Topless Kike blasphemes Christ to protest Trump

Obvious Kike decides to protest Trump by pulling out her less than satisfactory holocaust tits.

Eventually the demon can't check her true nature and all of her pent up anti-Christ tendencies come out. Hate for Jesus Christ is at the core of Jewish hatred for the White Christian world. It drives them in everything they do and is the source of their perennial leftism. Jews hate whites because the collective ethnicity of whites is rooted in our shared Christian heritage.

Christ is the burning knife in the heart of the Jew. It causes them to slither and lash out like the hate filled serpents they are and motivates their anti-gentile behavior. This was the understanding of our ancestors.

They push the degradation of morals, precisely as an attack on Christianity.

Notice the pleasure with which this demon kike squeezes her nasty tits in front this Christian, trying to defile him in an attack on his faith.

This is how the Jew attacks religions other than their own. It is their form of jihad, originating from the same source or desert fanaticism as Islam, but perverse (due to weakness) rather than openly violent.

Other urls found in this thread:

Here she is being interviewed.

why do jews hate jesus so much? it cant just be a difference of religious opinion..

Can I blaspheme feminism to protest Trump?
Or mock niggers and jews to protest Trump?

Because the ovens are ready to be used already.

Why not? Jesus came to be the Messiah, they rejected Him, and so the covenant between the kikes and God was broken and now they’re damned for all eternity.

Because the line in the sand was drawn by Christ over child abuse.

That's why.

Kikes get touched at a young age and are "enlightened" to become better than the rest.

Problem is, kikes lie and cannot into the Truth.




The fact that they need to scream weird shit about holy things just proofs that these people feel ashamed for something and the only way to not feel ashamed anymore ist to desecrate everything thats pure and holy so that they are clean again. Because there won't be anything more pure than them when everything in this world is corrupted worse than they are.
They have transported Communism from the materialistic version to the ethic/moral version. GG 21th century kek

at least we know that it'll just collapse in the end


from the christian perspective, sure. but consider how the jew thinks. jesus was a false messiah just like the many others at the time. he got a degree of success but ultimately the Jews won and had him crucified. what is there to hate?

get em user

Because it takes away the power of the rabbis and sanhedrin. If the race and religion of the jews dont matter then jews dont have a purpose.

thats true. wonder if jews feel threatened by christianity

The same thing as always.

What is mentally wrong with Jewish people? All these sexual depravities, from cuckoldry, to pegging, to bestiality etc. began with them, and were popularized by them. They weren't just pushed as a means of undermining our culture, they were first enjoyed by Jews and became popular as a result of their support of these types of porn. Why? Why are Jewish people so depraved? It doesn't make sense. Most of the nobodies on youtube making content about homosexuality and trannies looks like Jews. They just seem to have this inherent driven desire to commit acts of depravity. I don't get it. Is there something in their religion that drives this kind of behavior?

He asks her if she is a Jew and she nods her head yes at 00:36

It's what happens when your very existence is an affront to the Law of Nature.


Because they know in their heart of hearts that Jesus was the REAL one.

Jews don't have hearts. Checkmate.

Jesus punished the money changers. The shecklers never learned their lesson and thought killing him would allow them to continue scheming and it has so far. They know he'll finish them off when he comes back.

dubs dont lie

good point

You guys have got to stop pretending jesus wasn't a jew. You all worship a dead jew on a stick.

Fuck, I was on the fence about making a joke about that as I was writing it.

my research tends to point in another direction, but you could be right

Same exact reason Catholics hated Cathars.

why did the catholics hate the cathars?

They didn't follow the same exact doctrine. Sectarian violence is a hallmark of the Semitic faiths.

thats very true, ty




Circumscision causes this due to the brain having a pleasure quota that would be filled by natural sex but due to all the nerve endings cut off it's never enough so the cut one seeks weirder and weirder shit to get them off. It's basically caused by their desire to deform nature to improve it.
They do this to the goy as well to make them miserable and suceptable to degen behaviour they would'nt otherwise were they whole.
Break a mans legs and rent him a wheelchair.


Who is the girl with the choker I love her facial expressions

These nasty Jewesses deserve to be burned at the stake

Katherine Timpf


Imkikefy gtfo

how can you tell?

requesting uncensored version plox

That nose

That voice too. Why do all Jewish women have such unfeminine smokers voices? Some Jew bitch from my town sounded just like that.

The greatest joke on Caucasians by the jews was making us worship a dead jew.


Stop samefagging and fuck off Shlomo

Why, is that a hate fact?

If he wasn't a Jew, what was he? Christianity was to be a religion to civilize the Jewish savage, but Saul turned it into a universalist religion and fucked everything up. The real Christians were Ebionites and other Jewish Cults that had reformed and followed the Jesus' Teachings.

Keep your head in the sand and keep being a good goyim, then.

This guy is right, we need atheist and pagan parents to raise our white children.

Deal with it christcucks, there's nothing wrong with a women before you having more than one sexual partner.

Atheist women are the best, they don't follow skydaddy rules, and actually have sexual experience.

Jews hate Arabs too. Should we convert to Islam? Go shit up your own board you subversive kike rat.

Even Christian women are whores user. It's not the Idol you worship, but rather the morality structured around that Idol. Christianity returned to what it originally was with Sola Scriptura protestants, and Prima Scriptura catholics, a religion of "forgiveness". If we want to indoctrinate the masses into a beneficial moral code, we must create a god who will forgive not.

We need to revive Greco-Roman paganism.

Christianity is a very dangerous heresy, when kikes read the new testament they want to convert.


Jews more or less created Christianity to kill, influence and controll foreign empires and kingdoms, but it backfired on them in Europe, mainly because of the white goy who wasn't as dumb as sandniggers and managed to use christian values to their own favour, to strengthen their families and nation, while sandniggers succumbed to christianity 2.0 aka islam and still live in the stone age, a situation that normally was supposed to happen here too.

Now they want it gone.

Because it triggers them. They can't even use a plus sign in Israel because it reminds them of the first time they tried to silence their adversary and it backfired.


He came back, dingus.

Christianity is on a unity ticket with Bolshevism when it comes to race.
The fact is that Christians fundamentally think race doesn't matter in the big picture, just like the Bolsheviks after them.

Fuck you you pedophilic piece of trash kike filth

fuuuck… Proof please? Or some kind of study about this?

Nah, it allowed them in. Prior to the spread of christianity, kikes weren't able to get into Europe because they were considered dirty atheists (on account of denying all European gods, same as christians do) and weren't welcome; Christian Europe did expel them numerous times, but only after opening the doors to them to begin with due to both being abrahamic religions.

A christcuck thread? Christcuck thread.
Christianity is a Jewish cult designed to weaken Aryan civilization from the inside so that it gets destroyed by outside forces. This was the Jew Yeshua's, or Jesus' plan to begin with, to collapse Roman civilization by making them weak and make them turn the other asscheek. And it worked. Typical Jew.


They only attack Christianity because Jews think that whites = Christianity. They equate race/ethnicity with religion since that is how they are also. You can bet 100% that they would be attacking Buddhism if it was the majority religion of whites, or any other.

Keep avoiding the truth, jew-worshipper.

fuck off you dirty kike.

Furthermore, Jews created Christianity for a certain purpose (Rav Saul). That purpose succeeded. Rome fell, kikes are in power in the west. Mission accomplished. Christianity poisoned Europe, but we gradually assimilated it, somewhat. Catholicism and Orthodoxy is from a large part very pagan, the saints, the traditions, rituals, architecture etc., even though the pope and such are now very pozzed. Countries that are strongly Catholic like Poland or Orthodox like Russia, find great meaning in it. But it is not Yeshua that gives that, but rather the pagan, European traditions that form the majority of it now. Go look at Protestantism and its various sects though. Its empty, soulless, spiritless. Just some Semitic bullshit. And they often go "Muh Yahushua, Yeshua, Israel first, celebrate the feasts".

I cant respect the catholic church. Their leader is trash who sucks muslim dicks.

There was more than just the jewish race in galilee when he was born. Unless we get a dna sample we don't know for sure. He could be half aryan god if you actually believe the story, but you're probably a fedora tipper so this line of argument is a dead end with you. Although I do agree the europeans should never have become christians, jesus came to stop the jews from being such jews, and they didn't listen.

Once we started allowing divorce and sex before marriage is when our civilization became perverted

You're the kike. There is so much proof that Christianity has only harmed the Aryan race. What good has it ever done for us? It only made us weaker.

Daily reminder Christians are no different than Jews. They can piss off and burn in hell, or heaven or whatever Jewish filth they believe in.

Yeah ok tubby fedora boy.

Exactly, I'm more into satanism and freemasonry.

A bunch of kikes wrote the bible you retard. Both the OC and the fanfic sequel.


When we begin to study the teachings and teaching methods of the early rabbis, an exciting thing happens. We are quick to discover that the words and teachings of Yeshua reflect (and even sometimes repeat verbatim) the words and teachings of other early Jewish rabbis. The methodology, hermeneutics, argumentation, theological presuppositions and subject matter of the Yeshua's teachings are all patently rabbinical. Even his use of parables was a common method of teaching in the first century. Many of his parables are drawn from existing rabbinic parables which Yeshua reworked in order to serve his message. In short, he used the tools of the rabbis to convey his message. He used rabbinic teaching methods and relied on rabbinic material.

