Just going to leave this here. Officer not indicted for putting down a feral ape.
Just going to leave this here. Officer not indicted for putting down a feral ape.
Other urls found in this thread:
This must be why Lester Holt was so obviously racializing trivial events on NBC news last night. Gotta get them charged up the day before
John Oliver seen heading to Charlotte, muttering something about "not the Current Year…."
Merry Chimpmas
I hate living in this goddamn liberal shithole of a city. Fuck Charlotte.
Try living in a liberal shithole of a state for a while and see how bitter and hardened you become.
t. born and raised Massfag
At least it's not Raleigh.
I hope something bad happens.
Praise Kek
actually in charlotte. I have no seen nor heard anything on the matter other than a verdict or something coming to. nothing like the riots in the beginning
Kek shall smite them all
I'm truly sorry. There's no hiding from the cancer up in NE.
Nice town. Clean and lots of good food joints.
I'm originally from Raleigh. I can't escape the ape. Business calls for me to live in or around the cities.
somebody help me out: which worthless nigger are they chimping about?
nothing'a going to happen, this is Too much of a relaxed place. the only reason something happened in the beginning was because politico brought people in and Wanted something to happen. We dont ever do that shit, all the protests etc. Honestly it was horrible seeing it. Watching people attack cars on the high way?…. that shit doesnt happen. it was provoked. hell, reports say the majority if not all protesters were from out of state, and im not talking SC. no one cares That much. sure we'll bitch, but thats it.
Don't feel too bad, I lived in goldsboro for over 10 years. At least the goldsboro niggers here don't give a shit about blm or politics in general and usually stick to their own kind.
nvermind; this is the crazy nigger with the gun who jumped out of his car… blm should really pick its battles
You may be right, but only a hour or two after the shooting, autists were blocking up 85 and W.T. only a few miles from where the shooting happened (University area)
Keith Lamont Scott
this is the one with the gun who probably didn't pull it out and wave it around like they said, but who deserved to be shot for being an idiot
….. a few hours after? may be the kids are just fucking stupid, but Real protests didnt start until they started bussing people in.. like when shit was really starting. i didnt even hear about stupid univeristy kids saying or doing anything. i guess the "rational" people who dont smoke weed all the fucking time were the ones who didnt want to fuck the image of charlotte up. you know this same thing happened before, and there wasnt this kind of protests. besides the people they bussed in, may be they put up a craigslist ad for the university kids to make some extra bucks beings pissy and fucking stupid. lived here my whole life….. dumb asses. not the charlotte people, but the Assholes wanting to be all progressive bull shit. every one Actually gets along here.
Some dune coon claiming Isis ties just carried out an attack the other day in Ohio.
BLM is now saying they are going to tear shit up in SC. Blm even came out in support of the somalian isis coons actions.
They are siding with with enemies of the USA and doing deeds to back it up.
They are fucking terrorists when they are throwing rocks off overpasses.
That shit can kill people really easy. These fuckers are not protesting..they are outright jihading.
If they get in your way and you find yourselves surrounded - do not hesitate to defend your life.
Its time these fucks be show what truth to power - that they are always claiming to be about.
let your 45 bark and put them dogs down.
on another note, there was a theory that this was all set up from the very beginning and the police were actually paid or whatever to do it. i mean you know theres already a lot of other political stuff going on here. BofA, Superbowl last year, DNC, hell, even Northrop Grumman is here, dont know if that matters. I mean its pretty involved here, from what I consider.
That's quite tolerable and a nice contrast from the normal niggotry
It's hard to forget when you hear it for weeks on a daily basis.
The downtown protests are the ones you are talking about. You're right about the buses.
The kids around Uni are just REALLY fucking stupid, though. They did it for free.
For a city of this size, it's alright.
