If anyone here still watches porn you need to see this and learn what its doing to you. Its the ultimate weapon to destroy the human will and dignity.
Porn destroys will power and moral compass
Other urls found in this thread:
Nah, people trying to normalize their fetishes and make that shut public and omnipresent will do that. Society only exists because enough people pretend to be decent to fit into society.
lol no… You're just a.. what… young guy who can't keep his hands off his dick. Wait until you're in your mid-30s. Porn wont even matter to you anymore.
It's a good video
Porn created for White men undermines feminism.
This is why the Kikes and the feminists work year after year to limit the legal supply of porn.
The Internet is a wrench in the gears of their plan, hence the constant propaganda about "online porn funding terrorism" etc. They need to make it socially unacceptable, like drink driving, so that men will self-police under the weight of guilt.
It isn't going to happen.
Porn will never go away.
If you don't like that then do something about the "apex" dynamic, where 10% of men get 90% of sexual attention.
You're really no different than the feminists, you argue against porn, which fills the shortfall in sex experienced by the majority of men, due to biological constraints (being short, being plain, not having a top-end salary or high-profile job), when objections are raise, your type simply reply "be more of a man and you will get sex".
So not only do you encourage the ruination of single women as vessels for temporary sexual relief (slut culture - a feminist institution), but, like the feminists, you ignore the realities of bell curve distribution and human nature.
Most men will NEVER be very attractive to women on the physical level and rely on building an ABOVE AVERAGE income to compensate.
BY DEFINITION only a minority can ever have an above average income.
tl;dr like the left, the "porn should be banned" crowd on the right refuse to accept physical realities of human life and sexual dynamics.
Banning porn is a goal of feminists because they imagine that without porn, men will be forced to seek sexual relief from women, which naturally involves a male to female wealth transfer (unless the man is highly attractive or a rapist.)
But no, men who can't get sex will continue to masturbate, instead of porn they will simply become accustomed to achieving arousal from a higher degree of dress, clothing catalogues, television, peeping between the curtains to view passing women on the street etc.
Accept reality.
Oh, as for the men who deliberately avoid women because of the state of modern laws and the freedom granted to women to express their nature, "hit the gym" and "earn more money" are just lies tossed by feminists, christian traditionalists and trolls.
They are good lies because building a high income and a muscular body takes a long time, so the lie can go undetected for years.
Here is a man who earns £8,000 a day from multiple businesses, a career as an international personal trainer and several nutritional supplement companies.
The truth of the lie is, you can never be "good enough", a woman will simply move the goalposts.
Porn is going nowhere.
Background to video: the man in question has a millionaire salary, obviously has the body that trolls, teenage boys and feminists assure the weak that 'you need for a woman to respect you', yet his girlfriend beat him for 'making her work while he has all that money'
The idea that a man can judge the inner thoughts of a woman by looking at her is nothing more than a manifestation of his ego. It is self-reinforcing because the longer the woman holds in her nature (because she doesn't want to lose what she is taking from the man), the more confident he is, in his "special powers" of mind-reading.
A confirmation bias error.
uh where the fuck did you get this pic?
those are my cousins…
this is the most refreshing and elucidating post on the topic i have read in a while. thank you for not simply repeating what ive read before.
we have been liberated to be degenerates, or been led to believe our vices are our virtues. the solution is to purge the sickness and restore functional society where the average man can expect to marry a virgin or at least very low milage woman( due to slut shaming being institutionalized) for a wife and go to work again. We do this by building mannerbunds, or the foundational male friendships and loyalties on a personal level and expanding to societal scale with a sane hierarchy.
kikes and women fight for control of the sexual relief supply. not only to restrict it but also to be its only suply. we solve this by gassing kikes and treating women as the property they are again.
(((Black Pigeon Speaks))) is a filthy heeb.
Porn is older than society, and every point he made is moral busy-body point, except he points out MGTOW as the cancer that they are.
I have worked in the adult industry for several years in an I.T. role; the funniest thing I've ever observed is the traffic drop during tea-time in the UK. They literally stop masturbating to observe tea time. I could tell when it was between 1700 and 1800.
The thing that Black Jew Speaks neglects is that we're complicated beings and sometimes a kink relies upon something being something so out of the ordinary that it can only exist in that sort of imaginary world of porn, which is OKAY. If porn is your entire sex life, you're a degenerate faggot and you need to get out more, but if your dick gets hard at the sight of naked women, you shouldn't then feel shame.
This fucking cuck… Ask yourself where he came from and how he got so many followers in such short order. Through creative endeavor, or through a strange group (that he personally refers to as "we").
LOL you're a sad porn addict.
Ancient Greeks were so ripped because they overcome vices like masturbation and this had divine will power and testosterone levels of a God.
also tl;dr
porn isn't inherently bad if you're able to moderate. it's healthy to regularly have orgasms. the problem comes when you're NEET with nothing better to do so you sit at a computer all day with a mouse in one hand and your cock in the other, fapping furiously for hours on end. Extra soul-crushing points if you fap to "alternative" fetishes like interracial, scat, traps, etc.
Many of us are sexually repulsive and lonely. Women don't want to fuck us.
TL;DR quit moralfagging and bossing people around, you schoolmarm.
Most people here aren't as redpilled as they think.
Note how this faggot sages the thread to get it shut down. This board is crawling with JIDF paid to sage threads.
The only reason youre not able to get women is because you masturbate. It lowers your testosterone and makes you look sickly. You cant even look people in the eye and it destroys your will power by rewiring your neuro pathways.
Stop defending this cancer. Its clearly cucked this entire generation. Look how weak and cucked everybody is now that porn is so accessible.
Porn IS feminism. The reason women act like they do today is because Chad's grew up on porn and will so act like pornstars to keep Chad around.
Chad's are not alpha. They are good looking guys who are sex obsessed with no regard for society; which they are supposed to be maintaining.
Literally nothing wrong with 2D vanilla.
How is my rape hentai consumption supposed to make me more egalitarian and less accepting of gender-based discrimination?
You're the one follow heeb influence, chosen person.
fucking degenerate faggot.
just becuase we're into hand holding and missionary position for the sole purpose of reproduction we're degenerates ill carry that weight
well said
Describes this thread pretty well too.
You people really take on the defensive if someone threatens to take your degeneracy away, don't you
porn = feminism? So then are they why are feminists always bitching about it and trying to take it away?
Nice excuse & propaganda, tho.
Like any vice/pleasure, if you overdo, it damages you. I've cut out porn completely for a bit now, I don't think it made me worse off, except for my drive to be around other people and around real women to go through the roof.
Studies on addiction and effects of masturbation do tell of brain changes and mechanisms that control men.
despite improbability of it, porn can and probably is a tool for weakening moral resolve and channelling libido into a dead end, on top of it being a business. You aren't killing yourself if you indulge in it, but it is sapping you.
I cut out porn for a few weeks to try it out when I was skeptical (back in 2011) just to see if it would do anything positive and it did.
I've been against the use of porn ever since. It does amazing things for me when I stop using it.
Deeper voice
My eyes become 'shinier' and develop darker limbal rings
My face gets 'full' and glows
More energy, better mental focus, easier time at the gym
More assertive, more confident, more dominant
Less able to take bullshit from other people or the world at large
I say that anyone who is skeptical should not worry about what the science says or this or that, and instead just to try it for a week or two. It's a free experiment and you have nothing to lose. Just give it a go and see what happens.
This might be wrong but I credit my first long streak without porn (14 days) with my very initial awakening. It was probably my first mini redpill.
I'm in my 40's and I still enjoy porn.
Mostly lesbian…teen.. and some futa on woman.
Sick degenerate.
Yeah no though porn is fine and autogynophilia totally isn't caused by it. The slippery slope isn't real goyim.
I can't walk because of a surgery so I'm stuck on my bedroom for 1-2 years and there's not much to do.
Can I fap furiously for this time, and then stop and be 'normal'?
I only fap to anime girls
what about pictures of attractive women?
user is posting pictures of his mom
This is absolutely true. I'm in 21 days and I manage to persue the things I like easily. I don't know if my eyes are shiny or anything but I am more aggressive and have higher energy for working out and studying.The first two weeks were hugely irritating. It was even harder than cutting smoking. So
Smoke free 8 months
Fap free 21 days.
I used to fap to 3DPD porn, but just the other day I decided to pop in to some of my old sites where they had tons of gifs and webms and lewd stories and see what was on offer. It actually made me vomit in my mouth a little bit.
3DPD is truly PD.
Fucking retard
Most female porn stars turned out to be feminists so that's bullshit.
where did all these pro-porn kikes come from? is this even Holla Forums anymore?
Gas yourself you pathetic faggot.
I have this same problem and can confirm. In this exact moment, my theory is that even when you have a semi-redpill gf, she is brought down by two factors: her own insanity, and her jealous cunty "friends". The culture is still kiked out and women are creatures of the culture. It is im-fucking-possible to completely remove them unless you want to go the Amish/Mormon route and remove yourself, churn butter, etc. I really have no answers bros, but if there are any actual alpha bros here who can confirm what the actual problem is and protip it's not jerking off or porn. If we fix our culture, keep trumping out and fix society, then women will come around and nobody will think about porn or jerking off as a "problem". TLDR: if you think you can fix porn and then "have it all" or whatever, you're a fucking neet/virgin. The view from the top is the same as it is everywhere.
"Just don't breed goy."
Give them to me!
It's okay so long as it's from Japan.
Results after a year of NoFap
The fuck has hentai become… Scat is the ultimate degeneracy. Even at my most porn addicted I couldn't watch scat.
I stopped fapping altogether found myself in a relationship with a white qt two months later, started focusing better and improve by leaps and bounds. I've lost weight, got in shape even faster and felt more lucid despite my instabilities and I stopped chronic shitposting.
