Talking to your liberal parents (blog post I'm sorry)

I tried to post this on /polblog/ but it was to long and there existed only 3 active users, I understand that Holla Forums does not encourage personal blogging but this problem I’ve had has been really hard for me and I just need to vent it, even if your comments are just ‘stop being a pussy’ or ‘stop blogging’ etc.

So here's the context of my problem; its a very common story I'm sure you've heard of:

I come from a liberal family but I was more naturally conservative and I slowly went from trying to remove myself from the parasitic multicultural 'gibs me dat' society by first trying to be 'Libertarian' and only supporting myself and family as a way to try and justify the whole "I'm against welfare but it's not because I'm racist" thing. Later on I became more right wing and learned about white nationalism and national socialism and it made more sense to me. I of course prefer the company of other white people and would prefer to live in a homogenous white national socialist nation state. Though I am very right wing and essentially a crypto white nationalist; I cannot bring myself to tell this to my parents, particularly my Mother. You see, I among other WN's support Donald Trump and view him as step forward to the enforcement of white solidarity for the white working class and as a symbol of the underlying white identity that still remains in America.

Because of my subtle but not overtly far right views I've expressed my mother views me with a sort of caution and occasionally will accuse me of racism. The last thing my Mother wants to find out is that her son is a 'neonazi' and an evil racist. Because of my support of Donald Trump these tensions between me and my Mother have escalated and it's almost reaching the breaking point of where I can't hide from who I am anymore.

I've had to hide my nationalist kinship based identity behind 'micro' identities such as my Utah Mormon Pioneer ancestry (which is white). So instead of me giving off the impression that I care about the White American Folk I instead care about the Mormon (White) Folk.

Today I had lunch with my Mother and we got to the topic of my support of Donald Trump and I said to her:

"My support of Donald Trump stems from only wanting the best for me and my people"

My mother responded with

"What do you mean '==your==' people"

I said

"I guess the native Mormon people of Utah"

My mother tried to insert words into my mouth by saying

"So… like white people?"

I responded nonchalantly

"yeah I mean I guess I would be looking at white people as the people I only want the best for…"

As I was saying that my Mother immediately began to shake her head; giving off this face that could only be described as thinking: "OH GOD PLEASE NO!"

A face that could only be paralleled with a conservative christian parent finding out that their son is gay

Because of my Mother's reaction from statement I retracted what I said and made it appear as if I really just care about my 'mormon pioneer' identity and not my more legitimate white identity.

The horror I saw in my Mother's face from my statement hurts me more so than it does for me to just keep my views 'hush hush'. I don't want to live a lie and keep my views a secret until they day she dies but I also don't want to break my Mother's heart.

What should I do? is there anything I can do?

Stop being a faggot and just be who you are. Tip toeing around will make you look like a cuck, even to your own kike programmed mother


Find a new religion user, yours is kike worship X 6,000,000


Don't rush it. If it takes 10 years, so be it. That's not really that much time in the grand scheme of things.

If your mother is already wary, then her defenses are up and you SHOULD NOT proceed. Lay off it for at least a year, if not longer.

Be a man and free your mother from her liberal fantasy land


I am making the assumption that you are relatively young (18-22 age range).

I can relate to you in that I also was raised very liberal/anti racist and ended up rejecting it soundly.

I 'came out' as a holocaust skeptic and racial realist kek to my very liberal mother around 22, the reaction I got was similar to yours. Shock, anger, sadness, disappointment. She raged at me but I held my ground. I laid out my position is the most logical way I could and explained why I had developed these views. Once she had calmed down she was able to express that while she disagreed strongly and was deeply saddened by my path, that I was still her son and that she was glad I felt I could be honest with her.
She was certainly passive aggressive of a long time and got spiteful at some family get together a when my power level started to show. The key is that I never back down to her, when he starts to use emotional rhetoric or calls me a racist I am the one to express disappointment in her direction and she backs down.

