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Operation #PedoFiles
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Thread 17:

Other urls found in this thread:
youtube. ping pong&source=bl&ots=mD11-2_wsb&sig=3qq5EZpCOhdw_gGBJ7hYA57CEK8&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwip9MnTu9fQAhVO4GMKHXzDA4wQ6AEIOjAF#v=onepage&q=psychopath ping pong&f=false EMPLOYEE DIRECTORY#page/n5/mode/2up"andrea n. dravo"&source=bl&ots=P_n5WdjhrK&sig=O15aJ9H0otw5tpNwVah9ztFp1QM&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwih3MCd4tjQAhVN9mMKHRp6DIsQ6AEIJjAC#v=onepage&q="andrea n. dravo"&f=false




Whaaa…. is this your first post here dude?

Is this it? When Trump is sworn in is he going to put Obama away for good? This is unreal.

There is a tradition among presidents to ignore the transgressions of the previous administration.

Any examples of when this wasn't the case?

I’m thinking it may have started with Ford/Nixon, but my knowledge of the transition period of past US presidents is woefully inadequate. I couldn’t say. I know that it wasn’t the case in the 1830s, at least.

is that pic real


What the fuck are you on, user

Back on topic, can anyone tell me the latest with Pizzagate? Has any thing else been tied to that Arun Rao character? What about ball of these (((articles))) defending Jimmycomet?


Geez, who cares.

CP became known as pizza here for a reason.


Reposting this from the previous thread.

[email protected]/* */ is a valid email, not sure if it's his tho. The security questions ask:

What is the nickname of your youngest child? (Podesta has three)

What is the last name of your maid of honor at your wedding? (wife Mary Podesta)

These definitely seem possible to figure out.

fuck you ok… mods stickied it so SMD!!!


So I was researching the Clinton Foundation and Correct the Record and saw that one of their last payments went to the Dewey Square Group. I have sources (who I won't reveal, but who are generally very reliable) who state that this group is basically the NWO Illuminati and to take a look at their resume, I don't see how you could come to any other conclusion. (Also note the Illuminati/Freemason eye symbolism above). Their list of activities include;

Gay Marriage
Poverty is Sexist, a feminist campaign
Ran the '96 Bill Clinton, the Al Gore, and 2016 Clinton election campaigns
Affirmative action, safe spaces, the lot (Horton's Kids)

They are basically they are everything Holla Forums hates.

I think it is significant that they are one of the last groups that CTR 'squared up with.

Here is their page on 'Multiculturalism';

Note how they say;

Some of these opinion leaders are; Bono, Bill and Melinda Gates, McFly, Dr. Phil, Samantha Bee and companies like Glamour, One etc.

According to Muckety; Dewey Square Group (DSG) link to Coca Cola Enterprises; who turned up in the Wikileaks IIRC. The co-founder of DSG is Charles Baker III, who is cofound of Priority USA Action (SuperPac). Not sure if this is evidence of corruption, perhaps someone who knows about this can weigh in.

DSG also had a role in getting the first blind Justic into power;


there was a screenshot of this "newcummers"

Stop trying to frame Jim, you pedo fuck

Jim is a (((freemason)))

Thread 18:

Go fuck yourself jim, you never got rid of the pedophiles, you just used them as scapegoats to ban people talking about softserve and racequeen and your data collection as well as how you stole this site from fred. The pedos just took over Holla Forums they are still here.

is this anything?
saw it posted on half chan

>archive .org/details/JulianAssangeHasBeenTakenWikileaksCompromisedByTheCIA

archive .org/details/PizzagateWashingtonDCChildSexTrafficking

archive .org/details/STRATFORHACKFILES

I do not know what's in them. Only that he leaked the epstein Blackbook. Last time he leaked it was wiped quick

Bullshit. The only pedo-related thing on Holla Forums right now is a thread trying to catch a pedo.
Kill yourself you sick child hungry fuck.

can someone please respond to this and just say stfu even… i feel like im being shaddow banned because no one has said anything on here or half chan about this. anyone out ther?

calm down fagot you're not shadowbanned

Found this while searching the UnderDir directory in the dark web for "pizza". It's a website with the title "CP - Cheese Pizza".

The front -and only- page reads:


-Baked for 11-16 minutes


-SUBSCRIPTION = 0.0301 Bitcoin

Linked to exclusive site for videos and photos, new since P-Empire was taken down.

The link below points to the UnderDir profile page of the "Cheese Pizza" website, not to the "cheese pizza" website itself:


Why are you gaslighting that user?

Pictures from the DSG Hallowe'en Party. The theme of the party was The Wizard of Oz, no doubt in honour of Political Analyst Michael J. Whouley who is known as 'The Wizard'. In the first image can see his name on the wall along with that of COO John Geisser. They are all supposedly "caught in the PR web". Next we see a number of women in bat costumes (bat relates back to Ping Pong of course, but that's another story). Above their heads, on the web we see "Welcome to the Spin Zone". This accurately portrays what these people do. They are propangandists and indeed the word propaganda appears to be written on one of the other posters, although it is too far away to fully resolve.

Michael J. Whouley's name is curiously absent from this list of employees. What happened to him? Was he fired? Did he quit? Is he dead? I would go with the last one, although it may be difficult to prove one way or the other, because as it states on his Wiki page;

Most of DSG's staff appear to be comprised of some minorities (obviously) shiksa girls and """Jewish""" men, like Zack Greenberg, and others like Cohen etc. I'm sure they just love waking up to work with these goyim, but then again if it furthers the demise of the White race they will take a bullet for the team so to speak.

Will I go to jail if I click that link?

Too late.

This is from the first and third. Not taking chances on the second one.

here's my research I've been doing connecting Besta World Inc. through a variety of shell companies, to Bounce Ping Pong in London, and eventually to Mark Rich friend and Clinton pal Billy Rautenbach in Zimbabwe - complete with international gun running and 240,000,000 euros of money laundering.

My own little smoking gun.

They cant get away with this, was there any information on the seller of the toy or who was making it?

17771 86791 19186 45715 92743 61619 39211 73628 87133 88476
22135 20077 04785 55382 61633 49808 12712 15238 37027 77700
99869 04097 32605 24768 41822 71947 02495 21039 92660 52381
80379 11912 19842 01374 28037 80364 17646 30157 12555 19961
22493 79961 03499 10737 22215 08073 84407 13775 64284 83557
83307 81759 83518 87191 44551 47172 42230 55207 55455 50316
34409 10429 58170 72632 71412 81175 14481 82014 75914 59277
74819 38543 77286 07140 44188 27322 28551 87735 84277 82996
08952 41396 59931 29066 46195 62667 04106 54347 47674 90665
03417 99510 33790 17553 67328 64246 27387 63152 01727 27924
85371 86366 56117 73261 34137 53681 32348 28762 44324 27358
33881 10668 22970 64126 20264 69343 93604 54584 17528 85925
39870 42720 86515 57690 77581 16435 45854 28776 36132 39195
02328 12807 08501 47735 63979 13653 57073 00294 01630 61656
81338 56929 38232 75248 87161 72407 28381 60944 76471 56186
29342 85114 17199 36150 45591 78209 21356 40330 90066 70075
44828 94311 90724 12798

No you won't. It's a link to a directory website with a screenshot of the webpage in question.

Holy shit read the comments!!! Its filled with shills

03017 61421 44282 38768 03953 99656 73640 61791 55165 02535
51817 76886 13460 73382 12151 08453 48799 56874 80026 43442
42764 56190 92016 41207 12122 21192 36552 78142 15217 48482
20018 75496 38439 17952 26346 33975 11798 33523 61503 04072
13017 68539 07345 23193 26614 63033 62645 44903 27646 77041
46726 83153 66720 20446 36741 52544 43285 95857 47599 58067
84212 91917 86516 65081 35791 65243 51404 86814 82074 50506
78094 42282 11358 54190 50547 33877 54030 58891 13215 39024
56773 90551 87128 59188 57507 62206 61124 76532 98397 38618
78222 28446 74075 62891 54623 16414 12261 38171 04036 35862
57752 95487 57011 52183 10770 58550 54743 17713 30761 64575
84302 61239 97823 89003 28225 59761 44167 99528 80262 03768
14952 62171 77484 72196 34191 82709 10641 73380 07756 70939
17445 90990 69777 00303 09490 09080 62312 10967 20580 87782
67025 84059 43810 09443 11462 51653 87212 47784 13549 33959
09473 61777 46962 33050 57009 48101


From Julian.

What did he mean by this?

You all deserve at least a one minute break.

Remember why we fight. It's not just for the kids… it's for every person. Not some. Not many. All.

Might as well ask this while the thread is young - How much of a disinfo cuck is this guy? I appreciate the Filter Man's coverage of the whole thing (MANY normies are now taking it seriously, and it's getting harder and harder to sweep it under the rug), but this guy tries to sneakily plant disbelief around the concept of the Podestas and the Clintons being involved whenever he talks about it. It's like an advanced version of concern trolling, you could call it "let's not jump the gun guise :^)" trolling. In one video he used "let's not get sidetracked" THRICE, and it was whenever the subject was close to Comet Ping Pong and Washington pedo shittery. His constant calls for "let's focus on taking the fact that pedo rings DO EXIST seriously!" ticks me off to no end - Way to miss the forest for the trees. Most people with a IQ above 70 suspect that heinous shit like that exists, but we're talking about a specific one here - the one for which there is an avalanche of fishy coincidences and evidence

Here it is, Holla Forums's own numbers station.


faggot larper

I'm not saying all fags are pedos. I just started looking into Jim Alden who had a bomb left at his door. The "person of interest" looks pretty young. Think he was one of Jim's puppies literally butt hurt over his experience with him? I ain't jumping to any conclusions however his Facebook is open to public view, there's a crowd fund set up for him and no clues as to why? He's a caterer that's why I dropped him in the Pizza thread. Gonna keep digging to see if has any coincidental affiliations with people we now know. Butt (kek) he's just a fag for now who got blowed (kek) up

CENTER CITY (WPVI) – Jim Alden says he is resting at home and is feeling a little bit better, but knows he has a long road ahead.

Alden, 60, was severely injured after opening an envelope in his Center City Philadelphia apartment last Tuesday.

A week later, Alden has released a statement to Action News on his recovery.

"The "shrapnel" damage to my face, chest and arms is slowly healing, and a blister on my ear drum is affecting my hearing, but is supposed to heal. At this point, I only know that I have a long road ahead of me, and I will likely be unable to work for quite some time," Alden wrote.

This image contains graphic content

The ATF, FBI, Postal Inspector and the Philadelphia Police Department are working together to try to find the person or persons who either sent or placed the envelope.

Alden says he does not want to interfere with their investigation, so he's unable to provide any updates on that front.

He is stunned, though, at the support he's receiving from those closest to him.

"What I want to say at this point is how overwhelmed I have been at the outpouring of love and support that I've received from my partner, family, friends, and coworkers," Alden wrote.

His friends have set up a page to help with medical and living expenses during his recovery.

"As I go forward in my recovery I know I will continue to rely on the loving care of my partner and my friends, and I appreciate everyone's concern and compassion," Alden wrote.

Philadelphia police responded to the 1800 block of Pine Street around 4 a.m. on November 22, where they found Alden lying injured in his first floor apartment.

It was clear there had been some type of explosion that happened when Alden opened a large padded envelope that he believed contained medication he receives through the mail.

Investigators say the envelope was addressed to Alden and they believe it was intended for him, although they don't know why.

Alden's partner was also home at the time, but was not injured.

Alden works in the banquet department of the Warwick Rittenhouse Hotel. Police say he had been out of town and had just returned back to the city.

That's either a little Filipino boy or a small woman with quite the masculine jaw.
Any bets on what he is medicating by mail order?

Here's a thought I had while on the shitter: pizza is Italian, Italians are Catholic, the Catholic Priesthood has a disproportionate amount of pedophiles.

what does he have to do with PG?


Anyone look into yet.

Its about a mile about m away from DuPont circle and is called "The Child Cafe" in French, the same as the Comet Ping Pong guy's name (See Picture). Ot also has some sort of sexualized parties in their Boom Boom Room.

Yeah that is worth looking into. I haven't seen anything about it besides your post though.

Just name dropping him is all. In case he shows up in the network that's unraveling (you know all this shit is going to have 6 degrees of separation) However for now he's the poor fag that got blowed up.

Something have been found, like this. Don't hurt to have a look though.

did we get a translation or any new info on the german npd ukraine thing?

why is no one talking about this?

If you saw his videos before, he played a clip which included that (fake?) menu offering sex torture.

That video was removed, uploaded with a new clip without that segment in it.

I think they're just getting under pressure legally.

I don't know what you're talking about so link please.


Infowars is controlled opposition. So yes he is a disinfo cuck. So many of there fans are aware of the pizzagate so they're being forced to cover it to maintain credibility. They stayed silent for a long time on it, then Alex does some "I'm not gonna cover it cause diddling kids gets me so mad guys!" bullshit, and also said there's more important things to cover, (the fake news drama is all they seem to be covering extensively atm). So the lesser reporters are pretty much just repeating what you said there "W-we don't want to gets sued guys don't jump the gun h-heh.." and redirection.

They probably won't report anything damning on this, but maybe if their fans force them.


they are talking about these guys having fucked a child that he says was sold to "the albanians"

I am the user who did the Ukrainian translations.
Currently, there is simply too much info and leads to get through, that and we simply cannot do anything in regards to it without actually going to Ukraine and forming our own militias specifically designed to 'prosecute' organised pedophilia ring masters.

>key people of power live at some of the key spots
If anime has gone too real then I wonder if there's one specific man at the top of this damned structure of evil (bar Satan)

can you link themn

We need to really consider building temples the lord Kek, and the goddess Ammit if they're trying to use set as there ancient reborn god

Damn one off still

Praise kek
Praise Ammit

im talking abou the translation and all the info

where has it been posted
i couldnt find anyhting in the last thread

theres nothing here and on halfchan
where are the posts and leads


Gonna need some sources there m8

would be a lot better if in that first pic they added each of the addresses so that you could enter them on google street view and see for yourself

Cops say it's male boyish looking I think they revealed the meds that were supposed to be in the bag but don't feel like digging anymore tonite. Anyhow if I do dig any PG stuff out I'll repost him in the future or if he's a non PG pedo than I will put up a thread on him, however till that time he's a poor fag (lives in Phillys rich gayborhood) that got blowed up

Shrines seem to have made him more effective, I don't see why temples wouldn't further amplify Kek.


Wtf are we looking at beside CP?! Please describe source and what thse docs say. Does this have to do with German hack?

Wow, rude. Why would you talk shit about Hotwheels like that?

Stop dealing the thread cultist.Shrines where used by various Druid cults to perform human and animal sacrifices. This is blatant and trying to slip in occultism in the name of Pepe. I won't have it take that shit to another thread


I already find 5-6 girls under 14, for work in dominican [republic].
Germans are paying: fly both there and back, residence, transportation, healthcare, cosmetologist services.
Timeperiod: 3 monthes with opportunity to extend if all parties agree.
Payment: $5000 per month and more, transfering money to families here, in Ukraine, by western [union?]
Parents/guardian are all lowlife[on bottom of livelihood] and don't care
There wouldn't be any problems on Rava
Point out to Frontz, that we work only with elite of dominician
capital. Call outs are always accompanied by bodyguard.
There are pair of preview sets in attachment, I will upload archive to super and send pass by sms.
We need to film 2 presentaion disks."


lurk more faggot

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting

Sorry it was off topic and this thread is quite literally a matter of life and death for at least some kids out there. that said shrines have been used by all theologies so blow it out your ass

♥❤Thanks Julian!❤♥

Hey user! I got you a lead on the temple of set! The guy goes by the alias of Balanon Get digging! insider leaks coming soon, help me find where to dig from here.


More about Alefantis' instagram

Full pic here:


Greek themes allude to pederasty

holy fuck
why dominicans?

Forgot to mention, dude is directly tied to Aquino. Balanon

there is a L'Enfant plaza and L'Enfant metro stop in DC b/c that was the name of the city planner.

Could be a double meaning though

os if this goes on on this level with "elites" in the fucking dominican republic
what to american or european "elites" have access to

How am I lying? Prove it.



Please watch this anons. A lot of work has already been done on this for years.
FBI whistleblower and guests go deeply into the Hastert pedo scandal. Includes John Mark Karr, the embassy pedo ring in Thailand and the cover-up. Best to acknowledge what has been done and build upon it. Strength in numbers.


that's judah friedlander the comedian on the right.

Don't you dare forget that the washington monument and the masonic layout of dc are directly related to this, MASONIC INITIATION IS THE ALLEGORICAL DEATH AND RESURRECTION WITH HORUS ISIS AND OSIRIS.

Go fuck yourself. The valknot is an oath to self, odin, and the white race. Hence the three.

