ALERT: Electors Plot to Sabotage Trump
what stops them from doing that?
How likely is it, that they actually pull this off and manage to invoke dotr early?
Only 15?
I know of at least 538 electors who will refuse to vote for Trump.
Fortunately, most of them won't be at the electoral college this year.
They will get btfo again
Talk is cheap. When the day comes we'll have to see what actually happens, then act appropriately.
High level source = ive just pulled this out of my ass
Why would he fucking invent that??? And of course a 'high level source' must remain anonymous. I mean would it be that surprising anyway?
Luegenpresse gonna lueg.
They won't get enough traitors to change the election, but what these individuals will do is make sure they never have a career in politics ever again and probably be forced into hiding.
To support his side against the enemy?
To get those sweet shekel-generating clicks?
To sound like a big important man?
David pakman? You mean the guy who reports left wing conspiracy theories and wishful thinking?
And slowly the veil is dropped and behind the democracy and the vote the true nature of the beast is revealed.
How does it feel burgers? You're one of us europoors now. Who tried for years voting in nationalist-parties only to get them banned, leaders murdered or thrown in jail. You can't beat the kikes at their own game, they own the democracy and their power relies on other people doing their bidding. These weak old kikes are nothing really, why haven't we just killed them already?
My dark side would actually love to see this happen
If dubs, Kek make it so
kill all libshits
These electors do realize that they will hang if they pull bullshit, right? Their names will be known and them and their families especially their families will get it. There are enough people out there angry enough to carry that sit out and unlike the left, they have a plethora of guns. I don't understand how these idiots don't understand this.
Do the liberals not see they are making this very enjoyable for us? Yeah we would like to have a peaceful presidency, but dotr sounds much more fun.
Are they so deluded they think they can fight us?
Yes, do exactly the opposite of what your citizens chose just so you can puff up and make yourself look big.
This, the media has been lying their asses off trying to rile up the listen and believe population. They keep pushing the popular vote crap and how trump can still be stopped. My money is on just more lies and if not they are going to get executed.
If dubs this goes through and we get to kill libtards.
If not dubs, peaceful presidency, MAGA and MEGA
hey POL… lets shit our pants again because of something we saw somewhere about stuff.
I'm with this one. Any of this shit is highly unlikely. But if it should actually happen, I welcome it. Streetfighting is fun.
go away
Electors vote Trump = Trump is President and libshit get BTFO out of government for decades
Electors betray Trump = they get killed by the furious mob, civil war happens and thousand of dead liberals later, Trump is President anyways and libshits get BTFO out of government FOREVER
end yourself
I do hope Holla Forums will be making public the list of names of the electors that do not vote along with their constituency.
Protip: you can easily wipe out an entire family silently by using a .22 cal rifle with a silencer & cyanide tipped bullets.
This is bs, but anyway, would love to see it happen. Would provide many lulz and dead niggers
Seen that too many times, really should meme it.
You stupid fuck, you let them refuse the vote and then start a violent uprising with the American people behind you.
You DON'T go and kill a few random people, you will then be used as an example of why anons are the biggest threat to democracy.
To clarify, you obviously try and persuade the electors. But do not make threats, they already get a ton of threats from the clinton camp.
Yea, but the difference is we'll actually do it.
No, you won't, FBI. Noone will.
Isn't he just a youtube channel?
Possible, though I think we already had some hispanic elector resign because he did not want to vote for Trump. I think that situation will take care of itself and he will be replaced but we are seeing some electors who are willing to rebel.
Kek, make it so
I can't be the only one that is dissapointed by no civil war / dotr now.
Rolling one last time for Kek, purge of libshits and degenerates
Off by one. Well OP, i guess this is bullshit because my digits tell me no DOTR soon
made me laugh
Please do it! Please Please Please let it happen so we may finally get a civil war, it's the only true way to Drain the (((Swamp))).
You… do realize this is InfoWars we are talking about, who also got their source from a Bern victim Youtuber retard who has never said a single fact in his life?
You can safely discard him as a kike in betacuck's clothing.
Are they allowed to be lobbying other electors to vote (or not vote) for someone?
1k usd
Here's the weird thing, why would they lie about something that would only rally Trump supporters? They have to know he's got such a big following that to even imply that he might lose due to bureaucratic horseshit would only signal near-DOTR level shit.
If they do this, not only will the Electoral College not be going away, NATIONWIDE FAITHLESS ELECTOR LAWS will be passed, and the punishment will be death.
