How Kinky and Non-Traditional Parents are Punished by Family Courts

American family courts—a series of state courts that specifically deal in family law, from child custody cases to divorce proceedings—are a distinctly unsung part of our judicial system. They are rarely discussed in the media and largely absent from the Hollywood spotlight; as a result, few people understand how they work.

But if you are a parent involved in a case subject to their rule, you could easily find yourself at the mercy of a judge with broad power to decide how much, if at all, you get to see your children. Family courts lack juries, so such decisions are delivered from the pen of a sole person. And the system does not treat everyone equally. According to numerous legal practitioners and scholars I spoke to, a widespread bias exists within the system against parents whose views or lifestyles fall outside the American norm, especially sexually.

Family court judges rule most often on two types of cases—arbitration after children have been removed from the care of unfit parents, and custody disputes following divorce or separation—and decide both based on the best interests of children involved. But legal experts who spoke with VICE testified to the near limitless discretion judges have to impose their own moral views.

"I can predict the likelihood of my success by zip code," said Diana Adams, a family lawyer from New York who has spent the last decade working with clients who are LGBTQ, polyamorous, kinky, or otherwise outside the mainstream. Because family court judges are elected by direct vote in many states, their tolerance of alternative lifestyles tends to correlate with that of the surrounding area. She represents clients in both New York City and more conservative areas of upstate New York, and says that the weight of a parent's sex life upon a judge's decision varies wildly from judge to judge, depending on their political views. She also provides advice to clients out of state, and has noticed a pattern: For clients like hers, Southern and rural areas are unforgiving places for cases to come before family court judges.

When the Supreme Court declared in Lawrence v. Texas that state laws against homosexuality were unconstitutional, it also ruled that states cannot establish laws based purely on the moral disapproval of lawmakers. But as legal scholars have noted, those who come before family courts lack the constitutional protections that apply to criminal cases, in which the discretion of an individual judge is limited and juries are involved. And because family court cases rarely go to appeal, very few rulings from higher courts exist to establish precedent on the boundaries of a family court's power. Those appellate rulings we do have generally confirm, rather than restrict, that power.


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Though most states now prohibit judges from using sexual orientation as a factor in family court rulings, judges are still free to cite a parent's polyamorous or kinky proclivities—or even a willingness to have non-marital sex—as an explicit reason for handing down rulings. In any case, family court judges are often not explicit about the exact factors that lead to their rulings. Adams recounted one case in which a family court removed a child from the custody of a transgender client, ostensibly because her client's cat was sick the day a child services worker visited and vomit was seen on the floor. But Adams said that "a white cisgender professional mother like me would never lose custody of her child because a sick cat made a mess."
Even premarital sex can be enough to sway the opinion of a family court judge. For instance, in one 2012 case, an Alabama Court of Civil Appeals awarded a father custody of his five-year-old child. Despite the boy having lived with his mother for three and a half years, having by all accounts been happy and well cared for, the mother lived with her fiancé before they were actually married. During the trial, the mother was accused by the opposing counsel of "sending the wrong signal to your children with your fiancé living in your household and being in the bed with you at night." When she appealed the case, the appeals court confirmed that family courts are free to "consider a parent's sexual conduct as it relates to that parent's character, without a showing that the conduct has been detrimental to the child."

As several legal scholars related in frustration, no organizing body tracks or maintains statistics on what happens in family courts or to whom. (((Eugene Volokh))), a UCLA School of Law professor, published an article in 2006 that tried to document cases where parents have been penalized in family court proceedings for holding non-normative views on sex, religion, and politics. It clocked in at more than a hundred densely footnoted pages, and he says he was only able to capture a fraction of the cases he could find. And Susan Wright, the founder of the National Coalition on Sexual Freedom, which provides support to people with non-traditional sexual lifestyles embroiled in family court proceedings, suspects that the hundreds of cases brought to her organization's attention over the past decade only represent a small percentage of the total nationwide.
Though experts said the attitudes of family court judges are slowly improving from decades past, non-traditional parents increasingly face other types of challenges; Andrew Gilden, a professor at the Willamette University College of Law, worries that people are creating detailed trails of evidence to be used against them in family courts on their phones and personal computers. Adams's experience confirms that fear: She said she's seen many internet dating and Fetlife (a kink-focused social network) profiles introduced in court.

In many states, family court judges are elected by direct vote; that means people can ensure those on the bench are tolerant of alternative lifestyles when they go to the polls. (Though doing judicial research before local elections is admittedly time-consuming.) But for the increasing number of loving, capable parents who happen to practice non-normative sex, one should hope recent voting trends reverse in time.


