By now, everyone is familiar with this guy. There can be many negative things said about him, but the thing is that Spencer has become the de facto face of white nationalism. That means he's the most hated man of American neo-liberals and neo-cohens.

Currently, he is scheduled to give a speech at the Texas A&M university on the Sixth.
And the leftists are throwing a bitch fit, as can be expected. Counter-demonstrations, media kvetching, condemnations, the whole nine yards. Just search "Richard Spencer A&M" and enjoy the salt.

My plan for a new op would be to false flag Richard Spencer speeches at universities and different venues during December.

Some ideas how this can be achieved:

I think this could be something fun. We are going to play where's waldo with leftists, except the waldo is hiding in Montana.
And we are going to need numbers. Twitter sockpuppets, any other internet "communities" willing to participate, anons from all around America.
Give me your opinions, thoughts and suggestions. Could we pull this off? Would the ensuing chaos be worth it?

Other urls found in this thread:


I hear he's going to be taking an implicit stand for White identity at the biggest gay bar in Texas.

meme arrows and saging inbound.

Yep, sounds like natsoc these days for me.

Richie pulled a bait and switch, he can go fuck himself. People were attracted to NPI because they weren't dopey TRS LARPers or Andrew Anglin tier chucklefucks. And with cameras rolling and livestreaming he pulled this crap and he and (((red ice))) have been trying like hell to laugh it off as if they were always Nazi LARPers, no biggie guys. Taylor, Brimlow have disavowed him, others have done so privately and may or may not bother to tell him. He's nothing. Might as well go full commie and push Dugin with his wife since only alphabet shills and retards follow him now.

Nah, lets Just let him do his thing



What did I miss?

cool implicit stand for white identity, user.

Did you see this one?

Lol, are you kidding me? What's funny about a dumbass like you is that you somehow think that being a white nationalist is such an obscure thing that there are no genuine nationalists anywhere else on the internet. Also,the perenthesis meme came from TRS. You look dumb using their meme and bashing them in the same post.

What your stupidity boils down to is this:

You're the biggest faggot here.

No, I haven't. I don't know much about MW. What's the larger context? Why is he even making a vid where those words are used?

I have tons of nigger webms, doesn't make me a nigger.

The context is that he's a faggot talking about his 'mild' manlust. I forgot the vid title, something about homos.

I don't want to do your work for you. Have fun, though.

Who in fucks name gives a fuck about what Taylor and Brimelow do? 20 years of their shit and all it attracted was a few old retirees upset that their grandkids were dating niggers.

I'm inclined to support whatever they disagree with.


Spencer reminds me of Cernobitch tbh.

This makes me wonder if Spencer was a plant.

Organize a movement, get people of like minds to reveal themselves in public, then have the leader spout Nazi rhetoric on camera. It discredits everybody who joined him. People suffered consequences for being in the same room whether they personally did anything or not.

fuck off faggot

No shit he was just a plant, he even "coined" the term (((alt-kike)))

So similar. Cernovitch sperged out because he thought the alt right was racist. Spencer said "hail trump" and got Nazi salutes and thought everyone who was freaking about it was a pussy.

Where do you even get that they're similar?

Cry more you little bitch

good argument

I think Cernobitch looks like a buff Spencer. And the whole shilling thing they have going on.
I remember a thread way back, when some faggot was talking about making an alt-right exclusive event or something? I think it involved bathhouses or saunas.

I'm so sick of everyone calling each other LARPers and shills. It's really fucking stupid, and the thing is, only we do it. They are all working together and making progress, we haven't done anything in a long time except raise kek.

NPI is normalizing national socialism, he literally said Heil Trump Seig Heil. Then (((Mike Cernovich))) backed out because he was scared his books wouldn't sell. We are normalizing the far right, and weeding out the weak.

Stop with this stupid shit, not everyone has the exact same hive mind ideals, while we are the best, we have to work with the rest of the hard right. Or we will just be that autistic group alone in the corner.

Because they're both controlled opposition. Also, nice trspacing faggot

How much pozzed dick do you take up the ass from Spencer every day?

on a scale to one to kike, how trs are you?

They're both gigantic faggots


I'll pass on poopdick up my ass thank you very much :^)


We got trump in office and the left is imploding, shut the fuck up

How ass mad do you have to be make a response like that?

The CTR fears the Holla Forums

It's almost like you think you're the only one who's read RFR

Do you know NatSoc literally mean Nazi.

I just read history books tbh.

Remember when everyone's problem was that Spencer wasn't signalling NS? Well, now what do you want?

He could have done it without going full retard. And as far as I remember, we shat on him for the gay posivity he had going on. And for shilling his shit everywhere.

They have no wants, they're just leftists trying to take advantage of a divide.

No, I remember the problem is signalling faggotry, now fuck off faggot

Public figures draw out the most shills, there will always be a problem with Spencer no matter what he does.

Are you not following along? Now that he has, he's a plant.

I bet you don't even know what RFR is newfaggot

Not when he does it in the most (((autistic))) way possible


Manifest Destiny, is that you? Which one of you faggots is it?