Jewish literature offers us the ability to compare his words with the words of his contemporaries. We are better able to understand obscure idioms or elements of Jewish style which Yeshua employed when we compare and contrast his words with the words of the other rabbis. Through Jewish literature, we are better able to perceive the points of conflict between Yeshua and Judaisms of his day. Best of all, we are better able to understand him and his message in the original context.

Yeshua is a rabbi. His teachings were rabbinical in nature. To fully understand what he is and what he teaches we must explore the institutions of rabbinical teaching and methodology.

Both of those are derived from Christianity.

Found the kike

The Talmud

talmud.faithweb. com/articles/jesus.html

(((They))) ceremoniously suck baby d and transmit herpes… bunch of cunts

Check your dubs (((kike)))

cuckstianity making kikes butthurt is no reason for a white man to follow it. It just means your whole life still revolves around the Jew. Rediscover the religious symbols of your ancestors, you fucking cucks. The Swastika and the Black Sun are the ancient insignia of Indo-European spirituality, stop it with this Jesus shit already.

The Talmud also says Jesus is in hell, boiling in semen and feces.

Honestly, any Christian who supports Jews are cucks.

They are posters on >>>/christian/ you retard.
Ask them about race sometime.



Martin Luther hated the Jews. Some Christians out there don't like jews.

There's more to being uncucked than just hating Yids.

The spiritually Semitic will continue to squabble amongst themselves.

Men must seek out their own destiny. I had to and continue to separate myself from the rest, for intervening to help always results in the hands of the destitute gripping onto me and trying to pull me down deeper into the darkness of their abode. Still my compassion rears its head and I lend a hand when the opportunity is ripe but I refuse to dwell too long in their presence; my words often fall on ungrateful, ignorant ears who simply make excuses to continue on with their wretched lives. These days I wonder if they are even worthy of any pity… or perhaps it is better to wash them all away.

Reported for intl.
Reported for intl.
Reported for intl.
Reported for intl.
Reported for intl.
Reported for intl.
Reported for intl.

Yep, called it. Jewish kvetching over Trump is going to wake up the normals and Judaeo-Christians, big league.

Are you tired of winning yet, anons?

It's frustrating. We have to be about more than just destroying the Jew - we need to offer a non-Semitic alternative that's so self-evidently superior that the Jew is destroyed almost by accident in its passing. Nothing about Christianity has been up to the task.

Reported for /Christian/

It's always about sex with these people.

What Jews love or don't love is a shitty foundation upon which to build a spirituality.

You're right faggot
We need to directly attack the Police, military, and homeland security for being anti-white genocidal murderers. We need to stir up an incredible hatred for the military industrial complex based out of TEXAS. The 9/11 pill is directly tied into it all.

Because that follows.

Thanks FBI-kun you are our greatest ally.


That's true, but it doesn't mean one has to shitpost about Christianity being a kike religion. It's pretty much proven to be their antithesis.
These useful idiots shift blame from jews to others. Just like with Romans - "If the Romans hadn't conquered Judea, there wouldn't be any of this." Boo hoo - the kikes are the only ones who actually gain from this shit flinging.


Every single time.



Remove merchant and establishing a new spirituality for Western man go hand in hand. That's why the Nazis went to so much effort to resurrect the ancient symbols of Aryan spirituality. Our faith shouldn't be about Jews, it should be about Western values and virtues, and eliminating the Jews is just a happy side effect of rediscovering our true essence as white men.

Holy shit the astroturfing is strong with this thread.

Exactly, Not enough kike on a stick and menorah tipping. Quality has just really gone down here. ;^)

Blame cuckchan and reddit. Also mods becoming kikier than usual.

They weren't perfect. Also, they weren't going to change the spirituality of Western man, but of German man. This site has no real nazis, only some hollywood caricatures. It's not about "the white man", it's about the "German/Swedish/Spanish/French… men." National socialist, not pan-national socialist, not omninational socialist, not racial socialist. NATIONAL socialist. Do you get it? If you still don't, consider growing that foreskin back.

Go outside, see if you can influence another person to see things your way. Tell them to worship an ancient Egyptian frog god. That's about as effective as your attempts ever will be.

I respectfully disagree with your defeatism.

Some user in a Kek thread said he actually tried this. Unsurprisingly, that user said the other person was trying very hard to hold back bursting laughter.

Seems like you escaped from your containment board.



I'm honestly not even sure what you mean by this.

They don't think that though, that's why they hate him.

Sorry, but I can’t unhide your post because the UI won’t let me see it. Reported again, though.


Is not a dead Jew the best kind of Jew?

they are no different than pagan larpers on Holla Forums.

Here is a Christian leader who hates the Jews

Actually the Cathars were proto-libtards, they really deserved to die. Unfortunately the Catholic Church didn't kill their children along with the adults. Mercy is a weakness. We need to slaughter everybody with a predisposition toward leftism and faggy behavior.

Imkampfy, stop posting these D&C threads you fucking jew-lover.

Jesus was a message from God to the Juden, not to the Aryans. We had our own symbols, myths, and shamans until the Judaized NWO that was the Roman Empire invaded our lands and destroyed our native cultures.


retard detected

Jesus was the original l"if you kill your enemies, they won"
Also, i wanna the uncensored webm of the boobs.

I have a legitimate question for all the anti-christian posters on Holla Forums; what are you going to do with Christianity? I mean, let's assume you're right and Christianity is weaponized Jewry and Jesus was a black Jew and Jews love Jesus and want whites to worship him as our messiah. Let's assume everything you say about Christianity is true.
That creates an issue wherein the vast majority of stable, white communities are believing in this. You can talk about how great paganism and atheism are, but let's face it, there aren't any places in America which are majority white, with large families, which are overwhelmingly anti-degeneracy, and aren't Christian. The only place to find all these things natsocs want are in these Christian communities. what are you gonna do? Kill them? Are you going to kill the majority of stable white communities? Are you going to invade their towns and try to forcibly convert them? Are you going to go to find large white families that are anti-degeneracy, and destroy their place of worship? Are you going to say to them
let's not even argue the merits of our respective religious systems, I just want to know, what's the next step of your master plan?

Except that they really didn't, references to that shit was a common cultural touchstone in Imperial Germany. They basically just went back to the social system of Bismark's time.

Except the parts when he told them to arm themselves and kill those who threatened their lives.

Any thread that even remotely brings up christianity immediately devolves into this, most of the posters bickering and not focusing on the actual op are d&c shills, not many but probably a few that ip hop just to consensus crack. Same thing happens every time without fail.

synagogue of satan strikes again

Just put the book of Enoch in the damn bible already and we'll be good.

I often jump in because it's a subject that I find deeply and personally interesting. Spirituality is a touchstone of life for an upstanding Aryan man. I don't think we're going to resolve the questions about Christianity; Völkisch paganism; and how to best relate them to Western religion. But bringing those unconscious influences to the conscious attention of the hivemind isn't a waste of time, in my opinion.

While we're including things, how about the Gospel of Thomas? And The Hypostasis of the Archons? And On the Origin of the World? Thunder, Perfect Mind too.

divide and conquer .. get out


"And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham" Matthew 3:9
Aryans have been wrong before. Odin/Zeuz/Jupiter/ all are fictitious. Just because a Jew reports that they were taken over by Babylonians does not mean we can't believe that it happened.

No 'we' certainly won't. If it turns out the majority of Whites can't be convinced that this sect of Abrahamism is exactly that - a Semitic religion - That's all well and good, except if they try to start another Balkan Crusade against us non-Christians. If they do that, they'll be regarded as worthless like the Muslims.

But, I trust in the strength of European Blood. I think eventually they'll want a greater understanding of the Old Ways like what's already happening today. I think they're already tired of the yoke around their neck and the load Yaldabaoth forces them to bear.

Don't get me wrong I just like to pop in to these threads to remind anons that a good deal of the bickering is usually shills.
Personally I'm finding something of a synthesis between the two using what I read on hermetic philosophy/spirituality.

Hello learningkike

The jews hate Jesus because he effectively removed their status as "the chosen" by saying that you are God's by faith not by blood.

Only after years and years of trying to convert them.

What makes them fictitious exactly? Hinduism is probably the best core sample we can take of religion, and most Hindus believe very strongly in the gods of their devotional practices. Why do you assume that pagans don't really believe in the gods of their people? You also have to remember, Zeus is a god of a particular place, that place being Mt. Olympus. Shinto kami are often associated with specific places or features in the natural landscape as well. They don't translate cleanly abroad because every topography has its own indwelling spirits - making everybody worship Zeus is clearly ridiculous, but trying to find the deities of one's native hills and rivers most definitely is not. I recently moved to a place where the horizon is dominated by a particular mountain. I definitely feel the draw that makes the autochthonic people of a land declare such features to be the dwelling places of their gods.

Except he wasn't a materialist and knew that a physical victory meant much less than a meta-physical victory.
Without a single stabbing or gunshot Jesus hurt the Jews more than Hitler ever could have.



Oh, good, looks like I have to post this again.


