
Kikebart is at war with Kellogg's over them removing their ads from the page under the pretense of the site "not aligning with the company's values".
They started a pledge to not buy Kellogg's products, as of now they have more than 150,000 signatures:
Meanwhile, #DumpKelloggs started trending on Twitter a while ago, and as usual, the hashtag no longer autocompletes.

Now i know Holla Forums hates Kikebart but I'm kind of intrigued to see the company doing this. I knew they were into progressive ideology shit (they donated $1M to BLM for example) but I wonder if someone managed to put pressure into the higher ups to take it one step further at the risk of alienating clients. it reminds me of GG's operation DisNod, but this time is successfully running on the other side.

I'ts been years since I stopped buying their products, or eating cereal in general so this does nothing for me, but I guess this may be of concern to some anons here.
Will other companies follow, or will Kellogg's set a bad precedent about big companies getting political?

Other urls found in this thread:


Having read up on the production process, I don't eat cereal, you're healthier eating the box.

It's not a perfect solution but it's nice when you pay less than 100 dollars a year on good goy products.

i buy store brand

nigga i ain't payin no $6 for a box a cereal



pic related

that's why he's still in his parents basement

Cereal is the shittiest food anyways. Complete garbage, seems to burn up in an hour leaving you hungry before you get to work.

The inventors of the corn flake were some sort of weird ass Christians that believed in vegetarianism, lots of enemas, and circumcision for masturbation prevention in young boys, phenol application to young girls clitoris.

Yes, I'm serious




those greasy, fat fingers on that picture make me sick


A breakfast I'll have will be two eggs with onions sauteed in olive oil topped with some salt and two pieces of toast with mayo and tomatoes.

of course it would be a landwhale in that pic but the point is you can make this shit yourself.

no idea how cereal is made though, pop tart would be obvious

judging by his post he eats it just to make the alt-right angry.

cereal is made with extrusion at high heat with shit oil, the shit oil and high heat make the cereal poison. You don't want any cereal.

Now now, something with animal products in it might be too indulgent, you might touch yourself and require a circumcision without anesthesia and a vigorous enema regimen!

Don't forget glyphosate.

Various grits would be okay if somebody really wants to eat grains for breakfast

Cereal is largely bullshit anyway, usually overpriced, too.
I'd rather make some bread or eat steel cut oats.

What's wrong with eating cereal.



The instant kind isn't as good though

oatmeal is like eating cereal that's already been chewed by some animal, fucking disgusting.

Are grapenuts okay? I like grapenuts but don't eat them often because I hate buying milk it goes bad too fast.


always reply with the video of the nigger pissing into the cornflakes vat at their factory.

A quick search suggest they're not extruded but don't know about other additives.

Here's homemade grape nuts.

Nice of him to spread awareness of the obesity that comes with eating Kellogg's products.

it takes literally 5 minutes to cook the real stuff, youre retarded if you buy the instant over the raw stuff.

im sure you only eat steak, fruits and veggies.

It is my hope that the property that kind Providence has brought me may be helpful to many others, and that I may be found a faithful steward.

I'd never dump the guy who ran Battle Creek Sanitarium.

https:// outu.be/zcUyvA150gs

here is the link of the news story. just post that every time they show their kellogs shit. it literally contains nigger piss.

The urine of a buck negro is part of a balanced and godly breakfast. It tames the urges!

Australians and asians think so.

who the fuck cares what (((breitbart))) thinks or does


Lego were doing something similar breitbart.com/london/2016/11/12/campaign-to-deprive-right-wing-newspapers-of-advertisers-claims-scalp-as-lego-withdraws-from-daily-mail/

You're an idiot.

Damn. I'll have to give up my Kashi bars.

If I HAD to have grape nuts, making your own would be the way to go to avoid any crap they add but if I were going to go through that much effort I'd just make real food.


I had no idea Kellogg's was such a progressive corporation.