Porn and masturbation and addiction of both lead to low T levels.
And no this isn't about any religious beliefs. It boils down to willpower and impulse control.
Porn glorifies degeneracy, makes NEETs more NEET, rots people brains and feeds their ego and gives them false sense of self as per Hegel's identity model. Oh I almost forgot following fact
Its real I can confirm from experience. I didn't have my own computer till I started working at 18 and the type of porn I liked was always teen/model/solo stuff. Mostly Russian girls or just young looking girls around 18.
After a few years and finding 4chan I developed fetish for traps and before I knew it was into all kinds of disgusting fetishes and my life was in shambles, considing best way to suicide. Wasn't till I met an innocent looking girl that I had the inspriration to change and destroyed all my porn never even letting my mind wander to lewd thoughts.
The changes in my health and relationships was incredible. Went from absolute shut in sperg lord to extremely focused alpha living a fairytale out irl.
Kek, porn is created by kikes to fuck with the white race.
Does anyone have that interview where they discuss the effects of porn and bring up they Israel army putting porn on the Palestinians broadcast 24/7
Then why do I still feel like praising the God Emperor and gassing the Jews even though I fap to 2D vanilla? Checkmate.
top kek
If you were around *chans around 2010-2012 risk of becoming a furfaggot or a horsefucker was a real.I personally joined and stuck around halfchin circa 2003-2007 and took break from 2008 to 2013 after I sensed a great corruption within hivemind.
There is certainly a case for porn making you more shy, anxious etc. but I feel it only adds to your existing shyness and anxiety. Before porn, I was shy, after porn I was shy. Despite my excessive fapping in my teen years, I was a big guy, 6'0/6'1, deep voice, body hair all over. Yet I was very bad around women, almost certainly because of porn warping my mind. I wish I could go back, never fap or at least not to porn and go to the gym the school had. I would have been so uncucked it would make your head spin, believe me. Not to say I was cucked in the sense we use it, I was just low energy and shy.
All that being said, despite my downright sperg nature and shyness, I've still somehow come close to sex a few times. Something about the aloofness and stoic nature gets the ladies interested. Of course, even before my Holla Forums tier views, I didn't follow through with them, precisely because of that shyness.
Its tricky for me. I feel porn is a big problem and it also isn't. I've had periods where I was hard working, energized, confident and times when I was the opposite. Both times porn use was frequent. I did no fap last year, went 19 days and felt different. Did it again this year, went 21 days (my record) and felt no different to before.
self unawareness/10. The entire point of this vid is that guys willing to answer questions about their masturbation habits should be listened to. Ffs what a garbage fire I just waited minutes of my life on. For the record I started on porn at a young age and can't imagine it's influenced my life for any better or worse. I prefer almost exclusively large breasted women and haven't been in any relationship longer than 2 years, did porn do that? If so is that a bad thing? Better I be some suicide fantasizing married wagecuck who waits once a month till his balls are blue and then cums inside some minivan driving cow? Fuck that. If it was porn that helped me dodge that bullet I say thank you porn.
Yeah I don't think so. People find release in prawn so I think it's good. Yeah you want a good wife that will kiss the kids in the morning but you also want a degenerate whore that will let you live out your fantasies.
What happens on the psychological subconscious level after you watch porn where 2 people have sex, is your subconscious gets the impression that you do not need to better your self, because it saw the act of sex and it thinks that everything will be alright with your species. Since you are seeing people have sex, you are content with it. Your brain gets the impression that your species will continue its existence without any problem. So your brain gets "lazy". It sees that the female has already found a partner and will continue the propagation of your species. This makes your brain cease all activity towards improving yourself. It thinks that other men had already defeated you, the other men in porn have got the girl before you. Again, you must remember, that even if you do not think like this, it all happens on the subconscious level. After you stop watching porn, your brain starts thinking that the species is endangered, since you did not watch other people have sex in some time. Brain starts panicking, and you get the urge to watch porn again. The urge gets stronger and stronger. Your brain needs to reassure himself that the your species still copulates. This is why, after a certain period of abstinence from porn, you start being more social and confident in yourself. Your brain starts thinking "oh, since I do not see that other people are having sex and trying to ensure the species survival, I must do it myself". The brain starts unleashing dopamine for activities that will make you better. This is why exercising and other activities that make you better will start to be more fun, after you stop watching porn.
I haven't for about 6 months now (christfag reasons) and it has changed me for the better.
I don't know if its normal or just me, but in that time, i've had two bouts of a week long mild depressive state. It got really hard to not give in during them, but i genuinely am happy i did. I figured it was the brain going through some rewiring/resensitising state.
So, watch out for them possibly, i guess. Its a potent addiction, and throwing it off is a struggle. But its worth it. Its different for everyone why.
I was the generation that looked up search term "playboy" on yahoo on 56k modem and chatted up whores on irc. For one I welcome the abundance of porn
Porn sites back then would trick you into dialing to their network and they'd charge you like $10 a minute.
You say like it's something wrong with that? What about building families and raising your kids? The true intention and the most important priority when it comes to relationships. Fuck, you say that in public amongst people under 25 and they will look at you like you're from Mars or something.
i pride myself on my degenerate taste in porn
Also it don't stop you fucking bitches unless you are betamax. It makes you fuck bitches better because perv imagination
You have shit taste,
Your delusion is amusing.
Your typical Chad is just as much a masturbator as your average poster here, except they only do it when they can't get easy pussy.
Yeah, TopKek. Heather Brooke my man.
lol conservacucks
Life affirming National Socialism for me!
Scientific proof no fap works
Last week was pretty hard. Now it starts to get better.The strangest thing is that exactly what you described happened to me when I was trying to give up smoking.
The pizzagate thread is the biggest motivation I have for not fapping and you gave me another one. Thank you degenerate user.
I am of vourse no psychologist but i think in my opinion it all comes down to this:
1. You want a good wife that is not a degenerate slut
2. You also want a depraved degenerate slut
Really hard to balance, best to keep separate
Feel free to chime in whether I'm wrong or right
Is this man's unreasonable sexiness wholly or only partly due to his abstinence from porn? Who knows, it's an excellent video either way.
This is true.
Yeah that is disgusting. I am strongly against it. But i meant your "normal" 18yo+ degeneracy. That's really what does it 4 me m88
It lesbian. So only women on screen. Or do you like to gaze upon a mans scrotum and hear his grunts as opposed to a female body and female moans?
futa isn't shemale, son.
Or you could live a traditional, virtuous life with honour and truth.
I've been off the stuff for half a year now, including ero-doujin garbage which is even worse than regular porn because the world of art should never be degenerated (it's a reflection of the soul, something very intimate and intrinsically understood – sometimes without your knowing; don't you dare think your conscience and heart are safe just because "real people" aren't involved, the depths you can sink to are truly disgusting that I will not mention them here – remember, you are what you consume and consuming material of any kind will only weigh you down). I'm learning to practise Tantra (including semen retention, so I'm not ejaculating despite going 2 hours+), no material[ism] at all since that trash gets in the way and is the product of other people's degenerate fantasies, but only my waifu and classical music. The difference is as being in another world because that's basically the case. It takes practise and I'm still far off but I'll never touch any kind of porn again, especially doujins/hentai which I used to champion but these days really regret and am still paying for.
Nofap isn't great, the problem is the material you're consuming and ejaculation. Remember this: orgasm and ejaculation are two separate processes, one can ejaculate without orgasm and vice versa. When practising, ejaculation is not on the mind at all, and as I've said, I go on for such a long time and still don't ejaculate but the tingles around the body and so on are more elating than the very brief and ultimately depressing ejaculation you get. Semen is your vital force, when it's not used and constantly being "restaffed," all the nutrients and so on go to important parts of the body like the nervous system and the brain (for example, my memory has gotten much sharper which is sometimes unfortunate because I tend to see things I wish I could just forget). The longer you keep this up the more vivid and incredible it becomes.
You don't need degenerate material, the tools are there for you already, you just need to seek them out and learn to use them. Trust your heart and soul, it seeks intimacy and love. You're not going to get that whacking off to porno and that shit will instead have power over you by you constantly seeking it out. Deny and make up excuses all you want, but you're still a slave to it, and unlike most of you I've experienced both worlds now (I have consumed porn for nearly 20 years, fapping on average 3-4 times a week) and I'm glad to be rid of it once and for all.
Fucking master yourself, you pussies. You don't need to nofap, just get off porn and don't ejaculate. It wasn't that hard, you just need to realize you're a fucking degenerate who's killing himself like the drug addict lingering in the red light district and that needs to change.
It's a scientific fact that watching porn makes you turn into a faggot tranny. Look at so many people saying depraved things and making excuses like: trap/futa/whatever isn't gay.
Nofap imo is a shit scam. Tried it, maybe there is slight change in energy levels after a week but contrary to belief doesn't make you chad alphamax but rather fades if you don't actually get laid.
It's healthy to be horny and fuck/fap regularly, doesn't take away from your nrg levels
Couldn't find a better metaphor for porn and sexual degeneracy in general equating CASTRATION.
Futa is kind of a weird case because it doesn't actually exist. It's not a male that went tranny, or a female with a chromosome deformity or endocrine disorder. An actual hermaphroditic human isn't something that's real, and if it were it wouldn't actually be male, so I'm hesitant to call it gay.
Yes nofap is somewhat unnatural, it's normal to get aroused and so on at least (but remember, not all arousal is sexual, in fact I've been aroused by other things more, in particular romance), but how you use this is what changes everything. Porn of any kind is and will not stop being garbage and retaining semen is an important step in your climb out of being a faggot.
What a load of bullshit.
You can intake as many nutrients as you need. Fapping does not starve your brain of nutrients, moron
no one said it does that, they simply said that it HELPS with motivation and other.
