(((The Guardian))) is salty as fuck about Aleppo

The Guardian view on Aleppo: the west’s grim failure

As Assad’s forces, backed by the Russians, make their final move on Syria’s second city, the world can only count the cost of a humanitarian and military disaster it failed to stop

Exhausted parents clutching terrified children in their arms, young people pushing the old in makeshift carts or wheelchairs and families pulling overstuffed suitcases: the scenes from east Aleppo are those of a new exodus. As Syrian government forces move on the last urban stronghold of the anti-Assad opposition, helped by Shia militias from Iraq, Iran and Hezbollah, hundreds of men have been rounded up and disappeared. Their relatives, as well as human rights activists, fear they may already be dead, or have become victims of Assad’s network of jails and torture centres where thousands have been murdered.

The Syrian and Russian onslaught has been going on for weeks. But now it is at a new intensity, as it approaches what may be the end game. A strategy of indiscriminate bombing, terror and destruction, the UN was told, threatens to turn this part of Syria’s second city into a giant graveyard. Syrian army leaflets dropped on the city warn the inhabitants that they must flee, or face annihilation.

Rebel-held Aleppo seems condemned to utter destruction and defeat. Posted on social media, citizens’ desperate messages resemble final pleas, all hope gone. A UN representative has described the situation as a “descent into hell”. US Department of State officials have made it clear that nothing much can be done; western countries have convened an emergency security council meeting, but beyond words of condemnation and warnings of a humanitarian catastrophe in the making – France has spoken of “what could be the biggest massacres of civilian population since the second world war” – the powerlessness of UN institutions is obvious. In London, at prime minister’s questions , the SNP’s Angus Robertson at least got the Syrian crisis into the discussion. Labour again passed by on the other side.

Meanwhile, Russia’s propaganda machine is hard at work alongside the Syrian regime’s, trying to frame these events as the “liberation” of a population described as hostages of Islamic terrorists. This is as false as it is cynical. “Terrorists” is the label attached to the opposition to Assad ever since the outbreak of the 2011 street uprising against his dictatorship – a revolution that morphed into a full-on civil war after the Damascus government decided to deploy military power, including missiles, barrel bombs and chemical weapons, against its own population. By the summer of 2015, President Assad seemed on the verge of being overthrown. Then Russia launched its military intervention – all the while paying lip service to a diplomatic process the US administration pursued to no avail.

Russia’s move was aimed at reversing the war’s dynamics and consolidating its beleaguered ally, President Assad. Entrenched in Syria, with powerful S-400 air defence systems installed, it took advantage of western reluctance to get embroiled in the conflict, at a time when Washington had made plain that its priority was fighting Islamic State (Isis), rather than putting an end to the massacres carried out by President Assad’s forces. Russia has not only turned a blind eye to these atrocities, it has assisted them. In Moscow, officials now indicate that the situation in east Aleppo will be “resolved” by the end of the year. Make no mistake, that means that the estimated 250,000 inhabitants still remaining at the start of this week will be forced either to leave, or face arrest or death.

The fate of rebel-held Aleppo spells the abject failure of the west’s contradictory and piecemeal policies. It is a humiliation for the UN. Its fall will be an unequivocal victory for Russian strategy. Aleppo will join an infamous list of cities whose names are synonymous with mass crimes committed while the world looked impotently on: Srebrenica, Grozny, even Guernica. Once again, it’s never again. The consequences, both for radicalisation and for the balance of power in the region, are hard to fathom exactly. But they will not be good.


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If Syria wins against ISIS and the kikes, suddenly Israel is in deep shit. Now instead of Iran being the last state to overthrow, there is a huge swath of enemy land right on the doorstep. The greater Israel they've been dreaming of is endangered. So how comes the damage control and propaganda. These kikes will risk WW3 for their selfish insane desires

They would get Iranian troops right on their border. And lose all that oil and land that they've put their nose on. This is why Syria will never be allowed to become whole again, Jewtin will probably strike some kind of deal with the kikes to keep his pipe and military base in exchange to giving up on most areas of Syria (especially the one bordering Israel).

