Remember when you didn't need half a military intervention to prevent mass gang rapes in Europe? Must've been nice. Also
Remember when you didn't need half a military intervention to prevent mass gang rapes in Europe? Must've been nice. Also
Just paint the town red with pigs blood.
Probably a better solution than relying on German police. They'll likely target nationalists doing street patrols on NYE more harshly than the migrants, you watch.
This is what will happen because Germany's government loves Islam and hates Germans.
What a waste of good pigs, we should paint it with migrant blood instead
Calling it: Any white women with half a brain will stay in this year, leading the muz to go ballistic and break into houses in search of "sexual emergency relief." Alternately, they'll just rape white German men who are stupid enough to think they're safe.
Kek is with us.
Kek mit uns
I can walk wherever I want tbh. So can any other user. I know every user who is out in public on new years eve will do their duty and remain vigilant. After the (((cooking with isis))) video, I am certain of more knife attacks soon. Any user with a pair of bollocks bigger than a conker will be out there watching. Obviously whilst enjoying the celebration of their choice, at no point should your purpose for being out on the street be "patrolling". This is a recipe for false flags and arrests. All anons are allowed to participate in the celebration of their choice. I could not condone 'nationalist patrols' at this time, due to the recent developmentsf from the book 1984 (britbong tbh lads).
am i the only one that read helicopter mounted police in the catalog
not to be a grammar fag but shouldn't it be and instead of just a ","
kek wills it
What a news story that would be, nationalists out in force cause second night of the long knives. Terrible, frightfull… the times we live in
We are going to protect you, goy. You can trust the police! We must protect you from people we purposely imported here. Just make sure you don't say or do anything that would hurt them
I mistakenly read that as helicopter-mounted police.
That would be awesome.
As if that will prevent the swarms of Islamic colonists (call them what they are) from raping, fondling, and assaulting white people.
And besides, even if the police do stop them and arrest them, what are they gonna do? Prosecute them? BAHAHAHAHA. They will set them free with welfare and more gibs than before.
No, I am afraid the only way to fix the problem is to drop the hammer down physically on their jihadi skulls when the ball drops metaphorically.
Do they have a new year ball that opens and spreads confetti in these Sovie- I mean European Union countries?