deal of people go through with this and just don't remember it.
4) Shills. This is everyone else. All the methodology above requires a direct intervention from someone high up, but shills are cheap, easy, and effective. Gas lighting techniques are well known and can still be hard to spot if done properly. Every lowly scrub you dig up that's gaslighting people has no idea of the top 3 or the inner workings of the cabal. They were probably just approached on the street and taught some basic infiltration techniques if that and sent on their way. To teach them any of the real methodology would be an unnecessary risk and constitutes a potential leak every single time.

So you see at the very bottom levels are the shills that GG was infiltrating. They don't know anything about the higher workings or the good methods, it's been hidden from them just as much as us. They're 100% puppets with no mind of their own, both paid and conditioned to lash out at anyone who questions what they do. The people at the top, oh they know the right methods. They are controlling you on a subconscious level RIGHT NOW, even if just a tiny bit. The fear is just teaching this to expendable shills is a) a waste of time, b) has potential to backfire, and c) is largely unnecessary.

Or maybe they really are that stupid.

ayyteam happened because anons got too attached to the identities they formed on twitter and formed a friend group, and a couple trannies who got in to that group poisoned everyone cause it's what trannies do.

seriously i would trust a jew before i would trust a tranny cause their whole life is a lie to themselves and everyone else.

Spot on.

What are you, stupid?! Haven't you seen Roots? Mississippi Burning? Django Unchained?

The Memes Cannot Be Controlled
The Memes Must Flow Freely

you can't blame it on unguided shills

it is exactly the coordination of it all, same article across many platforms, banning across many platforms in the same day that must mean someone higher up activated all his puppetstrings and gave the go ahead and what was this guy thinking

that gif is consensual though vegeta has always had a higher power level than piccolo so piccolo couldnt possibly rape vegeta furthermore the energy rings he is bound with are created by him (vegeta is the only character who uses an attack that creates energy rings)

GG failed to save vidya from getting pozzed

It quite possibly contributed to preventing WW3 though

I never said they were totally unguided, they're paid user. I said that they don't have access to the more complicated techniques and training because it would be a waste of resources to train them, and they don't know directly what the master plan is, they just know what they're told. Jews being jews to the bitter end, don't even trust their own army.

The ultimate point is the efforts seem pathetic because we interact with the pathetic side the most often. This assumes that higher up the planning isn't quite as bad. Which it very well may also be shit up there, I don't know. I'm just a shitposter.

see (checked)


"Gamergate" began way before anyone thinks it did.

How do they not see that they are the capitalist stooges, not us as they so claim?

GG is just a social club at this point. They don't actually do anything.


Pretty much this. #gg is the eternal boogeyman of sjw's.


They're ruled by a conservative priesthood, not SJWs and communists, and their idea of the greater good is more golden rule than Karl Marx. These guys didn't have a popular revolution that set people of different stations within the same nation against one another. Instead, the Brahman came down from the mountain to bring civilization. So while they're eager to bring new species into the fold, their caste system works against the intermingling of races. After all, if they allowed miscegenation, the castes would loose their potency.

That's where the whole disagreement between boycotters comes in then I guess. There were some of us outside of the board drama and twitter drama who did have a plan and knew exactly what to boycott and why (or at least, make a lot of noise about boycotting, which was actually the aim). But some literal shill undermined the whole effort. There were a good number of people who were just as in the know as Holla Forums is, about the type of people we faced. But they got fed up of being shouted down by the anti-boycott "we need to be nice to devs" idiots, and we lost a good number of red-pilled almost-normies to that.
I don't doubt here and all the other places had people just give up too because people started turning on eachother and being divisive. I can kinda see that beginning to happen with some of the current topics here.

But none of the past can be changed. I guess what we can do is learn from it and not get so retarded over infighting. If an idea is shit, it will sink. It doesn't need to be forcibly hammered into the ground and the person with the idea chased off. And if an idea is good and expressed clearly, it will take off without the proposer having to pretend to be someone they're not to dupe people into going along with it.

ah fuck, sorry user, went on a tangent there :/

So they're Vedic indians?

Flynt brags that his "journalism" resume is 90% gamergate

Haha oh wow. I missed that bit from the logs. She would be destroyed were she to try that.

Blogpost incoming.