Why would Russia have to make that deal? What leverage do the kikes have for forcing Syria to give up resource rich territory?

They make up the oligarchs in Russia, and since they control the west as well, can put outside pressure as well as fund insurrection like they did in Ukraine.
Plus, Putin isn't stictly anti-Jewish or anti-Zionist, he likes them as long as they are pro civic nationalist and uses their narratives to fight ethnic nationalism from rising in Russia.

Give me back my pen

Russia only supports Syria because of the pipeline (money) and because of geopolitics (mostly defensive purposes)

As long as they have the pipeline, and the military bases there, they wouldn't risk starting a major conflict over some part of land.

Nor can they project a force strong enough to resist Israel/NATO/US puppet states in the region

That was the most Jewish thing I've read all day.

oyyy veyyy it's anuddah Srebrenica

Wait a sex.

So are the rebels ISIS or no? If it is the media is shilling hardcore for them now? Wtf?

Wow did you just step out of a time machine from two years ago?

Dudeweed lmao
What is Aleppo?

American recognition of Crimea in exchange for Russian recognition of the Golan Heights.

Take their coats and their pens!

What monsters. Warning population before attacking city is most horrible of war crimes.


Good to see the Graun yet again get BTFO by their own readers in the comment section.

I hate to see Israel gain anything at all. I hope the Jewish plague on humanity can be extinguished in my lifetime

You are looking in the wrong direction then. Russia is as kike'd as USA is.

I think Putin has his heals on their necks pretty solidly. They have influence but I can't see him nakedly betraying Assad. He strikes me as a man of honor.

Well, at least they got a few things right:

He's been jailing any who don't fall in line.

America has been trying that since he came into office.

Yes, but like other user pointed out, they need leverage else he won't do shit for them. Right now, Russia has all the leverage. I"m as surprised as you that they completely ignored the sanctions et al, but here we are.


"The World" can go fuck itself.

How was this any business of the United States or any other country in the first place? I hope Trump keeps his word about concentrating on the internal problems instead of the World Police bullshit that gave his predecessors erections.

Let me give you an idea about what happened there.

So we have the Spanish Civil War. So basically, it was between 2 sides, the Nationalists and the Republicans. Now the nationalists were fascists, legit fascists led by one Francisco Franco. The republicans were essentially the left, ranging from moderate leftists to full on communists and anarchists. It was two revolutions in one, where the republicans were rebelling against democracy and the nationalists were rebelling against the communists.

The nationalists were backed up by Nazi Germany and the Republicans were backed by the USSR and Mexico. See, the nationalists were FUCKING PISSED off. How pissed off were they? Check the kikepedia entry for the Spanish Civil War, they'll mention the atrocities the Nationalists committed over and over again, while painting the republicans as brave. The nationalists were pissed for two reasons, religion and communism. Nationalists were very religious, to them religion was part of their national identity. The republicans wanted to get rid of the church, which was an attack on their faith AND identity. The right-wing in Spain fucking love God, they're the same country that had the Spanish Inquisition for God's sake. And they were severely anti-communist, viewing communism as a tool of the (((USSR))).

So the left and the right fought. The right had the numbers and tech advantage, and eventually the "civil war" was an extermination of leftists. About 1 million people in total fought in the war, and (((historians))) estimate that 500,000 people were killed and 450,000 people fled the nation. 200,000 of that 500,000 were leftists that were executed by the Nationalists. For what it's worth, the republicans killed about 38,000 civillians. Guernica is special because of the Picasso art, but the nationalists bombed the shit out of many cities. Keep in mind, the nationalists had twice as many planes too.

