New Trump hats live!

Post yfw people get triggered from seeing

$40 seems a little steep but it'll probably be worth its' weight in fresh salt

Other urls found in this thread:

I remember that I caused my ""diverse"" school class to kvetch and whine en masse simply by wearing an Infowars T-Shirt. My shitty lefty fruit teacher attempted to contest my political views, and it ultimately ended up with him and the entire class stumped. I then informed him that if I were to be punished for this scenario, I would report him for injecting political bias within his teaching methods.
Overall, probably one of the best days I've ever experienced.

These will become a huge thing i can twll you already, i'm not even american but i want one.

I plan to eventually pass down my Trump merchandise as family relics. Then my entire yielded descendants will be bound to this beautiful era of nationalism.

what does the 45 represent?

See the number of presidential shifts that the United States has historically undergone.

Good goy

The year the West died.

Now to decide the color. Think I'll go with white as I already have a red MAGA

Now that the election's won, can non-Americans buy this stuff? Or does it still count as campaign contributions?

Calling it now. Some virtue signaling sportsball faggot is going to request his 45 jersey number be changed or refuse to wear his jersey as some half-assed protest.


Didn't work then, CTR, it surely won't work now. We'll only laugh at you for being such a salty faggot.

Melania's age

Fucking newfags.

I am calling the fact that you are right, but just like the other sportstball nigger protests, nobody will really care.

what are you talking about, lel

You might want to reread what you quoted really carefully, cause you look extremely fucking stupid right now

45th president you fucking retard.

That 45 hat is the shit. Pure /fa/

wew lad

Good goy, they will be well aware of the "illuminati" and "reptilians" from now on.

Keep quiet you gay faggot

Wow. Trump's really Jewing people out.

Literally the Stahl Helm of our era.

I am being triggered so badly right now that i just can't even



Trips Checking Dubs!


… he's already elected. Why does he need money? We pay him his salary and give him free health care + public housing.


Yamate, newfagu-kun, yamate….


Holla Forums, now the home of subversive establishment worship and blatant advertising that goes unchecked by the moderation. You are all fucking faggots.

HEY GUYS! Wanna buy a fucking piece of shit baseball cap for 40 FUCKING DOLLARS!?!? MAGA!!!!

Followed by blatant marketing shill posts like this one and this one and this one and this one .

Why the fuck does a billionaire businessman who has already been elected president and no longer needs people to donate to his campaign need to sell people $40 baseball hats? Why is this kosher ass nigger still asking for money? Why are you faggots OK with any of this? What in the fuck is going on here?

We have a reality TV star with an immigrant bimbo for a wife who sells steaks and baseball hats out of the fucking White House as our current president elect. This is Idiocracy-tier.

Chamber time, Chaim.

This is the very definition of capitalism and the American dream comrade!

Aren't you embarrased that you spent a whole year spewing this level of bullshit, and in the end it didn't amount to anything and Trump is still president no matter how much you cry? Really makes you think

Are you guys paid for by Kushner or are you just braindead retards from /r/the_donald?


the evil jew lurks in the shadow planning and plotting

No matter how many times you post, Trump won. Brexit happened. We are winning.

Sorry m8, but I'm not a retard. BTW, how are those former Rothschilds Inc. and Goldman Sachs employee cabinet picks working out for you niggers? Drain the swamp amirite?


I supported Brexit you dumb nigger. The EU is shit and Merkel deserves to be raped to death by a million mudshits.


If anything I won. I got to bask in the glorry of libshit tears and got to see America say they are getting sick of what has been going on in this country and in the rest of the world(even if they are retarded and don't realize Trump is even a bigger zionist puppet than even Hillary was). It was America that lost, they were in a lose lose situation and most didn't even realize it.



I didn't vote, I didn't participate. LOL, keep repeating your redtext memes though. I'm certainly getting served.

Well, at least you caused lefty ass-pain. Good on you.

Stay salty, faggots.

Since you're a dense fuck I'll spell it out to you: 1945

They're not CTR. You misinterpreted what said.


Holy shit nigger, are you retarded? The poster here was referring to the year that Hitler lost the war and the West lost any and all hope of escaping from the grasps of the zionist kikes. It had nothing to do with your "Lord Emperor" becoming the 45th president. Lurk more you fucking cock sucker.

Yeah, I see that now. No reason for so many people to crawl up my ass, but ok.

Don't take it too personally, we've got a very besieged mentality going on here thanks to the past year of shilling.

It's okay, user. At least you're not as big a fag as

shut up, faggot

its just bantz lad, calm down and read some books



Let me guess, muh massive never-going-to-happen deus ex civil war will fix things right? yeah lets complain about demographics and then start an event that would get millions of young white men killed and end the same way WW2 did for Hitler.




I want to commission this, but I have no idea where to go to do it.

have you tried doing a search for "hat embroidery"?


Electroshock gay conversion therapy for Clinton voters

That's a great meme and all but I'm seriously asking - if I buy a USA 45 hat, what am I funding? Trump's reelection campaign? The victory tour?

Fuck, $47 after shipping is expensive tbh

Probably just his company

I'm sorry, did a bitch just say something?

where do you think you are fagit?

Cool, you fell for MSM & disinformation.

What did you mean by this?

Has two eigenvalues: S with corresponding eigenspace ((A,B,A,B), (B,A,B,A)), and G with corresponding eigenspace ((A,-B,A,B), (-B,A,B,A)).

over half way to 88!

If you were listening and believing you would know that he will not be taking the presidential salary, and will probably be living in his tower, with his own doctors. When you say he you completely misunderstood the fact that Donald J. Trump does not sell these hats by himself. It is a committee for him and the republican party, the money goes towards his travel fees, rally fees, committee members salary, communication/ads, and other things.

