Surprisingly, Zuckerberg is saying he won't ban Trump but only because he doesn't want to risk losing shekels
Twitter claims they might ban President Trump
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Trump will just make his own twitter
twitter needs to end anyway
Jokes are the least of your problems. Jews deserve to die in the worst way possible by modern technology for all the positive articles on white genocide.
if they ban him and he makes his own version of twitter it will be extremely popular.He is the center of attention i all media atm and twitter is banning people like crazy.
Zuckerberg isn't cucking quite as hard because of Thiel's influence on him.
Companies like Twitter, Facebook and Google already control tremendous monopolies over social media where it's virtually impossible for a non-jewish company to gain ground.
Literally the only way they could screw up their unchallenged dominance is to start censoring wildly-popular content (something like Trump's twitter, not the Daily Stormer) and actually push millions of normalfags to look for different websites to use.
To our great benefit, the kikes may actually be that stupid and ban the President of the United States' twitter account.
twitter is dead if they do so. the stock value alone will plummet to almost nothing. I mean it will crater.
God I hope they do it
Thiel is an interesting character although I'm not quite sure what to make of him. Swimming in alphabet soup
I hope they do ban him it would finally kill twitter.
I sorta wish twitter would stay alive. It's the #1 source of salt production in the west.
Twitter is a dying medium. Trump could fund a better medium and ban reds from using it.
This is why monopolies are bad. Once they obtain full control, they start restricting everything that doesn't comply with their views.
I'm so glad that Trump is planning on tackling them.
Trump already has an account reserved for him on
probably the stupidest fucking decision you could make as a business. you would lose a bunch of users, and you won't GAIN any more because of it, not to mention the whole anti-american image you would get from it (i know these faggots already hate america and the entire west to begin with, but you've got to keep up the facade). on top of that, there's a growing secondary platform called gab that he could go on and be welcomed with open fucking arms. shit's even got a bigger character limit, so his shitposts could be more detailed
honestly, the greatest thing about post-election america is how the left seems completely willing and open to the idea of virtue signalling themselves out of relevance, and are racing themselves to see who loses the most shareholders first
About that, Shlomo…
Yes, Andrew Torba is Jewish, most venture capitalists are Jewish.
Also, Jack Dorsey isn't Jewish but he sure as fuck acts like one
>"…and follows along with the Torah reading to correct any mistakes."
Sounds good to me.
First correction: Whites are the Chosen People.
Looking forward to the forensic accountants from the IRS showing up on their (((doorstep))).
Can anyone for the love of God confirm or disprove this already?
Holy shit I gotta go short Twitter.
What a bunch of fucking pussies, they resolve to take action when it doesn`t matter anymore, if they think this will please the SJW hugbox they are in for a ride, I can`t wait for the "Why you took so long!" cries.
The statement itself is pretty innocuous, if the rules say people get banned for a certain activity and they do that activity, swing that hammer with a clear conscience.
The problem is nobody at twitter gives a tepid shit about what their rules are, they're just an open-ended excuse to ban whoever they like. Even the cuck squad who still use twitter know this, you can send an explicit, clear death threat and as long as @jack wasn't already looking for an excuse to ban you it'll be ignored.
What this means is that if Trump IS banned everyone will know it was because twitter wanted him banned, not because of whatever excuse they give.
He's a devout Christian (constantly talks about it) and also was a Gary Johnson supporter right up until the last month or so when he switched to Trump.
He doesn't look like a Jew either, but I could be wrong.
Oh and I forgot to add that the site is called "Gab" as in slang for "talk" and the ".ai" is supposed to be literally AI or Artificial Intelligence, though I can't see any part of Gab that has AI in it yet.
Hit them where it hurts. Their Wallet.
Ban Twitter from hiring H1B Workers.
Crack down on abuse of the use of these foreign workers by the tech industry which the techies would masturbate over.
I see, Shlomo. It's all just a coincidence. How funny.
this shit better fucking happen
That's very jewish thinking of you user let my get my portfolio lined up
Reminder that the kikes are super butthurt they can't stop him from talking directly to the people.
I, for one, welcome our new shit posting lord
wew - I can feel the asshurt propagating through my screen. These degenerate kikes have been inciting violence against the moral fabric of American society for decades and now that the pendulum is swinging back they don't like it so much.
Ever hung out with a dude who would bust everyone's balls constantly? Then when someone flips it back on them they sperg out?
Ya, the kikes.
This is why we need some major trust-busting in media and social media ownership.
Way to out yourself, libtardos.
It could be worse…
Twitter is not making money, though. It never has and probably never will.
Ever notice a whole pack of news outlets began saying this at once? It must be the latest JournoList tactic.
It costs nothing for him to take it and shitpost for a month, then toss it in the trash.
fuck trump
You call that a meme?
That meme about them being terrible at memeing isn't just a meme.
Twitter is already ruined, let it fall alone
Jack Dorsey is a fucking cuck SJW. The censorship on Twitter is ridiculous. Facebook is much more for free speech than Twitter.
It makes no sense at all. 0/10
I find it humorous that they worship the USSR but can't even spell the most common Russian greeting correctly.
Get ready for tears over the 1st Amendment though.
