Trump nominates major kike for Treasury?

Is this true anons?

Major kike as Sec. of Treasury who thinks Yellen did a "good job"?

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businessinsider Operation Smile Annual Gala YJDFkZMreD9m.jpg hivemind/page/6/


oy vey, how dare you criticize our glorious leader Trump
didn't you know not all kikes are bad? Sure he worked for Goldman Sachs and praised Yellen, but that doesn't mean he's bad
Just embrace the civic nationalism already you goyim

Zerohedge is bad?

They're hype/outrage shekel chases. They had a big internal fight and someone spilled the beans on their internal culture. Basically they write whatever sells and their target demo is conspiracy paranoids.

You tell me, you stupid cunt.

That is like taking the word of Josh over that of Jim and Hotwheels.

ZH has been up to three years ahead of the curve on financial stories for years.

And yes, the kike is in. We can only hope that Trump is using him as a guide to navigate the swamp until he can drain it.

Yea.. your right. But they wer only right becUze the hype hey tried to generate turned out to be pretty accurate what ith how shitthings acguLly are. Basocaly has anyone ever been so far mup da doo didda.

Is there a hidden message here user?


Is Holla Forums in disbelief? It has been all but made official:

Confirmed by Reince Priebus and Mnuchin himself.

It was confirmed days ago retard.

Holla Forums is /trump/ now. Don't expect any serious discussion to take place any more. It's shilling 24/7.

Everybody with a brain knows there's going to be kikes in a Trump administration, all we can do is hope they are put in positions of unimportant in order to placate the Jews (unlikely for them to be content with this but it could ease "anti semitism" concerns), hope Trump holds their feet to the fire meaning of that don't do a good job, they're fired, and lastly hold Trump to the fire and make sure he remembers who elected him (I don't worry about that though)


There's still serious discussion. It's the defeatist, purist, conspiracy-tard, concern troll shills that get BTFO. We've already heard it over and over.

Trump can use the Jews for what they are good for. This is his quote: "The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. Those are the kind of people I want counting my money. Nobody else."

Mnuchin came out as an early supporter and was castigated by many of his friends. He may be slightly red pilled after going through that experience. He is also recently divorced and that has a tendency to red pill men. His fiancé is also a scottish beauty whose family goes well back in Scotland and recently wrote an unintentionally red pilled book about what a shithole Zambia is called In Congo's Shadow.

I am going to trust Trump judgement for right now. Reminder that cabinet positions remain at the discretion of the President and they can be replaced anytime.

You're right. i'm a faggot

He has to meet reality where he and how he finds it, and in most cases, that reality is NOT going to be Holla Forums-oriented. ;^) and this is one of those cases. It's going to take time to "drain the swamp," if it ever gets drained at all.

Have you not learned a god damn thing, retard? Jews aren't good for anything. They will always try to stab you in the back at every turn, especially in regards to money.
You shouldn't.

Wish I could be a rich retard like Trump with a few beanie heads counting my money.

These are libtard tier mental gymnastics.

Incorrect. They make very good accountants and lawyers. Just because you employ an accountant or a lawyer doesn't mean you trust them.

Trump employs people who don't have any power over him. Other politicians accept money from kikes and are then owned by them forever. This is the difference.

We don't have the time to deal with Nixon-tier bullshit.

Apparently Trump sued him back in 2008 and settled out of court.

Is it possible that Mnuchin is extremely skilled/intelligent and Trump went out of his way to gain leverage on him so that Mnuchin would do as Trump tells him?

It doesn't work that way with kikes.

A few months back Holla Forumsacks were debating in more than one thread what Trump's litmus test would be in case he wins the election. The consensus reached was that it will be wether or not he will choose establishment kikes for his cabinet.

We now know the answer.

Yes, actually, it means exactly that. If you employ someone to work with your money or protect you in a court of law, then you must, by definition, trust them.

By leverage i mean blackmail.


Secretary of the Treasury is easily one of the most important & high profile jobs. It's not on the same level as Secretary of State, but close.

Also note that there seems to be little pushback on Mnuchin, the way there was on Bolton and Romney.

Those types of situations are ones where they can't betray you without hurting themselves severely. Too public.

Where you don't want a Jew is anywhere where they can hire more Jews, or steal large amounts of money without being immediately noticed.

Give someone enough rope…


No. By employing someone you are entering into a contract with them. It's not about trusting someone, it's about both parties holding their end of the bargain for the sake of legal liabilty.

Or how about we don't empower Jews at all by not hiring them? Sounds like a much better idea.

You have to trust someone enough to allow them to represent you. You wouldn't hire someone to do a job for you when you trust them. It's literally that simple.

Well fuck

Wow. Trump isn't "literally Hitler"… who knew?

No but I trust them more for their financial speculation. ZH is definitely better than the MSM though.

Hey guys, maybe it's no big deal. Maybe it is all a 9d chess move where Trump brings in establishment figures to trick everyone & catch them off guard when he does away with the Federal Reserve; makes AIPAC register as the agent of a foreign power and severely limits their power; cuts off all aid to Israel and dealings with the Saudis; supports Assad, Iran and Russia in taking out ISIS; and pardons Assange, Snowden, and Manning.


How does it feel when you lose?

The interesting thing about this guy is that his past is so INSANELY egregious it's almost comical, that alone makes me think that something it up.
I just can't believe that Trump is a Soros puppet after Trump named Soros direcly(and nobody else) multiple times in the last 2 presidential debates and in his final big budget campaign add basically called him and Yellen the devil. Then you add the facts that Trump is very much independently wealthy and that he only got 5% of all Jewish money this election cycle and I can't believe that he's a puppet. Not to mention that him and his surrogates have done quite a lot to raise public awareness of Soros and make his name equal with that of a household villain. Rothschild puppet I could buy but Soros makes no fucking sense whatsoever. Why meet with John Allison at all if he's a Fed/Soros bitchboy?

Also very interesting fact is that in 2008 Trump sued his hedge fund Dune Capital and settled out of court for what I assume to be a good deal. You also have to consider that Mnuchin has been Trump's campaign finance chair for most of the year and apparently did a fantastic job. I also remember that shortly after Trump won Carl Icahn(guy that Trump wouldn't stop praising on the campaign trail early on) went on twitter and confirmed that Mnuchin and Wilber Ross would be given their receptive roles. So i'm assuming that Carl Icahn is an important connection here, however I have no fucking clue what the connection is.

Has Trump had Mnuchin on a leash since 2008, did he cut him a deal that he couldn't refuse and get him to turn, or is Trump somehow a Soros plant? Honestly I can't make any logical sense of any of this.

Soros is a Rothschild puppet himself.

You faggots need to stop drinking the cuckservative kool aid about Soros being some top level puppetmaster, he isn't.

We can't really defend this. Sugs.

Maybe (((their))) cabal jewed him into being the master jew and be the scapegoat, while all others run amok.

That is the key point right there. Trump found someone who handled his campaign finances competently, and that was enough for him.

A startling number of people here think that Trump knows more than he obviously does regarding power in Washington. Trump knows that you have to appease the Zionists, but that's probably no more to him than appeasing the Christians who go ballistic on the issue of abortion.

The Rothschilds obviously wanted Hillary to win. Lynn Forester de Rothschild herself went on MSM to defend her while having such cordial private emails with Hill that you'd almost think that there was something between them. Unless there's some family split then the Rothschilds obviously wanted Hillary.

Well not on face value we can't, it's fine if it's part of 4D transdimensional chess, but I guess we'll have to wait quite a while to see how things play out.



This is what a lesser evil look like, you has been polished for the "hitlerraly" lyin' press.
l just supported Trump to save us ass from Killary.

So we we know that
1.Mnuchin is extremely skilled and intelligent
2.He knows Trump's enemies inside and out
So whether or not he's a good pick in the end comes down to how loyal he is(he's a wall street Jew with an immoral past so unlikely) or to how controllable he is either with blackmail or Trump offering a better deal than anyone else.. I still think that Trump suing him and taking his shekels in 2008 is extremely important and something that we should look into.

Also very interesting thing to note is that today he nominated Todd Ricketts as deputy commerce secretary under Ross. But back in Feburary he straight up publicly states that he has blackmail on the entire Ricketts family so they better stop funding his enemies.

Can anyone make any sense of this?

Hey guys, I just saw this. At first I was worried and sweating like hell, but then I calmed down after I realized this important detail:
Now I feel better! Of course, how did I manage to ever doubt the God Emperor Trump!? I should've known better that this is part of the 4xDD chess he has been practicing for the past year. I'm sure he just wants to bring his hopes up then so he can just CRUSH him by giving the position to someone else.

R-Right /poi/?

Stop taking these things at face value and try to connect dots to see what's going on.

Yes, of course! That's what I said. It is all part of his glorious master plan. From his sons and daughter marrying to jews, to appointing goldman sachs and soros guy to his team. It's all part of Making America Great Again!

Ever heard of "keep your friends close and enemies closer"? Trump (PBUH) truly is All Wise, All Powerful!

You obviously aren't from here.

This post sums it up perfectly. It's really humorous to see the juxtaposition of where the Trump shills were prior to the election, where they went as it was winding down, and where they are now.

Alright that's hilarious. He has the guy on a leash, the sense I'm getting is that Trump derives some sort of pleasure from forcing these people to cuck and bend the knee.

The Ricketts are hardcore anti-White Orthodox jews. Did it ever once occur to you that the blackmail was theater and what you're getting now is reality?

I imagine you'll keep telling yourselves this right up until [and probably long past] the point when ten million beaners get amnestied [after they go back first and crash real estate prices so Trump's buddies can buy it up cheap, of course].


The most discouraging part is the game Trump is playing.

He brings up the name of Bolton as Secretary of State, a guy as hawkish as Dick Cheney. That gets shot down. Then he brings up Mitt Romney, who is actually a smart capable guy, but as establishment as fuck, plus a hawk, plus he even went after Trump earlier this year. That is getting heavy pushback as well. Now, a lot of people are saying Giuliani, but Rudy sucks, and will only seem good because he is slightly less insane than Bolton, and was supportive of Trump unlike Romney.

With the drama over Romney still ongoing, virtually no pushback on Mnuchin, a Soros-affiliated Goldman Sachs Hollywood guy.

That understates what the problem was. The entire board was pro-Trump, and mods would anchor, ban, or look the other way whenever anti-Trump threads were spammed to oblivion.

