I'm uncertain if Ol' Duke is controlled opposition, but if he is going to launch attention to our board by doing this, the evidence is quite damning to say the least.
Hopefully this reference withers and dies so we aren't bombarded with people who will erode our strength.
Link: twitter .com/DrDavidDuke/status/804142311101919232
David Duke posts image directly mentioning Holla Forums
Just invite him to this thread so we can call him a faggot in real time.
I'm sure most of Duke's followers already know about us thanks to his association with Anglin.
I love you duke
He probably browses regardless, but he must know that consequences can ensue if lefty media outlets capitalize off of this instance.
Yeah, but unwanted attention can be inflicted considering Duke's infamy among milquetoast lefty twits.
I read a book about jewish supremacy by this guy, he seems pretty smart.
I wouldn't blame him, he effectively demonized Trump, whether intentional or not.
Our existence is hardly a secret, OP.
If you arent going full 1488 all day every day, of course without acting like a skinhea larpr, then youve more lurking to do. The only way normies turn to new ideas is if they hear them enough.
I am not however endorsing duke… He doesnt sit right with me. Probability of him beig controlled opposition is close to 1
He was on Fash the Nation a month or so back and it was pretty great. I forget which one so you'd have to find it. I love how often Duke drops the word cuck.
Fuck Eric Trump.
Hi Duke.
Why the fuck are you putting a space in the url?
So he doesn't direct link.
Jesus fucking Christ Dave.
Literally no point.
When is Eric Trump going to shoot this guy? Can it be broadcast on television?
But the kikes that moderate Twitter can probably find out if Holla Forumsack 8channers flood that particular tweet. They can probably then conduct some covert action like disliking en masse or enticing liberal attention to it so we get raided.
Rob pls.
Fact: Duke from G.I. Joe and Duke Nukem are both based on the real life Dr. David Duke.
He's done better/worse.
Notice me, senpai
David Duke is a pretty cool guy. He names the jew and doesn't afraid of anything.
m8, there is plenty of space in the catalog. This isn't cuckchan, the threads move slow here.
You do realize that Holla Forums is also (and originally) a board on 4chan, user-kun, a much more popular board? Holla Forums is just a place where we go to talk about Gamergate.
Holla Forums to norms is cuckchan's Holla Forums, not here.
Why? You want the whole world to know about this infamous Holla Forums guy who terrorizes downtrodden jew folk with me-mes and pe-pes? I'd prefer not to have a 4chan repeat.
don't give a shit if he is or not he has red pilled millions of Whites about filthy kike rats even tho I knew everything he says pretty much already with not so much detail but more emotional strength yet not as precise as Dr Pierce.If he is CO he really isn't helping (((them))) lol
Thankfully it isn't 8/pol/.
Most people have likely forgotten that we even exist anymore, given that normalfags have a very short attention span and that PizzaGate is fortunately wrongfully credited to 4/pol/ and Reddit.
This, cuckchan takes the hit. Although we get a delayed impact, but not nearly as intense.
Our influence truly knows no bounds, long live the glorious empire! Heil Holla Forums! Heil Victory!!
david duke is a national icon. fuck off.
The Russian hacker known as h8chan can't keep getting away with it.
I'll tell you what I tell other people, "Holla Forums" is just a meme, it doesn't exist.
He's been taken in so hard by the memes that he must browse one Holla Forums or the other. I doubt a man such as he could resist posting, too.
you're right, satan
If Dr. Duke is reading and/or posting on this board, then I want him to come to NOLA and help make the Quarter great again. Too many nigs doin' too much shooting in the best neighborhood in Louisiana.
Always bet on Duke.
It feel pretty cool that I'm posting with people who are 30, 40 or 50 year olds. Like this 24 year old admires you guys for actually being able to withstand living in this shit world for so long.
Trust me it only gets more difficult, and thank you
life is struggle, user.
for some, the pressure of life within this pozzed world causes them to retreat into vidya and porn, away from harsh reality; others seek to impose a mass delusion upon reality to create false utopia of perfect social justice.
we are the ones that grasp reality for what it really is, we are the ones who realize that struggling against our enemies and working for a better tomorrow is what gives us purpose, gives us our drive to do and be better, because we see the end product of lives dedicated to endless hedonism for what they really are.