It's less about Kikebart getting hit by this and more with the stupidity of a company as big as Kellogg's polarizing their consumer base over politics. This will backfire hugely on them, since a lot of people are now spreading awareness of how shitty their products are from a nutritional standpoint, and also other controversies around the company that were pretty much dead or forgotten until now.

Also shitty but not surprised since they did the same when they caved in to hippie cunts by removing their partnership with Shell.
Even when the only thing they did was selling some exclusive sets at their stations, which is not exactly an endorsement of their drilling practices, but you just can't reason with that people.

so what does nigger piss taste like?

Someone PLEASE rip this fattie a new one


I'll never understand why companies do this. Kelloggs has only one job: To sell poison food to anybody and everybody

This thread led me to a good kek, thanks user.

A cereal company has no defense for having politically polarized values in the first place.

these guys have no idea what the fuck they're doing.

Thread theme


I don't think you understand how mass production works. Do you also believe this taints all Taco Bell taco shells?

Kellogs is effectively on our side, those more in line with us aren't ingesting this poison while those opposed to us are woofing it down in defiance, win win.

I don't mind the taste.

This video has me wondering how many factory workers do this kind of thing.

Wait does that mean that Kelloggs owns Jiff peanut butter and the Smucker Co.? I can't find any other jams and jellies that isn't owned by Smucker's

I dont understand how or why "spite culture" happened but its the most baby tantrum hypocritical thing ever


A few years ago lardballs like this smug bastard would be bullied into submission. This is what happens when you remove classic bullying from school environment, every leftist degenerate type (faggots, skinny hipsters, fatasses) grows up thinking they're real people and not waste of genetic material.

Just saw

Maybe I should read the threads before opening my big poster

Don't eat it but want to enlighten us?

Wow. Spread this.

Kelloggs also owns the hyperbolic-paraboloid-dehydrated-processed-potato-crisp-jew as of 2012

People are about to demand you make your own.

I'm always amazed how anyone here has time to shitpost when they're supposedly making everything from scratch.


The food industry is much like the media industry; dominated by only a few massive corporations who own nearly everybody else.

I suggest making your own jams and jellies from locally sourced fruit. I do it with my mother every time I'm visit them. Takes a few hours from start to finish but it's canned so it lasts all year.

I want to buy Lego, I really do. Its fun and creative and lasts forever

But with all the licensed sets they do with movie tie ins, you just know they have to be pozzed from both ends.


Obviously you don't make a new batch every week. You do it once a year.

Bennett the Sage sure does look different without his hat.

Nigger are you retarded? You have to look for a monthlong trend for it to be significant, at least

Lego lasts forever. Lego blocks molded decades ago will still snap-fit with legos molded today. So just buy buckets of lego from yardsales. That's how I got all my lego when I was a kid. Keep it around for future generations too.

Lego isn't cheap in the first place, so buying it at yardsales just plain makes sense.

Now we're talking about something I can get into

They most likely have a hardcore leftist in their ranks who couldn't resist having a spergout and moved some influences to make it happen. I think it's unlikely that liberals pulled a DisNod on Breitbart, they lack the autism and the firepower to make such a thing happen.

Agree, if liberals are going to double down on their cereal consumption jsut to get back at Kikebart, by all means they can do so and die of diabetes already. Looks like most people (even normalfags) already avoided their products in the first place (which makes a boycott a moot point) but it's even better if other anons are also following a healthier lifestyle.

They are also coming under fire over allegations of indirect child labor.
But yeah, as the other user said, wait a bit more to see how much it fucks them over in the following days.


Dr.Kellogg was the man that got circumscision standardized in hospitals. He wanted to stop kiddies from fapping, it was all he thought about. Hell, he invented those cornflakes hoping to cure masturbation, no fucking joke.

corn flakes are literal cancer

keep this trending

I don't eat Kelloggs to begin with.

This tbh.

Just to let all you NEETsocs know, doing this means no Cheez-It's, Hamburger Helper, Eggo's or Pringles.

shit you shouldn't be eating anyway


Christian Science is weird as fuck.