That's a great response. Do you think you told us off and set the thread on the right path? Do you think Politico just made up those comments from Priebus?

She also opposed Obongo in both 2008 and 2012, that didn't stop him from forwarding the jewish agenda.

Sure, they might have preferred Hillary, but they'll make do with whoever is in the White House.

They probably have some kind of agreement for him to play the role of cuckservative bogeyman.

Keep in mind, Beck's FOX show is where the idea of Soros as the "puppet master" (embed related) really gained traction, and it was the Rothschilds (in conjunction with the Bronfmans) who brought Murdoch over from Australia to set up FOX.

Haven't you heard? Being a Nazi is no-longer hip and cool, based from Trump's (PBUH) commands. This ark now has a Captain, and mutiny shall not be tolerated.

It never even crosses your mind that there could be misdirection at play here?

Incidentally, has Holla Forums discovered yet that it is illegal for Trump to cut off federal funding to sanctuary cities? Or is that outside their illusion that Trump has it all under control?

He's going to be the most successful steam valve in history. A complete killshot for White America.

There was a lot of talk about Soros before that from establishment conservatives like Michelle Malkin and Bill O'Reilly.

The thing about Soros is that he is very overtly political in his funding, whereas most figures like him are much more subtle and in the background.

When you're dealing with the billionaire class you can't just apply the normal rules you would with basic bitch kikes. Trump is playing games on the same field as them, with the same sort of opaque maneuvering. I'm not saying this means Trump wasn't always a plant, but Holla Forums is in no real position to tell one way or the other and never was. We supported the guy who was at least saying the right things, but we have no idea what is going on in his head and never have. The only way for us to truly tell will be outcomes after the fact, and we won't know anything of that for another two months. For my part, I am willing to give him a fair chance.

This is how I know you're a shill. Putting aside le Reddit spacing, it's bloody obvious that the president has plenty of levers to pull to get rid of the illegals if he chooses to do so. You're either willfully ignorant or otherwise an idiot. Given your Reddit heritage I'm leaning towards the latter.

Honestly i'm insulted that we still have to deal with amateur shills like this.

This is complete nonsense. Just go directly to the American people who voted you, who are armed, who are fed up. There is no reason to play games with any of these kikes unless he's protecting them and the system he profits from.

This was frankly my biggest worry concerning the effect of his presidency. Right now, it looks good, as there is a visible backlash to the worst of SJW lunacy, but we really don't want an anti-white left that is more "reasonable."

Yes, now it's civic nationalism, and anyone who burns the flag must pay! Because the symbols of America are what really matters. Not all this distasteful alt-right stuff about race. Real citizens don't even see race, unlike liberals who are the real racists.

If the last thirty years have taught me anything, it's that the federal government can make legal whatever it wants to make legal.

Nah, Lynn is a long time Clinton confidant for over 2 decades and most likely a lesbian for Hillary with the way that she treats her.

This isn't the federal government steamrolling some poor farmer, this is the feds going up against many of the wealthiest cities in the country, plus politicians, plus corporations, plus wealthy financial backers.

>Refers to Holla Forums as the other

We need more based fags and godly niggers on Holla Forums2.0!

If they're so wealthy, then they won't need federal funding, now will they? :^)

I disagree a little. If Trump does what he says he will, then we and "alt-right" will attempt to effect bigger change less naturally; however, if Trump betrays us, it will provoke us to further propagate. This is based off the evidence of the posters of American Vanguard at that university that popped up. The weltanschauung of the culture might be transformed by these efforts.

It's all well and good to say we'll go another route if he betrays us, but we are rapidly running out of guys on the right side of 50 to fix this. Some of you seem to be operating in a state of near-delusion about how tenuous things really are in the country demographics-wise.

No, that's retarded. Why would he want to fuel civil unrest? He's the law and order candidate, he clearly wants to resolve things silently behind the scenes, not start a civil war and potentially rip the country apart. What possible benefit would there be to doing things bluntly as you're suggesting if Trump thinks he can handle operating at that higher level and avoid the carnage?

I guess Hitler was a cuck for getting elected

Avoiding conflict is why we are in the situation we are in. It will lead only to further erosion of the White race's position, further death, further irrelevance. The conflict MUST come.

Not worth it user.

And you're delusional to think that Holla Forums and the "alt-right" are going to sit on their asses while Trump is in power. Moreover, you forget what Trump's nomination has done to the left. It has essentially created an American antifa, which will only exacerbate the problem and encourage whites to side with us.

Are you ignorant of the SA?

Oh, fuck off. 'Civic nationalism' might not be ideal but it's a hell of a lot better than the system in place at the moment. Both that and it would be far easier to achive compared to what Holla Forums seems to want. (which is, essentially, genocide)

Needless to say that it's just another pipe dream. For fuck's sake, you stupid faggots, stop wasting your time on something that isn't going to happen and work towards something that's ACTUALLY ACHIEVABLE. Yes, you might fucking hate the concept and view it as inferior to the Fourth Reich, but how much do you hate the current system? I'm willing to bet 'more'. Learn to compromise, you stupid fucks.

Sage for off-topic.

Shill-kun, I read your linked report and on the face of it the federal government can't propose a funding arrangement in exchange for the state doing something the feds want like what happened with common core. There doesn't appear to be anything stating the states are entitled to federal funding, that the federal government can't just cut it off for any or no reason at any time. The thing about gibs is you can never be sure they'll be there tomorrow, only fools rely on them. Also .

Well some is the posts in this thread have sufficiently worried me, time to take a break from Holla Forums for a few days, here's hoping I don't take the blackpill in the meantime

Hitler did not appoint the marxists he fought against, user.

Hitler wasn't a billionaire businessman. Frankly, Hitler wasn't as smart as Trump, though he was a better and more emotional public speaker.

It hasn't done anything. They go through these histrionics every cycle. They'll be out of power for a cycle or two and then demographics will completely subsume the White race.
It really doesn't matter at this point with where the demographics are. Without active removal of non-Whites, for the sole reason of them being non-White, there just won't be enough Whites. This isn't even getting into the inherent problems with this line of thinking where the democratic process is held up as something worthwhile that we should stay committed to and keep trying to cuck together some coalition.

You're just not getting it.

Jesus Christ you are by far the most idiotic shill that iv'e ever seen. I'm starting to think that you're some retard from Holla Forums or a Goon doing it for free because I doubt that anyone would actually pay you to shill.


Daily reminder.

The problem I have with the "civic nationalists" looking to compromise is that they're on board with Trump in destroying what little of the Constitution is left. Whenever Trump's stances on guns or surveillance is brought up, you get a response that Holla Forums is a fascist board and those things are necessary. The levels of cognitive dissonance are too high.

Do you agree with activity of miscegenation?
Do you agree with the prognosis that European Americans are going to be a minority this century?
Would you let a daughter marry a black man just because he's a "godly nigger"?

Could I get a source for that, user?

Today we learn from Trump shils, when Trump nominates a Goldman Jew to head the treasury, then Zerohedge is a bad site.


Does the picture make you uncomfortable, since it reflects your estrogen riddled body perfectly?

Spot on.

If Goldman Sachs is so bad, why did Alt-Right leader Steve Bannon work there? Do you think Breitbart is controlled opposition too?

Nope, not what it says. You're just making shit up.

Calling others shills is the last refuge of the Trumpcucks.


I stand by the statement. Hitler had the heart soul and drive, but in terms of strategic planning and managing his subordinates he really was lacking.

I would even go as far as to say that had Trump been die Führer, Germany could have won the war.

You are mr. Nigger, yes?

Yes they are. What are you up to? We've known this for years.

Nigger, you're the one being obtuse. Antifa will become more and more blatantly anti-white. They'll demonize whites and this will awaken a large portion of whites as this demonization will be complemented by articles and articles saying whites are to blame and racist, etc., etc.; the tension is rising right now because of Trump, faux or not. The powder keg is waiting to explode because of this election.

Democracy is not the point of this stupid argument, you dumb nigger.

I want libertarians to gas themselves.


No. Please suggest a viable solution to this problem. 'RWDS' isn't a viable answer. Something that could actually happen, please.
No. Please suggest a viable solution to this problem. 'RWDS' isn't a viable answer. Something that could actually happen, please.
I'm not going to have kids for reasons I'd rather not talk about here, but if we assume that I did have children, I wouldn't agree with it (I would make it VERY clear), I wouldn't support her in going through with it, but in the end, it's her mistake to make.

You been living under a rock?

There's a reason we call them Kikebart you stupid fucking faggot

No, you're wrong. He can't say
BUT, he can say

The point being he can't add conditions to the existing funding stream, but there's nothing to say he has to keep it going and can't just outright cut it all.

I think he was being sarcastic.


Trump can't be a civic American nationalist while destroying its foundation simultaneously.

Whatever you want me to be, baby.

That's pretty fucked up. He's flip-flopped quite a bit, but I guess we're going to have to wait and see.
I personally think it would be ideal if Trump takes that idea, runs with it, and then reforms the terrorist watch list/no-fly list to include actual dangers to society And then deport them. It is, however, in theory, a good system, but at the moment implemented terribly.

Wow fuck me I'm gay, I didn't even look at the image because I was triggered. I actually need to take a break from here, serious this time

Kek. Trump is a good businessman and has political cunning, but he's leagues below the Führer with regards to statesmanship, political-historical horizon and actual military and geostrategic expertise. For a Yank politician he's ok, though.

Dumbest post all day. You're one aut-right false flag from never being able to buy a gun, never being able to fly in an airplane and probably a single false flag away from being rounded up if you are okay with this.

It doesn't matter if they become more and more blatantly anti-White. No one is disputing that so I don't know why you keep harping on it like anyone is missing your grand point. The demographics are catastrophic. They are near civilization-ending. When you have such diffuse invasion, miscegenation reaches unparalleled heights [which it already has in the US], so there is a massive, massive portion of the "White percent" you keep putting in the bank that is never, ever going to swing our way. For those that do, it isn't going to matter because we are – and you keep avoiding this – rapidly dwindling in raw numbers. We don't have the fucking time.


Just GTFO to your bunker.chan already.

Don't sweat it bro. Given the amount of shills, it's sometimes tricky to separate the legit posters being sarcastic from the shills. I've mixed them up as well before.

Whether or not you would call Breitbart controlled opposition, are you going to state that Breitbart is honest about Israel and AIPAC?