Every fuckin time
KYS kike
Holla Forums was removed from search results by Google so most normies won't find us. Duke is a fucking idiot who spergs 24/7 and for someone who is so well studied on jews, he sure as hell doesn't understand how to subvert normie movements. Yeah one of you kikes will say muh pr, whatever. He makes it easy for (((news))) to slander Trump by the weakest guilt by association possible.
David Duke was shit posting IRL long before most of you concern troll faggots were even a sperm in your cuck daddy's ball sack.
For the truly retarded, David Duke was Holla Forums before Holla Forums existed.
What a fucking sperg.
Can this faggot just fall off the face of the earth already?
I'm looking forward to astounding small children with my rambling stories about what life was like before the internet, and during the early days when Javascript was a new and exciting technology that people were just starting to make Tetris clones with.
Fuck off David, you've outlived your usefulness.
Send Duke more MSPaint comics.
yuropoor here, did Duke get his senate place (or whatever he was running for)?
Watch him go off on this kike moderator at the Louisiana senatorial debate earlier this month.
Even Satan knows you cant SPOOK THE DUKE!
Cuckchan is a thing you know.
hopefully people reading this will
associate this with the other one.
You'd be surprised to know how many older people lurk here.
If anyone actually fucking believes that they need to get out. He might not be our brand of meme-fueled white nationalism but he has still fought for the cause for ages.
Yeah, that was pretty funny actually. He really seems to be enjoying the ride and all the new blood in the movement.
Its because here we can speak openly. Judenbook is garbage, I cant get into Twitter, and fuck reddit.
Anyone in their mid to late 30's probably remembers the early 90's when they began to forcibly push their proto-SJW faggotry. It was shit then, and its even shittier now.
We realize how much we have been lied to. You younger anons are lucky, you have nipped the bullshit programming in the bud early in your lives and have the real chance to get shit done, instead of being another mindless goyim.
I envy you faggots. I wasted many years, but its not too late. Its just more difficult for me
I wish you got them trips user
I'm incredibly fortunate to have found image boards in my earlier years, I can't imagine what I would've been like without something like the internet to act as, of all things, my moral pillar.
yet again, I distinctly remember being in like 3rd grade and drawing a swastika on my leg and heiling it when nobody was looking, edgy shit.
At any rate, you're very much appreciated.
Do you mean 1.0 or 1%?
Then why the actual fuck would he tell people to vote for Trump right when his campaign was about to take the lead? If he's been fighting for our cause for as long as you say he has then he would know how the media would react to it
fuck off (((trs))) newcucks
Many of my friends, who have families, look at me sideways when I say things in support of a traditional way of life. The kike rot runs deep within many people out, many otherwise decent people mind you.
Because he's not a muh pr cuck like you, user.
Calm the fuck down, OP. He didn't mention which Holla Forums, and even if he did, why would normalfags come here? You think they would go to a place that an ebil kkk whyte supremacist nadsi mentioned?
Not everyone is an underage b& PR cuck like you you giant faggot.
Trump won IN SPITE of the all out media assault on him.
Now go KYS you weak faggot
you were redpilled from the beginning?
nice dubs but making excuses for shit threads is exactly how we're turning more and more into 4cuck everyday
I didn't come to Holla Forums through some white nationalist mentioning it on twitter, no. I came to Holla Forums after first shitposting on other boards for years. I think the majority of Holla Forumsacks started out as seasoned chan users.
I'm from commieforniaand live in the beating heart of progressivesm bay area and I feel your pain user, read RFR and internalize it, it helped me immensely
You are either naive or a kike if you say that pulling autistic stunts like that will help unplug normalfags. Next you'll tell us that (((Spencer))) inviting a pornstar and kike journalists and then autistically saying "heil Trump" in full view of said fucks was a good idea
whats up Dave
Your thread was clearly a (((trs))) post so they could all come in and shill their fucking podcasts.
okay crypto jew
You come in here and shit up our board with alt-kike faggotry and expect to not get called out?
I remember the time first post used to be best post, what happened?
It seems like over the last 2 years the first post became the kike shill post, or some "fun" posting faggot.
Duke is controlled opposition, just like those who call themselves alt-kike, that would explain why he's so kosher for you
david duke is a fucking weirdo with multiple plastic surgeries, a gambling addiction, and went to prison for fucking over fellow WNs to pay for his gambling addictions, oh and he likes to fuck other people's wives.
he's just another grifter like so many fraudsters and hucktsers in the WN scene like dickie "implicit" spencer.