Now this is some advanced disinfo and D&C.

Every country has buyers.

Read the text you illiterate pagan, pedophiles appropriate symbols from others, regardless of if they mean something else or not.


It appears that pizzagate threads are being targeted. The good news it means they are getting worried. The bad news it means the threads are increasingly being filled with junk and child porn.

I advise ignoring new leads and stick to the ones we have.

I advise video links to be done elsewhere than youtube.

Ignore Spirit Cooking, Ignore the London based Ping Pong, Ignore Masonic and Illuminati connections.

Stick to Podesta, Clinton, Clinton Foundations and following the money.

It's pretty clear there is a raid going on. It's a miracle they send retards to do this shit.

Ignore this reddit shill.
This is a worldwide network and coverup.
These people genuinely believe in the occult so therefore they practice its teachings (black mass/child rape/spirit cooking).
Do not ignore international Comet Ping Pong affiliates; after all pizzagate is an inquiry into this entire organisation.

U're a retarded faggot

You're the one pushing disinfo when we have concrete shit to work with.

Haven't forgotten.

Check out the ceiling of the c(r)apitol


I am off to something more productive today.

If anyone wants to see masonic symbols they can easily walk around London and see them. Pub just along from Baker Street station was previously a masonic hall. 55 Broadway had a masonic lodge. The whole building is full of them. The list is endless.

None of this will get Hillary in the dock. It will help her as it can so easily be dismissed as conspiracy nonsense.

Those people who want real justice stick to finding facts that will help a case not ones that can be spun in court as nonsense. Does not matter if there is a connection or not if in court a lawyer can fuck you over.

The author of the Egyptian satanic masonic connection weighs in

Yes Apotheosis. Saying no to evil. These people want out it is just so big they feel they can't leave.


Ignore 8407b3

Found this on twitter #pizzagate earlier. Really no surprise that it's ten times better reporting than anything BBC, NPR, FOX etc.. have released even though it's incomplete.

What should the title of this article really be?


Has anyone attempeted to scope out Planet Pingpong in the last few months?

"Mr. Bean Rides Again"

Extremely wise advice.

What the fuck jim?

It's too much at this point ffs


en.wikipedia .org/wiki/Streets_(ice_cream)
en.wikipedia .org/wiki/Unilever

Might need looking into.

these digits please me


Michael Aquino's CV is nucking futs.

He's in the Rosicrucians now?
This link will tell you everything about Set.

CEO gave $10 million to a Clinton org.

Amazing video, but graphic.

Is this mirrored somewhere that doesn't require logging in?

That all sounds pretty fucking gay.

It is said that the person on the right is a convicted pedo who played Australian Rugby. There was a Dailymail article with his picture. Notice the rugby theme and also @danroberge who is commenting on the photo is also from Australia. His instagram thing is still public.

Can not find anything on the @ccwoolman

More evidence this is a global issue then I suppose.

A different link to excellent video

good find, i'll give their sacramento office a few calls later and waste some of their time.

Masterchan is another example of that.Masonic most worshipful master top-hat And their chum in the shark tank analogy/meme.

Fuck wrong thread

My grandfather was a freemason, and i don't think he committed any child sex black magic

offtoppic but

On Wikileaks Podesta's emails start the day after Madeline was abducted in 2007, common theory I see online is that he deleted the emails prior to this.

But what if it wasn't because he deleted them. What if Assange was saving the bombshell emails that placed him in Portugal as best for last?

Would explain why Assange was so swiftly silenced and has gone missing. Podesta caught red handed as a child abductor would have brought all of the democrats down with him.


I can not trust individual posts like this because they did the same thing with sandy hook. People saying how they knew kids that died and so on.


you know in hindsight a lot of the "quotes" that alex went over re: pedofiles were just wrong. they were close enough that someone in the know would be like, well ok he got the idea, but wrong enough that if you tried to search them on wikileaks you'd get no results, and someone could come later and say "well no, really it says this!"

it's sad because i kinda liked the show too for what it was. now that you point this out though he does act pretty fucking dumb, and i doubt that he's actually that stupid about the situation. as i understand it many Holla Forumsacks have been tipping them stuff from these threads and they probably have been linked here a few times, so it's not like they don't know what we know. really, tbh anyone still stuck in the comet/besta/terasol narrative is working against the greater good. it's why you see those "hey POL can i get le summary??" shill posts all the time, the idea is to get us to cover the same ground ad nauseum. comet's been scrubbed to sparkle at this point. james is definitely a lead because he's the connection all these sick fucks in washington went through at one point, but you have to assume that as much as outwardly they're damage controlling and spinning him to be in a positive light, behind the scenes he's probably been whipped pretty bad for posting all this dumb suspicious shit to his instagram. he doesnt have a life in the limelight, or in the underground anymore. if it wasnt for us constantly bringing him back up, he'd probably be black bagged by now.


Best advice. Those railing against this are shills.

Get fucked with that shit. Anyone with any knowledge about the Freemasons should know your infographic is bullshit.

Sorry for the off topic but does anyone have the Ramzpaul niggerwalk meme? I need it.

Temple of set lead Belanon linked to aquino case.

Good work user. Really like the paste bin. I used some of the information you collected to make this infographic and credited you as Gifted user. The connections will never be the same.

Barely been following… Just saw some shit on this now im beyond interested. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE.

Tell me one thing.. Why are they doing this? Does this serve there plan in making some sort of NWO? Or are they larping faggots gone to far?

You people have no right to speak. Filth

And he’s still right. Your first image is shit. This one is much better.

i thought the song 4 degrees by tool was just a song about sex

This makes a lot of sense considering the current state of Wikileaks.


I came for the conspiracy theory
but I stayed for the disturbing artwork.

Ria Pratt and Biljana Djurdjevic paintings for some reason are really fucking powerful when you know what they are depicting.

What reason does 4chan have to suppress PizzaGate?

this faggot is connected to the entire system

What part don't you understand about compromised mods? That's the entire reason we left.

I knew 4chan mods were faggots, but I never knew they were actually compromised. By whom?

How fucking new can you possibly be?

Moot, owner of 4chan is linked with Google
Even the owner of this board, Jim, is a freemason

I'm not that new. I've been away for a long time.

Moot is gone.

Concerning the freemason bit, can't figure out why he lets these threads stand. I thought freemasons were down with this pedo crap.

Show me the bomb shelter you've been hiding in

Maybe he's still in just the cocksucking level. That what there silly aprons are for, so God can't see them sucking cock right?

This is a series of paintings all depicting children being tortured and raped. I know Djurdjevic is one of Podesta's favorites, is there a similar tie to Ria Pratt?
Also, who/what is "Ted" in the titles of many of the pieces?

No it is the badge of innocence. Rabbinical Talmudism based on the myth of the Egyptian trinity of Isis Osiris and Horus the crowned and conquering child..
Freemasonry is the controlled act of violence without repercussion.

The cafe is named after the architect for that area. L'Enfant is a surname.

In what way are CAP linked to DSG, is it a strong link or circumstantial? 'cause iirc CAP is Podesta’s organisation.

>i know of too GLs who use the Roxy surfer girl heart logo and BLS who use the pagan valkknot




PizzaGate and Podestas were mentioned on a show called Redeye on Fox News.

I've started to notice shit like this ever since these threads started, especially on bumper stickers. The other day I saw a piece of shit car with an LGBT equal sign, panda sticker (made me think of those panda masks), and a roxy surfer girl bumper sticker. I don't believe in coincidences, something is up with these symbols. Keep an eye out in the meat space and look for synchronicity with other symbols. The All Father loves it when you crush pedo's skulls in, use them as your guide.


The host compared Podestas to Krampus.

Don't the look into the Lucas Group as well, Ausfags.

this is what i gathered, not much, just some names, I don't speak russian/hoholspeak and in germany i didn't find any more leads


you fucked up there mate.

where's the "natural light"? I don't see a window in any of the pictures.

I believe Ted is the Teddy bear. Apparently, when they're trying to traumatise you into splitting your mind into different personalities, it's useful to allow you to get emotionally attached to something like a teddy bear so later on, when they destroy it, the experience is even more traumatic and likely to induce dissociation/fragmentation.

lol, can someone meme jah-bul-on into a cocksucking demon, the holy masonic trinity, sucking three cocks at once

What dies a picture of a fish and the number 14 mean?

Think I found something interesting. Check out this Lanny Davis guy.
Seems to know a lot of politicians, not just the Clintons. Also likes to help international children with philanthropy.
He likes to invite a lot of the DC folk over to his PR firm right next to this Rumors restaurant
Both emails related

Interesting both Lannys were special counsel to wild Bill at the same time during his presidency.

His wife is the legislative affairs director for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, and he had the honor of having the office of the president of penn state as a client. Get's the noodles boiling, hmm.

Tell me what you fine folks make of this.

It refers to how Osiris was cut up into 14 pieces and scattered across Egypt. His wife set out on a quest retrieve the pieces and reassemble him. The one piece that she couldn't retrieve was his penis as it was tossed into the Nile River and eaten by a fish, so she manufactured a golden phallus as a replacement. Look at some of the pictures in this thread detailing origin of James Alefantis' avatar.

It's a statue of pederast Emperor Hadrian's favourite boy lover, Artinous, who was later deified and had an Egyptian city named after him. The city harbored a cult that worshipped a hybrid deity of him and Osiris.

The shear audacity of these motherfuckers is astounding. All of this shit was hiding in plain sight. I can't fucking wait until the day of the rope.


I saw a video some weeks ago about someone explaining the math behind the number 14 and why it is so magical.

14 is the number of segments on your fingers 4*3 1*2 = 14
and then there was something about 3x14=42, which is the number given by the big computer in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

3 hands is my guess: the left, right, and divine.

fishing for teens

"Evidence-backed Allegations: All Pizza leads to Rome. Many witness testimonies and evidence for child rape and murder in the Catholic Church."

This was actually a good read. I've always wondered wtf goes on in the Vatican. What kind of secrets do they have.

My bet is that the Vatican is the fucking head of this all.

Take a read; OP seems a bit light headed but the articles are worth to check:

Some fat 60yo? Fuck, could be nothing more than insulin. Although, you might suspect he'd know the address on the package. In which case, an unfamiliar address could expect something more illicit. However, he could be a fucking idiot who didn't pay a lick of attention and enjoyed a load to his face.

That's Kim Noble's alter, according to the body text on that linked site. Her shit appears in Ping Pong, right?

all the articles are in connection with the Brussels Common Law Court of Justice aren't they?
I think it's not worth looking into it, if you have any trustworthy sauce you are welcome to deliver.

yes and no


or a sane explanation is that he was supporting

he mentions gg14 in one of his released emails

Who remembers the KONY 2012 hoax that every fucking normie fell into and donated a great number of cash? Invisible Children foundation made some 31.94 million dollars out of it. Their website however says they used some 16 million dollars.

Wanna fucking bet that the KONY operation and IC is somehow related to this whole thing?

Could be, but only speculation at present. It's easy to build a foundation and raise money around children [easy method to scam as a result].

People pour their wallets out for kids, but, unless we discover anything further linking it, it's just good to keep your post's details and names in mind, even if it ultimately doesn't head anywhere.

that could actually be the case

doesn't have much to do with sanity, I guess no one knew about that website
if you have a link to the e-mail we can verify that.

More Clinton Global Initiative ties

Future President of Argentina was a member of the CGI. Just next year she won the presidency, after this meeting and meeting with "banking reps."
"Cristina is planning to visit Germany in September and will have a short meeting with the Chancellor, according to the German Ambassador. The U.S. Ambassador noted her plans to visit New York City with her husband during the UNGA and to meet with business and banking sector reps as well as to attend the Clinton Global Initiative meeting."

The now current President of Turkey was also a member of CGI. He attended a CGI meeting on "Building a Multi-ethnic Global Society."
"All papers report on Thursday, Prime Minister Erdogan told a news conference at Ankara's Esenboga Airport before flying to the US for the annual gathering of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) that he would address UNGA September 28 and hold a series of bilateral talks with his counterparts from 25 countries. "I will participate in a meeting at the Council on Foreign Relations and a panel discussion to be held under the Clinton Global Initiative on 'Building a Multi-ethnic Global Society.' I will meet executives of the leading US companies over a dinner to be hosted by Coca-Cola. Our talks with business circles will continue at the New York Stock Exchange. I will also meet representatives of Turkish associations and Turkish citizens in New York," Erdogan said. In his contacts in the US, Erdogan will be accompanied by Deputy Prime Minister Nazim Ekren, Foreign Minister Ali Babacan and State Minister Mehmet Simsek as well as AKP deputy chairwoman Edibe Sozen. Erdogan is expected to return to Turkey on September 29."

Thanks for actually reading the thing and not calling me a disinfo agent.

Thanks user, I'll be looking a little more into it today.

Spain donates into this thing too.
"It is not likely that Clinton directly influenced the PSOE climate change electoral program, although Clinton and Zapatero have had several meetings and Spain is a donor to the Clinton Global Initiative."

And of course, Obama, the Bushes, McCain are part of it, but I didn't need to tell you that.
"I know BO is seeing Clinton on Thurs. Are you aware that Clinton Global Initiative extended invites to both Obama and McCain to attend the NY fete? McCain said yes. In the past he has had Laura Bush, Condi etc., but this isn't the past. Let me know if you want to discuss."

As a sidenote, Obama's such a little bitch he refused to show when he caught wind McCain was coming. Called in with a satellite phone.
"*Obama, McCain to Speak to Clinton Global Initiative (The Page 9/15/08)* The two presidential candidates will participate with the likes of Queen Rania, Gordon Brown, Hamid Karzai, Al Gore, Michael Bloomberg, Lance Armstrong, Bono and more in addressing the fourth annual meeting. Obama by satellite. The conference takes place in New York City from September 23-26"

Attachments to this email mention CGI in relation to Obama's transition. Interestingly, the strategies mentioned here remind me a lot of Trump's strategy so far, though I guess good technique is good technique no matter who does it.
"During the transition, Obama could announce commitments by private sector players, non-profits/NGOs, and/or foundations to serve the public, similar to the commitments made in connection with the Clinton Global Initiative. This could be around jobs, energy, service, etc. It would show that Obama can get things done even in a time of budget deficits and economic challenge. It could be the first of a recurring public (Rose Garden) event to occur throughout the administration."

That's conceivable but not because he abducted her:

These people ^^^ looked through the guest lists released by the Portuguese police and noticed some interesting figures were there or got the hell out of there sharpish when shit went down. Some interesting ideas in that thread.

Unilever =?= UniLOVER? Loves everyone ie all the little children?

Also, we need action plans. We've got the circumstantial evidence, the shits all but confirmed by God himself, but what the fuck are we going to do about it?

archived this video for future reference

shame to see an american hero be harassed


This article shows how many gov pedos have been arrested in the last few years. This shit has been going on for a long time and no one was paying attention.

State Dept Dan Rosen’s Arrest: Cheat Sheet for Journos
https:[email protected]/* *//daniel-rosen-s-arrest-1f7befb1762c#.lcvzpxcld

about Lady Gaga and Jahbulon

that's a moot point

I thought 42 was what happened when you added up the numbers that correspond to the letters in M-A-T-H.

Not a shill I believe all this stuff, I just doubt Hitchhikers Guide is somehow involved. Never actually read it though.


yes, what does the frog have to do with kek?


learn how to use the board no one is gonna go through the fucking numbers link directly faggot.

What the fuck is @8415962
What is this, your first time ever on a chan?
Go back to Twitter, fucking normalfag, we dont want you here

Alefantis talks about their basement in an earlier interview.

Pics related. James Alefantis = confirmed liar

I found the pig farm that Alefantis had a map of in his Instagram.

Whitmore Farm
10720 Dern Road
Emmitsburg, Maryland 21727

The upside of the drawn map is oriented SouthEast-East.

Maybe this board is so well compromised that anything truthful is deleted within seconds. then we are funneled to these massive sticky goose chase threads which are carefully monitored / fed false information.

Side by side comparison


anything you cucks want me to add?

Kill room stainless steele appears stained.
Alefantis owns 2 restaurants and an art gallery.

the guy who created a wikipedia page about the place where we think pedos buy pizza but it's n ot really pizza even though it does sell pizza also made a different wiki page about a game where someone eats someone

nightclub closes abruplty managed by the Ex lover of Brock Billy Grey the one he sued for 1 mill

Added as number one under "Other points of interest". Thanks.

I'm driving through DC tonight.
Should I stop by Comet and ask if they have any surviving pizza's?

Ask for the Podesta brothers' special

Or you could ask him about using pedo Antinous as his instagram pic.

ask them if youd be better off playing dominoes on cheese than on pasta.

Guys.. A couple of days ago I was contacted by a producer at The Daily Show asking if I'd agree to interview about my blog. I'd genuinely like to hear what y'all think.

they are going to make you look like an alt-right crazy person.

