Spencer's mentor and Jewish puppeteer of the (((alt-right)))

I'd like to be the first to introduce Holla Forums to a man both we and Mr Richard Spencer owe a great debt of gratitude to, his name is Paul Gottfried and not only did he coin the term alt-right but his ideas have helped shape it.
Richard Spencer forgot to introduce us to him personally so I'll go ahead and do it for him.
Gottfried is an author of numerous books and a paleoconservative who's helped shape the conservative fringes from the shadows for decades. From the Alex Jones conspiracytards to the libertarian movement he's been there and now for his most recent slight of hand he's set his sights of the white nationalist movement with help of his Aryan friend of course.
I let the Tablet magazine fill you in on the details:
Continues in comments…

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hi Holla Forums

wtf now I hate white nationalism

Have a bump, let's see (((trshills))) come out of the woodwork

remember to catalog everything on >>>/trs/

We have actual evidence of you shilling here trs, we never had any of Holla Forums

you should start user

Can someone make webm? On mobile.

kill yourself TRS faggots.

I'm BO of /trs/ so you could probably assume I have done my part :^)

fucking thank you

for the last time: no one who belongs on Holla Forums is considered alt-right or even interested in the alt-right. we know its all Jewish garbage, so you dont have to D&C here. try this shit on 4chan. we simply dont care.



I need webm. Will whites ever be free?

I need webm. Will whites ever be free?

This is D&C thread number 3 in the past hour.

How new are you?

Wow shut the fuck up you divide and conquer retard

>deflecting the fact that >>>/trs/ is confirmed to be shilling here

It's not d/c if they've confirmed that they actively shill here


i don't even disagree with you but get your shit straight



And they shill for what? That's right. Go back
You post these images that show a WN forum promoting themselves on another WN forum in every thread.

Did you read it? Why don't you ask Spencer for a response?
Holy shit.

Every time.
I recognize your style from every other Spencer thread.
Please die.

you shill for your homo-enabling (((podasts))) and you expect us to not call you out on it?
Get fucked kike

Just admit that you fucked up.


So post some friend and prove me wrong. In the meantime you won't mind if I post proof of you trshills shitting up our board will you?

you've got to gpo back OP. reported.



Don't JIDF train their people? You're not even credible.
Anyone who read the stuff you post will see it's not even incriminating. You could at least have bothered and edited the text to make trs look bad.
You have to deserve your raise before you receive it, Schlomo.

only faggots like you use the filter function unironically

Stop being a retard that makes stuff up and you won't get corrected. Holla Forums is irrelevant to this discussion so you had no reason to bring them up and you should not comment on things that you are obviously too knew to know anything about. Hell you can even just go to their board and see threads that are still up.
Example: >>>Holla Forums181656

he keeps doing it

however, date for your shilling matches to today, hmm how strange

you know he banned right and has been for a while along with all the other fags

Yes exactly. I see you posting the same images in every thread and using the same language too.

Fuck off shekel goy, go back to sucking (((Spencer))) and (((dukes))) cock

Its at 13.47

I thought Spencer got his talking points from dugin? Or was that just a meme?

Yes nigger its a dead board, I never said they were actively shilling us I said that they had. Just fucking say, Admit you were wrong already instead of acting like a kike that even when confronted with truth denies it.
What the fuck am I supposedly shilling? The fact that Holla Forums used to shill the board? Everyone that isn't a retarded newfag like you already knows that.

if I'm such a shill, then why do you worship a fag enabling false-flagger?


t. Moishe

yet instead of calling out (((trshills))) here you immediately went to blame Holla Forums?

what a pile of shit.

Kinda wrong about that fam. Alt-right is an umbrella term used to define anyone who doesn't fall in line with traditional Republicanism. Even if you don't want to be labeled by it the left will still call you it.

You're the one that brought up Holla Forums you fucking retard.


Choose one but go.

huh I didn't know was my post

Well you're still the one that made up bullshit because you're too fucking new to know otherwise. Just say that you were wrong already as you've already been proven wrong.

Your tribe has been shilling on here for a long time. We know your style. You don't even try to fit in.

Serious question.