David Duke has been at this longer than your faggot bay area ass has been alive.
If anything, he is the go to goat for the kikes. The fact you dont understand this tells me youre not completely free of the kike poison, or you are in fact a filthy yid yourself.
david duke has been "at it" if being "at it" includes being a conman that's accomplished absolutely nothing worthwhile while fucking over your fellow whites.
but make sure to treat him like a hero and bark like a mad dog.
It's almost like you faggots haven't read RFR
Stand back newfags its just a failtroll proceed as such and have a fun time
fuck off jew
Except for actually holding a federal elected office, something none of us have ever done.
Glorious check user
Me too.
oh lawdy your are a total faggot failtroll. Step your game up.
Greentext kek and reaction imaging?
Shotgun to the mouth newfag.
How did you guess?
yeah holding an elected office and accomplishing what? are you going to praise hillary clinton for being a senator, too?
Just push the attention to the hacker known as 4chan.
and he got absolutely jackshit done, if that's any reason to set off redflags it's that especially
You are not from around here, are you?
yeah lets all fucking form a collective conscious with no individuality that'll show normies.
I was discussing a traditional life a few days ago with a friend who constantly signals being anti-SJW…yet they looked utterly clueless when I brought it up.
It's like they know something is wrong, but they've been so heavily programmed that their curiosity to break through that barrier just isn't there anymore.
How good of a friend?
His twitter is full of our memes and phrases, even his bakground photo is a white girl in a wheat field. Duke's even been on TRS shiptosting
He's our goy.
lol so why did he run for office at all? easy: to raise his profile and get more shekels off disgruntled white people. he sees you as an easy mark in order to fund his ever growing plastic surgery & gambling addictions.
Someone wrote the exact same thing on Holla Forums recently.
No one uses failtroll around here at all. Thats some tired old shit there. Its like you're an oldfag who left for a long time, and with the election of Trump, have come back.
Everything you shill is retarded
You got any proof?
okay and? maybe because they don't have some misplaced, deep seated love for a man that's cucked the WN movement over and over, they're able to call it like his history is.
No, he ran hoping to raise awareness of the JQ. You really do not understand how big of a thing that is.
I can see why short term thinkers see this though. He was imperfect, and still is. But he stood up. The Judenbeast shut him down hard.
respect your elders
yeah there's absolutely no way I can truly understand the depths of jewish control, only you in your infinite wisdom are able to discern the truth. that is why you support duke, because you are a sage and a scholar above all reproach.
it's almost like the (((anons))) from (((trs))) don't actually care about the future of the white race and have resigned themselves to scamming desperate young white men.
And yet jq awareness has been raised more with Trump indirectly calling out the kikes instead of acting like a degenerate autist. I don't give a shit about pluralities I want fucking results cuck
We give respect where it is due, by the contents of an anons post, not by the amount of leddit karma we have. The funniest thing about you faggots posting here is that you stick out like a sore thumb because you'll never be able to internalize it
meet the official spokesperson for all of Holla Forums guise
started on /k/ here
Yes, proof that Holla Forums is shilling Holla Forums.
I'm dying
lol yeah its not like anyone could ever have a serious grievance with david duke or richard spencer. we must eternally fight for these people, and give them all of our money! and women!
I could actaully give a fuck less before this "massive leak" I could give a fuck less I was bored by the show anyway
He is imperfect. He clearly was not strong enough. He tried to address the JQ in a time where the avenues of communication were fully kike controlled.
Let me repeat that, the entire media was kike controlled. To get the message out there, one had to pretty much scream the message as you were being dragged away.
No internet. Trump wielded the power of internet to victory. Duke, in his prime days, didnt have that.
Im sure after his time in DC he felt like shit. Disillusioned fully.
He stood up though. He really did, but the winds were way too strong for him to weather. The winds were entirely kike controlled.
fuck off jew
That makes him a weak fuck that ma>>8407241
de promises he couldn't keep. I have no sympathy for members of my own race that let themselves be pawns for the (((powers that be))). That is assuming he isn't a controlled opp for reasons stated here
Youre fuckin retarded. Pawn?