I know it is difficult, especially as a young man to stand up to the balance of power between you and your mother that has been present for your entire life. I am also not garaunteeing that she will respond as mine did or that your arguments will be as strong as mine.

My relationship with my mother is exactly how it should be as a man. She has imparted all that she could to me as a parent and now I have to make my own way as an adult. If she were unable to handle that, the loss would be hers.

I hope this helps.

Do not voluntarily subjugate yourself under threat of abandonment. This is not they way of men.

Also i should add that the approach for women is to hit them in their weak spot: their feelings. Does she really want to worry about her son being attacked by an allahu ackbar?

I'm not mormon. Just my parents grew up mormon and came from mormon stock. The only identity I feel I have close it a sense of mormon identity. I know mormons worship kikes but the average mormon doesnt and is just a nice wholesome white person. Also I actually like the book of mormon theologically because its essentially about a race war and promoted the slaughter of natives among mormons that settled the west. Old mormonism was religeous white supremacy and I like it, and even though mormons are the platonic cuckservatives they still have a lot of potential because of there high morality and pure rates.

Why does it matter to you so much what a middle aged post-menopausal woman thinks? You realize the brain is very resistant to changes at that age, especially in a woman that is all emotional and retarded. You're alive, and hopefully you have ten siblings like every other Mormon, so she's already done her job. Show her a webm of a nigger beating a White woman, make sure she stays away from non-White savages and carries at all times. Boom, you're done.

Save your energy for redpilling young White males you could visualize in a trench and fertile Aryan QTies of course.

I don't know how this shit even happens. My parents and grandparents are all white nationalists borderline 1488ers.
Do you live in some suburbanite white enclave? Exposure to diversity will fix the cuck problem real quick.

Yeah, this should be a very low-priority issue for you OP. Just don't talk about politics with your mother. Talk about other things, she's your fucking mother.

Arguing with retarded leftists is a fool's errand. Sure you can show your power level and get into a fight, but for what purpose? These are people you spend time with and there is no need to make things contentious. There is about zero percent chance you are going to talk some commie out of their beliefs and people so drenched in bluepills they look like smurfs will instantly mentally associate you with all the bullshit the media has been on about for the last 9 months.

Best coarse of action is to say you'd rather not talk politics because it's pointless, which is true. Or you could just act like a total sperg, start dropping red pills while spaghetti spills forth from your pockets and you alienate everyone you should be able to rely on.

you idiot say your people are the legal citizens of the united states and youll be fucking fine

I guess I just dont want to disappoint my mother. And I feel as if I tell her my feelings she'll say"YOU'VE BEEN ON THOSE BRAIN WASHING FAR RIGHT WEBSITES HAVENT YOU!".

my mother came from extremely racist people. She once made a big deal about how 'disgusted' she was that her grand father actually went as far as to research his fiances genetic background in order to make sure she was free of 'negro blood'. My mom was brainwashed in college and surrounds herself with other brainwashed liberals.

I think your right in that I just shouldnt talk politics, its just we dont have much else to talk about because we are so different.

Remind them that Americans have traditionally been racist and that this country is going to shit under the rule of non-racists. Shame them for destroying what they've been given, shame works wonders.

i dont have liberal parents. my parents are based as fuck, little bitch. fuck off and die stop making this fucking thread again.

Truth does not fear investigation OP.
A great man once said:

"One cannot live faithfully and abandon what has given purpose and meaning to ones entire life."

No matter your beliefs, you've been conditioned. Not brainwashed, not propagandized, conditioned by your parents since the day you were born. It happens to everyone regardless of opinions, beliefs, race, or religion. You will take after your parents, one way or another, and with that conditioning comes fear of breaking away from the status quo of the household.

It also leads me to believe that if you are so afraid of what your parents think, are you really so firm in your beliefs?

One thing you guys are missing is that the National Socialist doctrine is about kin. It is painful to watch your kin fall for an ideology that seeks to kill them.

It is instinctual for a national socialist to want to protect and convince their kin. This is a natural part of our ethos.

