Is this legal? Is this against Generosity's terms of service? Help me find out.
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Is this legal? Is this against Generosity's terms of service? Help me find out.
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Look at the fucking narcissism on this one.
If they were fined by a judge inform that judge.
What happens if the judge finds out?
you're going to have to dig to find who that is
Increase the fine so that she actually learns her lesson.
They're clueless.
Contact Dmitri and let him know that she's publishing his name for doing the right thing. Might actually be good to harass him so he can sue her.
The courses she's taking. Top kek.
Fall 2014
ENGL 137H – Rhetoric and Civic Life I
COMM 150 – The Art of Cinema
IT 001 – Elementary Italian I
MATH 026 – Plane Trigonometry
Spring 2015
ENGL 138T – Rhetoric and Civic Life II
COMM 160 – Basic News Writing Skills
IT 002 – Elementary Italian II
ASTRO 006 – Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe
WMNST 100U – Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies
Fall 2015
ENGL 201H – What is Literature?
ENGL 281 – Television Script Writing
WMNST 106U – Representing Women and Gender in Literature
WMNST 166 – History of Sexuality
IT 003 – Intermediate Italian
Bullet meet head. I don't get why these people are allowed to live. Nothing but hatred in my heart.
fuck off cunt
irrelevant in court
these people are ruled by their feelings and they could chose to use logic but reject it
fuck them
Just use a regular Gadsden you fucking faggots.
for anyone wondering, that's a small part of the math you learn in middle school
Lmao thats fucking pathetic
All the things a political revolutionary needs to know
Clearly we should make college education free so we can secure our economic future with important intellectuals like her. She's going to invent so many world changing things.
Anyone have pics of this? I'm sure the cunt is lying, I just want to confirm it.
Isn't it going to be nice when they already have a resume where they admit to their crimes?
I don't know about America but in France if you ask for money to pay a fine, you get another one.
Thats called a rap sheet.
Has anyone requested she get expelled or suspended for committing a crime while on campus? I know that if you committed a hate crime or assault or graffiti type criminal act on any university I know you would face expulsion.
Someone needs to do this. I do not think anything will happen due to the liberal influence of the universities though.
We've got a real fucking problem, don't we, where being this kind of person puts you right in line for producing our future mass media.
unless of course you point this out to them.
Yup. See the posted TOS:
Money is being raised to pay for the consequences of an illegal activity, that being the harm of property.
Oy vey, don't shut it down!
How do we report the terms of use violation? I want this shit shut down before it reaches goal.
Policy violation in dropdown i'd assume.
University really should only be used for training workers.
It's dixieflag user
Imagine she was taking these courses 7 or 8 years ago.
She would be writing for a major newspaper right now.
This is why modern journalism is absolute shit.
Should Holla Forums show how generous user could be? Pizzae, plastic frogs and boxes. Poor libshit will need a new house to live in so one box could be useful for her.
What's up with the random astrology course tossed in the mix?
Crazy whores love to waste time on irrelevant bullshit
Joke's on her. The mass media is on its way out and the new media will have no use for her "skills"
Astro magicks bestows dubs.
you have to take science courses. astro is the easiest one when compared to chemistry, etc.
This is our little liberal revolutionista. Nothing says rebel like Apple products, lattes, and Rocky Horror
Of course she has a Steven Universe page
Bitch can't even post a common Pepe, she has to use a shitty chinese one
Yes she is. Seems like the kind of girl that gets roped into stupid shit to seem hip and with it
Gee I wonder if her or one of her friends filed it.
Apparently so.
You're more optimistic than I am, but I'll join you in meming it into life.
That's astronomy, rather than astrology. Most astronomy courses just revolve around you looking at pretty pictures and going over general shit. None of the cool shit like the actual math involved with it (because heaven forbid our students use logic), but pretty soft sciences.
It's for memers that fucking love science but aren't math people. The kind of people that go on reddit, learn something mildly interesting and think themselves as intellectuals. They're blissfully unaware of the amount of computing and knowledge that actually goes into sciences. It's also doesn't help that astrophysics is "circlejerk (((current ideas)))" level of kikery and we ain't getting off this planet until they're all gone
Here's some more info about the event from a few sources:
Who guessed the race correctly?
Forgot to break links in my last post, oh well. One more, just because I love the mexicans having a sit in behind the wall foreshadowing their future.
Hell, do libshit courses even have any kind of hierarchy? Does "Gender Diversity in Media" come before or after "Queer Politics and Race"?
You know I have never heard of this so I looked it up.
It looks like geometry with trig or kind of just plane old trig applied to planes which is the same as lines basically unless you are doing triangles on spheres or some shit.
My HS last century was Alg. I, Geom, Alg II, Trig I wish I had better math b4 I went to college though but that was all that was offered at the time.
Also how expensive are these signs?
Why isn't this considered to be voter intimidation?
you're goddamn right, user
Epitome of cancer. What a shitstain. This is what kind of bottom licking scum becomes a modern journowhore. No wonder the news is a shitlib propaganda factory with the writing level of a seventh grader's phone texts. SAD!