The war starts with the assassination of Anastasio de los Reyes by (((anarchists))), during a parade in April 1936. He was a middle man and his funeral caused riots, which were violently put down. Some right wing dudes assassinate the guy who ordered the violent put downs in June 1936. These guys get killed too. Then the leftists arrest and kill the opposition leader (July 12th) and another guy named Sanjurjo takes over the nationalist front. Meanwhile, Franco lands in Spanish Morroco and in the space of 3 days takes it over, starting the war (14th-17th July). Sanjurjo is killed in a plane crash (3 days after the official start of the war), and the next day nationalists take over a republican naval base. In the space of 2 months, Franco is chosen as leader, unifies nationalist forces and starts taking over Spanish cities. From then on, it's a brutal reclaiming of Spain from the republicans. Something to keep in mind is that while a civil war was going on, the nationalists were assassinating leftist intellectuals and just bombing the fuck out of cities. The republicans kept having to move their capital city over and over again until eventually, they had to surrender.

In less than 3 years (July 1936- April 1939), Franco took over the country and purged the leftists. Spain was left crippled and had to sit out WW2.

Again, Guernica is only special because of the painting. The bombings of Madrid and Barcelona were far more important. Fucking faggot leftists can't see the forest from the trees

They forgot Kosovo. It's not a city but I think the Guardian was one of the promoters of the bombing of Serbia but I think later they had to admit the arguments for 'humanitarian intervention' were weak and based on emotional Bad-Serbs-Goog-Albanians rhetoric.

Can someone find the Guardian's reaction after the false flag chemical attack in Syria 2 or 3 years ago? Were they calling for war then too?

Dubs confirm that leftists are getting purged. Again.

Reminder: the CIA and Saudi Arabia are the ones who started the war in Syria for no good reason, nothing to do with national security. Assad has never been a threat to the United States. And the so-called moderate rebels are mostly mercenaries who have no problems making deals with Al-Qaeda and ISIS.

U.S. has secretly provided arms training to Syria rebels since [at least] 2012
Los Angeles Times



" WASHINGTON — CIA operatives and U.S. special operations troops have been secretly training Syrian rebels with anti-tank and antiaircraft weapons since late last year, months before President Obama approved plans to begin directly arming them, according to U.S. officials and rebel commanders. "

Genociding christians is the (((media's))) favorite type of porn. They were furiously masturbating as the churches were levelled with "smart" weapons.

Why do you think they're all behind the (((rebels))) in Syria? They cut off child heads.
Jewtube link of our plucky FSA heroes is graphic but whatever. (((They))) blamed this on government forces, predictably.


I don't get why the people being decapitated in these videos are always so complacent. They don't squirm or try to fight back, it's like they're already dead. And they faggots doing the decapitating always use a shitty knife and are so slow. It's simultaneously too inefficient and not extravagant enough.

I believe they're usually drugged

sedatives plus demoralization.

you are in love with putin, lol

This. Although I do agree that using those knives is kind of lame. It would be much more impressive to decapitate with a single sword stroke, but I guess they just use what they have on hand.

reminder: the uprising against asad happened because he killed demonstrators.

don't try to blame others for the crimes of asad and putin.

I hear that it's actually really hard to do that and sawing it off is a lot easier than hacking.

Then what's the fucking point? You don't actually scare people if there's no struggling, no screams of pain, no gurgling as your subject simultaneously drowns in his own blood and bleeds out.

Fucking pussy ass muslims don't know how to actually invoke fear into people. Where's the crazy serial rapist? Where's Muhammed the Ripper, killing prostitutes? No cannibalism going on? No videos of these fucks holding kids up at gunpoint, raping them and then executing them? Where's the acid being poured down the vagina of your enemies? Where's the homemade mustard gas? Where's the plague infested rats shitting everywhere?

For terrorists, they fucking suck at actually terrorizing people.

At least the spics use chainsaws and shit makes it more entertaining.

Praise G-d, I missed you kikes.

how the fuck do you see his age. you pixelated everything.

Trips confirm, these terrorists are too low energy.

doesn't look that hard to me

you are definitely missing the kikes, because they are too busy feeding you this crap.

No, user. Those are OUR guys.

I believe it, but it's by no means impossible. The Saudis do it on a regular basis and Europeans executed nobles in that fashion for hundreds of years. You just have to make sure the sword is nice and sharp or it gets real ugly.

because they want people to voluntarily join them?

gotta keep the propaganda photogenic, user.

Then I don't know; I've always heard it was hard.