He stood up and spoke when it was very uncool to say it, even more than now. You are obviously younger, probably 22-25 range. The times I speak of were when you were a baby or toddler.
wow you're right, he's basically jesus christ
Explain to me how he doesn't fit the bill
something a kike shill would post
Believe it not not, the first thing that people think of when they read Holla Forums isn't Holla Forums OP
There are other, much more mainstream Holla Forumss if you catch my drift :^)
Sage for being a faggot, although it was nice to see his tweet anyway.
What is RFR?
such a master of bantz
Im totally upboating this post
All Im saying is David Duke deserves a level of respect for at least standing up, and being consistent in his message over the years.
Sure he didnt get shit done, like Trump has even before getting into office. I understand this, but Duke is a regular guy. Probably an autist without a chan to shitpost on, so he did what he did. Come on, have perspective you young anons.
Gotta see who and what got it
He's a opprotunistic parasitic piece of shit at best and has accomplished absolutely nothing. He deserves nothing less than a bullet in the head for trying to fuck over Trump.
it's not so much that he didn't get anything done, that would be one thing. But you won't address his long, soiled history as a conman, adulterer, gambler, and attention whore. By shutting down all serious discussion of grievances all that means is that our movement becomes entirely amoral and that's a weakspot for jewish subversion.
Considering that Duke not only managed to accomplish nothing but he actually hurt several of his fellow white people he's supposedly fighting for, I see no reason to respect the man. He can do whatever he wants but he's not leadership material, nor is he a role model.
I know that feel bro.
I'm pretty sure anyone that doesn't know what Holla Forums is doesn't know what chans are, either.
I did address that. He fucked up. He is imperfect. Many of us oldfags here know who he is, and what he stands for. He was a far from perfect warrior to take down the kike, but he fought, lost, and fell prey to his own demons. I forgive him for that. Im my eyes, he has been consistent as fuck on the JQ. To me, that is all that is important about him to me.
Now if you come back with specific grievances about his views on the JQ, then that is a legit argument. He fucked up in life. Everyone does.
Hey remember that time Trump ALMOST got elected but didn't because some old fart most voters have never heard of/don't remember softly endorsed him?
Me neither.
How has this kekpost not been checked?
No, he cried in the wind as he was being carried off stage. Have some perspective. Address the content of his words.
Hello brother
Well I take the Trump view of things. He's a loser!
It's probably easy for you to forgive him though, since he didn't fuck your wife…yet.
Off-topic but has anyone noticed how fucking group chatty full/pol/ is becoming?
Feels as if it's just shills and former cuckchanners left over after the election.
because it was cancer
Stop swinging that nose around so wrecklessly user
He fought an insurmountable foe, and lost.
The fact he fought says a lot. Apparently that means nothing to you.
Something only a kike would say
lurk moar
"It's not whether you win or lose, it's whether you win."
You don't get it. Honor is a foreign concept to you kikes.
I find it amusing that the bad, nah-zee boogeyman is basically justice a memer and twitter troll at this point.
Really shows how the (((media))) will crucify anyone even remotely pro-White.
Who taught you how to spell Holla Forums?
Yes, I do lurk here, though I rarely post. Why so serious, OP? Rules 1&2 no longer apply since the Meme Wars began.
I'm sure of it.
He's only relevant once every four years, usually when there's an insurgent anti-establishment figure running for public office with a good chance of winning.
Nigger, time to go for a walk.
Personally don't care for Duke and no normalfag will have the balls to post here. Just with the Stickies they will get scared from what is really talked here, add to that the Swastikas every second post. Their guilt are their own chains, leave them get red-pilled or leave and commit suicide.
I have to admit this is how this oldfag found Holla Forums.
Browsing DS and him constantly referring to this thing called Holla Forums one day the curiosity about it caused me to go and find out just what is this thing called Holla Forums?
Stop sperging OP, you should know full well since he only said Holla Forums, the only place people who check it out are going to find is cuckchan Holla Forums. Its good and funny that they get all the bad attention.
Based Dave
you ever think that is just the media doing its usual shit where every right wing candidate is david duke?
Duke is the one who did the research. He posted PHOTOS, actual photos of ships BOL from the kikes own historical journals with the owners and crew of the slave ships clearly visible. He's worked this shit for years and only pimps his books, which represent his actual LABORS. He has to eat, Faggots. He has a PHD in History yet what fuckin' kike university would hire him? What community college? What anyfuckingthing could he seek emplyment with before a horde of slobbering, limp-dick kikes would descend and demand his firing? You dumb fucks casting aspersions on Duke should immediately kill yourselves or submit a bill for shilling to Soros and his ilk.
