Are we entering a period of acceleration?

Think back to 2014. Would you have ever imagined the future we're now in? Back in 2014 I thought it would take us decades to get where we now are. What do you think will happen in the next two years? Will there be a lull a sort of respite? Or will this acceleration continue?

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There has been an exponential growth in the number of non-white youths in London

Context, nigger

I think its a case of.. As civilization advances Moores Law applies to how it progresses.

Die Flut Kompt

It's the meme singularity.

We are living in a BNW world, OP. There's a lot of technology that's hidden becouse it would set us free and take care of a lot of problems.

Nothing interesting has happened Holla Forums-wise in around 5 years, everything is hitting a plateau.
Easy prediction: Apple's bubble is going to burst catastrophically in 2017, because they're fucking up all over the place now that Steve Jobs and his fruity ass is dead. That's going to cause a long tail of global economic chaos, which should be entertaining to watch if nothing else.

Other than that, it's gonna be boring. If we're lucky (and the research isn't worthless) maybe we'll get to see the beginnings of automated asteroid mining: strap a diamond battery to an EM drive and have it shunt passing rocks into high earth orbit.
If we're really lucky, one will be slightly off course and slam into Africa.

Agree that nothing interesting has happened in tech, but I think it's because things are at a point where they can't really allow public to move forward without encroaching on all the stuff they've been keeping secret for decades (at least) because it would be too empowering to individuals and would disrupt their system of engineered scarcity.

I agree Apple is fucking up, and Microsoft is and has been for a long time also. It presents a major opportunity for non-evil people and companies to present operating systems, or for software companies to start supporting Linux or things like that. The positive potential is huge. Imagine if there were companies offering tech without planned obsolescence and built in fail times, without surveillance back doors, etc.

Being in the arts myself, I'm excited to see what will happen in popular media and the arts. Though a large portion of artists of whatever kind (musicians, directors, painters, writers, etc.) are deepley leftist, I believe there are a substantial number of people in the arts who see the degeneration of humanity, and the hidden power structures encouraging it, very clearly and who have either been forced to hide their power level because of the leftist status quo, or who may have bought the leftist propaganda while it was the status quo but will quickly wake up as the social stigma against freedom of thought lessens.

On top of the left-right (oversimplification but whatever) cultural shift, there's also the fact that the mainstream in many popular mediums is dying or dead. Corporate music has been a rotting corpse for over a decade now and at this point even total normies are listening to small independent bands because platforms like Spotify, Youtube, etc., deliver this kind of content through "related bands", "related videos", type systems with zero effort required from the consumer. Box office sales have held near steady or dropped slightly over the last 20 years after inflation but the people still seeing and caring about Hollywood films are the bottom of the IQ barrel and the general perception, even among people who still go to movies is that Hollywood is pretty much incapable of making anything that rises above the level of cheap junk food entertainment. TV is dead and getting deader. Youtube, Netflix, and other platforms that offer independently produced content are dominating the cultural landscape for young people. It's a time with great potential for truly good art to take back the culture.


when the happening happens, it all happens at once

In 2014 I had no hope in humanity. So much has happened in the current year its hard to believe.

this is exactly why jews have not and never will support linux. it's not about the cost, fucking everything runs on the same hardware now, there's no powerpc bullshit to worry about, and there's not one but two (sdl doesnt count) fully capable cross platform graphics libraries for gaming/3d animation which are still by far the most strenuous programs hardware-wise for consumers. but because of all the contracts with the nsa and the funding (bribes?) linux never gets anything worth anything until some neet decides to code it on his own time. the only big company that tried to extend the olive branch was valve and the propaganda machine slapped it back on all fronts. "performances are 5fps below windows!!!" no fucking shit? the proprietary drivers on linux are updated once a year and are deliberately gimped. what the fuck did people expect? it really infuriates me sometimes.

not that valve's totally free of wrongdoing, gabe's still a jew. but he's not fully linked into the establishment, the steambox would have never happened otherwise, they wouldnt allow it.

arrival was pretty good if you look past the fact china doesnt have aircraft carriers. you really do have to learn how to see past the leftist/chinese propaganda at this point though to find the diamonds in the rought

The goal is making a general AI within 100 years, then "we" are set.