Nofap doesn't mean you aren't allowed to be aroused or pursue women, on the contrary, the idea is to get you off the fake high and get you back in with real people.
Oh look the retarded excuses have already come. How long have you gone exactly? Did you even try? Fucking slave, kill yourself and don't talk back to your elders.
There is no diference. Your brain is gonna need different things to reach the dopamine level and that will lead to craving different stimulants to release them into your brain.So you either go to drugs or you change your porn taste until it becomes more and more degenerate.In the end it will reach a point of no return.
Meant for
The problem is people do it and then think it ends there. That's like putting seeds in the earth as a farmer and then sitting on your hands.
What does it accomplish? Even if you can't be very productive you can still read or learn something which isn't a waste of time and actually will be fruitful.
I don't know. But I think most of our Christian European ancestors would consider someones drawing of a woman with a penis pretty unnatural
The answer really I think is as many things quite simple. Grow a pair, fap to sexy bitches, fuck sexy bitches insted of whining about not getting pussy on an imageboard and jews.
We require women to be women, but you also need to be a man.
Sadly, that is a problem with all good advice - it's an aid, not a substitute for action and willpower.
He had to do that otherwise both of them would have died (it has an actual plot).
Also like a minute before that scene he used his dick anyway.
The fact that you equate guys looking to self improve with whining about not getting laid says a lot moshe
Great job, keep it up.
Yeah, I have read that in order to rebalance the brain swings through certain highs and lows. Kind of like a recalibration. Glad you stuck through it, that's probably one of the hardest phases.
Self improvement Is alot more that not fapping. I feel sorry that you equate not satisfying your sexual urges with self improvement, Franz
Well, I put it out there. If people want to continue being degenerate cowards then that is their own karma. No hedonistic high is worth your enslavement, and victory over the self is the first and most important victory. If you can gain mastery over yourself, especially of the wild and base urges which the jew dominates (essentially materialism), then you are already on the high road to liberation.
Every right wing space is getting absolutely mauled by shills right now. They are upset over what happened with the US elections and this is their strategy, a very poor one. Annoying though.
Is… is this a sign by Kek?
Found the nose.
You are the one that equates it . Not him. Not fapping is a giant step. Not the only one .You are the one that is implying that not fapping is the only step to improvement.Your degeneracy can be seen from miles away.
You missed the point entirely, not surprising since you're a "muh dick" nog
When sex is all you do and beat your meat to the point your brain is refusing to work, then cutting it out is the only solution.
No one is talking about sexual abstinence, if you can get some tail then more power to you, that's the point of nofap.
There seems to be a lot of wankers here, porn has been scientifically proven to be bad. Masturbation is discouraged by all major religions for a reason. You are supposed to fuck a woman or work hard until you can, not wank to porn.
Today entertainment is completely sexualized, thats population control.
At some point the hard work is not worth it, and this is a phenomenon across different nations with different cultures. Of course, that's not an excuse for inaction. It just means re-prioritizing your efforts into figuring out why shit's fucked. Though Holla Forums already knows the (((answer))) and solution to that.
Post-election damage control. I'm hoping they all leave in January.
Telling oldfags not to fap on an imageboard they created and populate
kikes did this
kikes did that
Shut up you fucking idiot. Nobody is forcing you to waste Kleenex.
I know this thread is going to blow up because anything porn/anime related does, so let me chant the eternal mantra:
Every one of your post is screaming out "hey look at me guys look I how much of a degenerate I am". And you still completely miss the point. The reason why you specifically are getting shit is because you're so adamant on reveling in your degeneracy and making it acceptable. It's similar to a good amount Holla Forumss position on faggots where a lot of anons don't necessarily advocate killing them but telling them to keep that shit quiet, same goes for overtly degenerate people like you, just shut the fuck. I wouldn't be surprised if you're one of those guys pathetic enough to leave a comment on a porn video.
that would be all good and true if everyone was getting real pussy and wasn't debilitated by their own inability to organize their lives. This thread is clearly aimed at those with impulse control problems and porn addiction - moderate porn does nothing for anyone.
Anyways I've just downloaded some degenerate porn and going to fap. Later, suckers!
Hey Goldstein.
I highly doubt you've been in any meaningful relationships, other than to stroke your ego. Since you have zero empathy for why someone would marry or stay married.
Any anons who have beaten the Beast have any good advice? I was told before that I have to go full cold turkey and just pick up hobbies to distract myself, but the problem is I have no job yet to require the shekels needed to join a club or any shit and I live a fair bit away from town and don't have a full licence yet
Start drawing or playing an instrument.Borrow a guitar from a friend or buy drawing equipment with 10 bucks.
What do you guys think of nobodytm?
Slippery slopes are for bad goys. Don't believe in them or your a big fat neckbeared bigot that hates america.
Slippery slopes do not exist.
2 + 2 is not becoming racist, sexist and homophobic.
Also learning a programming language is decent and of course working out.
You are kidding, right?
No fap is a good self discipline method.
Pretend you're going to hell if you fail.
I bet none of you even tried hookers and blow.
Therefore your arguments are invalid
No fap is good.
People shouldn't masterbate. It teaches self discipline. Increases vitality too.
how's this any different from feminist bitching about sexual objectification?
Some faggot talking out of his ass is not superior to peer reviewed articles with data.
Most neuro tests that we quote were conducted on animals and as far as addiction, humans can get addicted to fucking anything its called moderation.
Dude, you have access to a database of entire human knowledge via internet. You can learn anything, pick up any hobby you want, why limit yourself like that?
Hilarious bro, tell me another one.
Because some career paths only have oath takers
I'm in a predicament in my city with this.
It is definitely real. I started as a wee lad jetting to non under models, then hard porn by 14, hentai by 15, disgusting shut I won't speak of by 18. If you indulge yourself in this you will loose yourself. Maybe not with everyone but it is definitely real.
Don't bet ,you will lose your money.You elevate yourself above others and think you know the truth because you do things most of us has already done before.You think degeneracy makes you special.
So, it's cucked the fuck outta here then, is it
Try being this + an abused child.
I look back thinking "how did i become like that". I was so self loathing too.
Probably explains the matrix directors.
Be alpha chad
What is next thing?
Whores, slutty disposable whores.
next you are going to to tell me that the holohoax happened because you say so.
I'm 32 and my sex drive is at least 4 times what it was when I was 18. And porn has a lot to do with that.
This is the epitome of normal fag logic. You should be ashamed of yourself. In a proper society your fantasies will be to reproduce and raise strong children. Raise yourself above baseless hedonism.
Read books, Learn languages. Workout Hike, Mountain bike, etc.
There are plenty of things you can do without a ton of money. Try to become of healthy mind also. If you feel disgust by pornography, you'll be less likely to pursue it. No matter what you do to distract yourself, if you don't fix the core problem, it won't matter.
Are you retarded? It's nothing to do with woman, it's the male brain getting fucked up and resorting to degeneracy as they burn out on every type of porn.
Tried hookers, worst sex I ever had, systematic an mechanical, boring as fuck. Tried blow, literally put me to sleep. Tried no-fap, not even a week in and I'm already feeling a tad better, just because It's been so long since I fapped less than every other day.
All good advice. Thanks user.
Only problem is my workout Bench is outside because it took up a ton of space in my already small room and it's the Dead of Winter.
Oh Well I'll just have to do as my Ancestors did and Work Out in Freezing conditions.
Oh yeah Vikings is back on too, that should give me extra Motivation.
Oh well I
I haven't seen much evidence for nofap but there is a MASSIVE amount of evidence that pornography is a control mechanism. The chosen know this but OY VEY GOYIM STOP OPPRESSING WOMEN BY NOT ALLOWING THEM TO BE RAPED AND BROADCAST TO SOCIETY!
This whole video is good but start at 3:20 if you dont wanna watch it all.
Porn is shit and saps your willpower for sure. Don't waste time with the shit (or at the very least limit it strictly), do something productive with your life instead.
Yes, it amazes me. I hope it's just shills. One of the golden rules is: always do opposite of what the jew says. Nothing he suggests for you is anything but self destructive. It's not that complicated, and there's tons of evidence how porn is terrible for you, especially with heavy use. Go fuck yourself if you think it's just fine that the average 11 year old American boy is watching hardcore porn.
https:// youtube.com/watch?v=aWM4bJNpch0
you are right for the most part. Fapping takes away the power of women and society to control you (sexual drive is responsible for 90% of all social facilitation like working out, clothing, job fantasies, role models). Fapping reduces this urge to controllable levels, but unchecked fapping can also cause the complete opposite by reinforcing your sexual desires on a subliminal level.
Fap with caution, fap moderately and everything will be fine.
You know, back when I was a teenager, I made fun of people who would do stuff like that. Now I am one of them, and I think it's pretty much entirely Holla Forums's fault. Not sure if I should be happy that I am arguably a better person, or sad that I'm such a different person.
That is exactly what you are suggesting.
Our whole hormone system is a drug plant. Joy, fear, lust, anger, reading, fucking, sleeping - everything involves drungs being spread through your body.
You can stop fapping when we will have robotic bodies. Until then your urge is still there. If you repress it, it will seek its way out in some other way, mostly negatively (biased focus, uprooted mental primer).
If I use your own logic, I could say: stop eating everything aside from pure supplements without taste, because food causes the body to produce gratification hormones. But here it's the same. Eat good shit in moderation and you're fine. Too much candy and you're fucked.
Why dont you try cutting your wrists moderately and tell me how that works out. Moderation is just the excuse of the weak willed and lazy used to attack people who speak the truth.
Ok, so stop being moderate by holding back your power level and shitposting on and image board and go full commando.
inb4 goalpost has moved to the other side of the lake
What you fail to understand is that by fapping you are programming your brain to crave bigger dopamine levels than normally you would need. Exactly like cocaine or other drugs do.