Whatever you mention, don't mention the older whites of the Alt-Right infiltrating the Democratic Party.

Kill yourself, kike.


Holla Forums one minute:

Holla Forums next minute:

No matter what someone in the nationalist scene outside of Holla Forums does, they will always be wrong, and Holla Forums will always disown them, because deep down, you're all a bunch of hipsters.

How? Durr hail trump guis. Don't even care one way about the salute but saying hail trump just sounds super faggy considering Trump isn't even a WN. Oh and the faggot shit of course.


Go plug your patreon, Dicky. Nobody here cares.

Fuck off already, TRS.

Still butthurt from taking Dicky's Phalanx?

Skinhead have swastika tattoo, you think Holla Forums like skinhead now?

Just this tbh. Lots of noise from shills, but I want to focus on
from OP (>>8410058).
Spencer's new association with openly fascist modes of expression means that we can use him to express our views, since the media will paint them onto him anyway. As he well knows, Holla Forums has many fellow travelers, we're at least larger than tranny's and a number of other interest groups that get substantially more press.

In other words, let's Ben Garrison him into talking up how big we are and revealing more powerlevel. It's an excellent opprotunintey to both push pro-white agenda items as well as scare the hell out of leftists, who seem to underestimate our numbers by around an order of magnitude.

(1) has it's uses, but that's not it.

Nazi literally means Natsoc.
Na(t) ional s(prounounced as z) oz ial i stische

Ok. Enlighten me.

I don't even identify as alt-right. I just think it's hilarious how everyone here is always perpetually butthurt about every single white nationalist outside of Holla Forums. This isn't even about Spencer. It's being going on for years.
Everytime anyone does anything, they are always a plant. Every white nationalist who doesn't hide in the basement is a Jew. I can already see getting lots of asspained replies.

At least make your mind up, is everyone too extreme for Holla Forums or not extreme enough? It just flips based on what will allow you to feel like an outside among outsiders. Cause I called it, you're hipsters.


Since when Holla Forums's view is spreading faggotry?




lurk here before posting you fucking newfaggot
It's almost like you trshills don't realize that the autist meme isn't just a meme lmao

Do you realize how funny this sounds or are you stupid?
We have IDs family.

It's greentext, newfag. >>>/trs/

Yes, lets.
That would be extremely confronting.
Id bet they'd shit their pants.
And nigs would chimp out more :^)

I bet if the first two words of a thread is "richard spencer" and has "is a faggot" in the middle somewhere, the thread will still be sagebombed because "richard spencer"

because (((trshills))) want us to worship him and fucking (((david duke))), both are confirmed feds

That's an old meme you fucking newfag, kill yourself.

It's almost like you've never lurked here

Not an argument. You seriously haven't spent much time here if you don't know that this is how every single outside nationalist is treat regardless if they are on our side. At least you support Trump.

Yeah, no shit, idiot. I'm saying my earlier post is already making you buttsore.

And then the Ayyy`s ask Holla Forums
And on that day Holla Forums sacrificed the Alt-Right and let Barab…I mean the Kikes go, then Holla Forums became cancer.

I've been posting here since the first exodus, you sperg.

So let me get this straight. You read a book for the first time, and you're super excited about it, and anyone who hasn't read it is a shill? Nice

That's not true, most people here love guys like Pierce and GLR, the problem is the scene now is filled with faggots like Spencer and his groupies (You) who defend him at the slightest disagreement. Take your own advice.

The fuck am I reading


At least we don't shill against our white brothers


That's what you've been doing this whole thread you fucking kike

fucking kill yourself

That's what you've been doing this whole thread you fucking kike

Only because they were established before most anons were born. If they came along today as some upstarts, 90% of threads on them would devolve into accusations of being a plant, or not being the exact right variation of autistic transpolykin nationalism.

This is what I mean. Each individual user will say that not everyone gets called a fed, but then each one will have their own list of people who are 100% CONFIRMED SHILLS, and the resulting overlap is that literally everyone is a plant trust no one not even yourself.

Makes me think I'm on a board full of 90IQ people.

Hahahaha, no. That isn't evidence you colossal retard

I guess you're the expert on TRS and what spacing they use, friend. Maybe go back there.

Fuck off, our community is held together by a thin enough thread as it is and yet you shill here for a jew podcast shekels

You're really shit at shilling.

0/11 try again

1. Holla Forums isn't alt-right
2. but some Holla Forumsaks are
3. alt-right is mostly racist ex-libertarian conservatives.
4. your plan sounds stupid and actually hurt Spencer more than anyone else realy since leftists are always confused and rilled up. It's not like anything would change realy

and everyone else stop punching right. If you don't like TRS don't associate with them if you do fine who cares. The worst thing shills can do to us is turn us into ideological-identity politics freaks like the left (3000000 shades of marxism all infighting)

Listen, user, I love Pierce and Duke is alright. But Spencer is a real faggot.

Wasting dubs. Supporting blatant begging for promotion as an "op". Flow chart time. If trip fags and ecelebs are cancer for thought provoking discussion -> Yes - > fuck fags.
Don't need weak wannabe figureheads to cash in. If they are a joke even among people that should like their message, their appeal/usefulness is weak.