so very true! in 2000 everyone knew Moores' law was going to bump into physics; but no one had the balls to really innovate, instead they just played it safe milking the smartphone market - now China is going to take it all; RIP US technology

Let's stop that, otherwise we will be seeing history books in 2050 talking about the 'current year era that lasted for 35 years'

Sure but the graph is extending in the positive direction. Think more like a cliff

Thread Theme

The current year era will last a hell of a lot longer than that, It's a new calendar for a new age, welcome to December CY +1.

wrong, tech depends on single people making great strides not on companies

jewlon musk says, only remarkable people push tech forward, with great effort and luck

tech doesnt advance by itself. these big companies will tend to stagnation and will fail to push things forward. google is a total failure at product deployment, apple sucks shit after jobs death, and microsoft is just a money grubbing oilsnake vendor

I believe the user was referring to Brave New World.

Forget increases in technology and scientific discovery. If kikes are still alive and in power for the next 10 years, we're heading into an Islamic dark age thanks to mass immigration both legal and illegal. Asians are not that creative and the white race is going the way of the dodo thanks to ZOG all over the west. That's not to mention over funding in retarded Frankfurt school offsprings while hard sciences are being put on the chopping block. We also all know how useless fucking poo in loos are when it comes to innovation but hey, white men needs to fuck off so the world becomes a stagnant retarded mass of shit and eventually goes back to the middle ages to serve the fervents of the third temple created thanks to useful idiots eliminating the wrong people and corrupt people working willfully with kikes, putting their own greed and families over the greater good.

Something has to give, or we will get stuck in a new technological 'dark age' because people in power and an uninformed general public will do everything in their power to stop every technological advancement that stands to help the public. On top of this, one of the most important things we can do is to improve our infrastructure beyond simply repaving shit roads with more shit; our power grid is weak, vulnerable garbage, our internet runs off of a sub-optimal trash system, and we're going to lose everything if a terror attack, act of war, or natural disaster happens.

This is a bit one dimensional. Tech can only thrive and be usefull if the other circumstances are fullfilled. Otherwise it will "misused". And the other circumstances are pretty basic. In the small scale you get fat lesbians making little programs to catch the bad goys to enforce the status quo, in the grand sheme is a big effort population control.
If tech works, look around you. You dont earn more than your father even with better education, society became more unequal while the artists preach equality more than ever. You just have the basic outliners and intrapolate.
So in a way you have to precise and evalute the context. If make you a picture of the moment: no it isnt. Tech in itself is ambivalent, pretty basic stuff. What you describe is just the consequence and that is what the tech and psyducks fear and in the end they will lose because they are too stupid, something they always thought they would master. So in they end they are a slave to tech not a master of it.

I'm in the arts myself. Without being super-specific, I did some work on the Kung-Fu Panda franchise and some big music bands' web presence some years ago. You have no idea how maddening and depressing it was to spend minute after hour after day, for years on end, biting my tongue and pretending that I loved things and people that I would have rather seen set ablaze.

I've been seeing a big cultural schism at least in the United States emerging. Right-leaning people have been "tolerating" liberal bullshit in media for a long time, but the last couple of years have seen this propagandistic evangelizing reach Stalin-era USSR levels. If you're sick of multiculturalism, sick of Europeans and the West being depicted as the villains and cause of every catastrophe in world history, if you don't want to support LGBTWTFBBQIDGAF and sure as hell don't want your young kids exposed to it… a lot of these people are simply opting out of Big Media entirely. And a lot of new services are arising to serve this very large market of people whose moral foundations have nothing in common with cosmopolitan Jewish oligarchs in Los Angeles and New York.

These people in film, games, TV, news… they're so very smugly secure in their positions, that they've deviated from the Golden Age Hollywood mission of serving their customers and making money. Now they just assume that the money will come no matter what, and use their perches to broadcast guilt and lies to Middle America and Traditional Europe.

I liked what I did, and sometimes I think about trying to go back, but then I remember the kinds of people I'd have to deal with to restart my old career, and that is one hell of a dealbreaker. I'm going to wait a few years and see if trends continue: the Left further collapsing and alienating people, and a new Right-leaning mediascape emerging that happily and enthusiastically serves customers at whom Liberal Hollywood openly sneered and mocked.

