Mattis selected as Defense Secretary
The entire world is going to be living in complete and utter fear of this man.

ISIS is completely and utterly fucked, he'll be more vicious than the Russians.

Other urls found in this thread:


But whats his stance on (((our greates ally)))?

He wanted to overthrow Assad, he's a cunt


Trump will straighten him out. Everybody submits to Trump in the end.


Doesn't matter he's not a Diplomat.

I think that he's the kind of guy who just wants to kill people and blow shit up I don't think that the "mad dog" nickname is a joke.

Dancing gif thread to celebrate?

Dancing gif thread to celebrate


Is he aware of fluoridation?

Considering this guy has ties with Military-Industrial complex, I'd say no.

It matter moron, if you support the kike you deserve rope.

He fits perfectly with these guys

He wasn't privy to knowledge and his experience with the Middle East is that they are usually trying to shoot him, blow him up, or rape a goat. I think in his mind, if its from the middle east, it should be shot.




I don't see how the EU will still be standing in 20 years.

hopefully trump will hold a loose leash. we have enemies saturating just about every nation, and once trump starts to act, so will our enemies moreso, and they will make the distinction between us and them more and more apparent

Dude takes the meditations of Marcus Aurelius with him into battle, that's what makes me like him

It won't.

it won't

He's ready to do whatever the President asks of him, and has the ability to make those commands manifest. That's what you want in a general.


He also has ties with Theranos, the SF "medical startup" that tried to scam the DoD with their fake blood testing hardware.



why the fuck isn't this mandatory?

I don't see how it will be standing in 2 months.

That Albanian women is literally more white than the average new Swede

is Albania white?

meh, maybe by skincolour but they act worse than turks

From 1 to 10, how much of a ZOG bot is he?

Not as bad as Mnuchin

Fuggin Checked. This truly is a blessed thread.

More than ties.

Seriously. Look into it. I think it should disqualify Mattis.

Trump hired a Munchkin?

Now they just need to go back to the old War Department name. Secretary of War Mattis has a nice ring to it.


About a 5, but only because he is an older generation Marine. He is anti-Israel, anti-Muslim, and is a tactical and strategic Genius. He'd have given guys like Skorzeny a run for their money in Commando Operations.

I can see why Trump likes him

I don't know if Mattis was cherry marine or not. That pretty much colors everything else.

The Islamic State has got to go. It's gotta be destroyed, obliterated. Period. If Mattis can do that, then he got my ok.
The only way to strike at the root of ISIS is to expose it's (((founders)))…

This the same one that was invented by a female wunderkind who turned out to be a total fraud?

Mattis is a truly honourable man, from what I know. Excellent choice.

Secretary of Treasury

Skull and Bones
Soros hedge fund
Goldman Sachs
Hollywood producer (X-Men, Avatar)

He's the perfect Holla Forums villain.

Has Trump received any backlash for that one?

Yes, the very same.

Trump did say that he was going to get the nastiest people in the world "people you'd never want to have dinner with" and chain them to his desk and whip them until they MAGA.

Ehhh like a 6, 10 being the worst. Hes a bit of a good gly just following orders type, but seems smart enough to know his shit

Yes, but the press is so busy trying to crucify him for… everything… that it no longer works.

He's just assumed imperial power at this point.

fucking retards

At the very least Trump needs to keep a VERY close eye on Mattis. His willingness to go along with the Theranos scam just goes to show that he's part of the swamp that needs draining.

Maybe his military insight is worth enough for Trump to look past the Theranos stuff, but he needs to be watched closely.

hmm, I hope he keeps him at a short leash



The guy seems like a scammer and a ZOGbot. Trump could shit in Holla Forums's mouth at this point and they would say "I'm glad he's shitting in my mouth, it's 88D chess".

Yet another piece of evidence of the power of meme magic

You have a good point. Mattis has to be a shoe in tho.

How is he in a military way? Its stance on strategy? What kind of changes he will possibly bring to the USA army?

About a 6. From what I've seen he tends to toe the neocohen line in his personal beliefs, but he is an excellent soldier through and through and I have no doubt that he will stop the cucking of the military and will do everything he can to accomplish Trump's objectives faithfully and competently.

drudge is reporting it

Then gtfo faggot, you'd better fit into
>>>Holla Forums


A basic search will come up with the Article. Basically he said that Israel is an apartheid state and that their continued existence as an apartheid state is only going to lead to a perpetual war.

Also that if America keeps being Israel's bitch we're going to continue to pay the security price for that, which is predominately the fact that we can't seem to get moderate muslim support for shit because of Israel.

in the minds of the cowardly NEET neckbeards on here who never leave the house, anybody who's ever put on an American military uniform is a zogbot


jew detected

Many of US were zogbots

drudge doesn't report rumors. he doesn't post anything until it's 100%


Hello Holla Forums

Go back to reddit.

Appropriate Holla Forums comment.

Thanks for the explanation.

He is probably one of the few genienly intellegent generals we have ever had. He is also an old school marine tough and mean and all that shit, but many of his previous decisions and stances are questionable. He wanted assad gone and has had dealing with various corrupt elements in the US

Benny needs to illustrate this imagery.

Consider suicide.

Consider taking Trump's dick out of your mouth.

He's aware.

Bad goy

The question is if he has no problem with it.

People who use the term "apatheria state" like its a bad thing are bad news

Overwhelmingly no. Not even by "southern Italy is White" standards.

Despite the cold and lack of sunlight, it still manages to be infested by darkish Arab-tier monkeys and also leak them to neighboring countries. I live in a country with a lot of these "people" coming in as foreigners.

Trash like you have diluted this board to 4chan levels. Your basic-bitch conservatism was never welcome here. You have reddit, you have your faggy neo-con forums and yet you insist upon doing the kike's work for free by destroying this place.

Consider not putting your own jewish fetishes into every insult

Okay, fam.

It's colloquial.


They dont know any better. They think this was always pol and they cant debate so they bring a basic bitch mentallity of "im telling MODS!!" And accusing everyone of being a shill. They dont even know what shilling looking like.

Everything i dont like is

Come on now fam…

Oh you're right, it's baby dicks

I smell projection, you were the one talking about Holla Forums like you weren't part of it as far as I remember, shut up kike


To be fair, this sounds like he's of the he's of the "there is no place for ethnically pure states" Wesley Clarke school of thought.
At least it wasn't directed at Europe in this case.

Thats not what he was doing or why he was doing it and you know it

Hitler dubs checked.