Not sure if Antifa matters, but we are seeing early signs that liberal media realizes they pushed too hard. They will rein it in for a while, so the destruction of our society, people, and culture goes a full 30% slower. Meanwhile, Trumpcucks will lap it up as a victory.

Can't be done. It's not like cutting off a kid's allowance and telling him it is due to other reasons, there are thousands of local government that receive federal money for scores of reasons. You can't just stop giving money to even one city like NYC without it being blatantly obvious what you are doing.

NYC receives $10.4 billion a year.

Unless you're a mongrel of the worst kind, or have a genetic impairment that can be transmitted, then you know why the demographics are going low. Lack of will (that, but also the increase of non-european migration).

For the U.S., there are two viable solutions (legislation might be the reason that prevents this from happening, but it's the closest viable thing right now):
1. A two-state solution.
The only problems that I can see with this are who gets what, and who gets the nuclear weapons.
2. Mass removal of illegal aliens.
The risk for an European minority in America is caused mainly by hispanics. Getting rid of the illegal ones shall contribute to a higher percentage of Europeans and lower the chances of white-hispanic miscegenation.

For Europe it would be much easier, but I believe you were curious about the U.S.

Without violence, without resistance, there are no solutions. So why even make this post?

Bingo. Your two points I can agree with.


But cuckservative idiots lap this up. Not saying most Trump supporters are this clueless, but think of guys like Ted Cruz talking about carpet-bombing ISIS.

They can't be here anymore and they will never leave willingly. The numbers are such that they may quite honestly be able to win an armed conflict. They surely will be able to in the not too distant future. Once that point is reached, there is no reason for them not to go on the attack and exterminate us.

My point is that this will lead to a civil war and whites will be shaken awake by the existential threat that this poses, you fucking dumb nigger. That is my point. Our numbers are dwindling, no fucking shit, you retard. But what Trump has done has created and established the divide perfectly, and it will only get worse as Trump's presidency begins and continues.

The media will, but not their indoctrinated pets who have already started forming. The damage the media did is already done.

Holy shit, I would fucking love to see the bloodbath that would ensue if illegals try to resist deportation by starting a civil war. Most of the leftists don't even know how to fire a gun, and the ones who do almost certainly won't do it right. It'd be a fucking slaughter.

Talking about airstrikes on mountain people is all you have to say to get those people on board, shilling for more surveillance and gun control is not needed.

This particular attitude is why the West is basically dying right now outside of a few last gasps at the ballot box.

If you're implying what I think you're implying, I'm sorry to hear that.

Another thing that you could add is the deregulation of small/agricultural businesses (rural lands are mostly populated by whites) and some form of a social welfare for families, or tax exemption (a baby and business boom from red, mainly white states, can contribute a lot). It can backfire though since anti-discrimination laws will make this welfare available to the desperate non-whites. You could find a way to prevent this and also bypass anti-discrimination laws by making it available to people with a certain income, even though I suspect they will find something discriminatory about this also…

Itt shills

haha ur a nigger xd

Imagine all the free H&K 416's we could grab off them. you know the UN is gonna throw some guns there way, and thats what they have right now.

So free guns peeled off dead lefties and spics is a bad thing. you need to stop thinking like a pussy.

Mnuchin has been in the campaign almost the entire time. He likely has some inside knowledge of Soros operations, ect. We have to trust Trumps guile in knowing who is selling out the establishment and who is infiltrating.

And the longer this takes to manifest, the worse will we be.
They weren't shaken awake in Haiti, or Rhodesia, or South Africa [and those that were were too outnumbered to do anything about it]. The levels of miscegenation make it so that massive, massive swaths of the White population [which in the US constitutes Jews, North Africans, and Arabs] are simply never going to "wake up" because it is in their interest NOT to. Are you like 60 years old or something? Have you not been to a high school or college in the last 5-10 years? Race-mixing is an epidemic.

Dude, if Trump needed that he would've just asked while giving him an useless position, not the fucking SECRETARY OF TREASURY, LITERALLY LEAVING A KIKE TO HANDLE YOUR MONEY.

I can't trust anything outside of a Trump statement considering how much these fucks like to lie for site views.


Apparently so am I.

Your sand castle is slowly collapsing.
Don't worry, you'll find another one you will worship.
And then another.
And another after that.

That is confirmation bias.
The whites living there were. To debate such a fact is ludicrous.
No, I'm not. I'm just not a defeatist like you.
NO FUCKING SHIT. This is obvious to everyone, but fun fact, retard, we can't just start killing niggers, spics, and kikes right off the bat of Trump's election. We have to undo 50 years of propaganda and is already starting. For fuck's sake there are pro-white posters appearing in universities across the country, and the media is propagating it. More whites are waking up, and young ones at that.

Now Germany almost beat the whole world, what the fuck do you think will happen when whites actually fear for their lives and the very existence of their children. All we need to do is to funnel more and more anti-white rhetoric from blacks and liberals at the white populace while simultaneously giving the solution, i.e., white nationalism.

Here's another possibility. Trump has already floated several Gentile names and received the expected knee-jerk criticism from the MSM for every single one. Now he brings out a major kike. If MSM ignores him, their hypocrisy is obvious. If they criticize him, they have to mention his Jewish ethnicity and Soros connection. In fact, this is just what happened in (((Slate))) today.

Now, that is far-fetched, and I don't 100% believe it myself. But you have to remember that Trump sold real estate in NYC for decades without either naming the Jews or being destroyed by them. You have to be EXTREMELY red-pilled to pull that off.

I really fucking hope he knows what he's doing, because this really has me worried.

He definitely knows things about them we don't, and he knows them personally. These could be fellow globalist/pedowood/establishment rebels who's morals kicked in, who have just played it cool since then.

Americans you need to be realistic
He disavowed and denounced our views, he is very pro-Israel and is very into the jewish currency system.
He will not go after the kikes, the shitskins or anything.
He'll fix the market a bit, bring in some jobs, limit immigration (likely amnesty to those "non-criminal" illegals).
Your country is so far in the left that you think Trump is right wing - let alone aligned with our Natsoc views.

Reality check: Trump is a babystep out of far-leftism.
Which is good indeed, but don't get hyped up - rather, use this chance to move the window of acceptable things away from leftism and toward the right.

We won't undo 70 years of liberalism in an election cycle, and we likely won't gain sovereignty back from globalism without a civil war.
What you should do right now is prepping, networking, and redpilling.
This lazy attitude of thinking you can just elect a non-far-left dude into office and leftism is over is melodramatic and also a denial of reality.
We won't get out of this without a fight, do not be that delusional.

Unlikely to be in a position to steal any, and if he does get caught doing so, Trump will just fire/jail his ass and go after his accessories.

It all depends on how close an eye Trump keeps on his people, and how willing he is to fire them when they fuck up. I suspect he'll be gone before the end of the first year, even if he doesn't fuck up.

I can already hear the berniebros telling me – "See! he was a corporate shill all along, and now you will regret this." Which is unfortunate. Winning and then coming to this point, here after the election, is going to be difficult.
After calling Hillary out as the Goldman Sachs candidate, it's disappointing to see this choice. I hope the Trump presidency doesn't lunge in this direction.

Look guy, my point is that Holla Forums has prided itself on questioning everything with an intelligent conspiritard mindset. The rise of trump has brought a rise of conformist hivemind-think that rejects what it doesn't already agree with, just like everyone Holla Forums has ever laughed at.

So when that user said that Holla Forums still has serious discussions, one just has to look at your lame ad-hominem "argument" to see that's bullshit. Now go back to /r/the_donald where you came from you nigger heeb drone

Is anyone really surprised by this? Trump's not Hilter. WOw No shit? He has Jewish connections. Wow, no shit… really? I mean, this guy has been a part of his campaign for months… what the fuck do you expect? GS is basically a quasi-government agency, maybe even a part owner of the Fed Res.


There's no time left for all of this. There's no time.

Zerohedge has writers and commenters who clearly have inside knowledge and an axe to grind against the industry. They are generally bearish and anti-Keynesian and correct.

The economics we get from Trump will not be Keynesian, it will be similar to the economic boom Hitler brought to Germany through the construction of the autobahn.

We're going to do things like build a cross-country hyperhighways that only trucks and self-driving trucks can use, decreasing shipping times and costs and reducing traffic and wear on our normal highways.

We're going to demand that people work, but we're going to have jobs available to them.

We're going to create policies and incentives to get people to have families and settle in stable situations because you can't have much economic growth without population growth.

no shit tell that to kushners project alamo shills. i see more redpilled comments on jewtube videos about the economy and shit than here. the repeating digits meme worship dogma has shit this place up. we have wasted over a year meme'ing a ziocuck civic nationalist into being our god emperor when he was the establishment pick the whole time.

The country is so fucking non-White how can anyone see this as a good thing?

Go fuck yourself first. Put up an argument that we haven't heard before, one that doesn't boil down to: wait for Hitler, Voting doesn't matter, Trump's a puppet / controlled op, let everything go to shit so we can somehow "win" when the dumbass normie Whites wake up.

There's no hope for gains outside of Faggot Valley so long as the leaders are busy enriching themselves by selling out the nation to be cannibalized by the always-developing-never-developed world. Once they see what this country can do when the shackles are off, Nationalism will regain its spot in the logos over Globalism.

And when Adolph Trump turns out to not be a brutal Hitler as the media has warned, then that whole boogeymeme is disarmed.

Eventually we restructure society so that the minorities and degenerates who can't keep up are no longer given special advantages and they either live quiet lives of marginalization or the emigrate.

So minorities who can "keep up" are perfectly welcome to come to the US, enrich themselves, hold power over Whites, take White places at school, drive up property values for Whites, worm themselves into the political structure and turn the nation towards their interests just like we've spent the last 100 years suffering through?

Unless you heard it come from Trumps mouth, its rumours

From what I read, that was never his argument.

I voted for Trump in the primaries and general election. That doesn't mean I embraced this God Emperor bullshit or that I was uncritical of him, like Holla Forums was for over a year.

Getting Trump will probably be a good thing, but in a small way. Possibly, it will be a bad thing if white America goes back to sleep, but it is worth the risk.

Still better than Hillary or Bernie, tbh.
Go ahead and spite us for Trump, but he was a longshot as a candidate in this election compared to all the other candidates. He said some based things, which was his main appeal, and had some good ideas. It's only a shame now that he does this. I'm going to wait until he is president to decide whether it was worth it or not. Still, this is a bad sign for the Trump administration ahead.