Noice trips; chainsaws confirm spics are better executioners than kebab.


Shlomo pls. I'm sure that Assad finally wiping out the radical Islamic militias that make up the majority of the rebels will be just terrible for radicalization. And the results certainly won't be good for Israel.

I hope he saved some imaginary barrel bombs for Tel Aviv.

Actual syrians look very white. The so called rebels always look very brown. The civil war in syria is not a civil war but a race war.
And so far it looks like the syrians are about to win.

Good. Fuck christfags. The fact that these dumb half-kikes cuck to the full kikes is the exact reason they get bombarded with this shit. It would be too just if they all burned alive for what they did to Europe, and the reason we have all this cuck shit now. Fuck kikes, half-kikes, and kike apologists (that includes the shitty Abrahamic religion of choice).

These sandniggers can do nothing but imitate our glorious ancestors, friend. They will absolutely not know what the fuck to do if this shit gets turned back on them–and it must. It will be great to get the US and Europe uncucked and go full Viking on every last Semite. They would actually come to fear such a thing more than the Third Reich. Be sure to check out the new CyberNazi album for our beachhead music when we glass Tel Aviv.

I wonder what it would be like to have a thread where the word "Christian" didn't cause three or four fedoras to anally prolapse?

Jokes on you I was already prolapsed.

Maybe it's time your partner started using lube.

Literally the first sentence

I hate this shit because I and most of the West has an urge to protect children, and they know this and play that siren song every fucking time. Remember one of the justifications for war with Iraq? Iraqi soldiers randomly killing babies in incubators.

Crying wolf like this is going to turn the West cold and uncaring when they realize they are being manipulated for their altruism.

I don't want to see the West lose its altruism and honor, but I also hate seeing it exploited.

TRS tier

Truth to be told, Franco wasn't fascist, so much that at the start of the war he was also against Rivera. When Rivera was killed by anarchists, Franco gave him a nice funeral, that made the falange ally with the military and support them in the civil war.


is there a real definition of fascism?

Does it match with the doctrine of fascism? Yes, then it's fascism. No? Then it's not

Those noble communists of the kgb amirite comrade? Are you fucking retarded? I personally don't think he'll fuck over Assad because having syria and iran in his corner is great especially with roaches scurrying about and I don't see pissrael leaving the US teat. But, trusting a commie who was loyal enough and ruthless enough to rise to the head of the kgb is russiaboo tier.

good morning JIDF

Since when is defending your country from hostile foreign influence a bad thing?


great except most definitions of fascism include franco by a wide margin

Wikipedia says "The Scott Trust Limited" owns The Guardian Media Group:


"The current chairman of the company is Liz Forgan, a former Director of Programmes at Channel 4 and managing director of BBC Radio. She was appointed in November 2003 to fill the vacancy left by the death of Hugo Young. Other directors include previous Guardian editor Alan Rusbridger, Larry Elliott, Will Hutton, Geraldine Proudler, and one member of the Scott family."

FT: Guardian Media Group Hit With Record £173m Loss


"GMG’s total pre-tax loss will hit £173m as the group belatedly writes down about £80m in the value of its stake in Ascential, the publicly quoted magazine and events company, and takes a £20m restructuring charge over severance payments.

GMG has exceeded its target of cutting 250 jobs, with 70 journalists taking voluntary redundancy as the media group struggles to deal with the harsh advertising environment that is hurting print publications.

Controversy over responsibility for losses at GMG led to Alan Rusbridger, its former editor-in-chief, stepping down in May as incoming chair of the Scott Trust, which is GMG’s sole shareholder. Mr Rusbridger and Andrew Miller, GMG’s former chief executive, were accused of allowing costs to escalate as the Guardian expanded globally."

here boy

yeah, because syria was god's heaven on earth.

oh you must be that ukrainian cuckold

It wasn't smoldering ruins infested with snackbars decapitating everyone else.

I think they're browner than the syrians because they come from all over the arabic and islamic world. Most of them may be arabs but you can bet most of them aren't syrians.