Get the fuck out.
How can you say such a thing? Listen to his inspiring words and realize he's as Holla Forums as Ben Garrison!
Didn't we have this thread 80 fucking times? What next, Stine scamming more more money for a recounts a month late?
Dubs of truth.
Pak "Take Out The Black" Man
the democrats of 2016 might go down as the sorest losers in history
They're topping themselves in 2000. It's impressive.
Sage because this isn't happening, OP is a fearful gullible man for believing their desperate bullshit.
This is the best election in the history of the world. Every ounce of asspain is being recorded and will be passed down to future generation as a testament to this generation being full of over grown children.
We need names.
Those people are traitors and deserve nothing less than death.
Are they trying to start a civil war?
I don't think it'll happen, however hard (((they))) seem to be pushing this meme. Corporations need as many goyim slaves they can get their hands on, and thus a civil war would be bad for business.
DO you think someone would go to the Internet to lie, Com on user, why would you be skeptical of anything on the Internet.
It's because they are idiots and they'll only understand reality and truth the hard way, after getting their asses kicked so hard being a democrat and left will be illegal for centuries.
This is a pipe dream. If they used that approach to stop Trump you'd have a civil war.
What do these electors hope to gain by pulling such a stunt?
The people won't like or trust them ever again.
How the fuck would that help their political careers?
its trash
We need to talk about Bunplocked Redpill dump threads
It's amazing how feasible of a statement that is.
In all of history, there may never be another moment like this one.
This would probably be bad, but there's a chance that it could be good. Think of Hillary stealing the Presidency as a slot machine with extremely good odds. 20% of the time, the jackpot strikes, but 80% of the time, you get nothing. This would be a great machine to play most of the time, but we only have one quarter.
If we hit the jackpot, the people revolt, Civil War II starts, and we have a real fighting chance to save the white race. However, there will also be MSM propaganda about Hillary's (illegal immigrant-assisted) popular vote tally. There's a high chance that the normies will accept this propaganda, which would make us shit out of luck.
State governors aren't going to promote secession. They will align With Her. Whatever happens will have to be grassroots. The odds on this machine are unfavorable, but I say trust in the dubs.
If they're allowed to do this, even as a stunt, it will open the door to stealing elections. There have to be severe consequences delivered by the people on anyone who participates in this.
why the fuck would anyone become elector if he'd just betray their candidate and voter base
Sounds like something Cernobitch would come up with, but any elector not casting their vote for Trump is going to end of bagged and dumped pretty quickly. The only people who could be foolish enough to do that are the "muh principles" cucks.
A little part of me hopes one of these plots to overthrow Trump succeeds just so we can arm up and push leftists' shit in without the police interfering.
The anti-Trump protests were such a disappointment, I'd like a chance to show them what we can do.
You really think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and lie? :^)
Pakman is kind of an interesting guy, but he's extremely anti-Trump so I can't take his word for it.
Also I can't seem to find the WebM of him saying "niggers, spics, kikes" and other assorted racial slurs. Maybe I didn't save it afterall.
This does not deserve a thread.
So nothing, then. Shit.
You'd think there'd be repercussions, but I would be shocked if anyone actually did anything about it.
I think they realize that no one will resist any fuckery they try.
Already been posted.
Source him/herself is probably legit, but the facts aren't. The source is just trying to spread this and meme it – get the media talking about electors switching in order to try and pressure electors with 'hey goy look here there's a bunch of anti-Trump electors you should be anti-Trump too!'
Attention, shares, likes, views, dollars
Look, we all know the lugenpresse narrative about "fake news" is bullshit to try to drive viewers back to them, but that DOESNT mean we should mindlessly listen to all "alternative" news without scrutinizing it and considering motives for dishonesty
A little of my experience of pakman, he was a COMPLETE nobody prior to GG, and he gained some fame/attention out of GG, but mostly from the more right-wing element because he pandered to them with his stories at first. As time went on, he shifted well back to the left because thats where he personally stands, but this also cost him subs views and ultimately money. This, is just another attempt by him to drum up some attention and get people listening to him again.
PJW isnt a terrible guy, he talks a lot about things that are important but just isnt as fringe as we are about it, and is labeled "fake news" by the lugenpresse for his efforts. However, he does share a trait with pakman, and that is his need for views for bux, and while it seems the majority of his stories the last several months have been spot on, that doesnt mean he wont share sensationalist stuff as well for the attention/bux as well. Pakman himself is little more than a goon saying w/e will get him views and buxs though, and PJW should know better than to re-spread his shit without checking it fully himself.