A country's culture shapes the morals and outlook of its people. I'm happy to see that the old Left's deathgrip is slipping.

Can't we just make modular computers then? If we can't make smaller transistors then just make a big-ass computer full of them. At least until we have some material or technological breakthrough.

I'm not a computer expert, but I think making computers larger has some issues. Namely that the longer the trace is, the more resistance there is. The more resistance, the more voltage drop and the more heat is produced. More heat means more cooling is required, and more voltage drop means more complicated controls to keep the voltages where they need to be.

Ever wondered how this views came into life?
It is like a little bubble, like a meta of a game with a new patch. Metas can only evolve if the certain circumstances stay rigid. Just a little push.
The art just like in the weimar republic is disected from the general public, and then the perspective will sharpen a bit. Imagine if you go to a club and all the boobanimals wear pushups or have fake tits, eventually people will tell you that the boobs are fake or they wear a pushup bra. So people become paranoid of them having fake tits or empty tits being pushed up. In a sense it isnt a fault of the artists, it is just outlining the problems in an abstract way.
What you see as jewish propaganda is just a mixture of it, there are some gleeful jews that want to push that but for the most part it is the zeitgeist working, or certain mechanics that accelerate that it. Just like morality, most people want to be morally correct, but imagine a world were you cannot fullfilled those standards, you either are the villain or the hero that has a certain perspective to make it fit. Like little kids that get a toy and have to fit in the right forms.

No wrong. You are stupid and don't have any grasp over the sophistication of modern technology.

Elon is a con artist, for starters. He makes a super golf cart. He took lots of people's money and decided to build a car before he even knew how to build a car. He has done a shitty job of it too, and he is about to get steam rolled by the Mercedes and Porsche.

Tech does not advance due to single people anymore, it is far too complicated for an individual to make any great innovations. Steve-o Jobs even understood this, his big thing was about building teams that were better than the sum of their parts. Everybody, and I mean EVERYBODY is a specialist now. These days it is all about good leadership and good team dynamics.

The reason tech is stagnating now is because of the lefist SJW and affirmative action cancer that has infected all major corps absolutely suffocates good team dynamics. Women in groups do not get shit done, dodging around the SJW and 'Tyrone sucks but he is here because he is black' is exactly the same shit women do in groups, trying not to hurt eachothers feelings. It also has a lot to do with what was saying, the other half of the population has been excluded.

Use google dumbass. A modern CPU has billions of transistors in it.

Things we will see in our lifetime:

- (conditional) basic income in the developed world
- birth of the north-american union
- a sesame credit style system in the north american union and european union
- related to sesame credit will be the massive overregulation of every area of life, justified by programs like agenda 21 (it's for the environment)
- birth of the surveillance-on-steroids states
- police will investigate the lower ranks of sesame credit population, and in an overregulated world, everyone is guilty of something without his knowledge, and the surveillance state has the records to prove it. this will allow an police enforcement of compliance with the agenda of sesame credit
- global warming will become ever more politicised and gradually impose sanctions and taxes on people living outside of metropolitan areas
- ownership of cars will be abolished
- cell phones, in some form, will become the new means of identification and people will be required to have them with them at all times
- the concepts of hatespeech and hatecrimes will eventually only apply to jewish people
- endless, entirely artifical wars seeing the usage and testing of new fantastical technologies
- artificial epidemics and manmade catastrophes, mainly in the third world
- cash abolished for digital currency
- the beginnings of a world currency, which will be initally adopted by the eu, nau and india
- the slow bringing about of a quasi-religion which consists of appreciation for the crimes comitted against gods chosen people, and admiration of their contributions to art and culture
- stigmatisation of the family unit and traditional values, leading into taxation and sanctions of the lifestyle
- feminisation of all aspects of life, favouring of women across all areas leading into population control mantaining the male-female ratio at about 1:4
- explosion in the creation and consumption of digital media and entertainment (neet epidemic)
- rewriting of history regarding 9/11, with a narrative of ethnic whites genetic predisposition to war and conquest
- driverless cars open for public use at a cost

I obviously know that, not what I was asking at all either. I also am aware of jewgle and don't recommend it that much tbh. Thanks anyways mister offensive retard.

