Spic user in Mexico uploads video of black African migrants set to come to America


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Are you by chance retarded or have autism?

The Wall
Build the Wall

they have to go back



What the fuck? bump

Well where the fuck did they come from? This needs to spread

How did they get to Mexico in the first place?

Yeah, Mexico is definitely getting fucked when the Emperor gets word of this.

Immigrant niggers are more dangerous than invading armies.

Wtf bump


Spic user has no idea but mentions some father ,son run homeless shelter in the vid. may or may not have relations to the church

be sure this isnt #fakenews first

We need to dump millions of niggers in Mexico

The Mexican nation must be completely destroyed


This was posted in one of the comments.

SHIT. Also, archive you fucking niggers.


I imagine it's the same people who run the secret flights that leave from Turkey and land in Germany at 3am every morning on the same plane.


If our weaponized autists were to pour over the flight logs they would probably see consistent flights leaving from a middle eastern country and landing (most likely) in Monterrey International Airport which is very close to our border.

I feared that too. Here's the the link to where I found the vid. pls no bully

https:// www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/5fw6on/get_this_to_the_top_1000s_of_male_african/?sort=top

top comment:
Remember Obama stopped flying border security drones two weeks ago.

http:// watchdog.org/282195/border-surveillance-shut-down/

Holy shit you guys what is happening?

edit: Hijacking my own top comment, the description admits this is from possibly September. Doesn't mean it's over. Doesn't mean it isn't still happening. We need to find out who is doing this. We might have a lead here:

www .judicialwatch.org/blog/2016/09/droves-african-migrants-mexico-awaiting-u-s-asylum-secret-pact/

I'm not surprised.

Obama shut down aerial surveillance on the border.


What the fuck?
One final 'fuck you' to the country by allowing a horde of niggers to flood in?

Okay Holla Forums, we need to have a talk.

We need an independent Holla Forumsack news network.
And we need it yesterday.

What am I talking about when I say this?
Well, I'm talking about a pseudo-organized effort to provide funding to reimbursement in investigations in an user's local area.

This situation would be an example: I wager there's at least half a dozen Holla Forumsacks living with a comparatively short drive from the border in question.
We need a mechanism to be able to offer monetary reimbursement for such localized agents to undertake journalistic investigations on our behalf - for example, taking a drive down to the border to try and capture some livestream footage of what is being claimed in this vid.

Fact is, with what this vide presents, we have nothing but the creator's words and some highly questionable footage to go on.

Hell, even to reimburse the guy who posted the video, get him to go do some livestreaming so we can see what's going on, maybe even interview a few people - particularly the Africans.

I'm not an organizer, I dunno how to go about doing this shit - but it needs to be done, so that we have such resources at our disposal should we have need of them.
Think on it.

How did they get into Mexico?

That's the million refugee question.


Not a terrible idea, but it might also need a mechanism to safeguard against agents scamming it for shekels.

Holla Forums posts already are an independent news network on their own ya dingus.


there are a lot of seasonal charities in different churches for niggers in Africa during Christmas time

Ok, so now we just need to know who's bankrolling the logistics on this.

Not really, they're an independent news discussion network, analysis and research, with occasional reporting.

We need more reporting, and to get more reporting, we need a means of reimbursement.
I'd gladly throw up $5 to have some user go check out this Mexican nigger situation - and how many would do likewise?
We have Anons all over the world, and if we could motivate them toward independent live reporting? Christ, it would revolutionize our shitposting and MSM-cucking potential.

According to local Mexican papers and interweb Mexican news, they are begin ship from Haitia and Africa so they can refugee status from Mexico so they can go to Europe.

And the US sorry, I ate that part.

I don't believe him, I think he's trying to start shit to make Trump people look stupid. Remember the entire "le fake news" meme the Jews are trying to force.

Nothing looks right here. Why did he get no audio? Why did he talk over it? Why not try to interview them? Why would a fucking spic want to help the US in any way?

I don't buy it, I think he's trying to start some sort of shit, maybe movie border agents to wherever so this fucker's cartel can sneak spics in somewhere else.

Unless I see more evidence, every instinct in my body calls bullshit on this spic-ass. He'd want to assist us…why exactly?


I see it now. OK yeah I kind of agree with this. The issue is we would need anons on location to do stuff. This also raises the issue of breaking anonymity. A neat idea but I'm still not sure if it's for Holla Forums to have.

So the worst parts of Africa. Great.

There are other sources. see


Immigration, World Poverty and Gumballs - NumbersUSA.com

Here's what appears to be the original upload of the video, from a channel called "TheMythof Feminism"

Heh. I remember that thread.

I can link you to Mexican news articles about this shit. If you must just look up the Spanish phrase "immigrants Africans en Tijuana" and you'll get you spic sources, I bet this where obamgo has been getting this fuckers from.

Link us?

Think an user could contact him and ask for the raw footage?

So wtf do we do about this? Tell the soldiers of Odin? Meme the cartels into killing them? What?

Fucking autocorrect Google Imigrantes Africanos en Tijuana. You'll get spic news sources.

I asked but IDK how long it will be for a response.

Video appears to be from this event in Sept.


We start off by making it overwhelmingly clear to any immigrants we encounter that they sure as fuck aren't welcome here, and the only thing protecting them is the rule of law.


Good man. Now we wait.

Satan speaks truth. Show the mudshits that the US isn't afraid to use guns.