(I don't know how true that picture is)

World War III: Race Wars 2: Genocide jewgaboo.

kill yourself jew


relevant thread:

fookin 'el

So whos fault is it that UK, F and Turk did not crack down in 2014, when all the decapitations rolled in - haha…???

sorry drunk and enraged fucking kikes

fuck you ucranian bitch!

Israeli Secret Intelligence Service

this little girl approves, Bana Alabed Verified account [email protected]/* */

What's hilarious is going to the Guardian and seeing them beg for shekels on their site.

Every goddamn time, dont forget the holocaust goys!
The only way to stop these thousands of deaths is to go to war with Russia, think of the babies!

Then there is

In other words

They are ISIS when we fight them, when Russia and Assad fight them they are secular, moderate rebels who just want a peaceful democratic Syria.

Video related

are they still running with this shit?

Oy, never question the gassings!

Hate to break it to ya, but Trump is still very bluepilled on Iran and has made a lot of bellicose statements about them, even if he understands the situation in Syria and such. Not exactly sure how the staunch opposition to Iran will translate into conflict escalation, but we could see military intervention in Iran under a Trump presidency. Trump is a step in the right direction and the pros vastly outweigh the cons but our problems as a race and nation are not even close to over.

Who are you?

fucking kill yourself

Is that you OP, changing your IP and all that?

The Guardian,Channel 4 news,BBC all portray the rebels as being squeaky clean and not at all linked to al nusra. anyone with a brain can read between the lines.

Its infuriating how they claim the white helmets are the good guys after all we know about them, or how they Syrian human rights observatory is a credible source when it is one bloke in birmingham looking at satellite feeds from hotbird.

First they're always heavily drugged. Second there are dozens of mock executions they are put through and are fed and given smokes after, so they don't realize it's real until after the blade goes in.

Tangentially related to the thread but does anyone have a Holla Forums timeline of what is really going on with Syria? I know everything is wrong, Assad is fighting invaders who the media paints as rebels, but they're not even Syrians, etc, just need concrete stuff to source or research on my own. Especially something to disprove the "chemical weapons on his own civilians" meme. I need to defend Assad from retarded burgers.

Obviously I can't Google it because I'd get a kosher version of the events. Would the /syriangeneral/ have stuff like this?

Pretty much, if Syria wins it's the end of their dreams for Israel which is why they're willing to throw the USA and Europe in the fire if that's what it takes for Syria to have peace.

Pretty much. At the end of this war the (((terrorists))) and their families will be purged from Syria at a great price, but it's an investment worth making imho. This war fucks Israel's shit up.

Hahaha keep taking the kool aid, I bet the (((arab spring))) was also spontaneous :^)

Al Qaeda getting expelled from the city they hold hostages in is a "military desaster" now, it seems.

What's Alleppo?

israel is cool with putin (consequently with asad). they are launching air strikes whenever they want.
Lebanese hezbollah is openly fighting in syria (with asad).
iran is fighting openly in syria (with asad).
russia is trying desperately for ww3 it seems.
israel is having a field day.

I don't know user, but I know that tunisia's uprising was spontaneous. shit went downhill pretty quickly in there.

They're angry about the right in general.

Funny how that works, the leftist norm is to deride IQ as "outdated" and "pseudoscientific" whenever Blacks' lack of it is mentioned.

I don't know user, but I know that tunisia's uprising was spontaneous. shit went downhill pretty quickly in there.

It's not the JIDF
It's the new anti-putin, "fake news" trolls like propornot.

Or outright lie about nigger IQ stats and when confronted with the real data, call the data racist.

Nah, Hitler. Part 4 in pic related.

syria is a rift between putin and israel, heis not anti jew but the jewish desire for greater israel seems to conflict with russia security in this case

The normal response is that "tests were written by old White men and are biased to make White men look most intelligent"
Far-East asians prima facie debunk this claim though.
It's worth repeating that the original "right-wing views linked to lower IQ in adulthood" (sp?) has been debunked by a professional statistician.

I think the history has shown how whites rule the battlefield, why do the others even try?



Your newfag is showing. As long as you cut ABOVE the butchers bone and have a sharp edge it is quite easy.

