I have a BBC radio interview tomorrow! What should my talking points be? Help me goys!

So a reporter from BBC contacted me today, wanting to do an interview tomorrow about Gab. (the new twitter alternative… yesss gabbai calm the fuck down autists)

I have looked over this persons past articles, and feel confident that this will not be a hit piece or an ambush.

However, I would be surprised if he did not bring up "Alt Right" or "what's pepe?"

1. I will not name the jew (first interview gimme time)
2. I will not be dishonest

This is a chance to mass pill and to make us all look good.

No I'm not a cuck faggot I can speak for myself, but let's knock this the fuck out of the park. Strategy. Plz, aid me in making this as powerful as possible.

Other urls found in this thread:


But in case it isn't I would point out that it will be completely uncensored (unless its illegal) and that left wing ideologies can only succeed when they are they only opinions allowed, this is because with free and open discussion it is too easy to point out how shitty and illogical the left is.

say kek off-handedly as if you coughed or something, as proof you were here.

gab.ai is literally twitter 2.0. owned by the same special interests and will go down the exact same path twitter did.

You should not do it.


Why are you talking to the arch-lugenpresse that is the BBC? Their little shit of a journalist already has his story written and is just going to quote mine anything you say (probably to make gab look like a neo-nazi twitter hangout).

nah man this is very real, and that is a very good point. Leftist ideologies can only exist in an environment where they are not challenged

You talk like a faggot. Fuck off back to cuckchan.

because if I don't do the interview, some the_donald alumni will. I need to fucking kill this

whatever you say David :^)

Don't do this.

Say something more discreet, like mentioning your wife's son or your friend's wife's son in something related to a question.

Don't talk with the lying press.


And this. Why would you even talk to the Jewish press when you just know they are going to twist what you say? It sounds like a bad idea

Then don't bother.

'Alt-right' is a nonsense term. Don't let scumbag journalists label and group you, it's how they build their narrative.

This. Talk about how you don't like to associate yourself with the alt-right, and how they are compromised



Prove that you were invited for an interview first.

yes we need to kill that term, I am looking for good ammo to refute it

it is topical wsj.com/articles/more-whites-die-than-are-born-in-one-third-of-states-1480433481

IMHO you should be distancing yourself as far as you can from Holla Forums. Mention cuckchan if you must mentions the chans vis-a-vis free speech (and how even it has been compromised). I would keep the conversation centered around free speech. How it is a problem all over the net with twitter, reddit, facebook, comment sections etc. as of late. Reddit being the most recent example in the news.
Have specific examples of NON alt-kike types who moved to gab.ai because of free speech. I have seen several left-ish celebs saying they are now using gab, use someone like that. Don't mention faggots like Spencer who got banned. If they bring him or other alt-kikes up just say "well we are for free speech, people can choose to listen to him if they please as to the other sites banning people whats that quote about to find out who rules over you just find out who you're not allowed to criticize????"

So much this.
If you have to do this stupid shit, Holla Forums shouldn't be in your vocabulary.

yea no fucking way I'd mention this place… I plan to stay away from mentioning cuck chan as well, you give good advice here, I shall compile a list of lefty celebs who use gab

Yea I don't mention Holla Forums outside of Holla Forums ever for any reason

Well, I guess I can't bitch at you then.
I understand that you have to do something like this, even if I'm going to give you shit about muh pr at the same time.
Hell, it might work out pretty well for you, get your platform some good exposure and whatnot.


OH, and as far as Pepe,
Something along those lines.
It's a moldable tool people use to express themselves. Some people expressing things other people don't like doesn't have anything to do with the tool itself, etc, etc, you get the idea.

exposure will be good yes, but really, I just want to seize this opportunity and spread as much info as I can. The journalist does not seem to be political in his articles, and has posted articles about free speech, so I feel I can have a good impact here and help move things along

yes faggot because we should allow the juden puppets to continue running shit

dude it's going to be an ambush you absolute moron, have you learned nothing at all?

yes, excellent, I was thinking along those lines… I have a strong feeling that it will be one of the questions… I don't want to be caught off guard

LET THEM AMBUSH ME. Give me ammo to fight back you pathetic subhuman

Basically don't be this guy

And to be perfectly honest, it's the truth.
That's what pepe was even before all this, so it's not like you'd be lying.

no you spergtastic hyper autist, there is no ammo to fucking give to you. you're going up against someone who is going to act in bad faith.

the only thing you can do is give them the sam hyde treatment, but you're probably too retarded for that.