One month trend is better.

Well done. That should cut deep.

It's true. He used them first in psychiatric hospitals (I think the technical term was LOONY BIN back then)

I think he also helped develop an itching powder to stop retards from chronically masturbating as well. i think

Way ahead of you

psychcentral.com /lib/do-kelloggs-corn-flakes-help-control-masturbation/

eh Kellogg's is degenerate anyway
pic related


This is what suicide was invented for.

What's your process?

John Harvey Kellogg must be rolling in his grave. I suppose he knew that sugar coating would only lead to chronic masturbation

All that pic is related to is your own degeneracy for having saved it.

You are on point user

I can top that!

Goddamn it user, my sides have been obliterated, please tell me there's more!

The one we did this year was a blueberry preserve. I don't have the recipe here, but you basically crush and simmer blueberries with sugar and pectin. That part is simple. A bit more challenging is the actual canning. Boil the jars and lids in a pot of water to sterilize them, then when they're still hot you put the also still hot preserves in them and tighten down the lid. When it cools it will pull a vacuum on the jar, sealing it up air tight.

I hope some low level Kelloggs PR worker is getting a Google Alert right now and clicking the link to this thread.

Yea, it doesn't make any sense.
The man was a grade A lunatic.

What? Furries cumming on food? Of course there's more.



I'm glad that after all these years I've spent on imageboards, shit like this still disturbs me. Lets me know I'm still sane.

I saved it because I thought it was funny. Eat shit.

Look at this shit:


yiff in hell frfaggots

I didn't ask for more furries you fucking mongoloids, I want to know what his mom said to him!

Suuuuure you did.

dumb question here but how do you tighten the jars you want to preserve for months? With your bare hands or do need to use a special tool to tighten the lids? I would think if you use your hands the jar will come out easily

Pick one


Last ones. Seems furfags will eat semen with anything.

With heat.




Oh you.
At least others found it funny.

You can use your hands if you wash them first. Just try to not rub your fingers all over the inside of the lid, pick it up by the rim. The lids are two-piece btw, a flat lid and the circular ring that tightens down around it. The boiling water is what sterilizes them, and they'll be hot when you do it. You can use a clean rag or something to help you hold onto them.

All the sugar actually helps the preservation too. Too much sugar dries out the germs through osmotic pressure I believe.

Also the suction when it cools down is what really keeps the seal. The ring is mostly just to make sure nothing knocks it off.

I don't know what's more degenerate, fapping to that picture, or a family that texts each other inside their house.


I just wanted to know what his mom said to him!


It's not creative at all. You get a box with special pieces to build one thing and after you've built that one thing you have to buy a box for the next thing you want to build.

It wasn't like that. Toys like Lego, K'Nex and Meccano (and others) got pozzed.

Buy an Arduino instead. $2 for a knockoff. Build stuff with cheap modules, learn skills in the process, and automate your house the way you want.



They made those brands? They taste like shit.

I didn't know Kellogg had gotten so expensive people had to decide either on food or clothes.

Ah, a good list of "shit I don't consider food anyway because I can taste the preservatives"

Didn't this list get smaller? some of em bought each other out.

Also the suction when it cools down is what really keeps the seal. The ring is mostly just to make sure nothing knocks it off.>>8413623
You think that because you're a 30 year old neckbeard who collects figurines, not a child who still has creativity.

Also, buy random blocks in bulk, not the latest overpriced starwarts set.

meant for


First I don't collect figurines, second I would buy the shit out of K'Nex and Meccano (maybe even Lego) if they were still based. Heck, Meccano is now made from plastic, in China, but still overpriced.

Also - when you were a kid, wouldn't you have dreamed of building robots that can roam the house? With cameras, sensors, microphones, servo-controlled arms, all of that? You now can! And without funding (((Lego))).

Just look at this shit. You can go play with real electronics for the same price of (((Lego))). If I was a kid of course I'd want to make real robots! And it's so easy and so much fun.