Innovation is almost always due to individual contributions. Engineering on the other hand has always been team efforts. You can always specialize the tinkering with the component parts of a piece of technology, you can't specialize imagination and inspirations that lead to new inventions. You can't tell a group of people to collectively dream something new up. By new, I mean actually new, not a new way to repackage pre-existing technology. For example, Tesla's are just repackaged electric cars. I assume the Tesla was a team effort of engineers. The EM Drive was something new, and it's no coincidence that it was invented by an individual in his garage.

So I won't get to see the extinction of humanity at our own hands? What a load of shit.

sounds like a nightmare but is likely

half the things he listed are already in place

m8, there are no brakes on this train

thats why its likely

Im honestly hoping Russia emerges as a strong state with a reasonable government not so I can flee there I doubt they would take me. But so we can live with the cruel irony of the USSR and the west switching places within a century. You will live to see a day when people try to escape IN to Russia.

listing a bunch of real things and pure speculation doesn't make the pure speculation more likely.

It's been happening for a while now. The exact date of knee of the curve in OP's pic was June 16th, 2015.

the religion is going to be based on worshipping "Gaia" and "aliens"

The north American Union and police state have been getting pushed for for a decade and will not be slowing down any time soon.
A global currency is also in the works as we speak.
Im not sure the Jewish aspects of his post will come true but the SJW shit has become a new state religion and is here to stay.
Most dont remember but the 90's had SJW's to and when they failed they just slithered back into academia. Now this this gene failed they will do the same but a little bit stronger, and they will try again and again and again until we are living in an Orwell novel.
The cell phone shit seems within the realm of possibility.

According to Baba Vanga, China will overtake the US as a world superpower in 2018.

I'm assuming that Trump will either get assassinated, or cucked from the whitehouse somehow (impeached, faithless electorate, etc), or just hit a massive stumbling block and fuck up the economy. I'm happy for his victory, but I can't be certain of anything anymore. I'm actually wary enough of this that I'm considering investing $2,000 or so in chinese yuan and waiting.

The leftist college indoctrination shit is the new religion

Bullshit, this whole sjw is just fucking retarded, they are fucking retarded, it is a contained disease like H5N1 bridflu. It only exists in the internet sphere with some loud idiots spewing that shit, it only grows especially in the us and a. And just like h5n1 everyone has to have the vaccine. It is a overamplyfied threat or time spender, it is a blackhole of bullshit just like you use your toilet you shit into it and a wash it away. And just like shitting people will have to produce shit and then wash it away. That means you digest sjw stuff, shit it out and then wash it away. And everyone thinks their shit is special.

Innovation is driven by some indivduals if you mean leaps but you need many to fullfill that shit, depends on what you want to innovate and on what scale you want to do it. For example you can use subconsicous tests with a lot of data to employ people for special positions.
Just like ads are taylored you taylor open positions to people. Small scale.
Or you make an app that gets people together like "public happenings" so an app sorts your shit that you like and you can certain courses like yoga courses just like other goyim that are clueless aswell, mix it with the same basic couriosity. Or a ranked system of football, people meet in close proxmity and play a game of 11 vs 11 and the more you win the higher your mmr becames. Because people like peers, like a dark room so to speak.
And most shit that will come in the future will rotate around that crap because resources n shit, also social and goyim love instruction from goyphones. Or just a bunch of people that jogg, and once you meet certain perimeters you get an achievement and then you can run for a marathon. Or 100m jamal shit, once jamal runs really fast some algorithm determine if he can run professionally.

Bullshit, because the way you can keep betas busy is with other shit so the alphas can have the boobanimals, there is enough distraction, rightfully so.
Again overamplifiying shit without any basics, betas always exists, feminsts always exists they just have the help of some happy merchants.
The survaillance state will be on steroids but then again they are just people and they live somewhere and they arent really that smart. Just fancy all that emails of those not so smart goyim.

And the pedulum swing you see is protection against all those africans, just funnel the left into solving problems at their shitholes, a lot better. ANd if the left gets a bit too uppity they get the crowbar, well they will give it to themselves.

Baba Vanga also said that europe would get blow up by some sort of super weapon by now. I wouldn't put much merit in fortune tellers but I will agree sometime in the near future the US wil cease to be a superpower and its likely China will be the next superpower

which 90s? because the 1890's had SJWs, too– they were called marxists.

