What's the best nu lang, and why is it Crystal?
Nu langs
Good luck to them. They're going to hit some big league compilation times by the sound of it.
And if you'd been part of those decades of research, you'd understand how much Inference Ambiguity is a problem, before running your mouth.
They're smoking crack. They want to do OOP too, again, good luck to them when it comes to all the potential ambiguities the'll encounter with polymorphism.
Oh shit, I'm not sure I can trust a language invented by non-whites.
That's a pretty tame CoC.
What does that have to do with anything? Are you a compiler writer who intends to contribute code to the compiler?
inappropriate? not defined
threatening? not defined
offensive? not defined
harmful? not defined
translation? U trigger me, I ban U.
It's shit, and anyone who tolerates it is shit.
Really, that's all you need.
It seems the number one priority nowadays is muh compilan speed, even though a few years ago it was all about the execution speed. It's all about C weenies who want to justify their exclusive love for C with whatever other better languages don't have.
Protip: we have lived with day long compilation times for decades. If you compulsively recompile every time you add a line and can't afford waiting a few seconds, it's your fault.
t. someone who doesn't actually program
Why do you need a definition? It's very simple: act as if you're in polite society! When I'm in polite society, I don't act rude or risque. No jokes, no passive aggressiveness.
I'm actually an embedded programmer, like anyone on Holla Forums. It's the only REAL programming branch ever.
REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE you used the word "simple"! That's extremely triggering, as "simple" has historically been interchangeable with "retarded". Because there is no definition of what constitutes offensiveness or inappropriateness, as a Project Maintainer, I hereby deem your use of the word "simple" as a vicious attack on the differently-intellectually-abled, and hereby ban you from the project permanently. Your commit privileges have been revoked, and I am starting a Twitter campaign to have people bombard your employer with phone calls demanding that you be fired.
Check your privilege.
What did you mean by this?
I am sure your code is very fucking slim around those parts you do string manipulation, or those giant switches you probably use and are encouraged to use because the language lacks modern features that make this shit more palatable and cleaner, But of course, the program takes 1Mb of memory instead of 50kb so you scream like a little angry frog about how curryniggers are stealing your 32GB of RAM.
Also, for all you assembly faggots who just throw assembly at it because you don't know how to optimize the logic of your program so you just go straight into microoptimizations: enjoy missing the point of C lol.
You know many projects add CoCs and proceed to ignore them just because they don't like arguing on the internet with angry SJW like we do, right?
Criticism of language this far:
REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE you used the word "mean"! That's extremely triggering, as one of our most valued hackers, Snowflake Jones, a trans* Latinx polyamorous genderfluid activist (xi identifies offensive terms in the documentation and replaces them with approved alternatives), had a troubled upbringing where xir patriarchal, oppressive father was m**n to xir! Xi had a panic attack when xi saw your thoughtless, oppressive, inappropriate and harmful comment. As a Project Maintainer, I hereby deem your use of the word "mean" as a vicious attack on abuse survivors, and hereby ban you from the project permanently. Your commit privileges have been revoked, and I am starting a Twitter campaign to have people bombard your employer with phone calls demanding that you be fired.
Check your privilege.
Have you triend using the *chan slang called REEEspeak in meeting?
You know many projects do not add CoCs and just ignore SJWs because they're not cuckolds who bow to the slightest bit of "pressure" (i.e. online drama), right?
If you have a software project, and it's so useless, replaceable, or irrelevant that losing a handful of users because they're triggered about your refusal to implement a Trojan horse (i.e. CoC) in your project is something you need to cave to, just shutter the fucking thing and stop wasting everyone's time.
Your post uses English words, but not English grammar, and does not produce a comprehensible English result.
You are just mad because not everyone:
a) Thinks the same as you.
b) Would react the same as you given the same situation
I agree CoCs are cancer and I would argue for days before even letting someone suggest adding one on my projects, but I am not going to shit on people who are not as rebel as me, or find some more pleasure in legalese than me.