According to a well researched article by Media Matters, of all places, Giustra's ties to gold mining in Kazakhstan go way back.

2008.01.31 After Mining Deal, Financier Donated to Clinton

2008.01.31 NY Times failed to note Giustra reportedly involved in Kazakhstan mining deals more than a decade ago

I think the smoking gun for Pizzagate will be found when Frank Giustra get's tied to human trafficking. I have reason to believe the Kazakh mining interests owned by Giustra rely on forced labor from trafficked Mongolians. Considering how involved Giustra is in mining, all over the world, and the fact there is a "nexus of gold mining and human trafficking," it seems clear that he is brushing up against trafficking regularly in order to make money. Forced labor is just another cog in the wheel.

"The Nexus of Illegal Gold Mining and Human Trafficking in Global Supply Chains"

2016 Trafficking in Persons Report (State Department)

Holla Forumswebofslime


Most likely a hit piece.

Some points:

- You had to publish that because in the afterlife it will make your heart lighter, you'll get a bonus for heavens.

But I voted for Bernie and I graduated magna cum laude with a B.Sc. and I'm also a female who has worked for years as a promotional model for brands like Cadillac and Cooper Tires. I feel like it would actually go AGAINST their narrative to air an interview with me lol, I don't represent alt-right 4chan at all

Tell that you know nothing will happen, no trials, no investigations, as even ended in absolutely nothing.

Raise Awareness. Do it. Doesn't matter what they make you look like. Be calm. Be collected. And, when they make fun of you, you say…

They'll probably edit it to make you look like a moron. Have you never seen their show or interviews before?

wordpress guy: what's your background
are you wise on some specific topic?

spin the interview to waht you know about, you can go MK ULTRA or th fact that panama papers and recent wikileaks started zero investigations.

a goood approach to critise (((open society))) with IMG related.

i'm a girl. and my background is neuroscience training and promotional modeling. lol i have no reporting background.

modeling? roleplay that. tell that without whoring you can't go up the ladder.

IMG related is a model that was called by one of the d-squared brothers with the warning: "do a line bitch" because she was barely keeping wandering during the milan week.

aaaaand communism, again.

you must agree and get the interview. prepare a script. redpill them all. put points in the script up to mk ultra, nicole-smith and marylin. they must stop your from talking there. you have to spoop everyone DO IT

neuroscience? Go full MKULTRA. tell them that many nazis escaped to south america and some went into the USA. Von Braun is known for missile research, but Mengele isn't. Tell them about Ewen Cameron. Tell them MKULTRA is real and any US citizen can ask official documents through FOIA request.

How is this farm linked to Alefantis? (apart from the instagram pic)

Except when you look into it, most of the MK ultra names where jewish and not the official nazi story.
Check out Jan Irvins work.

they feed crime evidence to the pigs.

Prep Questions:

We downloaded a number of websites of the parties involved and discovered pictures of older men with naked younger girls.

Kevin Reynolds, in particular, has a picture of himself masturbating into a lake public, on Facebook.

Dennis Hastert, Jeffrey Epstein, Laura Silsby, Christopher Kloman, Richard Harding (who lives next door to Comet Ping Pong) and others are convicted pedophiles or child traffickers that surround this circle who are all connected either financially, through personal relationship or social media.

Even Austyn Crites owns a daycare.

And let's face it, it isn't the first time these types of allegations have surfaced. The Franklin Scandal, The Dutroux Affair, the Pace Memorandum.

I read a disgusting theory on Voat. A pig farm could be handy for eating remains.

Abel Danger spoke of a disgusting pig farm in Canada as well.

jimmycomet himself posted the image of the butt of a girl with a re spot on the underwear (on the anus).

with bad comments.


theory? is well known in any rural zone. by keeping them without feed for some days you can them dump anything to them. the hunger plus the euphoria of a big group of pigs let them erase anything substantial in minutes.

*red spot

these pizza jokes happened 4 years ago.

biden had some strange interview on pizzaday - 4 years ago - is a psyop.

no one remebers it? in 4 years same psyop will happen again.

IMG was saved 4 years ago. same people, same bullshit.

How do they keep workers from talking re
: pig feeding? The tunnels even if long could be used by low level workers. WE the Pizza Redditt porn up load : viewers said some on it was filmed in stainless steel areas. Could that be the kill room?

Anyone here see the horrific porn that was posted on REDDIT as to what manner of stainless sreele?

Yeah, I suppose one of the stronger arguments, at this point, is that these assholes have yet to provide any kind of explanation for the pictures and the pizza code in the emails.

Where did this we the pizza menu come from? I haven't been able to read every thread to completion since around thread 7 or 8, so I've been trying to follow along in sporadically since then. This menu looks far too obvious to be real.

Most likely fake. People claimed it came from Comet Ping Pong but I saw it ages ago already from some guy who claimed it was from "We The Pizza"

30 Things We Know About PizzaGate #JohnPodesta #CometPingPong

this video is a good introduction, done in creepypasta youtube format

youtube. com/watch?v=ekejhDu-biQ

i remember the logo on the left. it was discussed on halfchan. never seen the pdf though

robert pickton had a pig farm too…

todd and Clare. There was another David Soloff in about 1930. Abel Dangers sidekick David the English guy refers to him with some banking shenanigans about 1/3 way thru this video:

htt ps://

Yeah the same guy grossed me out re: wood chipper at a pig farm in Canada. I've grown to respect Abel Danger after that video. His web site has good information. Kind of crazy like Stew Webb. But I'm getting crazy reading about all this evil.

More like you want a lick of attention here to whet the appetite before the main dish of your 15 minutes of MSM fame, which you coasted to on digging and leaking entirely done by men just like you did with your blog. You already know what you're going to decide to do, I already know what you're going to decide to do, and anyone else here with a clue knows what you're going to decide to do. Acting coy is not endearing.

prepare to be dubbed the "Leader of #Pizzagate" led by 4chanit's Holla Forums board

Yep. thanks user I had been thinking the same thing but couldn't find the photos.
One thing to consider when looking at the photo with the hole in the floor: the white paint on the floor. It looks like an outline for something that will be built there. (a room?) and the whole is positioned inside.

Tits or gtfo

If this is true then you should definitely go on their show because you can always accuse them of being sexist if they make fun of you. And take along some new info that's NOT on your page that you can show them… something really damaging. And show that pic with John Stewart Liebowitz with the pizza just for a laugh.

Anybody have a working link to the Australian 60 Minutes special from 2015 about the satanic pedophile ring?

Since people started drawing the connection, all links to the video I find are removed/deleted.

download and save with
reupload if removed


MAKE SURE to address the camera directly and BEG for any VICTIMS or WITNESSES to COME FORWARD. publicly would be best, even if anonymously. That pdf menu is bullshit don't even mention it. Stick to indisputable facts and solid evidence, mention his conflicting statements about basements.

To find a removed clip, just copy paste the title of the removed video into youtube and you probably get a working link.

and don't mention best chan let halfchan have the newfags

And then save it with
I cannot stress this enough, the above working link will probably be removed aswell.

make sure to mention 72 virgins somewhere and that your kid brother was kidnapped in syria and probably sold on the black market


I don't understand what this means, are you implying there is some sort of trap door…?

This picture fills me with such dread

how could people be so fucking evil I want to destroy these sick fucks

Tunnel video

htt ps://

we don't know, but it looks like it might be the same place.

if anyone knows how big one of the AC units in the walls is exactly, it would be possible to estimate the dimensions of the "kill room". but you would have to know the exact model of the AC units, and its dimensions.

Any evidence of censorship on the chans could be used to great effect. "they are censoring this on 4chan normies(muggles), let that sink in"

Current NYTimes CEO Mark Thompson has been linked to the BBC pedophile scandal.

Thompson was the Director-General of the BBC from 2004-2012, during which time BBC DJ and host of The Top Of The Pops Jimmy Savile was on air and his reign of horror on children was still ongoing. Thompson also canceled the documentary on Savile that was set to air on News Night.
Noticed this game company's logo from a Critikal video.

too far fetched

From what? I'm just pointing out what I saw. Shilling instantly, huh?


it's a fucking indie video game company from sweden, you imbecile.

You're the faggot acting like I'm claiming I've got the smoking gun. All I said was look what I just saw. Calm your fucking tits. Goddamn.

wew. i suppose the ice cream man doesn't have anything to do with it either…
In their forums if you post enough you become a "Level X Pizza Eater"

-Do it. It will bring a ton of publicity to PizzaGate.
-Understand that no matter what, you will look like a fool and PizzaGate will look like a joke.
-Go to a make-up artist beforehand and make sure you look your best (camera ready).
-Make a secret audio recording of the interview even though your appearance release will say that you aren't allowed to do that. If somebody tries to pat you down, then walk away. If they persist, call the police to report them for assault.
-Know that they will be recording you at all times that you are interacting with them. There is no "off the record".
-During the interview, when you feel like you're being trapped as a strawman ("you say you believe in satanic illuminati jews, etc."), always respond calmly with "I don't know" or "I don't know about that". Never repeat their strawman statements or acknowledge them.
-Know that Daily Show producers are watching this thread. (hi guys, most of you will be fired when Trevor Noah's contract expires)
-Good luck!

i remember a post talking about how pedos might be communicating through videogames/forums - i can't find it right now, but some creep asked an user if he was a cop and then invited him to talk through a 3DS server…not sure what came of that, but i wouldn't be surprised if there was a pocket of these perverts communicating amongst a bunch of ignorant gamers who think "pizza" is just food. even if its just an inside cp joke, of we include the game company's logo, it's still a good find imo

Maybe add the Breitbart tweet calling out Podesta as a pedo a month before he died?

ah, found it
was in last thread

amanda kleinmans myspace

Make sure to archive any evidence to lesson the chance they delete it before we can see it.

someone on /x/ claims to hear screams coming from under dupont in DC >>>/x/28090

uh no, i don't know what i'm going to do about the daily show. i communicate much better through writing. i don't believe i'm poised enough to coherently argue even when they try to fluster me, which they undoubtedly will. and lol fuck off fgt, i'm the one who found jimmycomet's instagram so eat shit. you really think some autist 4channer was just surfing the gram? get real. you cucks would only post pictures of raspberry pies and tendies, get 0 likes


Yeah, on here.

my autism has requested to see all of these present in one image

My interpretation so far. Not at all done

Here's a pastebin of links to Jeffery Epstein's flight logs, if those are any use to you.

skip it, dummy.

speaking of True Detective, it was inspired by real Satanists crimes.

lol no. nov. 5th around 11pm. find anything that predates that on the chans and ill concede. i have the original screenshots on my phone. i'm the one who uses military time. but it doesn't matter. i don't even claim that in my blog because it's not about that… but i don't take kindly to being told that all i've done is mooch off people. whatever, fuck it im outttt bai fgt cucks

Here is some advice. These news articles take the most sensational stuff. Say it is not that sensational, it is just a result of checks and balances being in the realm of fraternal secrecy and not the public domain. There is an elite network of deviants who prey on not only children, But the community at large. The myth of Osiris is tied to they mystery religions that today take shape in things like the trilateral commission and freemasonry. This isn't a witch hunt. Its more than that.

You say that you are a star overnight.

nice, very lombardi-esque
defintely has potential, i hope you don't mind i saved it for posterity.
this is gods work user, keep going!

yeah i know. it's weird, i was doing a lot of research into the validity of related claims when that show came out - watching a lot of interviews with ex-members of satanic cults, SRA and MK Ultra survivors and such. i never thought it was this culturally pervasive until the past few months… nightmarish dystopian undercurrent is real. 2nd pic from thread #18

I don't have the op sec knowledge to go into this

u $ e n e t

search pi$$a search p1ng p0ng search commie p1ng p0ng

FUCK ME. Shit tons of .zip's.

Not touching that shit.

FBI will open a box with a severed head in it. you won't open a zip file on your computer.


does anyone else find this strange?

I did not make that. the thick sloppy lines is just what I could easily connect to masonry

it's their job to 'open the box'. by that, i mean they get fucking paid probably a nice pension too
whole teams with equipment dedicated to IRL analysis of this horrible shit. their bravery stems not only from a hardened sense of justice, but also from the fact that they are working, and that they will be ridiculed by their coworkers/demoralized by their superiors if they fail to do their jobs. idunno, i get it man, you got the edge, but "we" generally possess mediocre technology with accompanying skill level compared to that particular agency. and while we have no one to answer to, no one cares or will help if we open the wrong box.
that video is pretty crazy, but we are not the fucking FBI.

you open it

I understand, and sorry about the shock.

Give a link, then, someone else will do it.

Cant we doing something? Anything? im not even going anywhere CLOSE to that shit.

What if the zips have logs, pics that could lead us to a path we need to see?

I know I am seeing what I want to see. But shriners have a long history of this stuff.
A fucking mason made a documentary about how the jesters are dragging them down
And this is the double heart. Plus the child in the color coding is naked. Look at the adult he is wearing a fez and a shirt.he is holding a naked child

If someone gives me instructions how to find the zip`s I am happy to look at them and report back.

You are a fucking soldier.

I am not very savvy about u$enet so I need some instructions.

Shriners are diabolical.

Either am i. Someone here fucking tell him how to do it.

Might check out some links I do not know how to use usenet but if you provide links I might check it out.


So basically there are shit-tons of stuff which none of us can see because there are no real links to the stuff. It just means another shit-poster trying to keep the child molesters from Jail.

Sad that people are happy to fuck up threads at the cost of children suffering.

On a more productive note. I have noticed that Jonathan Dimbleby is connected with many known paedophiles. It could be just that he is a news anchor journalist or it could be that the BBC have another Savile in their closet.

Those people who are still following their own investigations make note of the name just in case it comes up elsewhere.

This shit pisses me off beyond belief. I'm wearing a valknot on my shoulder everyday. >pic related
First the swastika, now this.
These pedos and pederasts are looking to get their mongoloid skulls pureed.

It was all of the talk about how long this has been going on that made me think to look.
u$enet was out along with ftp servers before there were really many websites. it was around before torrents or shit like that.
you have to dl a reader and configure it with a u$enet server. Imagine splitting up binary files into size limited plaintext emails … uploading the plaintext emails to a server

other people reading the same newsgroup could download all of the plaintext articles then combine them back into a binary file.

Its looks much more streamlined now. Now it looks like you just download the header into the reader and the reader will pull everything in and assemble the file.

Not only is there symbolical proof. The domino masks are repeatedly(7 times) mentioned in the shrine initiation.

Interesting Twitter. James Alefantis thinks he is Pan.

Oriental Gulde to candidate: This is the place where our brethren stop to sprinkle the devil’s pass with urine. You will contribute a few drops of urine to commemorate the time and place where all who pass this way, here renounce the wiles and evils of the world and promise to ever worship at the Shrine of Islam.

These disguised members, being all prepared, sit around in dominoes and masked, in some obscure corner to await the ceremonies. Officers and members all robed and masked.

Bunch of demonic homos.

What's a domino in this context, though?


Thing is, guy in the middle isn't Alefantis. That's Christopher Lynch.
He's the owner of L'Enfant. Christopher Lynch you fucking morons.

Now where the f-ck is Interpol or Europol in this story. We are digging and open up the story without any legal tools.

Who are these guys and what are they even doing?

Are interpol and europol child sex trafficers themselves?
^Lynch on right^
L'Enfant is a den of degenerate faggotry and sexual scum. "Boum boum" is their "pansexual paradise" event. Tickets sold out. Look at their website to learn a little bit about the place then look elsewhere.
P.S. Learn your shit before you start trying potential leads.

I think they are coming to our thread here user?

I don't know man. The fact that all governments and media keep it away from the masses is very very disturbing.

It's like: we (the people) against all elements of the beast system without any official support.

WTF is going on.

also found out the Wall's ice cream brand (subsidiary of Heartbrand, like Good Humor) partnered with unilever on their 'save the children' campaign. unilever's global-conglomerate orientation doesn't help.
the irony in 2nd pic is taking years off my life

sure someone is watching. But for what reason we can only guess. If we've learned anything about the 'police' or other agencies in these matters, its that they are usually passive observers at best or actively helping to cover it up at worst.


Some of them. It'd be weird if their houses and cars suddenly caught fire for no reason.

The Pizza Ping Pong owner's profile picture of a statue of Antinous, the Antinous-Osiris hybrid historic cult, and the Osiris references in Podesta's emails. The elites appear to take part in so many cults. Is there a list of other less-known elite cults that have been dug up?

Check out google trends, 'pizzagate' is a more popular search than 'pepe the frog'. I wouldn't have guessed it reached so many people.

I was just thinking about this too. You remember how FUCKING BIG gamergate was? That was just vidya. WE ARE TALKING ABOUT KIDS. HUMANS. And now? Just silence. We need to start recruiting/convincing people to starting passing this shit around. We need a more mainstream output. What are we doing wrong? What are we doing right?