Don't forget HB2
yeah, another political movement HB2, forgot about that lol. *sigh* we're doing too much lol. I guess thats what happens when you become a Big financial institution and corperate, to an extent, hub. and yes, the university kids…. pot, pot, and even more pot. these are the same kids with pants down to their knees, or liberal neo douches trying to "stand" up for people, when in fact their parents are the rich people living in myres park and their too much of fucking idiots to realize there are reasons their parents are rich, but being conservative isnt so much greed, theres a reason why people stand up for conservative principals, and its not to be oppressive assholes, yes that is kind of the reason, but just because theyre assholes, doesnt mean its actually wrong whatever. kids just want to complain because their parents had rules for them. the other ones just watch CNN and are fucking… well….. you get the idea i think.
when i was at camp lejuene i got sent to raleigh durham for medical appointments. fuck that place.
lol, raleigh. at this point charlotte should be the capital. i mean this place is soo much better
no trigger discipline. not surprised tbh
you're too stupid to use meme magic
>not new bern
new bern is a nigger city. I know because i live there
ah, to me, new bern is a place uptown.
That's a damn shame, ascetic wise the town looks pretty damn nice. I've only been through there in passing but I always assumed the ratio wasn't as bad over there as it was in places like Raleigh or Charlotte.
ratio? (currently in charlotte). what do you mean?
torfag, found Holla Forums while on tor so why switch browsers? i dont know what ratio hes referring to. like may be im just oblivious, but its equally white and black here…. as far as i know.
What happened in this shooting again? I can't keep all these nogs straight in my head. I mean I can guess that he was dinduing but help jog my memory
That's the one. I would have figured context clues were enough but torfags asking for info really doesn't sit well with me for obvious reasons.
im asking about the ratio hes referring to because i dont really see it as unequal here, as far a population goes. and not really asking for info, just his take on the ratio of the population. lived here my whole life, grew up in and around the black community, even in welfare, and around or with the middle/ upper class too, the community is really respectful to each other. I get more pissed when people try to start shit in my home town because they want to be butt hurt about bullshit politics, to when i ask what ratio, i ask with a slanted eye, because what the Fuck are you talking about? only ignorant assholes and fucking dumb ass protesters wanna talk about bullshit that hasnt really been a problem here
Here's a recap of this particular nigger's monkeyshines.
Oh, that's the one where the sheboon wife was yelling at the nigger "Don't do it!" It was suicide by cop, and she knew it as he was doing it.
Oh lul I remember it. That one has that sheboon who barely blinks when her husband was shot.
I'm partially talking about the nog to white ratio but the bigger issue is the pinko tier commies vs right winged individuals. I'll give you that living here in NC has shown me that a nigger who grew up in the south will defend white "racists" a lot more times than a nigger nigging out. Although it also helps that this is an open carry state and the farmers that live in the country and come into town fucking use that carry permit with impunity.
Merry Chimpas!
Let's make rioting great again.
haha yah, its dumbassness, i dont really care though. this issue was/ is heated for me.
Your paranoia levels are at 11 when you should be at an 8 or so in my opinion.
haha yeah. i get pissed when people try to start racist bullshit. not that its not relevent or bullshit, but its always been a thing, or its particular around the south. that being said, ive been along side blacks and the community my entire life, but my family is privilage, or based in/from it. were all respectful. theres been nothing but love from everyone. and the only racists, are the ones who dont know better or live in the counties where, i dunno i guess its just a thing.
its funny, i had never been on the site before, got more involved during election or politico bs time, just seeing what people who actually think, think. the open carry is funny, but even the "hicks" that do it, or make a point of bringing it out, listen to rush limbaugh, but are Just as respectful. if anything, people carry to protect their homes and families, not to be racist. sure some of the "gangsters" that carry do so to be "cool" but even so, the people I know or see or whatever, people carry for protection. no one Really wants anyone dead. even if you come accross a racist, or someone who bashes anyone, when it boils down, they just nod the head and understand its not cool, and you get nothing but yes sir or no ma'am.
These animals don't even have the compassion to care for their own families. Their spouse dies, and they automatically try to use it to bring down whitey.