Give me fucking strength lord.

never thought i'd see the day



Fucking seriously. God damn it. When exactly was it that these fucking derelicts were happy to stay behind closed doors? Now it seems every disgusting facet of the human mind is being brought front and center and not only demanded to be allowed, but vindicated as if these people are sane and we're the insane ones because we don't want three year olds seeing their mothers gangbanged by men in chains and leather while their fathers are strapped to the wall and forced to watch. Oh but forgive me das juden, I guess I'm just a closed minded bigot.
Fucj this gay earth. This shit better start to get reversed FAST or I am really going to lose hope.

Hey, look on the bright side: family courts also have a well-known bias in the favor of the mothers. If (((they))) introduce an anti-bias law to try to counter the discrimination against their pet faggots, it'll also help against the scourge that is single mothers.

What the fuck ever happened to keep what you do with your wife/husband in the fucking bedroom? Why is it that people feel the need to go OH LOOK HOW KINKY I AM DUDE BDSM LMAO in the public eye?

faggots want to feel special without doing any work?


What did they mean by this?

Being thrust into an environment like this will almost certainly cause chaos, confusion, and difficulty. Imagine being the child of some whore who has gang-bangs in the house while you're there. Absolutely insanity.


I actually work very closely with family courts, but in a Midwest state. The child protective services in my state are like RWDS, they can make an investigation for almost anything and it has to be presented to the judge. The judge with 'counsel' from the DA and an appointed (from the same judge) attorney for the child make a decision to remove the child from the caregiver or not. It really is at the mercy of one individual if your child is taken or not.

What these degenerates don't realize is that the district gets more federal funding for each child thats removed from their care giver. Going to court over and over again also racks up legal fees. It's one giant racket. Everytime a case is appealed, no matter the outcome the laws in that state get slightly more complicated. This gives lawyers free reign to basically make shit up and for the judge to roll with it.

There are judges who are getting in trouble because their appeal count is so high they stopped making decisions on their cases. They then find -any- reason to draw out hearings and trials to avoid a decision and rack up the money.

The judges I work with are pretty conservative in their approach, but heavily favor mothers over fathers. Once a child is in custody though, they can court order the caregiver through any reasonable hoop they want. This can include involuntary mental health treatment which would ruin your ability to purchase a firearm in most states. It's honestly fucking crazy to watch it happen.

I'd ask "Why make your personal sexual fetishes into a legal issue for yourself and your family" but that would be a rational, logical question and thus completely alien to the pozzed brains of these people.

But remember goys, the slippery slope is just a fallacy.

If anyone thinks this speaks to the merit of family "court" then think again. It's a degenerate system and not redeemed in any sense by exerting a tiny bit of reason by saving some kids from some trannies.

Most people whose family is destroyed by these fuckers are just regular people who struggle to make it in a kiked out society. And of course, it's primary objective is to work against men.


Custody hearings can devolve into a show of Jerry Springer quickly. Someone almost immediately rats on the other in hopes of discrediting them. It forces them to jew their way out.

daily reminder that kids should always be given to the father as first resort

women are terrible parents when left to their own devices




Sexual deviancy, whether in person or especially when depicted in the sacred world that is art/2d, would strangle my heart if I allowed it to, and it would strangle yours too if you climbed out of the darkness. Sexually frustrated degenerates the world over projecting their vulgar filth, masturbating to it, and forcing it to overflow everywhere until EVERY PART OF THE FUCKING WORLD IS BATHED IN THEIR DECAY. I suffer a claustrophobia of the soul when I look upon this damned world of drunken fools who refuse to sober up but demand everyone share in their stupor. I have lived my whole life on guard, fighting against time and actively purging my own vices that would weigh me down, and it has made me weary; I'm about ready to leave this place and go home to my waifu, but I still need to take the fight to them that I can go laughing with jubilation. There are many things that need to be erased… may the Destroyer of Filth sink every last one of you degenerates.

Yes goy, LGBTQWERTYUIOP people never rape their children

There is no bright side until all of this begins to reverse. Until then the world will sink deeper and deeper.

Jesus. Do you think it can be corrected?

This is the end of times user, it's purpose is to remind the decent people to take action and never allow this to happen again.

Reminder that in most ((free)) nations of the western world, child-services has taken kids away from parents who were involved in nationalist-organisations.