Often can give the benefit of a doubt that it's just imposter shills promoting TRS in a retarded manner. If not they have numerous incompetent retards spamming all over.

as soon as they apologize for shilling their stupid fucking podcasts and we'll stop

Whoa such good burns. Plz stahp.
Oh, you're from reddit. Nevermind.

Yes he is, but you are good at getting dubs!

x spacing is a meme that only started appearing this year. You're a fucking idiot.

I'm going to continue posting this way, by the way, because it's the way I've always posted, until someone decided it was reddit. I don't give a fuck about your obsession with The Shite Stuff.

Wrong. Compare this video to that faggot Spencer's appearance on that nog's program recently. The videos speak for themselves. Your boy Dicky leaves a lot to be desired, now be a good boy and stop typing and get back to that Phalanx.

coincidentally right when (((alt-kike))) posters starting shilling here :^)

Hello newfag. You gotta go back.

What's wrong with having a counter shill force to herd the braindead trendies on this board?

Once I took the heh pill I realized how hilarious it is that kikes actually expend resources shilling this board. This thread is a golden example of how pathetic and futile an activity it is.

Redditredditredditredditreddit. I don't know man, I don't go to reddit. I'll say it again - you're the experts then if you're so sure, so maybe you should go back to this site you're obsessed with.

I'm coming to the realization that Holla Forums is just a shitposting board now and will adjust my posting style accordingly. There is literally no value to be had engaging in rational conversation.

The board consensus is that TRS and the Alt-Right are both very bad and probably kike infested, this thread had made me super duper sure of that.

The shills and useful idiots have effectively neutered Holla Forums from actually doing anything.
A mere whiff of anything related to the "alt-right" crowd, and the autistic sperging out about TRS and whatnot starts.

Are we seriously incapable of mounting even the smallest trolling campaigns?
How the mighty have fallen.

It's just an idea to take the piss out of leftists, mate. It's not going to change the world, but I thought it could be fun.
And why should we care about hurting Spencer? He's just a guy we can use as a red cloth to enrage lefties, and he obviously loves the attention.

Lol I broke you.

Wait, this is your high level discourse and not shit postings???? You need to lurk moaaaaaaaaaaaar

I'm pretty pooper flustered now to be honest.

says the faggots who can't even maintain proper infosec for their shill raids here

And here we see fellow anons, trshill reveals his true motives, you can't think for yourself if it means you won't (((donate))) our kosher homo-enablers

Just filter them proactively, and discuss with the remaining non-shill/sperg posters.

Precisely my thoughts, so what do we make him do, and how do we influence him to do it?

A mere whiff of anything related to the "alt-right" crowd, and the autistic sperging out about TRS and whatnot starts.
Nothing much to add to that.

You are either a shill, leftytroll or such a fucking faggot. Go and kill yourself.

You don't have to be from TRS to notice a lot of anons on this board are braindead trendies who follow the thing posted the most.

I don't think TRS is kike infested but they are becoming insufferable cunts. They should stick to their forum with captain fagbill and friends.

Thanks for your intellectual contribution to this wonderful thread.

what anime is this?

Not gonna lie, I still hold Holla Forums in high regard. But the more I read and actively engage in irl politics, the less insightful this place has become.

This place has molded me yet I'd still be called a shill by the average poster

Yeah yeah, I know. It where trips.

They are always fags. Is it so much to ask for a white guy that isn't trying to signal his way into our wallets, or into a Jewish scheme, or into civic big tent cuck festival?

We need our man. We need our party. We need public office. TBH, we're so late to the game, they're all masks for trillionaires. It's a fucking joke talking politics with people that can't organize to violently claim office. They can't comprehend we're consciously diverted into lies at every turn and every level by the elite. I suppose it would not matter anyway since they'd kill us right back and that would be it. Why do I waste my time with you retards? I guess I never thought it through before.





Where is Wyatt now user? I enjoyed his OC a lot.

The TRS A. Wyatt Mann is a morbidly obese basement dwelling NEET faggot.

The actual artist A. Wyatt Mann is not.

Two different individuals, newfag.

Learn how to embed.

He posts here sometimes.

Like I'm going to click your fake archive.is malware link. Nice try, kid.

The other nazi saluting shit is a communist jew. It was a set-up.

Yeah but he used to have his own threads to dump new drawings, whatever happened to that?

I know there's some guy that took his alias as his username there, but the actual artist did post here right?

Also I haven't seen any new drawings by Wyatt. The last I saw were the pepes back when Hillary and the ADL declared him a hate symbol.

Actually he is a guy who probably has plans to help further the cause. If it's effective or not is another thing, but who are we to plan to "use him" and "manipulate him"? You like to fuck with your allies? If he was some cuckservative who happened to do what Holla Forums says or cares like milo or w/e I wouldn't bat an eye. But Spencer as misguided as he might be clearly is on our side in the grand scheme of things.

Is that how soldiers raping through villages during war looks like?