What exactly are you rusty on user?

First off why are you wasting your time unless you are absolutely sure it will be live and unedited?
Second you should point out who owns gab and who owns twitter.

You aren't going to stop the kikes by not naming them, and just shilling for some gay twitter knock-off.

When that kike was on Gavin McCuck's show he explained his genius strategy for figure out if "Alt-Right" people he meets are anti-kike: he says he's "part of ZOG", and claims those who don't hate kikes laugh, while those who do get scared by it.

This is the most cleverly disguised advertisement I've seen in a while. Good job, OP.

how to dispel "alt right"

How do I kill that term? How do I dismiss it? How do I kill the whole nazi frog thing? How do I present Trump supporters as being legitimate members of society.

My goal is to help tear down the narrative they were fed up until the election (and obvious still continuing)

How do I make alt right, pepe, and trump supporters NOT the boogey man they want?

Get them all excited to interview you then when they ask their first question tell them you don't do interviews with fake news organizations.

I like it.

To do so would take a master stroke nothing short of the moves we have seen Trump pull. Good luck figuring it out.

A gabbai (Hebrew: גבאי‎‎), also known as shamash שמש (sometimes spelled shamas) or warden (UK, similar to churchwarden) is a beadle or sexton, a person who assists in the running of synagogue services in some way.

I don't want hits! I want to further our cause! I'm trying to jew the jew here


Truthfully present the Alt-Right as a gay rights movement.

Presenting the Alt-Right as a moderate movement only helps our cucked enemies. It should either be completely destroyed and ridiculed or get the Ben Garrison treatment.

Thank you. Excellent talking points.


From a standpoint of pure ideology, I agree with you, but I would have to argue that keeping the term vague and shadowy might be useful as well.

1) Are you intending on embracing that term or jettisoning it?

2) I would say that whites are beginning to understand that their group needs protecting from all the anti-white groups that exist. If you want a pr-friendly tack to take, I would say that being pro-white isn't anti-non-white. Just say that you want European-Americans (useful term to remember) to embrace their heritage and to not be embarassed by past iniquities because those "shameful" things like slavery should be put up against scientific advancements throughout history.

I.e. we invent all your shit, if we did "bad" things in the past then get over it

So cringy

Call them leftists.

Ask what the questions will be so you can give better answers. If they say no it's an ambush. Ask by email or tape any conversation they want to have with you. /thread

I would even go farther and call the alt-kike a mismatch of ideologies that doesn't even truly exist; only gained traction because the MSM used it as a clickbait buzzword. Definitely don't let them label you as one of the alt-kike.

with your argument and in OP's context you're basically saying that Trump should have named the jew before he even decided to announce his run for president.

In regards to the inevitable alt-kike question and if your platform would attract them, do what every good pr spokesperson does and lie, unless you want your site to end up like reddit (similar idea, free speech for everyone blah blah blah yet ended up getting kiked when they couldn't make any money) . Just dodge the question and say that you don't believe that free speech is something that should be ever regulated in any circumstance all while pointing out that those of every political ideology are welcome to make an account there.
Up to you, but I would do what asked and couch "kek" or "shadilay" shadilay is better, because of it's meaning and because the media hasn't caught on to it yet and it will prevent them from editing it out and then just say that it's an avatar for trolls online looking to stir the pot.
Also, next time you get an offer for an interview and only get 2 fucking days, don't take it, for an interview like this you need at least a week in advance, it was a power move on the reporters part and you should absolutely be mentally prepared for a hit piece

also could you add me to the top of the waiting list of you're legit please
[email protected]/* */

Why would you want to do any of that? Tell them you're an esoteric Kekist and you want to stop white genocide. Don't take these people seriously, tell them some obvious but narrative-confirming bullshit, don't say anything defensive, and do tell them you're pro-white/pro-British.

I want to kill the term "alt right", because hillary mentioned it in her speech, and I feel it is a tool against us. I do not feel that it is useful to further our goals.

and yes… I want to communicate that being pro white does not mean being anti shitskin (at least for the interview)

Make an Holla Forums.co address on cock.li

Push all Holla Forums.co addresses to the top of the list.