I blame cultural marxism but also the monotony of modern society. For a lot of people, the daily routine of going to work and paying bills can get pointless and boring, making them feel like just another cog. So thanks to the rise of cultural Marxism, they think that openly expressing their depraved sexual deviancies gives them some unique identity. Only when they realize that the majority of society doesn't approve of their abhorrent behavior do they try to seek out (((rights))) like anti-discrimination movements such as this.

Kink can refer to any fetish shit, but most often refers to the various types of BDSM. The fucked up thing about this that for many of these couples, the dom/sub dynamic defines their entire relationship/life and is practiced outside the bedroom like:

It could easily go the other way, with the dad being dominant, or involving other "kinks" like cuckoldry or age play, all in front of the kids.

You don't see that sort of openly deviant behavior in more collectivist cultures yet Nips and Chinks can be just as degenerate, if not more so, than average Westerner. Only our hyper-individualistic society has issues with degenerates defining themselves through their "kinks". Board culture is just as guilty of this as libshits, by the way (cuteboys, v). Our culture demands a certain level of individuality while also making more benign avenues of expression so mainstream that they don't work anymore.

Japan has a serious problem with sexual deviancy, "private" or not, 2d or 3d, it kills all the same.

Goddamnit, does no one give a shit about children outside of how best to indoctrinate them with pozzed ideology?

Isn't the whole point of being a gimp is being treated like shit and lorded over? What the fuck is this wacky world we live in…



So what's your solution?

Is this a serious question?
The point is that "gimp" is a role played during a sexual encounter. It isn't for the general public or random authority figures to treat you in the same way.
What you've written makes as much sense as saying that, because a woman gets undressed and has sex with her boyfriend, then you should be allowed to have sex with her too, whenever you feel like it, because she's obviously ok with having sex with a man.
Just because someone likes to play a certain role with their sexual partner doesn't entitle you to treat them that way.
The whacky here is your entitled thinking.

Outlaw divorce.

It really is a pile of shit, I assume McInnes is the only reason they ever had something bordering on integrity.

Oh man, that's pretty spicie.

Found the butthurt degenerate.

A demographic problem and possibly a criminal problem, sure, but at least it generally doesn't bleed into every other part of society. You don't see people suing because somebody didn't respect their special snowflake pronouns or some shit. At least I haven't heard of something like that from Japan… yet.

Replies to "ok, what's your solution"
A better hope for diversion by ad hominem, one could scarcely hope to find.
So basically you have no solution or interest in finding one and the point of this thread is to emotionally modulate Holla Forumsacks by inducing rage, rage that can then be exploited.

Outlawing divorce will stop people from enjoying less common forms of sex, how exactly?

Your analogy sucks and you're probably a sick fuck who I'd enjoy running over with my car tbqh familia

Japs are just as degenerate, it's just that they have a culture of keeping that kind of shit behind the closed doors of a love hotel. This is an ideal arrangement IMO.

"Kinks" will always exist, Japs just draw a strong line on where it is appropriate as it is a part of their culture not to bother others.

The answer to sexual deviancy is psychotherapy because in the majority of cases the fetish stems from some sort of trauma, especially when it involves violence.

You write like a nigger.
If you don't have the intellect to reason your beliefs then Holla Forums is probably not the place for you.

No, you are not entitled to infringe on another person's rights on the basis that they sometimes enjoy playing the role of someone whose rights are infringed upon.

You're correct, fetishes and sexual orientation are caused by factors during upbringing, genetic factors may increase vulnerability but they aren't the root cause.
But why does it need to be "cured" to begin with? Who cares if someone enjoys playing a gimp, or being tied up, or tickled with a feather?
To a lesser degree, MOST women already engage in some form of BDSM play. It is totally normal for a woman to want to be physically dominated, restrained, lightly slapped by her husband as his dominance reassures her of his strength and ability to protect her from dangerous men.
As a Holla Forumsack who isn't in the "hurr hurr, psychology is jewish pseudoscience and of no value whatsoever" camp, I'm sure you understand that an excessive concern about what others do in the privacy of their own bedrooms can itself be an indication of deep-rooted problems.
In fact, excessive interest in the sexual activity of others is an authoritarian trait
If it doesn't harm anyone why is it a problem?
Kids shouldn't be subjected to their parents having sex in any case, deviant or not.

My solution is for those who partake in fetishism to simply keep it private. It doesn't need to be paraded for all to see as part of their "unique identity." Plenty of people in the past had sexually deviant fetishes, but they kept them quiet behind closed doors.

It needs no cure as long as it remains within reasonable bounds. If it affects your everyday life and, more importantly, the lives of others around you it becomes a problem.