These people who are watching us. What are they waiting for? Are all of them against us?

here is a reader client and instructions to configure a u$enet server

here is where to search for headers. download the header file and dump it into the reader client.

There is something to win in this situation but we need to be smart.

We need to make a list of people and what side they are on. Right now they are showing their true face.

Like the democrats they are disqualified for Team Good. Trump has the benefit of the doubt imho. But we can use this situation to make politicians and agencies show their true face.

But right now it's not that difficult. If we make a list what officials support us we can keep the file at 0KB.

Games Narcissists Play
Written by Alexander Burgemeester


When a person begins to understand how a narcissist works, he or she realizes that it’s a bit like playing ping-pong. Anytime a narcissist has to self-reflect about anything, they will immediately throw the ball back to the person they consider their opponent. Narcissists will always throw the ball back to the other person. They do this in the expectation that they won’t have to take responsibility for their behavior. Narcissists hope that by not taking responsibility for their own actions (by using blaming, shaming, projection, denial, etc.) their partner will do what they have always done-forgive the narcissist, make excuses for the narcissist’s behavior, claim the narcissist couldn’t help himself because he was having a bad day, and so on.



Woman said Frank Giu­­stra (billionaire Clintonite) is running a pedo­­ trafficking ring – she said this back in 2015

And she DOES name names of the rapists or "handlers" (as she calls them) who tortured and raped her. Here are others besides Frank Giu­­­­stra. I have not looked into these but someone might want to:

"I was also , tortured , raped and mind controlled by Barry Gordon , Eddie Gay aka Bla­­ire Under­­wood , How­­ard She­­ctor ,Tina Arn­­ing Bra­­zel , Peter Bec­­ket , Stephanie Prit­­chard Wild , Frank Har­­ris, Den­­ne Mont­­ague King , Randy Law­­rence , John Hovercraft , Martin Lan­­dau , Nor­­by Walters ,
Maurice St­­ein" ping pong&source=bl&ots=mD11-2_wsb&sig=3qq5EZpCOhdw_gGBJ7hYA57CEK8&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwip9MnTu9fQAhVO4GMKHXzDA4wQ6AEIOjAF#v=onepage&q=psychopath ping pong&f=false

Psychopaths seem to have some kind of link to ping pong as a memetic, that it carries with it a subconcious idea that a small object is in their great control and gives them power over an enemy. IT seems that they are attracted to it based on subconcious power dynamic principles

Just you shit-posting non leads. Hope you are happy helping child molesters remain free.


Somewhere in his interviews he talks about a satanist group getting involved in pedophilia. He himself was a victim of a psychopathic pedophile that uses satanism to condition and control him. IT would be very useful if we could find both the part in his interviews where he mentions that pedophiles do use satanism as a form of trauma based mind control.

He in this video talks deeply on what blood sacrifice means to occultists and satanists in general. It appears to 'amplify' the ritual that they are doing. It also at 32:15 he talks about blood sacrifice of a child.

Even avaowed satanists will admit that they do blood sacrifice, and that their more psychopathic side does engage in pedophilia.

More shit. I wonder if you lots class as ELVIS with such continuous bowel movements.

They very much are: one can easily imagine those ice creams into phallic shapes. Isn't there this picture floating around with "don't worry, you've been training for this your whole life" concerning oral sex?

The truth is too gruesome for many to accept or even consider.
I am experiencing much doubt: I want to share this with my peers, but I am very uncertain on how to introduce this to them. I expect to be met with a lot of ridicule and resistance.

I feel the same way. We need more focus. If we keeping digging we will win.

So I guess it must be working right? How can they get so much power otherwise?

And if there is satanism which is capable of summoning demons in people. Shouldn't there also be a good side at the same time?

Like if you can summon demons and conquer the world by selling your soul.

Isn't there any white magic we can use to counter this shit?

I'm starting to believe magic is real because of this PizzaGate shit.

Nothing will happen if no action is undertaken. So far, it's pointy fingers on the internet. Do you think that will stop these people?

True. Completely true.

Magic is real: it's mostly based on your willpower. If you are able to sacrifice a baby, the leap to getting into places of power is a walk in the park.

Oh you Cluster B Anti-Social Personality Disorder shill, I struck a nerve. You must actually think you have any power, or can win. You are like the kikes who pay your shitty bill, completely fucking dead. You are fucking powerless. Anonymous is more powerful than the CIA.


In this story he talks about his whole story of his adoption and major abuse following his whole childhood being adopted by a Satanist pedophile child pornographer. He talks about his early life, the horrific abuse the American foster system did as giving him to the worst home anyone can imagine. From being beaten and severe neglect and starvation at the hands of his adoptive parents prior to the child pornographer, his life only got worse. When adopted by a psychopath, he was quickly raped and abused and attacked daily by a satanist who made child pornography by raping him.

Later on he talks about his whole life as a massive cycle of abuse perpetuated by a pedophile psychopath who adopted children for the express purpose of raping them and making pornography of it. One adopted family named him a special name so the "father" could find him if he ever went to prison and was released. Others would neglect him and starve him. His story as much a story of the failure of the orphanages as it is the horror and evil of pedophiles and the sick things they get into in order to control the children they rape.

Magic isnt real. Anything is real when you believe hard enough.

Any thoughts about the opposite, the good magic?

How do we do it? We showed willpower with the elections but is there some way to channel it for the good?

Is there any name of it? Is it the Wicca shit or what is it called?

Might be old news but

Owner Name: OZKUM KENT Z &
Principal Residence: AGRICULTURAL
Mailing Address: 10720 DERN RD
EMMITSBURG MD 21727-7903 Deed Reference: /04298/ 00561
Location & Structure Information
Premises Address: 10720 DERN RD
EMMITSBURG 21727-0000
Legal Description:
28.2473 ACRES
Map: Grid: Parcel: Sub District: Subdivision: Section: Block: Lot: Assessment Year: Plat No: 0
0015 0015 0079 0000 2015 Plat Ref: 0083/ 0089
Special Tax Areas: Town: NONE
Ad Valorem: 600
Tax Class:
Primary Structure Built Above Grade Enclosed Area Finished Basement Area Property Land Area County Use
1890 2,568 SF 28.2400 AC
Stories Basement Type Exterior Full/Half Bath Garage Last Major Renovation
Value Information
Base Value Value Phase-in Assessments
As of
01/01/2015 As of
07/01/2016 As of
Land: 81,400 77,400
Improvements 234,800 346,300
Total: 316,200 423,700 387,867 423,700
Preferential Land: 5,400 5,400
Transfer Information
Seller: DRAVO, ANDREA N. Date: 12/16/2003 Price: $365,000
Type: ARMS LENGTH IMPROVED Deed1: /04298/ 00561 Deed2:
Seller: HEINTZ, GEORGEANNA Date: 04/05/2002 Price: $220,000
Type: ARMS LENGTH IMPROVED Deed1: /03116/ 00993 Deed2:
Seller: CARLSON, JAMES H. Date: 09/29/1987 Price: $45,000
Type: NON-ARMS LENGTH OTHER Deed1: /01448/ 00436 Deed2:
Exemption Information
Partial Exempt Assessments: Class 07/01/2016 07/01/2017
County: 000 0.00
State: 000 0.00
Municipal: 000 0.00|0.00 0.00|0.00
Tax Exempt: Special Tax Recapture:
Homestead Application Information
Homestead Application Status: No Application

This thread is getting so retarded

This is what i keep saying. STAY FOCUSED YOU AUTISTS. PEDOS. We need to get these criminals behind bars. Fuck the larping satanists god damnit.

this is just a rabbit hole now

I am entertaining the thought that you are a paid disinformant
(seeing as this is your first post in the thread)

Kent Z Ozkum, MD is a medicare enrolled "Anesthesiology" physician in Washington, District Of Columbia. He went to State University Of New York Health Science Center Of Syracuse and graduated in 1989 and has 27 years of diverse experience with area of expertise as Anesthesiology.

All the recent pizza gate stuff is Hillary shills. Give the ELVIS people this:

I suggest a weeks rest and people work on fun memes for the norms. We can launch an all out attack on Hillary on 20th Jan. The day Trump takes over.

Probably who knows

When an idea is actively silenced it's worth investigating.

That is what I learned the past years.

White Magic here I come.

No one is actively silencing it you fucking retard. Magic if it works requires massive scale (meme magick) or degenerate shit (spirit cooking). Jerking off to a bush alone isn't going to do shit.

Go to /x/ and read a book before you fucking whine like a retard.

That is true. However when the point is to get Hillary and Podesta in jail. Masonic and devil worship leads will fail. The only lady mason I know of is Queen Elizabeth.

I think it's no line, I think it's either a reflection or they dragged something along the line which removed the dust.

updated version

Don't you dare investigate white magic don't you do it user

Imho it's not about Hillary or Pedostra alone. If we want to do it right we need to uncover the complete power structure of the whatever-they-are-doing shit.

Hillary and Pedostra are just heads of the Hydra.

And fuck bush jerking user. Your mindset is what stalls innovation you moron.

Yes you.

I don't know. For some reason we're talking about this retard magic cosplaying instead of the fact that the person who owns the farm that was linked earlier in the thread is an anesthesiologist. To me you're just wasting everyone's time talking about unrelated shit. LOL IS MAGIC REAL GUISSSS???? Fuck off you piece of subhuman shit.

NO Pizzagates purpose was to investigate links of Ping Pong and Podesta and then to Hillary. If you want to do anything else maybe try giving a new name a new set of threads.
My mindset is how I want it. I do not want a bunch of low level perverts take the fall for the higher ups. It happens every time. Many, many examples of similar investigations fail to catch the leaders. With the new internet tech we have it is our one and only chance to do something. You want to fuck around and get low level rewards. I want to cut the heads off.

Yes that's what i also want. But I think it's way larger then just the Podesta and Hillary group.

Imho it leads to Israel and world wide satanic networks.

But we might get somewhere if we chop the H&P heads. But it's still cutting off two heads of a 1000 headed Hydra.

Yeah alright you're right. I'll search somewhere else for this magic shit. Lets focus on the pingpong case. Sorry for derailing.

The investigation is filled with so much paranoia that everyone is going to just fight each other and call each other shills, while the paid ones watching this thread laugh their asses off

Yes, please. I'll take "Reality Check" for $500 Alex.

I'm a newfag that only lurked but this whole #PizzaGate shit is legitimately frightening, shadilay to my brothers working on this.

I did a google image search for "blue triangle spiral" and this came up.

Look the top left of their page.


1.) Searched "" on DDG
2.) Linked to this DUMP.FM - mostly normal, saw a pic of him eating pizza and let the confirmation bias keep me moving - found "CUMDUMPSTER with a baby on the side" and said OhFugg
3.) Broken pic next to it links to WEIRD FUCKING WEBSITE FOR MAKING… FAMILY WEBSITES? idk maybe some weird ass people do this

Now i'm not going to enable plug ins and i lack the opsec to dig deeper but if anyone is rabbit holing this is strange…
That being said, I may need to start my own thread as Dump.FM is not *entirely* related to Comet Ping Pong
Psychopaths in sports
anti social personality disorder and sports

So far Ive only found that psychopaths do enjoy tennis. There is some kind of connection between Narcicists and ping pong though. No idea why.

New take on the Podesta email about traffic being "warm and weird in light of Hastert". I think it may be a haiku, which would make sense because he is writing to his Jap friend. Only it lacks the correct number of syllables 5-7-5.

For some reason, says educator Al Vernacchio, the metaphors for talking about sex in the US all come from baseball — scoring, getting to first base, etc. The problem is, this frames sex as a competition, with a winner and a loser. Instead, he suggests a new metaphor, one that's more about shared pleasure, discussion and agreement, fulfillment and enjoyment. Let's talk about … pizza.
oprah how sex is like pizza

jew states sex is like pizza
pizza as sex and pleasure

I like ping pong and I'm kinda narcissistic.

(pizza) pie…has always been associated to sex.


Only do it if you arent an autistic retard like the rest of us. Stewart is a pro at getting people to rage, so take care not to look the fool.

Tits or get the fuck out. Its the rule.

Low energy. Try harder.


While at dinner with the family:


>Mmmm pizza!

Don't waste your fucking time.

Even when that blonde was on there spanking Trevor's goofy ass recently, they still did their best to derail and claim dodge every shucking and jiving step of the way.

legit info

The only ones shilling are the ones claiming everyone is getting paranoid and attacking eachother.

When they are the ones attacking others, damning their evidence and mocking them under multiple IDs.

why are you trying to derail this thread? The occultist here that want to defend, deny, or discuss the theology and practice of the search please look for another thread. I do not think most of us think that those who follow or look to the 'esoteric' are the cause. Or even that this search is mostly connected.

Bottom line their are people who stand directly across from the Christians in their faith. Both observe a 'dogma' and there truth in both.

Pol has always been esoteric and had a great understanding of both. We aren't a christian board there is one already >>/christian/ you can discuss christan things there.

Here meme magic, Nazi Esotericism, politics, mass psychology, memetics and occult and 'conspiracy' subjects are commonplace. We discuss and debate them. But Holla Forums is not a christian holy war board fighting the satanist menace.




quit it with the fucking larp.

Since when has pol not been esoteric? We meme magicked Trumps win, and

Since you are trying to derail the discussion and counter accuse me of doing so, as well as deny that pol has always been esoteric and worshiped kek.

The "Deus Vult" board where Christians battle the forces of evil on a taiwanese rice processing board has already been made. It's >>/chrsitian/


samefag, low energy and shitty at shilling. When we first began we had much better. Back over the wall with you.

Hey fellas.

I stumbled upon some odd symbolism In the watchmen movie.

The character mulloch is interrogated by rorschach, and the message in his fridge is written on a pizza box that says "pizzeria"

Can any super autists look into that?

no man I'm just want to get away from this whis weird defense and derail people have when this thread devolves into defending the studied of the occult and I am only trying to say. lets talk about the dogmas after we catch the people harming children.

I'm savvy and have been into it for about 20 years…..BBS before that. I have seen shit you don't want to know about (had a programming friend that literally use to just grab everything in there when it was smaller).

I'll go look into it. I'm seared, yet I still have a heart. I have access to some really ancient servers. I'll see what I can find (btw the "dark web" has nothing on the u$enet).

Have you dipshits found any laws being broken yet or is still mindless witch hunts?

Still under ops, nigger. Look through what's available, but the big stuff's not done yet.

Short search…what I found so far (sorry anons, never thought of looking there):

p1ng p0ng just regular porn videos
p1zza on the other hand was a disgusting realm of gay porn and boy rape. it seems everywhere I check p1zza is the code for boys or gay porn.
now the name c0met PP when you abbreviate to CPP you get some interesting results…most of it is user names for posting, but there is child porn (girls) linked to CPP posts and requests. So CPP and p1zza would mean boys and girls.

I'll continue to dig, but I am going offline for awhile so I will be back later, but if the user who said he found all the zips could drop a hint where he saw them I would like to know (like a.b.p.t.t.s for group names)

….also one last thing: In the last two months there have been many zip posts using p1ng p0ng and p1zza that appear to be FBI postings. It looks like they are trying to bait the curious in who search these terms. Why? I don't know, but Mr. FBI it is about time you went after the elites or this will never end.

I'm not sure if the picture of two hearts intersected can have either the same or a similar meeting to the pedo symbols. The symbols in the first image list the known symbols, and some wear it with slight alterations so they can recognize eachother. The crossed heart might be a substitute for the weird pink heart symbol since it might count has minor alterations. unsure. found the symbol when searching for heart symbols on google. When I searched all sizes of a similar image, it led me to a twitter account, though this account seems innocent. He could've flipped the genders for the symbol to confuse people. Am I on a dead lead, or another pandoras box?

I don't think it's the same. It's gotta be a smaller one inside a bigger one.
Think big-small, not necessarily hearts of triangles. There was another logo with a small hand inside a big hand which was suspicious as well.

Keep an eye on the account, or the person's related accounts, if you like. If you can find large businesses or VIP owners using anything like this, please do share, though. That would be preferable, since we don't have anything else pointing this way. And keep in mind that sometimes a silly logo's just a silly logo.

^This seems a bit more like what we're needing^
I would have added this to my reply if I had seen what you said. Top marks.

I hope you're behind a lot of protection, looking at that stuff

I was thinking that but didn't say anything.


Nunneries? Jesuits? Witchcraft?

Here's an idea: create an entity with the focus and willpower to battle.

Similar to Kek.

I do that every day, meditating 45-60 minutes on kek.

The good thing is, kek is the natural enemy of all of ((their)) gods and ((them)), but he's invulnerable to their power.

When meditating I focus on kek, after 15-20 minutes I can feel his presence. I'm pretty sure he's supporting everyone who knows about pizzagate and every now and then he intervenes and gives someone a hint to a new lead.