Honestly it just goes to show that marxists have been relentlessly assaulting western civilization for 120 years now.

China is going to collapse once there is no one to export to.

the dollar works as the global currency effectively. And I don't have to tell you who controls it.

Lel, no, it sdying as wespeak. You guys underestimate trump too much.


I have my doubts they will just let themselves collapse when the time comes. Wars of expansion in africa or south east asia seem plausible. This collapse will also only happen after the US ceases to exist for them to export to.

That's actually a really good point, and I agree with you in the something completely new circumstance. But innovation most usually doesn't always work that way, and teams can invent things that are completely new. It happens when people play off each other. Say person A is trying to solve a problem very unconventionally, and it also affects person B's system. So he consults with person B, upon looking at what person A is doing, person B gets a brainwave about how to do something new and different in his specialty. That would have never happened with out both working on the same project and the novel situation presented by person A.

I dont think that the us and a will cease to be a superpower in the near future, just a little bit of a correction. And well china is really motivated to steal their shit, but then again they steal aswell, china is just a lot more hungry. BUt the USA has some substantial problems which is quite good if it can be managed, since they are too jewy and smug anyway, but smugness wont make shit happen.

They will most likely genocide a majority of themselves,Africans and Indians.

Did you read the comment? They existed in the 90's and got rekt then to. Now they are back with a stronger position, they will be beat again. But they will be back with a stronger position again. You overestimate trump. I have no doubt he will be great, but nothing short of totally demolishing the entire US system and going full Uncle Adolf will not solve our problems.

its honestly pretty exciting to think about. I wonder if people in europe just before ww1 felt similar to us. Its said there was a great uneasy calm right the few years before the war broke out.

Has anyone else noticed corporate imitation media trying to sell themselves as not corporate so they can drop into the markets they are loosing to alternative media? I honestly think that was a large part of the reason the hipster movement shit became so popular its the same old crap called not same old crap. In the future will we have a MSNBC guy who mimic's alex jones

Totally agree with this, it has become a secular religion. Somehow they have managed to define a new rule book that everybody accepts as lawful instead of a belief system. So it exploits and feeds off the power structure (govt) instead of being unreactive like all other religions.

Right now there is a cold civil war in this country. It started back when Bush Jr. was elected and the liberal base COULD NOT DEAL with half the country disagreeing with them. Those conservatives are so stupid! That was really when the two sides started pulling apart. People were twice as polaized with Obama. Those conservatives are racist! And now I would say they are twice again as polarized with Trump. I don't want to share a country with those subhuman conservatives.
We are being set up for a violent resolution here, and we all ought to be aware of it.The sad part is I don't see us all calming down and calling it off. The left has shown utter contempt for half this country and I think the right had just about run out of patience for it. The left needs to atone but there is no mechanism for them to do so, even if they were willing.

And here you prove your thesis wrong. The industry giants Mercedes and Porsche are following Elon Musk into that market nice. They could have done it, but didn't. Elon is the guy that did it.

if the US has a civil war it will be a cluster fuck of epic proportions like the Russian civil war. There are no clear battle lines or uniforms. There would be about 10000 special snowflake factions all fighting against each other the radicle black nationalist camp, and sons of southern secession, mormon extremists on a crusade and all that good shit.

Is it worse now than it was in the 60s?

I'm not sure tensions are that high yet, but this time it isn't a youth movement. Hillary is as much a part of it as anybody, and she's ancient. Ditto Bernie Sanders.

the tension isnt that bad but people who want a SJW overthrow are in position of power all over the US so it is far more likely to happen

Shit will get really bad once the foodstamps and neetbucks will stop. Right now it is just an aritficial circlejerk.

SJws were never in power they are just the usefull idiots. People in power have a different mindset. What you describe as an overthrow is just the veil or narrative what is most prominent.
And for that it is excellant.

If Trump doesn't purge these people quick, we're in serious trouble.

There's pretty much nothing Trump can do to stop China overtaking the US as a world superpower. You can't fix 100 million shitskins. That's terminal cancer and he's committed to it.