Not going to lie, if Twitter goes down and I can't get my fresh fireside Trump tweets I'm going to be more than a little disappointed. Either they ban him or Twitter goes defunct, both would make me sad because I stay away from kikebook with a thousand foot pole.
Another avenue will appear if Twatter craters. It's no different than if Ford were to disappear. People will still get in vehicles and go places.
not that I'd compare this faggot to Henry Ford though
I honestly think that's a mere coincidence
You're just speculating, they never said "We may ban Trump"
No such thing as a coincidence.
I'd love it for someone to just buy Twitter and clean house and undo all of their SJW cuckery.
Are Jew fucking kidding me?
It's pure coincidence.
It started about the same time as "Unprecedented".
I believe twitter would do it, I really do. I always hated social media and despised twitter right from the start with their inane posting every few minutes of their empty lives. Let it all burn.
time to use normalize against them.
Jews are not special snowflakes.
Everyone gets shit. All races.
Every person. From every race. From every (of the 2 :^) ) gender, every stupid sexuality meme.
No sacred cows.
We stop making sacred cows now.
Don't forget FBI, for hosting all that pizza.
I knew there was something wrong with that name.
Trump is twitters most famous user now. He gets their name in the news every fucking day. He is using their platform to bypass the MSM.
Banning him would be suicide. They can't even make a profit now.
and on minds too.
I rate minds several steps up on personally.
I'd fucking pay them to do it, just to see them die earlier and most painfully.
Do it Twitter, make your dreams come true.
maybe he'll use gab?
as an accounting major, I want that job so badly, it gives me a boner imagining auditing all those kikes. too bad trump wants to freeze federal hiring
Inb4 Trump buys twitter and kills it with anti monopoly legislation.
What was it again? I forgot the legal name but the gist of it was that it was suggested that it would be illegal for a single corporation to hold a monopoly over something. Google, etc.
He's a faggot and sleeping with that BLM Del Ray fag.
who /cyberpunk/ here?
Social media should be nationalized, this way it would by law be censorship when they ban right-wing-groups, and the news would be filtered less by (((special interests))).
I'm fucking calling it Megacorporations will stop at nothing to end God Emperor's life. Trump is their NO. 1 enemy now
There was too much money & time spent spinning Twitter into being an "activist tool", an "internet backdoor" (because when 'shutting down the internet' everyone forgets Twitter in the Middle East)", and where the celebrities hang out. Don't you want to talk to celebrities who stand up for the poor people and also fight alongside those in Arab Spring?
It's not making a profit, but it's a very, very good mouthpiece for shaping public opinion.
Twitter isn't going to ban the president as that would mean incurring President Trump's ire which he's become known for. Trump would turn every right leaning person in the country against Twitter in short order.
Jack, the twitter guy, is just trying to make it sound like they have everyone on the site follow the rules and that they are executing them evenly. Which we all know is false given how they let feminists/pedophiles/ISIS do whatever they please on the platform, but Jack has to keep up this image that they're doing things fairly or it's only increase the criticism he receives for his handling of the platform. What may be worth keeping in mind, is that Jack is not worried about criticism from conservatives so much as criticism from liberals such as those that even work for him. This is a similar phenomena to what we saw with GG, where people who seemingly had no ball in the game were siding with obvious skanks and con artists because to do otherwise would mean getting pushed out of the SJW clique. Jack being the cock sucking bay city dweller he is, is likely similarly concerned about his own chances of being ostracized even if he is a CEO.
I seriously hope they do. If not the banning itself will make Twitter already go down, we at least know that Trump has a thing to destroy anyone who wronged him. There is no worse move twitter could make.
Yeah before we celebrate the death-knell of all MSM lets take a moment to consider whether they havent been dead for years already. If the kikes are willing to keep them alive as propaganda tools (which i think they are) then there is almost no amount of money that they can lose that will prevent them from operating.
What the fuck happened to Holla Forums?
The elections and the "alt-right". So many newfags. So many entryists.
well remember, 4cuck tried to kill off their Holla Forums so another mass refugees came in from that and plebbit. Twitter was good as a propaganda platform but as a result of the election news more people started coming here when it was referenced.
Gee, I think that would call for Trump to create a national twitter and build a fire wall around it.
why aren't you doxing him and bankrupting this faggot by sending dragon dildos and pizza that he will forcefully pay?
You mean the amendment that the corporations we want to trust-bust doesn't support anymore? Yeah let's see that one plays out.. "we have 1A rights to silence our users!!!"
its a coincidence
That image was so close to actually being good.
Twitter is actually an easier to design platform than this very imageboard.
It would be better to just let Trump do his own "Trumpper" site where we could all move.
Regardless, it's a win win situation.
Why? Because they wanted to limit the presidents free speech? Fuck, Trump could nationalise twitter.
This is where he's calling for Trumps assassination isn't it?
I tried looking and the only hint was that she might be Argentinian. Strange for a black person to look so white, must be the lighting…
What color is the sky in your world?
This. I was only on twitter to follow him
I never posted but they banned me haha wtf
It's probably a reference to the fact that they don't actually make any money and their market share of flesh and blood users is already plummeting. It's like how you can be a failing company and still have millions of customers: it's the velocity in the change that matters.
I was under the impression that Twitter made their money via Media Matter and (((whoever))) paying them to push narratives?
Bring it.
Just bring it.
How many of those are paying customers though?