Also: solutions. Report her on the online begging site. Report her to campus for flagrantly violating rule and law and not only getting away with a slap on the wrist, but trying to turn a profit from it. AND stated intent to impersonate another student, this student happening to be a whistleblower who reported someone for illegal activity, who is now being harassed by that criminal. Can we contact Dmitri A. Loutsik? Or at least advise him that he could sue this cunt for a lot of big, fat money. What is this, defamation? Violation of whistleblower act? Impersonation/forgery? All 3? Stupid cunt should have taken law instead of cock-sucking as a major. Let's get her kicked out of school and taken to court. Welcome to reality, little snowflake!
For the record I'm pro-choice (anyone aborting a kid is the type who shouldn't have one, see: niggers, shitlibs.) Hell, I get my std testing done at planned parenthood. Why are shitlibs so fond of stereotypes?
I mean don't uni kids have to take fucking biology, chemistry, math up to calc, and how about a philosophy course…
Found some pics of her.
Courses that start with 0 are non-credit. She goes to Penn State and is taking shit kids in 8th or 9th grade take.
Your tax money at work.
How will this Che Guevara worshiper fight a revolution if she's too afraid to be in the same room as a gun, let alone be able to fire one?
I know that if some retarded college student came into my house to try and take my guns, he's getting blasted faster than he can light his weed cig.
What the fuck is this position that womyn seem to do when posing for group photos?
Ironically that would help the White race by aborting niggers and spics
On the surface she looks bangable, but they got to her already and she is pozzed for life.
Let the left-tards piss away their money. Who gives a fuck.
psu user here
yes we have many retarded SJWs but the trump group is pretty cringe worthy, "dems are the real racists" tier.
Somebody should rob her and take that cash.
Yeah I agree dude. Anons like us who stay inside and don't publicly talk about politics at all or support anything are the true winners here. I mean trying to redpill people who are sliding our way? Lol fuck that reddit faggots amirite?
Well they got that point right. Dems are racist too, probably even more than people here, only in their point of view whites are damaging america, instead of lawless kikes, niggers and beaners, because that's what they were told in kike history lesson. They just think they're not racist to feel better about themselves, and because they possibly can't be ebil racis like whites are.
Is it just me, or is their site's reporting page fucked?
Where's the dox at?
Well, i am studying cinematography and my stuff will be as 14/88 as you get it.
Okay people. Someone with a kikebook find this guy, tell him about this. Only he can get this page shut down, as this is harassment. He was the original victim here, remember that. This is like a thief being made to repay what was stolen, but then donates double in the victim's name to something inflammatory.
But "dems are the real racists" is actually fact based, whereas sjw shit is based on fee fees and wushy gushy head in clouds stuff that doesn't work in reality. I however am 100% racist. It's natural and right. You wouldn't want a chihuahua doing search and rescue missions and you wouldn't want a beagle as a sheep herder. Human races/ethnicities have their differences, and the fact is negroes are stupid and violent, asians are ant-like but generally lawful and not violent as individuals, and whites are smart and have 50% frost resistance bonus. Race realism. But dems are so reverse-racist they go the other direction and are full on racist in retarded ways. See: Europe importing browns and not giving half a shit about any white or asian nation that needs help (ukraine, tibet, etc.) Muh brown pets. It's just another flavor of racism.
Only useful thing being another language. But why would I hire her to be an overseas consultant for my business operations in Italy with fucking film studies?
So the money will go to creating more Trump signs and killing more nigger babies? Sounds good.
pic related
Reported for kek:
I'm getting an error when uploading this. Site keeps changing the layout to my language (I'm not english-speaker) and despite me changing it to english it keeps it that way.
I feel discriminated.
We need to talk about Bumplocked RedPill threads
oh god i taught a course like this once
it is basically math for women and minorities
(((PEE ELL)))
10 Reichsmarks says her mom's name is a consonant-'aidyn' derivative.
The problem is that we already do. "Liberal arts degree" means into the trash it goes.
You need to figure a way to get people that AREN'T us to not hire them.
Get a load of these
Fall 2014
ENGL 137H-
Multicultural bullshit is now considered "honors school." Christ, no wonder she has an ego. And this is Penn State. AND BLOGGING IS PART OF IT! Looks like Holla Forums was right again, the colleges are literally indoctrinating people while enforcing blogger journalism.
COMM 150-
Yeah, more commie indoctrination.
IT 001- You were wrong, you get credits. This one is 4 credits worth, so you can assume that other 0XX are for credits too. She probably took italian to be a special snowflake.
MATH 026-
For non muricans out there, 0XX means remedial or very very softball shit designed to catch you up. Math 140 is Calculus with Analytic Geometry I.
So her first semester was nothing but commie indocrination and softball math. Nothing says prestigious like commie programing.
Spring 2015
English 138
So she gets a softball gommie class.