Comics is… hmm. I'd call it a different beast altogether. When the SJW cancer tried to infect games they got massive pushback that accidentally unmasked the Jew for a lot of people who weren't even looking for him. Comics are already far beyond the poz levels gaming experienced.

Another difference is the messaging. Games have traditionally been produced by Japanese or Whites, and a lot of them have settings where it's just you, fighting alone, against oceans of darkness. The one with the responsibility to become strong is you, your own self. What kinds of values go with a setting like this? Courage. Self-reliance. Self-improvement. Resilience. Duty. Knowing that you're alone, and nobody is coming to help you, but persevering anyway toward justice and victory. The people I can think of off the top of my head who promoted these values include Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, and the Founding Fathers. The concept of a lone man following his own path and accepting the hardships that come with freedom are a common staple of Japanese storytelling, because it's a tenet of Bushido. Games are about becoming the übermensch.

Since their inception in the ~1930s, comics have been entirely in the domain of the Jew, from Bob Kane to Stan Lee. Comics differ in that the reader never "becomes" Batman or Wolverine in the way a gamer "becomes" Solid Snake or Link. The entire premise of "X-Men" is analogous to the Civil Rights movements of 1960s America: Magneto is Malcolm X, seeking freedom for his people through violence and separation; Charles Xavier is MLK, advocating integration and dialogue. Fifty years later I think we can all see just how well any of the different minorities have integrated into American life (not at all), not just blacks. Taking a larger scope, comics are too often about victims and victimization, whether it's something as general as the "innocents" Batman protects in a crime-plagued Gotham, or the plight of Mutants in X-Men who are misunderstood by humans that are rightly freaked the fuck out by people that can fly and toss skyscrapers around like baseballs. Magneto is fighting for his people, but his justification for doing so isn't a desire for self-determination, it's victimhood because someone else is being mean to him. I mean, Hell, Magneto himself is a Polish Jew whose family got put to death in Auschwitz. That's ultimate unquestionable victim status there: Holocaust survivor.

The very underpinnings of Western comics are so philosemitic at their core, that I think it would really take an utter and complete purge to make them ideologically viable going forward. Comic heroes appear to defend you from monsters that are stronger than you are. Games demand that you become strong enough, yourself, to be that hero. Which of the two concepts gets promoted throughout the rest of society shapes what happens to it.


Fucking retarded. You could've just said "games expect you to beat the game by overcoming the challenges given" instead of that horseshit.

never forget the 6 million video game journalists, goyim!

I think they wanted to give birth to the Antichrist through video games and the GooberGloblins fucked that.


Flynt managed to make a game worse than Bad fucking Rats.To everyone who doesn't have their head up their ass, he's either a joke or a nobody. Even the people who DO have their heads up their asses think he's a joke, they just pretend to support him out of some sort of retarded misguided sense of solidarity.

Stopped reading right there. Hang yourself fucking degenerate

The similarities are certainly there.

Get these fucks out of my sight, GG was a real greasy affair having to mix with this degeneracy. Pretending to know or give a shit about gaming was awful.

Taken as a metaphor, yes, more or less. They wanted to use gaming to create an all encompassing illusion, to provide cover for their (((rulers))).

LOL complete bullshit. FAKE NEWS

Oy vey I saw those DOTR simulators you white devils were working on in person!

This fucking reality, man. All I wanted to do was play video games!

What now?

GG ultimately lost it's own battle but fired the first shot in a war that Trump and Holla Forums more or less won 3 weeks ago. SJW's will never ever have as much powerful as they did in 2014 and they'll only grow more and more irrelevant and despised from here on out.

Speaking of Goons and their faggy little cabal now that we've won the election are we going to try to get the new Sessions DOJ to go after the Goons for all their fuckery?

Has lowtax fled the country yet?

Those trips were well deserved, have a screencap.

Jews still exist user. The battle is over but the war is just beginning.

Stupid faggots, we need to make them more famous for that.


War against SJW's, not Jews

It's super hilarious to me, because this is how the news started talking about 4chan, the "vast right wing conspiracy," and Russian spies.

All of their worst opponents simply must be shapeless, formless, and untouchable. Their whole identity as the righteous fighters for truth and justice relies on it. If their opponent had a name like Trump and didn't care about the constant verbal assaults also like Trump, they believe they could beat him.