You scratch our back, we might scratch yours.

What's the point of even mentioning Kek or esoteric Kekism at all?

Call the BBC interviewer "Sinead".

retard detected

You must get your own unedited copy of what happens (have a friend record on cell if necessary). Do not do it unless they agree.

How much time do you have?

No shit, no one here other than (((the right stuff))) faggots and kike shills uses that term here.

For the keks and as a god that is powered by memes it might just jump start a warp storm.

Seriously fucking do this OP.

If they say something like

I would respond something like this:

Well I would be careful to put everyone who is supportive of Trump into a single category like the media has been doing with the alt-right label. A lot of people supporting Trump can be described more accurately as traditionalists who hate seeing their country go down the drain.

How are you not bluepilled and how is alt-right not just the left that have gained recognition from MSM?

Fair enough.

Stick to simple ideas/concepts that fit into sound bite length:

1. Multiculturalism/globalism doesn't work (if you can't argue this point successfully you shouldn't be doing this interview).

2. "Alt-right" doesn't even exist, it's a loose TEA Party-tier movement with no clear organization or agenda and is only used as a boogeyman.

3. Making a big deal about a cartoon frog is exactly as ridiculous as it sounds.

4. "Racist" and "white supremacy" are terms which have lost all serious meaning and are used solely as an insult to shout down opposition; to today what "communist" was in the McCarthy era.

off yourself faggot, I ain't clinking on none of that shit

about. 17 hours now…

I would add you to the top of the waiting list, but I am not from Gab at all… growing ever weary as to why this journalist contacted me.. my twitter and gab are pretty busy, but I'm not a yuuuge account.. feeling iffy….

but I would like to fucking show up and do well. This journalist has a 20+ year career and has not done a hit piece that I can find, so I think this may be an opportunity to spread the message, even if just a lil bit

I'm not going to say you shouldn' talk to them but be very careful what you say because they will twist it, I would be to the point as much as possible and give little for them to twist. Don't go off on any tangents or feel like you need to explain extra to them.

to confuse the enemy and make the press look gullible

You're not going to succeed because you don't edit for a mainstream media company. Deal with it.

I get why you would think that's a good idea, but it isn't. Muslims are living in your country, leeching off the taxpayers, and saying openly that white people have to submit or die. Saying you're happy to coexist with shitskins will make you sound evasive and weak, and nobody in the press or public will believe you.

yes, that sounds exactly like what I am going for with this

Go be autistic somewhere else.

thank you op

Meaning anyone you disagree with and are too stupid to argue against.

Reminder that the majority of Holla Forums either doesn't care or supports the alt-right, the faggots on here are just ironmarch crossposters who are butthurt that their overlord is a fucking gook

Am I allowed to name the Jew on gab?

Basically this. Explain that politics in the US has been, for generations, a two-party affair wherein if you were on the "left" you were expected to adhere to certain ideals all the time and if you were on the "right" you were expected to adhere to certain other ideals all the time. It put all of us in a box where, for instance, if we believed in lowering taxes, we had to align ourselves with people who wanted to implement mandatory christian prayer in public schools or whatever. "Alt-right" basically means anything remotely right of center that doesn't suck the Republican Party's dick 100% of the time, and the reason it's so vilified is because the monied interests who have spent so much capital buying the two major parties are terrified that their stranglehold on all political discussion is going to be compromised. Heaven forbid the entire country stops fighting over whether you're allowed to stick your dick in another man's ass or not and addresses the fact that our nation has become a corporatist enabler of global serfdom.

Just point out that most of the real natsocs, on Holla Forums or wherever, hate being called "alt right," because the term is so broad that it groups them in with people they literally want to gas. It just means "Anyone at least 1% right of center who has more loyalty to their ideals than to the Republican Party."


Sure faggot you're not FBI at all.

Filtered :)

You're genuinely retarded aren't you?

yessir, cartoon frog is a ridiculous term and works well

yea man I just wanna do well here, I don't care about my soc med accounts or hits or whatever faggotry

yes, absolutely


Just tell them that most trump supporters are part of the silent majority and just want a strong economy, jobs, security, basically everything that you get without 3rd world immigration. avoid acting like the alt right is an inportant thing, especially avoid presenting yourself as a part of it.