Dopamine can be released by doing all sorts of creative hobbies. If you fap though you won't. Because you are full of dopamine and nothing will motivate you.
How do you know that? Did you read the script?
I said how do you know that.
Just because I am restricted and FORCED to moderate what I say doesnt mean its the right thing to do dumbass. In a proper society free speech would be absolute.
(both got dubs 100 posts apart)
I need less sleep on nofap. My body can't abide sitting still, it's easier not to fap the longer you go, but also easier to fall back into it, oddly. Confidence shoots through the roof as well, and life becomes an enjoyable game of strategy. It really is a revelation to the modern man.
That's a pretty interesting perspective. Something that has struck me about the most prominent "alphas" in the world at the moment, I'm thinking mostly of Trump and Putin, is that they have everything together and are successful but there's traces of "beta" autism underneath it all. Listen to Trump talking, he gets obsessive about topics and feverishly self-promotes, you look at him as a young guy and he went to a military LARPing school and was obsessed with sports. Putin will do all sorts of things considered rough and masculine, but he approaches them with a boyish eagerness. Like Trump, his knowledge of global affairs is encyclopedic, the guy must sit and absorb information for hours on end, which is something that chads simply can't do.
What if I fap, still have hobbies a creative tech job and still tons of energy for other things? There goes your strawman.
How I know that? Good amount of pussy, fapping and learning how to live without becoming a manwhore while still pleasing my dick in womenfree phases during the year.
Or are you actually requesting quotes from scientific papers whose credibility you will question based on your anecdotal experience with failure of fapping control?
See? I am also forced to fap, because in a proper society I would have my 10/10 intelligent woman who looks good, knows her place and accepts that I have to inseminate other good looking women, preferably after duelling their current sexual partner in the octagon.
But what can you do? Wishes have to wait.
yeah, like giving a former goldman sachs kike the economy chair in his lineup. That'll teach the establishment!!
Then why not have sex instead of fapping?What strawman?
Nice equivalence, grow up kid and lose the addiction. Be the change you want to see in society.
Your post reads like a fucking kikebook post, get out and stay out.
Fuck you
so what's the dopamine level I need.. oh, you're just full of shit
Kill yourself fag
I feel the same way about cereal in the mornings.
Jews Expose Creation and Domination of Pornography
i think the problem is more so the tolerance of degenerate and for profit pornography.
Oh btw nice post history you fucking retard, I'm LMAOing at your life
Go ahead and defend your jew-administered cummies, we're all watching and laughing
Do yourself a favour and read these before your next post buddy
He might be referring to the phenomenon where you look at an attractive woman, get dopamine from that, then you look at another one and you repeat the same rush, over and over. In reality sex involves only one woman. One hypothesis for porn induced impotence is that the way many if not most men view porn now means looking at a dozen or more attractive women before climax. We're (I have been in the past) programming ourselves to get hard for several women in short succession, so when we get the chance to fuck just one woman our brains are waiting for the other women and no solid erection is built up because the other women never show.
Check the dubs.
Sounds ridiculous to try and ban pornography since it'd mean banning a ton of other forms of media because of their sexual content. You'd have to ban video games with titties, anime with titties, books that describe sex, comic books with titties, and the list goes on. Porn bans have never worked because its impossible to keep a adolescent kid from jerking his gherkin.
You cut out one form of porn and another pops up to take its place, if you ban gravure modelling then a voyeurism market will form. If you ban internet porn then people will go to the deepweb for their porn. If you try to ban drawn porn then people will take that shit to the blackmarket.
I agree that there is some disgusting shit out there but its foolish to think you can control something as instinctual as masturbation and what someone finds attractive.
You are a piece of shit
Tits are not porn you idiot
yes they are.
It's like you haven't read anything in this thread.
No one is talking about banning anything. We are talking about self improvement.
it's like you don't have an argument.
Kikes are the once that made porn to humiliate whites.
You're a fucking retard.
E michael jones is too good. Also learn to embed you faggot.
Sorry but no. I've been nofap for a couple of years. (Last time I fapped was in high school) Most of us here are just fucking autistic. I can't look at people in the eyes while talking to them though. I have slept with a couple girls though, just because I'm decently attractive. I don't have friends though because of my autistic tendency to show my power level.
This. Attractive high status men are incredibly important to how women view themselves. Porn, (((hollywood))), (((music industry))), and Chads all send messages to women that are only reinforced and played upon by Feminism. You all constantly say how women are children that can't think for themselves. Well you're right. Now think about all the signals that women are getting from high status men:
1) Motherhood is not important or valued
2) Only physical looks matter; intelligence and virtue are irrelevant
3) If you don't have good looks then your only value is to compete with men as a corporate stooge
This sucks for women because without motherhood and virtue being prized they're in a no win situation. Enter Feminism to prey upon their semi-valid but misplaced anger
Chads are the Jews' greatest ally.
Porn is one of the worst developments to have come about. It's one of if not the most damaging aspect of the media/ entertainment complex. I would hang every single producer of porn if I had the chance.
I can't believe some of you dumb motherfuckers support it. It's so blatantly harming our people, please explain to me how the presence of porn helps our youth grow into strong men and not the complete opposite.
There can only be 1 embed of each vid. That vid is already embedded in another thread. Stop being new in my presence.
how do you propose to fix the problem of porn then? If you can't ban it and you can't regulate how a person behaves then what is the course of action? Are you going to ban studios from making "degenerate" porn? What qualifies as degenerate and what doesn't? Isn't that sort of shit entirely subjective?
That's what I've never understood about threads whining about porn, its just bitching about degeneracy with no solution other than "don't fap". That's not a solution, most everyone jacks off, even your dog does. You can't just tell someone to stop jerking off and expect them to listen or care. Back in the old days you'd just spook them into not touching their junk, but once they found out you can tug on your twig without having your eyes melt then they pounding off like a jackhammer. That's even more unhealthy then the people jack off daily.
And this isn't me bitching about nofap, I have no problem with the people who choose not to tenderize their loins. Just keep in mind that the people who do that shit are almost exclusive on the spectrum and rarely if ever breed to begin with.
>proves his point by linking a post made after his post accusing me of not reading the thread
you must have brain damage.
Sounds like you've given up on improving your genentics and accepted death.
That's what I'm saying! This is absurd!
We used to have threads about how awful porn was and the various ways to destroy it at different scales.
Exterminate these people.
Saging because the thread has more shills than an oceanliner has barnacles.
Prove what? That I talk about self improvement in my 17 replies? Do you know how ID works?
A post made by me you fucking kike.
I used to not be confident. Sometime around 28 I gained all the confidence in the world. Now I know I can get any chad-chaser worth having. Chad is a pathetic cardboard cutout and pretty much every woman by their mid 20s realizes this. They just don't see anyone better.
No-fap is a tool, it's not the only tool. More importantly porn is a weapon and it's being leveled against us. Girls are not more mature than men. They're super easily swayed by those around them. If they go to a school where all the 13 year olds watch porn then they will emulate porn stars. By 20 they wonder why they're a single mom and no one values them. They channel their frustration against the father figures they see controlling society. They may say they hate being told what to do but it's exactly the same as being angry at your father. They are angry because men DID NOT tell them what was right. They are angry because men DID NOT control themselves. They are angry because men DID NOT control their sons. Women won't admit to being the passive sex. It wounds their pride. But they know they are. As such they really are at our mercy. And we've done a very poor job permitting the Jew to act as he has toward them.
Nice jewish reasoning
All production of porn should be illegal, and all porn websites coming from out of country should be blocked.
Obviously there are grey areas and it will always be accessible to an extent but this would remove it from the common man's life.
Boy, you sure told us right.
saying something you disagree with is Jewish isn't a fucking argument. Use your brain, sites like pornhub get tens of millions of visitors daily. The vast majority of men look at porn, and obviously the vast majority of men aren't endlessly pounding their dicks.
All you did was set up a false equivalency. If you never touch your dick and go full crusader mode about porn then you're a fucking autist. If you jack off 6 times a day and watch loli scat porn then you're a fucking autist.
Not quite I still work on improving. All I'm saying is that not masturbating isn't the only thing you need. It's necessary but not sufficient. I haven't found the key but part of it could be not purity spiraling about women, I've rejected girls before who had the most minor flaws and that might be part of the problem. I also live in California and going down the rabbit hole has lead to me just being disgusted with non-whites which certainly doesn't help making friends down here.
You're an idiot.
go look up the symptoms of autism and come back to me.
Being a purity faggot IS autistic. Through confidence, direction, and patience you can direct a woman in the direction you desire. The most important quality is feminine receptivity to your will rather than virtue.
You want to harp on about fallacies? Start with your own. Your "logic" is faulty as hell and you provided nothing to back it up.
I'm sorry, who was the one who came right out gate accusing people of wanting to ban porn and didn't even bother to read the thread? Fucking spare me, you're a joke.
inb4 cuck mod still does not understand
I prefer homemade porn. Or my imagination.
Calling someone a sick fuck for liking Vanilla is a old /d/ meme.
It"s so fucking lewd.
what specifically do you want me to back up?
Pornhubs daily visitor count?
or the symptoms of autism?
An insistence on sameness and heavy focus on routines is extremely autistic. My brother lost his shit at the store because I grabbed two different brands of frozen pizzas. As I said before, there is no problem with nofap, but if you make an insistence on never jacking off and get pissed when people post porn in threads then you're acting autistic.
Tell me though, what fallacies am I using?
How do you into patience?
I get fed up talking to people about pointless bullshit and I just want to go be by myself. I try to get girls by being funny and telling stupid jokes, and it does attract them but then I get bored being around them so I just drop it. Also in terms of purity spiraling how bad is it that the most attractive and traditional girl I know is Eurasian.