The problem isn't the fetish, in fact if you take fetishes on aggregate, it is having a fetish that is normal, not the other way around.
Fetishes have been weaponized by the left.
The left is chipping away at its oppostion, the more people they can convince to join them in a fight against "oppression", the less are left to resist.
By roping in fetishes, they can also get to people who have no interest in left-wing politics.
They have already used gays, Blacks, the disabled and feminism to swell the ranks of the leftist bloc vote.
Be warned, part of this process involves controlling both sides, so when we see people supposedly on "our side" going completely overboard against fetishes, the purpose of that is to exert pressure and drive people left.
In reality, a vocal minority of subversive agents is making an issue out of nothing, with the purpose of causing alienation and fracturing the group.



Hell those rubberdoggies are now an oppressed group by now. Holy shit.
Wasn't butthurt kike a founding partner of VancouverActivists for SadoMasochism? I remember digging his profile up after that user came out with his story…

Guess what

What's a gimp? An image editor?

Your nose is showing


Lifestyle kinks are exactly what the name says they are: lifestyles. Parenthood is known to be hard to juggle with even Western consumerist lifestyles, the kid in a "kinky" family is going to either be neglected or worse involved in 100% of cases. There's just no way to juggle parental responsibilities and sexual lifestyles.

great. much better than federalized bullshit

No, theres so many layers of onion already it would need a violent restructure to fix it. The judges are elected officials, so unless someone goes out of their way to discredit a judge before election they'll most likely get reelected. Even if the judge fails reelection you don't know who's going to replace them, and almost all court appointed lawyers have a sense of cronyism over others.

That's an excellent reason for them to curb their perversions and conform to societal norms. Either that or they can lose their parental rights. Don't buy into the fallacy that people must act upon their fetishes/kinks.

Has the concept of sacrificing something for the benefit of one's children simply been lost in modern, degenerate culture? "I'd work to provide food, clothing, and shelter for you, kids, but god damn would that cut into my brony forum posting time. I'm sure you'll turn out fine."


They will all die horribly, either Americans return to God, rise up and kill these satanist or the whole country will be punished by God and only a remnant will live.

It is you who does not belong.

To preserve the info for when what ever kike wrote it decides to edit out any info bad goys are utilizing.

Its fucking mind numbing that newfags still understand this every single dig project has suffered because some insufferable cunt couldnt be fucked to archive somethig

It really feels like that, and what is so scary about end times is that hardly anyone seems to see an issue with it.

I am one of the only people I know who see’s an issue with any of this, and the only one who seemingly cares enough to bring it up, open palmed with a look of confused horror on my face. People often think I’M the odd one.

I was raised in a world (and I’m not even that old) where this was wrong, it was known and collectively agreed upon. Then seemingly one day everything was turn upside down and somehow I was left the right way up. Thank god for Holla Forums is all I can say; you all remind me that I am still sane. As unlikely as it seems it really really is everyone else who has gone mad.

My brothers joke that it happened when we left the Bernstein universe and somehow fell into the Berenstain one.

Or.. they should just aim to destroy retarded satanists that murder.
They will naturally return to justice.
Even socrates thought this.

That would be a more palatable explanation than the will of man being so weak that a small handful of subversives could convince them to take their children to watch parades of grown men wearing sado-beasto-BDSM fetish wear and crawl on all fours and lick each others anuses. And not only that but be proud of it and call for the imprisonment of anyone who suggested it might not be a good idea.

And of course nothing comes of it, because even if they reported it, it would be "muh seggsual freedumbs :DDDD" and it's the woman physically harming a man anyway.

An ideal arrangement would be to remove degeneracy, not just hide it. Degenerate.

Fetishes are degenerate you filthy swine. Fuck off. Degeneracy will be removed, stop trying to hide your own.

You'd almost redeemed yourself with the roman salute, why did you have to ruin it Richard?

Because the slippery slope is not a fallacy.

The oppressive horror, to not let a child grow up with a parent who lives in a cage, wears a gimp suit and is only allowed to bark…

Whatever progress might have one meant, it now represents an atavism into the darkest of our histories.


That guy tongue kissed a bbc loving faggot and mooned his anus into an HD camera.

Mah niggah!
Based upon the fucking year we've been having, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if this were true.

didn'the shove a dildo up there on camera?

Memes are a double-edged sword, user. Use it wisely.