We're good at propaganda here, so if he uses our stuff, he'll get more press. So it's really a win-win situation, no harm to Spencer intended. Besides, if he's really on our side, providing him more information will clearly make him less misguided. It's the Ben Garrison approach, manipulate them into the best possible version of themselves, the version only Holla Forums could dream up.

Holla Forums is declining in viewership over time while TRS and other sites like dailystormer are growing. I am going to leave this place soon because its honestly lost its bite. Shilled by CTR and other factions, run by imkampfy a nonwhite faggot, and full of mega trumpcucks who will probably suck his dick after he gives amnesty to all the "good beaners"

Enjoy being shilled by Ironmarch, nice little false consensus you got here.


If losing some cucks who want to suck poopdick means that you'll finally fuck off then I have no problem with it (((trshill)))

The only one yet to get over his gay phase is you, TRS has long since purged every single faggot.

this is what you do in every thread when you get triggered by:
i mean, it's easy to follow your activity because it's always the same. you're as obvious as shit.

fuck this gay d&c shit

I am fucking dying

Get fucked, TRSkike. We are not your allies or your friends.

Spencer and woes are both fucking idiots. The number fucking one rule of pol is you never reveal your fucking power level to normals and that's what they both do on a semi regular, autistic level. They've given the ruling left all they need to tar and feather the right for the next x amount of time. I've always said stormfaggery would be the thing that either ends or keeps niche any reaction to progressivism and it looks like I'm right.

it's not ironmarch, they get on with trs. zeiger was on the election shoah.
this is outsiders who are shilling a wedge between Holla Forums and other groups who are actually active and doing things for the cause… in order to cause infighting and to sabotage anything that's successful in the movement. it's actually targeted against Holla Forums, to isolate this community from the wider wn one, in order to kill it.
despite the use of vpns and spam it isn't really catching on though, because everyone here actually listens to trs, which is why they're desperately putting so much sperg energy into it.

Team up with antifa to help kill Spencer because he doesn't understand the esoteric truths of Charlie Mansonism. t. Iron March

Just like Holla Forums represents all of Holla Forums amirite? :^)

That's right, the only way to win anything is to cuck and play by the rules the lefts made for you like Donald Trump did. :^)

Is there really a big enough contingent here to con into buying trinkets to support faggot lead trs etc?

You're a joke

Holla Forums has declined in view count post election.

trs fag taking sides detected. How about this:
Stop the e-drama, and browse what ever page suits you the most.

Have fun mudding the water then shlomo I don't care

breddy gud idea OP, possibly even better than esoteric Hydeposting.

Don't you see? TRS is FORCING you to buy their COMPLETELY AWFUL merchandise just like they FORCE you to donate via their 24/7 advertising campaigns on Holla Forums!

And remember, every time someone on 8/pol/ said "shekel" or "oy vey" or "shill", they weren't making fun of the kikes, they ACTUALLY WERE THE KIKES! :^)

You're a Jew.

This entire thread is marked by the chaos corruption that is D&C
I'm out, you can't convince me to punch right CTR



It was Jeb Bush all along, kek


That's perfectly alright. Your kind doesn't belong here anyway.


TRS hasn't been growing since the primaries ended. Now that Kultur Kampf isn't updating regularly there's no reason even to browse the site.

Totally not subversive at all to the anonymous memetic magic that is Holla Forums :^)


hello fellow white nationalist :^)

LOL I fucking get it now, you WISH you were Dicky Spencer directing, leading, or influencing Holla Forums in the REAL world, but you don't have the ACTUAL balls to make yourself public enemy number one, so instead you just do everything you can to tear down Dicky Spencer. Don't worry faggot, you'll get your time to shine :^)

Listen, you stupid TRS nigger, Holla Forums hates you fuckers because you actively try to subvert and shill on Holla Forums to influence us. There are multitudes of screenshots proving this. Secondly, we do not want to be associated to you moderate, half-baked cuckolds who can't get enough of your "based" faggots and niggers.

Jeez, you TRSniggers really are fucking butthurt. You know we have ID's, right?

Don't you have some nigger cum to chug back on your homosexual forums, faggot?

How's it going, TRSkike?

why does Holla Forums keep tearing itself apart?

That's right goy, it's okay to speak for all of Holla Forums only when ((((I)))) do it :^)

Man, 8/pol/ loves Sikhs, dontcha know :^)

What a shit-tier D&C thread. Go play follow the leader somewhere else. OP's idea has no stated goal behind it. It will achieve nothing. A better idea would be to agitate or D&C the groups who are against the speech. The goal should be to get normies to view liberal actions as extremist, idiotic, or pathetic depending on their rhetoric.

And LOL, I'll make as many posts to the same post as I fucking want, sperglord. But keep calling me the one >>butthurt :^)

That doesn't seem to be the case.

There's probably not a whole lot of people that go to TRS for one minor podcast and don't consume any other content on the site. I've never even listened to more than half an episode of anything other than TDS and FTN.