Plus, normies see apartheid as bad and don't want to associate themselves with it. Lack of support for Israel will push for Israel to get on board or finally get disciplined for fighting out of their weight class.

You havent countered his arguments you have just flung insults. Why is he wrong?


If you're not telling normalfags that Israel is an apartheid state and watching them squirm, then you're doing it wrong.

That could be it, too. The man has commanded troops of all colors so I doubt he's a racial realist. There is still some sort of meritocracy left in the armed forces though it's been attacked by marxist fags.

Trump is already making America great again.

Praise Kek.


the only rope he deserves is on his hand and around your neck, you absolute fucking faggot.

I honestly dont care im from the dirty racist mostly white part of this country and everyone I associate with says nigger spic and gook. But if I did I wouldnt try and make my ideals seem bad by saying its bad people I dislike are doing things I wish I could

Isn't there a massive racial discrepency in the military when you look at who the front-line infantry actually are? From what I understand the fighters are nearly all white men, while the niggers are all cooks, mechanics, pencil pushers, etc.

Apartheid is a shitty system to begin with that will eventually lead to problems. Do the hard right thing and keep your society free from all possible outside conflict.

If the Israeli's were smart they'd kill them all or kick them all the fuck out of the land and be done with it. This slow process is whats killed them with the left in the West. It just turned them into a permanent never-ending target. Good for us though on the right.


Do you know how crippled the DoD in the last eight years?

Just look at our current SecDef Ash Carter.

Kill yourself seriously.


Infantry is practically all White and Latino. Nigs are skaters everywhere they go but what can one really expect from a people that accepted slavery as a lifestyle?

It's very simple, he's imagining that we're all basic bitch conservatives. Which is simply not true and just ad hominem, you tell me, why would I reply to an insult with serious arguments? He's talking about Holla Forums like 1. he isn't part of it and 2. he's above us, which makes him a cunt and you one for defending him because I insulted him when he just did the same

Not really. There are certain racial undertones in lower enlisted but if an officer ever thought the word nigger they would be out. Higher ranking officers are basically politicans


The few blacks I've seen in combat arms are fucking legit.

I dont care anymore. Wake me up when i can start calling americans retards for becoming cheerleaders and wet in their pussy for a retard.

USA!USA!USA! Believe in your media americans, that is what makes you great.

This thread got shilled to high heaven and if youre one of those who are not 100% crystal on who's a shill or who isn't you don't know shit and are part of the problem.

Sorry for the negativity but im tired. All people want to do is meme, no one wants to learn.

Trump Spox:
No decision made yet on Sec of Def.

True. Seeing non-Whites or Latinos is pretty damn rare and they are definitely outliers.

I meant about mattis. But for the most part he is at least I feel not wrong about the quality of this board. We use to be sharp we use to be witty and we would blow lefty pol the fuck out routinely. Since the split though we have been drifting closer and closer towards a hugbox where opposing opinions are banned for no other reason then they are opposing opinions. This should be a board of discussion


They really are not. The nigs I deployed with were cowardly and retarded we made the one throw a grenade to pop his cherry and he pissed his pants.

All these fucking shills. Trump said he would hire the meanest, nastiest people who you wouldn't want to have dinner with. Do you think those people would have any moral hangups about working for Goldman Sachs or Theranos? Please.

true, though Israel's apartheid needs to be supported out of principle, the principle being that the superior must rule over the inferior. same for nationalism. if you're going to attack jews for being jews, then attack them for being jews. if you attack jews (many of whom are virtually indistinguishable from white people, one of the reasons they're such a problem) for having their own state and wanting to maintain the integrity of that state, you implicitly attack every white and white-ish nation for having its own state and wanting to maintain the integrity of that state

Trump in particular seems to be aligned with Orthodox-affiliated nationalist jews with ties to Israel in order to drive a stake through the heart, but it's early days yet

Underrated post

stake through the heart of international jewry

The few I knew were NCOs who had been around the block.

Lets say it like this, I'm not too fond of the kike of treasury myself and consider it a mistake on Trump's part. Mattis isn't the optimal 14/88 candidate either but atleast he's competent, compared to the current Secdef he's miles better. he has actual experience and can wager if and objective is actually possible in reality. His job is managing the armed forces, his opinions on some issues don't matter. He has to listen to what Trump says, and if Trump says no war against assad, Mattis has to comply. Otherwise the military might actually become competent again, which is the more important part.

No I'm calling you and the other pea-brained redditors basic-bitch conservatives because I love this board and I can't stand to see it diluted out of existence.

Before the election it made sense to avoid criticizing Trump. But at this point, there is no reason to do so unless you want to dilute Holla Forums. This is the latest shill method to destroy this board. They want to de-radicalize Holla Forums and bring it more in line with Fox News-tier "conservatism". And thanks to uncritical half-wits like you, they are succeeding.


Be aware of subtle narrative pushing, lurkers. You might miss it.

Jesus Christ, why those women are smiling like they're posing for an instagram picture? They don't even have a adequate stance their jobs demand.

I would agree. Mattis is likely the most competent guy for the job. The main fear I have is that trump is going to surround himself with so many of these guys from the old establishment though that they will talk him into the shit they wanted. Like overthrowing assad

So who would be better than Mattis?

Germany's was minister of family affairs before and has absolutely NO qualifications for her current job.

That's not really the point of the post, so why reach for that?

Europe and their pet refugee children's are in for a real good time!

And that's pretty close. Just gotta think a bit south of Syria.

I see it as more steps in the right direction.

This guy is just retarded. Military service is in combat arms branch is red pilling as fuck on racial issues especially as an officer. During Obama you had Congressionally dictated legal bullshit that gets in the way. Just look at the current Sec Def whose biggest accomplishment was being a faggot and legislative bitch.

Mattis is a strong pick. He's not gonna allow for America to turn for ethno-state but he will kill all the pet gender equality projects in the military.

I'm thinking the same, but I don't expect Trump to be the kind of guy to get swayed but the opinion of others, he's a boss type of guy and want's to manage everything the way he wants it. If it wasn't like this Trump's company wouldn't be what it is today

I don't give a fuck what the shills say I like this pick. Mattis is who I wanted as VP and this is even better in some ways.

This is called a shill newfags. Observe it. Notice how it tries to subtlety paint the general population of 8ch in a negative light?

Anytime you see this you are encountering a shill, likely of the JIDF variety. When you challenge such a shill they will respond by accusing you of every negative thing they can think of. They will attack you masculinity.