Boy, I sure do love talking about programming languages. This is totally not 4/g/ leaking.
Oh sry, I meant "and", not "because". Triend was a typo ofc.
oh it's a bizarro world post
I'd be grateful if those were the only problems with the nearly random mishmash of words you call a post. Unfortunately, they weren't.
Really, fuck off until you can write English.
Oh look, its yet another shitty Not C™ language.
Which is you problem then?
Okay, I was lazy there.
I'm pretty sure it's intelligible.
Also: congrats, you succeeded at derailing the thread.
Not what I said at all. It doesn't even make sense.
There is absolutely no other reason to recommend ASM other than speed. Anything else is so platform specific it's not worth recommending unless you need it and recommend the platform as well.
Which flaws? A theoretically slow compilation time because you are defaulting not to specify types even though the language allows you to and even encourages if you want to ensure correctness and explicit documentation? This is like saying C++ compiles slow just because you can abuse all those features that make it compile slow. If that and "it's not C" are all the flaws it has, then holy shit, sign me up.
I'm pretty sure you need to fuck off, Pajeet. Surely there's an imageboard that caters to speakers of whatever gibberish is your native language. Either way, you'll ill-equipped to participate in this conversation.
Sit down. Be humble.
Hindu is far better language anyway
orly the language encourages me does it. Please tell me how that works? How does a language encourage me not to use it's own features? Does it have a mr. paperclip?
I should have said "the manual", but let's not be retarded, please.
The number one priority is performance, but compilation speed has to be factored in if the time's are going to grow exponentially as the source increases. The more serious concern to me is that their inferencer is sound, and outputs correct code.
Well hot damn, it might be alr—
"Hindu" isn't a language.
Look at the bright side, it could be significant whitespace garbage like Nim.
Bump for nu langs.
That's one way to admit your language belongs in a heap of garbage. Sad!
Name 8 not dead languages without GC.
By the way, garbage collected languages appeal to the lowest common denominator, so it's no surprise that there are more of them.
Nice arguments for a LARPer.
Ada, ATS, C, C++, D, Dyon, Rust, Nim
D and Nim have GC but it can be disabled.
Also Scheme
There is masochism. Then there is this.
You lost me.
Kotlin is the best nulang
crystal was hyped like 3 years ago. im not even keeping up with what new bullshit HN hipsters think is good anymore
Kotlin, Vala and Ceylon aren't nulangs, they're just Enterprise fags trying to imitate hipsters to see if they can get some market. Real nulangs are shit like Crystal, Node.js, Rust, Nim, and Go.
page related
I mean, what are we counting as a nulang? It's only been 2 years since 1.0
How is Rust/Go a nulang but Kotlin isn't? How the fuck is nodejs new at all?
scala best nulang
only 13 years and a few rewrites old
Scala would be perfect if not for the designers not deciding on a single syntax to do stuff, weird operator overloading behaviour (which makes sense considering the following point), and JVM.
How is scala-native going, anyway?
Show me where in the r7rs spec there is a mention of GC.
pathetic. If you like a GC language, just defend it. Like this: ocaml.org
Meanwhile, if your language isn't ML-influenced, it's shit.
JavaScript has compile-time type checking because TypeScript exists!
Show me where in the r7rs spec there is a mention of manual memory management.
Retard. I literally said "Show me where in the r7rs spec there is a mention of GC"
Nice strawman. See
If your alternative to no GC is no memory management at all, you fucked up.
Also, the standard says nothing about not killing yourself, so it totally means you should kill yourself.
not an argument
not an argument. also where did i say "no memory management at all"?
wrong. it just means that killing myself would be ok.
According to whom?
why do you keep misquoting me? why can't you argue in good faith???
I think you have autism.
still not an argument
Not sure why I'd use Crystal when Rust exstis
argentina is white as fuck fam