I agree with this. People on here were just happy that they had someone to cheer for who actually might do something. The whole "god emperor" is just a meme, to me at least. There was still criticism on here, but we were (are still) being raided by CTR, so the reaction was to BTFO anyone who might even hint at being CTR.

I wasn't assuming you came from the_donald, I was just making fun of you :^)

Anywho, idgaf about nat-soc or hitler. The issue here is that trump is our "hope and change" candidate, and it wasn't too long ago that one of those guys shafted the people who voted for him.

After Bush, dems were hoping for an über liberal who would undo all the damage he had done, help niggers and spics, etc. Instead, they got someone who resigned the Bush tax cuts, resigned the Patriot Act, did nothing with gitmo, expanded the NDAA, drone striked american citizens, deported the most spics in U.S. history, and just completely ignored the plight of the nergro.

The jews have been jewing for a long time, just because we got our "hope and change" doesn't mean we should bend over and blindly accept whatever cums spewing out of The Dongald, or we'll end up like the dems who still ignore the fact they voted for a republican.

You have to go back.

It's not like they haven't done it before…

It was all a ruse.
Trump is nothing more than a mouthy cuckservative mixture of the worst parts of Reagan, Nixon and Bush.
Its going to be Jews and cucks all the way down.

I'm not mocking, I was right there, I was invested - and now, I am as much betrayed as anyone else.
But there's no justifying this now - this guy is just a shitty cuckservative with a big mouth and far too many Jews in his corner.

Anyone who says otherwise, in light of these picks alone (neverminding all the rumors that Sec. of State is now down to the penultimate Mormon cuckold or the Jew York Zionist), is Trump campaign staff.
Its all going to come crashing down.

Its been a dark and dreary day, and now I know why - today is the day I had to come to terms with the fact that Trump winning was barely a victory for us at all.

I'm done caring about this country - Trump isn't going to do shit about the demographics (illegals are a minor concern in this context) and he's going to poison the well so badly that 2024 (if not 2020) is going to usher forth the politician which espouses the final demise of this country's historical population, the American People.
We the People were stupid, and now We the People are going to be destroyed.

He who wanders in darkness, denying he walks without the light, will never see that which is about to consume him.

You mean Trump isn't literally Hitler?
Fuck, who could have known?

He means Trump isn't literally a god emperor.

Wtf I hate Trump now.

If he doesn't combat the demographic issue, then it is totally and completely meaningless.
You folks really don't get it.
We're out of time, there's no more 'few more years' to make this work - if Trump doesn't get the demographic demise of this nation under control ASAP, then its basically over in the US for European peoples.

I don't think its a matter of 'going back to sleep' - though that's certainly a concern.
Its about what he's going to do about this ONE FUCKING ISSUE that matter more than all the others combined - if Trump will not or cannot effectively tackle the demographic issue, during his first term, then he isn't going to win a second term, nor will the Republicans win ever again sans full Republicuck conversion.
I mean… 'Back to sleep'? Get real dude - they never woke up.

Failure to remedy the demographic issue makes literally every other issue irrelevant, which means Trump - who is not going to remedy the demographic issue in any meaningful sense - is undoubtedly going to be a bad thing, in a big way.
The best case scenario is he manages NOT to poison the well on nationalism - granted, 'civic nationalism', which isn't even 'nationalism', more like 'patriotism' - and then… What?

Sweet, amigos.

You don't have to be Hitler, nor a God Emperor, to not be a fucking cuckold in bed with kikes.
You just have to be a halfway decent Man, a nationalist, hell, even a legitimate non-cuck'd Republican could do here - and Trump, it appears, is signaling to us that he is not such a man.

You shouldn't hate Trump - but you should be damned suspicious of him… And if you aren't, that you aren't, its very telling.

You both reek of Trump campaign staff sent here to try and keep the fire from rising in response to the revelation of betrayal on behalf of your candidate… That, or simply useful idiots who are still trapped in the mindspace I was trapped in a mere 24 hours ago.

You forget Trump is calling the shots not the kikes,also nothing is official yet,I think he is trolling them enjoying all the salt and ass kissing (((those))) sniveling little hook noses HAVE to do now along with the cucks.He has GOD EMPEROR art of war chess skills

If Trump is calling the shots, why would he give a government spot to a Rothschild bankruptcy lawyer that bailed him out in the 90?

user, he's not even in office yet.

Nice paragraph my shill, go back to Holla Forums and come up with better D&C tactics.

meant for


I've heard this execrable excuse about how realist everyone is about trump through all moments in the campaign when these were being pumped out. I absolutely expect that many of these were pumped out by a PR agency.

Face it, the "alt right" (you are alt right, have a seat in your fainting chair damsels) was played like a fiddle during the election, just like every other group. This political fight will be won on creativity and vision alone. You think twitter baiting is creativity? They're quickly becoming unresponsive to that parlor trick.

Mass immigration is radicalizing the white population into an ethnic voting bloc. The tide of immigration policy did that, not memes.

People didn't know. A lot of people here were almost delusional about trump.

Are you retarded?

Friends close,enemy closer.Before we go shitting him up lets see him in office first,then if he fucks up OK, WAR IT IS THEN!!

fuck off with the concern shilling. Theres been faggots like you every fucking time Trump has uttered a word and you faggots have wound up getting btfo every fucking time.

Bloo Bloo Bloo fuck off with your larp tier understanding of the events that are unfolding

Terrible logic. A former bankruptcy lawyer shouldn't have nothing on Trump and therefore isn't a enemy to be concerned about keeping close.

What makes more sense is that Trump went down the list of people he can trust, one of which just so happened to be a Rothschild legal eagle.

shouldn't have anything*

Whether any of us like it or not kikes like that still have a lot of pull and Trump I believe is concerned about getting shit done for the US,Just because he don't pick or consider every person for a position to your liking is irrelevant and we will wait and see.So far he isn't even in yet and much of the world is changing their tune.TPP DEAD!! ACA DEAD!! etc etc.

That's not an argument.

Sir, I sincerely hope you are correct… But, allow me to present a counter argument: Nothing significantly changed.

Whites: 72% of voters
39% Obama, 59% Romney
White: 70% of voters
37% Clinton, 58% Trump

Hispanics: 10% of voters
71% Obama, 27% Romney
65% Clinton, 29% Trump

Asians: 3% of voters
Obama 71%, Romney 26%
Asians: 4% of voters
65% Clinton, 29% Trump

The notion that White Americans are behaving and voting as an ethnic bloc, thus granting Trump the victory, strikes me as rather dubious tbh fam.

Hitler got involved in politics in his twenties, Trump not til 70. Not a politician

Not merely I.
There isn't - and you haven't.
Never said that.
Yes, its dark and dreary out today, which fits the news.

And now Trump is putting Jews in positions of financial power.
See how that works?

Anyone who says otherwise is trying to manipulate.
I don't care about a US destiny to Hispanic majority, no - why do you?
You keep going back to Hitler, which is weird… But in any case, its true: You will be destroyed if you don't ge the demographics under control.
Just ask the Rhodesians.

You're acting like CtR right now, you know that, right?

Please, explain to us the 'events that are unfolding', and how 'muh demographics' are not a concern.
I'll wait - and I'm not even getting paid like you are.
Tell Jared I said "Hi kike".

"Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day."

That is the testimony of John O'Donnell who worked for Trump for 3 years. On his third year, he was president and chief operating officer of the Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City.

Imagine how much better this board would be if TRS didn't exist…

So Trump isn't keeping his former Rothschild bankruptcy lawyer close because he is an

Mnuchkin and Ross are to your liking?

You don't go out of your way to placate, massage, and make deals with people who are push overs. If spics were such a weak obstacle easily pushed aside, then you'd already be fighting them.

Not really. You assume from the outset that whites are utterly powerless other than being a majority, and when they lose that, they just die away.

I still have faith that Trump's master plan will destroy the jew. This is just another move in his 5D candyland game that we mere mortals cannot comprehend. I hope.

I'd say that it is incipient. Your assessment is overall good but I believe that the demographic reckoning will cause an unstoppable rise in tribalism. Remember, in history, tribes either merge or exterminate the weaker. Finance and diplomacy is the only thing stopping dozens of these race wars erupting across the world. Once the money runs out, US won't be able to deploy to intervene in say, Syria. The Alawites and Chrstians will kill millions of Sunni Arabs. Psychologically it might be a shock for tribalist America.

You really are a shill.

The rise in tribalism won't matter if the numbers aren't there to back it up.

Thanks, user, that graphic is perfect.

Anyone else notice that in the past year or so, most OC coming out of 8pol has been shit? That includes pro-Trump OC.

First I fucking hate all kikes,shitskins,chinks period I want illegals and refugees!! GONE!! You have to understand there was and still is an existing power structure and Trump will use it to his advantage like he has done his entire career.Criticizing his picks is one thing,coming out and saying he is shit before he even gets in office is another thing.You are jumping the shark user and even Hitler used the (((rats))) to further the cause.

The numbers are already there, you just have to leave current America on the boil for a few more decades and watch the money run out.

It's just cuckcuckgo results.

I don't assume that - YOU assume that I assume that.
I assume nothing, I KNOW that Whites may well fight when forced into a corner - and I KNOW they may well lose, bitterly, depending on when they wind up in that corner, how bad things are at that point.

I know that because I've seen what historically happens to White populations who become a minority in their lands or who were already a minority and fall from power.
If you cannot get the demographic issues under control, if we cannot retain our majority status, the US is done. There's no argument you can levy which alters this state of affairs such as they are.

This thread is absolutely filled to the brim with shills

Holy fuck The abnormal writing styles and insane levels of concern trolling to a point where they're straight up predicting the future with 100% confidence.

No, they really aren't. The numbers coming into view show a White America that is on course to be genocided because it quite simply will not fight no matter how much advance warning it gets.

Wait a tic, wouldn't an armed conflict further reduce the breeding age population?
Wouldn't it be more effective to increase the breeding rate of whites?

I didn't avoid your point at all. I attacked it head on. If spics were a pushover, you'd be fighting them. Instead all they do is consume more territory, push out more kids, freeze White men out of more and more lines of work, pour into the military like an unstoppable flood.

People like you are very good at asserting things that don't line up with reality and you get defensive when you're called on it.