COMM160- Basic writing skills indeed, more middle school softball shit. Questions involving basic sentence structure on the fucking mid-term
IT002- More softball shit
Already covered ASTRO 006
I didn't know companies were hiring professional crybabies.
i had to go through a different channel than the actual reporting dialogue since it kept giving me some bullshit "OOPS! something wrong happened" page.
Fucking waste of Hitler quads.
Ooops, forgot the women's studies, which is typical shit
FALL 2015
I won't go over the two english shits, because they're softballs. You wanted to see the women's studies shit anyway
Some things to note
And this is at a modern high level university. The fucking state of the american education system
Do they have her Spring 2016 and Fall 2016 classes up?
kill me
But user, college is already education-free.
Not to nitpick, but Carl the Cuck is in no way white or male. A white male has more fucking self-respect than that buck-toothed faggot.
That said, I DO believe AIDS Skrillex knows what Carl's anus feels like.
Under rated post
…or primary school, depending on which country you live in.
Of course not, goy. Hierarchies are oppressive.
It's the "conceal how wide my ass is" position.
>their parents' money
Yeah, American public education is a shit, I really wish I had taken AP Calc in HS, even if you take Calc if it is not AP it doesn't transfer to college and you have to redo both Calc and Precalc and it is a yuge time waste. Thing is if they made Calc a requirement niggers would be unable to graduate in even higher numbers and any difference in outcome is rayciss according to the commie fucks at DOE.
Fine by me. Let them be 50k in debt. someone has to flip my burgers
It was probably the university.
Or almost as likely, they weren't fined at all.
Oh wait user, remember, they won't be flipping burgers because they are going to be replaced by tablets because these are the morons voting to raise the minimum wage to $15/hr.
Valid point
usually these types of degrees exist to perpetuate themselves ( ie i learn women studies to teach women studies )
Im all for robots replacing as many jobs as possible. it will be better in the long term and force people into careers that actually matter….. more robots = less jobs for retards = get less retarded or die….
I hope that eventually robots can get to a point and replace all jobs… who knows
You can fill a degree with that nonsense? Idk I've had plenty of courses I felt were useless or too easy but they still were kind of useful looking back. (did hybrid business / information systems degree).
That shit is just I don't even know what to say. So much nonsense about literature. Why are there even courses like that, shouldn't one learn how to write English along with English skills and then you have everything? Like what the fuck are these for courses.
The fun thing is tax dollars go to universities so they can supply these shitshow courses. In Europe this is much more the case than in US (I don't know the extent of which this is done in the US but I thought state colleges did get tax payer funding).
Who wants their tax dollars to go towards supplying these kind of garbage courses? The only thing I see on there that can be remotely useful is the basic news writing course because it probably teaches you how to write properly which is always a nice skill to have to any future employer. That is 1 useful thing out of the 15. Jesus.
What was it about?
In Netherlands the people who are poor at math still need to do calculus up till 2 I believe, but not everything in 2 more stat stuff and stuff with binominal chance calculations and proofs.
this was the final exam I got in HS though it's not in English
Though Dutch also seperate students, 60% do mavo 20% havo and 20% vwo. You need VWO to get entered into university.
not really that severe of a thing… Also she is a woman so she gets a pussypass
definitely doesn't apply here. If this was on election day and she did it in a polling place to him then yes. I don't think it applies here though.
"Demonrats are teh real racests" is a losing frame retard, it just feeds into shitskins belong in white societies narrative.
Thanks, anons. You guys can stop contacting Dmitri about this though, since he was aware about it before this thread was made.
IT 001 – Elementary Italian I
IT 002 – Elementary Italian II
IT 003 – Intermediate Italian
Vaffanculo puttana troia di merda. Sei un imbecile che non puo capire un cazzo del'Italiano. Fregati!
I was at the event, can confirm that there were no actual racist flags there, unless they consider the American flag racist. They also made a Facebook page where they took pictures of us and labelled the album"dangerous people".
Also I was one of the four people to report this to the police, cops at Penn state are pretty based. We had one notorious liberal not mentioned here yelling at us in Spanish
Fucking cunt Italians.
So the bitch was lying
Literally nothing wrong with old Dixie. I has been able to trigger leftyfags and other assorted undesirables for 150 years now
PSU here, going to have a chat with district judge and university department today after classes. Will post new thread if I get definitive results.
Just going to throw this out there even though it's a bit late, the judge can not only increase the fine, but also lock her up for contempt.
With this campaign she is quite obviously spitting in the face of both the court and the victim, and proving that beyond a reasonable doubt is too easy since she openly admits it.
Maybe they could migrate to a 3rd world country where the McDonalds there still need them for manual burger flipping expertise. Can you imagine the 3rd world country's immigration department denying them a work visa for being underqualified?
It would be hilarious if Trump made college free, but only if you took courses that would benefit society like science or engineering.
Goddamn the tears that would flow.
He is running for president of the Trump group at Penn state, meme him into that position
I doubt Dmitri is going to be upset at more dead niglets.
Phone number: (814) 861-7406.