Well, I can't say for sure that it's kek, but it's a benevolent being, which is most likely linked to kek.


God fucking dammit just delete the http:// part of the url and post that shit. When the fuck did this spoilering and breaking urls start. JFC EMPLOYEE DIRECTORY#page/n5/mode/2up

And that link had two lines in it, the same lines in the url. No source, nothing. But there was a nice CIA directory there, over 400 pages, looking through it now. Don't v& me bro.

https: [email protected]/* *//maine-s-shameful-secret-child-rape-7162fa89a5b#.tfnbgc577

info about government cover-up in maine

In case it helps, Podesta has Japanese ties, which also connect to Hastert (convicted pedo)

voat said halfchan had an insider post saying Podesta was on Nose Island in Japan.

You mean this?

Who is the faggot who attached Roxy to all of this?

I can assure you 100% that Quiksilver/Roxy is NOT a pedo ring. Does anything with a heart in it become pedo? You guys are fucking retarded niggers. I know the CEO. I know people who work there at corporate. You guys are on a faggot libel goose chase. I've seen this shit on instagram and you faggots are getting close to being sued.

Yeah, Piggy Palace is insane. And most of them are still free.
Abel Danger guy used to scoff at paragraphs which made him seem crazier than he really is. Someone convinced him otherwise or something, I think he uses them now.

Disinfo/shillfags trying to derail the investigation. Only true spastics would believe every logo relating to the FBI guide to identifying paedophiles is an actual nonce group.

Who would they sue anyway, dipshit mcfuckstain????

faggot, no one said that these brands are pedo rings, gtfo

People should not waster too much time on this but I found this link. It has a podesta email address and some of his friends addresses. Absolute random stuff but the link names do not always correspond with the content. A mind fuck of odd information. As I said worth having a 15 minute browse but nothing more.

I need help. I've been thinking on how they could dispose of bodies and stuff in case it was true. After all, that palce wouldn't be a good choice if they can't get rid of evidence easily.
Many people talked about pig farms. And while it's a good theory, I thought it would be hard to keep trucks and cars coming in and out, and going to pig farms, without leaving any traces.
So I looked up the area and found something interesting: right behind Comet Ping Pong and Besta Pizza, there is a river. It's a small one that goes around the city, mostly covered by trees, which then connects to Rock Creek, which then leads to Potomac River, that ends on Chesapeake Bay, and from there, the ocean.
It's a 311km/211mile route, but I believe it's mostly unguarded, and a small boat carrying corpses could easily pass through it by night/morning and come back without worrying about some random cop on the road.
Also, disposing of bodies in the ocean is a very common method, and it's almost impossible that anyone would find it.

It's a perfectly secure route, that leads to a perfect way to dispose of evidence, which starts right behind the center of the whole possible scheme. A little suspicious, right?

So, what do you guys say? Am I on the right track or is it impossible? I'm not very familiar with the place, so this is a very wild guess on my part.

Alefantis has a pig farm, try to keep up

or stop shilling.

As I said, trucks coming in and out would leave traces. Thought it's just an idea, and I don't think we should overlook such huge coincidence just on the basis that there is other methdo they could use.
Also, someone on 4chan pointed out it could be used as a route to snuck kids in, instead of taking them out. Which makes sense, considering the route likely not guarded at all and leads right to where the shit is happening.

This is getting fucking riddiculous. Shills everywhere, newfags falling for everyone of them. If you want to actually accomplish something fucking read this and act accordingly:

Get everything into a timeline. Every event, every discovery.

This is the most important. Follow the fucking money.

Concentrate ONLY for these. Everythin else is possibly waste of time and dead ends. These are the game fishes here.

Think why X is relevant and why Y is not. Use your fucking brains. In the end truth is weirder than fiction.

Otherwise this whole thing is pointless. Good luck anons.

this seems fake

Pigs eat anything. Someone needs to go there and get some pig shit to find out if there is any human DNA in it.

Which is better?
Playing dominos on cheese, or on pasta?

Hey guys,

Adult male here.

I was raped by people dressed like cartoon characters as a child.

I remember the two biggest things in my life at that point was pizza and church. Not sure why I was obsessed with pizza as a child.

This was in Louisiana.

My dad was an abject failure at everything, but he was way into all the "Alister Crowley" shit. I'm pretty sure he was facilitating it.

The reason why they like to rape kids under 4-5 is because we can't remember shit when we get older.

Not sure what I can contribute here.

AMA I guess

A while back I remember researching into Old demons and reading about the demoness Lilith. She would take children away in the night.
What is a small similarity to the child trafficking, but a lot of what I keep finding points to a matriarchy within this Secret group of traffickers.

While browsing through Instagram I noticed that 800 of these people doing suspicious post with children were predominantly female. (Singers in satanic/readfem bands, etc). If they weren't female, then they had a higher propensity towards dressing like females. And lots of a cult practice is also emulate the worship of Saturn or Isis as well so this wasn't the first time I had seen matriarchal tendencies in the occult.

What really activated my almonds was hearing about the eight goddesses Colt that was running South Korea.

After this it became a pretty reasonable assumption that there were other matriarchal Cults.

This is pretty easy to find on the Wikipedia page.

Reference to Owl:

Isaiah 34:14-15

This refers to her as an owl as well.

I believe that Minerva/Athena are inspired by Lilith. Athena/Minerva are representative of wisdom, which the owl itself is a symbol for. Wisdom in the old testament was what caused the downfall of Eden, and Lilith was the first wife of Adam.

Any other mythological connections would be appreciated.

But this Paedo ring is obviously run by faggots

Do faggots not emulate and worship femininity?

There are women involved as well.

Dressed like cartoon characters - Please expand?

AmA > sounds like reddit, so does your Arse still hurt?
What is your earliest memory?

I'm going to be in DC on Monday, might stop by ping pong. I don't believe in pizzagate. Anything y'all recommend I do while there?

Record everything and try n visit the tunnels.

Will they kick me out for recording? They ramped up security at their shows from what I read, and a week or two ago I watched someone on periscope go in and the cops kicked him out in like 10 minutes just bc he was recording

I don't have a camera that I can hide or anything, just a phone

Look here:

the headers are super old, but go to that newsgroup a.b.misc

what are these files? ive never seen anything like this.

this place needs to decide what it is going to do once someone finds a smoking gun. its going to happen its just a matter of time now. whats the plan? authorities? seems like fbanon says they already know.

You know what you must do.

I'm sure a user can supply a hidden cam? To many things have been fked up by not doing stuff correctly. Ie shit interviews with ping pong owner etc…. Underground and undercover is the way forward. Anonymity is the key here….

They liked to dress up. I remember as a teen I had some fucked up memories about being kidnapped and raped by Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and some Crab character.

I realized later in life that while it might be normal for a 3-5 year old to have had nightmares about being attacked, or even kidnapped if they had watched the right TV show.

No one has a nightmare about being raped unless they know what rape is, and probably wether or not it has happened to them. It's also weird I was remembering some silly dream all the way into my teens and so on.

When I realized I didn't have a dream about actual cartoons fucking me and grabbing my junk, I started to remember the costumes, the rooms I was in, shit like that.

No more than yours does, playing internet detective on some no-name form.

There is not real order to the memories. However there is kind of an order to how dirty they are.

The most "real" of them was this sort of "stage show" dream.

One of them was at a very public location. I was supposed to get on stage and dance.

Before the stage I was in a weird room, in some old bathtub with a pull cord light above it. The bathtub was not in a bathroom, it was just sitting in some room.

They had put a wig on me, painted my body ( I particularly remember how cold the paint was on my balls ) then I was instructed to get up on stage and dance for the crowd.

There were other kids dancing with body makeup on. I remember I was the "smallest" one on stage, and while I did get up and dance and have a good time… and was rewarded with pizza and candy, I got very upset when anyone would touch my genitals which upset everyone there.

Keep following the threads, have you read the previous threads from the start IE the podesta emails? If not please do and if necessary comment you may have valuable info to add , even though you may not realise.
My earliest memory is from ? Fk knows - I see your reasoning about ages below 4 years. Thanks user.. Hope your now ok…

if not now (idk if I'd trust meeting an user from here, even though I don't believe it I'm still hedging by bets a bit and would rather not be suicided) then I'll see about getting/borrowing a hidden cam for when I'm in DC the weekend of the inauguration

I have here and there, but it's pretty hard to read and follow if you know the lingo.

Also, it's just very hard to "come forward", when it's like… what the fuck am I even coming forward with.

Some old fucked up memories?

No names of locations, no names of people except my dad, who I don't really want to throw up here due to like.. obvious reasons.

I feel like there is this weird "why are no victims coming forward" feeling to the whole "PizzaGate" thing. I wanted to say, yes pedos use candy and pizza to lure kids in and reward them for sex acts.

The reason why they like them so insanely young is probably because we can't remember shit.

I'm not great. I'm financially successful "right now", however I loose my shit on a regular basis, take tons of meds, and just am not right.

I don't know if it was the molestations that fucked me up "that badly", or if it was just the fact that I grew up in a very nasty environment in terms of parents fighting, bad school, a little bit of ADHD, a little bit faggy.

To keep the memetheme of egypt going, how about anubis or sobek?

The god of death and the god of war? Maybe meme a military or warrior god into fighting them.

There is a crowd funding page for a user to investigate the tunnels / underground. I sort of remember it was about $1000? Probably in the last thread - if u have the balls, we could do with the evidence.

Anubis is a popular character for violent Pedos to dress up as.

I like the little focus on "kek" or "kekui", it's fun. I don't think getting into the death gods is a good idea.

That pic looks like facepalming.

nah I would but I don't have the balls to risk getting caught by the cops trespassing, i have too much to lose. it's not like they could lock me up for filming in a pizzeria so I could do stuff there and if I get caught they'll probably just ask me to leave, but getting caught underground is way more trouble.

I wish there was a party (w/ bands) there; that might be good. There's one tonight I think but I'm only in DC for one day on Monday and maybe Tuesday morning

Listen up,
Waiting for the amerifags to wake and continue..
If u need an user to discuss with, fuck knows send throw away but be careful there are some powerful hacks tools being used. They call it fox acid, I call it the equation group, the hacking team, powerful shit

Yes fuckers u know who u r…..

Thank you for your concern.
Keep in mind even people using x keyscore are "script kiddies".

I operate on a different level.

The biggest problem right now that most people don't know about is "browser fingerprinting".

Anyone who uses the same browser to go to their facebook and a chan, that is just as much on record as your IP.

Create a virtual box, only use that box for browsing sites like this.

Use your main system's stuff for browsing really lame shit.

just install TAILS. obv you're not 100% protected with it but it's really simple to install, no reason not to

Respect, hope all anons take note. This is the last post from this ID > time to change machines again….
Peace to all >respect.

Okay, let me lay out something really simple here: when the day comes that everyone who reads about this conspiracy theory is rounded up/cut off from internet access/whatever, your OPSEC will have meant nothing. They will know who you are. They will know how to get to you. To a certain extent, taking "precautions" is masturbatory. If we're genuinely dealing with a worldwide ring of powerful people that commit the most heinous crimes imaginable, using TAILS, VPNs, virtual boxes, etc…isn't going to make a damn bit of difference.

Not trying to discourage people from using these things, but if they want us, they'll get to us. Let's not pretend that a good firewall is going to protect us.

That alone would make my existence mean more than it ever has.


completely agree. Studying network security I've realized if they want to find you they will and about the only thing you can do is use a device once and then toss it.

Hey Holla Forums this isn't directly relevant to the ping pong scandal (or maybe it is).
But anyways, some friends of mine went to this thing happening in Santa Rosa, i think it was at the junior college. People were in line and my friends were about to leave but then some lady said "hey you guys are gonna wanna stay there are giving free food out here!" and so my friends thought oh cool free food, we'll just come back for that". They asked people in line what they were there for and they didn't even know, nor did they know about the free food. So they got this weird vibe from the whole thing but decided to return for the food. When they got back the line was longer and at the entrance they had you enter in your student I.D. and the whole gist of what was going on was.. basically there were these booths that were for people who needed help, from past drug abuses, rehab sort of things. They were told they had to get 4 signatures from the booths in order to go get free food. My friends said the whole thing felt like a prison, they gave some shitty soup and maybe cornbread I can't remember exactly what they served them. ANYWAYS the first booth they went to was for children who grew up in foster care, and at first all seems cool n dandy to the naked eye. But then the flyers caught their attention.
What do you guys think, looks like the girl lover symbol doesn't it? That was our immediate thought, and then it looked even stranger when my friend pointed out that the heart was uneven, the left side shows a bigger adult, the right said obviously is a younger person graduating. And their lower halves are joined together. I'm not sure what to make of this but i felt it necessary to share with you all.
Plus if nobody is aware, there is military presence very close to the Santa Rosa Junior College, they have some vehicles in a yard, and it looks like more were delivered this year.

So just to remind everyone. The owner of the pig farm that was featured here is an anesthesiologist working in DC. Not sure who the other guy is
If someone could talk about this on twitter I'd be grateful. Most people are posting that the comet pizza guy owns the farm which is not true.

Andrea N Dravo seems to have been part of something called the dittus group"andrea n. dravo"&source=bl&ots=P_n5WdjhrK&sig=O15aJ9H0otw5tpNwVah9ztFp1QM&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwih3MCd4tjQAhVN9mMKHRp6DIsQ6AEIJjAC#v=onepage&q="andrea n. dravo"&f=false
which is a PR firm

Is this really going to happen? Even if that monkey manages to make them look bad it would still get the message out to normies.

Yeah, unfortunately, foster kids are high risk for abuse.

There is no such thing as a good firewall.
/disable logon
Access granted.

Shit forgot to change device. >>goodbye all peace



Oh look what I found…

I witnessed the horrors of the Twitter feeds. Nothing specific to a killroom. Rather an assortment of different types of HEAVY child pornography…

I have heard many times in survivor stories that the perps dress in weird costumes while they do their thing. It fucks with the victims mind while it disguises them but most importantly it makes the victim seem crzy if they remember/report it.
There was a massive bust up years ago in some UFO forum when through whatever means a survivor remembered enough details about her rapists to know they were wearing an alien costume and wasn't a real alien. This caused a massive shitstorm. They're really stuck on the alien love thing and wanting it to be some kind of thing where the alien chooses you above all those other lower humans. That turd Whitley Streiber was involved in these forums and the whole thing blew up even worse. People who spent years in the UFO community were kicked out and banned, no more friends at all even irl at the new age convention scene. Ostracized. But they went on to remember more and then FritzS backed them up.

It wasn't my community I just heard the story then slogged through 100 pages of the drama and it was pretty incredible. Whitley is seen now by the 2nd group as being an abc handler and his true-life alien books like Communion as propaganda to support the false memories of the other victims and continue the mind control. I'm inclined to agree.

ok checked it out:
"Commie" is a posting group that does subtitles for Japanese anime.
This anime is actually called P1ng P0ng and is a good anime (one of the few) made by Masaaki Yuasa (his greatest work is The Tatami Galaxy which, if you can follow it, is the best anime I have ever seen if not one of the greatest works I have ever seen…..but enough of that.

The posts in "misc" are all virus posts. People name them the same as other posts (like the show p.p.) so that people download them and think they are getting a movie. Instead they get infected. If you look at poster history you can see they target everything from games to books.

I think the usenet is not going to do much for us, but I will continue digging. I usually browse non-listed groups to see what is going on and most time it's cp that has been in circulation for a long time. The elites do not post what they have in the usenet, only the people who get caught do. There is also a lot of passwords/encryption on posts and from what I have seen most of it is old stuff. There are various levels of pedos and what they are turned on by.

BBSs in the past ran on the "give us something we haven't seen before and we'll let you in" join policy. So people would abuse children just to get access to more cp. When the usenet came along it was a dumping grounds for bragging only. There were 10,000:1 lurkers vs poster ratio. People would collection, archive, and re-up with encryption. When TOR arrived the BBS mentality came back with dark forums requiring "proof" for membership, thus creating a new massive wave of pedophile rings and easier to catch pervs because of digital technology. The window trick you used here with the statue was used by the FBI once to find a father who was ubusing his daughter.

Usually the stuff on the usenet is from those places and there were some TOR connections where people could pay for private videos/pictures, but those were sold per user so that if they were ever leaked they could be traced back and the members would be cut off. In all my research I have seen maybe 3 rare images and nothing from these elite….but then I wasn't looking for them. I was looking for videos of a friend who was abused in her childhood. Her and all her siblings were abused for years and it took me a long time to convince them to go to the police. They did and a massive investigation was launched, but when the abusers were found they were under RCMP jurisdiction and the RCMP killed it immediately (don't tell me there isn't pedo rings protected in Canada, because I know better). I use heavy encryption and any viewing is done on a deep encrypted drive where nothing is saved. I have seen a lot of dark stuff and it some of it still breaks me down. I had moved away from research in this area, but I will check a few ideas I have. I do not expect the elite to use the u$enet, but maybe some of their lackeys do and if they did it's still out there.