Welcome to the new Holla Forums.

Because our people are demoralized and brainwashed, you stupid faggot. Do you think we are also scared of Haitians, which is why we pay them money every time they have a natural disaster?

Yeah, show us historically how whites couldn't handle the physical problems of wars with most non-whites.

Do you know how weak niggers are, for example? You wouldn't even have to fight them, you just seal off the inner cities, remove all law, and let them burn them out themselves.

"The cabinet maketh the man"

t. me

One post you rationalize that Trump picked his Rothschild bankruptcy lawyer because he wants to keep his enemies close, next you say he picked him because Jews have alot of pull. Then you imply that you don't have a problem with Trump's picks for his cabinet. So what is it user?

This is a very real possibility, yes.

Indeed, and when it comes to non-Whites, it typically leans toward the latter, with the former being held only for females.

While I agree with the previous bit of your commentary, this bit just seems rather dubious to me.

I have little doubt White Americans will espouse greater tribalism, by requisite, as time goes on, as the demographisc degrade… I just don't hold the degree of certainty you do that the timing of it all will play out in our favor.
Waiting until you're outnumbered 3-to-1 in your own lands (with enough forces just across your border to make it even worse odds), hoping this process will generate a resistant streak in your people, strikes me as a very, very large gamble, one that I am anything but certain will pay off.

Frankly, if it gets to the point that demographic demise causes tribalism on behalf of Whites, I think we'll have already lost any chance of recovering the North American continent, short of full-blown warfare, the likes of which I don't believe our people (even in the grips of tribalism) will be willing (or perhaps even able) to undertake.
The White/European demographic is under assault the world over, and it does not bode well IMHO that people are thinking the only way we're going to get out of this is when we're forced, like a cornered animal, to fight or die.


There's simply no time left at all. No matter how many times this gets pointed out, it falls on deaf ears. I'm assuming 95% of the board must be posting from Iowa or Montana, or it's a deliberate cool down campaign.

We don't have the time for long term plans. We need a massive armed conflict just to get a modicum of breathing room, let alone be in a position to actually rebuild our race.

That's not a caveat, though. Don't you understand that? It's not a caveat. It's reality.

No, we wouldn't be, dumbass. That is like saying that the United States didn't take over Mexico for most of its history because it was afraid of Mexico.

Do you even think about the stupid shit you type?

This is obvious bait. Fuck off, FBI.

He's obviously talking about muslims you autist.


By your retarded logic Russians are pushovers because they haven't murdered every last Chechen or that the Chinese are pushovers because Tibetans and Uyghurs still exist.

You are platinum retarded.>>8403842

Yeah.. I think this guy hits the nail on the head. It's basically all but wrapped up at this point with the likes of you guys.

Frankly, if it gets to the point that demographic demise causes tribalism on behalf of Whites, I think we'll have already lost any chance of recovering the North American continent, short of full-blown warfare, the likes of which I don't believe our people (even in the grips of tribalism) will be willing (or perhaps even able) to undertake.

The Tibetans and Uyghurs are being phased out of existence as we speak. The Russians are being dismantled and colonized in their own lands just as we are. They've already come to the conclusion that they can't win and have essentially given up. That's why multiculturalism is pushed.

This doesnt deserve its own thread so im putting it here. Have your daily dose of rage

both of those statements are congruent when you consider the fact he could be assassinated before even getting into office.You really have no idea wtf is really going on in the inner workings of such a power shift.I didn't imply anything nor did I say I agree with his picks,if it was up to me all his picks would be Natsoc and mass deportations and executions would commence immediately the 20th however that isn't reality.I do believe he knows more about what he is doing and why he has to than you and your pessimistic, premature attitude.

Rhodesia. South Africa. Haiti.
And you STILL don't fucking get it.
Allow me to demonstrate:
This is what you think I'm talking about…
This is what I'm actually talking about…
There's an old Jew proverb - I didn't realize it was Jewish even, I'd heard it on some media-shit show and Jewgle just informed me its a Jewish proverb, which is almost so fitting I want to laugh - that goes something like this:
Two dogs can kill a lion.

I have every confidence in my people in terms of combat… But not when they're drastically out-numbered by peoples who hate them and who've taken over the power-structures which our people put in place when we were in power, not when the entire system (which they created) is aligned against them, in every concieveable sense.

This is cancerous thinking, and you should ask the Haitians how that worked out for them. Or the Rhodesians. Or maybe take a trip to Pretoria and tell the niggers there what you think about them - see how it goes, and be sure to post the vid on Holla Forums.

im not a fan of this and I hope he doesnt get confirmed

They also tend to ignore that pretty much every one of these conflicts they beat their dick to involved literal bush niggers or bedouins riding camels. Things didn't work out quite so well in Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan, or Iraq, did they?
Ethnic Russians make up a larger percentage of the population now than in 2002 and 1926 you absolute defeatist retard.

Was there supposed to be some sort of meaning in the juxtaposition of these two statements?
I believe they fit together quite nicely, but if you have some greater point to make, I'd like to hear to it.

I wasn't quoting you to reply to you. I was using your words in response to the other user I was replying to and why I think his line of thinking is faulty.

Honestly hard numbers don't fucking matter anymore now that Hydrogen bombs, bioweapons, Rods from god, and other WMD's exist.

If there were only 100,000 whites left alive and there were 8 billion niggers and the Whites had an anti-nigger ethnic bioweapon whites would still win.

Both of those statements are speculation. The first implies that Ross is an enemy of Trump, despite giving him a great deal with the Taj Mahal in Atlantic City in the 90s, which means Trump wants to keep him close. You'd have to be retarded to seriously think this.

The second is saying that Jews have enough pull to make Trump's cabinet picks for him, meaning he isn't in charge at all. Which one is your final answer for your speculation on "wtf is really going on" here?


Why didn't you just say
because that's basically what your commentary amounted to.

You trust Trump.
Cool… But that's a pretty sketchy platform to stand on.

I don't trust Trump.
I'd like to trust Trump, but he has given me no indication he can legitimately be trusted at this point - and that you trust him, and argue that others should trust him, well…. I'm inclined to suggest you should tell Jared to be more selective in who he puts behind the screen to argue in favor of his father-in-law, because "I trust Trump - and you should too" isn't a strong argumentative platform.

Fighting insurgencies where you're mindful of civilian casualties and fighting genocidal race wars aren't the same thing you retard.

not sure if any real Holla Forumsock is here l.

There's really nothing to suggest it would go any different if it was a genocidal race war. The primary reasons why it isn't a genocidal race war is because Western nations have subhumans, mudsharks, oil drillers, and yellow fever degenerates crawling all over every square inch of the military and their home countries and they are scared of a region wide counter attack if neighboring countries decide to actively fight the US.

Everything suggests that you goddamn retard. Unless you think that the Vietnamese or Iraqis could stop nuclear fucking weapons.

But you don't control nuclear weapons. The multiculturalists do. And so do other non-White nations.

the only user speculating is you #1 none of his picks are official and subject to change even after he is sworn in,you keep trying to speculate I have some cognitive dissonance by assuming what you want out of what I type.Fact is he will pick whoever the fuck he wants and will be the next president and make his decisions according to HIS best judgment not yours or mine.You talk about speculation yet you yourself have absolutely no fucking idea why he picks anyone and just bitching because you like too or you are butt sore about what he is doing before anything is official or even in office.Why don't you wait for some actual evidence by HIS actions once in office instead of coming across like a ass btfo hillary shill.

So it seems like burgersnaps can elect whoever they want but kikes still ending up as their overlords. One may think that the US is the problem, not just their politicians.

I'm just asking whether you think Trump picked Ross because he is his enemy, as you said here

Or whether you think Jews have alot of pull which forced Trump to pick Ross as you said here

Did people think Trump was seriously not going to encounter politics as president? He won the election, but hasn't "drained the swamp". He hasn't even been inaugurated yet.

Civic nationalism is the system we have in place right now

This is akin to the rationale, flawed as we all know, suggesting that because the US government has tanks and planes and drones, that an armed insurgency could never win - and we've been, many times, over the fact that this is not an accurate perspective to hold.

And what would they win, after having employed H-bombs, bioweapons, the kinetic Sword of fucking Damocles, etc, eh?
A wasteland, a dead ecology, a bombed-out husk crawling with mutants, bioweapons and radiation.
That's not a victory user, and if you think it is, you're even more a fool than I thought.

And of course, all of the above is ignoring the fact that, based on what we see at present, our people would not have the will to employ such weapons against our foes in the context you describe - you're LARPing, in a most cringeworthy manner.
It shouldn't have to come to World War 3-tier violence for Whites to take their own fucking side, and if it does, then we've likely already lost.

Which brings us back to Trump, and the origin of this whole conversation, at which point you MUST understand something:
There is nothing meaningfully stopping Donald Trump from having a legitimate conversation about the US demographics, particularly once in power.
There's nothing stopping him from putting together an administration that will tackle this issue head-on and solve it within 4 years time.
Yet, for the moment, he's focused upon cucking as hard as he possibly can, while placing our enemies into positions of power at his side.
That's what HE'S doing, we have no part in it - and anyone arguing that this is something justified, anyone presenting some cringey platform to justify Trump (now that he has won) cucking out and handing power to kikes and cuckservatives, is the enemy.

So then if absolutely nobody who's on our side has nukes or a means of deterrence then why start a goddamn race war you absolute goddamn retard? You're the type of insufferable cunt that's already consigned themselves to death and thus tries to convince absolutely everyone else that they're completely fucked as well.

I fucking dare you to state a workable plausible scenario that you think could actually happen where whites and western civilization survives. I bet the fucking thought never even entered your suicidal untermensch head. Straight up tell me what you want and think could happen.

I'm glad you're finally admitting that you were wrong.

All jews are an enemy to a white man even though they need to be used at times so that goes without saying.

The kind of pull I am talking about has nothing to do with influence over him it has to do with how he will influence (((them))) to accomplish what he plans to get done.

There's a bit of a difference between tanks where you can plant IED's and ambush the crews while they're taking a piss and goddamn nuclear fucking weapons you complete and utter retard.

There is no counter to Hydrogen goddamn bombs except really deep and protected underground bunkers.

USA was no doubt civic nationalist now, but it has been eroded methodically since WW2.