And remember, 8/pol/ loves Sikhs! My conveniently captured screenshot with no context proves this! And because this is an ANONYMOUS imageboard with no rules for membership, I could just spam Holla Forums with threads full of faggots fucking each other, take more conveniently captured screenshots with no context, and it's like 8/pol/ loves queers or something, amirite? :^)

Spencer is (via his own volition or the media's narrative) the manifestation of a single-point-of-failure that can be used to assassinate the alt-right* movement. It doesn't need a Talcum X. What the fuck does he have to offer other than being an idiot who sticks his head up out of the trench to be picked off by a sniper?

* the "alt-right" is a bullshit label formulated by (((le happy accounts receivable))) so that they could build a strawman to control and destroy, and as a result, control/destroy momentum and sentiment in that general 14/88 direction.

Hey bud, how about you actually try going on their site? And don't worry, only the forums need an invitation :^)

I know they are poo in the loo tier, but almost all of the Sikhs I know are at least moderately redpilled.

It doesn't fucking matter. They aren't us.

If you're trying to fit in, you're doing a horrible job, kiddo.

That doesn't fucking matter, you shitstkin-loving retard. Sikhs are just another shade of poo that is infesting our nations.

You're splitting hairs. Does Holla Forums represent Holla Forums? I could show any number of screencaps from Holla Forums throughout its entire history that put it in a degenerate light. It doesn't really prove anything.




Hey Rienhard, you like shellfish??

You want to know why you're such an embarrassing retad, TRSkike? Because you continue to bump this thread.


Fuck those people sticking their heads out of the trenches like Donald Trump, amirite? :^)

Clearly you don't have any fucking mental capacity so let me break something down for you.

TRS is fucking autistic. I have been a member since they first started the forum, before you even had to have an invite to register. I am in several groups there including TRSEF, and I still have a lot of friends there. However, let me make this clear right now…


Here is why:

pic unrelated

One day TRS will stop being faggots.
That day is not today

Still digging that ditch, I see.

Some serious D&C shilling, I see. Carry on, I guess.

LOL yea their forums are pretty autistic and slow. I've been a member since before you needed an invite, and good golly gee they really get butthurt about you not having an avatar or some shit. I keep the default avatar :^)

I don't know what IE or AV are, lol. And hey, if the shows are low OC, then keep it the fuck coming.


Fuck off, you gaslighting TRSkike

You type more like an autistic Redditor than anything else.


Send me the link to your account faggot. I bet you only joined like a month ago.

I only posted in the lifting thread, lol

23 posts

Aww is little baby afraid to back up his claims? Post your account, lets see how big of a hole you dig.

This is how you confirm you don't belong here.

No. Donald Trump's advertised goal is to run the country and steer it in the right direction in order to save it. This Spencer guy (unless I am ignorant about what he is trying to do) is merely being a figurehead. Just like Talcum X. Does anything benefit from his meddling other than the people who want to destroy the thing he represents?

There is always a cost-benefit tradeoff when allowing someone to represent something. Remember how the media tried to destroy Donald Trump's character and it didn't work? They started going after his voters instead. The country was lucky that Trump was such a nimble navigator - his defeat (via character assassination or in the voting booths) would have dealt a serious blow to the reformation of ha-whyte solidarity and making things nice again.

I remember how nervous so many people were about Trump. They knew that he was a single point of failure, and the media manipulation was effective on them.

this "wait for hitler" meme has to fucking die, this is not an argument, learn how politics work you fucking imbecile.

Sorry, bait isn't enough incentive for me to do shit :^)


You're not from here or TRS. Out devil.

So what you are saying is you don't actually have a TRS account? So you are a kiss-ass type that is begging for a fucking invite?

Holy fuck this thread is going to unreal autism levels.

Are you telling me you're going to tell me your TRS account? No, no, that sounds too easy. What about who you are in real life?


so whats with all this TRS meme?

in fact, what is TRS anyways? can someone fill me up on this epic new maymay of identifying (put Holla Forums's next epic maymay antagonist's acronym here)

TRS is a website that identifies as alt-right.

They're WN but tolerate fags to some degree.

They (badly) attempted to shill here before, and now shills from (((elsewhere))) are attempting to D&C us.

t. /new/faggot and member of the first exodus who also listens to Fash the Nation and the Daily Shoah

I asked first faggot. If you post, I will post.

There goes Mr. Big Holla Forums Representative again :^)


And chime in the brainless posts defending an obviously stupid thing to say. The whole reason why the left is at a crisis point right now is they couldn't stop. They kept pushing and pushing until normals started listening to us. They could have had 1000 year quasi-dictatorship over the public forum if they had stopped just before gay marriage. But they will never stop and it will be their downfall. They just HAD to push for gay marriage, they HAVE to push for tranny bathrooms, they will HAVE to push for pedophilia normalization in a few years when there is nothing left to fight over. And they will die because they can't stop. If you stormfag fucking idiots keep HAVING to do hitler salutes and posting hitler youtube worship videos and saying hail victory then the only thing that can possibly take the leftists place will be relegated as a bunch of lunatics and blind racists and hypocrites and the leftists win. Forever. So shut the fuck up.