The work done here is amazing so don't give up and don't ignore anything no matter how "useless" you may believe it is.

->Operating inside shit countries.

->Met Willie

Keep looking through those faggots.
Do those countries use birth certificates?
This still could be dead-in-the-water CB, but it's at least looking more interesting.

Can you check one of the photos for me? It's the one with the girl taped to the table. I took a screenshot on Nov 7, and it contains 6 user comments. Every compilation I've seen since then only has the top two. How many names are on the Nov 5 photo?

Not sure if my words are worth anything, but anyone else kinda just disappointed in it all? When growing up I imagined there would be all kinds of cool and spooky conspiracies and hidden things in the ruling elite's closets. But now that we are actually learning things about them, its just all the same boring satanic pedo crap.

Why is our existence so boring? Learn about the jews, learn about the satanic garbage, and BAM, you now can understand 90% of the world. Great, what now?


Their cover story is that the blonde model Petra Nemcova was distraught over the Thailand tsunami and started that charity. They work to build schools and such after natural and possibly man made disasters. They're small fry compared to who I'm focusing on at present, but are involved with the Radcliffe Foundation the ICG and others, see info graphics here

Has anyone done any research on Kosovo yet. Hillary is the lobbyist who convinced President Clinton to bomb yugoslavia. Then, the Clintons friend, Hashim Thaci, was put into power.

Several interests in Kosovo. Drug trafficking, Transbalkan Pipeline, human organ trafficking, sex trafficking, weapons trafficking. Crims is rampant in kosovo. Why did fni user say to look there?

A guy on 4chan cracked the Comet Ping Pong website, and he found some archives there. Mostly common stuff, but apparently there were also some more intriguing pics (I haven't seen any).
Also, there is a big zip file named "aleister" (Maybe as in Aleister Crowley?). The guy didn't went with it so we don't know whats inside.
It would be good if one of you could get into it and look closely to said files. I have 0 knowledge on that kind of stuff so I'm useless on this matter.

The few files and screenshots the guy shared were deleted.

There is no such thing as a good firewall.
/disable logon
Access granted.

Shit forgot to change device. >>goodbye all peace

A lot of this stuff reminds me of movies like Videodrome and seeing as Hollywood is full of pedos and other rapist perverts it would make since they include some of these truths in movies they make. I wonder if going back through movies like Videodrome and EWS would glean any themes that could point to real life perps or orginizations?


The director of 120 Days of Sodom supposedly based it on actual events he saw. He also was murdered, very brutally.

Probably a pure (((cohencidence))) that a convicted serial pedophile kike, has a business across the road from a "children's transportation services" company. He will give them a good home on " Orgy Island " such a benevolent and caring jew he is.
We could use some modern day Ted Gundersons on our side in the FBI instead of enablers for the pedos.

Shouldnt we focus more on Podesta and less on some pizzeria? Thats where we got the freaky shit from. He's the one with creepy art and spirit cooking.

Yeah, I see what you mean. No reason not to keep them in mind for anything extra, but the RadFound is potentially a huge lead at the moment. Do we have any financial documentation on ClintFound links to Rad, and/or strong implications about Rad's dealings?

I'd honestly like to distance ourselves from many more dealings with Comet (Their stupidity wrapped in hubris has been useful in getting us started, and it's easier for normies to digest, but I'm not sure how much more is there at present) only if to expand and find something closer to the heart of the web, preferably links to the family of spiders that maintain it, if we're able to, rather than merely a connecting thread.

If we do go back to Comet, and we have to play a waiting game with these faggots, we, as another user mentioned, take a brief breather and pick our pickaxes and shovels back up around 2nd week of January.

Ultimately, it would have been wonderful if we had had the wherewithal to have people make fewer phone calls to these freaks, which may have just alerted them and given them a chance to try and clean things up while we're still in ops. Besta'd still have its pedofag logo [Aren't they the only ones who changed, though?], J'aime L'Enfant would not be any the wiser, shitting his hubris all over social media, like a fucking idiot. But, we have what we have for now, and I think currently Comet's links are closing, and I hope we can get to our spiders in the grand scheme. We may even get our final solution for them in the next five weeks.

Going forward, I'm gonna need a can of Raid and a big bag of Funyuns.

Also, thanks for that info.

A lot of this is happening underground (literally).

According to Google trends pizzagate is global and has 10+ million searches. Cats out of the bag, no way they are going to kill millions of people globally. It is easy enough to tie up loose ends by whacking whistleblowers and associates but that isn't an option for them anymore.

FBI Agent Confirms Child Trafficking Cover Up: Talks about secret tunnels around 9:40 in a pre-school

Not your call. Anons going in the "wrong" direction is not a problem - as long as they're going in *all* directions.

That's how it works.

It's called holiness. Not even kidding.

holy = "Set-apart"
You make things "Holy" by setting them apart as special, same as "sacred".

Thus, "Holier than thou" is a person pretending to be set-apart from you or above.

You give credence to this psycho behavior by believing the voices or personalities in people's fucked up heads is realer than their fucked up heads.

There's an old saying in Voo Doo, that if the victim doesn't believe in it then it doesn't effect them. This is why Voo Doo priests do their monkey blood dances and act like clowns because it's a staged trick to spread the gossip so others will fear them. They also poison their victims with REAL material.

Stop acting like a fucking nigger

Just found this one my self.

Fug… this has lit been going on for decades.
Same patterns, I'd like to get more into their unholy bloting rituals. It's kinda there in the open, but I wonder if they do it like the extremist kikes do, or differently

The kike bloting is consistent since one started reporting them in the 1200ds in England I do believe it was
It's a bit stormfagging in there, see past that and look at the evidences here. They are consistent all the way.

The daily show is infamous for editing its interviews to the point of outright fabrication, even splicing sentences together out of context to make da ebil republicans xD sooo stoopid. Whatever you say, no matter how articulate and reasonable you are, you will be made to look very stupid and fringe. Daily show exposure might make some people look into pizzagate but it will condition millions to dismiss it as well. They would not be willing to interview you if they did not have a plan to suppress and marginalize it in place. Ask them for a live unedited interview, or try to smuggle in a wire so you can spread the actual interview after the fact, if you can't pull that off, cancel any interview or appearances.

They curse them selves with these unholy blots.

Håvamål, 145

Don't into if you not know what you do, it's better not to blot than to blot to much

Tits or gtfo, and you are incredibly naive about media manipulation, they will edit the interview completely out of context and if somehow that fails they will simply not air it. If they want to make you look stupid, they will, period. The fact that you expect any modicum of honesty from the (((daily show))) means you are entirely unprepared and it will be a disaster, with millions of normies now conditioned to dismiss pizzagate offhand. Post tits or vag w/timestamp instead.

Well there is no secret that the Albanians are involved in human trafficking of regular prostitute slaves…..

It's a mess down there, don't remember 80 or 90% unemployment. It would prolly be a good lead, we know Epstein was in the Balkans and bought kid sex slaves there


They have their Moloch… ugh..

I could bet like when we dispose of weapons here, we burn them in ovens that have high enough temp to melt the steal.

One option if they are holocausting them on top on bloting them. I think it's most likely just bloting, it's separate. Two different rites. But who knows!

Keep in mind–it is believed Jimmy boy has a pig farm (another convenient way to dispose of bodies, live or dead).

If he were innocent, he would not lie about the basement, but say something like "yeah, of course we have a basement like a lot of restaurants and it is used to store supplies, whats the big deal?" The fact that he is in full deny deny deny mode means he is spooked, probably cleaning up evidence also.

Pigs would be good to cover things up superficially but any forensic analysis would find human remains in the pigstys or pigshit. Dumping bodies in the Ocean, especially over a deep sea current, is the perfect crime since the bodies will drift thousands of miles away and never be seen again.

Go to bed Rust.

Remember to filter and report Rust posts.


Look at their videos

Cannibal Breeders!

You know that JRPG cliche where the woman with the main villain turns out to be the "real" main villain? That's what Lilith is to Moloch. Thankfully Kek has a counter to this cliche in the form of Ammit, meaning the final battle will be Ammit vs. Lilith.

Those logos look like hands moving mountains.
Don't think that's a pedo symbol though. The foxy heart would need another simple heart.

They remains are eaten.
They didst scatter them cross the 4 winds of the compass.
They didst set the remains where the tide ebbeth and floweth.
They didst soak detergent on the remains to wash away forensic evidence.
They didst pay csi so much to oversee the works of darkness. Yea… they didst oversee the works of darkness.

They didst scatter them to the beasts of the feild the fowls of the air and the seven seas.

They didst it they do it. They all float.
They all float so mote they float.

They float in the 7 seas so mote it be.

Is there a way to get blueprints filed with the County Assessor?

That would show whether there is a basement (despite his denial). What if the article that shows he admitted to using a basement was really one at Buck's (though he didn't specifically state where the basement was in the article, it would have been inferred he was talking about CPP)?

True. That would require regular use of transport though and I would assume would raise suspicion (not that he would do this himself). There must be dozens and dozens of bodies which they regularly would need to dump


Chris (((Fischer)))

who be this?

is it the comet guys farm?

Need to do your own investigating before criticizing those that actually putting their necks on the line.

I think AJ has been scared of covering specifics because he's scared of getting sued

You have proof they are disinfo?

The owner of Comet has a pig farm. Problem solved.

That's the weirdest comment and never saw that one before "the little girl is a princess" and then Jimmy wants to told? Obviously not about the dogs due to her response.

We don't focus on just one aspect, then there isn't a bigger picture.

I'm aware of that; see my post here

But I was responding to this

See if they'll let you in the back room.


Alefantis could be a fake name, but he was using it in his teens (if this is the same guy and I believe it is due to the location)

Student James A. Alefantis, 19, of McLean,
charged with possession of a fake ID and
drunk in public on Oct. 24, 1993,was found
guilty of both offenses on April 14. For
the first offense, he was fined $50 and
charged $26 in court costs. For the DIP,
he was fined $15 and charged $26 in court
costs. His case is being appealed.

I don't believe you with your racist and homophobic strewn flailing. I don't see anyone suing. Do you?

When I made MY earlier comment, I wanted to edit and include what you just mentioned, as well. I want us to be as spread as far as we can, but primarily a separation from voodoo and magic shit. That stuff, even if completely valid, will only work against credibility. If we do use it, use it to find additional links rather than a focal point of why we're looking into new leads.

I did also ask if there's anything else to find directly from Comet (not including potentiality of the farm, that is, linked to my next point), or if we can start stepping away from it and start looking into the logistics of the trafficking and with whom he is connected on the grander scale.

I'm not trying to be opposition. I just hope we can keep credibility with tangible evidence instead of speculation and being victims of confirmation bias. I suppose, if anything, I want more aspects entertained, so long as we can substantiate them.

this, you can't kill the hundreds of thousands of investigators and the millions of people reading and learning about this. they have past the point of no return. murdering people isn't going to help their cause and will be a waste of time and money. their only hope is to spend the remaining time they have in office to destroy evidence.

Yeah, I said something about not looking at every heart logo in existence as part of some grand conspiracy. I don't even know what the point of that would be. Dilute our branching-out efforts to where it ends up meaning nothing? I just suspected disinfo faggotry.

And yes, who exactly do we see in the court room? "Roxy vs. Holla Forums?" G-fucking-L

i've heard they are backing down from covering the story. rumor is they are getting cold feet and don't want to fucking touch the story.

We shouldn't take the bait just yet, anyway.

It's obviously compromised.
It's also become shill/CTR central.

Last night a leaf posted, all caps, 'go back' and 'rape her again' (something like that) repeatedly in same post line after line on at least a dozen posts. He obviously wanted to get the thread shut down.

There was some good info on that thread (can't find the link right now). The CTR troll seemed to get out of control around the time when info was posted about Klineman (the creepy singer in the video for CPP birthday Sasha Lord)

last thread another user found a suspect instagram account under the name mickeqc. that same instagram account has this photo with a number on ( I think ) the guy's left hand. podesta has a tattoo on his left hand. I wonder if that number/marking of the left hand has a hidden meaning

Epic #PizzaGate Continues, Calls

Where the fuck is this from?

Also, they're full of shit about no good jobs. hahaha
Oh well. Not like they'd actually know. Faggots.

Which is why I think a lot of the paranoid talk about covering people's tracks is pointless. It's caught fire, and it only gets worse the quicker they try to stamp it out. I don't think anyone reading about it is in danger. People posting information that can provide evidence, on the other hand…yeah, they need to burn down Belize and move to their house.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

What the fuck is on that pizza. That must be childmeat isn't it? Or organs?

Even if it were a normal pizza, which it most definatly isn't, it would be absolutely disgusting to have such a piece of meat on a pizza.


Thanks for helping look. Sorry it was a nothing.

My theory is that these fuckers have been around a long time. They may have left some of their footprints on parts of the internet less traveled. I'm tired of the circumstantial shit. We need some kill shots at this point. I want to see some handcuffs on some elites.

holy fuck time for a book burning

ha ha haha a ha ha ha

I can see the left most one, but the other two mean completely different things


Nothing AFAIK. Both Kosovo and Albania are muslim failed states whose sole function seems to be the poisoning of Europe - import-export of sex slaves and flooding Europe with drugs and invaders.

Soros seems to be running the show there. Wikileaks shoved him giving orders to Clinton in that area:

Do it and make them look like fools

wtf is this nigga?

shit nice find

Roman Polanski's (lel) "Ninth Gate" - the "elite" gathering in a château to worship lucifer since they believe he made them rich.

Ignore them.


Fuck off with false idols.
Let's follow the money trail that connects the CF and Haiti with others.

they could have just used their oven or served body parts on the pizza

Brazilian ice cream giant Kibon, owned by Unilever, and its logo

that was a good movie, Polanski is no doubt involved in the occult, and just look at his Pedo background and the Manson shit.

I've been there for dinner a couple of times, I'll go have another look & snoop around


copy/paste shit poster. seen many times before.

o shit fam my oaths

what about if he was to dump pigshit/bodyparts into the creek on the edge of the farm?

Interesting idea from half chan that the two construction rooms and the refrigerated room are all photos from the same time and space. We had Refrigerator user helping out.

More from Refrigerator Engineer user.

One more. This is the first pic.

ok so that explains it then, but it might also explain why he says it could be his lucky number and that it adds to thirteen.

on this page they explain that they have a nippers program for kids aged 6-13 and that under 13's are taught resusitation training. they also wear an age level cap depending on their ages

whichpictures would that be?

compelling stuff user. maybe we could get them done for building a outside locking cooler as according to what this guy says that's illegal

Fascinating this user noticed what I hadn't. Hiding in plain sight.

My new goal is to help camaflague the leakers and researchers in my noise. We can all copy the info and help hide everyone else that way. Sometimes I realize things too. Like there IS a ping pong table in the trench construction pic. That makes it likely near CPPP or even Bucks underneath.

this is some of the shittiest, samfagging shilling I've seen for quite a while

I think more likely the doors are by the side of the photographer. Wouldn't be much room to swing doors open if you put it all in 3 D. A river runs under Buckers apparently, so the draining may work with that. To me it is a breakthrough. Construction and Refrigerator Anons at 4 Chan. It's all of us working together. I needed a bit of a lift today. I'm listening to Able Danger on You Tube. Jon Benet Ramsey theory et al that her dad was going to be a whistleblower on HRC blackmail schemes so her death was a snuff film sent to the Pentagon when WJC bonking interns. Interesting to get fresh ideas. HRC is evil.

Future Ellen Pao

Looks pretty damning, by far the biggest thing I've seen yet.

room11dc Can we do a pop-up in there?
jimmycomet Please this hole needs a pop-up! Line up now. @room11dc

wtf is a pop-up?

looks like they're trying to fix a collapsed sewer line, maybe broken waterline.

you start at the foundation wall because you need to try and trace the pipe back from the street outside, usually a good place to measure.

as for the discussion in context, I have no fucking clue.

I think I just found evidence that the building work happened at comet. the red roof post in the images, as well as the general roof design and the exposed brickwork all match comet's "kid's party room" in the video of the tour of comet pizza

like I said
he doesn't own it. An anesthesiologist owns that pig farm.

I was told a pop up is a restaurant that comes for only a week or other brief period. Hmm. Maybe that the construction was expensive for Alefantis.

also in the video the outside door leads to the "kids party room" and the right wall is made of breeze blocks yet the left wall is brick. why? maybe the freezer is to the right of the "kids party room" as that would also explain why the door in the building photos is in a different position and also maybe why there is a unexplained hole in the wall in the building photos as this may be where the freezer doors were put.

Hashim Thaci, President of kosovo who was investigated and accused of human organ and heroin trafficking, was put into power by the clintons as part of a CIA coup. Thaci attended the CGI conclave in 2011 2012 and 2013.