Prior to this election, Trump was a massive cuck who used to shit all over Pat Buchanan for "anti-Semitism" and actually bombarded a city council in Florida with race-mixing propaganda to shame them into flooding their country clubs with jews and niggers.

No, it really hasn't been eroded. It's just you have a racially broken population that derives two very different visions of what it means to be an "American nationalist" which largely lines up with the foreign money cliques that battle for control.


jew.wav (147 kb)

Tony T.: I never liked you, Kleinfeld. Not cause you're a jew, huh! I know plenty of jews. It's because you're a lyin' piece of shit, and I give you a million bucks to make a simple payoff and nothing happens.

Give me a single plausible scenario where we survive and state it clearly. If you can't then you and I are already dead. If we're completely fucked then why are you arguing with me? What's the point? Why not kill yourself now rather than wait?

Just fucking kill yourself you weak piece of shit.


This is an excellent point.

Unfortunately because guys like dominated the narrative for so long, there likely isn't a plausible scenario. You just kept huffing your own farts until you thought it was incense.

Sounds like you're agreeing it has been eroded. In any case, making it free to burn our nation's symbol is one example of eroding the nationalism.
A second would be not recognizing English at our principle language that's reflected in our government's paperwork.
A third would be not recognizing Christianity as our nation's religion and spiritual guide as well as our moral compass.

All three of those each give the people something to stand behind. All three have been eroded.

You guys are stupid.

Yes and no. The sort of "anti-nationalism" has coalesced so strongly and is so localized to the US and its direct satellite puppet states, that is has in a way become it's own nationalism. This is the undisputed homeland of racemixing, communism, militant consumerism, service to the (((economy))) rather than the other way round, a nation of immigrants, etc.

That'd be a nice start - all of it within his power, should he choose to exercise it thusly.

Demoralized by left-secular and Christian culture. Strong negative influence from the United States and the West.

Even more so. The entire world treated South Africa as a pariah.

French were a tiny minority, native Haitians were treated terribly which made them desperate. The Hollywood version of what black slavery looked like was actually the case in Haiti.

You are also leaving out that whites conquered those nations with trivial numbers of men.

If your point is that whites can't continue if they are demoralized and following the anti-white sentiments of the church and leftism, then sure. That is a different argument though, as whites will die off one way or another if their perspective doesn't change.

I think you are making your point in an overly provocative way rather than simply communicating the basic point that whites need to wake up. On that, we all agree.

They are good for stoking ovens.

I was thinking why we don't build a wall block out all shitkin/chink immigration and annex those fucking cucks in canada and take their low hanging fruit asses LMAO why go to war overseas we can just take canadas shit and piss on the french speaking crown cucks.

The rest of the commentary completely voided your own.

Checked for most unfortunate.

Trump can save America, if he so chooses.
And I wager he knows as much, which is what makes these picks all the more damning - they are indicative of a man who has the power to save his people, choosing not to do so.
There's just no justification for that.


Hey guys, I think Donald Trump is just doing 12D chess to save the white race.

eww pukes!!

Exactly, that's the whole, exact, damn point which is lost on so many here.

So much like the US.
And what sort of influence do you think will fall upon the US should Whites becoming a minority?
Just curious - obviously, it won't be from the US/West, but it seems pretty solidly plausible to suggest other sources of equivalent influence.

And how would the world treat minotir White Americans in non-White America?


Because it doesn't warrant note - it was a technological advantage that allowed them to do so.
In the event of Whites becoming a minority in America, the technicaly advantage (created by Whites, in most cases) will rest in the hands of the non-Whites, putting the Whites at a technological disadvantage.

That is exactly my point.

That is not my basic point.
My basic point is that Whites need to wake up RIGHT FUCKING NOW.
Not in a few years, not at some nebulous point in the future wherein they've been reduced to a desperate minority experiencing a technological (and societal) disadvantage, in addition to being physically outnumbered and even more psychologically demoralized.

My basic point, is this:
Our inherent advantages grant us the ability to overcome this issue if we act NOW… but the longer the timeframe between legitimate action being taken to handle this problem, the weaker our position becomes, irrelevant of any implied gradually-increasing-tribalism taking hold in the rapidly-shrinking - proportionally and numerically - population.
Further, our technological advantage will inevitably shift into the hands of our enemies once they take the reigns of power, which is (based on demographics alone) probable to occur within the next 10 years unless major and immediate action is taken to remedy this demographic state of affairs.
We gotta act fast, because they're outbreeding us, and once these non-Whites take power, they will do everything and anything to avoid our return to power - and they will have all of our creations at their disposal.

I have been listening to your arguments.
You speak, not just with urgency, but with panic. The panic of a white man who sees the entirety of our situation.
This is admirable.

I welcome that you are voicing these arguments and concerns. We need it.
But right now, ultimately, we have to wait until he's in power to have answers to any of these. Just tens of days now.

Your starter plan for Trump taking power ticks exactly the minimum boxes–but none of these can be accomplished while he is not yet in office.
I understand that you see his signalling a softening and overall cuckoldry–but I urge you to remember what an excellent salesman he is, what a marvelous persuader he is. Regardless of whether you trust him, you cannot deny his skills there.
I posit that he is indeed thinking ahead for the concerns we have, but he has to be able to sell it. And remember, right now he has to be signalling to the indoctrinated half of the country as well! They will have to be sedated repeatedly, despite the machinations of the media.

We'll keep discussing what the plan has to be for once he takes power, but we'll have to return to these arguments in earnest only once we see how bad the situation is: what actions he is able and willing to take.

You're already so demoralized and convinced that we've already lost that you emotionally refuse to even consider any other possible outcome as being possible.

In the end will alone triumphs and you clearly have none. You don't even need to kill yourself because you're already indistinguishable from being dead.

Don't give a shit about that. Race is what matters.

Ha ha, no.

so this how they operate make nonsensical arguments any retort profess cognitive dissonance blah blah for a while trying to twist words when that don't work start posting racemixing garbage LMAO!!!!!!! STAND UP WHITE MAN!! STRIKE DOWN THE HEATHEN!! NO MERCY!!!

Your entire argument is that something that is impossible needs to happen immediately or else all is lost and there's absolutely no hope.

You want to die.

so this how they operate make nonsensical arguments any retort profess cognitive dissonance blah blah for a while trying to twist words when that don't work start posting racemixing garbage?KYS. LMAO!!!!!!! STAND UP WHITE MAN!! STRIKE DOWN THE HEATHEN!! NO MERCY!!!

I don't know how long you have been politically active and racially aware, but I have been since the 1990s.

The amount of headway that we have made in the past 5-10 years has been remarkable. You can talk about shit online and with casual acquaintances that would have been utterly taboo in 2010. Often, the comments of Youtube videos read like something out of Stormfront. We had nothing like this in, say, 2007.

Maybe you don't see that, which is why you are so defeatist.

They wouldn't have much of a say.

No, I mean, they really were treated horribly. Their backs were to the wall, to the point where they were willing to take risk everything in revolt. This is real shit, not micro-aggressions:

Btw, I almost regret using the word "defeatist." I believe you are sincere, but I'm also guessing you are new to this. I thought things were dire in the late 1990s, that we were making our last stand.

It's common to feel stuff like this when you are relatively new to it.


Take everything they say with a grain of salt; though some of their contributors do know their shit.

Also remember that he was publicly appearing to cuck hard on immigration before he gave his immigration speech where he namedropped the 1965 immigration act, said that immigration isn't a right and should only benefit US interests, and that we should return immigration to "historical norms"

Every think we are getting bred out because of our decency when in the animal world it don't exist it's kill or be killed.Throughout my life I have slayed every nigger, shitskin, wigger, in H2H combat then I got into guns and other types of warfare it only came natural.Any time I see a shitkin muh dik or sheeboon going ape my instinct kick in and I want to go HAM WHITE MAN STYLE and shock those subhumans back to submission where they belong.Without whites they would all be still chucking spears in mudd huts wiping their butts with sand and don't expect them to have any appreciation of their betters until the whip cracks.

Criminally unchecked hitler dubs.

Why does his head have that big crease? Is he a Frankenstein?

Trump also does a lot of masonic handsignalling. Like a lot. Way more than would be natural if he was just eccentric and liked doing weird specific masonic handsignals…

The masons are a jew-led organization.


Dude that "guy from the inside" was a total fucking shill who had mental issues and was probably placed there by intel agencies specifically to discredit ZH. Good job believing the bullshit, mr. redpill.

So it's a lie from a fake news outlet.

This entire thread is filled with hysterical fucking retards.

im on a shitty mobile internet line that's been capped(they cap it after having used up your fast internet provision) and i can barely load these pages no less a video… im sure you can find him doing them in most or all of his videos.


He did a lot of these in one of his newer videos - maybe it was his inaguration video or whatever it's called(im not an american). A yoni sign. What that means im not sure, maybe he called you a bunch of cunts.

Jews first Trump delivers.

Oh btw, this is Pluto.

you're not even trying to cover up the samefag, are you?

No, ZH is based. The financial jews hate them.

There's nothing wrong with Zerohedge

Everyone seems to forget Stephen Bannon is also an ex-Goldman Sachs who worked in Hollywood:


>After a few years at Goldman Sachs, Bannon, in 1990, launched his own boutique investment bank, Bannon and Company. Eight years later, after his company was bought out by Societe Generale, Bannon became an executive producer of movies that ranged from the Oscar-nominated “Titus,” starring Anthony Hopkins, to the Cold War documentary “In the Face of Evil.”

Who do you think you're fooling?


Not as solid as Mnuchin, but we'll see.

Holy fucking shit

"Big surprise" is this why you nuked threads criticising Trump? Don't get me wrong… I prefer him to Hillary. But it seems a lot of people forget the U.S. isn't a democracy and kikes run regardless of your vote. Trump just represents those kikes that used European nationalism and don't believe in that "multiculltural" White genocide dream AS much. He represents those kikes that know they too will get problems with Muslim immigration. Those who think he's not ultimately an enemy with a J*w billionnaire son-in-law, a "convert" daughter, a fake blonde toupet, ancestry from a (((Christian))) Scottish Island that just happens to worship the fucking Sabbat. His entire background is the same of Hillary Clinton. He worked closely with Giuliani, the kike who was mayor during 9/11 (undoubtedly cooperated, probably co-organized it). You are coerced into this vote due to necessity to safe borders and to keep an anti-White disaster like Hillary out. They all need to die and White America needs real representation though.