This year, everything's been shaken up. They've run into a foe they can't shout down and doesn't hide.


To be fair we are a vast international cabal of shapeless, formless, and untouchable neo-nazi chaos cultists.

It's almost like they memed their worst nightmare into existence.

Valkenberg book deal was originally with Simon&Schuster. That seemed to have crapped out, possibly because it has to be filed under fantasy fiction in order not to get sued into oblivion for libel, and her vaporware switched to a publisher called PublicAffairs, part of the Perseus Books Group. There are some (((interesting))) things about that publisher. Along with a familiar name of Soros.

Indeedilly doodilly. What were they thinking? They destroyed the middle-class dream and that wasn't enough? They wanted to take away the bread and circuses, too?

Don't take away my virtual circus, cunts.

Too bad, ya gotta save the universe first.

You don't go to war against a pawn, user.

That's… that's the joke.

A number of the lines in this article basically say "Gamegate happened because we didn't push hard enough"

I hope that's what they think. It was actually blowback and if they try to push any harder they'll only see more of it.

The Lucifereans have been playing this game for centuries. Republicans used to be the left, absolute monarchy the right, and constitutional monarchy was the center.
The principle is that given two sides, the mass of people not committed to one or the other (the 'street') naturally try to find a center tolerable to to both sides. And we do this since youth, watching mommy and daddy argue; absent some trauma or hatred for one, kids don't want to pick between parents and want them to get along.

Knowing this, the Lucifereans have worked over generations to shift that spectrum window more and more to the left, and then they present the false choice between democrats and republicans as being the whole spectrum window, and anything beyond that is either a joke or so extreme that you better be jailed or marginalized or even droned for supporting it. In other words, normies won't take seriously any talk about having a monarchy in the US.

Meanwhile the economic ideology of republicans and democrats is the same. The foreign policy is the same. The only difference is deliberate wedge issues on social policy, issues that neither side was in a hurry to resolve. Consider gay marriage, big dem thing, but fed dems never would have put it through, the fags had to work at the state level and courts to get their shit done, because it was actually politically beneficial to the dems and the repubs for gay marriage to remain a divisive, unsettled issue for as long as possible. And the elected politicians didn't care about those issues anyway; look at all the fags and pedos in the republican party, even one of Boehner's fucking assistants was the sister of the CEO of one of the companies buy aborted baby organs.

So more or less same parties, only difference is which team gets to take credit for stuff and whose donors get rich.

But Trump has an opportunity to actually meaningfully differentiate the parties.

Proscribe Soros and all the pirates who have stashed trillions in treasure islands. Bring that money home or reproduce it using any means necessary, no matter who takes the cut. Put the 100 million Americans not working to do something getting them an income and live meaningful dignified lives.

All the arguments that we can't do this or that economically…when we've got home empty homes then homeless people…when we've got 100 million people not working and $30+ trillion sitting in banks in treasure islands. The only thing stopping us from having better lives is the few superbillionaires who want total control over everyone, shaping the consciousness of the masses to their own ideology. All that's lacking is the will. All those 100 million people need to live better lives is fucking pieces of paper.

The trick is get them to be even more shrill while Trump is president. Shouldn't be too hard.

We need to pay particular attention to university professors and admins, pressuring them to speak out shrilly and radically against Trump. Every time Trump succeeds in anything we need to provoke not just the stormtroopers but the commanders in their ivory towers to make fools of themselves in protest.

While Trump materially improves the lives of everyday Americans, the SJWS and their indoctrinators will cry out, and those everyday Americans will understand that the left doesn't want America to succeed, doesn't want better lives for everyday Americans. SJWs want Americans to suffer needlessly for imagined historical wrongs, wants to take everything away from prosperous stable communities and give it to people who don't deserve it, who won't appreciate it, and will only waste it. And everyone needs to see this truth for how destructive it is.

Holy shit they actually still are portraying the civic nationalist cucks as the far right aren't they? Noone on the actual far right gives a fuck about racism.

Then why is GG constantly shitting on Holla Forums in their own thread in Holla Forums? Do you think posting a merchant gif changes that?

We need to stop relying on saviors of mankind and do shit ourselves.