In 1998 and 99 many people accused the US of trying to access oil by destroying former yugoslavia. The US denied these allegations, and even made fun of their accusers by stating, "there isnt even any oil in kosovo."

today there is a pipeline from the caspian sea through kosovo, to europe and american oil refineries.

I read some You Tube Videos of the tour edited out the Party Room. So if you are right then the R wall in the party room will be indented c/w other areas. And that employees or a tour could show this. And that upward staircase that is seen on the trench construction pic may be another entrance to the party room ? I need to cogitate.

the wall will be indented c/w? I don't understand. also the tour vid is low quality and it's hard to make out details because of that and motion blur


Alright before the Pizzagate shit I had never really paid any attention to the whole Freemasons Illuminate bullshit. I'll say that Illuminate seems farfetched but Freemasons definitely exists so I'd like to ask some questions about them.

From my knowledge, it's basically a fraternity bro joke that has gone too far. Just a bunch of old dudes with a secret handshake who will give each other job promotions if they're aware as to a brother's presence in the company. As far as any occultism (and I don't mean summoning demons, I mean occult as in the "uncommon knowledge" sense of the word) all that I know of is the image of the sexton and rulers in that diamond shape, and the phrase "So below as above".

So can someone inform me on the Freemasons please?

JESUS christ if this is true then I will literally believe any conspiracy theory that's ever told to me from here on out.

Not even saying it's all that crazy, as a guy who worked at many a restaurant I would NEVER fucking look for secret dungeons in the freezer. James alefantis is the hide and seek king

I'll say this. The religion angle is very important. It also helps explain the various international branches. I started this thinking that it was just a subset, but in truth, after digging, the religion side of this is extremely important.

I don't think the kids are the only part to this. I think it's just a small part. It also helps explain the seasonal spikes in abductions.

This will sound crazy but I don't think we're dealing with a religion minority group. I think this is a majority faction. All the symbols are there and explains why so many academics looking at the various religious texts have issues with continuity (even in a fictional sense, most feel they are heavily edited).

So put your hat on and follow this. According to the Romans, the druids were terrible people. And many historians see a strong similarity between the practices of the druids, Egyptian religious sect, and many South American indigenous cultures. There are also mentions in the Talmud about confirmations between pharisees and the religious sect. Now look at when the roman empire became the holy roman empire, suddenly they adopt many druid customs. All of the major religions share a large number of symbols.

Whatever this base religions name is (going with druidism as it's the closest to a name other than polytheism) they are historically paranoid about not leaving information behind (true in all previous cases) or publicly pursuing their rituals. So look at the meaning behind the symbols, not the symbols themselves and they do connect even in situations where they shouldn't (owl and bull for example and the etymology of the word ate).

I think we're uncovering a religion, not a crime circuit per say. And its a religion that has always freaked people out when it shows it face. All survivor accounts talk about ceremony the world over. The lady that wound up dead in Haiti is dead because she trusted the stories of survivor accounts. Personally, this is where it lead me as well. Which is horrifying, not from a religious aspect, but think about the scale of resources available if true.

Did you watch the Q&A he did with wheels?
The guy is a fucking pedo, no ifs ands or buts.

Understanding the structure of cults and their usefulness is the real key to unraveling whatever is on top of us. Their recruitment methods, their breeding strategies, their side effects on society at large… it's all cults and overcults.

I remember something from years ago about this cult that operated like an intelligence agency, where 1 person gave orders to 7 underlings who each had 7 underlings, etc. I forgot the name or the sauce on that one but it's been around for a while.



filter the fucking shills trying to slide with the 20 paragraph freemason posts





This is interesting, user, do you remember what forum? I've never considered the sex ring angle in regards to UFO abductions, but it makes sense. The people in those stories always sound like they were heavily drugged, and they remember their captors as looking vaguely human. However, I've never heard reports of little kids being abducted. It seems to be exclusively adults and teenagers.

The best way to dispose of bodies is cremation and dissolving in highly corrosive chemicals.

''James Elephant-is in the kiill room
waking up the dopes dizzy from the fumes.
mutilations written on the ancient tombs
they call me jimmy comet because of the craters
That lie in the pelvises of all the 3rd graders/
Will the baby stop bleeding? I can't honestly tell?
Making the pizza is a slice of heaven slice of hell
I be in the mag-lev trains straight globe trekking.
Fake newscasters online secretary fact checking.
They think they found a connection
that is a fake misconception.
But I am real. And so is the Manlet torture the children always feel"
[email protected]/* */ freestyle rap

Try "The Curse of Canaan" by Eustace Mullins

Yes, the room is next to the kids party room, compare doors, walls. It's lower level than the rest of the restaurant and it doesn't seem to have a door on the side of the party room.
There has to be a hidden passage behind the ping pong tables, bathrooms, which connects the room to the kitchen.

It could be a legit freezing room, but why is it so big and why does he deny it's existence?

he's our man?

forgot to mention this: if you have any useful information and decide to post it in these threads, you should keep in mind, that this information is useless without a source.

we can't differentiate between useful information and shill/spam if you don't deliver a source. there's tons of people just posting stuff, pictures, names of people, etc. without saying why this is important, what's the connection to pizzagate and where they acquired said information/pictures

What's the best way to follow the money, I'm not familiar with fiscal forensics. Should we be following money flows in-out of Comet or Clinton Foundation (or both)? Also How is Comey doing lately? I'm glad we can work together for once :3

They say its shad roe, I dunno who puts fish on a pizza though.

Who's got the working link to:

Australian 60 Minutes exposed the Worldwide Satanic Pedophile Network

This link was killed:

You are getting somewhere.

Personally I prefer the impossible middle path.


Thanks user but I've seen that one. The articles, from two weeks ago, described something bigger:

>If you thought the story of Bill Clinton engaging in sex with underage girls was bad, the wait till you see the report that 60 Minutes Australia put out! Apparently, there is a pedophile network that pulls all the strings of many top pedophile politicians, agencies like the CIA and FBI, and the mainstream media, including Hollywood.

every time I see that symbol I reminds me of Roxy brand clothing.

the second is a celtic runes. The second one is protection from evil spirits by linking the three elements of faith family and folk into one interconnected knot. The third is the Germanic variant of basically the same theme called the Valknut. Its also not unlike the Catholic Father/Son/Holy Ghost trinity or Julius Evola idea of three denominational race being ethnicity being biological, cultural and spiritual. However you are probably on to something with the Heart and Roxy symbol.

If anybody wants to browse James Alefantis' aka jimmycomet's instagram posts, they're up on archive is. search *jimmycomet or use this:
(remove space)

We are being bombarded by disinfo shills claiming pizzagate is fake.
There are references all over yhis satanic thing to "The Rock". Are there any places around the world called The Rock? Maybe Pizza related places?????????

PizzaGate Pedophile Gets 12 Years
Amazing and disgusting NYT and FOX tried to say Pizzagate is all conspiracy slander.

Here is a Comet Pizza Twitter or Instagram (I can't tell) from owner James Alefantis

Even his name is French sounding for pedo "I love the children" (like on the shirt).

The man with the beard is Michael Quinn, just given 12 years in LA for trying to have sex with a 6 year old boy.

Utterly disgusting, and goes all the way up to Obama, who's teenage mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, a communist, bisexual swinger, bragged about having sex with a 13-year-old white girl named Ann. Why did the media never ask how that would affect Fraudbama's thinking? Now they are all guilty.

Also, check for yourself: Alefantis had 5 registered White House meetings, and was on the GQ top 50 most powerful people in DC list.



wtf is this?

new shill disinfo tactic?

presents well known information and adds disinformation: user proved in the last thread that it's not michael quinn.

He was trying to drum up business.

an edgy music video you just made




Nice find user - totally underestimated post:

Wild card - name

Jimmycomet #wantthat is that my baby!???

This is fucking huge


not to detract from this bombshell, but

Searching *jimmycomet also led to this seemingly well researched post from pizzagate subleddit that i'm not sure has received much attention:
the post had only 2 comments and the op account is now suspended.
like i said, unsure if it's received attention or not. my head is swimming at this point.

That guy has some fucked up fingers…

Make sure you imagedump all the findings and posts and store locally. So they dont fall into the internet memoryhole.

imgur dump of 34 jimmycomet posts

kek is that Peter Coffin?

Could be big
See the slides

Traditions are, like, just a social construct maaaaaaan :^)

Demons impose their will on a host body and are mostly bestial creatures wishing for the destruction of humanity, or just an upset.
Memes are ideas spread that can not impose anything on another other than the working of their own will to believe or disbelieve it. Meme magic is truely the anti-devil

I would bring up the documentary "conspiracy of silence", and then I would talk about how we were duped into believing that there wasn't a prolific group of priests pedophiles, only to learn that there at least 3000 (that we know of).
And then mostly I would take the opportunity to talk about SHAME.
SHAME ON YOU, ON ALL OF YOU who are not willing to investigate and be OBJECTIVE before you decide. Shame on those who are aware and don't band together (safety in numbers) to do the right thing (SAY SOMETHING).
These are children. Would you do something if it was happening to a child that YOU know. If not us, then who?, and When? How many times do we have to hear these stories before we listen (Bill Cosby). It took over 20 women to come forward with the same story before the masses would consider that maybe he DID DO IT. How many more children have to be victimized before we decide that maybe they are telling the truth?

Same for introducing this topic to family and friends who believe mainstream media. Start with "conspiracy of silence" and then the church, and then bill cosby. Then plead with them to at least review the information before they decide. After that it really is up to them, if they want to take the red pill. It is hard to swallow that we are being lied to and manipulated. I've been sick to my stomach for days, but also know that I can never go back after all the research I've conducted myself.
If this wasn't powerful people this wouldn't even be a conversation…..

had me until then, redpill harder faggot.

No, It's cboutlier - who was also commenting on this pic:

I will now say goodbye with 2 bullets to the back of my head - that's kindof funny, as I don't own a gun >

Not going to lie I am new to all of this.
But I am talking about the "regular" people and how long it took them to accept the Bill Cosby was a rapist.

Danny Devito appeared on Colbert Show recently and started 'joking' about eating babies.

https ://

This happens after he references "Strangers with Candy" a show made by Colbert. I knew Colbert was an asshole, but I had no idea how bad he was until I watched the trailer for this movie. It is, in my opinion, completely Satanic in aspect.

"Strangers with Candy is a direct reference to child abduction and if you look at the different coloured type-face it appears to associate certain letters to produce words like SAG, SHAG, RNR. Any brave user want to watch the movie and see if the sicko Colbert put anything particularly incriminating in there. I'd do it myself, but y'know…

Have you never seen roe before?

No, you start with "Who Took Johnny?" on Netflix or Torrents, then go to "Conspiracy of Silence" and the various related interviews on Jewtube: Paul Bonacci, Rusty Nelson, John DeCamp.

The Catholic Church pedophilia scandal was highly exaggerated by the jews as a way to attack the Church for opposing the Iraq war. If you want to focus on religious pedophilia, you got for the Talmud-sanctioned epidemic in the Orthodox community.

All those files seem gone. May have been legit. Too late.
Pic unrelated but impt.

Stop spreading this disinfo bullshit.

I think I have something, Goblinko its the owner of the PORK zine, it has pizza parafernalia out the ass. I always thought that was some pot head shit.

Goblinko was friends whit bands that played at Comet Ping Pong.

Now, if you search in google "Goblinko" + "Planet Ping Pong" you will get to a facebook of a man whit another weird child picture as the profile.

Can you do some searching? My skills at this are really weak.

*Goodnight Beautiful people* and *keep up the good work*
This is probably nothing, but - I've been through most archive instagram leads as much as I can : There are plenty of others, but those were posted before:

These are some weird pics which I can't get my head around, which Most of them I don't remember them being posted from before: This is not a disinfo post or a shill post - disregard if you wish

peace out and respect

Can anyone explain these…? I see them being mentioned but no word on them. I'm not knowledgeable on the contents as I'm a newfag.

It's at $2500+ now, started by Sam Hyde.

Lurk moar, Assange is kill

Can someone fill me in on who 34a66c was and what thread he posted in? I've been going through the archives and I can't open any of the images in thread no. 2. If anyone has the 34a66c image saved and handy I would greatly appreciate a reupload

Thank you

i made it. here you go.

kek bless you sir

Shit, I think im getting paranoid right here. This is from Pork 23.

Someone posted this on voat a little while ago and it didn't get much attention.

Maybe a more skilled user can overlay the 1913 map and the current map to get a better idea of what is over the creek now. The one she posted got deleted off of imgur

Please dear god no. I used to eat there all the time.

Im sorry, google for yourself.

The podesta and the sizzle pie articles are separate topics.

Tbh honest, Sizzle Pie has always had 2edgy meme names for their pies. I'm not going to pretend it's not suspicious as fuck in light of current events, but I don't see a direct connection here.

Still probably gonna stop eating there just in case.

If Danny Devito ate babies he wouldn't look like he's 900 years old

Oh, thanks. I didnt even cheked those google links because I was afraid.

I learned how to do something today, here's my attempt

You guys know about the armed man who just stormed into comet ping pong and held the place hostage for all of 20 minutes, yes?

the gunman has been confirmed to be a Sam Hyde

lol wut

This is awesome. David Seaman seems like he'll do well. Looking at you, Daily Show.

If they do edit it to make him look stupid, then they will be exposed.

http ://

A little late to the party but yeah, my attacker ended up dressing as an alien.

My bio mom would 'sell' me out to her drug dealers who were supplying her with prescription pills and a bunch of hardcore drugs. She could never afford them on her own.

They tried dressing as Barney first but stopped because they found out I'm terrified of mascots and started to scream super loud. They started questioning me more after that and I would always answer truthfully about my likes and dislikes. They eventually realized I was in love with aliens. ET, aliens in cartoons, even star trek aliens. I just loved them all, and they used that…

She would make me down a TON of cough medicine, I still can't even think about 'grape flavor' without gagging. I took so much Dynatap. and in my drugged, sleepy haze I remember some guy wearing a shitty alien head coming into the room and touching me.

When I told her about it and insisted that I knew it was a man and not a real alien she got super pissed at me and would say "you'll scare him away, don't you care about the alien's feelings?! If you say he is not real again you aren't getting christmas this year!"

You better ban that fake news that's inspiring hate crimes right away, goyim


Might I ask where are you from?

Moving stuff out…

Marina Del Rey is part of Los Angeles County. Did an LA County assessor search and found the following

Assessor's ID No 4294-005-002
Address: 4811 OCEAN FRONT WALK

Hi Tony.

Didn't mean to address you
with the assessor info;

that was meant for

Sorry–my computer is acting up

Comet Ping Pong has already inspired a robotic love story: The Guide to Handkerchief Pizza by John P. and James A.
http ://

I'm from the south east. Doesn't make much of a difference though, the classic alien look was pretty universal, even in 94'


Well fuck… I'm sorry that happened to you. How are you doing these days?

Im not even from USA and I hae heard similar stories. How did that impact your sex life? if you dont mind me asking.

Which one of you madmen did this? Top kek

this is what I have held back for my own safety. Please, please understand this message. Everything lead you are missing is right here.

Some said above a Sam Wolfe bounty guy.

I hope these people are looking over their shoulders and afraid of the dark the rest of their miserable, disgusting lives, just like the children they molested, if they're still alive, must be

I'm doing fine now, I've had a lot of time to come to terms about it and have to be honest that researching these things with everyone has been therapeutic and validating.

All of my abuse was done through daycares. They were held on the grounds of the mega church we went to every once in a while. They offered great discounts for church members and it was too good not to use because of it. Abuse in that kind of setting is rampant, I was not the only one to suffer.

It was only through the brave actions of my public school teachers and my father's new pastor and church that they got me and my brother out of there and away from that god awful woman

So, the "daycare hoaxs" was as real as this then?


From my personal experience, yes.

You have to remember that daycares are private businesses and while I'm not sure what kind of rules they have to abide by now, back in the realy 90's you could just go down to the county office and pay like $100 for a licence to run a daycare out of a private residence or even a space you were renting in a business park/strip mall.

Children never went missing but we would have people come in that we did not know and they would either be there to shoot the shit with the councilors or they were there to 'stare' at us. When we complained we were told we were being rude.

I remember one time they had a guy come in and take our 'yearly portrait pic' for the parents. This guy would walk around the building and take in all of his surroundings like he was trying to remember what the inside of the place looked like.

Then he separated some of us and told us to 'pose like models' and pretend you have a micro phone and do a split' and show me how you eat lollypops and candy, thats right with your tongue out' 'now pretend to smoke a cigarette like you see mommy'

Also with the touching again. One was that guy in the costume who did it about 4 times and I never saw him again, the other was by two female councilors on two separate occasions. They said they were 'taking me on a bathroom break' and well…

I told my parents but they nearly beat me because the councilors said I was a terrible liar and a horrible child. My parents believed them because "they are good Christian womenz"

abuse in daycares and churches of any religion is systematic and so common it's sickening. The day my parents said I was going to start going to public school I almost cried. I knew I was at the very least going somewhere I had a fighting chance to avoid these types of people.