But don't worry about them shitting on our board. Remind them that once we undermine the support for overseas intervention a swarm of Mudslimes will overrun Israel, breed with their women, and wipe their genetic blood line off the face of the earth.

dude the revolving-door thing is pervasive. ur gonna need more evidence of direct-ties to the actual scam than that. for all you know he got scammed too thinking whatever the fuck they were doing was legit (or no bigger of a scam than anything else)

Except the country never does anything but get muddier and the military helps it along. Doesn't seem too red pilled. I'm sure they're always up for another war on behalf of Israel, though. Just following orders.
Nothing else matters.

You were implying that Trump was making a mistake by picking Mattis over a race realist. Might be just semantics, but that's what it looks like.

No, that wasn't the point I was making. I was directly commenting on the user who was quoted and the narrative shift that keeps being attempted on this board over and over and over. It's already been summed up quite well in this thread by this guy

post yfw Mad Dog Mattis helps America become full Imperial Nationalist

How did you even find your way here?

You already know whats been praised


He seemsto be one of those "Bomb those serbs to hell" kind of guy.


ITT: Newfags who are unaware that we shilled non-stop for Mattis last year.

Stay mad CTR

Ok, I see. It's a good idea to keep the board ideologically pure, but consider that Trump had 3 weeks to build a team and so far he did exactly what he said. He never said he won't pick jews, and he never said he won't pick cuckservatives. He said he's going to pick competent killers. That's what he's doing.

I don't think he really cares who the enemy is, he just wants to kill.

By "we" you mean a subset of Trump shills. Mattis was routinely shit on when his name came up.

It's weird seeing CTR go past (1)

meh, not really to be honest

I can't wait to see all the salt that will flow from this pick.

Once again the problem stems from Congress. General appointments/promotions come from Congress. To get those appointments those officers have to suck dick of legislatures to get those votes. Once you cut the Jew from Congress the military can be unshackled. This Nations tradition is as a military that serves the people. It's not like Prussia where the Army owns the country.

Hey, don't get mad about another war. Thats business for us. We get more funding, new toys, better pay and killing mudslimes on deployments is fun.

an Ethno-state isn't gonna happen over night cool your tits.

Fuck off

Why and in what way?

No, it's not a "good idea". It's a necessary imperative.
No. You had your fun, you got him elected, you got to pretend all the posters here were organic [despite the noticeable down tick in traffic and awful, redundant threads filtering through the catalog], but you can feel free to make excuses for the kikes and neo-cons at the Fox News forums.

Looks like Mattis joined the thread with how bad e49e31 is being BTFO

It's all been covered in this thread already as none of his issues are new. Try reading it before jumping in at the end with a worn out meme pic.


So you didn't vote for Trump?

Where? Google image search isn't giving me results.

Where did you migrate from and how soon can you go back?

Take a deep hit of Zyklon B and rethink your entire political stance.

i have no idea but I bet 5 dollarydoos it's cucknadia

Why would I vote for a zionist?

The only things shown is someone claiming he's a ZOGbot and the post showing that he isn't I've only seen rhetoric with no evidence of this shitting on him bit. A second "lol just reed" will be too obvious also.

Is this a new shill tactic?

The worst criticism I've seen is he doesn't drive around in a Panzer shooting zyklon-b shells.

If you wanted a good pick SecDef Mattis was it.

That's why no one voted for you.

Probably one of the worst posts I've ever read on this board.

lmao, you better get your sorry ass outta here you fucking shill


In that article he's criticizing Israel for not being multicultural enough. You also seem to have completely missed the millions of dollars he helped scam the nation out of with the phony blood testing company he was involved in. I'm sure you just "missed it".


Post more Mattis quotes.

Does he think this is twitter or something? Does he need a safe space?

Every single pick that Trump makes they're going to try to shill about how horrible it is. If Hitler was alive today Trump could choose him as Secretary of State and they'd complain that he's too friendly to minorities.

I expected you to be mad about that kek

He's not talking about Israel there. He's talking about Gulf states. And I'm not really sure why refusing to vote for a zionist would rustle anyone's jimmies on this board – unless of course, they just dropped by 'round election season and decided to stay.

oh no pls anything but that. Not just me that's seen the rise of faggots who are announcing filters?

That's what happens when CTR shills arrive. They too get addicted to the anime boards such as we do. Only problem is it takes longer for them to get redpilled.

Well, that's the glass half full way to look at it, right? He's selectively targeting Israel for multiculturalism and only Israel, because he's hip to the jews and wants to get rid of them. Certainly no possibility that it's a Wesley Clark 2.0 half empty situation.

I'm not seeing a rise in it now, the increase happened several months ago or at least that's when I noticed it.

Riiight because you can name the Saudis no problem but the gulf states are a no go, you already confirmed you're a fucking kike in your last post, get the fuck out schlomo

See. Here you show that you can't spot a shill when you see one. i managed to look sideways at this thread and realize that EMPIRE is what the trumpkikes are shilling for now. They want you to think killing innocent Iranians and increasing the refugeestream is cool because Trump is a Man and you are a Wet Vagina Follower Boy.

Do you understand now? He's not "new"; he's a shill and the only way we can stop these degenerate i-sleep-bad-at-night-or-i-dont-because-im-a-soulless-jew "people" are gaining knowledge; basically knowing our shit. That is the only way and it is only won the hard way.

He doesn't have millions of dollars in real estate dealings in Saudi Arabia. He goes in the Gulf states and he specifically says that's the reason why he isn't naming the countries.

I really didn't know anything about the company or the CEO until I just looked this up. Really don't care except jesus h christ that bitch is fuckable. Blond hair blue eyes not fat and worth about 4 billion. FAP FAP FAP FAP

Oh please
Time to go to sleep schlomo

>literally everything Trump does, no matter what it is, makes >>>Holla Forums so asshurt that they come here to concern troll and demoralize

I've got a better board than Holla Forums for you shills, swing on by the >>>/bog/

You can be both imperialistic and nationalistic you just have to kill everyone in the areas that you conquer. Obviously Trump's not going to do that though, nor is he an imperialist.

I think you've got a real point here. That's exactly what's going on.

He'll be sleeping forever soon…

ok lad

where were you when a space marine became SoD?

And how would that happen nigger? It's not like the refugees flow naturally into Europe.

no one believes you (and if you do, please leave, because you don't understand shit and perhaps should educate yourself with a bit of Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion for example)

I don't remember him specifically saying that? Also claiming he's a zionist after all the kikes got collectively asshurt about him this whole makes me question that.
Also, you already lost all your credibility after this sentence:
So stop trying

shoo shoo goon

This is the correct attitude.