Defend yourself accordingly

That seems like a suitable learning environment for high school students to study calculus in…


fucking cucktholics

They're likely already here then.

Live hour north of San Diego only ever seen 2 black families in entire county my life suddenpy a bunch of African black hitchhiker's start showing up heading north to la


Form a vigilante squad mang.

I saw that too. Important shit doesn't always come to light immediately as it happens m8.

Get some vids/pics when you can. Or this

user, this a remedial class

All these stupid fucking Christ-Cucks import shitskins by the thousands thinking they can 'save' them by giving them an education and telling them the good word of Jesus Christ. Of course all the niggers do is refuse to convert and turn their new home into the same shithole they came from.
The Lutherans are responsible for a lot of the Muslim Somali's that have overrun cities in the mid-west.

Wait wait, you guys remember this story?

I'm sure, especially in this case, it's less about that and more about filling their coffers.

Won't be back for a couple of weeks but I can say overall just this past year there has been a huge influx of foreign blacks, two years ago it was rich blacks. I have no idea what's going on no way these people could afford the area I'm in most leave but I think they are going to Santa Anna or north la county

Check out WeSearchr

So glad my highschool had no black people in it.

Maybe jump one or two fresh off the bus too. Early warning system.

Have a bump

send this shit to alex jones.


My money is on they will be sent to red counties in blue states as punishment. Check em

While I may be a faggot the fact remains that the (((elites))) are bringing in every non white from every corner of the world to offset white hegemony. 2 months ago or not, this is important to spread as it gives light on the routes and channels these parasites use to infiltrate our countries.

I'm new here so I don't know why everything has to be a jew conspiracy.
A lot of those people leave everything they got to go live in a better country, and when the money runs out they beg their way through.
One of the article mentioned some countries facilitate free access to migrants, I don't about the rest but I know that Nicaragua doesn't allow free access to any migrant, so they had to cross that country illegally.


It's called lurk moar, faggot.
Look up "Ursula Haverbeck Hooton Plan English" on jewtube.

what the fuck reported mean?
I was just pointing out an error in the article, Where did I say I support humanitarian aid? I merely stated what is happing.

I saw the video.
I agree but what I found most interesting was not the hidden agenda but what she said at the end about the English.

They try to Merkel America before TRUMP comes into office.

This is not a coincidence, guys.

They try to inflict as much damage as they can until then.

We need sentry turrets Trumps Wall!

[red]GET SOME!!![/red]

Aw shit I'm such a fucking faggot.

== on both sides faggot

Ain't war hell?

Sounds valid.


Eh. I've been lurking on my kikephone on my lunch breaks for almost 2 years. And I haven't read the rules either.

But I still feel like you are all my brothers. (Except for the kikes and faggots from reddit.)

Sounds too easy. "Hey guys, plenty of room here in my windowless van!"

y-you too.

The migrants in this video are Haitians, there have been in Baja CA for months and on the Mexican news lately. I don't want them in the US, hell, I don't even want them in Mexico, they're the equivalent of the Somalis. ==SEND THEM BACK==

I already has son. I already has.

Not quite true. There are thousands of niggers camped out in tents at Costa Rica's northern border because Nicaragua has a bunch of soldiers with AK's posted there to make sure those faggots don't rush the border like they tried in Hungary.

t. I live here and I've seen it myself.

Mexicans absolutely hate niggers, and hypocritically insist on a homogenous nation and will fight anything that threatens that while calling anyone in the US who wants the same rayciss. Point is, this will gain yuge traction among any tacos, any user who can speak taco needs to get memeing asap to spread among spic communities.

That already exists, newfag, its called wesearchr. As far as I can tell it is legit and one of their bounties is responsible for getting Bills rape victims to the second debate.

It's old. I recognize a few of them currently hanging around my neighborhood atm. It's still happening, there are articles here and there, try Breitbart Texas.

Like Laura Silsby, the religious stuff is just a cover.

Jeh Johnson OK'd it.

Jim has The Goldman Report, maybe instead of laughing we can help him make it something really good. There was a board for it but I can't find it. Ask at >>>/newsplus/ We could get Pax and Seaman to do some stuff.

vid related is Judicial Watch interviewing one of them in Mexico. Nigger is from Congo

Okay, listen up asshats.

Even though these people are Hatian, they are not coming from Haiti. The majority of these people had claimed asylum in Brazil and, due to the economic shit storm that Brazil is in right now, decided to pack their shit and move to the US.

It is no wonder they don't speak Spanish nor English. They speak French and some Portuguese.

They are being rejected at the US Boarder and the US is trying to cut a deal with Haiti and Brazil to deport these Haitians to one of these two countries.

This is what is going on. Simple and cheap solution would be to pay Mexico to hold these people for a while until they can either go back to Brazil or back to Haiti.

Why do they need to be held by the US? Mexico let them in (or failed to prevent them from entering) so they are Mexico’s problem.

Oh, he's just getting warmed up, user.

Amnesty ain't the only thing Barry likes in his back-door, if you feel me.

What is the leftists next step in their master immigration plan? We have the common sense to know that any immigrant a nation "saves", is immediately replaced by their country's birth rate. Therfore, allowing a mass amount of illegals and refugees is a really moot fucking point. Do they expect the evil in the refugee's country to just disappear so they may return one day, or are we dealing with globalist commies who want all to hold hands and share wealth?

The goal is white genocide.

That footage could be from fucking everywhere.