You can beat the shit out of gook girl after you cum inside her
What if I just use my imagination? I never liked porn much anyway.
Porn is nothing more than a masturbatory aid for people who lack creativity. The most degenerate people alive don't even look at porn.
Still better then anecdotal evidence
How seeking to self improve through not incessantly watching pornography and beating your meat is a sign of autism.
I haven't even brought up nofap once, again you miss the point, i take it this has to do with as i have previously stated, you're a fucking sperg who refused to bother to skim through the thread and proceeded to strawman bullshit,oh that's another one.
I haven't provided evidence because i'm not the one who made the claim, try to keep up
I'm agreeing with you
I remember being a teenager and being surprised when a friend told me he needed porn to masturbate. I would just close my eyes, and imagine myself assaulting classmates.
Ok that is kike logic
Maybe you should seek help
What, you never had the fantasy of stopping time, and stripping all of the cute girls naked?
I brought up no fap because its a focal point in this thread. Please though, allow me to quote myself
You created a strawman argument while accusing me of making a strawman, an act of folly considering I can scroll up one cocks length and paste the very fucking thing I posted before. I never said limiting the amount of porn you watch is autistic, I said NEVER watching porn and getting mad that people look at the stuff is autistic. Again, I have no problem with nofap.
I shouldn't have to fucking repeat myself on an imageboard.
correction, if you insist on never watching porn and go out of your ways to avoid it and become angry when people who do look at porn continue to do so despite you call them a degenerate then you have A U T I S M
then again seeing as you've already decided i'm a kike you probably don't even care about what i'm saying.
so then sex is destroying humanity too?
cause that's all porn is, is sex
So please….shut the fuck up.
You're half right. Even when a man is married to a woman who puts out regularly, "regularly" can mean anything from every day to every week or less.
Men, on the other hand, were built for basically marrying wives and raping the women of opposing cultures: that's been one form of conquest in tribal war fare for thousands and thousands of years. That nice family man who wrestled with his sons and kept his wife warm all winter would go out with the other guys to fight the neighboring tribes, which generally meant, in the case of conquest, raping their women en masse. It's much harder to oppose an enemy when half your sons look like them.
When more modern warfare standards and social standards made the "rape your way to victory" strategy less socially acceptable, men did not magically lose the "need to impregnate" drive just because Jesus said so.
That's why porn has existed for centuries. That's why porn will always exist, as long as men are men. The only difference is that now it's more common knowledge that men indulge in porn–but it existed in the Victorian, Elizabethan, Georgian, mediaeval, Roman, Greek, and all other eras in all cultures.
The idea that porn is inherently bad is a Jewish lie designed to make men feel guilty for being men. Before the 19th century, Onanism was specifically seen as coitus interruptus; it was only some sexual freak whackjob–can't recall his name–who basically reinterpreted it to mean wanking and managed to get taken seriously.
Meanwhile, you CAN NOT change what you are or what you need. You can control it, you can redirect it, but porn is not the problem–Jewish propaganda, and Jewish-owned porn companies which produce smut specifically designed to fetishize behaviors which will counteract white breeding, are the problem.
Remember that most commercial porn was, until very recently, an underground thing produced by small private companies, often illegally; the other porn that has been common throughout history has been dirty drawings, literature, and pictures men took of their wives/girlfriends/whatever (or portraits, before cameras were a thing). What the Jews did was what they always do: embraced some hidden under belly of society, make it socially acceptable, and then use their control of it to steer their host culture into the ground.
Resist Jewish porn, but remember that most porn in existence (dirty selfies, home made video, "fan art", H-art, art students "secret binder" with dirty drawings of their classmates, erotic literature, etc.) is not of Jewish origin, and predates Jews' involvement, in origin, by thousands of years.
Does porn give you children?
that girl bending over has a curvy ass, even when bending over!!!!!!!!!!!!!
give us a pic of her standing up please. For the fap of it.
shiiiiiit. She's hot
've been doing porn for about 15 years, now i finally dropped this nonsense.
We all came to the conclusion that women are degenerate to no limit these days, yet instead of acting like a beta cuck basement-dwelling rat some of you folks are, you should act in such motion to achieve an ideal set of physical, mental and psychological strength. Women do like it! They will snap their necks trying to catch a glimpse of your gaze, not because you have supreme aryan genes (let's be honest, most of us possess muddied version of former blonde blue-eyed tall men if any at all), but because your pheromones will tell them to.
Ofc woman can be unpredictable and bitchy, but it's in your mindset to limit her time with modern world degenerate distractions.
mhm, no. Here's an example of my closest relative: she used to rarely meet with some of her married girlfriends when she was happily enjoying marriage, yet as soon as something went wrong (thanks to modern degenerate media mostly, sometimes her friends too) she returned to some school-old non-married friend who used to talk all kind of bullshit about her husband, only trying to capture him using her as a leverage. She even used to kiss her drunk husband, because "that's okay, right?" It went even further down to lying in the same bed! She contacted her mother about this issue, and broke up with such a good 'friend'; yet still got divorce. Hell.
do children give you porn?
No thats the best part
no, cooking is a culinary aid for people who lack creativity. Its not porn that sates your sexual appetite its masturbation.
I just want one thread where people don't make retarded arguments.
99.99% of sex does not produce children. Are you some fucking puritan arguing sex should be solely for the purpose of procreation during a woman's fertile period during her child bearing years?
Fuck. You.
A shit ton of men get things done, are married, in good shape, educated, and so forth – and watch porn. The fact that you can't makes you a sad little child with no self control; it does not mean porn is the problem. You were the problem, just like some weak-willed alcoholic drinking himself to death doesn't make alcohol a problem either. Protip: men live longer when they drink lightly.
The worst dojins I've read almost always had original character. I don't think you can attack a entire genera because of the extreme end of the spectrum
You mean not going to pornhub? Am I an autist for not going to porn sites?
Translates to
Being angry at people when they have different opinions is based on the context of the discussion. It is by no means related to autism.It is based on how different views those two persons have.
He said as his race died.
If you're with a woman, you can form a relationship that may lead to kids in time.
tell that to the guy who says porn is nothing but sex. it's a business for those involved and it's the same as watching a cooking show for the viewer. you don't get the real deal
The vast majority of people are constantly being bombarded with kike-fueled over sexualized garbage (vid related) so this isn't something shocking.
You still want to imply you didn't conveniently misinterpreted the context of the thread in order to go into your accusations of wanting to ban porn nonsense?
I haven't even demanded anyone not watch it but the thing with you is that you still have yet to prove how those who choose not to are somehow autistic, i don't believe you can because as much as the people who choose to watch porn have a choice so do those that choose to stay away from it.
I shouldn't have to keep asking you to defend your claim but here we are.
Listen up Kike, porn detached men from their natural desires, and substitutes and endless supply of stimuli that the human brain has NEVER had to deal with before. We are in new territory regarding sexuality and now paraphilia as a result.
We are changing the male brain as a result of porn and are breaking down social cohesion, and worse we have fucked up woman completley.
Porn is a crisis for humanity, ie white people, and kikes like you are delighted about it.
What about half-breeds? I mean your kid will basically be white. And for the most part they've grown up in the same shit tier American """"culture"""" as we have. You could forge something new together. I would be okay with a future of the US as a mostly white ethnostate with some asian immigration. If you allow non-anglo whites what's wrong with a few Japs and Gooks? There's no hope for the US to return to a purely Anglo outpost in the Americas.
I have
Underrated post.
There is going to be a generation of incest as a direct result of millenial growing up in porn.
The woman will be as much the instigators having abused porn, fantasising about the 'milf' role, and being bored by ordinary porn. Men so burned out they only get off on their wives disrespecting them in the worst way, fucking niggers.
A risque picture in Victorian Britain compared to this is a laughable argument
I've been off porn and masturbation for a month now and I managed to kiss a girl for the first time in a few years. Feels great tbh. I think it's a lot like any vice, don't let it control you and you will be fine for the most part.
going out of your ways to avoid it would mean making a conscious effort to stay away from places where lewd content might exist. I never said you were autistic nor did I say all nofappers are autistic.
that's not a fucking argument, all you did was alter what I said into something you could argue with. I never said that at all.
Your proof is a video where a person claims Israel is brainwashing people with porn? No stats or proof? No sources for the video, just an anecdote? God almighty give me some fucking data.
your entire argument was that I said not watching porn is autistic which I never said. You act as though I didn't defend my claim when I posted the the evidence both claims I made, and explained what an extreme insistence on sameness is a sign of autism. I already defended my claims, you just pretend that I didn't.
Anyone else going to give no fap a shot this month
There is a notorious Asianfucker at my school of 4,000 who fucks all the Asian sluts. My coworker who knows the guy told me he gets off on watching his Asian bitches get fucked by black dudes. Wtf kinda cuck is this?
sure is 4chan in here today
I haven't had sex since 5 years and I'm okay with it which apparently makes me a cancer on society, okay….
OHHH busted! we call it cuckchan here, halfchan would of also been acceptable
No no no, you're getting a lot of things wrong here.
First of all, Greek and Roman thought revolved primarily around restraint of sexual lust. It's why all of their statues have small dicks, endowment and sexuality wasn't as important as physical and mental strength.
Secondly, equating porn with sex is not correct at all. In tribe's when men would rape the defeated's women they would have fought, bled, and killed for the right to do so. The reward for suffering is the sex. With porn there is no challenge, and immediate gratification. It breaks the reward system of the brain, commonly leading to erectile dysfunction.
Thirdly, niggers from Taoism to Muhammad Ali have said that semen retention is a good practice. Scientifically backed too, when you jerk off you are draining testosterone and will power. It creates a loop where all that happens is you are numbed into perpetuating the cycle.