How about you take your "increased refugeestream" and push it up your ass?

Filtered for jew-posting.

Yeah I seem to remember trump was suppose to be a stepping stone, but everyone now talks about how this is all we want or need

Canadian yeah?
At least yours is an actual combat veteran sikh, 1000 times better than inexperienced women fresh out of Marxist university.

I think youve both deserved the soggiest-bottom-knees-jew-shill award to share inbetween your fannies.


There is no "we"

Cmon leftypol go buy some cream for your asshurt. It's been 25 days maybe you guys should take a breather.

He says it at around 36, 37 seconds into the video clip provided. "I'm not going to say it because I have a lot of relationships with people." Trump has real estate interests in the Gulf states and Israel. The countries in the region we most obviously protect militarily are the Gulf states, where we have large military bases and routinely station carriers in the area. I don't think we have more than a few thousand soldiers in Israel and I don't even know if it's permanent. Yes, we technically protect Israel because our government is full of kikes and protestants, but the Gulf states are under permanent, active, and very visible military protection.
No, you'd like to try and push that narrative, but it's already been covered twice in this thread.

At least you tried

lol there's more shills in this thread than real people.

ok. go suck your emperors dick. remember to listen to what the talking heads on tv says and never, ever do anything that's not been inside of the realm of possibility on your realitybox.



Well, I wasn't sure how else to phrase to emphasize the lack of active occupation or the massive bases being hosted on the territory.

I think they are smart enough now to realize a lot of people are just going to do think opposite of what the elites say. Who knows if this is the case here but I would take this into consideration for every recent public statement

nice lingo, chaim. The JIDF issue new handbooks for fitting in with the "alt-right"?

So you went with technically…

shoo shoo

I see you don't want to adress the point that kikes pulled all their funding out of the GOP, got extremely mad at Trump, especially for the motto "America First", and wanting to reduce foreign aid. And their gigantic collective asshurt about him. Why would they do that if he was just another zionist?
But fucking ISRAEL isn't? Holy shit are you even trying anymore?

more war is what this world needs, the only problem is that the jews will take advantage with war and would future their own goal faster. Any one that doest want a GREAT AMERICA to control the earth is literally a cuck that likes to see himself weaker than other men. war have done alot of very great things, we would not have been here if it wasent for all the wars. of course war with a powerhouse like russia will be a bad thing. as i said we need a great america so we wont fight wars for the the kikes and instead fight for the glory of the United States of America

Errr….to be fair he has said he dislikes iran and that he intends to keep israeli safe

Fuck you. Theyre a million times more innocent than the american ZOG empire that is the cause of all the worlds ills right now. You can go USA!USA!USA! now, just know that all the world hates you and its not because "youre great". It's because youre a dumb kid with big weapons and a weasel of a snake that is your best friend.

Because the msm loves Trump right?

SJWs always project.

You are everything antinationalism and everything trump voters voted against, you should return to reddit

I remember when trump was the anti war candidate that was going to leave Germany. Now we should invade Iran and the US should occupy the whole world

You smell like Iranian

I'd give her the D 49 times.


nigger you forgot the best edit

Hmm.. but kikes in Israel and those who are most fanatical about Israel were either very supportive of Trump or fairly neutral.
I'd imagine it has more to do with the conversations that disparate groups of Trump backers are having outside of the media set boundaries that worries them more than Trump. He certainly did get lots and lots of free media time and wall to coverage, being built up into this mythical anti-hero figure. Ron Paul was just blacked out entirely.



And who said that exactly?

Iran might be against the Jews but that doesn't change the fact that they're shitskin anti-white Muslims who's government gives out free sex change operations.

You seem flustered


He played the media as a strategy you dumb motherfucker.


Straight from the Wikipedia article.



This guy

Whatever nigger

How could I have been so blind to your well crafted rational arguement. You've opened my eyes.

So they are the US goverment

The salt is real



t. Iranian transsexual

Oh and by the way, if Trump doesn't go full natsoc economically, there's no defeating the jew. Just so we're clear on the reality of the situation.

But remember that Obama didn't go full tranny bathrooms until his second term.

And who the fuck cares what a single user says while he's shitposting on a taiwanese origami board?

Kek, you got triggered hard.

The United States, the country most of us live in, is a shitskin anti-White government that is at least trying to get sex change operations covered by medicaid or whatever. I don't know if they've succeeded. You can pay for one out of pocket, in any event.

The beef with Iran is they sided with the Axis and they nationalized their oil. The Brits, the Soviets, the Americans – it's like the who's who of kike puppets invading Iran. They made a big mistake actually trying to combat Afghan heroin traffickers slithering through their territory. Uncle Sambo can't have that.


Yeah that's exactly what it looks like


Is this some new form of post-ironic granny posting? It's fucking hilarious

No, just stating the truth. There's no nationalism while your money supply is based on the relationships built by the international jewry.

Literally Hitler, oy gevalt it's like anudda shoah = supportive or neutral.

apparently you

So an Iranian has to tell us what to do now?

People lack basic logic skills if they think Trump will want war with Iran. Both Syria and Russia are allied with Iran. If Trump had aspirations of war with Iran he would seek regime change in Syria because it would take out a key ally of Iran.

The fact that Trump is willing to work with Assad and Putin in regards to ISIS is proof that deals can be made with the Iranians as well. Trump wants Iran to respect America, and he needs to carry a big stick to do so. Mattis represents the big stick, respect America or we will fuck you up. However, behind the scenes Trump will try to leverage Syria and Russia to have Iran settle down their nuclear weapons program.

Anyone who reads this email and considers Trump a "zogbot" lacks critical thinking skills. Why would Trump forgo regime change in Syria if he is a zogbot? Especially if this regime change is considered the best response to Iran's nuclear program? Do you honestly think Trump wants to avoid regime change in Syria, so he could attempt a more costly and expensive regime change in Iran?

I saw your post, thank you.

Holy shit, I just noticed "Bel-Air" at the niggercar's side.

Nutty-yahoo seemed pretty okay with him. Ditto for Adelson. And, of course, sonny boy Jared. I'll admit I don't know how his dad Chuck felt about it, but that whole ordeal got Christie ruled out of the veep slot anyway.