McCarthy was right, the country was crawling with Communists and sympathizers.

God damn right, read Ann Coulters "Treason" or just read the declassified shit from the Verona Project

You really have two choices:

1. Present the Aut-Right ass kosher and still get your interview chopped down to soundbytes that support their narrative.

2. Troll them by accurately describing the Alt-Right as a gay movement, quoting Spencer on faggotry, etc.

you're a self important twat that needs to be spoonfed what to think yet thinks talking to a BBC reporter is a good idea.

anything good or clever you say is not going to be included. you have no idea how this works yet you're convinced of doing it.

all I can say at this point is do it faggot, so we can laugh at how retarded you come off in the interview.

If you they'll let you go off script for a few minutes explain how they can never understand how Trump won or the alt right because of magic.

If you do a card trick and someone asks how it's done what will a professional say? "It's magic."

Everyone knows it's a trick. Marked cards, trick deck, whatever. If you accept "magic" as the answer you'll never find out how it's done. It ends the conversation in a tidy package of ignorance. Admitting you don't know opens you up to learning about it later. Magic as an answer assumes the question is answered and discussion is over but you don't actually know the real answer.

There are other words that work like magic. Most have a valid use, but that use is narrow. Faith is a good example. Why do you believe in God? Faith. But words like that can be abused. I think my favorite sportsball team will win because faith. I dont need a doctor I have faith. Most people will agree these are abuses of this word, but we've all seen them. You're using faith as a magic word to avoid the real answer.

Other words that work like this are racism, bigotry, antisemitism, islamophobia, homophobia,etc. If you use these words you'll never find out what's really going on. Why is there more crime in Detroit? Racism. Well that's a "magical" answer. Racism does have a valid use, but that use is MUCH more narrow than what we see from leftists today. They throw it at everything.

Once you stop using these words. Banish them from your vocabulary you'll lift the curse. You'll no longer have your vision clouded by magic and you'll be able to see Trump and the alt right.

Meme magic is a counterspell to the curse of leftism.

Do not tell them the truth about pepe, op. Don't tell them about kek either. You should make up something crazy.

The unfortunate part is that we were already infiltrated and past the first stage of subversion by the time he started pointing it out


If you refuse to name the jew, then the least you can do is shittalk "multiculturalism". It's a buzzword that still hits them hard, but without setting off normies' brainwashing.

I wonder why…

yeah you should definitely try to get into a deep philosophical debate with a bbc reporter intent to smear all whites as crazy nazis


Worked on my 10 year old niece.

10 sec after posting this I see this image

fuck off, alt-kike is as cancerous as your (((trs))) ass shilling it

do this
Seriously, tell the reporter Trump won due to magic.

Any other questions you're thinking might blindside you? I'll soon be a little too tipsy to give great answers so shoot while you can.

OP posting this article about a Harvard study done on why exactly multiculturalism is bad for society, ironiclly the Prof who did the study was left wing and pro diversity so he makes up excuses as to why that is but it is still a good read. Other Anons who haven't read it yet should as well.


so does santa claus, what's your point?


Off yourself.

Not everybody involved with TRS is a namefag or has a forum account


You fool no one.



why the fuck would the BBC contact you? who are you?

Refuse to talk about anything except Kek worship. Sing this journalist the praise of Kek.

There is no better way to make people dismiss the idea of our influence as a crazy conspiracy theory. Seriously, I want them to fuck off and leave us alone.



Those grounds for argument went out the window ever since you started shilling us and refused to apologized

yes. Sounds good, thank you

Whatever happens, I am not presenting alt right as anything but faggotry.. will have to convert into MSM terms however..

k shlomo why you so terrified?

they will not be getting any of that from me. My mission is to go in there and do well for all of us

hurrrrr derrrrrrr

yessir, they are not getting off easy

his resume is actually pretty good, he barely touches political stuff, he said he writes for "bbc trending" these days, I do not expect ambush journalism, but want to be ready for anything.

Alt right and pepe are my main concerns. How to handle those subjects properly.