So does this mean that Trump wont audit and end the fed now?


The funny thing is, when you now take to the streets to protest him and his kikery yourselves they will laugh at you for not accepting his presidency like the "liberals" did. Who wanted even more kikery in the end. This is how the divide and conquer works. People actually support people like Hillary and Trump because they want to oppose the other side rather than support the side they jump on. That's what such a polarized country gives them. A people who gives in to this nonsense charade of a "democracy" while nothing substantial changes.


Still a jew


Not surprising. I never believed Trump was the real deal, just a good start. I also always believed that he was always himself and truthful. So when he went civic nationalist, I believed that is who he really is. He has always championed Reagan and his presidency. He came to massive prosperity under Reagan and Bush so why would he go in a totally new direction?

I won't say its done, we still need to actually see his policies in action. Not a good sign with this stuff but anyone who thought Trump wouldn't have to concede a little was an idiot. He was never going to be the dream leader we wanted or even the leader he presented himself as becoming. He was always the best of a bad bunch.

Protests aren't going to cut it at this point. These people are going to have to be physically removed.

The value of Trump is that his campaign widened the Overton window considerably. His presidency will probably do so as well, at least in the beginning, and then it will stall out and bullshit will get channeled into civic nationalism, the question as to whether someone has "legal" status, veneration of the police, and harsh criticism of Muslims who while no doubt a shit culture and people are the one outside group that even many Jews dislike, as you note.

These fuckers are probably responsible for Trump taking two positions that he would prefer not to. The first regarding abortion, and the second regarding Israel. Trump's praise of Israel is over-the-top. Even most of the NYC Jews Trump associates with are probably less crazy about Israel than Trump's rhetoric, which is to the right of Netanyahu.


almost certainly no

Blame the mods and morons from TRS.

LOL. Myself and countless other anons tried to tell you niggers, but we were all banned and silenced by the Trump staff mods for pointing out a political candidate's kike connections.

Trump is kosher as fuck, his children are kikes, his grandchildren are kikes, he just can't stop sucking Israeli cock on a daily basis and the bought and paid for moderation, pro-Trump shilling tteams, and braindead Trumpcucks all called us kikes for pointing this shit out. Now you have a president elect who is appointing former big time employees of Rothschilds Inc and Goldman Sachs(who is also a massive literal kike) to important cabinet positions. I suspect I'll be banned for this by the Kushner kike mods, not that it will matter.

Every single Trumpcuck got played like the retarded little goyim they are, just like we tried telling you idiots

No, you're wrong. They were both equally terrible choices and let this all be a lesson to you underage niggers that democracy is dead in this country and the ZOG has complete and full control over us. Voting doesn't matter, Trump's a kike worshiping cuck, and you're all ignorant assholes.

Who gives a fuck?

Eustace Mullins used to say that the kikes wanted to end the fed so they could replace it with something even worse.

Trump is going to do what all the presidents before him did, whatever his masters tell him to.

No one here believes trump to be literally hitler.

Haven't you seen the retards on here who are planning to enlist to fight Israel's wars because they think Trump is going to "uncuck" the military?

no I haven't, sorry

Don't forget about all the faggots who honestly thought Trump was going to send out redtext RWDS to go slaughter all the non believers once he was elected and that the DOTR was right around the corner for kikes everywhere.

See the graphic at

That is the shit you guys were filling Holla Forums with for a year. It was ridiculous.

I haven't seen that, but I did see people defend his plan to give an automatic death penalty to cop killers, his retarded argument that we shouldn't have said when we were leaving Iraq even though the treaty signed by George W. Bush gave a date, and his dumbest idea of all, selling faulty military goods to Iran. Okay, granted, maybe nobody here was stupid enough to buy that one, but I bet if we fished a little, we'd find someone to support it.

Anyone remember the faggot who used to spam threads that criticized Trump with a copypaste of links about how much Jews hate Trump or some other bullshit.

Of course, the mods would look the other way when whole threads were spammed to oblivion by that faggot and others.

Who is you guys? I'm a national socialist who thinks trump is step one in a long row of steps we'll be taking.

He helped us a lot indirectly.

That guy was Kampfy. I'm not joking.

Shh no tears, only dreams

Trump is going to do whatever the kikes in charge tell him to do and you're a fucking retard for thinking he's one step closer to anything beneficial for people who actually care about the sovereignty of our own country. He's a massive globalist, massive zionist, and would betray his own mother if it could make him a couple extra shekels. Get fucked and kill yourself.

Yeah, key point. His campaign was painted by the media as that of Hitler 2.0, which alienated a lot of people from the leftist narrative, plus Trump would say things here and there that changed national dialogue in a lot of areas.

Now, the campaign is over. Trump will probably even be a "good" president, the way Reagan was a "good" president. He'll be a little less evil than some of his predecessors. That sure as hell doesn't save us.

Not surprised at all.

I love you, user. Saved.

I preferred the autist who used a trip with no name and would dump images every time somebody criticized Trump or sodomy.

Holy shit. Trumpcucks BTFO. I thought Hillary was the Goldman Sachs puppet.

Here's a graphic to help troubled Trumpcucks understand what they are going through.

And here is a puppy to them know that this is a safe space.

THey're in the "bargaining" phase right now. The denial and anger phases were pretty funny but depression is the one I'm really waiting for.

Trumpcuck Stages of Grief

Denial Until I hear it from Trump's own mouth, it can't be real!

Anger Why is he doing this? What is happening? I can't believe I was taken for a ride!

Bargaining Maybe it is all 5D chess. Maybe Donald only wants to tap them for their narrow areas of expertise.

Depression I don't even want to hear or think about politics right now.

Acceptance It was just an election. There is so much more work to do, and it will be a long road. Let's make the best of it.

yet your hillary dream died like she almost did when couldn't even stand up straight without help KYS FAGGOT and every shill on this post from lefty to reddit too cuckchan butt hurt losers trying to troll …NOPE!! fuck you!!

The sheer amount of cognitive dissonance in this thread is fucking amazing

This is a classic example of a Trumpcuck who is still in the "anger" phase. He directs his anger to others and lashes out at them to try to quell the fire tha tis burning inside of him after getting played by the kikes and by Trump.

Also, protip- I don't know about that guy, but I myself absolutely, positively hate Hillary Clinton just as much as I hate Trump. You retards out your newness by still playing along in the kike created "left Vs. Right" bullshit bread and circuses that are created to keep mentally challenged goyim like yourself from getting around to actually realizing that there is no left vs. right and that the entire concept of the country you were taught about in school hasn't even existed since the coup that was performed on the 22nd of November, 1963.

Stay pleb retard, the kikes love you for it.

Within normal parameters.


Let's be completely honest here.

Dodd-Frank was written by a fat, gay, pedophile, Jew with protruding nipples to concentrate power in big banks and fuck over smaller ones. It should be repealed and Glass Steagal should be brought back(which Trump forced the GOP to add into their party platform)

Imagine being so mad about the results you have to resort to this shit.

Honestly Trump barely brought up Israel during the campaign and mostly only talked about it when asked.

He never shut the fuck up about Iran though, did he? And we all know (((where))) that is coming from.

You're almost like a parody with your "hillary dream" part, holy shit. I voted for Trump as the best choice by a considerable margin, but did so with no illusions that he was what seemingly 90% of Holla Forums thought he was. Trump is a non-ideological populist, a nationalist in the broadest sense, and that's it. It's only because our society is so batshit insane that Trump would be viewed as someone who cares about whites in particular. Even fucking Jeb Bush opposed affirmative action, which Trump supports.

Yep, and worse than most. He still thinks that a critic of Trump must be a Hillary supporter. Amazing.

You have to consider these people who would take off the whole day to drive to a Trump rally, wait hours in line just to hear Donald Trump speak.

Yeah, that's actually my point. I don't think that Trump has any great love for Israel personally, he would rather not send them a dime, but saying that would have definitely hurt his chances to win the Republican nomination, given the number of evangelicals who love Israel with all their heart.

He wouldn't shut up about the Iran deal, he didn't say jack shit about Iran outside the Nuclear deal.

There's no downside to Iran getting their hands on nuclear technology unless you're in favor of Israeli hegemony.

We're always in acceptation mode you krypto-kuck, that's why we're always moving forward, that's why we promote info threads and shut down your cuck-feel threads.

Yeah but that hardly equals him fucking invading Iran now does it? I also wonder how Obama can be so obviously completely bought and paid for by banks to a point where they had his entire cabinet picked out months before hand and yet he acted against Israeli interests in the Iran deal. Shit doesn't make a bit of sense to me.

I mean seriously, fucking explain that.


The Iranian military has speculated that they believe the US will try to use the terms of the deal at a later date as a precursor to military action by claiming that Iran isn't complying. A similar scenario was actually laid out in "Which Path to Persia?", a paper put together by a subset of the Heritage Foundation founded and funded by Haim Saban.

So then wouldn't Trump scrapping the deal be fucking over Jewish plans?

Get your fucking story straight.

Trump's already on record as saying he can't scrap the deal. And the media has been running print stories for months about Iran violating the terms.

Why are we ignoring this?

Wait. I thought this was fake news? Did he really pick this kike?

Because he drove a Hollywood Jew out of business and the ADL/SPLC attacked him.

stormfags are cancer

So when do we turn on Trump if he gets Goldman Sachs jews and elite bankers onto his team?

Many Jews helped Trump get elected, stormfag. Have you done anything other than shitposting from your mom's basement?

I knew by a long shot it was gonna be him but doesnt this give the market reason to be stable and makes the kikes not crash the market if it was ron paul or someone?



Good to see that hotpockets aren't so banhappy on concern-trolls. Holla Forums needs to regain it's ability to make decent arguments, especially after the pre-election hive-minding (which was good for specifically that time period).

Hopefully Holla Forums can meme Trump to a less cucked direction rather than continuously arguing whether to blindly trust him or not trust him at all and that everything is all lost.

Conductor we have another problem

Looks like Trump made another loyalty pick.

This is actually a brilliant move. The madman is trying to keep Goldman Sachs on short leash. This current year is incredible, when did everything ever go so right.

Why are you posting this in every thread?


Why are you posting this in every thread?

