Which one of these assholes are going to die first?
Make your bets
Sadly, probably Miller.
from what I've seen, Miller is looking better recently than he did just a few years ago.
Or maybe it's just that he let his beard grow again.
Either way, Marvel is gonna create an animatronic Stan Lee with a bunch of pre-recorded catchphrases that he always repeats, so we're not going to learn about his death until two decades later anyway
Miller has already passed on from writing good comics, there's no point to care if he lives anymore. Every single comic writer who is/was good eventually fucks it up and turns to shit as they get an inflated ego or lose sight of the things that they were good at.
Say what ya will about Stan but at least he isn't flooding the market with constant crap like Miller does.
Man, he looks like a cross between Tom Baker and a sphinx cat.
Holla Forums: The Home of Nihilism since 2014.
Wait a second
It's uncanny!
Aaron Hernandez?
Did that crane snap from the elephant's weight?
I don't know what's wrong with either of them really. Stan Lee was also the one who got flack for saying Spider Man shouldn't be gay. Remember that? Miller may not be able to draw anymore, but at least he still triggers SJWs.
Stan's a senile mascot who probably can't even remember if he was really involved in half the shit Marvel gives him credit for. Miller stopped being good and continued to make comics for a bit too long afterwards, and also made that shitty Spirit movie.
He also voted for Hillary
Hopefully you, fag.
Which is a worse crime, voting for Hillary, or writing Allstar Batman?
Well, All-Star Batman & Robin was actually nice to look at, unlike Hillary, so voting Hillary it is.
But is didn't raw shit, he only wrote it.
Doesn't detract from my point
The internet is going to suck when Lee dies.
Doesn't it already suck?
Writing All-Star Batman. In the case of Hillary, the only other option was a neocon, jew-dick-sucking kike, so you were fucked either way.
Stan Lee takes a lot of credit from creating the Marvel Universe even though Jack Kirby and Steve Dikto contributed as well and the average normalfag doesn't know, thinking Lee did it all by himself and the fucker lets them think that.
Once yeah. The poor thing broke her spine before having to hang her again.
It never ceases to astound me how quickly the 180 on Trump happened.
One month it was all, "Memes are real and Trump will channel Kek to create an imperium of Man where all of our waifu s are real" to " fucking neocon, Jew dick sucker, how could anyone support Drumpf!"
And all because he had human difficulties getting his policies through.
All that evaporated the moment he decided to attack Syria.
Ah yes, doing what dear Barry wouldn't and actually enforcing the Red Line.
what the fuck man
why did you have to make me do the same
poor guys will never be happy
The Red Line?
That's generally what happens when you're dealing with children.
This never happened, you fucking retard. It was an astroturfing campaign by shills flooding the board. I wouldn't be surprised if you were one of them honestly, this is Holla Forumsumblr afterall. After the Syria shit died down, they over-reached and tried to make it seem like Holla Forums supported North Korea, which was even too fucking retarded for concern trolling.
no one cares, Holla Forums
I hate Holla Forums but even I have to question why that troll mod and Jim wanted to shill Trump on there so hard. What did that, or the /newsplus/ shit actually accomplish?
Pick whichever is applicable.
You faggots are truly beyond help.
Tumblr gonna tumblr.
But, neither applies.
Either go back to 10 bux land or suck off Acid Fag and the Muh PR crowd. You're cancer either way.
>But, neither both apply
Dang user how do you manage to be a Nazi AND a Jew at the same time?
I don't know, you tell me you problematic nigger.
I don't really recall any times. Most of the time it was either laughing at them or joking about them trying to follow through on a threat. I don't think saying, "Go ahead, nuke Cali" is really siding with them. And on political lines, most users aren't going to go for NK even if SK was a feminist run hellhole up until recently.
On top of that. To everyone discussing whether or not an entire board is for or against something:
Have you all forgotten? Or not known at all about? The days where we were under constant attack from various websites trying to disrupt our board unity and split us just like cuckchan was? Never forget those days. Especially considering there's actual, hard evidence proving that those campaigns were real and that many campaigns are ongoing to this day.
On topic. Stan Lee.
I remember when South Korea's president there were a couple of retards unironically saying North Korea was the best Korea because it was a fascist paradise.
In any case, sage for off-topic
It's called shitposting. Anyone that thinks Holla Forums is going to support actual communists is retarded (aka SJWs and 10 bux shills).