No great man in history ever watched porn. If he wanted sex, he went out and got it.
You have yet to tie it in with your claim about how those who choose not to watch porn are somehow autistic, which was the whole point of your argument, so in other words, you have yet to prove shit and yet have the nerve to act smug and post anime girls, fuck off you disingenuous shitstain.
I'd like to see that backing, I assume you are going to link to that one .gov study that shows no significant changes after a week
Yes it is.That is exactly what you meant and if you didn't prove me wrong.
This post is sure brewin a shitstorm. I agree only partially with what you're saying. Men WILL always seek a form of porn and want to fap and have to put up with women being retarded, but that doesn't make a sound argument for the production of porn and how much men consume it.
You seem to be ignoring a couple of facts.
don't consume media that is produced by jews, period.
There are A LOT of white girls getting into porn. When a video of a 18 year old blonde girl getting fucked by a dozen niggers gets millions of hits, it tells the jews to produce more of it. How can you justify that?
try not watching porn for a couple months (if that's still possible for you) and you will notice something. Seeing a girl in a short skirt will probably give you a quick half boner. It makes sex and yes, even fapping better. Just a picture of a girl with her tits out would be more than enough, not a mother&daughter blowjob scene.
You fapping and ignoring ALL women doesn't do anything, you will easily be forgotten by everyone. Feminist want to ban porn to give specifically THEMSELVES power. It's not like any cunt actually cares about other women, they are competing with them. Normal women don't care one way or the other about porn, feminists do either to engage in porn to "empower" themselves, or try to ban it and gain power.
Oh, and I don't care what some faggot with tribal tattoos on him does. His girlfriend hit him? Good. I don't get hit by women or have them tell me I'm not good enough. If i'm not good enough they can go away and i'll find another woman. If it ever comes to violence between you and a woman, it's time to just leave each other alone, not make a video about it showing how much of an idiot you are to everyone.
All the flack you are getting means you are flying right over the target
It's okay to be celibate user. There's nothing wrong with not wanting to fuck whores and sluts. Sticking your dick in human fleshlights does not make you a man. It makes you a slave to the pleasures of the flesh.
Sex is for pair bonding and procreation. It was never meant to be a hedonistic act. Those who claim otherwise more often than not have hooked noses.
Or he's a fucking moron.
Did it for November. Feels good man. My advice is make it so you have a physical obstacle you have to overcome if you want to fap. Keep all your tissues far away from your room, for example.
Mate, Neets jizz in their bedcovers.
Abstinence upregulates androgen receptor density, especially in the brain.
wrong faggot. there is no point in living without pleasure. "pair bonding" creates pleasure. that is hedonism and its not a bad thing. perverting it and becoming polygamous is the bad thing.
Or you are upset?
Guess we are all just going to have to take your word for it
God this just made me think about filthy kike porn producers taking pleasure knowing the goyim is his video are complete slaves to their vices thanks to his sick fantasies of dominating them. God it's fucking disgusting, threads about porn always fucking rustle me when I think about the degenerate jewish mind, and how they take pleasure knowing the peaceful white folks will do nothing because of how peaceful we are. Literally fucking makes me sick
Oh look, a filthy, hooked nosed, rat faced dirty kike.
Low testosterone and high sex drive can't be together can they?
In college I had no spare time to lie around and fap and I had a much lower sex drive than when I jerked 4 a day and was rigid every waking hour thinking about pussy and trying to fuck anything that walked.
There is a use it or lose it aspect to sex drive
Watching porn blunts your brain's sexual response and suppresses hormone production long-term. If you stay up all night every night fapping its because you need to do that much just to satisfy an urge you used to be able to satisfy in minutes, because you've become numb and need MORE to get the same response, or feeling of satisfaction. Eventually yes you will destroy your mind and body.
OP, are you married? How many children do you have? I’m tired of listening to celibate virgins on the internet lecture normal people on anything. There’s nothing worse than hypocrite losers forcing their “advice” on people.
Exactly what I was going to say. These are the kind of kikes that make you sure that there are shills in our ranks here. Jews wouldn't know what a higher purpose was if it fucking tore the inside of their asshole. This faggot kike should go suffocate on a lampshade.
what? And how the fuck am I supposed to prove that?
how about rather than quote mining my post you read the complete sentence
Man, are shills in full force since Trump was elected. This thread is filled
And the attempts to infiltrate are laughable, they'll spam not an argument when none was made, or even attempted too, or if made, they'll disregard it all the same. Not just here, but there is an asian women thread getting a similar treatment as well, and many other too surely.
I know, but it is due to the depletion of the goods needed for erection.
Porn can give a man ED for the other reasons, sensory insensitivity and need for stimulus when with a woman.
I'm saying nofap is actually not great for Testosterone, you need to have sex or masturbate some degree before sex drive falls away. You need to be in the game and have the drive to pursue woman, that requires a balance.
Porn should not be part of the equation.
They literally cannot comprehend such a concept, user. It's their yid brain structure that prevents them from understanding that there are things that exist that are far greater and more important than shekels and munching foreskin. Pathetic creatures they are. Exterminating them all would be putting them out of their neurotic misery.
How about you back up your claim.
And reported for defending porn.
i'm not repeating myself, go read what I said about insistence on sameness.
By rephrasing in a way that proves you are not saying what I am implying. I made you an analogy. Prove to me that my analogy is wrong.
How about you tie that in with the entirety of your claim?
What the FUCK happened to you Holla Forums.
except I never implied that getting angry when people disagree with you is autistic, I said the people who get angry when people don't care about their stupid fucking hobby are.
I'm honestly not sure if all of them are shills or if newfags actually managed to subvert this place completely. Just look at the anime thread, it got flooded with 2D porn and nobody called them out.
How many children do you have?
It's bait user, don't give them (You)s
It's a combined effort, newfag, newfagging, and shill are capitalizing on it. All we can do is keep posting and do all we can not to let this place be subverted as much as we can
You are a bunch of virgins and rats. I knew it. I thought virgins were losers. You celibate virgins make regular virgins look almost normal. You people have been on the internet too long. Why don't you celibate weirdos try acting like a normal person for a change?
This isn't a fucking hobby we are talking about.We are talking about things that can have imediate impact on the society. So it is something that is arguable. So it is something that you should get mad about. So it is not "autistic".
It's both. I think the lurking shills just took advantage of the influx of newfags because they're easier to fool
The guys I worked for were white christian males. Jews do control a lot of the industry, but not all of it.
(((black pigeon speaks))) is a filthy kike; listen to some of the livestreams he's been on. I'll bet he types with his nose.
not if the birth control fucks her up to the point where she can't have children,she ties her tubes or if she is too old to psychically have children
-t. autist
Take a hike, kike.
Just ignore the thread, no one is forcing you to fall for this mormonic pseudoscientific ramblings.
If virtue signalling about not touching their penises to flesh coloured pixels makes them feel good then good for them.
Kikes dominate a large part of the porn industry, just because they don't dominate it completely doesn't mean it's not degenarate, just because a controlled opposition said something doesn't mean it's untrue, Alex jonestein said Obama is shit, and most control op would say so too, doesn't mean it's no true
They've weaponized sexuality. Porn is perhaps their second greatest weapon after banking.
Yeah well, i'm not watching the video now.
Don't agree with you on BPS but that was rather funny.
Wow. Apparently there's a real schism here. I should do some research.
There are countless posts that show how it can benefit society. Your refusal to adress them and your shaming tactis proves one thing.That you are a kike shill.
Here's something I've been wondering. Britbongistan which is as cucked as they can possibly be is putting more and more restrictions on porn, why is this happening when porn is a weapon of the jews? Have the muslims managed to actually outkike the kikes and take control?
The limpdicked cucks shitting on BPS in the comments are just proving his point. You would have to be fucked in the head to actually defend watching porn.
Even before I kicked the habit, I knew deep down how disgusting and degenerate I really was.
Why would they leave in January, just because it becomes official once he is sworn in? Shills are cheap as hell to own.
I'd like to see them gone though.
The thinking is that porn is the scapegoat for whatever the real reason is that they want to place restrictions on the net.
I would like to encourage you to grow up. This is the exact same thing as "everyone I don't like is hitler" but with jews. Do you even critical thinking bro?
The kikes jewed themselves again, nothing new really, Jews gonna jew, anything to fuck with the goyim.
What the fuck are you even on about. Kikes own 90% of the porn industry or so. And my point about Alex Jones, PBS or whoever, was to illustrate the point, that even if they were controlled opposition, a broken clock is at least right twice a day.
And besides I hate nigger,spics, gooks and chincks and they aren't jews.
Chads are just dumb fucks who don't know any better.
Reported for supporting kikes.
Let's look at it this way, how come you can pay people to have sex is legal, if you film it and distribute it. But you can't do it privately?
they all get flak here too. just because people wanna argue a point doesnt make him right. Stop defending jews making porn.
Is CTR back guys?
Wow you sure showed us! Good goy!
CTR was better than this shit tbh fam.
American porn is especially bad. Basically, you're watching Jew/Negro men having sex with (usually) blonde bimbos. It's trash, son.
What does it mean? Am I not ready? Is my role in life to correct mistakes?
They took a break to cry when Trump won and then came back, extra cucked.
Should we be giving them (You)s user?
Was that photo meant to be a turn off?
Fucking disgusting kikes, holy shit. This is more powerful than any shitty video could ever manage to be.
Just because it "feelz gud" does not mean it has no consequences. Faggots.
Excellent (((hypothesis))). Obviously a porn ban is fucking retarded but claiming the porn industry is anything but subversion is fucking deluded.
Explain how literally every porn website is owned by a kike?
Pure cohencidence!
