More high IQ white guys going for Chinese girls

More high IQ white guys going for Chinese girls

In the state of ever increasing slutdom and unrealistic expectations (ripped model millionaires only plz) more high IQ white guys are going for chinese girls, given that they're generally quite open to white guys and they tend to make up the majority of female students in STEM.

Will high IQ white genes go extinct in a couple generations?

Vid related (two smart, good looking white guys with chinese wifes and hapa kids).

Other urls found in this thread:{73B99493-DF40-41F1-A96E-595F6E15B833}.pdf

white girls are fucking degenerate, asian cuties is where it's at

My high school girlfriend was Chinese.

It's mostly the reason I'm full pro-white now. They're great when you're a kissless virgin, not so much when you have some experience under your belt.

Fuck this stupid fucking meme. There seems to be a major push in this agenda. Focks news keeps pushing this stupid hgtv couple (((coincidentally wm/af))) as a victim for some gay shit. The kikes are putting everything into overdrive.

This is what people don't get when they talk about x% of Whites in the future and they try to cobble together some coalition to keep the zio-cuck Republican party in power and take some long game view. With the level of diffuse diversity in the country, the number isn't static and miscegenation will increase exponentially.

Sure is Jewish in here.

reported for gookposting


Schlomo plz

Kill yourself. You might as well, seeing that you're actively destroying the white race.

I find chinks, gooks and nips disgusting. Especially the females. They are whiny shrews with no concept of anything beyond their own interests. They screech and mewl like teacup sized retards, especially during sex. When will this fucking meme of muh based Asians die?

This is a problem.

We need to stop allowing Orientals into our countries.

That's the easiest solution.

Kinda scary thinking that young me was quite into a certain chink… Fortunately fate would have it another way and I married a white and beautiful woman.

Rad. Chinese women are fucking terrifying and prone to random outbursts of screaming and violence, only they won't break down in tears afterwards like white girls, they'll grab a knife and cut your cock off.

My post is a warning, not an endorsement.

You have to take the next step of actively removing the ones who are already here, as well as the ones in all Western countries. They are a subversive fifth column and they can't be here. If China wants to do something about it, nuke 'em.


I am still really amazed about how you guys always manage to get the first fucking post EVERY FUCKING TIME

Asians may be a worthy adversary, but they are an adversary nonetheless. They don't care a damn about us, they (naturally) care about themselves. While I'm aware of the high IQ of the higher Asians, I'm convinced there's something quite different about them behaviorally that separates us from them, I find them odd.
TLDR: They are smart yet alien, don't make weird beta babies.

Common Filth is just an asshurt spic.

That really sucks for you, user. I'm glad that you're pro-White now, but having had race-mixed, the price for this in the future will probably be banishment.

Masturbating to porn/having weird fantasies of whatever you want is okay. But actually betraying your race is another.

What is your view on race mixers? What do you think will happen to the likes of you, should be discovered.

What are you talking about? Where are you getting that I'm a race mixer?

CIDF/MGTOW gtfo my board reeeeeee

Woah, sorry, user. My post was meant for:

Not really on-topic but is it just me or do these two look *way* healthier and less stressed than white nerds living in the West?

Hahahahahahahahaha, sure they are Mei Ling.


There has to be like 50 of them constantly spamfucking the F5 button day in and day out looking for a new thread to pounce on.

Tell me more about how you want your daughter to marry a godly nigger, CommonSpic.

Thank you, Rabbi. You are truly my greatest ally.

I've given up on the race shit, sure gas the kikes, get rid of ferral nigs of course.

But with CRISPR designer babies, you fucking know everyone is going to make their kids have lighter skin, blue/green eyes, and look more European.

Its a losing battle, unless you want to totally reject this tech.

I was 15 years old at the time and she was my first girlfriend. Now I find racemixing disgusting and the memories of fucking her are revolting to me, but on a moral level. I've only dated white women since then, despite only becoming NatSoc a year or so ago.

I'll kill enough kikes in the future to make up the debt, I'm not too worried.

This is only half of the truth. The other half is that said males are often unattractive to local females. It doesn't matter whether it's due to their body stature or due to forced media expectations ("if you don't have abs on your face you are not a real man lolol").

On the other side, chinese women often seek white man because of their wealth. asian-white relationships are almost never based on romance or love but on a mutual trade between practical circumstances (pussy will behave, while men will gief gief, in exchange pussy yours and I have better life).

Simple, really. Chinese women are cucking their own men, which makes them race traitors by default. Not sure if this is a quality you seek in a woman.

I'm going to enjoy flaying you alive when the day comes.


Would you have preferred me to stay a retarded shitlib and keep sullying my genes?

You gonna chastise the man for fucking a chink broad when he was fifteen years old?

Grow the fuck up, user. You're detrimental to the cause.

I think we should throw his father into the bog, for not teaching him the way of avoiding such shit.

Indeed. Birthrights, like your culture and nation, are bestowed upon you at birth. It was not earned, nor should it be; it was your ancestor's gift to you because they love you. There is immense comfort in this; no matter how much of a lazy unproductive slob, SJW Marxist, pedophile, or homosexual effeminate faggot you are, you are never too unsightly for your ancestors and race. At worst you are a victim, and need to be shown the way.

However, has betrayed his ancestors, and a crime against blood is the only thing strong enough to sever the bond of kinship.

If you look at most IMMIGRATED Asian women, and even some other ethnicities, it's part of their culture to strive for social, physical, and academic excellence. They place tremendous importance on that shit, resist degeneracy, and put great importance on their virginity. If you find a white woman who didn't fuck her way through college, she's almost a mythical being. If you find an immigrated Asian woman who didn't fuck her way through college, she's just one of millions.