You're saying it like it's a major consensus, or Trump announced it, while a single user said it ITT, and you base your whole view of it on him. Yeah right



Israeli newspaper. You think it operates counter to the ZOG central's plans?


I like you, you're a funny guy.




Nah but seriously Iran has the second most trannies in the goddamn world.

This is genuinely one of the funniest things I've ever read, thanks.

Calm your titties user, I know it's hard to accept that you'll never be white but you don't have to get your jimmies rustled this badly

I don't know why but this board is making me laugh a lot today.



I've never had a good chance to bring this up but it's happened during this thread so here goes. Have others noticed when shills reference past threads they've shilled and act like their opinion is the conclusion from that thread?

That program really is a 12D chess move.


Get out


Creating a fictional popular opinion, or discarding/ignoring previous conclusions entirely, is one of the many shill and kikes tactics, so yes.

t. Cyrus Pahlavi

Shush user, it's okay. You've said enough today

What did Kek mean by this?

He accepts praise from everyone, even if he has to destroy them in the end

sum up those digits

You must not be American. Not wanting earth to be under a great American emprire.

wanting to have his country being greater than any other is antinationalism? You are literally being a cuck for not wanting to make your country greater than any others through force. no wonder eruope is as fucked as it is with your mentality.

empires are inherently anti nationalist and I am an American im sorry you have such a small intellect

tHose digits though, vEry persuasive, maybe you hAve a poinT.

you most truly be a scared little cuck.

being on here and talking like Hitler was never a nationalist.

you must be from leftypol. these new types of shills like to post alot more than just a few times.

The EU is doomed. Either the flames of nationalism will catch and it will break apart, or it will be overrun by muslims and break apart. Might be a mix of both, though I'd hope it leans towards the former.

The announcement has been removed off of Drudge, From what I understand, people got this info from a Washington Post tweet. Drudge usually only removes stuff off of his site that was red texted when it turns out to be untrue.

So wtf is going on? Is Mattis in or not?

Still part of the Middle East. Guy reminds me a lot of Patton. And Patton woke up in the end.

I think you'd have to be categorically insane to want to be ruled by a militant judeo-nigger economic parasite rapidly closing in on South Africa-tier demographics.

You’re mentally ill. Get help now.

The US flag’s design is spectacular. It meets all the nationalistic requirements of a flag (one of which being that it’s simple enough for a child to draw), but I guess it’s alternate flag posting time.



They are, though. An empire is by definition a collection of nations stuffed into a governing entity.

It's true though. They are a mosaic of countries working together under the thrall of an Emperor or Empress.
From the Persian Empire, to the Roman Empire, through the Ottoman, Mongolian, and European empires, they have all had this trait.

Forgot to add, I wanted to say they are inherently multinational and thus multicultural.
This is why nations that had control of Empires for long periods of time are all multicultural and multi-ethnic, except the Mongolian Empire since they never seemed to retain tight central control, and nobody wants to live in Mongolia.

That's mostly true of Mongolia proper as it exists today, but much of the areas the Mongol Empire controlled are extremely multi-ethnic.

Yeah, I just meant it is the only example where the central nation of the Empire is not.

Is Mattis confirmed as SecDef or is it still a fake news rumor?

then there is all the empires of europe where they counquerd alot of shitskins and only now are falling because of the kikes. there is empires that are good and bad. even thought the Roman empire supposed to be one of the greatest it was still flawed in its own ways. with good leadership we could easily learn from those mistakes and not have such mistakes again.

Nazi Germany could be considerd an Empire and it would have done fucking great if they won the war

Or perhaps I should use a different name than central.
The nation that spawned the Empire.

As Hitler advanced his Emperial aims, more and more workers were being flooded into Germany from occupied countries.
They didn't have equal rights, but they were very there were many cases of them getting knocked up by local Germans, and I'd bet they would have become citizens given enough time (not during the war when they couldn't be trusted).

Actually, what I've started doing is using Israel as a bludgeon to induce cognitive dissonance. When someone complains about the wall, or not taking in refugees, or banning muslims, you can say, "Well, it works for Israel," or some variation thereof. Nine times out of ten, you'll get some umming and erring as they try to decide between ETHNO-NATIONALISM BAD and MUH GREATEST ALLY before they concede the point or change the subject.

Another characteristic of empires is the concentration of wealth both into the major governing sectors or cities and the flow of wealth away from the people and towards the strategic periphery.

You saw this with the Ottomans and the Soviets most clearly. The same is happening here in the US with the explosion of wealth in New York, DC, Seattle, etc. and the elevated status of cancerous outsiders like Taiwanese and Koreans because the empire requires it.

Is that like one of those globalist nationalists?

Fucking moron.

The colonial model has basically killed Europe. Hitler accurately laid this out in Mein Kampf.


Then we need a better goddamn word. The concept of ‘imperialism’ has been taken over by the fucking kikes and retasked to mean “HURR ETHNIC DISPLACEMENT HURR”, so we need to start using the actual word for that and our revanchism.

I wonder if Holla Forums would settle for Hitler style yiddish deportations and labor camps? Or does it have to be a Hollywood style final solution holocaust with full gas chambers and incinerators (Dr. Mengele medical experiments optional)?

No. Hitler did 10 things wrong. The most important of which was not killing all kikes he could find. We would not settle for anything.

After what's transpired in the aftermath of World War II, nothing short of the complete and total eradication of every last jew on the face of the earth is acceptable. They are a permanent, intractable enemy beyond any redemption who hold no value and offer only further threat.

There will always be that couple of people. as you can see with hilter he killed alot of jews so such a problem wouldnt be a problem as they where so little of them to actually be a problem.

Dont spout bullshit when you cant think futher than just this.
funny how you wont talk about any empire that didnt get destroyed and had a lasting empire and how it worked for them other than a couple of bad ones. just looking at how europe was up 50 years ago shows you how great fucking empires was.

top kek

I think I speak for all of Holla Forums when I say we won't settle for anything less than masturbation machines and nazi dogs that bite off genitals



what about the lolocauster?

Turn their weapons against them. The only incriminating evidence against him this far is his past anti-Assad statements.
Maybe you're thinking of 70 plus years ago?
Never the less, the end fate is the same, and so it is for all empires.
You think Europe is unique because they didn't start out multiethnic and multicultural?
But they all sure as hell ended up that way.


Get out.


With Nipponese lollies running them.