They still think their self projection tactics still work lol

No, there has also been Holla Forums raids these past few days.

I want newfags to go back to cuckchan, if you werent here for gg youre trash

Can we stop for a minute and consider the massive shoah that Quinn opening her legs was to the kike's evil schemes
It literal Pandora's Pussy

No shit. Video games are shit and the only way to fix that is by saving the universe. You think I was joking? Just think of real life as game and look for the glowing juicy bits.

And as an added bonus this game is fun. the dwarf fortress kind of fun but still fun

The NPC AI is not very convincing but the graphics are amazing.

At least multiplayer seems to work once in a while.

If it wasn't quinn it'd be someone else. They were just a catalyst for it.

I really need to give df a try

Oh it's dead, there really isn't any more operations going on under GG's name. That said the media is still anally wrecked over it

It takes quite a bit to get into it

I'm going to have to disagree with you on that one.

so I've heard

My digits didn't lie. This in-game chatroom has quite a few players.

But of course, once you go to the grind fields, pvp is rare there, and the other players are grinding too.

You clearly have an interest. Set aside the weekend, you just might get past the menu.

The problem is that pvp areas are so far from the pve areas and that you have to go through several months of tryouts for the only guilds that don't get penalties for playing pvp and only if you are lucky enough to be in a guild that is actively in the middle of a raid will you ever get to pvp areas.

Reddit calling, it's for you.

Can we stop for a minute and consider how pathetic it is that GG faggots are taking credit for getting Trump elected because no one cares about ethics in videogames journalism anymore?

GG did redpill quite a few chillens on media manipulation, I wouldn't be at all surprised if a bunch of them latched onto Trump's stance on libel laws and dedicated most of their time to the man.

I was in that thread for like a year. They were always shitting on Holla Forums pretty much every thread and crying about how Holla Forums was only good directly after the exodus and were a bunch of racists now that should be ignored.

Does GG have any narratives where they don't take credit for things they didn't do? This is why I hate you now, you're a bunch of lazy fucks that expected Holla Forums to do all your work, and when Holla Forums left over the muh PR phase, you just sit back and watch as other people do things, some how claiming you sparked the idea. It's like giving Porkins credit for destroying the Death Star.

This is exactly what Holla Forums sounds like to outsiders as well.

First of all I was never part of GG, I was Holla Forums before Holla Forums, second PR faggots are exactly the same as concern trolls and D&C, third the relationship between Holla Forums and Holla Forums is a venn diagram and you are currently part of the D&C.


Most of GG probably supported Sanders anyways. Not Holla Forums specifically, but all the plebbit trash that me-too'ed along with it.

I have no way of knowing, but I firmly believe most readers can see through the one-sidedness of this portrayal. The article fails to pass the sniff test.

Especially with a Trump victory I don't view these as threatening, only mildly irritating, vindicating, and perhaps even positive for our cause.

as a former gamer and lifelong Republican voter I'm too old for this shit (was 28 during the height of Gamergate 2 years ago) but I instinctively grasped the importance of the movement. Its subtleties are lost on so many people, the things being rebelled against and motivations many people seem not to grasp at all even if explained to them.

It's not an overstatement to say Gamergate was the genesis of the chan/anonymous-based social organization that allowed the Trump meme machine to operate as effectively as it did this year.

Yeah, much as the pr fags pissed me off, I'll give credit where credit is due.

If you could point to a single thing that really catalyzed our meme machine to take over american politics, I'd point to zoe quins stank ass pussy.

GG was pretty cool in the sense it was the start of the pendulum swinging and normies absorbing terms like SJW. As we saw with Brexit and Trump, the redpilled tend to stay silent until the most crucial moment. It's probably the same effect with GG

I still think AAA video games along with Hollywood should be completely destroyed as the Jewish time wasters and degenerate entertainment they are. I'm more of a strategy game person myself.

fucking lol

Likewise but I have been trouble finding good ones lately. Any recommendations?

What if this was all a masterful plan by us and we aren't even aware we all put it together?
Once upon a time.

The general cringe of this article's writing style and the fact that London has a Muslim mayor are definitely related.

I've been playing the fuck out of Medieval 2: Total War myself. Been exterminating Muzzies as the HRE and defying the pope at every turn.