Did anything ever come of this? I feel like butthurt kike would be a major lolcow

Kike died back in April. It's why that user felt safe talking about him.
That user also dug into the cesspit of degeneracy known as, and came back with some horrifying screencaps:

Kike died back in April. It's why that user felt safe talking about him.
That user also dug into the cesspit of degeneracy known as, and came back with some horrifying screencaps: tits


They unfortunately don't keep it to themselves. First they demand to be left alone (which they currently are), next they demand for their behavior to be promoted to others, then they demand their behavior to be protected by law.

I know that folks hate CF, but he was fully correct about the enemy within. Refugees will breed more children than we do be

They don't stop there because they don't place their behavior in their bedroom. They demand free healthcare for self-inflicted issues and promote their lifestyle to the new generation.

In the 1990s, Francis Fukuyama and Samuel Huntington battled for the future theory of Western Civilization. Fukuyama believed that liberal democracy was the ultimate evolution of humanity, but Huntington saw the chaotic formation of groups based on religion, culture, and ethnicity warring against each other for dominance.

As it turned out, Huntington was right and Fukuyama got the “also ran” award. The point is that there is no perfect society, only a clash between approximations. People fight over the possibility of identity, which is an intersectional hybrid between ethnic group, religion, political group and social caste. There are no easy answers.

The “clash of civilizations,” Huntington’s vision in which identifiable groups separated, won out over the “end of history,” in which we all ended up being safe and uncontroversial by joining the trend of liberal democracy. Fukuyama’s vision was safe; Huntington’s, disturbing and as lawless as the American frontier.

As the dust settles, it becomes clear that Huntington won. Fukuyama predicted a future of endless liberal democracy, and bravely revealed the emptiness of this option; Huntington, as if anticipating this, projected a future of endless warfare in which group identity would be more important than individual identity.

Time passed. “The end of history” (sensu Fukuyama) gave way to the Huntingtonian vision of world tribalism with the rise of terrorism and clash between West and Islam. This new tribalism invalidated old concepts, like liberal democracy, equality, diversity and the nation-state.

“The end of history” was, after all, a hopeful vision. Perhaps we could stop struggling and see a certain form factor as the basis for politics forevermore. But that made no sense. Nature abhors a vacuum and it also hates the static. Instead, we have endless conflict, from which clarity emerges, much as it does through Natural Selection.

The world is far from static. Instead, constant conflict allows the sanest among us to suppress the rest so that the minority viewpoint of sanity can prevail above the usual monkey dynamics, drama, neurosis, attention whoring, victimhood pimping, passive aggression and other distractions.

In this new reality, the humans who have some sense of reality are looking toward avoiding the nonsense warfare of those caught in symbolism, and instead are hoping to find a pragmatic balance where even the isolated can have political interests simply by standing up for what they want, outside of the public drama.

Holy shit, a fucking megakike



I hooked up with a chick into ageplay a couple of years ago, or how it actually should be called p3d0play, she behaved nurturing towards me, acting motherly, I was cool with it at first, specially because she had awesome tits and was into pretend breastfeeding. She then tried to take it a further, like dressing me up as a kid, feeding me and even diapers and I freaked out big time, tried to play it cool but really couldnt it was just too disturbing. Stupidly, I felt kind of guilty about it so I started researching a little bit on the internet to gather more information and check how "normal" this was. I found all the shit that usually takes place in that sort of kink and DD/lg being one of the biggest cancers related to it and believe me in the whole wide selection of cancer buffet tumblr represents is really amazing the amount of fucked up people into that shit. Like tons and tons of guides of how to use children intended toys or things in general for adult purposes, building adult sized cribs, the level of mental sickness goes beyond comprehension.
What particulary made me feel disgusted was when I found out about in that shit pic related and I immediately and never talked to her again, fucking close, I don't fucking care if THAT sort of shit happens indoors, it simply way too messed up in the head. A dude just simply decided to become trans, and also start living as a six year old girl, he left his wife and children and went to live with an old couple (who have grandchildren of their own). He lives with them, and his pretend grandfather fucks him as his pretend grand-daughter … but thats totally ok because that doesnt necessarily mean that this old dude actually wants to fuck his own grand-daughter in real life guys, its just pretend… RIGHT?!?!?!?!
Any kind of kink-lifestyle is fucked up, I guess if you keep it to yourself and your wife is cool but somethings, SOME THINGS, like "pretend fucking" your own grand-daughter doesnt need to be acknowledged as a lifestyle to be completely inmoral and degenerate.

So how is this totally ok, but loli manga is something the UN needs to step in and deal with?

Both of you go into the oven.