You seem to have forgotten that a countries like England counquerd most of the world and didnt truly get shitkins into their country before around 70 years ago. how was the problem with having an empire the cause of that?

keyakizaka is based
get keen for Youjo Senki

1955 was when the first immigration wave hit Britain
before then it was a 99% white nation
the better part of 55 years later and its now at 87% white


Also checked.

Empires are multinational organizations. To get all countries to play along, you have to do what is best for the Empire, the group of nations, not any single nation.
If you fail to do this and only favor one nation without giving a shit about the others, you will get rebellion ad infintum until you have been over thrown, the other nations securing their freedom from the Empire, or their being destroyed by the favored (almost always the spawning nation of the empire) nation.
In all cases the Empire goes away. In the latter place, the spawn nation just takes over the land and it becomes part of the nation, although if it detached enough from the spawning nation, it may become an a separate nation (and hence an Empire exists again) which may result in rebellion.
An example of the latter case is the US. They didn't form an Empire by subjugating the native tribes, they drove them out whenever conflict occured and took over the land.
This wasn't the formation of an Empire, but of a large nation.
You seem to think that Empire = Nation or something strange like that. I'm guessing you are quite young.


he wasn't in the marines, was he?…

Don't be a degenerate.

You do realize that acceleration is survivable until at least 40g, right, and that fighter pilots can remain conscious at 9g for minutes if its on short bursts of some seconds. I really doubt that shit would be legal until it ended up in a concrete wall or a lava pit.

You dont seem to understand that there will always be rebellions and those are crushed by millitary force. the people that control the millitary controls the nation/empire. The problem with crushing such a rebellion is when another group of people tries to support that rebellion. such a thing is corruption or an enemy nation. an enemy nation wouldnt be a problem if your nation or empire is greater than theirs. with being greater you have more resources therefor being able to support your "loyal" people more.

Empires are like monarchy. the "king" controls the most territory and therefor controls the biggest army. You seems to be quite young as you cant understand this. oh wait this is a guy probably from leftypol

in the end it comes down to leadership. leadership is what controls the people. bad leadership=bad nation/empire.

tell me where england being an empire caused the muslims to come into the England 70 years ago?

The Nazi allegedly built one that throws the riders into an oven at the end.
Not sure if it has been debunked though.

No. We don't have to support anything out of principle.

No empire in history has functioned this way.

This. Albanians make niggers look civilized.



You're living in a dream. Empires are inherently multicultural because they are inherently multinational. Muslims have been living in Britain throughout its Imperial era.
The mass immigration doesn't happen all at once, and was slower back then because travel was much slower and more expensive.
Now it is cheap, hence the flood comes.

No telling!!! :^)

This. Israel is a foreign country. Their interests are not necessarily our interests, their values are not our values.

Besides, if you support Israel on principle, there's really no reason not to also support Palestine.


Well, it might be tad humiliating but at least his religion is kebab removal, literally. Probably by far better than the best expectations you could have from Trudeau.

Don't let this leave this imageboard!

consider the engineering nightmare it is and the waste of time and resources it would mean vs a gas chamber or a firing squad

Does it need to be debunked, or can it just be laughed at? How the fuck would you hide a fucking death rollercoaster if it existed?

You must be the one living in a dream. the reason for the muslim immegration in eruope today is because leaders are corrupt and the people let it happen. you dont seem to even realise such a thing? you dont seem to think that the kikes are not behind the mass immegration into europe. you most be from reddit or leftypol?

Yeah nah fuck off


He and Trump actually look nothing alike.

No, I'd rather live in a Nation and be a nationalist, and not an Empire and being an Imperialist who does what is best for his Empire instead of what is best for his Nation.
Imperialists are proto-globalists.

i feel fucking stupid to be even "debating" this guy. but this was too good of a topic for me to not tell other anons that didnt know about Empires and such things to not taking the bait.

The US has the demographics of Brazil in its youth category. No, I dont want this country ruling the world you fucking cuck.

Is it common for Italian women to look like trannies? The woman from Norway also looks like a tranny.

I responded to the wrong dude we are in argrement. Empires are shit and that dude is a faggot. If you wanted the empire canadate you should have voted Hilary

It already is. It's called globalism. It's just rebranded American Imperialism, and it is the reason every western nation (including America, because Empires are bad for the spawning nations too) is getting the multicultural/multiethnic experience.
Suggesting that it could be otherwise is denying the nature of what an Empire fucking is.

except China
but then they knew to slowly genocide their conquered peoples over the course of a few centuries instead of breeding them en masse to use as foot soldiers in expansionist wars like Rome

well this should show that you are a shill too my friend. not only are your so called arguments shit, you also agree with a shill that are saying that the kikes are not behind the mass immegration into western world. dont be so obvious next time

But it isn't though. The Sikhs and the Muds get along very, very well from what I've seen and heard. They even share language and ethnicity.

what? Empires are multicultural with or without jews. The nature of and american empire would to do all of the things we want trump not to do. Continue to occupy Germany Overthrow assad provoke a war with Russia

China never had a global empire, nor any relevant recent empires that spanned far enough, or exerted enough influence to draw in peoples significantly ethnically different from them.

Sikhs hate Muds
you know how Christians should hate kikes for killing Christ?
Sikhs hate Muds because muds boiled their guru alive or some shit
the entire reason Sikhs carry knives is because their final guru told them they must always be armed to protect themselves and others from muds

the tocharians and the western Xia were a bit ethnically different from the Han chinese
the Chinese dynasties really tried to completely annihilate them as a racial group in their land

The more I speak to many american "patriots" the more I realize they are not even really nationalists many of them. Many are just american imperialists who wish to see their empire continue to expand at the cost of western civilization. Most of them are petty tyrants driven not by a love of nation and country but by a lust for further destruction and conquest. The american empire is the thing most people in the nationalist world are resisting from Russia to Germany Syria and Iran but these dumb cunts cant even fathom that some people dont want to be their slave or live in the Brazilian mixed race shithole that is the US.

the world is not under American rule. it under the kikes rule. they control America and the world, therefor under a kike empire.
your argument are still shit. the british nationalism was at an all time high for people in england because of the British Empire.

we are living in an American empire the entire point of Trump and other nationalists was to stop that to save the nation

Even if they run it you apparently want if fuckface

That shit really doesn't matter. Only the White Man can be devoted to a religion, following what the originators did. Sikhs are Punjabi, and so are the vast majority of Pakis. Even they realize that brother wars are pointless.

report and filther these shills.




The US is not on the side of the west or the white race

it was supposed to be the last thing i said but you had to say something retarded like
that again

Since when, exactly?