You have used "le pointy nose faec :^^^))))" 15 times in this thread out of 27 of your posts. You're trying way too far.

Dicky Spencer's usefulness is nil to somewhat useful. I lean towards somewhat useful because any shitlord making himself public enemy number one makes it easier for other shitlords to publicly reveal themselves.

The media has elevated this guy for a reason. The small group of people that even knew who he was should abandon him for falling for it and hurting Trump.

You're don't get it. I'm not TRYING AT ALL for you.


At least you admit that you're not trying to fit in.

There goes Mr. Big Holla Forums Representative dictating what is or isn't Holla Forums again :^)

30 posts. Also female.

I'm not deciding, I'm observing. If it walks, quacks, and looks like a duck, then I'm going to go ahead and call it a duck.

Who are you people and where do you come from?

Holy shit. I have never seen more cancerous posts in my entire life, and I sat on Holla Forums in 2014.

I live in College Station, but am not a student. I'm planning to attend the speech. Should be fun.


TRS is therightstuff.biz They have pretty good articles and podcasts. They don't tolerate fags. Trying to advertise your white nationalism on another white nationalist board isn't shilling.

I dunno who you're backing, but Holla Forums is the most right-wing place in existence right now, save for hitler's own grave.

If the faggots would stop shilling here, I doubt anyone would have a problem with them.

He's a broken TRS drone.



What are you, retarded?

One sec let me try and fix that for you.


Is this what it's like to have a public and private opinion on things?

Go back to reddit or lurk moar. We don't give a fuck who this attwntion whore is. No one speaks for us except for who we decide ourselves. Sp, only trump speaks for only the americans here.

Remember, 8/pol/ loves Sikhs!

Holla Forums knows what shilling looks like and weak deflection doesn't make you less obvious.


I really dont know who this guy is or how he became to be the face of whatever movement he represents, which probably says a lot about how jewed he is.

Yea, I don't believe this slow boiling frog pot shit. You assume if you just "slowly" push anything degenerate "slowly" enough, it'll get these "normies". If you're a "normie" and you can get pedophilia pushed onto you just because it was done slowly enough, you don't deserve to live.

You can't slowly boil white men into accepting degeneracy e.g. pedophilia. That's why they're trying to drive them extinct instead. I'll be over here experiencing my real normal people. And yea, throwing up some roman salutes in fun or jubilation is normal.


I don't know, are you?

Topkek. The question is kind of pointless. You're a TRSer, so of course you're retarded.

Bullshit. You fucking lying kike. Discovered from a kike behind an (((xm))) logo. I was in that thread faggot.

Go back to >>>/trs/

False equivalency, TRSkike. Holla Forums is an anonymous, account-less image board in which anyone can make a post. TRS is an account-based private forum that requires invites. Any shill can post pro-shitskin garbage on Holla Forums, but people know they're shills. On TRS, everything is linked to an account.

Still too obvious. Take your gay negro lover with you too.

LOL, I don't know bud, you've been keeping along for the ride the whole time. But I'm the retard and you're Mr. Big Holla Forums Representative :^)

change your vpn more frequently schmuel.

You want to dictate what is or isn't Holla Forums or not. How does that make you any different from Dicky Spencer? Oh right, one's a fag and the other isn't, amirite? But we'll never know because one has the balls to get out in public and the other just keeps on being miserable. :^)

I'm nothing but an anonymous humble traveler passing through and giving my 2 cents. :^)

my sides!

Having admiration for a subversive kike shines more light on you than me. Interesting projection though.

Holla Forums being an anonymous, account-less imageboard just makes it worse. It means anyone can subvert it. The only power that you think prevents it is "the people" and "true" Holla Forums representatives like you, while occasionally calling for the mods for the really degenerate shit. That sounds like some communist anarchy fag shit to me. If you don't like TRS so much, then go found your own website/organization.

Go out in public and start your own movement/organization. I have admiration for people who tried.

I've been here since gamergoy and I've only seen this (((meme))) in the last few months. It was literally a tactic to derail any thread during the most critical times of the election. Also nice webm you fag, I saved it.

No, you stupid nigger-loving TRSer, it's what gives Holla Forums it's power and effectiveness. You stupid forum-using attention whores will never understand this. Forums always devolve into popularity contests and circlejerks where a bunch of narcissistic faggots try to posture and make a name for themselves. On forums an argument becomes valued based on who makes it rather than the content of that argument. It's a completely shitty system and is exactly why imageboards are timeless. You're just proving that you're a subversive foreign invader trying to change the basic elements that make Holla Forums so great. You are the internet equivalent of a shitskin refugee. Fuck off.
In case you didn't realise, you stupid kike, we're not on TRS right now. Make my own website? How about you get the fuck off ours, i.e. 8/pol/? You aren't fucking welcome here and have only proved this whole thread that your intentions are subversive and nefarious.

Holy shit. The stupidity of forum faggots will never cease to amaze me.

white race is dying because of you guys

Great, now you can work with people who actually do things and leave us behind, the useless posters. Really, why don't you just leave, if we're doing nothing?

if we're such a lost cause why shill here? Oh yeah that's right you need our shekels for homokikes on your podcasts

How the fuck is this in any way related to what I said?