World in Conflict is a fun modern warfare RTS, Hearts of Iron 3 and 4 are pretty good Though I completely suck at them. Europa Universalis IV is good too.

AoE II HD is pretty active on Steam.

So that's where the kangs image came from


This reminds me, did literally everything start going to shit in 2007?



The most prominent person in the Holla Forums general thread is a communist pedophile named Val. I don't know why Pizzagate doesn't look into that further, there's srhbutts style logs of him talking about wanting to fuck children he knows apparently and he tried to hit on an 11 year old ecelb.

Yes, GG faggots, tell me how I'm doing D&C by not letting you try to stay relevant by piggy backing off of shit you had absolutely nothing to do with. If you wanted Holla Forums to like you, maybe you shouldn't whine about Holla Forums in every one of your shitty Holla Forums threads about your cringey waifus.

In a sense, though unlike the Vedic's they don't really have a hierarchy. Only the priest class (Etheral) is actually above the others.

All the others warrior (Fire), Pilot (Air), Engineer (Earth) and diplomat/pen pusher (water) are all seen as equal, as they are to the aliens living in the Tau Empire.

Keep trying goon.

Gamergate Executive Summary

It was the SJWs Stalingrad.
It was the Media's Vietnam.

The anons who held their ground during this Elections October Shillstorm? Probably mostly Gamergate veterans, or Holla Forumsacks who had seen similar onslaughts in earlier cases. But gamers were by far THE largest neutral group to every be subjected to that kind of MSM shilling. Literally millions of young people saw that shit go down.

Gamergate Timeline for anyone who wants it(There are others).

Their premise is right, ironically enough, and I didn't read the rest.

I do think its influence was underrated because it was the start of building a media connection with 4/Holla Forums, rebbit, etc., and then the rest of the internet which it really has a surprising amount of influence over in a trickle down sort of a effect. The SJWs had this already for a few years already, a lot of literal no life trolls, who could get in trouble and then make it an actual political affair in the media for no reason. This didn't really take shape for a few months, at which point gamergate was dead and full of fags, but that sent a lot of shockwaves in 1-2 years time. It's really interesting that it was Breitbart at first, too.

2016 GG is still a thing on Holla Forums, SJW awoke their kriptonite

This is the most acurate summary

just because total biscuits is an leftist cuck who want the government to babysit him, doesn't GAMERGATORS we're full berniecucks

It's funny how GG would be dead by now but the media keep pumping gas into it effectively shooting their own foot in the long run since some people will be interested about the facts and will eventually find us and find the truth about everything, inclusive, the media.
Are they this dumb on purpose? It's hard to believe.

No it succeeded. Notice how all those SJW fucks no longer have any pull? They're not being talked to/at or anything by developers? How developers vehemently deny doing anything with various individuals? That even the people who didn't participate in GG, are calling out the SJW type bullshit. No? You're not paying attention. We'll around it out with the "go look at them gaming sites" especially the ones that pushed the "gamers are dead" narrative. Many have had significant drops in traffic, some have closed. I'm not talking about Gawker related shit here. Those people who were front and centre in pushing that narrative? Only a couple of them are still writing about vidya, most have job hopped 3-4 times in the last 2 years. Some have jumped even more, they hoped to make it into a "big cash in" exposing all those nerds, geeks, video game players as sexists/racists/misogynists and so on. It backfired. Their careers are shot. Some of those authors have even doubled down on the e-begging, so have some of the sites.

Now on to the other stuff, we've got the media especially the olde guard media pushing the "fake news" bullshit. Even more people are being knocked up side the head that the media new and old are untrustworthy. In the US and Canada, the media has a trustworthiness rating of around 6-10% that's under lawyers, politicians, congress and parliament. No it won, but a lot of people simply didn't realize it was the first battle in a long war. But it was a battle that was won, even more then the one that was waged in the atheism community. I wouldn't be surprised if in the next 2 years you'll see a pushback starting in comic books, especially since the one in Sci-Fi and Fantasy literature is ramping up.

And yet watchdogs 2, battlefield 1, mafia 3, cod globalism boogaloo 8, etc. are just a short list of games that will poison the minds of the impressionable youth.

And yet all those games bombed, funny how that works.