The values you see in regional, local spirits is lost to the Universalist. To them, no place is sacred or valuable and in the case of Abrahamists, they see the world as "wicked", "cursed" and "a fallen creation". To them, only the promised afterlife really matters, not the woods and mountains of your folk.

History. Is. Written. By. The. Victor.

The Old Ways were weak as are the ways of many in any age. In the modern environment where strife doesn't punish weakness those flaws lead to decay. The solution is to kill all those who are not strong. Those with empathy, those who would even live and let live with saracens, niggers, or kikes. The ones who survive and are breeding now are rural whites(almost all christians) and are filled with hate. That is what we need, hate. Hatred is strength. We need to be utterly ruthless and murderously cruel. We should become the monsters they think we are and erase all the muds from this world, then battle among ourselves for the rest of time. Strife and hate will make us stronger than we ever were. The old societies coerced faggots and pussies into being adaptive organisms, we should learn the lesson and purge them or let them die off.

The way to eliminate maladaptive behavior isn't to prevent its expression but to destroy those who would express it. We want to make a race which has no choice but to be strong, because they have nothing else. I was born into a very hateful population of the white race and the people I deal with are nearly immune to modernity because it has nothing to offer that they want. They are insular, taciturn, and spiteful people. That is what we need.

Hatred of evil is virtue. The destruction of sin is grace. Kill them all so more filthy scum won't be born, it's a simple solution.

And incase you think I'm just larping here is one means to expediate thier death, all of my own creation.

No you fucking shill, a lot of people follow a lot of doctrines, but talmudists hate Christ with passion, why? because the pact was fulfilled and they were showed as literally the synagogue of satan.

Why can't Skyrim look this awesome?

You sure convinced me, bud.

Christians may be breeding, but christianity has made them impotent sheep, literally the flock. A mass breeding docile race, good workers, not fighters. I also notice Christians tend to be less intelligent, its not even a meme, you have to be kind of stupid to actually believe in that shit sincerely, and doubly stupid to actually embrace it once you know its semitic roots.

The rulers of the future society (in the good timeline) will be people like us, fascist and such who are basically only cultural Christians at best or have turned to other emerging cults. As such, Christianity will continue its decline as newer generations in a hypothetical ethnostate will be raised to shun cuckstianity of their parents in favor of better values. Christianity has –already– firmly lost its appeal among whites and I see no reversal in the trend.

btw, cuckstianity is right now a majority nonwhite religion

So your ways of 'turn the other cheek' are stronger than the Old Ways of Europe's ancestors? Do you also think "Might makes Right"? If so, you should be on Holla Forums since Communist Russia proved to be stronger than Nazi Germany, and therefore Communism is the correct path by that logic.

Because they have no persuasion.
Yes it is not as far as the atheist demands of repeatable experiments, but we have at least testimony of miracles, a framework of reality that fits well enough with the observable world.
I have seen no evidence that the Greek invasion of troy was caused by a beauty contest between the gods. Nor have I seen any evidence the narsisus flower was ever human.
Just because we live in America does not mean we need to worship Indian bullshit.
The boxers should not worship African Gods.

Ok, then why they didnt hate muslims? buddhists pagans or even national socialists pagans like they hate Jesus Christ?


Go back to reddit please.


This does not persuade me.
Just because it doesn't condemn it doesn't mean it supports it, nor does it condemn the condemnation of it.


By that logic no inferences can be drawn from any historical record, that's how far you are taking it. There are preserved Cathar writings and writings of apologists, in those accounts it is libtard shit and that is what I am basing my assessment on. By your reconning we can't trust the numerous records of talmudist kikes being exiled for their behavior because the kikes weren't the ones in power.

Either you are are retarded or just fuckin'bout, don't know which.

I've seen no proof of Noah's Flood and in fact my knowledge of genetics, geology, and history makes me pretty goddamn certain no such thing (as told in Evangelicalism at any rate) ever happened. Pagan gods are woven into the feeling you get when you crest a hill while hiking and suddenly see an entire landscape spreading out below you, they're about special places with significance to human beings, and our unique biology and psychology. An ant won't have a religious experience on the very topmost square foot of a mountain, while a human being will. Pagan spirituality - the spirituality of polytheism - is about opening yourself in these special places.

Talmudists killed most christians and Rome won the Kitos war after that, if your point is correct then we are stoic talmudists.

The truth is more important that feelings.
I talked with a pagan and said "That is the difference, I don't have to do what the Gods say."
If these spirits have no moral obligations and no evidence of existing requiring an obligation of recognition of existence, what value is their relation to anyone besides artistic inspiration?
The planet is going to eventually die. The sun will expand naturally and destroy the earth. The o my hope for our race is to create self-sufficiency in space, to eventually colonize other worlds.

Reported for intl.


Fedoras just wipe their asses with the knowledge they have…

The rest is muh feelings, you can cut and shit on a tree, but you cant destroy the prime mover.

We are reaching levels of kikery thought not to be possible.


Are you fucking retarded? They do hate mudshits.

And in how many white nations are your holy symbols banned? You should read what Kike "historians" wrote about the leaders of Rome.

But seriously though, are you implying that the small mountain spirits account for the big Gods that comprised the old pantheons? Do you seriously think Europeans had no natural morality prior to the introduction of Christianity?


Just the kind of wishey-washey "morality" I'd expect from a universalist.

Are you one of those Christian Identity faggots?

It's such a joke. The kikes are always manufacturing phony artifacts to "prove" that Egyptians were disgusting whoremongers like the kikes are. If you look at all of the Coffin Texts and all of the Pyramid Texts and the imagery associated with it, you will see zero penises. Zero. Contrast that with the kike porn industry, which is a total kike job.

It seems obvious to me that the prime mover isn't recognizable in its psychology, and definitely isn't the god of Abraham. But saying that in no way reduces the depth of spirituality with which I find the world to be infused.

Nobody should just do what spirits say. I'm totally convinced those "christian" ladies who drown their kids in bathtubs at God's command are having a legitimate intrusion of the superspectrum - higher dimensional intelligences - into their consciousness. It's just obviously not any good, ultimate God that's interfering, it's a wicked spirit, but they lack enough spiritual insight to realize that not all messages from beyond are what they claim to be.

Fuck off, kid.

My point stand, its more like Toynbee was right, not the winner and, fun fact, Revelations talked about that.

Read again, they hate all goys, but christians more like the rest, islam is talmudism for goys.

Please… if you attack any tard insulting Christ you can be arrested, now try insulting muh ham mad.

Idk what "identity" means and i am not a faggot, stop derailing the thread with your projection please.

Wow, by this logic Jews must really love the taste of bullets. You should consider investigating this phenomenon and stick a gun in your mouth.

–but not as bad as Christianity, which is what you were replying to.


Do enlighten me. I didn't deny their hatred of others, I merely point out that they happen to hate us more. Then you freak out like a kike in 1933.

Christians always, always run crying to the mods. And yet they still insist that the can "protect" the west?

Yep, they love them some Muslims. Just look at that kike Anthony Weiner. He literally married a jihadi terror cell member.

Fuck off, CIA.

Christian Identity people think Europeans are just the descendants of a few Tribes of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. Do you believe this crap?


This goy got trips for a reason.

Because you say so, average shill, post frogs.

Islam is talmudism for goys, read a little before posting please and remember that thanks to talmudists islam exists.

No, i was banned a lot of times because a fedora was mad because i refutedd something stupid he posted.

THIS kind of literalism is exactly the Semitic shit I'm talking about. I don't even know how to argue with you, if you don't realize that these stories are about states of consciousness, not about facts about astronomy.

Go worship a tree larp-fag

Idk, i really dont care, btw, i have both jewish and german blood so basically i am your worst enemy ever, but i am a christian and i will die as one with Christ.

Wow. You sure addressed my point.


Christian ladies are EXTREMELY RARE. Sure, women may go to church, and volunteer, but basically none of them give a damn what the Bible says. Why would they? Think anybody's going to criticize a woman, or that a woman would be forced to change her ways based on criticism? She'd just boohoo her way out of it anyway.

Abraham == Kike == Infant genital mutilation

Good luck with that, christcuck. At least Inanna commiserates over my disfigured and brutalized penis with me.

..and the thread is come to its death. Retards will be retards, will completely forget whatever OP posted and the implications of all those repetitions of similar events, will ignore them as "but others do it as well/they do it to others, too" deflections. The methodology is identical to how leftists and useful idiots react to immigrant rape statistics.

If I worship a tree God, what does worshipping a stick God make you? :^)

14Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the Law, do by nature what the Law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the Law, 15since they show that the work of the Law is written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts either accusing or defending them.
Romans 2:14-15
They had natural morality but still were bound to win more often because they lacked the exact specifics.


On my afternoon walk today I saw the Black Sun in the sky, as pure and as profound as the entire world. When was the last time you saw Jesus with your eyes? I'm not sorry I still have the capacity to be awed by the natural world.

Not even your ancient Egyptian gods can save your foreskin give up already goyim you are defeated!

I'm not asking you to do anything. My religion doesn't require me to convert everyone else in the world to it. I'm just explaining why I see things the way I do; why is it that you're so threatened by a difference in theological opinion?

Yeah it's true we don't want niggerdeath, but that doesn't mean we don't think race matters. Can't speak for Roman Catholics, but we definitely self-segregate on race.