Haha wow, it'd almost be funny if you didn't react exactly the way I thought you would.

Four things. One, why are you bringing up whether I use forums or not? It's only about the content of my posts, right? :^)

And you should've already read >>I only posted in the lifting thread.

Yea, I'm a real forum-using attention whore :^)

I've been on the imageboards since before Chris Dorner. But that doesn't mean anything, right? :^)

Two, >>imageboards are timeless, that's totally why we even have different boards like Holla Forums, Holla Forums, Holla Forums, or /tg/, amirite? Oh yea, we're a real amorphous blob, we don't naturally split off into separate identities regardless, amirite? :^)

I have never thought of anonymous imageboards as an endpoint, merely a starting point for more selective groups to form. It's why we have different boards and it's why people move from Holla Forums to other boards. The orange juice at the end of NGE was a bad thing, not a good thing. :^)

Three, aren't you already complaining about shills? Yea, you're really stopping me with your "power" of "the people" and its amorphous anonymous effectiveness. And no, this is not an admission of me being a shill :^)

Four, your hypocrisy of >>get the fuck off ours, i.e. 8/pol/? while at the same time praising 8/pol/'s anonymous, account-less nature.

You're the only one continually trying to claim 8/pol/'s intentions while saying it's all anonymous. You're a joke.

You're the subversive shill.

Don't believe it to your eventual dismay. It is how all addictions form. Its how the brain works. The brain is plastic. It's how soldiers are hardened in war and how teenagers eventually Fap to scat porn or how a few lines on a Saturday night turn into sucking tranny dick for dime bags in a subway station. It's real. Just look at how far removed we are from our grandparents. The thought of women sleeping around 75 years ago was APPALLING. Now teenage girls are judged on how well they take it in the ass on the first night.

The fact you don't realize this almost guarantees you're a fucking shill.

All of my (you)


What part of "normies who get subverted just because it was done slowly enough deserve to die" dont you get? Ill be over here with my real, normal people who dont get subverted no matter what

LOL this is what you sound like in your ultimately ineffective wailing, Mister Big Holla Forums Representative

have to agree. now dont get me wrong spencer is the gayest faggot ive ever seen, if you cant sense that from hearing him talk you arent listening, that said anyone denouncing him because hes to extreme for your widdle fee fees is an even bigger fag

Holy Moly. Just stopping by to say that you're one incredibly autistic fuck. You're trying to fit in way too hard, and you are most definitely not convincing anyone you're "le oldfag" or even a regular Holla Forumsack. Cool it with the :^) posting, you homosexual. I bet you think it makes you some "ebin trolol XDXD", but it just comes across as forced and rather pathetic. Also, your Reddit-spacing, incredibly pretentious and holier-than-thou libshit mannerisms, and your admission throughout this thread that you are not from around here make you come across as incredibly insufferable cunt and most definitely a TRS shill.

By all means keep going, though. You're achieving nothing but reassuring everyone that you worthless TRS users need to fuck off and die and that you're a cancer to Holla Forums. Here's an idea - sage this thread if you hate it so much. Oh? You're not doing that? But why? I thought you were "le ebin oldfag since before Chris Domer"!

You're an embarrassment and an insufferable little twat. Hop off a cliff ASAP.



Interesting article, thanks. I believe it is describing exactly what has transpired with NPI.

Hmm, now do we have any obvious red flags here? Richie is married to a Russian woman that does the english translation of books by Aleksander Dugin,
Even Russians think she's a spy, pic related.

None of this was not mentioned for the majority of NPI's existence, in fact his relationship status was unknown which only fueled the gay rumors. He could have ended the speculation by introducing his lovely wife at one of their many gatherings, or online, or something. But he was silent. When whisperings of her existence began to spread along with her Bolshevik connections, still nothing from Richard. They don't even retweet each other, there is no indication watching her twitter feed or her many websites that they are even aware of each other. It's all so hush hush.

In the first NPI stream, I believe that would be Friday night, in chat, Richard's relationship was briefly mentioned and in reply there were at least a dozen people posting "not anymore" "he's now divorced" or another similar comment. That's a lot of people that both know his relationship status and were eager to correct the record and distance Richie from the woman with very close ties to pic related. Wow, so many people instantly responding to a dumb comment in chat that would usually be ignored or trolled with gay references. They were a little too eager to distance Richard from the Bolshevik supporting woman in his life. Shut it down. Did they know what was coming? Were they a little too eager to distance Richard from her? Will she even be mentioned in the soon-to-be-released Atlantic documentary on Richard and NPI? I can't wait to find out.

Could this explain Richard's weird support of the EU? It certainly fits with Dugin's ideology, pic related.

Only a year ago we were watching Woes massive streams with a variety of guests, even that dumb LARPer with the hat and glasses was tolerated, but only for a while, he was kicked to the curb in due time.