What is the entry cost for this kind of hobby?

If I remember correctly he is entirely responsible for circumcision even existing in the US. Fuck that guy with a hot iron.

Who the fuck pays >$5 for a box of fucking corn flakes in the first place?



Eat muesli, niggas.

This. Quick boiled oatmeal was among my favourite foods as a kid. Fuck I'm gonna make some right now.

I opened this thread just to make this point.

Spread that like wildfire.

Probably mid range in price for kits. Build it yourself using guilds and cheap parts online and it goes way down. Digikey is a good site to shop for literally anything electronic and small.



Oh come the fuck on! We are the notorious internet hate machine, mass slaughtering sacred lolcows and staring into the abyss until it blinks is what we do.

Kill yourself and yiff in Hell, faggot.

Damn trolls! The scum of the earth, trying to piss us decent people off.

my personal favourite though


you forgot the fedora

I didn't want him to post more furry, I just wanted to know what his mom did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


For $50 you can buy a lot of cool modules.

Go to aliexpress.com, and buy an arduino kit. One like the 4th pic of should set you back $20

Look videos from channels like TinkerNut and GreatScott to learn how to do stuff by yourself.

this needs a BBC I just can't bring myself to look at one long enough to photoshop it in

It is overpriced and bad to navigate, even when compared with department stores like AliExpress or eBay. A cheap alternative to Digikey specifically with better UI just for electronics is Tayda, but a more comprehensive list is here:


All I feel is disgust at this fat fuck, stuffing his face with processed junk

it looks like what you'd get if you genetically spliced a pig with mr potato head yes I know mr potato heads dont have genetics

the word is grafted

"It looks like what you would get if you grafted a mr potato head onto a pig"

Kek fair
heres another thing the fat cunt reminds me of


More like a fat man chew. Eh, eh, amirite? This guy gets it, you in the back, he knows what im talking about.

More like munch-chew. There's nothing indicating a man on that all-devouring beast.

heh… balls….

You fags should have dumped Kelloggs forever ago because Dr Kellogg loved jew dicking babies. Fuck that guy, and his brand.

I prefer frosties anyway

Just half a year ago, I used to be morbidly obese. I've lost 70 pounds simply by not eating any of that processed junk anymore. Only food items on that pic that I buy occasionally are Coke Zero (for the caffeine) and Wrigley's Extra chewing gum.

I am not seeing what kelloggs did exactly to be making a news site butthurt.

Did they say they hate gays or voted for trump? What exactly did these faggots do besides removing ads from the news site. Im in the dark here.

Are you illiterate? Try reading faggot.

"aligned with our values as a company" doesnt tell us shit. For a company to pull ads from a big and well known news site is kind of a big deal. I am wanting to know exactly why they pulled it. Was the news site promoting heavy gay sex or something and kelloggs is a christian company?

Nvm, its Kelloggs being niggers and trying to shove its weight around.

They gave monetary support to Black Lives Matter, that should tell you everything about their political alignment.

Yea did a bit of digging and apparently Kelloggs didnt like trump stuff and even trump himself was pissed off at kelloggs. So ill bite. Its better to use one retard to attack another retard instead of getting in trouble yourself.

Lel, as if anyone eats cold cereal these days anyway, let alone shit-tier Kellogs cardboard.

To be fair, this is a perfect time to bring up some of the article titles Breitbart has had.

Time to start digging into Kellogg's then. They are sure to have some sort of law violations going on, they're a huge company that relies on gmo agriculture. They should be easy to crush. Find out how many illegls they employ, how much taxes they evade, healthcode violations, and of course… sexist remarks by the CEOs. Remember, truth is sacred, Praise Kek.

Original Cheerios > All else

This needs to be the focus. However we might feel about Breitbart, what Kellogg's has done is an attack on the entire right, and we should consider that if they could harm us on the imageboards they would do so with more viciousness and more glee than they would at Breitbart. They will move on to other sites we might like a bit more than Breitbart, and others like them will increase their attacks.