Pic related
And it shows. It's common fact that blacks tend to fall for pinko tier propaganda so it's only natural that the more disproportionate the black community is vs the white community then more "liberal" tier views are accepted.
haha, yeah, didnt really think of that, the dead part, but im talking about the local community. I mean yeah, so long as theyre suppressed its all good and we pinkos can keep liberal because we have nothing to worry about right? I honestly just see it as I grew up with them, around them. been my brothers, gfs, there Is a culture, but I dont care, its what youre used to right? racism exists because stereotypes are true right? I grew up in a black community, school, everything. when someone starts some racist bull about white folks, hate speech whatever both from blacks especially, the community (blacks) are like man shut that shit up, no one wants to hear that. everyone just gets along. and no its not oppression. there are a Lot of business owners and Wealthy black people here, people of and in influence.
Honestly thought, youre going to see what you wish. no matter what I say.
Calm down torfriend. I'm saying communities like yours is an exception to the rule, not the standard. Right now you have an entire group of people that have been propped mentally and physically by external means, are you telling me when the glamor wears off there will not be blowback? At worst we will see it come to a climax in bigger, liberal cities like Raleigh while individuals will have to take a stance one way or another in case the fighting bleeds out of the major cities.
And lurk more, for your sake.
i cant say im sorry dude. im just torn. in a Lot of ways. I dont want to say for this city, but the world, just whats going on. and im not going to say there wont be blowback, if anything this will be a hub, because its Really key. You want Deep shit, theres a community here, deep, like deep. This city has been a Hub for a Lot theres peace, but theres also controversy. like even controversy, but there is a community of love and unity here. Politico tried to start something the first time something like this happened, and the community said No, basically they tried to start riots protests before, nothing happened, and the community said Fuck no. Im saddened because I see a Lot, and with whats been happening both in politico, as well as what ive been dealing with personally considering what i have seen, it feels like im shut the fuck up. literally. so im sitting watching everything happen, even those who are claiming to be Woke.and sure there will be blowback, but not from the city, because of the city and its position. its a definite key place, the heart will try to keep heart, but theres going to be war here. everything is key in bigger plan anyways. theres actually Underground activity here too. like the Wrong kind. im just watching everyone suffer or watching everything go to hell. or basically go to shit and I havent been able to do anything about it, its like im subject to watch, its whatever. raleigh is pretty much Just known for NC state, its bull. and sure theres glamour, but theres a heart here, that is always been the base, or im just nieve and the heart i actually know, is holding on because it doesnt want to accept may be it isnt the Real foundation. its hard to imagine it isnt though, there is a real actual love here. my family helped build this place, was a part of it. my moms side came over on the mayflower here, my dads side colonized the mountains here. this is me, im just subject to the earth feeling everything get trampled on, but what i know is that I did my best.
honestly, this place is significant, and i have No idea why or whats Really going on. I just know what i have seen, heard, known. Its been a Lot, but im still connecting dots.i know people in communities all kinds of the communities, its just, theres a Lot.
if i Really stated what i knew, I would be dead, more than likely. some people dont want to know or dont want me talking about shit. not that it isnt Really relevent, and at this point, its not really going to do Much, but, nothing I tell you honestly matters, but I could be killed for Whom I know.
let me rant here for a second. theres a Shit ton of dumbasses here. from the people who thing "church" is a relgion, to those who "pray" for everything, to the assholes who want whats best for you, but cant take care of their own shit. then theres the underground, the politico, and shadow gov. theres shit Actually going on here as far as i understandor have heard, known. some people cant pull their heads out of their own asses, and currently sure it gives me a project to put people in their place for being assholes and not taking care of their own shit instead of worrying about every one else, but then the others with their heads up their own asses. the financial market is the way it is because people arent scared of making money. and arent scared of the world because of their own bullshit. i hope the world goes to hell because im tired of dealing with assholes or people who Think theyre "helping" everyone else out. let the world do what the fuck its going to do, you cant change shit. its going to happen one way or the other.