If you do that, you get nothing but trouble or immigration or … annihilation, in which case you take over the land and it is no longer an Empire, but a NATION, just like I explained in my previous post.
The British Empire is what gave the British their internationalist spirit, loving other cultures (and importing them) and fighting in foreign wars that led to huge losses for them eventually in WWI and to a lesser extent in WWII.
The British Empire, like the American Empire, was also thoroughly Jewish, especially after they allied with the Rothschild in order to defeat Napoleon, who the jews were also allied with but chose to betray in what I suspect was an opportunistic act.

I'm more interested in helping our allies become self-determined, nationalist countries themselves. The United States can exist and be prosperous in such a situation. Let other countries stand or fall based on the ability of their own people to defend their land. If they cannot, then they do not deserve to live there. Protecting other countries just leads to its people becoming pathetic cucks who will be taken over in the most humiliating ways.

well leftypol fun fucking around with you but i got to take a fucking shit. good thing you will hang in the coming days

since it actively began destroying western nations and its demographics changed to match Brazil.

he said illegal and the US is very much anti white

you're not british are you?
we didnt use the Empire to import foreign cultures we used it to export our own
its why you'll find old black and white photos of niggers and pajeets wearing big stuffy victorian suits and top hhats, attending protestant churches and playing croquet or badminton in their back yards while their wives wear 5 layers of petticoats sipping tea and lemonade
we didnt like the natives cultures to the point where the Empire took an active effort to Anglicize every foreigner they came into contact with just like the Romans did

when exactly was that?

right now

Sorry Schlomo, I know you spent a lot of shekels training them and shipping them to Syria, but they'll be dead soon, and soon you'll follow.


That is what we called "shilling" in those threads, faggot.

Go be an outsider elsewhere

He wants a war with Syria and Iran

get the fuck off this board you nigger cuck

You're either very dumb, or very jew.

Hey there CTR. How did you manage to make (28) posts without restarting your rooter?

Exactly, creating blended multicultural and multiethnic nations, just like the Romans did, and becoming home to the people from those different nations just like Rome did.
If you think the immigration and cultural importaion was one way, you are delusional, or make exceptions for things you think are good like tea and tobacco.
I also find it unsurprisingly British that you only care about culture.
I bet if those Anglicized Indians became the overwhelming majority in Britain you would be quite happy.


Good thing he has to do what Donald "No more nation building and regime change" Trump tells him then ;^)


Every Paki or Indian I know from school absolutely loves cricket.

Mein gott man. You sound like a commie fuck

argue all you like but you'll never get ideologically pure. Fuck the D&C JIDF fucks but let people form a real opinion.

Competition breeds success. That includes ideas.

Sound like a fucking bleeding vagina…muh consensus

sod off git
the foreign population in Britain before WW2 was miniscule it was only after we won the war and lost the future that the brown hordes started flooding in
most of the asian populations in Britain prior WW2 were representatives of foreign business, ambassadors, servants from the colonies some rich twats brought home with them like a colonial officer not wanting to part from his loyal unto death Gurkha butler or the sons and daughters of asian lords, kings or politicians

yeah culturally conquering them
before the independence movements and WW1 the idea was to get them to adopt British culture, phase out the usage of their native language and convert them to Christianity
all in an attempt to properly 'civilize' them

We already have a blueprint that works. All you're trying to do with this attitude is move it away from that and towards anglo-zionist sympathies that have fucking destroyed our civilization.

Trump has always come across as more of a nationalist than an imperialist, and Mattis does seem to have a useful set of skills.
Hopefully he isn't some hardcore imperialist who influences Trump to much (there is no denying that Trump is somewhat too easily influenced).
Usually military guys do what they are commanded so I'm not too worried about his pick.
The Munchkin pick worries me more but lets wait until Trump has been in office for a few months before judging too harshly.


At least the us has an uncucked defence secretary now.

Daily reminder empires are bad, and so is colonialism (which is somewhat similar to empires).
Stick to the simple idea of "You go make your country great again in Mexico! Shoo!"

Assad should have been taken out properly.
Using rebels and isis was a mistake.

Issue is - will the us interests conflict with russia. If they can join the conflict would stop quickly and syrian refugees may be able to finally return.

I was one of the first to leave half chan. The board got weaker every time some new wave of faggots thought that they had the correct way to run things in an ideologically pure way.

Your first mistake is believing that you're different.

Baathists dont cause trouble for anyone but israel, the rothschilds and the UN

Oh vey its anotha Patton

He needs to assure a bent knee.

That's like training sith to fight for you.
They look to betray constantly.

And the gulf states.

Trump literally called him another Patton tonight.

Syrian friend says the rumours about him being a tyrant is true.
But he also says the rebels and isis are no better.
He's assyrian if i remember correctly. He says too many shitheads from rough areas of syria run the joint. The remaining white people are trapped.

Of course he's a tyrant. Those sand savages need a tyrant to keep them in line, the idea of western democracy for a people who never conceived of it for themselves is absurd. Assad is necessary evil.

Any Holla Forumsacks with fake sjw or jew accounts should start kvetching about this and how antisemitic Patton was.
Hopefully it will catch on.

yeah but they're mostly muslims
muslims cant into democracy they only understand dictatorships/kingdoms

but there's no evil Germany to invade and crush for the third time in the last 100 years. what, is he going to steam US ships right up into the South China Sea and land on Chinese beaches? fat chance.

I forgot to add 'Twitter' before the word 'accounts'.

I'm not so sure about that man.

Who the fuck is 'Syrian friend'? Every single claim about 'war crimes' has been debunked with actual evidence, while the (((moderate rebels))) can't seem to do more than gas the citizens under their watch and then blame Russia.

Why shouldn't I immediately assume you're a fucking shill trying to use Holla Forums's support of Trump as a tool for subverting it's core values and beliefs?

You are faping on the jewess, user…

yeah, because the democracy has worked out sooo well…

Why you even bothered replying to such an obvious outsider is a mystery to me.

Well Hitler and Trump were democratically elected.

Pretty much all the best leaders from the 1800's to the modern day were elected.

not a fan of democracy
im saying overthrowing these baathist dictators like Gadaffi, Saddam, Mubarak and Assad and trying to replace them democracy is a really bad idea

Not at all.

top judaism

He's too evil user. That's the point. They literally destroyed villages for children.

A person who i do my degree with that wants to take things to international courts .. though like me, we're beginning to understand that that will not be enough.
I might get in contact again and try to note what he knows and what can be done.