They need to be punished for this, publicly, and the way to punish a corporation is to harm their brand.

Let's make them change their name.

Kellogg's has NO business making any pronouncement about "values" with a background like these sons of bitches have, while they happily slap on every box they print in big kid-friendly bulbous letters. If they really want to be a PROGRESSIVE company espousing 2015 VALUES they need to DISAVOW the Kellogg name.

That may seem petty but brand recognition is important and brand names are many times more valuable than any bite you might take out of someone's stock value with even a very successful boycott.


So I can still drink Barq's and Cheerwine and don't have to worry about that shit? And the only thing that I buy on that list on occasion is Rold Gold pretzel sticks for when I'm too lazy to go make myself something to snack on or to cook something.

What page?

My wife would agree with you

Yes they are
t.guy in business industry 12 years

I'd rather cancer because at least there is a chance for being cured

This meme

Clearly a Ben Shaprio special

Excuse me?

I don't get how I should boycott Kellogg when I don't want to buy their products anyway.

First picture sounds completely wacko. The second one is common sense.

The fuckers were involved in child labour and worker extortion scandals less than a decade ago.

Pretending being progressives would make even Holla Forums cringe.

Do these people know the point of a boyott is to not buy the product

Wow. This is unbelievable. Are you fucking kidding me with this? Never speak to me or my wifes son ever again.


dammit, the chedder ranch ones they made are so damn good too.

Here user! Make your own!
instructables.com /id/Homemade-Cheez-Its/

They're cunts also, but Mondelez nee Kraft makes a Cheez-It clone called Cheese Nips. (No really.) I haven't had them in a while but I remember them tasting better. Then again I never really liked Cheez-Its.

I just have a banana and some milk for breakfast.

Cheez-Its are good but the ones with the power on the outside are just the basic cheese cracker (which is good enough) with some MSG loaded power crap on the outside like any other snack. The basic cracker is shit poison garbage but from an older era with out as much engineering, it was acquired by Kelloggs at some point and "enhanced" with chemical powder that you like for some reason.

Mondelez is not superior in any way to Kelloggs. They are both shit. Mondelez was "Kraft" until a few years ago when they decided that "Kraft" sounded too white and they needed a more global sounding name. That's literally what happened.

I'm not actually defending either company here I just think it's funny that user likes the powder coated cheezit over the regular not-quite-as-poison one (the regular ones are better tasting, for fucks sake) and Mondelez called themselves out as supporting hispanic invasion when they changed their names from Kraft.

I'm actually 6f5b2a but I had to reset my internet connection earlier today with inevitably gives me a new ID. Fuck both companies

I don't know how I managed to type "powder" as "power" twice but..

First, Kelloggs has lots of brands, including Pringle's. Pic related is head of their snacks division. Do you want to boycott all their products or only the breakfast cereals?

More important: think Alinsky. Attack the individual, not the company. (Or the individual AND the company).


Sounds like the responsible party might be Craig Bahner, president US Morning Foods.

And Craig's on Twitter:


Possibly current:

Craig S Bahner, (513) 791-3422, 8 Beaufort Hunt Ln, Cincinnati, OH

Wife: Nancy, married '91
Kids: 3

All of it. You shouldn't be eating any of that trash anyway.

Meh 3/10

nice advertisement, kikebart

good on you user, everyone should buy their food as local as possible. big food companies are 9 times out of ten; pro-globalist, cut corners on their products, or both

shoo shoo kellogg, go give yourself a bleach enema

Might be a good time to remind everyone that mass circumcision of White men in the USA was the result of Kellog's activism.


Holy shit.

Anyone else see the well veiled instruction here? This is advice to chastise the boy just as the knife falls, in order to psychologically link punishment with the pain of circumcision.
After that is done and for the rest of his life, chastisement will evoke memories of the pain and fear of having his cock cut into with a scalpel.
I wonder how widespread this actually was and how it was done, did the doctor/nurse spank the boy just before cutting, or just shout/reprimand him?