Christians will never be nationalists. I've heard too many Christian "nationalists" saying they don't care about nations.

Firstly the "turn the other cheek" was specificially about dealing with someone in your own community who slighted you, hence the entire example of the slap. The passage was a direct answer to a question about those who personnally know who have slighted you. Just like "love thy enemy" was specifically about somebody who was part of your community(and blood) you you felt had wronged you, in that instance something to do with income.There was an issue with vendetta getting out of hand in the culture of the time, that is why it was brought up. But contextualize it more please.

Secondly, the "old ways" were never written down in most cases to attempting to revive them is almost a joke. Unless we are talking about Rome, which fell into decadence and decay just like this society is. Seems to me this is problem with traits inherent in the population rather than culture alone. Hence why I want to purge the race to make it strong.

I'm advocating the extermination of billions of mudcreatures and traitors, and I posted a fucking recipe for a V-series derivative nerve agent. Don't claim you hate them more than I do.

Might doesn't make right, it makes right irrelevant. Might decides the future, right can only triumph with might.

Also the Soviets got 90% of the steel they used in the war from the US, though I doubt Germany could have pushed they back futher than the Urals if it was merely a disconnected chess match between the two Germany would have won. Alas that is not how war works.

I want indefinite survival for my line.. I want what will propagate my blood, since the white race is the only worthwhile breeding stock I want the others exterminated so that my descendants have biologically fit whites to breed with. A supremely cruel derivative of Christian also seems to help, or perhaps more accurately natural hardasses who will survive are drawn to it.

93% of all individuals adopt the same political/religious affiliation as their parents by the age of 25. So it is unlikley that they will drop christianity, hell in my area the young are more religious than the old. The irreligious and liberals aren't breeding anymore. Blood seems to be a bigger factor that you give it credit for.

Also if the hypothetical enthnostate is full of hardass rural Christians its pretty unlikely that said state is going to be anti-Christian. Or are we talking about some hypothetical state in some irreligious area of Europe?

He is just a fedora roleplaying, shit was debunked months ago.

Exactly the opposite you shill, try attacking any christian in a muslim country, then try attacking any dude shitting on The Bible in any christian country and tell me what happens please.

Shills didnt care anymore, they just say that they won the argument after losing it.

Thats just a failed meme, a shit tier thesis/antithesis meme.

No, they are literally self hating fedoras that just try to bully christians because they dont have a better target and because is mandatory for nihilism.

I am unemployed.
Please tell me how you can provide any evidence to the wild claims in paganism of how history went.

Here's what Saint Paul said about circumcision:
"Listen! I, Paul, tell you that if you let yourselves be circumcised, Christ will be of no benefit to you at all! And I testify again to every man who lets himself be circumcised that he is obligated to obey the whole law. […] I wish those agitators would go so far as to castrate themselves!"

Now, I know the poll conducted on /christian implies Christians on Holla Forums are cucks, but we really should hold another poll on /christpol/ to get a better picture.

Now, I know the poll conducted on /christian/ implies Christians on Holla Forums are cucks, but we really should hold another poll on /christpol/ to get a better picture.

Go and be a talmudist somewhere else please. Thanks for the rei.

25Its gates will never be shut at the end of the day, because there will be no night there. 26And into the city will be brought the glory and honor of the nations. 27But nothing unclean will ever enter it, nor anyone who practices an abomination or a lie, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life

Oh look, another perfect example of why I don't respect christcuck religion. Mahayana alters often have idols of Jesus on them. Christians would never extend the gods and goddesses of other religions the same courtesy; they may as well be fucking Muslim.

You are not unemployed but are working for the CIA. :^) I have my ways.

White nationalist? no. Greek/Serbian/.etc Nationalism? Yeah, it's built into our religion.


If these stories are not facts and about "states of consiousness" how do you know that these gods are sentient powerful beings and not "states of consciousness"
And if religion is just about consciousness to you, then why do you have any more justification than the Gnostics who believed Jesus was just another "state of consciousness" or Buddhists trying to reach nirvana?

Which poll are you referring to? Just because a lot of those guys are Roman Catholic doesn't mean they automatically accept their crazy pope's antics.

See kids? for these fedoras not worshipping idols is the same as burning people alive, rapping their wives and using their kids as honaholes.

This goy.


But, Christian here who a firm nationalist.

Ah, that's a genuinely good question, and I can actually say some useful things in answer. Some of the things a Mahayanist calls gods are just states of consciousness. They're called jhana, and whenever you're experiencing a jhana, there's no distinction between self, state of mind, and representational deity. In other cases, the gods and goddesses really are separate beings. They have independent minds and agendas and they genuinely act for reasons that are alien to a solipsistic view of the universe. They are people, and they act for the same constellation of reasons that people do.

Doesn't our biologic interest dictate that we should exterminate most of the races in the world; mestizos, saracens, niggers, street shitters, ect? I mean what is with this "live and let live bullshit". Are Christians cucks or are they terrible crusaders bent on subjugating all human life to their god? This is a binary solution set. Or are you admitting that the problem is biologic and we need to exterminate the faggot whites so only the cruel and heartless are left and can use their religion as justification to wipe out the mud races who are obviously naturally predisposed to sin to an intolerable degree?

Long and short, you can play almost any ideal any way you want in the abstract so grow the fuck up and engage in an actual argument with defined goals which can be measured and assessed as in terms of desirability or practicality.

Do you want the inferior races and traitors among our race dead or not?

Replace "Christian" with "Pagan" and you will get the same result. The answer is goatfuckers are animals.

>hmmm let me cherrypick an even smaller sample size. That aughtta clear everything right up!


By studying Christianity, I've come to the conclusion that this could very well be the case for non-Christians.

It's not an insult, as one might think, it simply means that non-Christians remain the "statues" made in God's image, and are not going to be made alive as Sons of God.

The one that asked if they would prefer to live in a 100% Christian non-White country or a 100% non-Christian White country.




And the original point was that?

Nice derailing, both islam and talmud are the same, but islam have numbers.

Interesting, checking in my tongue before launching ad hominems.

They absolutely do. Read Henry Ford's "The International Jew", Jews were desperately trying to shut down Christian missions back in the early 20th century.

It's true. Israel was always evil.

Esau, son of Isaac (Christ reference here), the father of Edom (whom the kikes accuse us of being) was described as a redneck.

I would choose the non-Christian white country.
But there are many circumstances where that wouldn't be true.

Jews were desperately trying to shut down Christian missions back since the first century.

Good for you. /christian/ chose the opposite.

They always turned evil, but lengthy cases of "remain godless and stubborn" are also recorded in OT.

I'd go for Taiwan over Moldova, but I'd go for Moldova over Ethiopia.
So these white pagans are all wrong about "real paganism" and are reading the same folklore all wrong?

Choose the same here.


Came here just to Kek at this.
Every time.

Narutards are more serious than that, its like saying that i am a transkelleton because i dressed as skelletor for halloween.

Those whites are goddamn rightfully protecting their heritage. The fact they share that heritage with non-human intelligence of a somewhat ephemeral nature is exactly what the non-Semitic religions evolved to contextualize in the first place.

Why do you hate the natural world so much? Why are you so convinced that only things you can see are real, and that humans are the only intelligent, purposeful beings which can exist?

/christian/ has been brainwashed by a thoroughly kiked pope and years upon years of poz Christianity to believe things that aren't true. Many of them probably aren't even white. Saying Christianity is inherently pozzed is like saying whites are inherently pozzed.

For example if all non-whites disappeared from Sweden they would still be cucked.
Also an all white Muslim country would be terrible.
But on the other side A non-white country even if they all were perfectly on point religiously would not be my people racially. And they may also be "Christians" who are the cucked evangelicals or liberal Catholics, then neither would be good if they were all white or all non-white.

Hence why I said we should conduct the same poll on /christpol/

That shit was debunked since Socrates, taoism? no thanks, i dont like stagnation.

Basically idols worshippers

You have one of every flavor.

Congratulations on taking Philosophy 101. You must feel real smart now.

I don't. I loved my dog who is now dead, but that doesn't mean I lost something essential to life. The earth will eventually die, it is inevitable.
I don't believe this. I am Christian, hence meta-physical and belief in intelligent sentient purposeful God.

i want to see her floppy titties… where's the beef?

God doesn't do things on purpose. No autist, no matter how committed, would create 60,000 separate species of beetle. The god I worship is a being who grows. Remember your childhood - growing isn't something you do on purpose, growing is what it means to be alive. I believe in a living, growing God of surprises. Not of omniscience, certainty, and prophecy. That's why so many white people are turning to Kek. It's not because we hate God. It's because we think we've been presented with a god who is too small for our kind.

My brother asks me, occasionally, why Christians like me are looking forward to the events of Revelation, because it scares the hell out of him. I cannot seem to make him understand that suffering during the tribulation is a small price to pay for the inevitable cleansing of sick-ass shit like this. This is because he doesn't believe such things are sick-ass shit. This is what University indoctrination gets you, kids.

When they arranged to have Him killed, they thought it would be the end of Him and his "problematic" followers. Two millennia later, they're still trying and failing miserably.

Thanks for the derailing.