This is another thing everyone can think about, 40 years ago b4 the tubes Duke was the zenith of evil as portrayed by the media. I can recall exactly no one that ever even would consider listening to him, reading anything he wrote, or even discussing him other than to deride him or use him as a slur when someone engaged in wrong think. Such as "Who the fuck are you David Duke?". He was equal in status to Hitler or McCarthy (little lower on the scale) but none the less the media held all the cards back then and exacted a virtual stranglehold over the minds of the populace. There was maybe 1 in 1000 kids that would ever go against the popular "wisdom". The inter webs has changed all of that.
Even on the inter webs it began very gradually but the popular wisdom has slowly been eroded to the point that now we can elect a Trump for president. Kids today don't have to go to the library to study something and only be presented with what the library physically has available to them or rely on the card file to find something new and wait a week for the book to be borrowed from a different branch. Duke has used this new paradigm fully to his advantage. Before I found Holla Forums I listened to a bunch of Duke videos on his website and I quickly figured out he was not what the media always told me he was. You might not understand, but this alone is a huge shift coming from pure evil to lets just see what all the fuss is about. Over all you can say what you want but Duke I feel has been a positive influence to the point where now I can actually say to someone "Have you ever actually listened to him or read what he has written or are you just letting (((someone else))) form your opinion for you? And that I feel is huge.
/brit/ please leave.
Jidf, please go. If you're just an user, listen to this. What David Duke has been able to do, with the help of ((the media)) is to associate in the public's eyes, Trump, the president of the USA with the KKK and white nationalism.
The step between people sperging out against blacks, SJW's and liberals into full-forced RWDS isn't that large and David Duke knew exactly what he did when he saw that Trump was going to become president. Because whatever Trump does, he's going to be associated with white nationalism and thus, forcing him to appease this part of the public. Especially as they will grow bigger unless Trump kicks the immigrants out of the country and does something about the rise of the SJW's.
Trump might be playing 4d-chess, The Doctor is playing 1488d-chess.
You don't belong here user.
Are you guys really so paranoid you think that someone who is continuously doing the right thing is actually against the cause they fight so hard for?
I like Duke, the guy is intelligent. He's the one that really exposed Jones for being a Zionist shill. Also he redid the protocols of Zion, a hot book for Holla Forums reading. I still think many don't bother with him because of his past with the KKK. I'm not even white and the agree with him, give him a chance
No, they're either kike shills or legitimately retarded. There's a huge amount of both varieties here currently.
I think it's just one guy who thinks that Duke's entire life is a clever plot to derail the Trump train, even though Trump won.
I kind of agree but he's seen as a bit of a ripoff, some seem to think he ripped off William Pierce and never gave due credit. I think he also may have scared off some voters this year.
Bout time.
We have work to do duke. But you need to put brains in the kkk first.
mein sides
proof trs is cancer
fuck off samefag
duke endorsed trump and guess what
nobody gave a shit
maybe he could have just not endorsed him at all and Trump wouldn't have been forced to disavow him and subsequently white nationalism. That would have worked too
also, nice (((1))) shill
I really Duke but I think Spencer is a really spergy faggot. What does that make me?
Not a faggot
Just great. First, r/the_donald reared its head on Holla Forums. Things are just about to get even worse.
No seriously Duke, if you're reading this thread and Spencer is not a plant, please coach him on how to be less of a sperg and a faggot.
This. Everyone blames 4/pol/ for everything, and they are nothing but parrots for shit that starts on Holla Forums first.
It's a good thing, so we don't get flooded with newfags any more than we already do
nope, I'm pretty certain it was stolen.
Don't ask for the impossible, Spencer is a total faggot and sperg and can't be corrected.
sockpuppet confirmed
Jesus fucking christ, that welcome to my world to give the exact headline to the MSM.
This. Hey faggot, opsec u tard. Talk about cuckchan.
He's the cringiest faggot ever
Duke always seems like a calm and centered guy instead of the bullshit tattooed neo-nazi, and he names the jew a million times in this twitter.