Im well aware people like Hilary are not SJW behind the scenes she probably hates niggers. But she wants them to overthrow the old order so they can seize control, people like soros Hilary and all those EU goons are the puppeteers to the SJW puppets

It always seems inevitable until it collapses.

The US will likely be a semi relevant regional power in the future with a huge amount of internal problems associated with a corrupt ruling class disproportionate wealth distribution as the middle class is finally killed racial and cultural tensions and a general loss of interest in civic life. So you know Brazil


What the fuck, Holla Forums?
Stop being lazy and check the numbers!

Trump was not part of the plan. He could change the equation.

Electric cars aren't really new. They competed for the market in the early days. GM test-leased one in the 90s out in California. How much of the core tech inside a standard Tesla was even developed in house? It's basically just the battery layout, isn't it?
Right, because it wasn't profitable for them to do it.

check em

Elon didn't create the niche. That group of people was already there waiting for somebody to sell them products. If anything that niche was pioneered by GM with the tease of the EV-1 program. Then opened wide by Toyota with the Prius. The only thing I will give Elon credit for is showing everybody that people are vain enough to buy a half finished car IF it makes them look like a real progressive.

While Elon has been making promises he can't keep (there is no way they will meet model 3 production) and has been struggling to figure out how to build a car; VAG (Porsche) and Mercedes have been developing their own internal test mules while dominating hybridized Formula 1 and WEC/LeMans. Their products will be up to the quality standard of the brand. These companies know how to build a car, they know if they have a working test mule that they can build 10,000-100,000 of them and know exactly what the costs will be. They have been right there with the technology, and frankly I would say they have far surpassed Tesla in terms of internal IP. Tesla in no way is capable of engineering a dominant F1 or LMP powerplant with their in-house resources.

Tesla builds beta test quality products. The only reason they get away with it is are subsidies and tech yuppies looking for a feel good product. They aren't really innovating or creating an electric car niche, they are taking money from the stupid and rich.

Nobody was making a move on that market before Elon came along. That's an indisputable fact.

I dont give a fuck about soros little games or hillarys drive to be the first misses president.
There is no such thing as the old order, it is just the same configuration going up over and over again, just depends on the times we are living in, that is why people believe everyshit about this cunt they hear because that is a pretty good guesstimate.
SJWism is just something that will always exist they are just a bit pimp through certain support mechanisms because they are, you guess it: usefull. THey amount to nothing and will change nothing, the only thing they create is a narrative once enough people believe in it or counter it. It is a goy vice.
And why they are working so well, beause the funnel the "lefts" energy into some baseless blackhole bullshit, just as some user described witthe progressive stack and then you add some good boy bad boy stuff to it and you get a little new chemical reaction for a new piece of durable plastic.

I'm not sure where anyone disputed it. Just pointing out that the electric car wasn't a new idea and that most of the stuff in a Tesla was developed by other companies and basically just assembled by Tesla. The batteries are laptop batteries, I think.

Having a lot of money, getting government loans and carbon credit payments, and not having revenue and R&D tied up in engines was a good base to start from. But I think this guy is correct. Others are going to reap the benefits of the market that Tesla has energized because they are going to deliver a better product.

But you need the progressiveness to change the taste, once driving a high cost eco car is something of status instead of a high powered standard luxury car the new high cost eco care will signal status and morality at the same time.
Give it some horsepowers and a decent look and you get even more pussy, feasting on the growing number of special snowflake females than before.

The left has been winning and changing everything for 100 years. 80 years ago a nig would be lynched for looking at a white women. 90 years ago almost the whole of the west was fully white. 20 years ago things like tranny right were a joke and no one was for it. 30 years ago we would beat the shit out of gays. If you are going to fight I would like it if you would please do so now because those SJW are getting close to total victory.

I can't say, I wasn't around then. I do talk to my elder often about this sort of stuff and he says it was never this bad in the 60s. To him the 60's weren't as 'serious' because it was only youths, and it was much less about geographic areas.

I remember back in the 90s I grew up democrat and yeah if you had a crazy gun loving republican neighbor he was crazy, or weird, but he wasn't evil. Think Dale from King of the Hill. He's kooky but still very much part of the community.
Then when Bush got in there was this collective… oh my god, the kooky neighbors and their blue collar buddies actually got control of the political system, this is going to be really bad.
Now that I think about it. Maybe this came out of the prosecution of Bill Clinton. All the dems I know still can not forgive the republican part for that. That is when the conservatives became evil. They see it as having been merciless over something incredibly trivial… and completely politically motivated.