Already ITT has been some great advice, but I am open to moar

I am just some faggot. My social media accounts are somewhat popular… 3 million twatter views this month, bunch of gab views… you would not recognize my account, but you would recognize ppl who spread my account.

I have no goal of increasing my soc media presence or building a brand, I just want to spread the message and pill millions of people for the common good

You're dividing all those nigger cocks from conquering your ass, Holla Forums. Stop D&C!!!

Probably CIA or MI6, or a private intel org contracted to disassemble a growing legitimate political opposition group. Same people propped up the socialist left in Britain in the 60s because the far-right was opposed to invading Germany.

To me it seems like you're already on the defensive backfoot too much.


1. Holocaust never happened
2. Uncle Adolf was right
3. (((They))) control the (((media)))
4. We are tired of having MSM cuck the nation

We are not a group, we are a school of thought

You don't want to win? Then why bother talking about politics in the first place?

It must be hard to do when the shit goes up your ass instead of out, TRS.

duly noted, no worries I am playing it safe, I'm an incredible asshole and trying to help myself not fuck this up. I want to jew the jews, and that requires that I filter myself.

Hahaha you didn't even read those images, it literally says AWayyatMan is trying to D&C this board against TRS when all TRS does here is shill their podcasts so hopefully you'll buy merch and support events like TRSlmania and IRL propaganda efforts like Nationalist Vanguard.


what the actual fuck are you talking about, did you even look at the IDs?

did you? the message exchange between one of ours and your stuck up moderation refusing to apologize for allowing awyattman to pull this shit to begin with and in fact demanding we apologize

Honesty? Now that's refreshing.

TRS shills here all the time, fuck off faggot

Practice a few talking points in the mirror and you'll feel more comfortable in the interview.

t. guy who took speech classes


So TRS is ripping off Dr. Pierce too now?


The same people who spent ages bitching about how Jews and fags were going to take over the alt-right are now the most committed to making that happen. Weird. You know the Soviets tried to paint Nazism as gay infiltrators too?

So when is SeventhSon going to announce he isn't going to tolerate shilling on 8ch?


The difference is, unlike National Socialism, the Alt-Right is gay.

You're not the only one who's read RFR faggot


eh thanks man, I did a lot of drama improv shit 15 years ago in highschool, so I learned proper diction and all that, I plan to chug a couple beers right before to kill the jitters, should be a good time

Yeah, fuck you too, user.

This never ends well, but maybe you'll get laid (or just a really nice boner).

Again, fuck you.

Filtered, no pointing reading your shit when you're not here to have your mind changed

This ain't (((trs))) where you can get b& for calling someone a faggot



there was a harvard study that found that the more multiculturalism in a town, the less people trusted each other, including those of your own culture. Correlate that to the way that nobody talks to each other in public anymore anecdotally.

I don't know how to feel about this.

Not when they don't give credit where credit is due


not bad, might not have to go there, but will jewgle the study for research

You're probably a lying niggerfaggot but I'll play along for the sake of shitposting.

If he asks about the alt right tell him that (((leftists))) actually created the "alt-right" label and defined it as a group of terrible people, so if anyone disagrees with leftist politics they get labeled alt-right as a way to slander and dismiss them. Anybody willfully calling themselves alt-right is falling for a ruse.

If he asks about Pepe tell him it's a cartoon frog that anybody can draw and if it's a "rightwing symbol" it's only because nobody else is bothering to use him. Then hold him down and shit in his mouth

Talk about Twitter's hypocrisy of letting harassment and death threats stand as long as it's coming from SJWs.

What you want to do is stay on point and don't let the host bait you with jewish argumentative tricks. If he tries to derail the interview? Ignore it and double down. Hammer away at the hypocrisy and stupidity of leftists. Also, mention as many kikes names as possible as being behind bad shit. That's how you stealth redpill.

Or why we have gullible fags on here that are ready to throw anybody under the bus under suspicion of being this or that with zero evidence.

Hes a D&C fag, if you want to know what TRS is actually about listen to their fucking podcasts, not hard. This whole "trs is gay lmao" shit came from an diagnosed insane half-kike whore who got banned from NPI named Sinead McCarthy for going on an insane screaming tangent in public and a fag who got banned a year ago from TRS AWayyatMann.