Let's say Richard Spencer went full GTKRWN. Let's pretend TRS started donning brown shirts at their pool parties and began forming militias.

In this hypothetical scenario, would you support these people?

prove this wrong then

Goddamn you are one stupid mother fucker. I've not once said that TRS doesn't shill because I don't dispute that. What I did dispute is when you said that Holla Forums never did which is obviously bullshit. Don't comment on things that you clearly weren't around for.

no because some shitposter on Holla Forums told me not to


Have they fully condemned any and all faggot in this scenario?

Unlike TRS, Trump is not controlled opposition and you would know it if you weren't a shill yourself. Really, die in Iran for Israel? Trump has made it very clear he intends to be neutral in the Iran deal thing.

we'd be giving the media ammo to make us look bad goy. we're not really nazis here :^)

This moron has been posting the same shit for months. If I bothered to screen cap things posted here, I could come away with the same message that Holla Forums is a bunch of homosexual shills. And then I could run to TRS and try and drive a wedge.

I hope he keeps posting because I'm starting to think it's innoculating people against this d&c kikery



even >>>/trs/1567 ?

Its pretty inarguable that Spencer is tolerant of faggots and favors a big tent approach. I'm fine with them doing their own thing really, its when people come here and try to force their labels onto Holla Forums that I get annoyed, they should just let us do our own thing and them do their own thing. If someone feels like taking part in both that's alright but conform to where you are while you are there.

Then yeah, I'd be cool with it. My disagreement with TRS has always been enablement of faggotry.

daily stormer has lost the plot while we're at it, anglin used to be open about criticizing dicky spencer for being such a flaming Milo-lover, then one "Hail" at NPI and suddenly he's a huge spencer fan.
I think anglin's just back on drugs or something.

Anglin has always been a larping faggot so of course he flips as soon as he sees a few people at a NPI conference doing the same. I've never understood why so many people liked Weev and Anglin, its always been pretty obvious that they're mostly involved just because they like being edgy.

Making them different from 3/4s of anons in what way?

Fair point.

filtered for d/c thread

I listened to the Daily Shoah about 2 years ago when it just started, and it didn't really interest me. I thought their opinions and stances were too light.

I decided to check it out again a month or so ago to see if all the ant-TRS shilling on Holla Forums was true, and these guys are pretty much right in line with Holla Forums. The only way they seem like faggots is if you isolate a 5 second clip in much larger discussion. These guys are not sympathetic to Jews, fags, or marxists.

That's my take. I can't comment on the rest of trs

They're fine with fags as long as they're quiet about it. They're all in the same social circle as the people who run Counter-Currents, and feature Greg Johnson frequently, and publish stuff by former twink prostitute Ryan Landry.

the fash the nation podcast falls in about the same line, i have not really listened to the other casts

So no one ever explained to me what the 1% difference they have is if they agree 99% with stances here.

No because they are gay OR if they are becoming like us then they are LARPing

stay isolated on Holla Forums, do nothing but shitpost, do not make allies and gain strength. t. notashill

They are anti-gay. Anyways why do you focus so much on faggotry? Are you some kind of fundamentalist christian?

as much as I hate clinton, those were probably medical cough drops

No, they are not. These are the facts of the matter. Besides, replying with

shows the lack of seriousness with which you hold that conviction. You're just playing anti-gay to fit in.

The 1% difference is they try to meet up with each other and constantly try to give other nationalists the benefit of the doubt.

Not being cynical. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad.

I ask because fundie christians tend to care more about moral hot button issues like muh gay marriage and aborshun instead of the #1 problem: WHITE GENOCIDE

So which movement/figure isn't a jewish plot? What can I even fucking do if all these allegedly alternative-politics are actually operated by yids that hate me?

We don't even an ethno nationalist country yet. Why should any sane person fight the anti-gay battle when the anti-kike/anti-diversity battle is nowhere in sight of winning?

Try again.

Either be fully anti-subhumans in white countries or continue LARPing that you are something other than normalfag moderates.

Pro tip.

Look to Holla Forums for news, Holocaust revisionism, basic philosophy, and evidence of Jewish fuckery.

Do not look to Holla Forums for practical solutions and political maneuvering. This is not the place for that.

You're a larper yourself.