Your definition of bombed is a little different from everyone else.
No sales figures so it probably flopped big time
I'll give ya that one too.
This propaganda laden shit is still selling like hotcakes though.

Do you even have any idea how much money bleeds into the propaganda machine for CoD? Need I remind you how much more GTAIV and Halo 3 sold on their release dates?

Let's not even go into the fact that Ubi and EA are constantly bleeding money due to the fact that the normies they've been pandering to no longer care about console video games and are now playing tablet shit.

It's kind of just Holla Forums light with a video game theme. People say we're in the best timeline but there's probably one where videogames became great again AND Trump won. Vidya is really difficult to unfuck because they keep applying artistic standards to commercial products. And artistic standards allow you to dodge any criticism.

Well actually…


Vidya is doing fine and getting better. Currently playing FFXV which is about 4 cis male friends on a road trip and features girls with triggering body types.

Sounds like fan dissonance. DMC4 was a pretty piss easy game, but for some reason this was ok.

As soon as people found out the DARPA connection they shut it down. Probably because they didn't want people to find the tawistoak institute connection. There are much larger (((powers))) at play here.

1.8 million in one week in one country is massive.


Hey cool, me too. I dont recognize anything in the rest of your post though

Warhammer 40k really is the most redpilled, Holla Forums tier game, if only he wasn't so jewish in ripping off your wallet.

They don't have more in common with the far right, gamers as a whole have just been conditioned to take on challenges, and not stop till they beat them.

Real fucking stupid trying to intimidate them into the fold, over the internet of all places.

Comics are irrevocably pozzed.

Taken out of context that one's actually pretty funny.

Can you imagine if GG had actually had any tangible accomplishments? All this butthurt and GG really never achieved anything of note other than some salty tears.

I dunno whether to kek or feel sorry at this point, fact these fuckersare still this goddamn salty years later is astonishing though Jesus Christ. A bunch of neckbeards told em to leave em alone and the degenerates can't get the fuck over it. How pathetic does your life have to be to hold as strong a grudge as this over something so hilariously petty

Mein Gott… I never realised it beyond noticing all the jewfags flooding in and ruining imageboards during the summer of that year. Hopefully current year fixes this bullshit.

The following year after 2007 on cuckchan's /a/ was even more terrible. Expect to see it again since chode gayass ledouche of the fagbellion is getting another season

You could do like said and pretend like its opposite day on Wikipedia. Alternatively, you could read the GamerGate article on Infogalactic. I would personally recommend Encyclopedia Dramatica. It was essentially the anti-wikipedia throughout the entire ordeal and its pages on the individual lolcows involved in GG are thorough and funny.

What are the odds?

Also, I've been busy with other things lately, but great to hear that the Dutch pro-GG lads are wanting to MAGA, and hopefully to Make Europa Great Again too starting next year. I've followed it up until the meetup part, before university workload got in the way again.

Moving to the US and going full MAGA is for a lot of us gaming students the best option, and I think about doing it myself. The Dutch game industry is fucked because of its poor infrastructure. all talk and no substance. Most companies are shit-tier and can't produce for shit. Dutch GG made sure that SJW kebab Rami & his salty friends can't bully others into submission anymore, but that doesn't mean newcomers are suddenly making everything great. For example, in the Arnhem/Nijmegen region there is a lot of initiatives going on, especially with Radbout University, but they are all so ineffective and tumbling over themselves that they're getting nowhere.

If I wanted to make a career here, I would have to make my own company with some other folks, find my own investors and so on. But most investors know what a shitstain the dutch game industry is so they wouldn't invest a dime.

Generaal told me a few weeks ago (he's a fellow student of mine, we go to the same game education) that he wants to get Dutch game designers/programmers/artists to work for the Trump gov for interactive systems. Education, healthcare, police, that sort of thing. He's talking to some insiders since he has connections, but the hows and whats I have no clue.

This. When the GG board became all about some Holla Forumstard's ego and he tried to make everyone his personal army, banning dissent on sight, GGRevolt splintered, and that's where real digging took place until its owner got bored and gave up.

Wew lad, you forgot to mention how Gamergay accomplished nothing


Speaking of vidya. The Holla Forums are false flagging hard on Holla Forums recently.