I dont know but i dont like fucking the same people over and over again. SJWs dont win because they were never ment to win because they arent the people that represent liberal values in that sense. So in a way as their "taste" got alternated, mine got alternated aswell. They are like bunch of vegan burgers, looks like a burger but isnt one.


You need to have children so they can take your place once your time on this ride ends. Otherwise your time was been wasted.

I miss the 80's even though I wasnt alive then there seems to be a sort of light hearted goodness to the American character then that just doesnt exist anymore

Sure I'll dispute it. The CA EV mandate necessitated the development and sale of the following: (1993) (1996) (1997) (1997) (1997)

If there was anybody pulled into the market by Tesla it was GM. Their CEO at the time said it. But then you also have to remember GM is so ass backwards they build a great an electric car (EV-1), it started getting popular, then they canned it. I don't think there is any other auto maker in the world with leadership as retarded as GM.

things are just slowly getting more chaos-y over the last couple months, reality is basically disintegrating as we speak


is this a bot?

You do realize that the GNU project is ran by a jew? Richard (((Stallman)))? And that the reason why jews love it is that it is free?

The only thing you're ranting about is vidya. Linux has deeply penetrated the enterprise space with the data center especially because of this. And if you look at the consumer space, Andriod is linux as well. FFS even 4/g/ knows more than you which isnt saying much.

this is literal word salad

Rias is my waifu

**And I've noticed this is the general opinion of anyone not on a university campus, does not have a government job, or does not work in management.

That is what i thought when your mother sucked my dick with the experience of a jew lending money.

This is literally not the correct grammer to critize grammer. Literally.

Think of the world as you would like to see it. That is where everyone will be in a decade. Just remember. It isn't enough to merely win. We need to crush our enemies. Only their complete and utter submission will be enough. We know their endgame. We know what awaits us if we lose.

Those cars were legislated into existence, nobody ever wanted to make them and they were dead as a door nail for years before the Tesla.

The meme singularity and the prophesied tech singularity are the same thing. That's why it's called the SINGULARITY. Everything comes together. As tech evolves (exponentially), so does our capacity to understand and shape reality through the collective unconscious. We're getting there, and it'll be here sooner than anybody can predict because exponential.

Completely disagree. Especially on the EV-1. The engineering department did an excellent job on that car, and if Tesla had come out with something of that class and caliber I wouldn't be throwing any hate their way. They wanted to make that car something good and they did.

The leadership at GM was absolutely idiotic and tried to do everything they could to sabatoge the car after they produced it. It is almost like they wanted to show the CARB "look guys we made an excellent effort but nobody wants the car". Thing was there was a wait list into the thousands for EV-1 leases. The interest was there for everybody, most of all GM, to see.


not true. one of the hermetic laws is ebb and flow. just when you think things are going one way, they always swing back. orwell pointed this out in his critique of burnham

What's the song at the end of that webm?

tl;dr: GM and the other establishment auto companies, for reasons of inadequate leadership, did not bring the idea to market in any meaningful way until after Elon came into the picture.


So we are the first of His (rebooted) worshippers.

Have we codified any laws of Kek yet?



Rule number one

Though shalt check thy fellows dI gits and if they be repeating then rejoice but if they be not repeating ignore it for he is your fellow.

Rule number two

Thousand shalt not suffer the kike nor any of his devices or his religion Judaism

Rule Three

If they be white enough for hitler than they be white enough for you. Discord is what we bring but not within ourselves. Those who are not of us will depart from us when they realize this.

Rule number 4

The darkness before the light, the utter domination of one's foes before the light of a new Era is what we bring, chaos is that of the kikes and their "god" moloch/baal/satan

Rule 5

If our group conscious agrees upon a matter than that thread shall be replete with repeating digits

Rule 6

Remember at all times what has been done to us at their hands and let you not forget what must be done

Rule 7

Seven is our number as it is greater than the Jews 6.
And 6 will always be afraid of 7, why?
For 7 8 9