If all controlled oposition looked like this, hell, we need more controlled oposition.
Duke is fine and is one of us.
If that were the case, why would he spend 2 hours decimating the actual CIA/Mossad disinfo agent Alex Jonestein?
I wouldn't be caught dead posting shitty old memes like that on my actual accounts. This is cringe, is it not? That's all Duke makes me do. I'm willing to believe that he's just a sperg instead of controlled, but he's still not very helpfu. He's a poor public speaker, and just as a poor a strategist. We could do so much better than him.
I mean, how do both the libertarians here feel about Gary Johnson representing them?
If you cringe at a 66 year old man for posting three year old memes then you might just be autistic and spend too much time on the internet
The irony is unbelievable.
It is extremely frustrating that we can't find ONE PERSON, who is:
>Not civic
Besides maybe two great men who aren't with us anymore, I can't think of anyone who's a public face of ethnonationalism that isn't a complete joke or controlled op.
So it live it was great
As many others came with gamergate, I don't think the newfags nowadays came from other boards, or if they do they come from cuckchan and bring the cancer with them
Side-effect of newfag influx, massive digits are going unchecked
The only of these that POSSIBLY apply to Spencer are the gay part and the shekels part, but even those aren't confirmed, the only reason the gay thing is even suspect is because of his effeminate voice.
Maybe you should be the face of the movement, I'm sure you're a masculine Aryan with solid public speaking skills and enough money to fund your enterprise.
(((Rob))) is such a piece of shit and half the reason Infowars is so kosher.
Look at all the kikes ITT trying their hardest to smear Duke in whatever way they can. The man has devoted his life to speaking up for white people and you niggers think I'm going to think ill of him because he makes you "cringe"? He's taken more shit from the kikes and other anti-whites than anyone in America and he's never given up his message or the fight, and yet you retards are here kvetching over a tweet of his?
Thanks for outing yourselves you dumb yids.
I think that's a perfectly normal reaction.
Dicky probably isn't gay, but he is too soft on homos. And his strategy seems to be more like Duke's than anyone else: just attention whore for coverage then ask followers for donations.
>the only reason
Duke is FBI honeypot. Been working for Zog a long time. Cut a deal to continue living his life at a low level in exchange for reporting names of everyone who shows up at any of his events.
We need to talk about Bunplocked Redpill dump threads
Idk if I'd go that far, but there's certainly something off about him. You can see it in his eyes.
oh, user…
He has been consistent in his view of kikes too. The shills and kikes ITT cant be having any of that.
Thats quite a nose you have there Chaim.
Normies wouldn't understand that, anyway. The only people who care about what Dr. Duke posts are already redpilled on the JQ, and just need a little polishing on the issues.
Duke may name the jew but he's still a far cry from Stefan "Schutzstefan" Molyneux (famed writer of The Culture Of Critique) and Ben "Zyklon Ben" Garrison (notorious anti-semitic cartoonist responsible for the great Israeli wildfires of 2016).
for all you cucks… keep it sassy>>8406113
Are you the same faggot that keeps saying Molyneux wrote the The Culture Of Critique when in fact it is Kevin MacDonald?
pic related
The only thing Duke is going to teach Spencer is how to con people out of shekels.
The man hasn't done shit. No matetr his intentions, the only thing he has managed to do is get onto new with another edgy remark.
Saying something IS NOT doing something. His actions have done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to benefit us.
Taking shit from kikes and anti-whites does not mean that you are good in any way, you must DO something. Not just spout out edgy bullshit.
Now fuck off.
Holla Forums
Daily Stormer
You meant racist civic nationalists.
maybe it used to be, it's effectively a satellite website of reddit and twitter users at this point
jesus fuck
What a fucking weird time to be alive…
there you go:
He was a Member of the Louisiana House of Representatives. What have you done?
Damn, high energy as fuck and precise on the point.
the joke
your head
Hillary was a senator, too. Who gives a fuck if he got elected, what did he do with his power?
Just watch some stuff about this guy, seems to be on level.
Also, Alex Jones is such a fucking piece of shit.
Don't forget how he single-handidly took apart literal Mossad agent Kike Blitzer
Nobody with any sanity would go on Alex Jones his shitshow.
He's a conman and a scam artist who jumps on any conspiracy to make money off it. Hurr the Boston bombers were an inside job chemicals in the water. All stories with no proof and no basis or overly exeggerated effects. Same stuff with the supplements he sells.