You need to stop with this knee jerk reaction of MUH WHITE RACE the instant you see one of these threads, and get to understanding why this is happening. It's too late to do anything about this generation of white women, so we need to be thinking about how to make sure our descendants are the strongest and smartest we can make them.

Stop with the knee jerk bullshit. Five minutes outside in society will tell you, even if you refuse to admit it, that it's too late for this generation.

Your priorities are fucked. What am I supposed to do, off myself for having grown up in a kike propaganda saturated environment? It's not like I'm unrepent and I never had any kids with her.

It was wrong and shameful, maybe even unforgivable but it's nowhere near the severity of being a commie or a faggot.

Is this the level Holla Forums is at now?
Things have gotten so bad that I just want to leave at this point.

That must be why you're still here :^)

In what universe is this the case?

Hilarious. Hold still while I gas you.

Asians make good girlfriends, but they make the most horrid of wives. Don't do it.

A quality reply to the points I put forth. But I think you forgot the "you shithead" to cap off the brilliance of your debate.

Holla Forums is too focused on degeneracy. Look, if correcting degeneracy is a higher priority than loyalty to your race, then you're going it wrong.

Both of you are either shills or rightist Christians who still haven't gotten the message yet that racial solidarity is more important than moralisms. This is the reason why Hitler succeeded; SJWs, Marxists, etc., are victims. We love them as members of our race, misguided as they are, and they need our help.

you're supposed to laugh at this comic, not take it as inspiration for how to live your life you sperg, not funny.

The points you put forth drip with Judaism, you shithead.

You're obviously some kind of shill or other since you're bullshitting about leaving only to stay. That's leftist behavior.

You still are

I do love my race, I think you've got it mixed up as to what I feel is right now.

When I was 15 I was a gullible misguided retard with no racial awareness. Now the tables have turned and I can see the light.

That being said what I did was a crime and I'll answer for any punishment for it, but just because I made a mistake as a child doesn't mean I don't feel a sense of racial kinship with my brothers.

What'll likely happen is I'll keep this to myself as a secret shame and that'll be that. It's not like 15 years from now when we're fighting ZOGbots in the trenches I'll turn to my brother and go "hey before you throw that grenade I want you to know I fucked a chink"

the name of the show is Fixer Cucker

INB4 Jooks

Plenty of high-IQ whites aren't in STEM or even in colleges.
you're mixing up capability & desire, many whites have the capability to achieve in STEM fields, but have no desire to do so.
I have an IQ of 148, but never went past an AAS degree in electronics.
It would only make sense that people thrown together in STEM courses would have a higher incidence of dating one another, and if STEM courses attract a large number of Chinese females, it stands to reason that the white guys would have higher incidences of dating them.

Great solution. Asians may have high intellect and are less promiscuous (which is partly a yellow fever myth, a lot of them are, especially the ones that go after whites), but they are still an inferior race with inferior genetics (not to mention just as soulless as the kike). Accept the fact that unless you are lucky, you're not going to get your perfect virgin waifu. Have white children and raise them right so that in the future you sons will have a chance to.

they're the same fucking thing

Yes, but the attitude about the degenerates themselves has gotten so perversely wrong.


I don't really buy it. Whites want whites, blacks want blacks, asians want asians.
Actually, that's not entirely true. Whites want whites, blacks want whites, asians want whites.

Sage for pointless b8 thread.

I hear you, user, and I do feel sorry. My personal philosophy is that it should've been so strongly resonant in your blood as to avoid personally race-mixing, no matter what people delude themselves into thinking in their darkest hours. Even white, liberal women who shill hard about all the Marxist platitudes typically avoid interracial dating like the plague, whether they're aware of it or say anything about it.

"You're not good enough to be white!"

Oh, and of course,
"To the >>>/bog/ !"

I'm fairly certain all this chinese girl / white guy shit is pushed by the Chinese.

Hi, Schlomo. How's the Synagogue doing?

So you're a faggot then.

Blood coming before personality is ubiquitous problem in our age. Leftists also have this point in common; "It matters more your own moral character than the cloth from which you were cut."

Indeed, user, it is you who is the degenerate.

If you're a faggot, you're a genetic dead end and are literally as useful as a coalburner

So according to that image, black women are the only ones that don't want white men? Do they realize not even black men want them?

Fuck whoever you want, but wait to find a quality white woman to marry.

Reminds me of a section from the Talmud. Basically, it says, "Try your best to avoid all degenerate behavior. However, if you can't, go to a non-Jewish community and act as degenerate as you want, then come back to your home with a pure mind."

Men and women are different in terms of long-term relationships. A woman benefits from purity until marriage. A man benefits from experience with other women and the real world, not necessarily sex, though it helps.

It isn't even enough that you're content with miscegenation for yourself, you just had to try to make others accepting of your yellow fever disease with this post and for that you're getting reported.

I'm a heterosexual man, and I love my race more than you two ever have, and possibly ever will.

That's not the point.

When you assume you make an ass out of yourself and your boyfriend Jamal.

Please I want the source to make a meme out of it.

They can say they are high IQ, but they aren't very smart. Asian women are awful. When they are young, they pretend to be cute innocent women. So KAWAII DESU XD. Then when they finally get a ring, they turn into absolute turbocunts who try to make the men their slaves.

No miscegenation anywhere. Race traitors need to get the fuck out.

Well that's the way it goes. When I enlist in the Neo-SS it'll be under s fake name and I'll try to prove myself as an Aryan man from there.

For now I'll just kill pedophiles or join border patrol or something.

Degenerate race-mixers get the rope too.

Y-y-you're the real degenerate, not me!
Yup, Schlomo, you showed your schnoz.