Someone needs to fucking do this. I know some of you north-eastern NEETS need $2500!

well this is vague, but I'm not going to brush it off just yet

rampant child abuse is just how civilization functions, research pyschohistory if you haven't already come across it.

I am truly sorry about what you live. I also have experienced abuse as a child. (althought really tame in comparisson).

I am really afraid that this conections are all biased because my past experiences.

Bump for irl shitposting.

Hey look everyone, I found the pedophile!

Don't blame him for his actions, it's just what we've always done! You know, like burning 'witches', and avoiding the number 13, and not bathing, and dragging people through the streets because of their skin color.

You know, things that we still do because "That's just how civilization still functions" right guys?

Errr, I'm not defending it, I'm contextualizing it. I was abused as a kid and now I'm a faggot, lol.


You're right though, it's been apart of how the governing class has acted since 'royalty' was a thing and is an indulgence that only the most powerful can partake in without seeing any repercussions when they get caught.

It's just such an emotionally charged subject that I sort of jumped the gun with my reaction.

user, is the RPG a Might and Magic game?

This poem is older than electricity. I don't know how the game is connected, but the words connecting it is who you're looking for. Satan hides himself in light, user.

I don't blame you, there are more than a few pedos on here. But I'm pretty sure we'll live to see all pedos either chemically castrated or relegated to a life in the mines… At least that's my dream.

The river/creeks also go under a school!

And under the church

The hole labeled 'C' between the two walls is a firebreak between two businesses mandated under fire code. The business to one side or the other of this pic is connected through the basement.

pic related. niggermason PD?

going through the archived files I found two images of interest. one of these images mentions alefantis taking a baby around a farm, likely the same farm mentioned here

the second image is the same photo posted by workingonmahnightcheese of the party room getting building work done to it which confirms beyond doubt that alefantis had the building work done, was directly involved in it, and in the construction of the "kill room". might seem small , but every little bit helps expose the truth

Might be a recreation or dramatization, but this stuff is very real.

Guys I'm starting to here more about that 'shooter' (even though no shots were fired) from some ms sources. You guys think this is a pysop or did we end up attracting someone crazy enough to do this?

Also inB4 they start saying conspiracy theories is why Hillary lost the candidacy and the "attack" was by someone who thinks Hillary is a lizard person.

This might be it for us folks

no excuse not to try, as real or fake it's a distraction. he didn't do anything except carry his weapon in plain site like a retard.


Ausfag reporting in, check out the logo of this nation-wide pizza store chain 'Crust Gourmet Pizza', owned by Retail Food Group (ASX) (Rothschild)

Impossible to say ultimately it's not even important


you tube dot com/ watch?v=F9LNP-yXXUc

This was many years back but I recall when I was young and looking for funny pics on goybook I would go to celebrity or famous TV show pages and under their fan added pics, on nearly every page, it was softcore CP. Not sure how much of a lead it is to uncovering anything but if owners of celebrity FB pages wouldn't take it down that is obviously something.

A word of caution in case they decide to drag us through the mud:

Do not let yourself get gas-lighted.

You see what I see, we all see it. It's there and it's real. There is no going back now, you can't un-see what you have witnessed. They are going to try every method they can to try and convince you that you are nuts.

That you are "just another conspiracy wako" thats reading to much into things, they will compare you to flat-earthers and schizos.

Do not get gas-lighted. Do not fall back asleep.

I don't think this is a false flag because false flags are surrounded by tons of violence and typically we see the shooter either shot by police or kills himself. When was the last time a false flag was disarmed and arrested without a shot being fired? This smells like someone who was just plain fed up with the lack of LE with respect to pizzagate.

Subject was arrested in daylight, yet cops are still there at the scene.

what are they finding? what is there? why are the cops still there?

UPDATES: Man With Rifle Arrested at Comet Pizza in DC; POLICE: No Connection to PizzaGate Theories


Prediction: the media is going to exploit this man, whoever he is, to say that FAKE NEWS WEBSITES ARE DANGEROUS!!

That whole green area looks like Kek's shitposting hieroglyph.

Good luck based TORposter, the world needs more people like you. I hope your friends are alright.

not to say that any man worth his salt doesn't despise pedos beyond words, but I would'nt jump to conclusions yet, its still early days

Is anyone else looking into this? This should be in the OP of the next thread since there is already a "shooter" thread

Everyone looking into the Temple of Set, herenis the name of the group that tey feed. Sons of Aether the name is a reference to the divine light, aka, the light of lucifer. Pedo groups also use this terminology, though until recently, I assumed it was unrelated. please investigate.

Could somebody do me a favor and look at the iris of the MCcann lost girl and the eyes/facial structure of the girl in the creepy instagram?

I think they look oddly alike.

you need to listen to this, it's relevant to the investigation and highly disturbing.
Look into the work of Peter Sotos

Doubtful. Cannibalism causes symptoms that are noticeable so the general public would stop eating there pretty fast even if they never notice it's outright white sheep. And a pizza oven won't be able to cremate a human. So either they're eating the bodies themselves or they're disposing of the cadavers by burying them nearby or shipping them out somewhere.

No. You are going to be very easy to spot in the next thread.

Thank you, based Perkele!

I did some forensic measurements of Comet Ping Pong and got a width of 8m, which is pretty standard. The room only narrows at the three places; bar, the kitchen and the toilet.

The property at the back, where the Children's party room is does not connect to any other buildings on the side and so clearly cannot be the room shown here

Given all of this I would suggest that the metallic kill room is the white area in this pic and actually I would even angle it 90 degrees from that position over where it says kitchen; and if this is the case I no longer believe that there is direct access into Red Fox either.

While it is true that they're noticeable, you need to understand that these symptoms don't pop up for years and aren't a sure thing.

This might end up a double post, and I don't want to seem insane here. But has anyone noticed how this is oddly similar to what that dude John Titor was talking about at times. Even if fiction, doesn't mean the person wasn't aware of something.

From specific events, the him/her president. The lack of trusting food stores due to the mad cow like disease that pops up (kuru). Presume for a moment that things don't fix or if Hillary had won. I could easily see what he talked about happening. He even mentioned it would be clear a difference of ideology voting between city and country. And he did mention that he thought the NWO was a fantasy but that there were some people who did think that way whom they had to deal with. He even mention knowing about Bill Gates.

While it's far fetched, it might be worth quickly looking over his stuff.

I'm reminded of The Time Machine by HG WELLS.
Morlocks underground preying on blissful humans above.HG Wells knew.

that's odd, book got deleted

It was a bot that compiled a bunch of data from different websites on pizzagate and it was available for the kindle. I should have bought it just for the fun of it

I think a popup in this context is a vertical stub pipe used for drainage. There was another pic on the instagram album showing a white PVC pipe sticking out of the concrete for a bit, and if you look at the completed cooler, it seems that the hole is directly below the cooling system. That system would need a drain for condensation, which is why they would want a popup there.

ok, but first that begs the question of where the outer door is on your floorplan and what the gap in the wall is in the building work photos. secondly, keep in mind whilst they did file for the little red fox cafe to have work done it would have been harder to cover up rather than using the back room. thirdly, the wall and floor layout on the photo doesn't match as closely as the party room. finally, the party room has double doors yet most of the pizza place is open plan. not trying to be a dick, just trying to narrow the possibilities down

good info here about the Clinton Foundation in Haiti.
Seems like dominoes is popular there.

CARACOL, Haiti — The young men playing dominoes in this tin-roofed fishing village used to have high hopes for the industrial park being built up the road.

Big investment from a korean company called sae trading

maybe an 8 goddesses connection?

also USAID was in control of the shiping containers

A new shipping port, meanwhile, is barely in the planning stage, largely because USAID is running the project itself despite not having built a port anywhere in the world in more than three decades. The GAO argues that without the new port, the park won't be sustainable in the future, as containers have to move instead through the aging port at Cap-Haitien, the Dominican Republic, or over 100 miles of shoddy roads to Port-au-Prince.

sorry if this is old news

here's an article on the 8 goddesses

I've outlined more clearly where I think the door is and the yellow line is the wall, I believe. Either that or the cooler room is shifted down two meters into the same area that houses the toilets, but I don't think so. I appreciate any help on this of course, but I no longer think that the Children's party room is a viable option; you can see in the video that the room is the same width as the ping pong ball room (8 metres) and since the aerial view reveals no adjacent buildings there cannot be a secret room there.

Look into a place in Texas near Mansfield. Oak hill or something.

Christianity is politically incorrect and there's a massive overlap, so it's totally fair play.

it is back?
wait what
where did this come from

i don't know why it would have been (((deleted)))
but here is an archive
note price change


As Trump does the thing every thinking man in the world expected, fails to live up to the hype, I offer pol readers a cautionary tale to turn any that would head down the dark road of national chauvinism and fortune pilching. Meet Guy Gentile. On the surface he looks like what you expect someone named Guy Gentile to look like. Wears tight polos and muscle shirts, keeps status symbol sunglasses tucked in neck collar,travels first class, sports a hip five o clock shadow. Ok, so that doesn't describe a lot - if any - of you guys. The point is you hope it will some day. Well like all good gentiles do, he snitched when his comfort was at stake. As he heads to Club Fed anyway for alleged market manipulation, an associate who just did his stint offers a word of warning. One that could open your eyes to the allure of fast talking con men whether on the news or on your Youtube subscribe list.

Living a life of deception and dishonesty

In my own dealings with financial fraudsters, the common trait that we share is that our lives were filled with deception and dishonesty. We are always deceiving for gain. Everything is about creating the illusion and appearance of something fantastic. We deceive in various degree to various audiences, always looking for the angle. Always trying to get something from somebody. For myself, I can say that my thirst for more was fueled by several factors that began in my youth. As time progressed, I became more and more cunning and ruthless and my frauds became more and more audacious. In particular, financial fraudsters usually start off as petty hustlers working minor angles and then progress deeper and deeper and they learn to exploit loopholes in the financial system. For me, I started off as a small time, penny stock hustler but over time I become increasingly more complex, sophisticated, and manipulative. I became callous to my fellow man, and highly manipulative to the people that loved me most.

In fact, it seems like every month someone is sending me screen shots of some trading educator that supposedly has a live account at Sure Trader and they magically turned a couple of thousand dollars into a couple of million dollars in only 3 days. Of course, some people howl how unfair I am because of these supposed records undeniably came directly from Sure Trader. However, as folks are now discovering, that Sure Trader is a creation of Guy Gentile and he knows exactly how to manipulate people and create an illusion. That should be plainly clear by now.

Fraud, deception. It isn't a laughing matter or a Jewish trick. It's mainly done by the Gentile's of the world.

i did this.

The Guide to Handkerchief Pizza

up for me; screenshot of first page

As Trump does the thing every thinking man in the world expected, fails to live up to the hype, I offer pol readers a cautionary tale to turn any that would head down the dark road of national chauvinism and money pilching. You see, a lot of the resentment towards Jews is just simple wallet envy. Hatred at the supposed outsider for beating you (or not) to the cheese in your own maze, not that money is worth the humiliation and chore of the run.

Meet Guy Gentile who attempted to cash in on his own venture. On the surface he looks like what you expect someone named Guy Gentile to look like. Wears tight polos and muscle shirts, keeps status symbol sunglasses tucked in neck collar,travels first class, sports a hip five o clock shadow. Ok, so that doesn't describe a lot - if any - of you guys. The point is you hope it will some day. Well like all good gentiles do, he snitched when his comfort was at stake. As he heads to Club Fed anyway for alleged market manipulation, an associate who just did his stint offers a word of warning. One that could open your eyes to the allure of fast talking con men whether on the news or on your Youtube subscribe list.

Living a life of deception and dishonesty

In my own dealings with financial fraudsters, the common trait that we share is that our lives were filled with deception and dishonesty. We are always deceiving for gain. Everything is about creating the illusion and appearance of something fantastic. We deceive in various degree to various audiences, always looking for the angle. Always trying to get something from somebody. For myself, I can say that my thirst for more was fueled by several factors that began in my youth. As time progressed, I became more and more cunning and ruthless and my frauds became more and more audacious. In particular, financial fraudsters usually start off as petty hustlers working minor angles and then progress deeper and deeper and they learn to exploit loopholes in the financial system. For me, I started off as a small time, penny stock hustler but over time I become increasingly more complex, sophisticated, and manipulative. I became callous to my fellow man, and highly manipulative to the people that loved me most.

In fact, it seems like every month someone is sending me screen shots of some trading educator that supposedly has a live account at Sure Trader and they magically turned a couple of thousand dollars into a couple of million dollars in only 3 days. Of course, some people howl how unfair I am because of these supposed records undeniably came directly from Sure Trader. However, as folks are now discovering, that Sure Trader is a creation of Guy Gentile and he knows exactly how to manipulate people and create an illusion. That should be plainly clear by now.

Fraud, deception. It isn't a laughing matter or a Jewish trick. It's mainly done by the Gentile's of the world.

who else is hitting up grindr and tinder to spamfuck normies with pizzagate?

I can't be the only one

right ok fair points, maybe the cooler isn't where I thought it was. found some photos near the bathrooms that seem odd

one from October 19, 2013

another from July 3, 2015

notice that in the later image ( the one in brighter lighting) there looks to be seams between the wood panels whereas in the earlier image there is no seam visible. there appears to be a ventilation shaft that goes on past the toilet that is above it that is not visible on the earlier photo. also behind the toilets was brick work in 2012 which was replaced with wooden panels later, as seen in the vid. why would they do this other than to hide something? my guess is that is the space where the cooler is. also notice they use the space around that area as storage


Everyone on Holla Forums should use at least 30 minutes daily to spam goybook, youjew, twatter, tumbsjw, plebbit and every other possible place with redpills and/or happenings.

Theres a door on the right wall in the second pic:

Found it here:

the preview has some codes it looks like

He ebegs too much sometimes but I still like his weaponized autism

Why can't we get a Chimpout to raid and loot Comet Ping Pong and Besta Pizza???

Nogs are always looting whenever the Jews trick them too. Surely we can weaponize a Chimp Out against the Satanist and Jewish pedophiles.

D.C. has a lot of Nogs. We should them them they are raping and stealing little black children. We wouldn't even be lying, because of the Haiti connection.

alot of colour coding and symbols in pictures They've deleted the plot of automatic at sea, the movie alefantis is producing. The plot said that there were secret pizza in the island, now it says bullshit!! LOOK AT THIS!

put ads on craigslist in surrounding shit communities for a fake negro martyr or something, free pizza at …..
If it gets big, then shill on twatter

Alefantis also owns 3 home improvement/construction companies, 2 within DC proper (Castellum Achilles LLC address same as "Buck's" and Christopher Achilles LLC same address as Comet). The 3rd, HERECOMESYOURMAN LLC is a Delaware corporation (for privacy reasons) with the main office addressed there and it's branch in Kensington MD (but under DC jurisdiction) and it's agent, Alefantis registered at also… "Buck's"! (info in detail is on attached map, also info on his art gallery)

Why anyone needs THREE companies doing the same thing in close vicinity is a mystery.

You could add these two network maps (Alefantis and John Podesta) admittedly incomplete but there's a finite amount you can add before it becomes overwhelming and therefore useless.

Hopefully its helpful to someone at least.

I said so previously. What we're looking at is a religious group that's been around a LONG time. We can't say cult (not for political reasons) but because the size isn't small.

The pedo stuff is a small small part of it. Id argue the pedo stuff is a means to an end that some end up enjoying, not the other way around. The kids are used for both leverage and ritual.

It makes perfect sense if you think about it. Starts as a larger religion. Uses connections to get into politics. Uses available resource (kids) to gain leverage. You then have a group that uses the kids for pleasure/leverage and a group that uses them ritually. Same group, just extended families now.

So to repeat what some have been saying here. Look into the religious stuff. It will give you places to check for other evidence. But don't expect it to give any smoking guns in and of themselves. They have rarely slipped up historically. As you can see, theres a lot of people in history who have noticed something was amiss.

The Druid/Egyptian/Luciferian parading as Christianity (which I suspect is in truth very rare and non mainstream) stuff. It's all the same group. Just different images and practices to worship the same stuff. But that means they share/work together financially or covering each others asses. Its not a mistake many mainstream religions are eerily similar.

Find the groups, find their culture. Then track their money. And if you have financial leads, track those to other culture points to continue the financial hunt. The IRS has initiated the most high profile arrests because money rarely lies. So tie the money to the real them.

fug, kek has spoken

This is why you archive whatever the fuck you find, immediately.

2016 Automatic at Sea (executive producer) (4 Nov 2016)