Since all the polls showing a Shillary Election and Trump is getting his campaign ended by a Gold Star Family, Holla Forums on cuckchan are bitching "Shill" for things not going their way. Most of them are migrating to Holla Forums now because the "shills have won".
4/pol/ being """""Invaded""""" by CTR shills
It's hilarious that a group of people who spent years shilling stormfaggotry and abusing radical free speech are in turn being pushed out of their "home" by shills, if this is true.
haha "the shills have won"
Please do not tell me our neighbors will be getting louder. Show me evidence please
I wish for Hillary to win, the alt-right will only grow stronger. Trump will probably be a disappointment in pragmatic politics, so he shouldn't waste the dynamic of the movement by getting elected.
prepare the bunkers?
Fuck I didn't know this was already a thread. I just got my first shadow ban from halfchan's Holla Forums. I wasn't even shilling I was just shitting on Trump. Then they closed the thread
a fate worthy of those who evicted others of their own boards to preach from their soap box.
Who's CTR?
I got banned from half/pol/ for "harassment" When it was clear intention simple shitpost. The paranoia is real.
Correct the Record is a Shillary SuperPAC that pays online shills to support Hillary.
How hasn't pol been banned so far then?
The b*rnie fags only got a taste of what Trump ones had since the beggining
Holla Forums gets bigger and bigger
and Holla Forums gets tinier and tinier
the fucking irony lmao
People get called Holla Forums and nazi and asking the moderation to take them out simply for arguing in favor of border control or Trump.
Meanwhile you think people are supporting mass extermination when some nobody is saying some mean word online and that other people are responsible to it.