Hang on a minute, I wasn't defending loli porn.

does it hurt anyone is the acid test?

If you are forcing your kids participate or watch obviously not cool. if it creates a bad home life for them that has to be taken into consideration.

but if you like shoving pencils up your arse,dressing up as a cow and pissing on a woman or whatever. as long as no kids or animals are involved and the kids have a happy life who the fuck cares?

Pic related not cool, aussie man and thai man adopt young boy, later transpires they liked to fuck said young boy.

Kids can't consent so obviously this is wrong.

I guess "lifestyles" dont influence as much as reading a lewd comic……………..

cancer everywhere I watch

ageplay is fine so as it isn't with actual kids.

actually alot of ageplayers where abused as kids and it is kind of a release for them.

they want to be the kid again (maybe they didn't get to experience it properly the first time) or just fucking like it.

So long as no real children are involved who is it harming? two consenting adults are roleplaying that's it.

No one said you had to like it.

Say you piss the bed or something at five or six and your mother puts you in a diaper until you are 10 at night.

You hate/love it.

what do you think becomes of these kids later on? well look at ageplayers.

Actually the Asian is the Australian citizen and the white guy is an American.

Watch the documentary "The Boy With The Henna Tattoo".

Did not like the female journo one bit. Maybe it was the problem glasses.

Fetishes usually start out during childhood

well, since this shit popped up here, I'm an ageplayer.

I was raised solely by my mom, my folks got divorced when I was around 3, I saw my dad on weekends up until I turned 17 then I just simply told him he no longer owed me nothing so he didn't have to keep meeting me if he didn't wanted to.
During my childhood I remember my mom spaking me, yanking my hair or my ear from time to time when I wouldn't behave properly, I don't know why exactly but this made me hate her at some point which now the only family member I have I someone I have deep troubled emotions towards to. I think also this was influenced due to the weird fact that she would parade through the house in her underwear, almost 24/7, during my entire childhood this was something I was exposed to all the time. I don't think I was abused, although once my grandma once hinted at a very weird situation when I was little, but certainly I do feel the need to try and experience something better "than the first time" combined with a sexual reward of course.
I always knew that the need for acting like a little child is not normal nor something to be proud of and definitely not something you NEED for anybody outside your partner to know, its a fetish, thats all. With time, ageplay became really popular in Cancr tumblr and wave after wave of retards started preaching about how it is safe and it doesnt hurt anybody to engage in that sort of thing. I have dated girls into ageplay several times but it all ends up as a very fucked up relationship in the end, I partake in it for a sexual release but I'm not proud of it not would I defend this shit as something healthy for anyone. This is just a way of coping with a problem, but it should not be meant to be an unending act you perpetually get involved in, it messes up your priorities, your head, the way you see yourself as a person at the core of it. How can you be an adult with a job, responsabilities, in charge of a family, be a role model parent for your children, be a part of society with unquestionable moral compass and strive for the better of humanity if at the same time you can't stop thinking about yourself as a little child who loves to wet himself in diapers, be breasfed, play baby games, what baby shows, be completely dependant on another person as if you were sick, retarded or an actual child. And there you have it, you're not an actual child, then you're either sick or retarded, so if you are not "retarded" because you can hold a high pay job and interact averagely in the society you are SICK, you NEED to get better, to heal, to leave bad things behind you. How could you ever do that if people around you insist you revel in this behavior and they insist its ok to fap while acting like a baby…

You don't have to like it sure, but when you are made to believe that what you are doing is "healthy" and you should not feel guilty about it you end up not looking for a way to get rid of it and get better, I'm 32 years old now, I've never had any normal relationship with people not involved in this sick fetish, I am probably not going to be able to form my own family with a safe and clean home since now I'm trapped between knowing I've been indulging in this shit for way too long and everyone involved is a delusional mindfuck and connecting with another human being outside this circle has become extremly terrifying for me.
What I do take as a possible result out of this is that I'm aiming towards purging myself out of all this degeneracy and at least better myself as much as I can both mentally and physically.

Sorry for the lewd details.

I blame the rise of Anime.


He said ageplay, not diaperfaggotry. Big difference

This is the stupidest shit I've read all day. I'm married, we have kids on the way. We still sport fuck other women for fun. No one is involved and no one knows. No one gets hurt and there aren't any problems. Wish I knew where all these fucking prudes came from so I could tell you to go back there.

Degenerate trying to justify hedonism.
Enjoy your slippery slope.

Iktf. It's uncomfortable being surrounded by hedonists.