It would make sense if the whole LARPing thing wasn't just massive projection.

You have to take the entire structure down or it will just regenerate. You can't argue against interracial marriage while simultaneously allowing for gay marriage. You can't argue against white genocide and for family formation while allowing homosexual sexual liberation.

Easy we just ask them to stop doing it nicely. Not that they will use every law and structure in place to continue to destroy everything. Then this joker here has the nerve to say they are being practical more like delusional.

Go to hell, TRS

You really think all of your goals are going to be accomplished at once? Those are details to be worked out later.

I hate referring to the left, but take a page out of their book. They've spent 80 years subverting our cultures into something they want. We can work quicker than that, but let's make sure first we have a white nation, and then we push our social goals.

Projection of what? Wanting to be a Nazi?

intl sure is heating up a lot of hotpockets tonight.

Honestly TRS is pretty good.

What is going on here I can't be certain, I am biased but at least I am honest about it. My best guess is its a 3-way (or more) struggle on Holla Forums for the user-base to recruit.
!) Pro-TRSers are from TRS or friendly to it. They are honestly genuine good solid guys who want to gas the kikes race war now, a more focused Holla Forums based on real world action and connections at the price of anonymity loss.

2)Then there is the anti-TRSers which I am convinced are from Ironmarch which lost the fight against TRS in being the the important ethnonationalist group so has become a vengeful ghost which shills hard here. Also among this group are paranoid people who fear any irl groups and ppl who have fallen for the shilling.

3)Then there is probably the 3rd group of trolls or shills from intl/leftypol/ctr/jidf who hate everything Holla Forums stands for and wants us to bicker among each other while they laugh. These threads tend to get as many posts as pro/anti christian ones so are quite effective.

They are getting everyone onboard. It is a good tactic.

Played it a bit too hard there sven

Except when you say that you are a Nazi LARPer to them.

Not even going to mention how the non-existent ironmarch thing triggers you so hard. You are essentially the Leftypol of white nationalists tho.

I'm at a loss as well. The people who are anti-trs are often too hard headed to have a rational conversation with. It makes me think they're insincere and have ulterior motives. I've never used the TRS forums, but I think you have a decent theory concerning iron March and shills

It is most likely that there's third parties just causing chaos but we do know that some TRS members do shill here for free that makes the problem worse. At least the kikes get paid and don't pretend to be our allies when shilling so I think there's much better chances telling TRS to go away than the shills.

Again you sound like your from leftypol with your Ironmarch spook talk.

Decentralization is a strength, not a weakness. Holla Forums being an entirely separate thing from the alt-right is a positive because if one falls apart the other will not have a recuperation period. There is no need for us to be united with them though being at each other's throats is also foolish.

This is getting out of hand. Holla Forums has been accusing TRS as larping as Nazis. Are we all just larpers?

NPI had some nazi larpers(unsure if they actually use TRS or not), Holla Forums is actually national socialist, there is a big difference.

So everyone on TRS believes subhumans and kikes should be thrown in ovens sincerely? Guess I was misunderstanding then.

That's working on the asumption that the alt-right isn't a cancerous spreading mass that's attempting to spread a wide and (((inclusive))) net.

They're larping as smart people.

To use a cancer analogy the alt-right is stage 1 cancer, we currently have stage 4 cancer in the West in the form of anti-white globalists. You attack what has you on death's door step first then fight the other.

get fucked TRSer

What if they're Roman larpers?

You'd be surprised. you can only joke about something so long before you become sincere. That's how most Holla Forums users came around.

To correct the medical analogies though, the alt-right is more like a progressive autoimmune disease that will make the bodies defenses weaken over time. I agree that we have cancer but that shit isn't good either but you can just give chemo to both cancers. You can't give chemo to someone who is autoimmune.

I wouldn't be surprised the alt-right was controlled opposition.

A lot of the content looks oddly polished and professional for a fringe movement that was formed in less than two years. Not even atheists, MRAs, contrarians, pick-up artists, MGTOWs, and anti-SJWs have that level of professional content and organized meetings that are recognized by the mainstream press. When you see content from users like Thunderf00t, SargonOfAkkad, Stefan Molyneux, or CF, you can tell that it doesn't look too polished in comparison to Red Ice TV or TRS podcasts. There's also the fact that LGBT people are in there as well. Remember the Daily Shoah intern?