It's a smart move. Trump frequently refers to 'the movement' as in 'we the people'; the act of forgoing a presidential salary, and instead soliciting donations and contributions from supporters (even if it doesn't cover all costs), is pure genius. Having contributed financially, even in a small way, people feel more involved and invested in the movement than they otherwise would. Trump is a master marketer, and knows how to build a brand.

Nigger that's the go-to for libshits whenever their side turns out to be shit.>>8416374 is spot on.

I know user you didnt vote because your the typical defeatist shit that lurks here.

Anyone here would be willing to help a yuropoor out by sending one over to me? I will cover all the costs.

please? for the sake of dubs?

You could buy a kek ring for that price.


Number of pussies grabbed since he got nominated and there's not a goddamn thing you can do about it.

I will repeat - anyone willing to help a yuropoor out? I will cover all costs

I love this man. He took an idea from a comic making fun of him in 1990, and ran with it all the way to the White House.

My digits are summoning you!

The height (in feet) of the border wall

I like this

I'm feeling generous tonight because I've been drinking and because of your back to back dubs. I'm overseas right now but I leave back home dec 6, what's your email




I special ordered a red "MAKE OVENS GREAT AGAIN" hat with 1945 on the side.

kek it doesn't have to be your actual email, just a fake one, I'm gonna buy a few when I get back and I don't mind buying an extra if you really want it so bad

I got a legit MAGA hat a few months back. Gonna get one of the camo USA ones.

I'm not a shill, i'm a real american.


It's all made in USA you sickle sucking faggot

Nice. I have the black MAGA hat. Looks like they discontinued it.

It comes and goes from the page; as do some of the other hats. I think it's based off whatever they have in inventory at the moment.

Ask how I can tell you're low energy

How is that an insult?

These are sweet, but where does the money go? Is he fundraising for his 2020 campaign already or just pocketing the shekels?

Leftover campaign money usually goes towards funding the inauguration ceremonies. I just bought a MAGA the other night so that the emperor can have a glorious triumph.


Where's the Christmas hats?
Missing opportunities is not in your nature, Don. C'mon.

Make the kek rings by hand instead of in some jew's factory and maybe we'll talk.

[email protected]/* */
Sorry, was asleep

you don't even deserve my sympathy.
lurk more faggot.

Just bumping for you

The number of years you, as a faggot, should lurk before ever posting again…

the number of aids infected faggots in your asshole last night

LOL, kill yourself.

Is there any way for a British Trump supporter to get one of these?

They're $40 because these one's are Made In America.

After Trump has gutted the regulations and taxes, domestic companies will be able to compete again and the prices of things like this will drop back to something normal.

Be like me and find someone in te USA to send it to you


oh boy they were wrong

Make Christmas White Again


No. It would be retarded, he would be accused of attacking Christmas. And for fuck sake, it's already fucked by everyone.

Eh, I prefer the classic red MAGA cap to these new, kinda generic USA hats.

Just staying on the radar here, based hat user

Friend, hope you saw/will see this


Trump Hat: $40.00
That look on a shitlib's face: Priceless.

Man I NEED one. I live in Sweden, work with A lot of leftist fucks and basically since the election just by mention Trump gets people really fucking triggered.
when will europeans be able to buy glorious MAGA hats?!?!?!?!?

I really want one

I know posting for the first time on a chan can be exciting, but just lurk for a little longer before you post again

Man I live in Sweden and I've ordered stuff online from the US and it's always been a pain with the shipping and tolls.
I ordered some underwear from Victoria's secret for an ex like 10 years ago and the shipping and tolls was more than the fucking thong. Good pussy though.

amazon has knock off ones for next to nothing.

I know, but I'm a bit of a faggot when it comes to things like this. I want the real deal, not ebay quality shit.

If you REALLY want one I would consider shipping you one. You would have to have a little faith that I wouldn't jew you though, I would ask that you pay hat cost and shipping ahead.


I want one but I live on the east coast of canada and would probably get killed by french faggots.

The year that the sperm of Fred met the egg of Mary Anne, bringing forth the conception of the God-Emperor; Year 1 B.T.

Are you able to buy them as a foreigner since it isn't a political donation?

The thing I like best about Trump's hats is (most) of them don't even have his name on them. It'll say "Make America Great Again" or "45" with the American flag on it, but even though everyone blatantly knows its a Trump hat he doesn't feel the need to advertise himself. The pro-American message speaks for itself.

And this is in stark contrast to Hillary Clinton who's campaign slogan was "I'm With Her". Even as a billionaire he was way more humble than that cunt.

Yeah, although I have a new white USA one and it does say TRUMP on the back

You can get genuine ones on ebay. I've got 3 MAGA hats, all from ebay but have come in the Trump store carry-bah with wrapping and receipt. Just got to look around and pay a bit extra.

t. Ausfag

Still looks like you can't. Time to get ebay hunting.

Mmmmm that is some really fresh salt, takes me back to exactly one month ago, election night.

fuck off


Honestly would've preferred Romney to this obvious Russian shill. Romney is a powerless man who will do anything for you, he's more useful.

I see the bots are starting to get more on topic. They are still sterile and retarded, though.

I'm circumcised hooray

This is a bait thread, remember to sage

It was a nice documentary yeah

So…eastern sweden?

turkroaches arent people



Go away Schlomo.

He is aware of the problems in his own country.
Still wouldn't be a bad pick.

It's true, I have both the camo and the white/gold cap. It's like wearing a swastika armband around and they can't do a goddam thing about it. Feels fucking great. I also have the Trump halloween mask

there's more:

just got mine today to match my maga. its beautiful

Twisted Sinners


Could you please post the rest of the comic, I never saved it
Heres a TRUMP for your trouble
