And the reason for this is complex.
To start, let's begin with some truisms. 'Getting back' at non-whites by breeding with their women is basically impossible. This is because a white man taking a non-white woman, and a non-white man taking a white woman are vastly unequal due to well-established sexual-racial hierarchies.
There is a clear racial hierarchy, well established through contact with many different non-white tribes. Every non-white people that has laid 'conquest' upon whites, always exalts and prefers white women.
Genghis Khan's descendants had red hair and green eyes, because he took exclusively white women for his main brides.
The moorish kings demanded 1000s of specifically blonde white women as tribute while they were ruling spain. And interestingly enough, the moorish princes eventually became blonde after their shitskin ancestors secured the highest quality mates(aryan women).
And from the Ottoman empire:
Circassians, Syrians, and Nubians were the three primary races of females who were sold as sex slaves in the Ottoman Empire. Circassian girls were described as fair, light-skinned and were frequently enslaved by Crimean Tatars then sold to Ottomans. They were the most expensive, reaching up to 500 pounds sterling and the most popular with the Turks. Second in popularity were Syrian girls, with their dark eyes, dark hair, and light brown skin, and came largely from coastal regions in Anatolia. Their price could reach up to 30 pounds sterling. They were described as having "good figures when young". Nubian girls were the cheapest and least popular, fetching up to 20 pounds sterling.[6]
White women were literally so prized that one of them was worth more than dozens of their own women. And look how the Ottoman royal children turned out.
And let's not forget the barbary slave traders, that went all the way up to Iceland to secure sex slaves to sell to fellow shitskins back in the mediterranean, that probably made them filthy rich. The blonde aryan women were worth more than their weight in gold.
When you notice that people like Assad and other high-class middle-easterners look european, it's not because of some long-held european dynasty hold out from the greco-roman period, but more likely the sultans, omans, and princes securing the most attractive, and thus whitest women they could, eventually whitening their bloodlines.
The Moors ruled in North Africa and in most of the Iberian Peninsula for several centuries, and the Umayyad Arab aristocracy ruled all the way from Damascus to Spain.[29] Ibn Hazm, the polymath, mentions that many of the Caliphs in the Umayyad Caliphate and the Caliphate of Córdoba were blond and had light eyes.[30] Ibn Hazm mentions that he preferred blondes, and notes that there was much interest in blondes in al-Andalus amongst the rulers and regular Muslims:
All the Caliphs of the Banu Marwan (God have mercy on their souls!), and especially the sons of al-Nasir, were without variation or exception disposed by nature to prefer blondes. I have myself seen them, and known others who had seen their forebears, from the days of al-Nasir's reign down to the present day; every one of them has been fair-haired, taking after their mothers, so that this has become a hereditary trait with them; all but Sulaiman al-Zafir (God have mercy on him!), whom I remember to have had black ringlets and a black beard. As for al-Nasir and al-Hakam al-Mustansir (may God be pleased with them!), I have been informed by my late father, the vizier, as well as by others, that both of them were blond and blue-eyed. The same is true of Hisham al-Mu'aiyad, Muhammad al-Mahdi, and `Abd al-Rahman al-Murtada (may God be merciful to them all!); I saw them myself many times, and had the honour of being received by them, and I remarked that they all had fair hair and blue eyes.[31]
Muslims prized blonde women for their harems; and so enslaved Slavic women were purchased in the bazaars of the Crimean Caliphate. In Muslim Spain, an annual tribute of 100 Visigothic [blonde] women was required from Spain's Cantabrian coast.
For decades, 100 virgins per year were required by the Muslim rulers of Spain from the conquered population. The tribute was only stopped when the Spaniards began fighting back – Jihad: Islam's 1,300 Year War Against Western Civilisation