BPS consistently creates high quality red pill material. It may be the most important youtube channel, along with Molyneux. He has even named the jew in the past, see vid.
100% of masturbation does not produce children. there is literally an infinite difference
im confused as to how pointing out an obvious fact makes me a kike. without pleasure, there is nothing but suffering. sex is just one way to receive pleasure. accomplishing a goal is another. kill yourself virgin retard for real.
top lel
stopped watching there intothetrash.jpg
great point. post a selfie i bet youre fat as fuck
And reported, again, for kike shill.
ok fatbody
pussy faggot detected
There is nothing incorrect with this statement.
What is the evidence that black pigeon spite is a heb?
Beside youtube "suggesting" its channel to me.
So all the wars about different ideologies are made only by autists?
If you aren´t being a sad, weak retard that blames porn for his lack of willpower and morals then you are simply a chad. )
Even more shaming tactics. It really hits a nerve doesn't it?
This guy is slowly getting red-pilled or slowly going MGTOW
So jews invented feminism, and feminists want the complete destruction of the porn industry near-unanimously, which the jews control and run.
Anything I'm missing, Holla Forums?
Alright, serious question. Does anyone else get acne breakouts after fapping excessively to porn or even your own thoughts? Every single time this happens to me. Might quit for this reason alone, I'm too fucking old to be having acne.
He's already pretty red pilled. And he bashes MGTOW in the video.
make more sense now?
Where the fuckdo you think you are normalfag! :^E X
He actually blames porn for indirectly pushing men towards MGTOW.
pick one
He has been for quite some time now.
No, because you're just shaping reality to fit your conclusions.
Which he included as one of the cancers killing our society.
**meme still fresh from the oven, take while it's still hot*
Not on the JQ
Modern feminism actually promotes slut and porn business. What are you talking about?Feminists are trying to control what we jack off to. That is why all the Femdom and shaming bullshit are being promoted so harshly.
Disingenuous. You damn well know that feminism is against the "objectification of women" which is primarily a stance against pornography.
You're deluding yourself so you can remain believing that jews created porn and feminism and that there is no conflict between the two.
Enjoy your throat-cancer, you worked for it.
Nah, I just find it laughable how so many are making (shitty) excuses for their habits.
Even more laughable such an excuse is a pretty clear sign that they are weak willed, won´t assume their own actions yet they call anyone that disagree with their BS a porn addicts.
When the autism is that high it sure ain´t going to be shamed away.
That's kind of my point. It would be unnatural. But if the futa exists, clearly it happened. Which would, in the context of its own story, make it natural. There would probably be an entire vestigial set of societal rules on how to interact with them that simply don't exist in our real, sexually-binary world.
Basically, what would humanity look like if we had three sexes to begin with?
It even includes (((Dworkin))).
Pretty sure that they are really against porn and prostitution because they believes it results in men less tolerant of their BS.
You are not even arguing the point. The abstinence part is one facet, like drugs, then there is the wider damage to society. Taking control of your own business is not going to address every child in the world nearly has access to fucking mind warping stimuli, and that has changed sexual norms in one fucking generation.
They don't want porn removed, they want it reformed to be less sexist.
i think that would help you might be bro science here but i remember some anti porn vid talking about how semen has the stuff in it that help with skin care and when you blow it it takes awhile for it to build back up
No I'm not. There was a crack in modern feminism during the 1980s regarding the porn industry during which there was an uprising of the porn industry and the first female pornstars appeared which were jewish.
The first half supported your argument and the second mine.If you take a look in the tumblr of a 16 to 20 year old "feminist" and discuss about it you will see wich half is winning.
No modern feminism is about "sexual liberation"
of the woman and degrading the man and making him a tool by calling him sexist and shaming him when he has a different opinion from what a woman has.
Then it is a co-opting effort.
The only way it could be deemed less sexist in the eyes of feminists is if it didn't exist.
Yes, they're pro-slut, but that doesn't make them pro-porn.
Feminists hate porn because it takes male attention away from them, and by attention I mean the real-life interaction kind of attention.
It usually has a relation to sweets too. I know shit got better for me once I reduced sweet shit a lot.
muh feminism muh whiteknight seems to be the new intl strategy to shill
welcome to the new right
Did you actually watch the video I embedded? The Youtube kikes almost shut his entire channel down over it, hence the mirror upload.
Of course it makes the pro-porn. It is a liberal way of viewing the world. Let anyone do what he likes. So when you have feminism and liberalism together you get this kind of thinking. It is "sexual liberation" as I said.
And before you say anything know that this exists.
Exceptions don't make rules.
Its pretty easy to see why these feminists are against porn and prostitution, sometimes even against "sexist" video game characters.
They realized that a man with options will be less likely to allow himself to be degraded than one that doesn´t, even more it means less shekels.
Yes, I know this is MGTOW speak but they got that one right.
We should expect to come across jews that are not just trying to co-opt the baclash against feminism but genuinely against feminism.
All the jewish females being feminists is bound to have had negative consequences for jewish males.
That is what could be behind Sargon of Cuckold and BPS.
There are countless others "blogs" like this so claiming that this is the exception is only emperical. The only way to see which part prevails is simply browsing tumblr.
Pornography is a tool of the kikes. It's pathetic to see anons attempting to defend it on this thread, whether they're shills or not.
"Male feminist" detected.
Once i went into the CEX store (electronics store) to get change. I waited in line and when I got to the cashier I asked if she could break a $10 into 2 $5's. She said she only had $1's and she wasn't allowed to go into the safe so I told her I would just wait for the cashier next to her since I saw $5's in his till. She told me I couldn't do that and to take the $1's and leave. I told her I didnt want the $1's and she told me "it'll be easier at the strip club if you just take the $1's". I was offended and asked to see her manager. He came out and I told him what his worker said to me and he called me a jesus freak. The worker was a girl with blue hair and piercing's everywhere and the manager was a gauge eared bearded nu male. I ended up leaving.
No real point, just though I would share.
This thread is getting shilled so let's just sage and leave. Great countertactics guys, let's keep having non-discussions about important topics like this!
I just don't get it, you guys make it seem like porn is an insurmountable enemy. Just fucking man up if you watch it/ watched it you can still be a functional person especially if you are redpilled. You should definitely consider stopping; but stop listening to the paranoid anons ITT it's gonna give you cognitive dissonance and make you watch porn even more.
Focus on self improvement and stop giving porn such a big place in your mind. It will still be there especially if you are a long time watcher. Once you do this, you may still watch porn, but with less frequency. Read some good literature from a based author, lift some weights (remember you don't have to have a steroid /fit/ body to attract women, just don't be a skinny pussy.) You'll find your subconscious will turn and find porn distasteful as time goes on, do not become complacent with that feeling; do not give in or change and keep on trucking on.
Honestly I wish we could go 14/88 and burn all the porn, but for now we have to take a tactful approach and focus on the good qualities that we still have and the ones that we can still revive. Western man is not finished by some shitty cuck/fetish porn; we have gone through too much spiritually for that.
How do so many of you get into more "degenerate" porn? I just don't understand how people start off looking at regular porn (man fucking a woman) then moves onto scat, or bestiality, water works, BDSM and all that other sick and truly perverted shit.
I've been watching porn since I was about 17 and I'm 26 now, and I watch the same shit I watched back then a man and woman fucking. Normal shit I would do in the bedroom, I'm not even a fan of lesbians because I'm not into "gay shit" at all. I seriously, just don't get how people move onto that other stuff, especially if you start getting into trannies and what not.
I've never noticed any particular benefit to not watching porn or negative side effect from watching it. With all that said, most of the time I just look at regular pictures of naked women with incredibly feminine bodies nowadays, don't really watch porn just nude pictures of women.
Pictures related are the type of pictures I use if I want a "visual aid."
It's the jews playing both sides. The own the feminism movement(Soros femmen), and the porn industry, if feminism really wanted to forbid porn, and not change it to cuck shit then they would loose funding really quickly, for example femen in Israel.
Feminism is now pro-slut, and therefore have almost no problem with porn, except they promote cuk shit
Yeah, it kinda reminds me of South Korea and porn regulating by the "godesses".
Both exploit human passion in order to form the society the way they want it.That is why someone as a person should learn to have power over himself. That is what NoFap is about.
OP is a cutfag.
Reminder not to put cutfags in charge of anything, they make good soldiers but they are broken. Military homoeroticism is not healthy. Materialism is not healthy. Tradition is no replacement for home. Totalitarianism is not peace.
Spare me your 'higher purpose' shit, getting cozy with your wife is about the closest you can get to an objective reason to even live. What are you fighting for? Is there something you wish to do today that the kikes actually placed out of your reach, or do you only care about leaving a number in some history book, and spawning a kid who will hate you for just passing the burden onto them?
If you want to work, fight and die for the sake of it, I won't stop you. But if you want to enforce that as a lifestyle, then please stop using happy, angelic White imagery for your propaganda, and know that you can always convert to Judaism and make your dream come true within your lifetime. Think of all the children you will make, all the power you will have. If you only care about calling yourself a winner, just join the winning team already.
Or you can just throw the kike out of your head, stop whipping yourself over natural things, and focus on what matters.
Or are you literally gonna go and binge on the nastiest BBC cuck porn the moment you slip up even a bit, as you are accusing others of? In that case, I think that out of the two of us, you're the one who has a problem.
Youre thinking of jews,
Well it depends, for example on how often do or did you masturbate? Sometimes due to excessive masturbation they get the dimnishing returns the vid mentioned, and so they look for more porn that excites them.
In my case when I watched some porn that included some light BDSM, combined with wanting some new exciting stuff, after that I followed random vids on BDSM, and slowly but surely the focus changed onto more degenerate shit, and before I knew I was fapping to transsexual interracial midgets, it's a slipery slope.