Seriously, vril church is more relevant.

Of course kek, how could we be so ignorant?
So tell me do you have a doctrine of kek? If I brought forth an Egyptian manuscript with kek saying "Those with skin of milk are truely impure, the dark skinned are truly my only disciples."
Would you renounce?

I will declare right now, no religion has a chance of congress converting me without an orthodoxical written text.

What you call Christianity is, to me, indistinguishable from Mahayana Buddhism. You insist on a difference I can't even see.

Christianity teaches that God's plans are certain, not because our choices are made for us, but because God always has a plan B. The protestant movement, and especially the reformed ones mixed this up a bit.
Prophecies are actually patterns in Biblical context, rather than what Nostradamus taught.

Oh, and our God grew up, too. He was the original

See, here is the fundamental difference again. I don't believe in doctrine. Belief plays very little role at all in Buddhism. Religion is something you experience and do, not something you believe in.

Yeah that's what I've been saying.

If your point is correct then they have exaclty the same things with different names, if not, see this please:

So are you insulting kekism? because for me is just a joke aged like milk.

Reported for intl.

Reported for intl.

Why not like cheese, or like wine? Why did you decide so early in a mass movement of white intellectuals that you were already bored and done and wanted to return to something that already betrayed you?

The original point was that the Christian persecution complex is complete ass. Whites are the ones being persecuted. White Christianity is just one vector of attack.

Except that is a doctrine.
"Buddism is to experience and do, belief is not necessary."
What can you do if you do not believe in doing them to experience?
Also, would you mind providing me some evidence that a prince meditated under a tree for fourty days straight with a Shih Tzu and neither of them died of dehydration or starvation?

That's not how you conduct proper polls, dipshit.

I wonder what a holocaust vagina looks like?

More like march to race mixing. Fucking Kazar theory was disproved a millions times on Holla Forums. You people are a cancer.

Well, you’re still wrong. Kikes hate Christians in general as much as they hate whites.

ashy af bruh

And reported.
And reported again.

You’re bad at this, moishe.

Because is just a joke forced by mods, i am not sure the reason, paid for jim or something like that, with an obvious amount of "trolls" pushing that, then it stopped a little when Trump won.

It isnt, holodomor was real, like all the dead from commies, at the end is killing christians and replacing them with stupid muslims. "Smart and rebellious people" is a secondary point, still it isnt abou skin color.

Degenerate detected.

No, they are whites.

This is what 2k years of Christianity does to a people.

Are you kidding? In the pre-Christian Roman Empire, Jews were (unlike Christians) exempt from having to worship the Emperor, given autonomy in Judea, and even allowed into positions of power throughout the Empire. Only after several open Jewish revolts, including a Jewish-perpetrated genocide of Cyprus and Libya, were they finally given the boot. And even after that, the pagan emperor Julian wanted to restore their privileges and rebuild the Temple, because he saw them as valuable allies against Christianity.

You keep misunderstanding the point in exactly the way I would expect a christcuck to. If you've never thrown yourself off a skyscraper, taken flight before you hit the ground, and woken up in bed in a clammy sweat before, you will never understand the essence of Buddhism.

Who cares about what they hate? That all becomes irrelevant when they stop existing.

You are not wrong, but do adhere from posting when you report, if you even do that. It's annoying and derails the thread.

Christian please.

Come on, cuckchanner. Intl outs itself when you tell them you’ve reported them. It’s cake.


Eat shit.













They don't hate you, CHristian user. They see you as fucking slaves

Pick one!

Khazar Theory is false though. The Israelites have always been evil.

Source: The false Book of Exodus.

Tell that to modern genetics, astronomy, physics or maths.

I never said that shill and mods allowed that kek faggotry.

From your mom ass, they are still white.

OK, I'm the shill. I won't even bother to report you because (21) is a commitment beyond your racial handicap.

Christianity put you against satanistic/edgy fedoras.

Not sure if tips fedora or menorah.

We know, you hate science and philosophy and eugenics…. the white man's true religion

No you don't. Holla Forums is a Kekite board.

lolwat, dude there is a Khazar empire in Crusader Kings 2

Stop projecting please, even Einstein was forced to talk about Newton.

Well, if you are degenerate, stop having sex, interesting point.

If your point is correct then Holla Forums is more related to politics.


Ah, we actually get a kike over here.











stopped supporting the Semitic memes in the West. The morality/empathy of Christ's sheep would die and the white man would take his rightful place as the Overman race.

We don't need to fuck little kids and be nihilists to not be Christians.

Christianity is the main power source of the Jews and why they took over ONLY Christian lands.


Time to kill yourself.

Sure thing, the Khazars may have existed, and they may have converted to Judaism.

But that's not the only reasons why the Khazar Theory gets promoted around here. The people who promote it also say that it's the Khazars who are the evil modern day Jews, and that the pre-Khazar Tribes of Israel were just fine and dandy. Neither of these things are true. Israelites have ALWAYS been subversive Semitic maggots, and Khazars just joined in to a pre-existing evil order.

It's a collection of stolen youtube docs from a preacher who is pro-race mixing. The guy is a massive faggot cuck who doesn't give a shit about his race.

Holla Forums Christians = black eyes, black haired "white people".

Kill yourself, kikelover.

No, we say absolutely no such thing, you fucking faggot.

What, all those things whose foundations were laid by pagan Greeks?


Christianity and Islam are the most Semitic religions in the world. Juden are only a tiny fraction of the overall poz. Meanwhile, Avalokitesvara…

1. Reported for intl.
2. You have never watched it. It was entirely produced new.
3. He is not.
4. Reported for outing yourself.

Kill yourself, avatarfaggot.

I feel like I wandered into /r/atheism. If there's one thing that makes me roll my eyes, it's internet posts that are really just a pretentious wordy way of calling your opponent dumb.


Irritating cunt gets her cunt irritated.
It's pottery.

I remember the age old argument that Holla Forums is the new jews, and that Holla Forums is our shabbos goy army or USA.
Kek is Holla Forums taking over Holla Forums the same way Trump took over USA and Israel.

Reported for intl.

He is PRO-RACE MIXING PREACHER. I've posted the video on here before.

Nope. Stolen videos from youtube he sells to idiots like you

Marching to Zion preacher has openly preached race mixing —- HE IS A RACE TRAITOR!

Pastor Anderson happily married a White woman off to a Nigger buck. Tell me that isn't pro-Miscegenation.

Thinks he's on facebook…. You argue like a kike

Yes, reported for intl. We know you’re intl. You can stop posting now.
Yep, reported.

Yep, reported for intl.

Not limited to Greeks (Egyptians, Assyrians, Persians, Babylonians, Minoans, Hittite (ironworking) etc.) and no ancient culture had advanced genetics. Well, they say that Corn may have needed some pretty advanced knowledge on hereditary traits, but that's another continent altogether.

We just associate everything with Greece because it had those things, but it certainly wasn't alone.


Well, then you got the point, is about smart and rebellious people, not whites.

Fucking trolls, mods here are just furniture.

They looks like a bunch of inbreeding whites, i am wrong?

Gobekli Tepe was before that.

"Modern genetics" mendel.
"Modern astronomy" big bang was a way to mansplain genesis, that shit about "creationists" is just another thesis meme.

Did i talk about Isaac?

both islam and talmudism are related.

Then my point is correct, thanks mods.

Kek gave you those trips. Check'd

I'm well aware, but that's not really the point.

Yes, reported for intl. Thanks for outing yourself!

Glad I'm pagan then.

Can't deny that.

now thats a fun show
guy has a really good platonic friendly relationship with a nordic goddess and her two sisters
hijinks ensue when you have a totally altruistic aryan cutie with magic powers attempting to be helpful while not properly understanding human society

Trips, but no gf.

No argument, just feelings.

Did they have sex at the end like every harem show?

Is "REPORTED FOR Holla Forums" the sound you make when you choke on Pastor Anderson's cock?


nah just good friends
its like living with a nun

And thanks for admitting it again! Reported.


He says, ignoring that nationalism itself only arose out of a thoroughly Christian Europe. Nationalism under Christianity is what forged many of the nation-states in Europe. Do you think Greece or any of the other balkan states would exist without Christian nationalism? Until the 20th century there were practically no non-Christian nationalists.

Report harder fag cause I'm still here.

This is how mentally defective intl actually is.

Reported for intl.

Related to politics according to mods.

Thats qt, call me stupid, but feels good and i am not even a virgin.

25Its gates will never be shut at the end of the day, because there will be no night there. 26And into the city will be brought the glory and honor of the nations. 27But nothing unclean will ever enter it, nor anyone who practices an abomination or a lie, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life

I hear tears make good lubricant. Might want to keep crying for when Pastor Anderson bends you over.

If I wanted to have the conflict thesis promoted to me, I'd just turn on the talmudvision and watch Family Guy.

>being this >>>Holla Forums

Reported for intl.

Reported for intl.

I guess that's why all white nations and only white nations are taxed into oblivion for gibs to go to the third world and universities scramble to vacuum up every single barely-literate nigger they can scrounge up.


You faggots can't argue your position. Therefor you prove to all of us that you're wrong

You're just race traitors and you are the source of Jewish power


So I'm guessing (((Anderson))) has a thing for severe autists judging by your dicksucking.

