Tatted up, dresses like a hobo, makes his mistress dress like a whore, divorced 3 times. NEW BASED THAI KING!

Other urls found in this thread:

Maybe he wants to become a ladyboy?

In his Porsche with his hoe.

wogs playing at royalty

what ugly sacks of shit

How does royal degeneracy make someone 'based?
Whatever, slide thread.

Shes not dressed like a whore. She is a whore. He's completely pozzed. His own men must be ashamed. Also, this isn't new news

Makes his wife celebrate her birthday party naked. Based thai king!

Is news cause he's the new king of Thailand.

He could have any 9/10 half white-thai young pussy he wants, but instead he chooses a cheap whore?

He could have all the symbols and mystic tattoos mixed with some dank memes or illuminati and instead he chooses a fucking garden?

He could led an entire army and go full deus vult ala duarte but instead he dresses like a homosex?

Its not HIS fault. The king should have executeed that loser long before his death, anything from an infant to a daughter in line was a better move than humilliating an entire nation with a son like that.

this isn't new news, we spoke about this before


This is a judgement from Kek for all the ladyboy faggotry

b-but I thought monarchy was based?

Due process, no way in hell the palace doesn't have gold plated statues of trannies, or even entire tranny worship dens, or defaced ancient monuments with tranny things on them.

Thailand is literally a Daemon World.


He's a degenerate just like you OP

It's a typo, xhe meant basic

That's one fruity hobo. I think I accidentally prolapsed just looking at him.

But why? Surely he has to have some respect for his position or his country?

Where are all the Holla Forums monarchists to bow down and worship the new Kang? Or whatever they call themselves this week. Nrxlgtbfagwhatevers.

1/10 made me reply


We've had this thread recently you shitposting kike

really faggot ?

An apt king for the land of degenerates

This has been posted previously. What are you trying to do kike?