I don't believe that they are controlled opposition, but those are particular flags that rose for me.

They were actually minorities (Two Jews and an Asian) who did the Roman Salute. The press tricked everyone, including you, when they claimed that it was a nazi salute.

The press has been calling you nazis for years, don't drink their kool-aid at that moment.

Pretty much this IME

Your argument is basically

They weren't the only ones doing seig heil, vid related. Note this guy just did it for fun to be edgy, there was no deeper thing. If there were then I wouldn't have an issue with it.
Seig heil and roman salute are the exact same thing, everyone knows full well which one first comes to people's mind these days.

You can waste your time fighting the alt-right if you want, I think there's far more important targets and we're operating with little time.


You don't say?

I was shitting on them but way to go full retard there friend.

But what if I am a nazi?

There will be no wasted time, any time spent keeping Holla Forums informed from fishy behavior from outside sites is not wasted.

Kike attempting to steal credit for something others created for himself? I'm shocked.

Don't use allied war propaganda terms to describe yourself.

What the everloving fuck does that mean?


How am I a TRScuck when I explicitly told the TRSers to fuck off?

Didn't Yuri say they would infiltrate right wing groups because leftists are only good as useful idiots? Did anyone ever find out if he was legitimate or not.

It means he's a subversive faggot trying to poison the well.

Paul Gottfried:
Why so many Jews are pushing for white genocide


And whites bringing up the Holocaust and often reminding others of it, which often happens without any reason because the media and the education system talks about it incredibly often, despite the fact that there were bigger genocides even in the same century the Shoah happened, basically contribute to decline and destruction of their own race without really realizing it.
Paul Gottfried talks about how a lot of Jews look at the Holocaust and white people and the effects those views have on white people, black people and others, and the Western world as a whole.
video by Property and Freedom Society

That's the thing. I've seen plenty of other whites like William Pierce who have good views, yet they don't make professional quality content.

They have a good reason to keep it unpolished as well, and it's because equipment is generally expensive. Why spend hundreds and thousands in upgrading equipment when you can obtain the same number of viewers by using the old same rig like Thunderf00t, MisterMetkour, and Sargon? The audience generally doesn't care about high audio quality or independent platform, they come for a particular view they want to listen to.

Even without going back to Rome, there is a precident with the salute. It is one of allegiance, not hate.

Sage for these pointless topics that have been discussed a thousand times already.

He's throwing you a bone. Listen to the video I posted. He wants an aristocracy only with jews in power. He's also masonic scum.

This is just the newest example of subversion from Da Joos and the other rich slimeballs in charge. They backed all the insanity of the SJWs but now that the pendulum is swinging back now they're jsut gonna change the label and some of their talking points and PRESTO now we have the Alt-Right just in time for 4-8 years of Trump presidency.
Anyone who embraces a fucking title provided by the MSM deserves to be thrown out in the trash with the rest of the dregs, including assholes at the Daily Shoah and all of these other up and coming fucking wastes of space that are shilling for my attention because they want to be the next big Breitbart.

Fuck them, fuck everything. I hope Russia nukes us all when the Turks force their hand.

Pierce was a little old to get on the computer machine and make a good product. You're essentially dumb founded that millennial with right wing views know how to work editing programs.

You're being ridiculous

It would be a careless move as normies loathe Nazis. This is because of the thousands of Holocaust and WWII propaganda that came from both the (((media))) and (((Hollywood))).


Forgot to sage.

Your faggotry is astounding.

I'm not claiming that it's outright impossible like aliens riding on horses in the stratosphere. It's possible. Folks create stuff out of passion all the time.

I just found it peculiar that in addition to dumping in a huge amount of hours, that they would frivolously spend money on equipment, property, and software for a fringe movement that's mainly ran on donations. They have numbers way less than the longtime alternative movements like MRAs and pick-up artists.

The Gottfried connection does explain Spencer's pan-europeanism and his tolerance on homosexuality. NWO crap and faggotry are both explicitly jewish.

https: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Jewish_Parliament

nice try TRS cuck failure, kill yourselves.