>Bana Alabed Verified account

$5 there's an israeli man behind that account

You want gurgling faggot

Depends on what you would say is white? Horseback Steppe archers ruled the battlefields for a long time.

Well, Im intrigued.
What is the butchers bone?

It bothers me to no end that these people just accept death on the terms of these jihad monkeys. At least die on your terms , don't allow them to make you a public show. I'd rather bum rush one of them and get shot to shit than allow them to execute me for video purposes.

Your limbs are usually bound, ur dehydrated/starved and outnumbered, and there's little you could do except knock one over if you tried to tackle them.

Then instead of a quick death they might draw out your suffering or think of some other creative way of killing you. There's one video where they run over some guy feet first under a tank tread. Instantaneous death like head chopping, hanging, bullet in the brain beats: getting run over with a tank, fire, slow dismemberment, quartered and drawn, drowned.

It's too late once they have you. So, the thing to do is commit suicide with a last ditch pistol or your last rifle round before they capture you.

Two of the videos are narcos.

It is the Hyoid bone and the Atlas bone. The problem most head choppers encounter when using a knife to cut off someones head is they started below the Hyoid bone. IF you start below that bone you will hit the C1 and C2 vertabrae. However if you start above the HYoid and ride the blade along the Jaw you will go above the C1 and get a clean cut.



by inbred saudis

You'll have to level up your posts if you're to get your shekels

A couple of weeks ago, the Portuguese media declared that Assad's forces were using Chlorine gas on Aleppo.

Most (((definitions))) of Fascism include anything that isn't for the current narrative. I trust the founder of Fascism and the philosopher of fascism more than anyone else. Francuck even said he wasn't a fascist but a monarchist. Back to TRS

No, no, the real fear comes from thinking God has send these people as a punishment, not very effective in the post-Kantian West where God is almost synonymous with morality.

sure they are:

It's clear that Turkey was not involved in the chemical attack on Syria


Dan Kaszeta is a chemical weapons expert working as a consultant in London. Elliot Higgins is the same guy behind the 'Belling Cat' blog who became an 'expert' on the MH17 plane in Ukraine thanks to "open source intelligence" (AKA watching videos on Youtube + using Google Maps) and whose work is sponsored by the Atlantic Council, a NATO think tank, and Google. In this article they're attacking Seymoursh Hersh because he said – like many others – that the chemical attack was a false flag to blame Assad.


There seems to be more people talking about that false flag attack in Turkey under a semi-dictatorship than in the UK:


" CHP deputy Seker spoke after Erdem, pointing out that the government misled the public on the issue by asserting that sarin was provided by Russia. The purpose was to create the perception that, according to Seker, “Assad killed his people with sarin and that requires a US military intervention in Syria.”

He also underlined that all of the files and evidence from the investigation show a war crime was committed within the borders of the Turkish Republic. “The investigation clearly indicates that those people who smuggled the chemicals required to procure sarin faced no difficulties, proving that Turkish intelligence was aware of their activities. "


Oh muh shekels!

Typical teenager thinking and a product of the "psychology is worthless pseudoscience" meme.
How you are thinking now, is not how you will be thinking after weeks/months/years of captivity.

This guy gets it.

the first time it was sarin gas, now it's chlorine

What I meant is that they keep perpetuating the same lies.

It is. Every good part of it has been folded into the neurosciences or contemporary magical thought. Modern "psychology" is guidance counseling with a doctorate.

I believe I've had one video with kebab trying to execute freshly captured slavs, oh boy they did not want to die. One escaped and ran 300 meters, they shot him in the back.

It would be like having a world without Jews, since Jews invented fedoraism after all.

Jews didn't invent atheism, there have always been people who never believed in a god. But shouldn't you be helping Muslims come into your country right now? Your brothers in Christ are doing it, your priest is pushing it. Wouldn't want to be a heretic, now would you? :^)

The (((Eternal Anglos))) can fuckll right off in their Pedo Island, together with the BBC and the Queen, haha.

Seriously, fuck em. I hope the next Nuke hits the Fuckingham Palace.