The correct emotion for degenerates of your race is not hate, but love. This is the nature of the savior archetype. Did Hitler hate degenerates? No, he pitied them.

Love for your race is the fucking point. Your race is not a vehicle to resound your personal ideology. It is at once your child and your parent. It transcends you.

I would have race-mixed the shit out of that, and I don't care what the hell anyone says. I would have had 20 great years before she turned into an apple-head doll.

I never mentioned race. I just called you a faggot.


All women do this to be honest.

I actually saw it posted here before. I don't have the source, I just strongly remember the message. Someone else may have it though.

This is a D&C Attempt.
It's the ol JOSHUA GOLDBERG trick, Agree, belittle and amplify to StormFront times 11.

Do not engage, do not shitpost with him, treat low energy, low IQ bowlcut killer LARPERS like Rachposters.


Shalom fellow race warrior, we shall drink the blood of anyone who ever looked at nake femal asians in Vahalla. Now go have 40 white babies or you are all cucks.

Jesus fucking Christ. Check my ID before you fucking post. Look at

Be careful about what egregores you channel. That picture is very descriptive about what's going on. Milo, however, does deserve the bog, because he's actually fucked niggers.

Here's hoping someone has it. The "go to another cultures and be degenerate there" thing is pretty Jewish.

Also, I don't know but is faggotry even accepted in Isreael? Being Current Year +1 and all.

For clarity, do you actually think that I am one of these shills? Because I agree with the top half of your post. It's the reason why were in such a fucking mess when people go overboard with

I admit, posting in an obvious shill thread isn't doing much for my image.

So professional student white guy with 138 IQ on the WAIS. Here's my $0.02 on the issue: almost every half decent white girl in a professional program has one of two possible flaws:

1) completely brainwashed by +8 odd years of university. Imagine the functional, never having kids, career first feminist.

2) the "college was for studying/partying" girl, slept with +10 guys and probably has a mild drug/alcohol problem

Asian women tend to be more numerous and traditional, offering an attractive choice. I still prefer white girls, but East Asians are a close second. Main problem is I would never want to have a half asian son, so it would be daughters only.

Alternatively I can date down socially, which gives me more to chose from. But, people who can keep up with conversation are few and far between in the general population.

It's like this kid put on some furry He-Man boy shorts and is larping as Conan with a 30 pound Windmill of Peace amulet around his neck.

these kiddies never post date/pics/proof that they are actually white and not Goldberg disciples.

Lmao nerd virgin alert. If you've ever dated an asian you'd know they're insane in the membrane even moreso than white girls. Asians don't just drink the koolaid. They inject it.
They're also fucking stupid and entitled, not to mention they care very little for their race.

You can't choose that. You also can't choose the gender of your grandchildren. Do you want to die of old age knowing that?

Go find a girl in a rural area. Also you don't want to wait for a woman that can "keep up with a conversation", that's why male friends exist. Finding a smart, white girl with moral principles? Not happening.

All this throwing around of the term "inferior genetics", is this supposed to be accepted as objective fact? Can you justify it without relying on superstitious nonsense or simple biological evolutionary tribalism that makes any member of any race think that their race is "superior" and all other races are "inferior" naturally?
I don't understand how people that are aware of the facts of human biological diversity can keep throwing around terms like this, it flies in the face of the science on the issue. Even *if* you want to take the most solid available ground of "Yes Africans are proven better than Europeans as sprinters, and Tibetans are proven to have better high altitude oxygen processing ability, but who cares about any of that useless stuff, intelligence is what really matters." you instantly fall into the trap of the obvious conclusion that Ashkenazi Jews and Asians are "superior".
Convince me, I'm whiter than a full moon but all this third reich LARPing just strikes me as ignorant of the facts, and therefore just as guilty as leftist cultural marxists who claim race is just a social construct and has no biological basis. It even seems historically questionable in keeping with the theme of the third reich as Hitler deemed the Japanese honorary aryans for example.

Hurry up faggot, she needs those alimony payments ASAP


lmao you are trying way too hard to fit in

That's actually bullshit, asians cheat their way through everything. For them it is about appearance over substance, ie FACE. Asians are obsessed with face. Also in the STEM fields they and kikes both underperform when compared to whites.

And lets compare mean IQ for Chinks it is 100 and for whites in the US it is 103, and whites have greater variance in IQ with about three times as many whites having IQs over 140 than NE Asians.


The mythical pure Asian waifu is just that: A MYTH. STOP WATCHING SO MUCH GOD DAMN ANIME. The Japanese men THEMSELVES don't even wanna marry those sluts, thats why they churn out 2d waifus

This! Japanese are probably the best Asia has to offer but there's a reason their men turn to fucking pillows.

Let that sink in:

According to Japs, their women are worse than pillows

Doesn't sound very smart to me.

Respect, sharp and swift answer.
I have some concerns, mostly focused around potential environmental influences, open vs closed societies primarily, and the effects of any potential "great people" in those societies, as well as lack of recognition for early Asian scholars that seem to come up far more frequently than this would indicate, but generally speaking Charles Murray has admirable rigor so I'll give this a thorough examination.



Yet another meme. You are aware of something called the public school indoctrination center?

No? How about the internet, or cable? People can even get signals via satellite in the woods, it a technological marvel.

Listen up, the average white, Christian background, two parent, somewhat traditional girl/woman has absolutely no fucking idea the amount of propaganda she's being force-fed without her knowledge. She has no idea how much non-whites absolutely despise her race, want to fuck her as a "fuck you" to the man. No clue that there are actual Ferenghi who see her as cattle and secretly plan to rule the world - and own our government, media, legal system, finance and education.