He sends off so many red flags I'm honestly surprised he gets 100k+ views on his videos consistently.
You can get banned for saying nigger there so no, 4cuck is pozzed as hell
No it's not that bad. Rather you can't get banned for anything except doxx stuff / cp or if the site is drawing attention.
How about you try it for yourself?
jones is a shill, but he's there to make legit conspiracy theories look bad. and you fell for it like the basic bitch you are
Just dropping by again to remind you kikes that no amount of shilling will make you white, and that on the DotR I am going to use a melon baller to scoop out your eyeballs.
The real issue with 4cuck and to some extent 8ch is that plenty of posters fall into bait threads, slide threads or other threads. Sometimes they also jump on some stupid new age religious theories and blow up those threads as well.
This. Never fully trust the mods. It's one of the reason we got cucked by moot in the first place.
Of course it's the fucking FIRST POST
Gas yourself KIKE
Sure. thats why they unleashed IRS and jewdicial system after him
fuck off trshill
I'm glad I can at least enjoy some Trump wins and salt mining to offset the faggotry of this grind.
Never trash someone who is espousing something more than 50℅ aligned with your views, at least not on those views you agree with. Who gives a shit if you think they are controlled opposition or not? It's fine to question that and be cautious, but being scared of what outsiders will think is a losers position. We're fucking winning. Anyone who will permanently be turned off to our views because they weren't presented to them a certain way is probably unreachable anyways.
Never forget that most of us grew up hearing all about histories nazi bogeymen, and Adolph Hitler really was LITERALLY HITLER. How do you feel about Hitler now? Yeah, PRfags need to gtfo.
I'm not even a big Dr David Duke fan, but I respect him and stuff he's said and done and what and how he's put himself out there. If he's controlled opposition, expose him, but the worst case is he's a fraud saying lots of true stuff that has redpill plenty of people. As a group, I believe Holla Forums holds unnaturally large sway, but as an individual, who among us has done as much or more than Duke?
At least attacking fucks like Alex Jones makes sense since he refuses to go near the JQ. At least calling broNat out makes a little sense since he is a Jew, although it doesn't make the truths he speaks any less true. But attacking vocally redpill people who call out the Jews and don't false flag for violence to get everybody shut down? Counter productive at best and kikery at worst, regardless of if there are any subverters trying to ruin our precious PR in this fight.
It's almost like you haven't read rfr. Go read it and get back to us faggot
no, that was the (((media)))
and trump won, so why tf do you care?
oy vey
Thank you for your input Satan. Always a pleasure.
Duke is a scammer and controlled opposition. He repeatedly uses his notoriety to promote damaging elements while using reverse-psychology to discredit the right.
His endorsing Trump during the election is a good example, that endorsement was meant to reduce Trump's votes - aka poisoning the well.
If you check his Tweet history you will find many, many example of these behaviors, the pictures included are a tiny sample for example.
It should be obvious that his objective is to cause ideological dilution of Holla Forums, or complete disintegration by flooding the board with normalfags.
Zionist shill Jewish ass kisser Donny Trumpowitz demonized himself.
oh wow, it was in the (((media)))? it must be true
Back again to tell you fucking kikes that you are going to lose because you can't into anything but your own fucking greed
Toppest of keks, you fucking dirty yids
I browsed Holla Forums on cuckchan since I was 13 (never posted) and eventually visited Holla Forums, /k/, /x/ (when you could find a thread that didn't blow cocks there) and other stuff like that as the years went by. Made the jump here late 2014. Finally started browsing Holla Forums after the usual Christcuckoldry and Asatru neopaganism gave way to Kek worship and it became memes like the good old days.
I don't think David Duke's blessing meant a whole lot. Trump was on stage comparing refugees to venomous snakes.
Why shouldn't we? He's recruiting from the private sector and not from the failed slew of establishment politicians. Of course he's picking successful businessmen and not Joe the pizza boy.
How do you do, fellow Holla Forumsacks?
Wtf is that webm
watch out we've got a hall monitor here guise
go back to >>>/trs/ fag
nice dubs faggot
thanks kike
This is shill technique.
Because it helped Trump and gained him more voters you disgusting kike
It never ceases to amaze me how accurate at parodying those drawings are.