>U.S. Air Force Brig. Gen. Richard A. Coe, who led the investigation, said Tuesday that Russians had been kept waiting for 27 minutes when they used the hotline to call Sept. 17 and warn the U.S. military that it was bombing a Syrian military unit.
The aircraft let loose with 34 precision-guided weapons and 380 rounds of 30 mm ammunition
>“The targets struck included defensive fighting positions, vehicles, tents, bed-down locations, tunnels and personnel,” Coe said
>The officers ordering the coalition airstrike did not operate from malice, Coe said, although one service member noted in the run-up to the bombing that “what we’re looking at can’t possibly be ISIL.”
The attack left 80 syrian soldiers dead and bust up tanks, IFV, etc, probably twice that number of injured, crippling a Syrian battalion in the already undermanned and besieged area of Deir Ez Zor, wiping out the last line of defense outside the south-western perimeter of Deir Ez Zor Airbase, leading to a full retreat of the Syrian army to their stronghold on that flank. IS then made an instant push right after the strike on that flank (literally seven minutes later…) allowing them to get back in control of several key points most notably Tharda & Kroum mountains which overlook the airbase.
Angel Hernandez
Fuck the ZOG lackeys.
Jeremiah Hughes
Gavin Hill
it looks like these pieces of shit are really trying to start WW3 before January 20th
Ryder Reed
I hope someone really gets reprimanded for pulling that bullshit.
Jayden Perry
The article is based of the investigation report, which tl;dr is "Whoops, we're totally stupid but nobody did anything wrong".
Gabriel Moore
And with Erdogan wanting to overthrow Assad, WWIII is under a catalyst of kikery. U.S has nukes in Turkey too. Erdogan did change his mind the day after (today) and said he's only fighting "terrorist groups". This shitshow is about to kick off.
Austin Foster
The US military investigated the US military and conclusively found the US military innocent of any wrongdoing.
Levi James
(check'em) We're going to drain the swamp and make America great again, user!
William Morales
Feigning ignorance is the oldest trick in the book of history, politicians use that constantly, but normally ignorance isn't supposed to protect you from punishment and consequences. They're just angering anyone with at least half a brain by this behaviour.
Nathan Morales
Seriously, Trump is the only one who can stop this whole thing now.
The Monkey-in-Chief seems determined to start WW3 and just leave it at that.
Jordan Torres
It's time to get real, Ami.
Jace Wright
When do those sweet shilling gibs dry up? You guys only get shittier and shittier, it's starting to just get boring.
Charles Bennett
You can't even get your facts straight shill
Kayden Johnson
Low energy D&C shill.
Jose Edwards
it's what he was jackin it to
Levi Perez
Remember this, this is important. It was clearly coordinated with ISIS ground troops.
The US Air Force cooperated with islamic terrorists to kill Syrian soldiers. Soldiers, who are merely defending their country and legitimate government. This makes me sick, as does the fact that this isn't talked about at all.
Fucking kikes. Good luck Assad.
Henry Murphy
Don't worry, they won't. These are the same people who awarded themselves for shooting down an Iranian jetliner.
Jaxon Mitchell
I despise burgers
Joseph Lopez
They wont. They live in a world of delusion
William Ramirez
Fact 1: Steven Mnuchin was appointed as Secretary of the Treasury by your God-Emperor Fact 2: Steven Mnuchin worked at Goldman Sachs for 17 years
You cannot refute any of this.
Ayden Cooper
It's going to be a good 8 years
Ayden Cruz
Nothing to say, huh?
Joseph Reyes
If you even bothered to do your research, you'd see why Mnuchin was a wise pick.
In 2011, Huff post did a hit piece on Mnuchin (Who was CEO of OneWest at the time) because Mnuchin pissed off the FDIC, costing them 10 billion.
What do you think happens to people that piss off the FDIC and the banking industry that supports them?
Isaac Ortiz
Blake Baker
You misunderstand, I'm the smug one here.
Carson Perez
Dylan Morris
So you just joined the chans, huh.
Krugman freaking out about it is the icing on the cake friend.
James Evans
Which part of this are you trying to spin as wise? Mnuchkin bought IndyMac off the FDIC and then Jewed his way into making money off of the deal. Are you implying he's anti-FDIC because he used the skills he acquired at at those 17 years with Goldman Sachs and that's the reason why he was picked?
Josiah Edwards
But wait, there's more.
Cameron Bailey
Not everyone who critisizes your jewish candidate is a shill this is not a safe space Trumps pick is shit
Dylan Phillips
Explain why he is shit, then say who you would rather have.
Hunter Green
Benjamin Lopez
Didn't the russians send spec ops into some american spec op base as a retaliation?
I recall there being a stink about that, but it went all hush hush because the russians absolutely pulverized the "elite" fighters in some mountain base near aleppo.
It was Turkish, Saudi, Qatari, and possibly Israeli
They've stayed away from US spec ops so far unless they've hit the CIA. (the 5th SFG is deployed via Turkey in the YPG, but the YPG is also officially allied to SAA and is full of Russian agents so too. That's why Flynn was fired BTW has head of military intelligence he knows that on the ground US spec ops are only training moderate jihadist, which they only pretend to train because thank god the guys on the ground aren't that stupid, so the rebellion is still just as shitty, meanwhile the guys that are with the kurds, which don't need training just gear and intel and are actually fighting IS, end up working with Russian spec ops, because YPG, Syrian branch of the PKK, have always been a Russian pet project to fuck with Turkey. Basically the US military is trying to fight IS/al-qaeda, etc… so they team up with Russia and pretend really hard they don't, but the CIA, and all it's third party controlled intel agencies, only want to fight Assad).