Yes Sven is a faggot who if you argue with him on the forums he'll ban you if he loses, which is why I don't have an account, which is why most people who listen either don't have an account or don't post.


If that's the case why the absolute flying fuck do they want to shill us to adopt the pozzed term (((alt-kike)))

Yeah, it really isn't fair that Hitler didn't put "h/t Neolithic Aryans" under every swastika. We should start watermarking our memes.

National Vanguard still exists, dumbass.

Renegade actually defended TRS and the Aut-Right when the (truthful) allegations of faggotry first popped up.

That Stuart sodomite was on The Daily Shoah yesterday.

He was banned last month.

That's exactly why they should be accredited faggot

I am not lying, and I thank you for that advice, all quality points.
heheh I will mos def throw in as many bergs and steins as possible

The whole "trs is gay" meme came from the fact they keep coming here and trying their hardest to shit up Holla Forums, but hey, thanks for lying

Just say you're part of the alt-right, and that you hate jews. Be logical and convincing, but you're killing two birds with one stone.

You purify the alt-right by making it more extreme, and you present a genuine position about why kikes are bad while using the shield of another group.



Were you just pretending to be stupid?

Fucking hell, I'd have more respect for TRS and other faggots like them if they just said they were libshits.

Who gives a living shit about a label faggot? We aren't special snowflakes

The whole "trs is gay" meme came from them making gay jokes after they watched The Gift, but hey, thanks for lying.

Alternatively, say you're a mainstream conservative and you hate Jews.


See their intern:


I have done media.

Talking points are always agreed in advance.



By TRS is gay I mean TRS is shit, but they're also literally homosexual while we're at it

This ain't (((trs))) where you can argue with your fee-fees and your karma ladden profile, we're anonymous and make a claim you're just the same as everyone else here cuckfag



We work best in the shadows. The memes we make ripple out to millions of normalfags, but not because we're famous. It's because of the way faggots on 4chan rip off our content, then faggots on reddit rip it off, then faggots on facebook rip it off. That's our source of power, not fame. Fame is not what I want.

fuck off kike if I knew where you were I'd throw you in the oven myself you disgusting sub human filth you should be my lampshade/wallet I fucking hate you and hope that your family line is extinguished…. you disgusting fucking kike

National Vanguard works with TRS.

You seem pretty asshurt about some label or other.


Gas this shill :^)


pic related nigger

I guess you finally grew some balls and unfilted me faggot, now go be a good little cuckboy and crawl back to (((trs)))

If there wasn't so much fucking proof of their shilling incompetency I'd would have said that this was a d/c attempt, yet never once has (((trs))) ever come close to apologizing for this shit


We don't work best in the shadows, we just work mostly in the shadows. But our influence wouldn't get out nearly so well if not for cross-board activity and the fact that we do get reported on occasionally. Going out of your way to diminish our notoriety only helps diminish our power.

Pretty sure you're thinking of this American Vanguard group involved with campus posters, not the same thing bud. TRSfags consider guys like Pierce a 1488er

smdh fam bix nood

Pierce was a 1488er.

Why's that bad you TRS faggot?

This isn't 2014, faggot.

last weeks episode of TDS takes a half hour talking about him and GLR was talked about on IAR



NPR is even reading This Time the World.

They were kvetching about Dr. Pierce when they had those two Murdoch faggots (one is a literal faggot) on a few weeks ago.


have some gore to go along with that side of butthurt

fucking kill yourself already

All they said was that Dr. Pierces books are fucking boring (they are), his radio shows are better, and its bad to shit on him just because people who think everyone is a shill use him as their figure head.

I totally agree user. Can I save that photo of gay guys to post next time?

Do you have any more gay photos that I can save that totally BTFO's people for being gay?

Blow off the interview and hang up when they call you.

1. They aren't.
2. They were complaining about how extreme he was.

Oh and not just boring, reading the Turner Diaries having entire chapters that are nothing but visceral detailed scenes of dindus raping and killing white people makes them masochistic reads.


White people taking over the entire planet and killing everybody else is extreme and impossible.

Imitate Sam Hyde if you're not a faggot.

The Turner Diaries is a terrible book.

I don't read shit about chimps raping white women, why would I want to read it just because it has Peirce's Pen Name on it?

How are both of ya'll so stupid?