He said the soldiers literally purge the poor in areas in order to control areas for oil (possibly to feed their own pedo ring)

Is this a face merge with Dana Sculley from the X-Files, or did this wench actually have a soul at one point?

You mean the kind of "children" they sent to Europe?

Well no shit, it was multi-ethnic from the get-go.

He's just a hired gun, and he's got a lotta loyalty for a hired gun, he was against Assad when he was taking orders from King Nigger, he's taking orders from Trump now.

No user, he's not evil enough. This is evidenced by his relative failure to maintain order. Whatever brutality is necessary to maintain order in Syria is justified.

You misspelled "Israel", Schlomo.

Who fucking cares? They aren't our villages, they aren't our children, and they aren't our people.

Quote from my career buddy who is a Ranger and has been in out of the Middle East for the last 3 or 4 years.

"I think its the best choice he could make, not just experience wise.
He's the only guy who can reverse all the fuckery done to our military in the last 8 years."

Also, why are kikes on this board defending Assad?

Yeah he's based enough.. but he's still a mudslime.

Pic one, Mordekai.


Why hasn't somebody come up with the headline:

The Mad Man appointed the Mad Dog.


They all have to go back. Jews and Mudslime alike.

Lesser evils.

Assad's already back though

This is true, he IS in his own country.

I like how there is conveniently not a single piece of Western propaganda that mentions it even though it'd serve their interests much more than all the fake bullshit they keep spewing that only makes people trust them even less.

Kill yourself kike. You're not better than all the holohoax (((survivors))) who say Hitler personally gassed them 63556262346262 trillion times through their ass.

This has to be bait.

Why? Assad has done nothing wrong except stand in the way of the Yinon Plan.


To cuckchan with thee.

That's exactly the case

With 2016 being this goddamn good, 2017 has a hell of a lot to live up to.

Go back to cuckchan.

Wouldn't that include Trump?

It's the central impact zone you doofus

Or ignore me, forgot that's the other super-nuke the middle east pic.
A doofus is me

Suggesting I made the image
Not getting the broader point



There do you think you are?

I feel like this discussion has been had before.


I didn't think I could get anymore smug.
Reminder that the MSM has been pushing the 'Trump tried to get Mattis but Mattis refused' story out there for over a year now.

Knew a girl that flew a hog home with that was more holes than metal. They really didn't skimp on the bathtub on that one.

fuck right off

They should switch Kurds with the Houthis.

Roach detected.

Fuck off. If you've actually watched any Assad interviews, it's almost hilarious how objective and logical the man is, to the level of being supremely autistic, and all in the face of rat-faced Western interviewers gunning for him. I see no malice whatsoever in that man's face. He's one of the remaining few men of integrity around.

No thanks



Making Anime Real

Left-nationalists are still better than Islamist scum.

Prepare your assholes ISIS.

We are cucked no more.

I bet you don't even know that Kurd faggots have been caught selling intel to ISIS.



This is the kind of news one can only read in turkish, mehmet.

This. Anti-trump means pro-Isis therefore Israel.

Oh you…

Can't Mossad the Assad.

Can Trump just bring the Shah back?

Correction. The muds boiled then blanched their guru alive like a tomato, flayed his skin off and threw him into a pit of baking hot salt and sand. He just smiled and waved. Every moment he held on was more time for his people to fortify their cities against the Muds, him and Two of his most devoted followers followers as a sacrificial offering deal with the muds. They have to be tortured to death and not show one sign of pain or discomfort, or else their homelands will be invaded and them killed anyway.
The first follower was cut to bits an inch at a time, the wound cauterized after each cut to prolong his death.
The Second follower was hung by his legs on a door frame and literally sawn in half through the crotch. This way all the blood ran through to his head and made it so he could not pass out or bleed out. He only died after the saw breached the Thoracic cavity and he suffocated. Both showed no pain or fear.
The Muds were angry at this, so they tried adding heated broken glass to the guru's pit and rolling him around in it. Smiles and waves. Not pain.
The chief mud gave up, ordered him drowned and set out to attack the Sikh homeland anyway. Dishonorable creatures.
Unfortunatly for them, the five days of preparation the Guru had bought with his life made the cities impenatratable and destroyed the mud army.
I heard this tale from the Sikhs themselves.
TL;DR: Sikhs are hardcore motherfuckers. And hate Muds with a fucking cold rage.

I don't want your Brazil tier ZOG empire ruling over my country. GTFO

I wish I hadn't read that.

I've known five Sikhs in my lifetime. Don't think for a moment that that user's recounting is some hidden knowledge or in depth lore. Every Sikh knows this story, and every Sikh i've met hates muslims more than the most rage-filled pollock.

He sounds like /r9k/ incarnate.

Yeah except it carries weight when you do that exact thing for over two decades.


Double dubs of Truth


I've only ever seen them get along warmly with muslims and demand a lot of special treatment/apologies/gibs here in Canada
If they're so based why are they not staying and protecting their homeland while removing kebab?

Found the answer to your problem.

if they get along with mudslimes, they are mudslimes. Sikhs nd mudslimes do not coexist.

They also fought for the SS.

Literally the only reason they can continue to shill without suffering from cognitive dissonance. But that's okay, because it just increases their delusion and will make their inevitable reality collapse that much sweeter.

Back then I was a Wiccan ShitLib. A lot has changed in 3 years.

Mattis is the Lightning, and Trump is the golden Su

Graduated did you? Odin? Kek?

if this military goon can't enforce the border i hope he doesn't try to stand in the way of the white american nationalist. We will deport illegals FOR FREE.










faggot Assad is the only leader in the Middle East I like. I like Iran too, doesn't mean I don't know they will always be an enemy of the West.

To be fair I don't recall any war between Europeans and Shiites other than some border grabbing skirmishes of Russians vs Persians and Armenians vs Azeris.


If Mattis can stop the pozzing of the militarily in all branches it'll be enough so calm down friend.

I love how all pinkos these days are fat, perverted genetic rejects. No one takes them seriously, they're the new smarmy creationists of the internet.

We know that ISIS is funded by the Saudis and oil sales laundered through Turkey.

So if we really wanted to fuck ISIS, we should stop supporting them or tell the Saudis to stop.

Rethink the "why" of us being over there.

It seems strange that people are still buying into the narrative that we're "fighting ISIS."

Holla Forums tends to do that.


Problem: he'll work for Donald Trump, so he'll work for Israël. Israël is making ISIS, so ISIS will be safe.