In short, Pakman has an agenda, always has, hes so far from "above" making up bullshit for views that hes no better than the MSM. PJW is typically better, but has his shitty/stupid moments as well.
Basically, dont just take everything from the alternative media at face value any more than you would take it from the MSM at face value.
I have trouble buying that since slates of electors are chosen by the parties and the campaigns, so I highly doubt people chosen by the GOP and Trump campaign are going to flip to Clinton.
He seems like a massive faggot. Also a crypto-beaner.
There hasn't been a double digit number of faithless electors for over a hundred years and they haven't been relevant for even longer. This would be a massive break in political norms and if the democrats think people would accept this like it was some kind of favor they've got another thing coming.
Well, I will say this
Thats what this ENTIRE year has been about, I wouldn't put anything passed anyone these days
As far as what the consequences would be.. well.. it depends on the effectiveness of their discrediting campaign thats been going on for weeks with the "she won the popular vote" narrative. If they've subtly indoctrinated enough people who voted Trump (lets face it, not everyone is as fringe as us) to be less hostile to him having the election stripped due to the "popular vote" totals being in her favor supposedly (gotta love them illegal and dead people votes) and thus giving it some air of legitimacy to at least a decent percent (say, 25% or so) of those who voted Trump.. then would we even have the manpower to go against it? I mean how many even understand the electoral college, and havent been brainwashed by obamas (and frankly EVERYONE in washington) constant "we're a democracy!" shit for the last decade? And how many who do understand it, get its importance, and how many of those would be willing to fight back vs how many would be more passive, or not understand the EC, or its importance, and think direct democracy (ie: popular vote wins) is also an "acceptable metric?"
They've been in a constant campaign of misinformation, disinformation, misleading narratives, and all in all subtle propaganda to try to quell the masses if something should take place. They've probably been running CONSTANT metrics on social media to determine the chances of an uprising, and how strong it would be, updated almost constantly to reflect the effects of their propaganda
They may honestly feel they have the room to do something like this. As you said, this is outside the norm, but this has been an outside the norm year. It wouldnt surprise me if the whole point of their flailing in the media was to push towards this eventual end. Make no mistake, the ground troops are fucking retarded, and the talking heads are to, but the people creating the lines the talking heads read? They arent AS stupid, and they're a LOT more arrogant and greedy. So something happening isnt out of the ballpark.
Better hope they got good home security if they go and do something silly like that.
apparently these faithless electors are all democrats anyway.
she is a real jem alright if you saw her on the street you would never guess pic related.
Common fucking sense.
If it isn't Donald Trump who walks into the White House in January, civil war is guaranteed.
Let me ask, user: Will you?
If one of the electors near you who are supposed to vote for Trump decides not to, will you take your gun and go shoot him in the face? If not, then don't expect someone else to do it.
I'm not expecting. I know there are people that will. I'll let you figure out what that means.
His brother works for the ADL.
He's openly jewish.
Who knows, they seem to have all had their brains removed for the past year so I stopped trying to look for non advert motives like that. They have the planning skills of nuggets now.
(((David Pakman)))
Fam the Jew will always stick together but they should know that they walk on hollow ground.
But who am I kidding one the biggest difficulties with Jews is their lack of situational awareness, I hope they keep trying.
I'm ready. Are you?
creator of vid here. can't believe ppl saved these, and even made more like the dirty faggots one. here's some i don't think i ever posted.
we have to go back
A Texas elector said he'd vote against Trump and now we have Harvard lawyers saying they'll represent electors who cast their votes against Trump for free.
Is this something we should be worried about?
Exactly this. No idea why these stupid kikes are even bothering to push this tbh.
If it's a few retards who dont actually lose don the white house, who cares.
However if they decide to flip it, then they'll be the ones in fear
The intention of all of this is to cast doubt on the electoral system. What they want is a popular vote which would further take power from the states and place it in the hands of a select few. If they convince electors to go against the will of the voters in their state, then they can easily push for reforms. Their goal would be to create blue super states that would decide every presidential election going forward. Even more than that, rural and small city Americans will have no influence. Anons are absolutely correct in labeling these faithless electoral voters as traitors. They are placing themselves above the people and go further than merely working against their interests. They are making them slaves to a system that will only work against their communities and families.