There are groups of Germans in Germany trying to go "inna-woods" and brainwashed marxists follow them with cameras to make documentaries on how they are "evil" for not wanting diversity. They mock them for being traditional, they call it backwards.

All it takes is one person around you to get the "infection" and your life can be ruined by your kin being corrupted. One neighbor, one classmate, one parent of a child's friend, one member of the PTA. It's a literal Horror story IRL.

Unless there is a world war, plague or outright revolution, race war - without a HARD RESET, many men here will never find an honest, good, decent, non brainwashed woman to carry on the white race.

BUT - we do what we can and never give up, that's what men do. That's what white men do.


Not with azns

Also is that the kid from the mask, holy fuck!

That second pic is golden. Checking btw.

The men are resorting to pillows and hating on white men because so few Japanese women are riding the cock carousel, and a lot of the ones who are actively dating at all gravitate towards whites.

This needs to end. Asian women are not hot. The ones who are, are the minority.

There's a reason that nips aren't reproducing. Japanese chicks especially aren't that hot. I used to work for a Japanese company and I got a rude awakening at how ugly they are.

This is what yellow-fever patients actually believe.

They are way hotter then white women, at least the fat American ones.

Is that what's-his-fuck from Kangaroo Jack?

I see you get your knowledge of women from instagram.

Nice macro, very good debating skills you have.

There's an "epidemic" of virgins in Japan right now, leading to a birthrate crisis that the Japanese government has commented on. Stop being everything wrong with Holla Forums for two fucking seconds and actually do some research.

Just what I see IRL.

I feel you. I met my wife over the internet - she did need some redpilling, but man did it work. 8 years now.

You should find a girl that seems receptive enough. Believe me, you can redpill a woman. Find one with daddy issues that just needs a helping hand to love her true nature more.

Remember, you have to instill values on her!

Asian women are notorious sl00ts for white men.

b-but my white goddess

I recall seeing a study that claimed something like half of young women in Japan had no interest in sex or relationships. It could be true, but I find it hard to believe, especially if that's based on self-reporting. It might just be that they don't want to admit to it.

The hikki phenomenon is a serious issue though, there's definitely something going wrong there.


tell us more, rabbi


We could also design a Retrovirus and gene bleach them. However we also need to regain our position to become the dominant culture once more.

Seeing as how there is a massive surplus of Chinese males, this must put those slanty eyed boys in a bad mood. This must be the reason the Chinese are going to war with India. White guys took all their women, Chinese men getting restless and might start asking questions…getting restless…

Cause teaching engrish is an easy as fuck low workload job while you're among the top 20% of salary earners or so. Not stressful at all.
I know, I know.

Thanks once again, very interesting.
This leads me to ponder the genetic basis for the behaviour in question which might lead to certain traits of Asians and Europeans respectively. On speculation, I would imagine the independence and commitment to objectivity above all that seems to be a hallmark of a European above an Asian would be highly advantageous in having an outsized representation in human accomplishment.
Do you know if it is known if this lack of agreeableness and fierce independence has any concrete genetic basis? And if so, is it on a dominant or recessive gene? If dominant, doesn't it stand to reason that a mixed race Eurasian might actually have the elevated mean intelligence as well as the independence and commitment to objectivity? Alternatively if it's recessive, this would result in potentially a worse of both worlds in the opposite direction, and would also be useful to know.
Or perhaps we do not yet have enough genetic knowledge to map character to genes in this way?

Jews infiltrating Asian countries through normalization of mixed-race children.

Every Jew will be gassed, remember that.


Making excusses to not fugg a qt chink.


Well I guess you aren't a high IQ white.

That's merely a lack of discipline. You can have both and you preform much better Half of the time I see "High IQ men" waste their times on idle hobbies and rarely step up to the plate and max out their physical potential. Along my way too loosing weight I think and feel better about myself, I've managed to regain a still and focused mind once again. You must earn your legacy.

What thread are you sliding, Moishe?

I forgot you can watch nsfw jewtubes without an account in embed.
It's an interesting watch.


asians and latinos have an unspoken but obvious cultural norm to aggressively improve the racial stock. the fact that they chase white men implicitly belies this truth. anyone who disagrees is just rationalizing their desire to get their dick wet

I've seen that before, typical dumb foreign affair they don't even talk about image clubs

you went full Qutb
"The American is primitive in his artistic taste, both in what he enjoys as art and in his own artistic works. "Jazz" music is his music of choice. This is that music that the Negroes invented to satisfy their primitive inclinations, as well as their desire to be noisy on the one hand and to excite bestial tendencies on the other. The American's intoxication in "jazz" music does not reach its full completion until the music is accompanied by singing that is just as coarse and obnoxious as the music itself. Meanwhile, the noise of the instruments and the voices mounts, and it rings in the ears to an unbearable degree… The agitation of the multitude increases, and the voices of approval mount, and their palms ring out in vehement, continuous applause that all but deafens the ears."

What exactly was the problem?

I think you mean autistic men who can't get a white woman.

millions of hapas born to reject white fathers and race traitor asian mothers, a population of mental illness, failed expectations, school shooters and more. It's the greatest tragedy of the 21st century.

That's the rub. You put all this effort into vaccinating your own family, and your friends.

Then you have to attempt to court a potential ally and partner to carry on your name and lienage. Redpill pharmacy overload, constant yearly check ups - all while the propaganda keeps coming in waves - some new methods - brute force, appeal to emotion 24/7.

Then congrats, you now have a wife and mother for your children.

Then you have to stretch and prepare for 18+ years of redpill pharmacy part II for your child.

All it takes is one. One teacher (lesbian art teacher). One faggot friend in her class to promote degeneracy. An introduction of the faggot friend to a non-white ('white"hispanic mix) because now love is blind, and his non-white friends and now her friends.