I ll do that. the vimeo or the youtube? Can you give us the exact time in that specific video when he says he wants an jewish aristocracy in power? The vimeo-video is so fucking long. What turns me off is that he is student of Marcuse. I m still open to him, though.

Are you illiterate?

The Audio only one. The guys a slimy Jew ignoring jewish sacrifices and claiming jews were slaves in Egypt. I posted an mp4 of him laughing at dumb goyim who don't come close to Jewish "genius".

who cares about alt-kike

Holla Forums is not alt kike intl

Doing God's work user.

Leave a sage if ur promoting TRS

/trs/ is the board exposing TRS shilling.

It's really bizarre to see how seriously some of you take this board lol

please go outside, please exercise, please work right, and please learn to operate a gun

as it stands you are a net negative on the white race

Doesn't look like it to me, front page looks shit.

Fuck you, and fuck your drama too. You are the cancer killing this place.


me too :^)

>like every legitimate movement it is decentered and disorganized
wew lads (((they))) really are forked-tongued devils, eh?

what are neocons?

It's definitely very informative. I've been reading through it. I don't know why they're so interested in our little board, but apparently it's worth raiding to them.

It's their defense mechanism, they do this everytime, if you're not from namefag forum, you're from another namefag forum. The notion that some people out there happen to genuinely enjoy the anonymous atmosphere is lost on faggots like that, it is also 9 times out of 10 a good indicator that they're not from here but shilling for one of their faggy sites.

It really is painful. I don't want to pose as some oldfag, but discovering anonymous image boards really changed my outlook on life. This raw power is a genuine thing I otherwise can't find in my pathetic little life. And these spineless faggots try to take it away from me and for no good reason. It hurts my soul.

Just read this article about right wing reactionaries and their love for girls (male) check it out pretty insightful.

Really I think we're going to have to LARP as full communists for a few months to get these faggots to stop spamming us with altright shit.

We're not a fucking political party. We're not left or right or democratic or republican. We're none of us ever planning or expecting to ourselves be 'elected' to any sort of public office. Trump is to us a tool to be used by us; he is not our fuhrer and we have no illusions of what he will and will not do.

There are few things we care about and they do not include bullshit from bullshit sites.

That guy did not do the Roman salute actually. He was just pictured in that Atlantic video and that's why Red Ice interviewed him.

One of the few people i like on the "alt-right" is Kevin Macdonald. His book is indispensable in understanding the JQ.

Red Ice is hit and miss, good interview on the rare occasion but poor content most of the time.

Spencer is too milquetoast and a poor debater. He couldn't even debate properly against a literal we wuz kangz black guy.

Jared "Jews are white" is a philosemite. He just keeps repeating that blacks and hispanics are dumb (as if anyone didn't know that already) in his mundane voice.

Then there are other boomers like Brimelow who make good points on immigration but stay quiet on the JQ. These people are cowards who get triggered by couple of Roman salutes.

So all in all, I am not a fan of many of the alt-right figureheads but of course they are still better than blatant opportunists like Cernovich, PJW or beta republicans like Crowder, Milo et al.

No, it isn't. I've never heard of him yet I'm sure that he couldn't say anything new to me about the jews.

They already have afaik.
Hell the War Room has an episode entirely devoted to setting fags on fire and dragging them behind trucks.
Pretty much every time they interact with Spencer they give him shit for having ever tolerated Milo, regardless of how hard he rages against fags now.

The main problem that this board seems to have with Spencer is that for someone used to chanposting, the idea of saying anything other than the most extreme version of your explicit position on something is cucking. I wouldn't really be surprised if Spencer turned out to be a plant (that's just standard fare for the Right), but I'm pretty sure he's jsut trying to get what he wants from those who interview him.

tl;dr Spencer is the tiny amount of dialectic normie outreach anyone cares to do, nobody else bothers to do the same because it's largely pointless

Jared Taylor should go in the Brimelow category. Stop twisting his words fgt. Name anyone who has actually been able to call out both the muds and the jews at the same in the US. The only one I can think of is David Duke and look what happened to him.