But I like cereals.
Are they all bad or there are some brands that are alright?
I like the one with honey, regardless of brand.

Should I change my diet?
What do you guys eat in the morning, beside coffee and various drinks: I already switch to green tea if I have nothing to actually munch on.

Meat, sausages, boiled eggs, cheeses, toast

You can taste preservatives too? My wife thought I was making it up when I told her that I could taste preservatives in certain (cheap) foods. She thought I was being a brand-name snob.

Bag salads. Bag salads are the fucking worst. Throw a cheap salad dressing on there too and it's an inedible mess. She thought I hated vegetables until I took over the salads and made them fresh and edible again.

It's probably just citric acid.
Citric acid is what you use to prevent fruit and vegetables from browning.
Traditionally done by drizzling in lemon juice.
I can taste preservatives too, sodium benzoate (soda preservative) leaves a disgusting after-taste. Artificial sweeteners are vile too.
But price has little bearing on additives, you can get dirt cheap cereal with no sweeteners or preservatives, or you can spend 4 times as much and get something loaded with sweeteners.
In the UK, the best place for non-brand shopping is Lidl and Aldi.
"Read the fucking label" is the best advice, it's there for a reason. Price is a shitty way to select food.

I know it's also a fad diet of sorts but there's really some wisdom in eating more fats and protein over carbs. If you eat carbs for breakfast you'll be starving by the time to get to work or class, and will end up going crazy when you order lunch.

A good breakfast includes eggs

Thanks to my waifu my diet drastically changed and largely includes eggs, either scrambled or boiled (usually as a sandwich) with bacon or sausage and toast, and always a coffee to go along with it (never used to drink coffee). γŸγΎγ”, quite possibly the best food on Earth.

That's nice.
Except I hate cooking in the morning.
Guess being lazy it's always harmful, even with stuff that is advertised as "healthy".

Eggs aren't hard to cook. At all. Barely more difficult than pouring some cancer into a bowl

A basic breakfast would be eggs fried in butter with toast with butter. Preferable the toast would be made from a bread that isn't Bimbo or Wonderbread white shit

That breakfast is good any time of the day. BTW, that's what Americans used to eat for breakfast before Mr Circumcisions, cornflakes, and enemas started pushing his bullshit

Owls often don't have an appetite in the morning.

Indeed, sometimes even as dinner. In fact I can go pretty much the whole day with just that one modestly sized meal because it really satiates the appetite, which makes it good for weight loss. High carb diets are only any good for athletes and the like.

If anybody hasn't read that wikipedia article yet, give it a go. It's beyond insane.

I think the best touch (beyond his own insanity) was that he was buried in the same graveyard as Sojourner Truth. kek

I like a good denver omlette, but will also take scrambled eggs, hash browns (I usually microwave a potato, cut it up and fry in butter with onions and salt and black pepper), and some bacon. Really to be it's the best meal there is. And although it has potato its not extremely carb heavy, and almost no simple carbs

I'm not some fad diet person but my own experiences have taught me that all carbs for breakfast is really bad. I grew up (like many people) eating rice crispies and the like, with sugar, and eventually it came to my parents attention that there was a problem because I was acting out in class. Loaded up on sugar, then the crash, then starving, all around the first hour of class in early elementary school. It just doesn't work. It doesn't last near long enough to last till lunch

To give you some solutions. You can cook bacon ahead of time and put it in the fridge and just heat it up for a little bit (good luck not eating it all beforehand though). Eggs take one minute to cook. Toast takes one minute to cook.

Save the bacon fat unless you buy what the government is selling when it comes to good fats vs bad

Sounds tasty. Like everything in life I find, it's important to strike a good balance if you want to achieve harmony, then it will certainly stick around longer than some diet that feels more like slave work than enjoying a meal.

How to boil eggs without a pan.