I listened to that episode to chronicle the fact the Enoch was a Jew, but I heard that argument and he was basically saying that he was curious how Pierce would respond to esoteric kekism and the bizarre humor of the alt right.

Fucking retards

Accuse the jew!

Yet it's probably the most widely read pro-White publication other than Mein Kampf.

You're trying too hard

pic related

oh fucking boy the kike outed himself finally

you got btfo'd bro


He fucked GLR legacy into the oblivion, with him as the head, the movement just attack each other while the kikes rises let us with this hostile world.

White people can and should take over the world and kill everyone else.




This too

I posted this already

So you gonna preach to us about how we could not and should not kill off the lesser races more or are you going to finally fuck off?

Why are you linking me shit I read, dumbass?


After coughing "kek" remember to say "Sorry, frog in my throat"

Only if I can enslave NEETs to pick my crops and do my laundry.

I want to hear you kvech as you defend it kike

pic related

I could care less. Now what?

I'll do it

Andrew Torba? If not, then why are you talking about gab.AI on the BBC?

On that topic, just stick to the points of censorship and monied interests influencing discourse on internet platforms. Talk about paid shills and D&C tactics, and not much else.

Face it, you're not going to redpill anyone on the Holohoax or on race realism, on a short BBC interview

racially targeted pathogens and robots, lad

I don't see why not, I'm sure their parents would appreciate it.

You have literally no idea what you're talking about. Are you that retard who thought Matt Koehl was Frank Colin?

I have no affiliation, just trying to avoid landmines, yes I agree, free speech and unpaid opinions is what I feel I should go for here

pic related


This totally couldn't backfire at all
I don't even want to bother describing yet again the complexities and geopolitical impact of replacing or mass producing big electronics. Just google Rare Earth Metals

Kek. I remember that stupid faggot in that thread, he had the nerve at first to lecture another user for not knowing the history of pro-white movements and then made himself look like an ignorant dipshit.

God damn you are quite the autistic nigger-faggot

might as well use bombers at that point

1) Don't go anti-AR, do the following:

2) On free speech and the platform

I'll post more if I remember something.

Even with nuclear weapons and total unification white people could not survive a sustained engagement against 6.9b people

Pls this. It's true.

no you don't, fuck off

Obviously the first step would be to cut off food aid and oil production.

much appreciated, great points

8406808 eat shit David we all know you caught HIV from James

I'm total for letting them starve to death and blocking them off from society, but you can't just release a virus or bomb the fucking country.

Disavow AltRight's sodomy


why not?

fuck off schlomo I'm for real faggot

You do plan on recording the whole thing with a Phone App or something, right? Bring proof after.


this, don't forget to cover your ass OP

will do

Just tell this faggot the truth about the alt-right. It's time that they realize the truth.

The alt-right is a subversion -lead by jews, as all movements are- of Holla Forums ideology with the intent of bringing order to our caos. We are not the depicted conservative reactionarys in the media, but are instead nihilistic revolutionaries that would rather burn the whole goddamn system to the ground than have to see their spewed shit.

White power, and nationalism? Bullshit. More white people deserve a bullet in their heads than any other race, and everyone knows it - we back these ideologies as a "fuck you we can do what we can any way we want to".

Pepe is a representation of our god - our ideology- of kek. The God of caos. We spit into the face of kikes, kikes on a stick, and moral busy bodies: aka sjs. Our religion is destroying everything these dumb fuck lifeless cucked idiots care about. Fuck them, fuck their bullshit, and fuck everything.

Their god moloch requires requires a child sacrifice every now and then for an impotent blessing. Our God Kek requires the sacrfice of everything in the fucking universe for his magic. No ethics, no care, just a fucking KEk. KEEKEKEKEKKEKEKE HAHAHAHAHA, and we're gonna give God our sacrifice that he needs to bring them down.


Speak about White Genocide.

Sure, explaining Jewish conspiracy to normies by claiming that those who are against Jews are Jewish conspiracy themselves will work alright.

don't listen to this massive kike

just remember to stay smug. that's what really makes the kikes go ree. also if you want to take the advice from the guy from the guy who did the boston fed protest a little while ago, don't be afraid to name the jew. only good can come out of it tbh.

where is that picture from?