Stop being a nigger and think politically

pick one dipshit

I would like to think /pol is most likely very aware of Paul Gottfried. It's nothing new to us that the identitarian/contrarian/hipster-signalling part of the nationalistic movement has always been easy for subvertion and weird ideas and openess to degeneracy in general.

Ever heard of archeo-futurism? Yeah, same guys.

Goyim, I…

As an non, I'm just really concerned about the homosexuality. This collection of 16 month old data from people who've been banned is clear evidence that TRS, the alt-right, anything and everything needs to be dismantled and destroyed. No matter what pops up and gets any momentum at all, I find anything in it and repost it six million times to turn other people against it while ignoring any and all substance, just like I do with my Talmudvision powers for you gentiles. I'm just really concerned about "shilling" here, hehe, you can see what a huge issue this is for the White race, and how entirely legitimate this "TRS shilling" is, rather than a few posts out of millions that got no upvotes.

So please, goyim, keep posting these same screencaps over and over and over, divide, divide, divide, make sure that nothing anywhere gets any momentum or unity, just keep up this "everything is gay," "everyone is shills," "don't trust anyone" mentality, I assure it that it works out perfectly for my tribe's interests.

no one cares


If you were a part of this board you wouldn't speak from the perspective of an outsider.
You know what? Just fucking kill yourself.

If you were one of us, you'd know if we are aware of him or not. But wait.
You can fuck off already.

We are older than your alt-kike LARPery, and we will still exist once you've lost momentum. If you don't understand how it works, then you should lurk and lurk. But you have to post this bullshit. Idiot.

OP is a turbocuck.

Gottfried is probably the only truly based Jew on earth. He attacks Jewish involvement in PC, he attacks cultural marxism and defends White people. Is Gottfried perfect? No. But there's a reason the Jewish left hates his guts, Gottfried is a race traitor to Jewry.


leave and never come back.

Oven yourself.


no one likes you autist, kill yourself.

le argument. fucking retards


Remember the $10,000!


Lay off the paint chips you fucking absolute retard.


I see we have another faggot who needs to lay off the paint chips

the jews did this

Yes because we all know jews don't jew each other.

Bobby Fischer called for the extermination of the jews and said the difference between a "good jew" and a "bad jew" is that the "good jew fucks you slower".

If he were still alive, he'd be agreeing with the #YesAllJews crowd, not cucks like you.

That fact you don't know who Bobby Fischer is speaks volumes on how you need to lurk moar and stop opening your shit spewing mouth.

If Jared was just a coward who would refuse to mention jews all together, I could understand supporting him, but he defends and promotes the traditional enemy,

Im pointing out Bobby Fischer was a Jew and he hated them how dense are you.

Why are bait threads like this not bump locked by the mods?
Really makes you think.

Well, I'm not using somebody who called for the extermination of the jews as "proof" that good jews exist.

This. Also request sticky.

Was he a Jew?

I understand how it works, and unlike you I understand that this isn't about "alt-right shills," it's about certain fuckups around the internet who would rather engage in tearing down people who advocate for Whites, against Jews, gays, blacks, etc., when there is a strong momentum going that way. I don't give the slightest fuck about the "alt-right" moniker, I do give a fuck that there are people trying to pretend that people who often frequent Holla Forums, are 100% in line with its ideology, are the main enemy because they "enable fags" or are "trad wives" or whatever. It's juvenile bullshit, and nothing is ever going to come out of Holla Forums or anywhere else if anything which gets any momentum, ever, and has a pro-White message is attacked by supposed "pro-Whites" who attack it for "shilling," or being gays and transgenders, when that isn't the case at all. That's just pure faggotry from useless shitheads who aren't in this to fight for their people, but to fight petty internet squabbles and start gossip because they like drama, that's 100% of their motivation and fighting for their race is 0% of their motivation.

He was a single jew who rejected his own jewishness and called for the extermination of his tribe. You still don't see how that contradicts your view that Gottfried or any of these other heebs are "good"?

I dont give a fuck about Gottfried.
So thats a yes on him being a Jew.

You pretty much described the people you are defending tho.

Now that he's dead, do you think there are any good jews?

Keep restarting your rooter (((TRShills))).

Night of the long knives is coming.

They did a show about re-integrating them into society last year.