You have the reading comprehension of a fucking nigger. No where in my post was there an attempt at justification because unlike you betamax cucks I don't feel a need to justify how I live to others.

Now, if you have an actual argument other than some christfag bullshit about "muh purity" I am all ears. Otherwise you are just gonna have to deal with the white race being propped up by people that live and think a little differently than you.

Found the problem

And yet you bothered replying with twice the effort and emotion I put in calling you out. So much for not needing to justify yourself.

And its not christ cuckery, its common sense, its about being a solid anchor for your family. Good luck raising non degenerate kids with a second woman on the side while they are bombarded with sexual degeneracy on all sides and justifying your specific kink over others they may have been exposed to to them along with your marriage.

If there is anyone you should justify yourself to, its your kids. If you can't well good fucking luck leading the household champ.

That's not an argument. That's just you trying to make yourself feel better for having the reading comprehension of a nigger.

This also isn't an argument this is just you crying about the fact that people are having sex you don't approve of.

No as a grown man I don't have to justify my behavior and decisions to anyone, especially not to children. The fact that you think that is at all acceptable behavior for a man to engage in tells me that you don't know jack shit about being a grown man and don't know jack shit about being a husband.

Enjoy your right hand dude. Maybe someday you will stop hating yourself for fapping to traps and come out of the closet or get your head out of your ass so that you can actually find love for once in your life.

Yep, it's fucked up, right?
Nope, it's highly discriminatory.
You fucking WHAT?

You argue like a woman, which isn't surprising I guess as you have to keep reassuring yourself of your masculinity.

Not worth my time. Enjoy the downward spiral.

Good luck out there bitchboy.

You do not exist in an inoffensive bubble. At least one thing comes out of the bedroom you perform your degenerate acts in: you. You do not swap your indoors standard fuck party brain at the threshold for your outside completely well-adjusted brain. The neurons firing within your brain as you shove vegetables up your ass are not physically isolated from the rest of it. Your reckoning and assurance that it is "kept separate" is impossible and a lie. If your sexual appetites and behavior correlate with deleterious social effects, you will be justly oppressed or deleted.


Thanks for the honesty user. I somewhat know what you are going through due to a warped femdom fetish that has stayed with me for around a decade now. Its mostly just been porn and online 'relationships' for me, with the only 'real girl' I ever met who was into it instantly becoming normal/submissive to me when we met. I know its just a fantasy/fetish, but many times ideas of inferiority have crept into my mind because of it and on dark nights I do wonder what I may have been without this affliction.

I feel your pain in those few occasions where I have properly indulged it. Its at those times when it is constantly at the forefront of my mind that I begin to see the world in some perverted way, and its honestly fucking terrifying. To see yourself in a different light makes you see everything around you differently too. Thankfully I have only ever 'given in' to it a couple of times, and the shame of those memories keeps me from ever doing such again. I didn't even do anything, it was just the way I viewed myself and my surroundings- and the fact I genuinely began to believe it. On the odd occasion I do get weak though and look at porn of it, but thankfully all those thoughts disappear the moment I cum - it actually feels like a mist clears in my head as soon as its over (sorry for the lewd).

Thankfully I am largely free of it now, and I have a girlfriend (who knows I once had the affliction, but we do not at all indulge it ever) and we are thinking about having children very soon. I think I will be okay, but your story just spoke to me because I can easily imagine myself being in your position. If my perversion had been just a little more depraved, if my family life just a little worse, if real-life contact just a bit easier… Who knows what the fuck would have happened.

Truly kink is a curse that must be purged from society. Fuck the libertarians.

Except engaging in these practices undermines any notion that those involved understand what "reasonable bounds" are, as the article indicates. It's the go-to lolbertarian defence for any fucked up practice that clearly affects those around the individuals that engage in such practices

We need to fight degeneracy via all means.
At my blogspot I talk real, I tell the truth.

At the UNDERGROUND we don't deal with faggots.

Also, I wouldn't be surprised if in almost all the cases identified in the Vice article that the sexual practices of those that felt "discriminated" against had in fact had some role to play in the court cases, and that the narcissistic cunts involved refused to acknowledge any such relationship

Well, not only are you spreading diseases, you kill their ability to pair-bond by not staying with them after they have let you inside of them. Ultimately, it leads to a higher possibility of these women divorcing their future husbands and broken families as a result.

You work right into the hands of the sexual jew.

Not everything is about you


You make that string up all by yourself

This kills the moeshitposter from Holla Forums.

I can't believe the UN is doing something good for once.

Gas yourself you infantile degenerate.