1. Fill kettle with cold water (important: must be cold or your eggs will crack)
2. Boil kettle
2.5 (optional) Use some of the water to make your tea or coffee.
3. Wait 3 minutes (soft), 6-8 minutes (hard)
4. Pour out hot water and fill with cold water to chill eggs for ease of handling, or transfer directly into egg cup.

Note: 6-8 minutes for hard is longer than pot cooking because the kettle water cools down.

I do really enjoy eggs+potato+bacon type meals. One nice thing about bacon is you can save the fat and add just a little bit of it to any fresh veggie and saute it lightly. Adds fantastic flavor. This works with anything from fresh peas, to asparagus, spinach, onion, really anything.

Americans used to save their bacon fat until the 70's or so when the government pushed the idea that it was deadly, and everybody switched to the recommended margarine. Since then the recommendations in media have switched around a bunch, with butter becoming good and then bad again several times, and margerine good and bad as well. Same thing with eggs, during my 35 years on this planet they've been the ultimate evil, and ultimate good several times. Fuck it, margerine is basically plastic food. "Canola oil" that much margarine is based off of is a GMO food, Canola as a plant doesn't exist, it's a Canadian brand name for GMO mustard seed oil. It's hardly food at all

I usually fry the bacon first and then use the oil from it for my eggs so I don't need to add extra oil. My only "problem" is that I'm not much of a veggie eater.

I didn't know that about canola oil. Guess I'll stick to olive oil which I always add to pasta I make on some occasions. Also isn't at least some margarine not based on Canola but soy beans? I know soy is a main ingredient in the ones I use.

I always use a recipe like this. The main thing with boiled eggs is to not overdo them. If they're overdone you get the discolored layer on the outside of the yolk and a more sulfery taste. Most people that have bad opinion of boiled eggs grew up eating ones that their mother boiled to hell and back.


You can basically bring it to a light boil (not even quite a boil), then turn off the heat, let sit for about 10-12 minutes in the hot water. Then to stop the cooking process, drain and add cold water and let sit for a bit.

I'm not totally opposed to vegetable oil, was more shitposting than anything. Although "canola" isn't a plant but a brand for GMO Rapeseed (mustard), I like to shit on it

I do like olive oil flavor but usually not so much for frying.

If there is a purpose to my shitposting it's not so much to shit on veggie oil as to say that other oils are okay too

Steaming works too, done that.
Agreed, overcooking ruins so many things but mothers (back when they used to cook) typically overcook because it requires less attention paid to the pots and pans. To cook to perfection = effort and frequent check-ups on progress, to overcook = start, wait X minutes then stop.
A dash of salt does wonders for the flavour, also if you find yourself in a situation without many utensils, you can make an "egg in a cup" with soft boiled egg and small pieces of torn and crumbled bread, just dump it all in a cup, add a sprinkle of salt then mix with a fork, really nice synergy between the flavours of the bread and the egg yolk.

Is that a tranny or a very ugly Jewish woman?

Bitching about not archiving, bitching about archiving. Why?

Again, it's not about defending kikebart aand their ads, it's about taking the fight against a shitty company that makes shitty products for taking shitty political positions.

The original purpose of their cereals, Kellogg's stance on circumcision, the chemical components in their products, along with the child labor stuff and their bad treatment of their employess have huge potential to hurt them if normalfags are bombarded with this info. Keep it up. We can't MAGA without getting rid of the poison that they feed americans with every day.

What about Nestle? I don't buy Kellogs, but are Nestle huge fags too?

He was just a hardcore nofaper tbh.

This tbh. I'm working on building a spectrophotometer atm. I got a bunch of some really cheap Chink sensors and stepper motors from GearBest

He was obsessed with trying to make men less horny because he viewed it as degenerate. The pure irony now is that Kellogg's company supports degeneracy.

Turns out, after reading the rest of the replies, my statement may actually be wrong. Sorry. Ignore me.

I don't eat cereal very often, or even grain in general. Grains are a shit carb source in general. If I'm going to eat a large amount of carbs, I usually eat potatoes.