I don't trust Jews.

What this guy said.

….and bumplocked

That's like eating your own food-poisoning induced diarrhea.

Not really, man, I'm a mod on the TRS forums and I tell people over and over not to shill here. It's a separate place, I get it, it's not an advertising board for people who want an audience. Anyone who's on there knows that this "constant shill raid organizing" narrative is complete horse shit, there are a few who are disappointed that people can come in here and astroturf a false consensus against sites that are totally on the up and up, but that's about the end of it.

My concern isn't about people who want Holla Forums to keep its unique identity, it's about these specific few people who insist on attacking absolutely everything and anything outside of Holla Forums. They don't do so for reasons they claim, they do so because they specifically want to see white nationalism or national socialism get nowhere, and the way they do that is by roaming around and telling lies like "they're all fag loving transgenders," which are bullshit. When someone comes out and goes after our racial enemies, and these people's instant reaction is "how can I lie about this pro-white guy who's talking about cultural marxism/mass immigration/mud races to discredit him," his actions are precisely in line with what the Judischepresse's actions are, intending to break up any kind of pro-White momentum by lying. Consider what kind of sack of shit thinks like this.

Thankfully, MrAwesome or Sinead or Slavros or whomever this shithead(s) is or are are dumb as a stick, not clever like the yids, so these redundant screencaps and this "LOL NO UR FAGS WE DON'T WANT YOU HERE" typing style are only enough to fool the stupidest of anons.

My concern is saving the West from the yids and their brown hordes, not "user culture" or whatever, which is good and useful insofar as it hinders e-celebs and people trying to use the crowd for their own purposes, but is not an end in itself while the world burns, obviously. I don't see any movement toward a pro-White direction being beset by lying douchebags, internet dramatists, and so forth to be a positive, and I think it's important to point out to some people that supposed pro-Whites who lie about others and tear them down for its own sake, slandering good people rather than genuinely trying to root out bad elements, are shitty people who should be ignored (and are, by more perceptive anons).

How are lolbergs and ancaps who roleplay as fascists helping either cause?

I'm not here to "shill," so I'll keep this short, but if you're referring to TRS you might note that Mike Enoch was the one who started the Hitler/Roman saluting before the cameras were rolling.

I can't delve into the depths of people's minds and determine whether these people are truly "lolbergs and ancaps who roleplay as fascists," but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and not make claims of inner knowledge of people's secret ancap leanings because I'm not a woman who likes starting internet drama by pretending to know things I don't know and slandering people with them.

did you take a look at the board lately? I know there are the minority of loud dumb useful idiots, but you can say the same thing, how are these larping losers from Holla Forums that cry jew this jew that and bullshit, helping in any way anyone?


Hi imkampfy. Holla Forums has left a few months ago, find another boogeyman to lay your paranoia on.

Well you saw nothing I said was about the all being faggots meme. I mean the ones that pretend like they are the true professionals and intellectuals. Same way as I feel about the losers over at endchan. It is the whole being disingenuous thing but acting like they aren't. I don't like the idiots that actually use 1488 Nazi LARPer or TRS is all faggots shills in actual conversation like it does anything other then make them look retarded.

Right, that glossary is from 2013, there's no denying that the guys were "edgy libertarians" who were breaking from mainstream libertarianism at that point.

That has, of course, zero relevance to their views today, which you are aware of. That still didn't stop you from pretending it's relevant, because you have abandoned the Aryan trait of truthfulness to try to find one little thing or another to make a point that you know is false. That is the way of the Hebrew and the useless internet drama-starting juvenile.

If and when anyone here, there, or elsewhere drops the mask and starts advocating against borders because it's "statism," sure, that's a great point to say "god dammit, they were just ancaps all along," and drop them. Until then, and that's not going to happen, it's a spurious attempt by nobodies to nitpick and create false narratives, just like the media and "Trump said all immigrants are rapists." The dignity of any White man who engaged in such behavior, eschewing activities against Jews, blacks, browns, or other groups, and choosing to create false narratives against pro-Whites, is suspect.

Good. Keep telling them FROM THERE, you literal faggot.

Does anyone have the rant of that TRS e-celeb throwing a bitchfit about how White people should go extinct?