Christianity is no longer a buffer for race mixing, now that it organized religion, is full on dying and will take any and all parishiners to give them sheckles. I have seen Mormons going full racemix mode the past 15 years, when Cain used to be a nigger and niggers where bad. Now they are godly niggers there too.

Beyonce just sang at the Country Music Awards.

It's a goddman full on full court press to polarize, attack and subjugate white western value and erase us - BUT THE AVERAGE NPC-CAUCASIAN CAN"T EVEN FUCKING SEE OR CARE TO SEE IT.

This is my horror movie. Pic related.

Italians are pretty good

Regardless of opinion on the topic, what you said is retarded.

This seems to neglect that humans, unlike other species, to a large degree control their environments. In fact, one could even make the claim that it is an evolutionary advantageous trait of a given population to be able to control their environment better than their competitive populations. Unlike other animals, we are not merely the marble upon which evolution acts, but also the hammer that chisels the marble in its own right, and the press that made the chisel as well.
With the advance of recent technology such as CRISPR, genetic engineering is a burgeoning simple fact of reality. That given, is resorting to simplistic animal husbandry methods based on the assumptions of simplistic animal populations of genetic engineering truly the best strategy an individual could choose to pursue going forward?

Life is a struggle mate. You take it day by day, and eventually, you build up those around you who make your tasks easier.

Actually, the shitty ones have a ((father)){73B99493-DF40-41F1-A96E-595F6E15B833}.pdf

>Helbig et al. (2002) discuss the taxonomic implications of hybridization due to secondary contact, suggesting that taxa should be considered as separate species if the level of divergence between them indicates that they will remain distinct. The example given is the ruddy duck and white-headed duck. Unfortunately, even highly divergent congeneric species are capable of forming a fertile hybrid with complete admixture, despite being separated for long periods of time (Price, 2002). The retained ability of taxa to hybridize and introgress is not indicative of conspecificity. Rather, the emphasis should be put on protecting species, especially rare species, from the hazards of hybridization.

If their in the woods, why don't they just kill the Marxists & feed them to the pigs?

You make it sound harder than it is, dubs-man.

If one lesbian art teacher or feminist pop star can sway your wife, you didn't teach shit. My wife unfollowed a lot of people just because they said slightly-SJW things on Twitter. She picks it up like I would - and so should yours.

If you just work your way towards a wife and 2+ kids who won't be influenced because you teached them not to, and not just told them not to, then you're doing your part.

All these opinions without any evidence, how do you expect to convince anyone?

Insane yes, but more traditional in many senses. I've got a soft harem going with an engineer, a lawyer, and a biology student asian.

People are simple if you know what buttons to push. Learn the game and aquire status and watch the pussy roll on in son

AKA three separate gooks have friendzoned you.

I don't understand this at all.
If it's true, then why is it true? Japanese girls are good looking, and while I'm not saying it's right to miscegenate, who wouldn't want to fuck one?

Why are Japanese men not screwing these women? Or is it that they are simply not having children with them? Have they been Jewed into ending their procreation the same way whites have?

Which brings us to another point…if birth rates are dropping dangerously low in any country, why not make birth control illegal in that country until birth rates are at least stable? Or perhaps offer incentives, such as increasing the tax deduction per child?

I hear a lot of bitching about the kikes, and if they all died off tomorrow I wouldn't shed a tear, but I also see NO organization fighting to counteract the Jewish plot.

There should be organizations paying whites to have children, and paying non-whites to sterilize themselves (in white countries, at least). Although the Jew-bastards and their programmed-for-racial-suicide dupes would scream "racist!" at the top of their limp-wristed lungs, it would STILL be perfectly legal to institute such an organization.

And at this point, I'll bet you'd get quite a few million people to donate to it…

I can't understand, is she a pornstar? Because if she is, why would she post that, considering the target audience and upper management?

It's just a smelly ploy to get you to ante some good Magic: The Gathering cards.

The example I used was my sister. 20 years later it's still an uphill battle, but I like to think I kept her from going full marxist carpet muncher and a decent woman who long term dates white men.

You speak sense. It is just frustrating to have been fighting the good fight for 26 years now, since I was 14 - and society is actually getting fucking worse.

Socratic Method and leading questions are best methods IMO.

I see old friends, old family, and even close family just give in, in the face of reason, facts and reality - and personal experience - to propaganda flavor of the month and it's infuriating.

No one can debate. No one takes their opponents position to feel out their arguments and mechanics to understand their own footing anymore.

I mean, the amount of politicians who are aren't dogshit I can count on one hand. My old 100 year old defunct Catholic School is now a Charter for spics and niggers run by a LITERAL kike.

An 87 year old Christmas festival in my current neighborhood is chugging along by the sheer willpower of the white senior citizens who are too stubborn to die.

Everyone I love and care about is bombarded by the best and sneakiest social conditioning, propaganda and collusion that money can buy.

I had tears in my eyes when I got an X-Wing for Christmas. Now, I feel sick when I see Rogue One on TV.

Some friends moved to Idaho a few months ago, I am checking it out in Feb to see if it's where I go full Uncle Ted.

Best of luck with your wife and future family, I hope in the near future that the pendulum truly starts to swing back at all who wish us harm.

Pic is of an old Sicilian friend who got yellow fever

If some could make Tony Wojak holding Pepe, that would be awesome.

1. This implies racemixing is rampant to the point where 1/2 whites racemix. This is far from the case
2. You are implying Asian genes and traits are dominant, like Africans. Also not the case.
3. You are further implying WMAF couples will let their children coalburn, or marry other Asians.