Nice try, Fagot.

Thesis/antithesis you are clever enough for edgyness, try reading a little.


Kek gave you those quads too.





Bloodborne is better than the whole darksouls series except dark aouls 1/2.

That's right, a REAL Christian needs mods to win a debate.

Reported for intl.

Pick one!


Reported for intl.

And reported for intl.

Explain why user. A TL;DR version of how you see the similarity between the two.

Just like they need to wait for Jesus to swoop down from the clouds and kill all the baddies for them.

Any day now…

Oh no, you got dubs. What shall I ever do?

(((Anderson))) got a DNA test confirming he has Jew blood, and he was proud of the fact.

So since we shouldn’t listen to kikes, and you’re a kike, why should we listen to you about what you’re saying?

It's not a similarity in faith, it's a similarity in alternate consciousness. Look, 95% of Buddhists are fucking cucks. 95% of Christians are too. Real truth comes from self-expression. The higher the cost, the truer the self

It was after his top 50 had passed. You probably have jew blood in that sense as well.

(checked, you rat-bastard)

When I say "And?", what I mean is:

Basically, I'm confused where your post comes from.


Hey Schlomo, I hear they're giving out free coffee and bagels at the Jaffa coffee shop. You ought to get some when you're off duty, and buy some salted fish for your handler.

Never mind . Just saw your reply.

Reported for intl.

Oh, and even the real German natsocs thought that 1/8th jew is good enough, and going against them is ridiculous.

Sick logic and holy shit that spacing. De-tism-ing, standby:
You're being deliberately disengenious or you have an incredibly short memory. Compare their shit to pic related which names the jew and caused those chosen went apeshit over. They make jew friendly christian movies precisely to pervert the faith and get their shekels.

Anderson being proud of the fact isn't a good thing.


I brought up the fact in my post about the DNA test…

So you just want to have an issue with it, rather than actually having an issue with it?

And you were wrong there too, shlomo.

The whole 1/8 thing is fine if the one with Jew blood doesn't identify with it. It becomes a problem when they DO identify with it.

Still here


I hear that.I wont fault either sect though. Maybe its not their time to take it up a notch yet.

And so Anderson explicitly denouncing everything that jews do and his ✡totally real✡ genetic association therewith… doesn’t matter. Doesn’t matter at all. Because he says bad things about them and that doesn’t fit your narrative, so he’s wrong.

Fucking eat shit already, you worthless sack of shit. Anyone can see the fucking posts.

Then the solution to JQ is for everybody to start identifying as jewish, since they can't jew us for racial reasons any longer?

there's a fallacy in there somewhere…

What gets me is their hatred for their own kind when they worship Christ permeates every facet of their society. You can't even get your israeli citizenship if you betray the tribe in that manner

Sure sure, he does the Jews a disservice with his talk, but the whole pro-miscegenation thing is an action that delights Moishe

So it was a demon after all…

there's not an argument in your post anywhere

Nice fallacy fallacy.

Nice fallacy fallacy fallacy.

Underrated post

Out jew the jew

Palestinians can be nationalists, regardless of their faith. Throwing no true scotsmen and stating that "You can't belong here" is the non-argument.

"Seize by the the means of reproduction"

And something doesn't seem right with that map. Didn't Trump get Michigan?

Here's the real map.

They hate him because we like him, end of story. If we were worshiping Odin they'd claim he drank semen(wait the kikes already did that).
The reason jews have lasted so long is because they a always an outgroup and have defined barriers.
Has anyone got that video of Christians working settlers in Israel for charity?


They are replacing us with Islam because it is specifically Christian culture they don't like. Mind you, they wouldn't like polytheists either, but Talmud is millenia old conspiracy against Christ.


The kikes were all over the Roman Empire before Rome even entered Judea. They were prominent in Alexandria and Rome itself. Wherever shekels are to be made, the Jew will go. The Jews were notorious for interfering with Roman politics.

The problem is not the destruction of the Temple, which was a divine reaction for the killing of Jesus, and predicted by him, it was that the Romans didn't finish the Jews off.

The Romans should have hunted down and killed every last Jew in the empire. But shekels have always been powerful.

No they are creating conflict to weaken both the middle East and the west. You are right that they prefer Islam but that's because they know its unsustainable and will breed dumber goyim.
I'm not anti Christian but just don't base your anti-Semitism on it. Jews that pay lip service to Christ and continue behaving like kikes should not be spared the oven.

Exactly, it is hard for Jews to argue Jesus was a false messiah, because he was obviously empowered to create the worlds largest religion.

They either have to bow down in awe before Jesus and the power and majesty of his religion or despise Christianity to the core of their heart, constantly reassuring themselves it is an evil perversion of the true religion.

They must hate Christ and Christianity to maintain their faith. This includes to maintain their ethnic identity which proceeds from that faith.

It shows how stubborn these fucks are that they have been determined to live among Christians for 2000 years, hating them and blaspheming them the entire time.

How is this not a valid argument?
Us goy can hold two pieces of info at the same time.

Energy follows the path of least resistance..

Yeah sure, if your point is correct then pol is a "kekist" board and every dude voting for trump is worshipping frogs, sure, why not.

Eris please go.

"american protestantism" is the same as christianity… its about christianity, empires rise and fall, but money and special people in this world remains, christianity is against both money and special people.

I said Kekite, not "Kekist".

I am a real life "pagan larper". I am a full blown pagan priest and have been one for 15 years.

I do not agree with those who say Christianity is Jewish. Christianity is almost entirely Greco-Roman in origin, which is why I believe it has value. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit, none of that comes from Judaism. The element of Jesus being a sacrifice for the sins of man is entirely Greco-Roman-Near Eastern. The imagery of the risen Christ purifying and redeeming the world is the same.

Christianity (Catholicism in particular) is a Greco-Roman mystery religion.

Sure, the founder may have been a Jewish Rabbi, but the center of his worship is not Jewish at all. The drinking of his blood and eating of his flesh is not Jewish. The contemplation of the stations of the cross is not Jewish. The emphasis on mercy above vengeance and justice is opposed to Judaism.

Most of all, the concept of God as a loving Father and a person with human relationships who cares for and is concerned and compassionate for all humanity is not Jewish at all.

One thing I would say that Christianity did inherit from Judaism was its exceptionalism. "If you are not a Christian you are misled or evil". That is a mimicking of Jewish antagonism towards the goyim.

I would like to see a resurgence of cosmopolitan Celtic, Germanic and Greco-Roman beliefs alongside a more tolerant Christianity. There is no reason for us to argue. We should unite together against the Muslims and Jews.


The idea that you must an enemy of nature and the gods who manage nature to truly worship the One Supreme God, is Jewish in origin.

Non usanian here, is he the american pope?

First castlevania?

You have serious problems.

Jesus is to Jews as Luther is to Papists

True, after he betrayed the Jews to start his own thing they have been asshurt ever since, even after they killed him they continue to be platinum mad.

If Christianity is Jewish then why do the Jews hate Jesus? Why did the Jews push someone they actually hated as a messiah?

The Jewish conception of the One Supreme God being opposed and inimical to all of the lower gods of this world arises from their brutal war tribe origins.

Jews were constantly at war with the peoples around them. The gods of the enemy were also enemies. They would carry their relics into battle and try to capture or defile the enemy "god".

When their tribal god was elevated to the status of the One Supreme God, the gods of their neighbors were demoted to demons. The worship of such demons was the greatest offense to God "For He is a jealous God".

The One Supreme God of the non-Jewish faiths was never jealous or hateful to anyone. Nor did he ever see the gods of a lower order, gods of this world, as inimical or dangerous. They are his servants and should be respected.

You never saw religious warfare between Celts and Germans, or Romans and Greeks. Rather at times when they were most inimical, they would honor each others gods. The Romans even insisted on paying for and overseeing the worship at the major local temples throughout the empire. Even of groups which previously resisted them. The only exception were the Jews because Jews were antagonistic towards the religions of all other peoples and towards the Roman Imperial cult.

Unfortunately, Christianity inherited that Jewish world view of antagonism towards other faiths. This has caused historical grievances with "pagans" due to thousands of years of persecution. Still, we can put these differences aside and join together to live peacefully as brothers.

It would require Christians to accept the worship of the pagans as authentic in someway and not a blasphemy or affront to God. At times Christians have done so. "Pagans" could also respect Christianity, seeing the good within it.


Those who say to worship God you must be an enemy to nature have the problem.

Judaism is a Talmudic religion not an old testament or tanakh one. Their religion was formed in the context of a Christian world.

The Talmud predates Christ, tbh fam.

because the heretic is always hated more than the foreigner

now that I answered that can someone pls provide the uncensored video? thx



The world's largest mental virus which the kike thrives off of. Which destroyed our race. AND is only large because beasts worship it more than humans.

In the same way rejection does not mean hatred, affirmation does not mean love.

Those without a home, without safety, will be forced to these extremities because they have no place which would shelter them from the inevitably unsafe world.

What safety is left for them, then? They are always on their second wind. They are doggish, always, to the point of trusting nothing else. All their houses would be destroyed or taken, so they do not build for themselves.