Except the nerds are Mad Libs. Not right-wingers. They were the ones being beaten like the bitches they were, and helpless to do anything but fantasize about revenge, not us.

Nerds aren't people for fuck's sake.


video games and their communities seem more pozzed than ever, what did gamergate even do? now you can't even object to some completely queer shit in a video game without hordes of faggots shouting you down everywhere

I mean, look at this shit right here, then there was the abominations that are Mafia and Watchdog games



If I could do it over again, I would probably go with Revolt. I sat in the GG thread in Holla Forums for a year asking why we weren't doing anything. All they wanted to do pretty much was talk about Gilda Mars. Sometimes Acid Man would make a blog post about why they hadn't done anything in a year, but everyone else would just call you a shill becuase you were sick of talking about Gilda Mars. Ocassionally, there would be discussion about how Holla Forums was terrible and then right before it there would be content ripped straight out of Holla Forums threads to rial people up about SJWs. It was beyond pathetic honestly. Hotwheels was right when he said GG doesn't do anything anymore, except I was stupid enough to keep giving those Holla Forums people a chance a year after he said that.

Anyone remember Allison Rapp the pedo that worked at Nintendo? Do you think its epidemic around the company or the company kept there?

hogan got gawker bankrupt after gawker lost
chevy contract
Intel contract
Nvidia contract

they lost a massive budget, to the point where a single lawsuit could bring them down. GG started the common practice of archiving links to assure journos don't get clicks

False. GG left with the exodus and eventually joined the ranks to 8/pol/ the rest stayed behind as a shadow of GG and became 4cuck bernouts.

t. gamergator

nintendo is weird, on the nip end it's still a fairly traditional company ran by out of touch old japs.
On the USA side it's a large conglomerate with many tentacles that don't always get along, the one with the most poz is treehouse, a subsidiary of NoA.
Rapp worked for treehouse and when her undesirable ideals were made public(by her none the less) NoJ gave the orders to NoA who told treehouse to fire her.

Don't let the corrupt democrats and their media create a narrative for themselves again, don't let the media distract your attention because they are trying to make people forget their lies and manipulation in this election and are only using the word "fake news" as a shield strategy, I'm not american but since CNN become a joke (The other american democrats websites are trash too but the people choose the CNN to be the pathetic joke after so many bizarre videos, cameramen, manipulate the news of the terrorist group black lives matter, cut off when the interviewer was speak about wikileaks and say OH NO, i bet they CNN are the most obsessed trash with this and they will still promoting more fake news made by CNN, promote more hate, all the dirty tricks, I hope CNN become even more humiliated and become a joke world wide since i see CNN being a pathetic joke world wide and i want to see the owner of CNN angry and lose money but i bet they don't care since america have a huge monopoly in the media controled by democrats to create narrative, propaganda, lies, manipulation everything for themselves and try to bullying and destroy any opposition for their monopoly with thousands of media, websites and propaganda for their democrat party as strategy of power, don't let they create this bullshit of fake news, you need to destroy them even more and show for people the fake news who they are, use garbage media and websites like CNN, destroy, humiliate and shit in CNN with all the videos, evidences who you have against them and all these media owned by democrats and the ones that were in the hacked emails on the wikileaks

I remember in this momment, New York Times, Washington post, buzzfeed, CNN, huffinton post, salon, i'm trying to remember others websites and media of democrats, usatoday, Times, and others that i can't remember

Be aware of these shit media controled by the democrats after so many lies, fake news, propaganda and manipulation, hollywood also had so many democrats and pussy actors who have fear of have their carer destroyed if they don't suck their democrats masters owners, but they are even more pathetic when make propaganda for the democrats, the dirty tricks, the bullying strategy against any opostion of their establishment and monopoly, and it's horrible when other countries of the world who in general had left-wings groups wanting a big state in the power, who only copy the democrat garbage media, lies, manipulation and propaganda of their group, and they basically wanting to have only one democrats party, and some sissy controled opposition in disguise for all the strategies of power of these groups, democrats are the most disgusting trash on this since the democrats openly promoted hate, race bait, gender war, all kind of sickness, while pretend that they are the "good" in some sick way that i don't understand since I'm not american and i can't understand how people don't see the democrats with their media, their propaganda, and everything after the elections too, and i bet the american schools are sick and bizarre and in the control of these same groups of trash, this is why when anyone use the word "college educated" i say brainwashed, but even the majority of people that americans would call "college educated" only answer what the left-wing shit groups force them to put, but in reality they feel disgust of the left-wings who destroyed the schools of our country, increased crimes, make people lost jobs, and destroyed everything while these piece of shit are giving disgusting smiles and behaving with a leftard arrogance in their leftard bubble of piece of shit, all the mainstream media of every country is owned by left-wings who are biased for themselves and the media news copied from america are only the media owned by democrats to manipulate the news, narrative and create a propaganda for themselves and demonize the others