Most European women seem to have no interest in me.

Then be interesting!

Is this suitable for a white man to have children with? Or will they not be sufficiently European in several generations time?

It does nothing more or less than demonstrate the method by which hybrid swarms form, and it uses a 50% outbreeding rate to visualize it efficiently. The rest is your mentally ill and/or low IQ speculation.

The real case is most accurately captured by Island Models which examine the effects of importing foreign genetics; assumed is the external source of consistently foreign migrant genetics, which is the case as this grand interracial experiment is only taking place in White countries, and the migration itself. As time increases, even with very low rates of interbreeding, the allele frequency of the target will trend towards the migrants'.

I am of course trying to reason with a madman, for whom all roads lead back to justifications for his yellow fever, and who forms arguments from misinterpreting instructive simplifications.

This is why so many betas go for asians. Asian girls' pussies are set on fire by weird gangly little men. I'm convinced it's because academics and test taking have been the way to get ahead in asian (esp. Chinese and I think Japanese) societies for centuries. Can't say I completely blame the betas for taking advantage of it.

Yes because creating anti-white hapas will do wonders for the white race! Kill yourself, kike.

But how?

Something like half of Japanese adult men and women are virgins. They simply aren't fucking. They're all either too busy with work, or losers that never go outside.

Hot asian women. LOL!
Pic related

Well, you expect them to be pretty and receptive.
In exchange, they expect you to be fit and successful.

Being fit: just basic HIIT and a diet of rice, broccoli/kale/spinach and fish or grilled chicken breast.

Being successful: Don't waste too much time on chans and go build a life for yourself.

Keep in mind what you want your grave to say about you. Imagine your grave, and imagine how something sounds next to it. "Organized stuff pretty well"? Just work on the tasks you have at hand. Strategize. Build a path and walk it.



was meant for

This is a bit of a meme there's 40mil extra males and in day to day terms dosen't affect the average chink much.

Don't worry, you're not alone. Never feel like you're alone.

We may be an army of destitutes with no organization but this board shows that we're not alone.

We all need to be our own leaders now, but we won't die in regret and sorrow.

You are a good man and you deserve to be happy for your decisions - let them speak for themselves, not to others but to you.

And the reason for this is complex.

To start, let's begin with some truisms. 'Getting back' at non-whites by breeding with their women is basically impossible. This is because a white man taking a non-white woman, and a non-white man taking a white woman are vastly unequal due to well-established sexual-racial hierarchies.

There is a clear racial hierarchy, well established through contact with many different non-white tribes. Every non-white people that has laid 'conquest' upon whites, always exalts and prefers white women.

Genghis Khan's descendants had red hair and green eyes, because he took exclusively white women for his main brides.

The moorish kings demanded 1000s of specifically blonde white women as tribute while they were ruling spain. And interestingly enough, the moorish princes eventually became blonde after their shitskin ancestors secured the highest quality mates(aryan women).

And from the Ottoman empire:

Circassians, Syrians, and Nubians were the three primary races of females who were sold as sex slaves in the Ottoman Empire. Circassian girls were described as fair, light-skinned and were frequently enslaved by Crimean Tatars then sold to Ottomans. They were the most expensive, reaching up to 500 pounds sterling and the most popular with the Turks. Second in popularity were Syrian girls, with their dark eyes, dark hair, and light brown skin, and came largely from coastal regions in Anatolia. Their price could reach up to 30 pounds sterling. They were described as having "good figures when young". Nubian girls were the cheapest and least popular, fetching up to 20 pounds sterling.[6]

White women were literally so prized that one of them was worth more than dozens of their own women. And look how the Ottoman royal children turned out.

And let's not forget the barbary slave traders, that went all the way up to Iceland to secure sex slaves to sell to fellow shitskins back in the mediterranean, that probably made them filthy rich. The blonde aryan women were worth more than their weight in gold.

When you notice that people like Assad and other high-class middle-easterners look european, it's not because of some long-held european dynasty hold out from the greco-roman period, but more likely the sultans, omans, and princes securing the most attractive, and thus whitest women they could, eventually whitening their bloodlines.

The Moors ruled in North Africa and in most of the Iberian Peninsula for several centuries, and the Umayyad Arab aristocracy ruled all the way from Damascus to Spain.[29] Ibn Hazm, the polymath, mentions that many of the Caliphs in the Umayyad Caliphate and the Caliphate of Córdoba were blond and had light eyes.[30] Ibn Hazm mentions that he preferred blondes, and notes that there was much interest in blondes in al-Andalus amongst the rulers and regular Muslims:

All the Caliphs of the Banu Marwan (God have mercy on their souls!), and especially the sons of al-Nasir, were without variation or exception disposed by nature to prefer blondes. I have myself seen them, and known others who had seen their forebears, from the days of al-Nasir's reign down to the present day; every one of them has been fair-haired, taking after their mothers, so that this has become a hereditary trait with them; all but Sulaiman al-Zafir (God have mercy on him!), whom I remember to have had black ringlets and a black beard. As for al-Nasir and al-Hakam al-Mustansir (may God be pleased with them!), I have been informed by my late father, the vizier, as well as by others, that both of them were blond and blue-eyed. The same is true of Hisham al-Mu'aiyad, Muhammad al-Mahdi, and `Abd al-Rahman al-Murtada (may God be merciful to them all!); I saw them myself many times, and had the honour of being received by them, and I remarked that they all had fair hair and blue eyes.[31]

Muslims prized blonde women for their harems; and so enslaved Slavic women were purchased in the bazaars of the Crimean Caliphate. In Muslim Spain, an annual tribute of 100 Visigothic [blonde] women was required from Spain's Cantabrian coast.