They are always, at base, equal to each other. Their most basic nature is what defines them. Every time they must labor, they recoil in pain. No wonder, then, they call for everyone to "share" and everyone to labor. All must equally suffer if they are to affirm a natural world with an absent God.

The ultimate theoretical affirmer of life would be God. It then becomes the task of God to affirm Satan.

"Satanic deception: to reject him and his ways is to hate him." Here the contradiction in scripture develops which says to Christians they must love everyone.

There is no home for Satan in the righteous. Jews could live among Pagans but not rule over them. So, a hybrid of their religions with with the replacement of Pagan Gods with the Semitic God happened.

Christ affirms Satan with His resurrection - by sacrificing and martyring himself. The suffering of christ as "bad" flies in the face of the Jewish "taking joy" in suffering.

In actuality, there are two ideas ideas of what must happen for the Jewish messiah to come:
Either suffering must be so great that the messiah decides to come or the Jewish people's must have enormous success in worship or prosperity before the Messiah comes.
Which branch of theology dominates, evolutionarily speaking? The one promoting success. However, the ones who must have suffer can invert this now: they then begin to suffer their own success because it makes the messiah further away from coming. With their success, their suffering then increases.

(s)atan didn't exist as a character when Jesus was "alive" though. You should try reading your religion in the language it was written because satan = adversary.

The Pharisees (pro-Roman Jews) were an adversary to Jesus and his Hellenistic hippie babble, which most of the good stuff was stolen from the Stoics. A lot of people, gods, and characters were called satans in the Bible. The reason the character of "Satan" capital "S" came into meme was because Christianity was predominate in Zoroastrian shitskin lands long before Europe. Then they made all the European GODS into Satan.

And this is why Globalism is perfect for (((Christianity))). Just go ahead and wait for Jesus to come back while the intelligent Aryans fight for survival you piece of shit.

I was talking about the Jewish messiah


Fuck off kike.

So at best it's a 50-50 chance. Also, it seems there's almost no difference between chicks who fucked 2 guys and chicks who fucked 10 guys.

Weird study.

Not really. It's been a well-known fact since pre-antiquity that marrying damaged goods is a bad idea, period, regardless of "degrees" of damage. Only with the advent of (((feminism))) and (((the sexual revolution))) was this timeless wisdom rejected.

I agree 100% with promiscuity being a sure path to the destruction of the family, of loyalty, of fidelity.

It just made me "huh" when I saw that according to studies (which again, I'm not disputing) there's no real difference between a woman who's slept with two men before or a whore who's slept with 10.

It's like another crucifixion!

Yeah, no. Only in the black and white world of the cultist. In the real world everything isn't a dialectic.

You cucks like to kvetch all day about how much Jews hate Christ and that might be true. But they sure ass hell aren't flustered by Christians. You guys have been their greatest allies and even now, most of you still are. Every European nation was infected by Jews DURING Christianity. Not before, not after. Even now almost every Christian you can find is either a liberal marxist or a "muh israel" conservative. A handful Deus Bults doesn't change any of that.

Jews might despise Christians. But it's the sort of disdain the master has for his wretched slave.

Jesus called them out on all their sick shit and they didn't like that.

Jesus took away the authority of the rabbis, and they didn't like that.

Jesus said you were God's chosen by your own faith, not by blood, and they didn't like that.

Jesus said anyone who didn't follow his teachings was damned to hell, and they didn't like that.

Jesus was rocking the boat, taking away their special status, and publicly pointing out all the sick, evil shit they were doing. So they had him murdered, then publicly declared responsibility for his murder.

They thought that was the end of it.

2,000 years later, they're still pissed and trying to destroy Christianity, by promoting atheism, by infiltrating churches and destroying them from within, etc. They hate whites because we're the biggest proponents of Christianity and the successors to the Roman Empire, which the Jews have held a grudge against ever since the Roman-Jewish Wars; it was their first holohoax, where they claimed BILLIONS of Jews were killed and persecuted by the Romans.

That is why they hate us.

plate tectonics is proof you idiot

I wouldn't say he called them out on ALL their sick shit. He mildly rebuked them for usury in the temple and for lying. That's hardy all their sick shit. Can't say I see any mention of the genocides, the pedophilia, the human sacrifices, the porn and everything else. But yeah, they probably didn't like getting told off for their temple racket.

But they sure ass hell liked the new way of looking at the world that subjugated goyim tribes were forced to adopt. Culture over blood was the beginning of multiculturalism and every Jew ancestor who came to Europe was allowed to do so because of that.

But they liked how much of these teachings are hard to interpret any other way than a live and let live philosophy, making vengeance wrong, not resisting abuse and so on. You cucks can kvetch all day about how it doesn't really mean that, but that's how it's been interpreted by mainstream Christianity since the beginning and that's how it's been in practice. Keep your head down and take it in the ass, goyim serfs.

They might hate you, but you've been their ticket into our societies. Strange how every people who was conquered and forced to submit to Christianity so easily and without any bloodshed updated to cultural marxism. Forcing the first semitic cult on them took a thousand years of bloodshed and torture, and when that cult was in total power it transitioned easily into the next semitic cult.

Wake up.

This whole thread reminds me of when Milo Yianoplykike debated Joe testosterone replacement therapy Rogan on religion.

Protip Joe won. Go watch it.

Oh and on a side point how come this bitch things Trump doesnt want to see tits?

no, subversion of culture entirely and making being a "rebel" cool was the beginning of multiculturalism. niggers and spics can be good people and intelligent you fucker, even if it's rare. drawing the line directly down race is an easy starting point but that's neo-nazi tier thinking if you let it dictate how you interact with every person on earth, the issue is far more complicated than that.

implying jewish interpretation of anti-jewish scripture makes the scripture pro-jew. you're admitting that you cant think for yourself.

and that's why jews have spent millennia trying to master their subversion of christianity right? if what you're saying is true then why would they even be jews religiously? if it serves their interest they'd be christians. the fact is they hate christianity and its tough but fair aspects, they follow their shit religion because the talmud tells them they can abuse the gentiles like they've done for thousands of years. the fact that christianity questions that at all makes it leaps and bounds better of a doctrine to live your life by. riddle me this: have you ever met an sjw in your life that didnt absolutely despise the bible? it calls out degenerates for being degenerates when the new wave of cultural marxism is all about "being yourself" no matter how degenerate you really are. how does christianity in any way shape and form lead to marxism besides the fact that jesus thought you should treat people by their character and not 100% dyed in the wool by their race?

And Earth is right now a majority nonwhite planet. Guess that means we should destroy the planet.
Brb getting nuclear codes.

Right, so Jews didn't weasel their way into power in Rome
Definitely after. The Jews only were really unleashed and empowered after the secularist French Revolution. And I sure as hell don't have to tell you about Jewish involvement in communism.

Christcuck plz

ooo k

What? I'm interpreting it just like most Christians have been doing since the beginning. Your strange mental gymnastics about how "turn the other cheek" means fight back is something unique to you. Almost every Christian any time have been interpreting it like it's natural to read it: forego vengeance.

No, it was subverted from the start. It took a long time to force Christianity on Europe, the process wasn't done until almost modern times. It's not like Jesus died and bam, Europe was Christian. Many regions weren't subjugated until the 15-1600s.

And that's what they've been pretending all that time they were living in Christian countries. So yeah, they've been "Christian" alright.

So what? One semitic cult vs another doesn't make either any better.

Yes, that's true. You're right, I was being unclear. I was talking about tribal Europe. No tribe would have accepted a Jew into their fold without the multicultural memes Christianity brings. But you're right, Rome was pozzed and subverted by the time Christianity sprung from it's degenerate loins.

Not true at all. They were already interbreeding with the degenerate and corrupt aristocracy way before that. There were Jews in every European country long before the French revolution, many of them extremely wealthy by the usury their aristocrat allies let them go on with.

that's not an argument. do you really believe that every single shitskin to ever walk the earth is a horrible person? answer this question to me. there were high ranking black soldiers in hitler's forces. explain that to me. a TREND is not a LAW. if you don't understand that, then you shouldnt be here.

the idea is that jesus says, approach all situations with the intent of a peaceful solution. the fact that you're here debating this with me and not out blowing up buildings for your cause tells me that you want a peaceful solution too. so how does that undermine the argument? when jesus gets pissed he gets pissed, he tells people to their face that they're sinners and that they are on the path to hell, and when confronted with those who wont repent he goes crazy, see John 2:15-16

your last two points dont even address the point that i made and border on subversion. where did i say that sjws were good? they're fucking cancer. the point is that they are the programmed weapons of modern marxism and the most clear and obvious example you can point to of jewish puppets out in the wild. and they will do everything in their power to disparage the bible.

Which regions? All Western Europe (except Spain) was solidly Christian by 1000. Even Scandinavia and the Baltic were well Christianized by the 1300s.

You don't address any of my points, but I'll play your game.

Not at all. But I think they should live in Africa, in their own countries and in the land that is native and suited for them. Without forces trying to play us off against each-other I'm sure we could have peace apart. Nothing good comes from multiculturalism.

That's well and good. Many here have less pozzed interpretations of the Bible than is mainstream. What I'm saying is how it's been interpreted and preached to the peoples here. Do you deny that if you question a random sample of Christians, most will agree with my interpretation over yours? If so, then you're pretty delusional.