Do we have a way to identify others from the Bernstein universe?

There was also the diversion at the placement of the human kidneys.

I have 3 questions for those I wish to identify which timeline they are from.

1. Describe the 'at home' sign (used to be a blue @, now it is just 'at home')

2. Where are the kidneys?

3. How do you spell 'Bernstein?'

I haven't asked my family because I am afraid of the answer

Do you have any evidence for that assertion? I can just as easily assert most bdsm fantasies/kinks are an extension of evolutionary psychology selecting for survivors of rape and their offspring and thus the tendency is latent in everyone. Only the extent is determined by environmental factors, trauma included, but other environmental factors like culture of licentiousness or free information flow or waning taboos is responsible for unleashing the tendency.

But seriously take it to /x/, this isn't Holla Forums-related.

It is called a condom and getting tested regularly. Safe sex is a thing and sex is not all that dangerous. This is why we need actual sex education in public schools.

You are full of shit; there is zero evidence for this at all. And I hate to break it to you but you are aware of what goes on in a gyno clinic right? You also are aware that women masturbate just like you do right? Also, Tampons exist. But penises are just so magical that they ruin women. Dumbest shit I have ever heard.

People have sex, have always had sex, and will continue to have sex. It isn't harmful and doesn't destroy people. Your kind is just sour grapes about the whole thing or just refuse to do the work to make yourself attractive.


(praise kek)
He was referring to the original vice dot com link.

Holla Forums pls go

Yes. Also, speaking as a medicalogist who has disassembled at least one human body, the kidneys really couldn't be any other place without some major anatomical reworking. The implications are that people would look like freaks, and/or people would have such exposed kidneys that massive kidney injuries all the time.

BTW, "where are kidneys," you ask? Well, if it's a transplant then typically we shove it in the pelvis, rearranging other stuff as required.

Nice strawman. In case other people lurking are as stupid as you I will spell it out: The tampon lends credence that the act of penetration itself is not harmful. But alas, I can't prove a negative so one of your betamax shills please post some actual science that backs up your virginal autistic claims.

BTW, I get it. I really do. You guys just can't get laid and have meaningful relationships with women. So you want stop the men who can. It is a breeding strategy, it just isn't as good as mine.


Post this science then, oh great one, please enlighten us with your wisdom.

Awesome you have no actual rational reasoning in that head of your and instead just sperg out like right wing tumlbrinas. You guys are a fucking joke.

So no science then? I thought you cared about science? Okay then.

You might want to try cracking open a history book sometime. You might see that sexually chaste and restrained civilizations were the most successful and productive. You might also notice that the loosening of morality and an increase in materialism only occurred during their decline and eventual collapse. You might draw a conclusion that maybe people overindulging and satisfying their primal urges at any cost has a negative impact on society.

Unfortunately, you won't, because you are not as rational as you think you are. Instead you will go back to your reddit echochamber and circlejerk over how superior you are for holding politically correct opinions.

Good tastes. Brett Stevens althought lately is more lenient to it, doesnt like Natsoc a lot, but his ideas and posts are good..

I would recommend to blog to anyone here.

Give it a rest.

Actually, you couldn't be more wrong. People have always had sex and will always have sex. The USA was founded by puritans that left Europe because of all the freaks sex they were having. The same Europeans that conquered nearly the entire globe.

Those same puritans went ahead and gave us the tradition of bundling and bundling boards. Not to mention all the legal prostitution.

The fantasy world that you concoct hasn't and still doesn't exist.

I am not a leftist and I am not from reddit. I am White Nationalist as fuck. I just don't give a shit about people fucking because I don't give a shit about your Victorian Era morality layered in christian faggotry.

Our enemies are the non-whites being led by the jew that are exterminating us. Not members of our race having sex you aren't having or don't like.

dubs of truth

The same Europeans that then completely lost control of all of their colonies and are now actively begging for their own extinction?

And now look at where our country is. The pattern is right there. Right in front of you. You just have to look past the cummies and the tingles and you'll see it.

They lost control because of WW2. And WW2 played out the way it did because of Jews plus how badly we Europeans really enjoy competing with each other. And even after all that, two wars and killing the fuck out of each other, everyone wants to live in our countries.

Yeah, world super power.

Yeah a pattern that shows it doesn't really matter what we do that when ever there is a place and the white man fills it we turn it into something amazing. Then jews come along and start ruining it for everyone prude and non-prude alike.

You are never going to convince me that fellow whites are the enemy of my nation. That's some top shelf jewish tricks right there.