I suppose I masturbate about once every day or two maybe more, some days I do it a couple times. But I did it more often when I had nothing to do, I figure it's more the "idle hands are the devil's playground" sort of thing, when i'm busy I don't even feel like wasting time with it.
Sometimes I'll actually be horny, start looking at the types of pictures in my earlier post (>>8412955) and then something will just click and I'll stop, no idea why. I just get distracted from it and want to actually do something or read something. Just a quirk of mine though I suppose, but I do love fucking though, nothing better than laying next to your woman after you've been having sex and just relaxing and talking and joking about the day.
I can actually answer that.
I'm hardcore into BDSM. Sufficiently so that I can develop, accidentally or intentionally, other fetishes simply to facilitate it. The interesting thing is that I was deep into it before I knew what sex was. I didn't get into regular porn and then slowly migrate into kinky stuff: I had, from a very young age (8 ish?) a morbid enthrallment with unfair and manipulative power dynamics. Probably because of my fucked up homelife where I was constantly told I was loved and then treated like shit. So I remember drawing pictures of all the cool super spy bases I wanted to build, but I always made sure it had a dungeon/torture chamber with little stick people tied up in it. The characters who always struck me most deeply were those that lost significantly in order to reach a greater end. Noble self-sacrifices, etc. A book series I read when I was 10 had a detailed depiction of the female protagonist being ritually groomed, restrained, and sacrificed to a massive snake by island natives. When I was 12 I became extremely appealed to by institutionalized brutality, going out of my way to research historical cases of human sacrifice. These are just a quick overview of the kinds of things that caught my attention in the way most people react to sexual stimulus. I didn't even know what sex was yet.
Discovering that sex was a thing just gave me an extremely difficult time, because I soon discovered that I couldn't really get into anything without the power dynamic being there. All your pics are of plentily attractive woman, but they're no more sexually exciting to me than drywall because there's no power dynamic explicit or implied. Pic related is far more exciting even though you can barely see anything of the girl, because you understand what's going on anyways, and she's under control. I spent most of my middle and highschool years trying to figure out what the fuck was wrong with me, and even entered a sort of de-facto celibacy as I was afraid that I would end up being a rapist or serial killer or something. I had no idea there were other people like me, and even less so people that were the complement to me: submissive masochists. (I actually started out as a submissive myself, but enough bad experiences in non-sexual contexts permanently put a seal on my ability to take even willing abuse; I snap and fight back rabidly now.) My research on the topic generally boiled down to just trying to pick apart meanings in cultural references I wasn't sure if I was misinterpreting. I remember being stunned listening to and reading the lyrics to Guns n' Roses' "Pretty Tied Up.". It was an emotionally harrowing decade.
And then I found 4chan.
tl;dr My interest/need for it predates my conception of sex, which I believe supports the notion that BDSM is a sort of emotional catharsis and accidental sexual instigator to people with fucked up memes on what it means to be intimate.
The spiral of tastes is just a meme.
thread related
That's a lot, no clue then, we'll maybe on last thing to consider, was it always static pictures? Never videos of sex, or even a series of images of sex or comics or sex or such? Only the female form?
Not really, it can happen, it happened to me, it starts with developing a fetish, and then you adopt fetishes which are related, facilitate or featured in your main fetish. After that you keep branching on.
You should seek a therapist immediatly. If you have abuse in your childhood like this you should tell someone and get help asap. Yes sts a major sign for psychopaths in the power dynamics. Ad also you should be aware that you cant feel normal emotions as you had to gguard them against abusive (most likely psychopathic) parents.
Best of luck.
T. Psychopath abused user
We push the pendulum in the direction we want to move it. We can't afford to not play the same game as the Jews if we want to socially and culturally reverse engineer leftism. The hilarious thing is if we helped the feminists one of two things would happen: a black market on porn would spawn, or it would destroy one of the most lucrative businesses that der juden controls. Either way if it were all to go the salt and the keks alone would be worth the change.
My fucking nigger, his videos are the best. I miss him.
the other anons covered this already, but you should be getting head not giving head. there's literally nothing wrong with muff diving every now and then
correcting the record looks like muff diving implies eating pussy. always thought it meant sexing a girl with a hairy bush.
Do black MGTOW's refer to themselves as NIGTOWS?
Interesting take on it user. Never really thought about how it develops in people over time maybe even before they know or care about sex. Has the BDSM led you into anything else or just staying where you are sort of thing now?
It was static pictures for a while then I started watching videos then it started going back to static pictures. Though I do watch videos sometimes too, just nowhere like I once did, the interest isn't there really. Sometimes I've found myself going to a site like xivdeos then I just don't bother really after I watch a few minutes and turn it off, without my cock even coming out of my pants.
I've been in and out of therapy for most of my life, actually. I look like a big, bearded meatwall of a guy; would fit in a biker gang. Truth be told I'm extremely emotionally hypersensitive and stone-cold stoicism is how I deal with it. I've gotten the notion that some natural emotions have been blunted, but others are so unnecessarily razor-sharp that I can't help but think it's a balance thing. I've got all the alphabet soup of common mental disorders, from manic depression to ADHD.
I've found that the biggest thing that helps is having a meaningful relationship with somebody else. Nothing brings down my mania like falling asleep next to someone. Thanks for your insight, though.
Not generally, with one major exception thanks to a friend who was into it herself.
And this is something I'm embarrassed to admit even on an anonymous forum. But she make the most incredible case, from the perspective of somebody that wanted to be on the receiving end, of how one of the most emotionally wrenching/enthralling ways to bring someone down under the very heaviest mind-bending submission is vore. It's not actually my fetish, though. So please don't even begin to think of all the cringy furry shit that goes on in that entire clusterfuck of a "community". I have a list of caveats a mile long about it.
Why was she into that? I can get BDSM, but eating and being eaten alive?…
We've talked extensively about it. There's two main components: the first is that she is literally addicted to being controlled. The heavier, the more bittersweet, the more permanent, the better. She describes it as a heaviness in her soul that is intoxicating, and I've seen her in that mindset; she looks legitimately drugged. We've tossed around the idea of some 24/7 Master/slave relationship between us, and she's interested enough to have had the conversation in spite of being a lesbian. The second part is, I suspect, severe self-image issues, possibly bordering on nihilism. So in her own words, to go to something better than herself is validating. She doesn't just enjoy being eaten, she enjoys knowing that her predator will become healthier for it, even more aesthetically pleasing. Explicitly, she'll be broken down and turned into a better figure or more energy for her superior. It's the ultimate "good girl, you were useful in the end" compliment for her.
Kind of a tertiary, but regular cooking is also her hobby and something she would be expected to do as a slave (which is her desired lifestyle), so she has plenty of cross-pollenation of inspiration.
She wants to do that with men but is a lesbian? Never gave much thought to how people see a fetish that deeply as a reflection of themselves like that. Does she live with you, do you think she'd ever change out of her poor self-image mindset?
It was really striking to me, too. She's not physically attracted to me at all, but I know where all of her emotional buttons are and can play them like a Jew on a cash register. I could never deviate from my sexuality (straight as a board outside of this stuff), but in retrospect I can understand a bit. I spent years trying to un-learn my fetishes as a teen. It just doesn't work. Now they've been a part of me for so long it'd be like lopping an arm off. Part of me would be gone. Which I guess rounds up to answer your other question: no. Even more than me, she lives and breathes submission. If she's not being controlled, problems in her professional and educational life crop up because she'll immerse herself in fantasy until she feels right again.
If she didn't want a locked collar anymore, I wouldn't know who she is.
We don't live together, but we're in extremely regular contact; usually every day, though sometimes we get busy and don't see eachother for almost a week. Honestly, I'd have wife'd her years ago, but we are of diametrically opposed philosophical schools.
Your inputs have been interesting to say the least user. Not experiencing the submission starts to take that type of toll on her? What about you, what if you didn't get to do your fetish for a week or two, do you feel like it would effect you like that too?
I tried it, for a while. The results were… alarming. Going without the D/s wasn't a problem. It's that my libido is fucking insane. I tried the nofap thing because I have energy issues and figured venting my testosterone too frequently could be a contributing factor. After two weeks, it was torture. Full body aches, chills and heat waves, a constant feeling of illness/nausea, a mind fog like no amount of inebriation has ever given me. It was a glimpse into what heroin addicts go through, detoxing.
I am somewhat concerned that I'm chemically addicted to my own dopamine. I have hypomania fits which are the body's way of doing exactly what Ecstasy does: dumping all your energy/feelgood chemicals at once so you go into this higher-than-life euphoria that's better than any experience you can actually have, followed by days of suicidal depression because you've literally used up all your feel-good chemicals. When my libido spikes, entertaining it too much can result in the same sort of depression crash. I'm wondering if there's a common root between the two.
So no, I don't think I'm addicted to my fetish itself so much as the chemical cocktail that comes with sexual gratification. Her, on the other hand, doesn't need sex at all as long as she's being dominated.
Damn user, that sounds crazy. Nothing that can be done about that?
Not that I'm aware of. I have enough financial trouble getting to doctors for real issues, though. I can't afford to just hit up a professional about the fact that I go into druggie withdrawal if I don't fap. They'd probably just say "uhh, so fap." So I guess I'd have a doctors' note for what I'm doing anyways.
Interesting note: As brutal and dehumanizing as my tastes are, I also always have a strong affinity for utterly saccharine intimacy. Headpets and handholding and lap-crading and all the stuff you can get banned on /d/ for. I think it's the purer strain of what I'm actually looking for in a relationship peeking out from behind the emotional open bar of BDSM that I usually use to at least feel in vicinity to it. And there's a special, precious flavor that comes from mixing the two.
Dude you sound like a complete nut. Serious talk.
Nah, it's science.
It's called the Coolidge Effect