If it helps I think it was the fella "researching" gay porn.

I've been posting from here long before they were around. There isn't this hard line of genuine Holla Forums race warriors the evil conspiring TRS libertarian shill fags. But "you literal faggot" is also a good point, you are surely a worthy inheritor of the literary qualities of our forebears and not a disgrace upon their name.

You talk like a FAG and your shit's all retarded.


And you would say the same thing about Burke, or Montesquieu, or Virgil, or Schopenhauer, because you are a castoff from the genes of men who made Europe great, who has the same appreciation of the penmanship of great European men as the lowliest street nigger. The "peat bog" meme is as original and insightful as your genes are worth preserving.

Come on you honestly seem like a decent person and should know better than to fall for this bait man.

And there it still lies for all to see.

Doing my own thinking for me are we?

I see you opted for calling me a jew rather than sticking to the usual tactic of dismissing me as another namefag from an opposing forum.

I'll entertain your scenario for the sake of argument. Say this does turn out to be the case, and you end up with pie on your face you'll be the one who dismissed people who chose to remain skeptical as kike shills.

Yeah, I'm not really falling for it, I just wish White men would represent themselves better than these sorts do, and many here and elsewhere do. It does get to me, a bit, to see some genuine momentum building that can move way beyond Trump's kosherized civic nationalism, and yet see these people here every step of the way lying and starting drama like a bunch of slanderous Jews. I just wish we could be rid of them, but they seem to be everywhere. I'm not losing my shit over it, it's just an annoyance, someone would hope that one of the only voices in the world demanding a higher standard for our people would act better than being liars and shitty internet children.

Yeah, I don't know when that's from, but Jazzhands is the politics guy, not the ideology guy. Fash the Nation is good, but Jazzhands is a guy who used to run in beltway circles or something, so he's good in analyzing polls and Republican stuff but if he still has that ideology, I obviously don't share it with him. The difference is that I wouldn't waste time sharing something like that, over and over and over again, because I have the peculiar trait of focusing on our enemies. I don't know the dude, but I doubt he's presently for open borders or shipping jobs off to Indonesian sweatshop workers or whatever your implication is. If he is, I'd just say "I disagree with him on that point, then," and move on to important things because I don't think that "gotcha" webm's are something that a worthy grown man spends his time on, it seems more like something that people who are interested in internet drama are all about.

It's not "lies for all to see," by the way, because my point was about cherry picking. For example, the same guy you're going after arose a bit of controversy in August when he went after Trump for pulling back on some of his deportation plans. There's hundreds of little things like that, and hours of recording, but you brush it all away to try to find the one little thing you can put out to go "aha, gotcha!" That's not honestly being skeptical of "fake white nationalists" or whatever, that's trying to discredit people a priori and then finding evidence to sway others into your view, which does not follow the evidence (or would include the majority of what Jazzhands talks about), but tries to present a narrow view with a little soundbite which, again, is a Judischepresse tactic.

It's a 3 minute video with context and all, i implied nothing, it's a simple case of letting the video speak for itself. You tried though.

Or perhaps it's people who think no one is safe from criticism? Nah, it couldn't be, we're all just kike shills amirite :^)

Yeah, only 1 thing, right. Those "things" add up by the way and for some (me) they're enough to warrant my disdain.

I bet you think that a "godly black" deserves more to have his genes preserved than the offspring of a white MD and a white physicist just because he reserves his criticism over your sodomite lifestyle and pussytalking sophistries, right, Milo, you fag?

Initiating smug dump for posterity.

lol kevin macdonald identifies as alt-right. stay mad faggot.


TRS more or less does a good job with podcasts like TDS and FTN. Don't listen to the couple of shill faggots who keep making the same threads and posts dozens of times everyday. They seem jealous nobody cares about their shitty website.

apparently you do enough to shill here

if you're legit, lets get an apology and a promise not to ever shill your shit here again

Doubleposting is a sure sign of autism

The oldest archive of the TRS Lexicon is from June of last year, and when Mike Enoch and Seventh Son were on Red Ice (around that same time) they talked about how they just added it, so it all checks out.


Jared Taylor has NEVER called out the Jews. Ever.