For decades, 100 virgins per year were required by the Muslim rulers of Spain from the conquered population. The tribute was only stopped when the Spaniards began fighting back – Jihad: Islam's 1,300 Year War Against Western Civilisation

Michael Rivero is hapa.

wew lad

Pic related are Genghis Khan's hapa sons.

So to reiterate, the idea that you can 'get back' at non-whites for racemixing is born out of naivete. Sure, they get pissed if they see you with their women, but they see securing a white woman as pulling off a check-mate.

And in modern times, only a basementdweller couldn't see this obvious racial hierarchy in play today, where shitskin men would quite literally fight to the death for the privilege of securing a white female. Hell, even chink men consider it as bringing pride to their country if they secure a blonde woman. And the non-white men who get white women are oftentimes the most attractive, successful and alpha of their race, and thus there is such a hugh discrepancy between the success of Asian Male/White female kids, and White Man/Asian Female kids. The white males come from a pool of the rejects, the losers, the ones with fetishes, while the asian males come from a pool of the richest, most successful, most social, most attractive of their race.

Compare that to white men doing the opposite with a chink; a social no-no with connotations of low-status, betaness, and unspoken acknowledgement that the man was rejected by white women and had to settle for mediocrity.

So, according to widespread consensus, a non-white male securing a white female is an achievement, while a white male doing the same is a failure or a low-achiever. Trying to 'get back' at non-whites by breeding their women is like lopping off someone's finger after they've severed your arm.

cum home white man

I've spent quite a lot of time in Asia, and if you ever want to see white women getting ignored, it's not a bad place to start. Your anecdotes about the historical tastes of foreign tyrants aside, this does not hold to the present day. Western women are viewed as pushy, annoying and entitled. There may be a level of sexual fetishism with regards to their physical features, but that is once again just sexual. In my experience, western women in Asian countries have pretty lonely lives, and even western men in those countries are largely not interested in them.

Proudly revealing this, as if it makes you an authority on the subject, just proves that you have failed to take anything of what I have said to heart. You should be ashamed to even admit you've spent time bumming around in asia, because you've only showed me that you're a loser who probably went there virginal and rejected, desperate for some kind of attention from females. That's a HUGE blow to your credibility, and tells me exactly what type of guy you are.

Anecdotally I have my own experiences with this as my father was in the Medical field and I am in med school - I've met a half a dozen asian male doctors with white wives; moreso than i've seen asian male/white female couples walking around in public in my entire life, probably. I've also heard directly the conversations of asian men in my courses, about how much they want a white woman as a status symbol and have even heard them picking apart men who've been able to nab a white girl, trying to find out how he did it.

A lot of white men probably don't even understand this dichotomy because they'll never be on the other side of it. Doubly so for self-admitted failures like yourself, who attempt to escape their low-sexual market value(And thus reality as a whole) by escaping to the other side of the planet. But all you have to do is notice all the losers of our own race settling for non-white women, while all the high-achieving non-white men hunt for white women like king kong.

This would hold if I went there to find a woman. I'm not that interested in women, I have had plenty of them, both western and eastern, I will probably continue to do so for the foreseeable future as in present society I see settling down as counter to my interests.
I am simply pointing out the flaw in your argument. Countering with assimilated Asians in the west that pursue western women with great vigor makes no impact to the statement that this preference only holds for that part of the world, where the modern west is viewed as desirable, tolerable, or acceptable.
I find it quite funny, really, that someone in a forum like this, knowing that the west is corrupted and cucked as it is, can make the claim that the only measure one should account for are the present standards of the occupied western world.
But, hey, if that works for you, that's great.

somewhat true.

There is no "Pick-up Culture" in Japan that I witnessed. Karaoke, and having a ballsy (drunk) friend introduce the more timid friend was the extent of "game".
Just huge groups of friends meeting with huge groups of other friends with only one actual couple to give the opposite sexes a chance to rub elbows.
Apart from some 3 day booze fest party at University - have no idea what it was for, the women kept their knees closed and the men didn't get shitfaced and directly approach.

Western women are seen as loose fuck machines who eat too many hamburgers so their pussies smell bad. Heard that from quite a few yellow niggers and Japs.

That's why you will always see the white women hanging out with other foreigners in Farang/Gaijan street or the Ex-pat pub getting crabs from Aussies.

American women are seen as crazy sluts who take too much medicine and can't be controlled to the point of insanity. The occasional Americanized Jap will slay American pussy if he can hold his drink (Asians are lightweights) and will act like he is listening before he plows her with his pinky dick when she passes out and call it a victory.

Stronk, Independent Western Women make most Asian men's dick's soft.

They care little for their race because, like everyone else, they want genetically fit children. You can't blame them for it. It would be like expecting a retard to only want to have children with other retards, to maintain their "retard purity."

Lets be real, stronk, independent western women make *everyone's* dick soft. Some people just tolerate their shit better for various other reasons, pursuit of status, not knowing any better, thinking their behaviour is normal, or tolerating any level of annoyance because of the desire to fulfill personal sexual tastes, or lastly, and especially applicable here, because they want to have white kids.

It's not a very big sample size but those results are interesting.

I personally advocate finding a decent white wife. But if everything else fails it's better to pass on your genes than not.
If I'm going to honest I care more about intelligent and attractive people procreating than whether it's exclusively one race or another. There's so many fucking ugly people in this world it makes me sick at times.

I think for the foreign rulers it was a fetish and sign of their prestiege. Everyone thinks the grass is greener on the other side.
Or I could be wrong and there is an objective reason why blonde white women are more attractive. I would like to hear it.

Well I hope your not LARPing user about being a med student and all but we all know that white women are not what they used to be.