Holla Forums you don't understand, this "fake news" was the way the establishment and the media that were in discredit, the New York times, jokes like CNN, Buzzfeed, Huffington post, salon, and washington post, all the democrat media invented to change the narrative, and nobody talk about their lies anymore.

They created a narrative that everything who don't fit their propaganda is fake news, they will use this to shut down discussion and pretend that nothing happened in this election

All the garbage from CNN, and the whole American media will be forgoten in a cynical smile with the word fake news as a shield strategy of the corrupt mainstream media owned by democrats

Instead of people talk about how horrible, corrupt, liar and controled by democrats the american media are, the american media is trying to impregnate in the brain of the people the strategy of "fake news" and "bullying" against non-democrats websites to shut down discussions and win

This is pure spin. GG could have never done Operation Disnod, and Gawker still would have got fucked over by Hogan. I like though we have to lie and twist something into a clean narrative to make you feel better about yourself. Seems you're learning a lot from the mainstream media, just not in the way you were supposed to.

everyone knows about the fake news being used against dissent from the very beginning nigga.
Now go back to the pizzagate bread and tell them how they're all wasting their time too, goon.

heard one of her coworker still defends her even tho he knows what shit she was up. And they been censoring shit in stuff like references to alcohol when they interviewed a old game developer for balloon fight for occasion of releasing the nes mini. Thats not even the weirdest part nintendo is even going out of its way to censor stuff about father figures or indications of gender

The eternal enemy of humankind and progress makes it's move once again.

Fuck me, this Kebab cunt gets around doesn't he? I've got Ausse devs who want to skin him alive for poisoning the well over here. Wonder who's funding him?

Do they realize they're giving us sexual pleasure with this shit?

Checked and kek'd.

what was more alarming was nintendo of america didnt condemn pedophillia when they wrote a statement about allison rapps termination they defend alternative lifestyles


I was on /sp/ on halfchan in the wee hours of the morning when it got Shoa'd down to 1 page, as the exodus began. Now we're in the White House.


Have the leftards ever tried to call out GW for this? I've never seen them raise a stink over it when it's basically selling plastic fascism to 13yo's.

Those began construction in the midst of all this and are suffering from shitty releases as a result.

I read that article when it was posted in Holla Forums thread, etc. retard. You're not showing me anything new. I know better because I was there. GG fucked itself a long time ago and everything since then has been Holla Forums clique damage control and then trying to take credit for other people's work, like Hogan's lawyers.

And pizzagate is a waste of time because it's not real, retard. If you think so, well that just proves why GG became a train wreck I guess. Honestly, looking back, I wish I never got involved in the shit. I was redpilled on SJWs years before GG. I didn't need them to make me realize SJWs were the problem. GG was mostly an autistic circle jerk that austistic cliques of retards used to make their selves feel important, often by feuding with other austistic cliques of autistic retards instead of SJWs. That's why the only thing GG has done in the past year and half is cry about boogeymany like "revolt" or "shills." News flash, anyone who shilled GG left a fucking long time ago because bugging you now would be utterly pointless because you killed it off on your own. Yet, to this day retards think Zoe is paying an army of people to troll the thread or something when it's just normal anons who are tired of your bullshit.

Just saw a thread over there before. What's the deal with the halfchan commiespamers?

hopefully in the future the left will be hiding in caves and the right will be ultra religious white nationalist.

DC and Marvel where created by Jews they will forever be irrevocably be pozzed.

They ever finished that game?

Yeah and it's pretty buggy apparently.

today I read on ZH that kikebart now faces the same situation as gawker. Major advertisers are pulling off their ads
Are the sjews responsible for this?