Daily reminder
Holla Forums - Shadow government with ties all over the world backed by billionaire Zionist kikes beaten by a rag tag group of anonymous anime shitposters and a real estate mogul
You seriously need to stop posting and lurk. We have survived intact for as long as we have because we have rules and standards that we demand be met. People are being overly nice to you ITT for some reason, but you need to lurk or leave. Either way, stop posting.
lol. its more like i just see everyone bitching about how shit everything is, if you learn you cant change shit, you are the change, stop giving credit to bs, you stop becoming part of the problem. you cant change anyone or make anyone do anything. basically let the world do what it wants or is going to do, it will find the consiquences of its actions one way or another. even my self. im not innocent of shit. im just tired of people claiming we need to change this that the other, everything you do is written down or has consequences. there are the people who think they can undo what they did, and the people who blatantly do knowing its not going to change.
its all bs. im more aware of whos in charge of those "zionist" bs fucks. im not terrified of them, so much as whos in charge of them.
By proxy this includes George Soros
They don't call them torpedos for nothing. Shigga please:
my bad guys
Lucky bastard, you were close to Red Hat headquarters
Is anyone with a twatter monitoring the niggercomms? They usually do their "planning" for these things over twitter, right? I can't check
Former Gastoniafag here. Went to visit the old homestead last year, glad to see the house is still standing (Gardner Park). I love NC to death (currently in VA), but if I had to pick a place to go, it would probably be Asheville, Hickory, or maybe W-S.
I'd have said Shelby, but I'd get morbidly obese on the Barbecue alone.
CNN reports that *they will* be following this *justified shooting*
Fuck. Meant to italic.
fack. it's been awhile.
any streams yet? starting to get dark on the east coast.
user, Ive been to every single major city in this country. Theyre all shit. Urban life will be shit until coons are given the boot, or rope.
kek. saved.
and it comes off the heels of the Ohio State incident where the officer is a undisputed hero (shoots suspect within 1 minute of 911 call), so you of course need a fresh narrative to remind everyone just how "awful" the police really are
May the lord bless us with dead commies and dindus
Fuck off you piece of shit commie. Fuck if you love them so much why don't you move to south africa and live without bars on your windows and a rifle in pretoria?
That's disgusting.
wew lad. That was surprising, even saw them with their lights on from a decent area away from the 1st cop car I saw. Something really important might have happened since they called them from so far away.
to cold out for nigs to nig maybe. tomorrow 🐒
Nigs can weather the cold when the gibs are worth it. Remember when those kommandos popped off up north nigs were wearing parkas
I'm so ashamed.
Anything going on?
I'm at 1600 Pennsylvania ave come get me FBI
Hard to believe it's been almost a year. May many more happenings come our way in 2017!
if this image is supposed to be Ferguson then it's been 2 years actually.
any streams?
guess my dubs were trying to tell me something
Regardless, I have high hopes for December and then the rest of the year no matter what
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Scanner:
oh chimpmas tree 🎄 ,oh chimpmas tree 🎄🙊
Come at me FBI i'm in incognito mode.
we waz Eskamos and shit snow ⛄
Low energy nigs. Looks like poor weather too.
On the twelfth day of Chimpmas
my lord Kek sent to me:
Twelve Burning Buildings
Eleven Pacos Packing
Ten Cucks a Crying
Nine Feminists a Flighting
Eight Muzzies Mourning
Seven Schlomos Shaking
Six Fascists Laughing
Four Smug Frogs
Three Reich Flags
Two Repeating Digits
and a Nog hanging from the park tree
Asheville? You realize that is the most degenerate city in the state, right?
i mean there are parts like that here. just not the people I actually grew up with and not a good majority. just the people trying to be assholes
hah, in my defense, she was cute as fuck as far as I was concearned, it was a black high school, and it was high school. and it was 1
When I was a kid, it was:
Because twenty years ago, it was five million. Not six.
did anything come of this?
Not yet. Bad weather on November 30 when the cop was declared justified in ventilating the chimp so that may have slowed down the negro protestors. I'd guess if they don't do any real protesting by December 1st nothing will happen.
Yes, we're all aware of the 4D hyperkikes. GTFO.
dubs and kek wipes the niggers off the planet earth.