IIRC, craft has been bought and spun back off multiple times by multiple companies.

Raisin bran master race! I don't always eat cereal, but when I do, I eat generic raisin bran.

Get a fancy rice cooker with a clock function. You can set it to finish cooking right when your alarm goes off. You can cook waaaaay more stuff than just rice in it. The Japanese have all sorts of recipes for making anything from soups to cakes in rice cookers.

Don't forget to make it sourdough. The bacteria do a much better job of breaking down the antinutrients than the yeast.

Disgusting barbarian. Everyone knows you carefully remove the top of the egg, and dip your toast strips directly into the egg.

All the agri/food megacorps are terrible. Buy unprocessed foods as much as possible.

Stepper motors? Way too complicated. Go to a nearby university and ask to see inside a Spec 20. Nowadays with the sensors you can get, all you need is the right sensor and a good white light source to go with it. Slap on an arduino or pi and you're done.

Its fucking corn and sugar. Both are shit for you

I make my own god damn food, and how fucking glad I'm that I do that these days

God damnnit stay away from that kike food shit

I own a spec 20

Then why are you going so balls out?

I thought Bombo got bought by PepsiCo, didn't they? And Bimbo White Bread is much more sweeter and unhealthy that Wonder, that's because Beaners fucking love sugar. That's why they're the fastest growing diabetic country in the world, even surpassing the US. Which is a fucking feat considering the US has almost 300 million more people living on it.

Actually, an Arduino-based kit that you could find easily costs way less than a shitty LEGO Mindstorms NXT or EV3 (after using these for about 4 years, I wouldn't recommend them to my worst enemy).

What's the problem with Mindstorms? I was planning to get one of those as a babby's first robotics kit.

There's nothing wrong with bulk oatmeal, right?

There are tons, you just aren't looking. Store brands exist, you know.

You cunts are mad over cereal?

lmao shut up

unless I go to Walmart most store band Jams are usually half the size


Oh wow!

Watch out for the glycemic impact/glycemic load. Meaning, it's OK for some people, but it dumps too much sugar into the bloodstream too fast for some people.

Seventh Day Adventists were basically a cult comprobable to JWs until a few decades ago, iirc.

Low effort group: Plain yogurt, unsalted peanuts, baby carrots, cheese.

Medium effort: fried eggs, fried onions, avocado, steamed veggies.

Thanks, fam. I tend to get hypoglycemic, so I'll have to look into that further.

Citric acid doesn't really have a flavor, it's mostly just sour, and it's one of the more acceptable preservatives.

The internet says it's either sulfites, which has to be disclosed in the label, or "proprietary cleansing agents" used to wash the lettuce, which they do not have to tell you about, since theoretically they rinse it off. Apparently lots of other people can taste this foul flavor in bag salads too.

Someone has clearly never tried the cinnamon cheerios.

How to make the "alt-right" laugh at you, take a picture of your Jabba the Hut looking ass in your mom's basement. Nathan is a faggot! #BullyHamplanets


fuck that kikery.

home processed and cooked all the way.

Foods low in fat decrease libido.

It's lego. Have a look at Lego's prices some time.

if you're going to consume caffeine, just get caffeine pills. I know how that sounds on the surface, but they're much "better" for you than anything else with caffeine.

soda is bad for obvious reasons. coffee is bad over the long run because it stains your teeth and has disgusting amounts of acid in it. caffeine pills are not only just caffeine with binding agents, but they are far, far cheaper and easier than buying pricier coffee and brewing it. I won't blame you if you wish to stick to natural sources, like actual tea, but the ridiculous amount of money i save and having white teeth makes the other option worth it for me.

also congrats on losing the weight. It's not an easy thing to do. Ironically I hear that the people who hate obese fat acceptance faggots the most are people like you, who actually had the strength and struggle to make a giant lifestyle change.

Kellog was the guy who spread circumcision and eating birdseed, right?