So comfy, those days. We'll never have that again now that Woes is on the front page of a UK paper accused of being a Nazi and asking for his name and location. A literal fucking witch hunt. Can he even go home again? Even if he sues the paper will they ever leave him alone? Will some kook stabby stab him in a dark Edinburgh alleyway for being Nazi scum? I hope not, he was one of the sane ones. But now he has been labeled and hunted for something he didn't do and has never supported. He was always very strict in his streams to keep the discussion intellectual and non-violent because of the laws in the UK.

Good luck Woes dude, I hope you can get asylum and live in peace. Meanwhile your (((friends))) have been defending Richard's salute as if that sort of thing was the norm for NPI and everyone connected to the conference. Remember, Richard invited the press. The Atlantic has been following and filming him for weeks with his permission for the doc. He should have known better, smart guy that he is. Fucking commies.

Bring it on TRS and AA scum. You infest this place with your retardedness and lies. But never forget, it is us who are tolerating you lot.

oops repetitions there fuck it

Lots of good points, some could just be coincidences, like that group of people instantly Correcting the Record with Spencers marital status, some more insidious, like him being the one to have invited the press. He didnt tell people to salute, though. And, lets be real, your Yuropoors are basically the size of one of our states, youre gonna be the United States of Europe one way or another if you wanna stay competitive, kek

Also, youre still gonna need sources for that shit

I'm still around, junior … I just don't do much idle chit-chat like that pesky soul who runs around using my name and annoying folks. I generally just dump art here and occasionally answer legitimate questions from the regulars.
Here's a newly revised "scartoon" , Best, AWM:

Thanks man, enjoy your stuff. How do you feel about your name being used by a degenerate?

I've never read any of that guy's posts so I have no idea what he's pushing that gets people so riled, but I have seen literally dozens of people who reply to his messages mistake him for me. That always causes other board users to have to school them that the posts are "from the troll 'awyattmann', and not the cartoonist". Some of these guys have even started referring to him as "The Mannchild " to help make the distinction. I do wish he'd get a new handle at this point. Doesn't seem like he's done the current moniker, which has remained generally respected in past decades, any justice at all.

too little too late

Fuck SeventhSon

awyattmann is a notorious faggy guy on TRS and if he and some other queers were being faggots on Holla Forums then I without hesitation apologize for that shit.

Is that why you've been buttblasted this whole fucking time? There've been people here who have tried to reach out to the kike overlords at TRS to try and get them to apologize for the shitheads on their end and also disavow shilling here so that we know anyone posing as TRS and shilling are just niggers, but nobody has done anything but shoot the bridge architects and burn more and more bridges.
I mean, fucking look at this shit.
Just go make a thread on your fucking forum or whatever to get whoever's attention for a public statement on not fucking shilling here so I don't have to deal with these shitty fucking threads anymore.


Holy shit nothing you posted proves anything other than white nationalists trying to integrate more white nationalists. How the fuck do you think meme magic works? We're ALL shills. We are ALL SHILLS for our own interests. Meme magic works when enough people are "shilling" for the same thing.

Are YOU a shill for 8/pol/?

It proves that you're effectively burning bridges with people besides myself, though I am included, on fucking 8/pol/, you obtuse retard.

And I've seen a lot of these other posts too. Besides the one where Sven is being an asswipe to a guy from 8/pol/, I don't see anything that incriminates TRS.

Does posting a screencap of Holla Forums mean Holla Forums is a shill for degeneracy? To my knowledge, there are only a few legitimate faggots on TRS mucking shit up around here, but a few faggots don't represent all of TRS just like Holla Forums doesn't represent all of Holla Forums. What the fuck, the fourth pic is right, you literally don't make any arguments except post screencaps and hope the person reading them infers TRS must be degenerate.

And now I've seen the latest of this Sven-8/pol/er correspondence and Sven chills out a bit. TRS, as in it's actual owners, have never shilled Holla Forums. A few faggots from it did.

But they still haven't disavowed the shilling. Which means, until they do, the people here that are fucking retarded, like yourself, will continue to be shit on until they do. All they have to do is say "No, we don't want our people shilling on Holla Forums" and fucking suddenly everyone's on board again. How many times will people have to say this for it to get through your iron clad fucking skull? How many more of these fucking threads? How many more posts are you going to make upwards of a hundred without sage-ing a dead fucking thread, you recalcitrant nigger?

Do you have any proof that they do? I've never heard anything but anti-homo rhetoric on their podcasts.

Is this the part where you send me some out of context social media posts?

Wow, a white nationalist website tries to get other WN sites to get on board with them how evil. They must be jewish or something.

Shilling is shit, period. They could've just come here and been all "hey guys, check out x" or something like National Action does or fucking nordfront, but no, they've gotta skulk in the fucking shadows.
Fucking why? And you're a spineless faggot for letting it happen, there's obviously an ulterior fucking motive if they're not coming to us honestly.

On the one hand I want to say, "What are you, CNN now? Oy vey you need to disavow David Duke for the 6 millionth time!"

On the other, I do agree, I think Sven is being overly protective of his community, which I can understand, but he should call out bullshit on his end, for his own community's sake.