And my point is that I believe Christianity was the same type of subversion, only an earlier wave. I can respect that you don't agree with me, but you must admit it's at least possible. The average Christian's inability to even admit the possibility makes me very skeptical of your rationality. In the end it's a ideology based in semitic spirituality and a whole buttload of Christians have helped the agenda along. That's indisputable, but either of us can't prove that it was meant that way from the beginning or not.

My family has bad experiences with Christians. Those who came here were degenerates who behaved horribly unjust. So that's what I go with, my family and my own experiences. So I speak out against something I experience as subversive and bad. You obviously have good experiences with them, and that's fine. To each his own.

Not at all. Here in Norway the Hedmark (heathen fields) were known as heretic enclaves up until as late as the 1700s. The last witch trial (where the Christians in charge took hostage the farmers wives who wouldn't submit and tortured them,) was in the 1600s. My own ancestors was submitted to this "justice," and their farmland expropriated. Likewise with Sweden and Denmark. Iceland was never fully Christened, it was a concession and closed eyes policy for them because it was too hard to police them.

If you start looking you'll find lots of pockets of resistance way up to modern times. You must remember that mainstream history is written by the Christians, and the torch of defining propaganda was given from them to the Jews.

You could even argue that the inter-religious schisms were related to this, where protestantism tried to unpozz the worst excesses of degeneracy by the vatican. But that's another story.

You're not gonna rule anything, you barbarian shitheap.


i agree with you. but you can accomplish this without being a cunt to them. enlightenment is the best route not violence when possible, that's always been the message of the new testament. and going into your second point: violence is sometimes necessary. would jesus stand by while mary was being raped or while there was a mugging going on? he'd step in and help. and most christians would too, or at least i'd hope they would. at this most base of levels christian morality is still strong and if you can appeal to that you can unpozz any christian, with the right effort. once you give up christianity, you're giving up your moral ground entirely, instead living in a world of relatives and greys that can be manipulated.

i will agree with you that catholics are subversion yes. but the text of the scripture is largely still as good as it always was. in fact it's getting less and less corrupted over time as we find and translate older versions of the bible. as much as israel has tried to stop people from studying the dead sea scrolls, eventually they'll have to either destroy them or give in. they will be studied and the text of the bible will become closer to the original word of god.

I /r/ the picture with merchants behind atheism and Christianity. Might as well stoke the D&C flames.

I despise kikes like that topless whore. You Christians do whatever fuck do you want as long you don't shove your book down my throat or have spergouts when I question whatever you represent, your faith and your figures á la Apostle Thomas

As long you address and expunge the corruption, degeneracy and kikery from mainstream churches I'm fine. Catholics and most lutherans like other protestants are literally kissing mudslime ass sheepishly. If you do not protest against the cuckoldry that goes in within churches, you're indeed a cuck. Faith by itself is irrelevant

Look, it's trying to meme.

I'll admit I'm not objective, and yes I am bitter. My ancestors suffered at the hands of Christians and I was taught the wrongness of history as a child. Perhaps we can't really ever escape our childhood. I am pig headed in my way, like Christians are in their frame of reference.

Still, I won't deny that Christianity can be interpreted in a good way. I've met Christians I consider honorable and good people, with a good way of interpreting the dogma. So I'd like to make that clear, I'm not categorically against it just on spite. I'll even go so far as to say as a personal system of spirituality, detached from politics and the like, it might be one of the superior systems.

But here's the thing. I look around me. Every Christian I see are working some sort of degeneracy, and I swear I've checked out every denomination and parish around me. The catholics, the state protestants, the mormons, the JW, the baptists etc. I give people a chance. Every one of them were working subversion of some sort. Most of them are preaching for miscegenation, for adoption of strange races, even for feminism in many ways. Half of the immigrant asylum centers where I live are run by Christians.

So how can I support something like that? There might be good Christians, but they are vanishingly few. I sure as hell can't find anyone here. So I speak against an ideology that is subversive in my country. You might think it's hope for it, and that it's the best we got or something like that. Personally I haven't seen any of that. Only bad experiences in the past and bad experiences in the present.

Prove me wrong and I'll be nothing but happy.

Look, it's trying to pretend its religion was ever relevant.

wew lads.

Is this /r/atheist?

Neckbeard game is strong here.


i wish i could honestly. all i have to say is from my experience of reading the bible for myself, of which im nowhere close to finishing. my family is 99% radical liberal and to even question that is enough to be scolded. i think the best thing you can do for christians is just push them to read the new testament, really read it, at least the gospels. if you spend the time to investigate you can see the meaning behind the text. let me give you an example.

matthew 10:5-7 is interpretted in my bible as jesus sending the disciples to israel because it's the promised land. but there's a deeper meaning here. if you go back to matthew 9:10-12, jesus clearly says that the places he needs to assert his influences are those that are in need, e.g. sinners. the truth of the situation is jesus thought israel was the most corrupt of all the land and required all 12 of his disciples and himself to cleanse, while the gentiles were much more pure. but no preacher will ever admit this to you. that's not mentioning all the damnation of tax collectors; e.g., jewish bankers.

Sure thing, bud.

Paganism wasn't subverted. It was destroyed, and destroyed it will remain.

Yep, it's gone. Just like Christianity.


Religions, especially pagan ones have been a strong foundation for tradition and identity? Basically pushing plebbit tier atheism doesn't make you any better from those christcucks you so despise.

Could you elaborate how one could build set of values and morals to pass on to other people? The atheism+ is filled with degenerates, lefttists and cucks. Richard Dawkins is a literal wankfest, Amazing Atheist is a lardass with a thing for pickles and vase. Rest of the hordes regurgitate same bullshit with exactly same rhetoric

What would you suggest to teach moral fibre, honor, etc to generations to come? Personality cults á la W40K?

Well shit, user. You sure convinced me! Time for everyone to become atheists and worship the latest iPhone.


Yes, because only two possibilities exist in this world: semitic christianity or semitic atheist materialism. Only two things. Two semitic ideologies. Nothing else.

E.M. Cioran on Christianity

"If you claim to be a pagan and you don't even lift, please stop referring to yourself as such."

Yep. Because they're the only ones still alive and kicking. I'm glad you see it this way. :^)

Since you come ass a Christian what do you think about the corruption and cuckoldry in mainstream Christian churches?


Not surprising. Name something the Jews don't subvert. :^)

The New Gods

Isn't that sad. The Jews have created a dialectic for you where the only options are two incarnations of their dogma. Good thing many of our people don't share your brain-rot. The kek people might be ridiculous in their way, but they realize we need something new.

And that's important to remember. We can create something new. We are creative people. We don't have to live in a spiritual world where the premises have been set by Jews.



Of course not. No one is stopping you. Just don't complain when you and your people unsurprisingly come in not first place whenever the kike on a stick worshipers show up in town, got it?



Monogamy was the "settling" of the lower classes in Rome. To limit sexual relationships to that of monogamy, the more intelligent and noble classes become thinned out. Christianity promoted this equality between classes through a practice of monogamy.

In theory, nothing should have changed due to Christian doctrine - the rising up of the slaves should never have happened according to actual doctrine which promotes martyring themselves to speak the Word of God, but in practice the lowly are never satisfied with just that. The suffering of their brethren made them rise up against the state, which was their sin against God's wishes that they remain obedient.
So there it is, hiding behind religious theory, they can ask for forgiveness after having risen up like they did. The excuse of the most base, the lower classes. The lower classes which are required to keep as soldiers against foreign enemies. Once the lower classes have converted, there is nothing a king may do.

Wat? There are plenty of kike on a stick worshipers in my town. They make up perhaps 30% of the population here. They are the ones adopting africans and running asylum centers together with their marxist friends.

If more of them shows up I don't think we'll survive another generation here, so there wouldn't be any more complaining I'll give you that.

Were you responding to the right post? Anyway, monogamy goes back to ancient Greece.

So you don't have a idea either. Petty nihilism, apathy and denial of human nature are harbringers of inevitable decline.

Monogamy is typical of the lower class who do not have the wealth to have polygamy. Kings had multiple wives. Wives.

There is pre-existing tension between christcucks and LARPagans on this board, and there is disagreement on the matter of female virginity - the two are not correlated between the same anons. So the shill just delivers a nuclear post making everyone argue with everyone else. Don't fucking fall for it.

Forgot to mention this is specifically addressing newfags, though a few more experienced anons keep making the same mistake too.

By that logic we should roll over and except Jewish rule. They're the ones at top right now so, obviously, what they're doing must be "right".

They didn't win though. 2000 years ago they kicked off the Streissand Effect by "killing" him. It only made more people know about him and follow him. 2000 years later they still haven't learned that you don't silence people if you want them to go away.

The upper classes had declining birthrates by the late Republic and it became worse through time until they were adopting rather than having children. The optimal solution for society it to have large numbers of pairs breeding and the offspring competing in a dog-eat-dog system so only the strong survive.

Part of the reason why Christianity took over was because of the overuse of infanticide amoung the population of Rome.

Happiness has no value. I spit in the face of fulfillment. I piss on the grave of contentment. All that matters is survival and propagation at all costs. Death to the weak.


Christcucks are in for a surprise when the time comes.