Dude you are pretty fucking retarded to be a med student based on everything you have said. I suggest you an hero it up to recover from the shame of typing such dumb shit.

And I'll take this as an opportunity to say I'm not trying to blame them entirely for this. We're all a product of our environment, and women even more than men are prone to conform. The environment gets corrupted, and huge surprise, the conformist women get corrupted along with it. I am under no illusion that any other race of women are somehow "intrinsically better" than white women when it comes to their behaviour and attitude, merely that they are exposed to different environmental pressures and thus adapt to those pressures instead of the ones that white women are typically exposed to.
It's like water in two differently shaped pitchers, the water inside them is the same substance, but because they are differently formed, the substance takes a different shape.
Everyone who has been significantly redpilled to see this truth could spend their entire lives trying to fight the demographic trends that set the current status quo, and they would still likely fail, or they can become an independent agent, accountable only to their self interest, and pursue that self interest above all other things.
I chose not to settle down with a white woman and start a family for that reason, I'm not willing to fight a probably losing battle and live a life I will ultimately find unfulfilling, just because a foreign power has successfully mounted a subversion campaign on my culture.
If it was weak enough to crumble under that assault long before I came along, natural selection dictates it was never worth preserving to begin with.

You are a fucking retarded nigger. I also lived in China for five years and found that white women were completely ignored in China. Western men there had yellow fever and the average asian man didn't have the career/money/personality to land a white girl. It made white women easy pickins' among expats.

Nah bud, believe it or not there can be Chads posting on Holla Forums. Got laid last night with the lawyer getting laid tomorrow with a mech eng.

Secret is to basically treat it like THEY are auditioning for a LTR. If they're interested they go insane trying to hook you.

Scummy? Maybe. Do I care? No.

I can sense your Nihilism user, that's what the globalists want to see.
I don't want to give up either, I've still got my life ahead of me ( 20) and starting university next year. My plan is to basically try and get a decent white girl there.
I did go to a boys only school but thinking about it I haven't met a single woman that i'd want to date/ go out with so far.
But don't give up m8, I don't know what your personal circumstances are but if you’re having trouble you could always take a trip to Eastern Europe and bag a white woman.
Or if your young enough try and get a "young" girl 15-16 as a girl who is still malleable and easier to redpill.
Or if all else fails try and join/create a white collective in a secluded area and help the community.
There's as many paths as you can think of to take and it's far from impossible to be part of a movement that changes things for the better.

In medical field. Can confirm this does happen a lot. Usually its the cream of the crop Asian guys (also freakishly tall for Asians) and hot but not top teir white women.

Interestingly every case I've seen has been with a slavic girl

I don't know why people think there aren't Chads posting on Holla Forums. Getting laid is pretty easy once you work on yourself and stop giving a shit about getting laid but the truth is finding real love is much harder.

Amen bud. Finding something worth having for more than a night is hard. I broke up with my Holla Forumsapproved ex of 4 years and regret it a bit every day.

But, severe depression is severe depression. I had wasted 3 years of my life and couldn't waste more.

Thus I drown my sorrows in pussy

I'm not nihilstic, and I haven't given up, in fact, I quite enjoy my life. I don't want to give away too many details about what I'm doing as it may compromise my anonymity, due to the nature of it being very unusual, suffice to say, I saw the path the majority around me took, didn't see it as the right one, and took another one, and have been largely satisfied with that choice.
With regards to procreation, I've considered surrogacy, I've considered a high quality asian woman, and yes I've considered eastern europeans, and even one or two western women have almost tempted me to take the plunge, have been engaged more than once, so it isn't that I'm absolutely against that route for all eternity, I'm just not willing to compromise my other goals in order to fulfill it.
If life throws better possibilities at me on that front, or they come my way in my travels, or my concerns about the racemixing with asians are ever sufficiently addressed, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

What a very Jewish thread

This is a r real problem. I worked in DC for a government branch that dealt with TS/SCI issues ever fucking day. I noticed really hot Chink, kike and Russian women always trying to befriend my colleagues. Also, there was a degenerate Communist Che Guevara dual-citizen (Argentina) asshole who constantly talked shit about the US.

I reported my concerns over really hot Russian, Chink and Israeli bitches targeting NEET-tier colleagues who could were clearly fucking women above their level, and the Che Guevara-fag.

They did jack shit, said I needed hard evidence, etc.

Anyway, I baited a really hot Chink bitch who was model-tier and a "student" at GWU that was a "friend" of one of the other Chink bitches fucking my friend. I basically told her to back there fuck off, made up some shit about her "handler" and told her that Chinese spies are too fucking obvious and Beijing trains shit-tier spies.

Never saw any of the Chink bitches again, even the ones fucking my friends. They "left for home".

Rinse, repeat for the Russian and Israeli "students" who were hot as fuck. I basically BTFO out of them and they suddenly dropped my colleagues from their whore fuck-list.

Anyway, later, a dude from our internal security called me to his office and basically told me I was based and heard about what I did from another "agency" and even the dudes from the other agency said I was based, and their hands were tied because there are so many Chinks in the US doing this shit.

Che Guevara-fag got moved to a shit-tier office.

I'm proud to say I think I did something for my country.

Most chinese women aren't very attractive and they don't even have the cultural submissive nature of Japanese broads.

They smell funny too.

I think this is more an issue of SJW diversity conditioning than anything else.

"intelligent" white men are mostly liberals conditioned to hate themselves.

They need to be sold on nationalism and fascism and white pride.

I want to believe.

Ogedei and Tolui were sons of Genghis Khan and Borte, a mongol woman. They aren't Hapa.

I guess it had something to do with her bazooka.

You should have blackmailed them to fuck you first.