The problem is trying to convince a heavily emotionally invested woman. The facts you present do not actually matter to her, what does is they way you present and assert yourself. If you properly display dominance over a woman in an argument she will (maybe not immediately) submit to you as is natural. She will certainly try to use all the emotional manipulative tools at her disposal to elicit a submissive response from you but if you hold firm in your dominance she will eventually acquiesce. This can take a very long period of time and she may test your will from time to time but as long as you maintain your dominance you will be (if begrudgingly) respected.

This is the way you should handle all women not just mothers. Mothers are a difficult case as they tend to have a much deep and wider array of manipulative tools at their disposal, but the same rules apply.


I'm firm in my beliefs, its just I dont want my mother to feel as if she failed as a parent and that her child is evil.

Well, if it makes you feel any better my mother started race mixing after I was born and has like 4 niglets now and gets beat all the time.

I remember going through the same thing. After you kill her you'll feel much better. It's all apart of Utah Mormon Pioneering.

and this is your problem. Assert yourself for the love of god. If you value your masculinity and honesty you will have to do it eventually. The longer you hold out the more distance you push between you and your mother. If she abandons you over your conviction it is on her.

be a fucking man.

If the grandparents are good parents to your parents, they won't end up like shitlib boomers.
The problem is, that generation was wholly unprepared for the rise in cultural warfare and jewish subversion and marxism. They did not know that the entire media education system would devolve into anti-white propaganda. Now you can raise little babies who aren't indoctrinated. Fight it.

You're a man now and you don't need to accept your mother's outlook on life to be a "success".
If you're living on your own and have your own life, you can form whatever opinion you want.
Don't let your mother cuck you. Be a man. She will always love you, but don't antagonize her.

You already spilled the beans. Didn't you just describe how she expressed her disgust? Look, I'm no stranger to breaking my parents heart, believe me, and let me tell you something OP, they'll get over it, and they'll still love you. I did something a long time ago that I felt I had to do. Because I was a dumbass 18 year old, I was wrong, but what's happened, happened. My heart sank when I had realized what I had done. My point is that if you believe that exposing your beliefs to your mom is a necessity, then you must do it. If you believe that she would be better off not knowing, then don't say anything. But it seems to me that you don't want her to reach the end of her life believing a lie about you. Therefore, if it is necessary that she should know, then you must do it, despite how painful it will be. I felt like I had to make a decision, I did what I did, but that doesn't mean it was easy. It was the hardest thing I had ever done at that point. Fear and guilt overwhelmed me in the moment. I felt horrible, but pulling it off registered a "The madman actually did it." in my mind, and then I went all the way with my decision.

The thing is OP, is that you outright being who you yourself are and devastating your mother isn't some act that will haunt you for the rest of your life, it's more of a "threshold" if that makes sense. Before going through with it, during the time that you build up actually doing this thing, it's intense, it's frightening, but once you actually fucking do it, it's a almagamic climax of emotions, and then, closure.

wow, I'm sorry. That must be really rough. I dont know if that makes me neccesarily feel any better but it does make me feel more thankful for what I take for granted.

Nice meme?…. What are you even talking about?

thats the dream


Redpill your parents.
It's the only way.

Raise good white babies and stop worrying about your mom. Just be a man and don't let her opinion effect you so much.

Ask her why she would care more about
- people who aren't her son
- people who aren't her family
- people who aren't her religion AND RACE
- people who aren't her neighbors
- people who aren't her countrymen
- people who aren't part of Western Civilization.

Ask her who told her this was OK and who told her this? Ask her what her parents told her about race and kin.

Western civilization may be too abstract for her, try society instead. If you use big words and complex ideas with women they'll get lost easily and just pretend they knew what you said, depending on the context they'll agree or if you're arguing, they'll revert to a earlier point in the argument.
source: I showed my grandma a paper I wrote and I could visibly tell when she got lost

TLDR How do I come out of the closet guys?

Faggots have more balls than this.