Do you hear what you're fucking saying? Spics exterminating whites would be like the flea killing the dog. I'm sure they'd much rather rent seek.
What really needs to be done in order to restore demographics is for whites to bring their birthrate out of the fucking shithole. Hispanics have plenty of children because most of them are christian and believe in the traditional family. Meanwhile whites have much more income, much more everything, and decide having children isn't worth it because they're constantly being blackpilled about their people and the future of their country.
Once that culture war is one, the white normie will reconcile with itself and begin to go back into multiply and prosper mode. However, Christianity cannot be at the zenith of this new culture. It's the christian dogma that caused the infectious altruism that doomed western civilization.

As many said, we knew all of the candidates were 100% traitors and Trump was the only one we didn't know for sure which is why we all backed him. Call me a concern troll but I gave Trump benefit of the doubt up until this point with people like Giuliani and Pence. Mcuchin and Romney is really bad news.

This is what a shill post looks like. Read every line.

I see nothing wrong here.

Anne Frank's stepsister compares Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler

If you are a Jew, you should be very afraid of Donald Trump: Trump has always appealed to bigots. His address to a Jewish coalition confirms that he's an anti-Semite himself

Jewish Groups Join in on Bill to Block Trump's Muslim Ban

Six Reasons Trump Would Be Disaster for U.S. Jews, Israel and the Middle East

Trump more psychopathic than Hitler, Oxford study finds

Citing 'Core Beliefs,' U.S. Rabbis Condemn Trump's 'Hateful Rhetoric'

ADL Calls Trump Plan to Ban Anti-Semites ‘Anti-Semitic’

Trump’s Candidacy and the GOP Platform Are as Much anti-Jewish as 'pro-Israeli'

Is Donald Trump’s Inadvertent Anti-Semitism Worse Than the Real Thing?

Attacked by Trump, Mexicans look to Jewish groups for help

Trump, Brexit, ISIS and the Unmistakable Stench of the 1930s

Jewish news organization declares 24-hour ban on Trump content

Time to Form an American Jewish Emergency Committee Against Donald Trump

Donald Trump is Losing Jewish Donors and Intellectuals, But Will it Impact His Bottom Line?

Meet the One Jewish Group that Can Attack Donald Trump

Donald Trump Doubles Down on ‘America First’ Slogan — Whether Jews Like It or Not

Donald Trump Is a Candidate for White Supremacists — Not the Jews

The clan leader of white Americans: Conservative David Frum perfectly explains how the disintegration of the GOP has created Trump

ADL Urges Donald Trump to Reconsider “America First” in Foreign Policy Approach

Jewish donor dumps Trump after community backlash: Republican developer Martin Selig ‘stunned’ by blowback from Seattle Jews

Oy vey! Enough of Trump!

Since the start Trump has been talking about how hes going to hire ppl that are good at their jobs (during rallies)
He also said how often these are horrible, terrible ppl personally, but that doesn`t matter as long as they can deliver

I feel like it could be inentional.

It would be easier to keep your enemies on a leash as president instead of directly going after them, which could devisate your public image and jeopordize the democratic process Not that they aren't already ruined to shit.

I still have faith in the Don, but yes these choices are pretty concerning.

First day here?

Ivank converted to Judaism. All of Trumps kids are with Jews, except Barron. This tells anyone with half a brain that Trump is a good goy. It's not 4D chess. It's Kike. Accept it.

He also didn't insinuate they could stay. And he has a point in the fact that their birth rates are strong because hispanics value the family, a traditional, some would say christian, value. Winning the culture war is only one step. We win the demographics with whites in the womb. And deportations.

That "progress" means absolutely nothing when the majority of children are already non-white. We're working with a ticking time bomb and there is no democratic solution.

the past few years have been everlasting blue balls. every single time shit is about to get real, the damn kikes drag it out. im about tired now…

Wait, is this confirmed or still speculation? This thread is giving me mixed feelings.

It's not confirmed. It's reported to be expected.

just remember
hitler was funded by wall street at first too

I've never understood why somebody asks a question like this when they're obviously connected to the internet. Go to absolutely any search engine in the entire world and check for yourself. It's not hard.

Them dubs confirm laziness on the other user's part.

I'll hold my spaghetti then until it's happening.

No thanks.


Mnuchin confirms he is Treasurer Secretary in the first 5 seconds of the video posted in that url. He goes on to speak of his globalist agenda for 18 minutes.

and to point of the obvious, if Mnuchin went on a major network news program and announced he was Trumps TS when he actually wasn't, you would have heard from the Trump camp by now.4

Trump announced on it his Facebook.

Announced it on his*

We can't defend this, goys. We have to admit that it was a shitty pick and now we have to put the pressure on Trump to deport the beaners.

I'm holding out.

We all are, but I am growing more skeptical as the days go by.

Gotta throw the jew a bone eventually. The Reich wasn't erected in a day.

Are you him, or is this a tribute to 8/pol/ folly?

That, and marriage has become such a potentially devastating project for white males, plus white women think their calling is to fuck around throughout their late teens and twenties, their prime fertile years, pursue a career of some kind, and then at some point get married and have kids.

Conservative whites still have a lot of kids, I think more than Hispanics even, but overall we are losing the fertility battle.

This is basically correct. There is a weird narrative believed in by a lot of NatSoc people that spics, for example, would die fighting to stay in the United States. People come to the United States for a better life, not to be in a race war against the group that when they are on their A game controlled the entire planet for centuries.

Both Mnuchin and Cohn are confirmed, but the Mnuchin nomination is more solid. Cohn is more in the consideration phase, like John Bolton was for Secretary of State.

He's an obvious psy op.

Look how close he is with the pedophile cannibal people. He's probably one of them.

Why thew fuck would we ever think those degenerates would be our friends? They're literal predators, everything they do works on normies so well because they have more emotion. We're so autistic that it generally doesn't work on us, but for some reason this stupid Trump shit has. I guess he was the choice of lesser evil, but the cannibals obviously planned controlled opposition.

We have to stop underestimating our enemy. Assume from now on that everyone who isn't us is an enemy.


im starting to wish Hillary had won aswell, just for the sake of ww3 and a final end of white mans suffering, but i dunno, im enjoying being a lazy degenerate who'll never find a decent woman in this shithole of a city.

While this is definitely the wrong decision for Trump, I don't think this is his betrayal. I think this is his lack of wisdom on the Jews coming out. I won't forget this decision, and neither should any of you, but I'm not going to worry until he starts cucking on his actual policies.

To shill for Trump put a positive spin on this, this kike isn't in charge of enforcing immigration or any of the extremely important demographics issues. The only way the economy will get worse is if the Fed does something to make it so, not the Treasury Department. Economic issues are relatively easy to fix, demographics problems are not. Furthermore with his inevitable betrayal, we will have fuel for a new meme, and an opportunity to name another Jew for the public to despise.

Who is us?

i still dont know why ron paul wasn't chosen, or even that banker who wants to end the fed that Trump apparently met.

businessinsider .

whatever happened to this meeting? has it happened yet?

Is this a good thing or a bad thing? is this guy fuckin us over and trump is unaware, or is it a good idea to get rid of Dodd-Frank?

Don't get me wrong, Ron Paul was my pick as well but I think he got looked over because Trump doesn't know him personally, and he doesn't have a resume including finances.

As for John Allison the article itself says there are several other positions that he may be considered for

this bitch and her fans seem to be freaking out about it.

but i'm still not sure if its a good or bad thing.

Tbqh, I was watching CNN today and Pochahauntes and the rest of the libtards were going on and on about muh insider banking, muh 1%. And shills are using this as a demoralization pill across the web. I feel like Trump may jus be setting this up for one of his chess moves. We'll see.




(hey esl-jew, how do you do today)

(face it, alt-right pfft)

(i do not a be-be-bo-bo-bop-pop)

(amateur english LARP)
(amateur english LARP)
(amateur english LARP)
(narcissistic piece of shit)
(defeatist as fuck)
(noob 12 yr. old shilling)

(narcissistic piece of shit linking msm source)
(jewish misdirection)
(dubs confirms you to be a shill, so fuck off)
(gaslighting/muh mason handsignal combo)
(quoting a fifth column libtard trying to virtue signal on RT)

(i choose hillary JUST BECAUSE he's better than hilldawg, but hes a kike)

(Holla Forums shit OC)

(the 'muh whatever his masters tell him to' BULLSHIT argument)

(fuck off and fuck your 'muh whatever his masters tell him to' BULLSHIT argument, you fucking kike)
(ctr shills)
(ctr shills)
(garbage OC from Holla Forums

(honestly, *commence shill mode*)

(narcissistic liberal sjw)

(subtly trying to imply Trump is hiring jews because he a jew puppet all along, which is bullshit)

kill yourselves for posting stupid shit, dumb kikes and goons

this thread is basically a sinead/cointelpro/ctr/jidf/dnc/soros shill combo concern trolling/defeatism on steroids

what a waste of time of a post, kill yourself faggot.

Sure, but it is also the case of him simply not being the radical anti-Establishment candidate that many people thought he was, which runs counter to his own rhetoric.

Trumpcuck butthurt. You're at the Denial Stage of Grief.

Yea. Fuck you and I'm one of your non-shills. I made a decent post congruent to the direction of the thread only to be drowned out by your autistic signal boosting. Just argue the points like everyone else or fuck off.

defeatism is freedom. hope is cancer.

Truly, you are one of the best trumpcucks, shabbos goy.

It was the solution proposed by democrats to stop the 2008 financial crisis from happening again. What it did was create another government agency to add tons of red tape to lending money. Balloon payments and high rates are targeted under Dodd-Frank, which grants regulators wide discretion to decide what is “abusive” making it very difficult for the smaller banks.

Two entities were created by Dodd-Frank, the CFPB and the Financial Stability Oversight Council, a group of government officials which can designate which financial institutions are too big to fail and thus which will receive government support with the attendant benefit of lower funding costs. This puts the power with the larger banks, pushing out the smaller ones and they play it so safe they dont loan money out to average people.

There is also the issue of circumventing Senate approval (which is explicitly required under Dodd-Frank) for the appointment of the head of the CFPB and the technique of funding the bureau through mandated payments by the Fed.

Its a fucking mess and it doesnt work. this guy is right

hurr durr I like Trumphs how dare you not shill for him reeeeeeeeeeee!!!

This is precisely what Holla Forums does not understand. You should be making it perfectly clear to everyone IRL and online that all hope is lost and a nightmare future awaits. The downfall of our nations should be explained in sordid detail, and every grim news event should be a method of confirmation bias that only the alt right is capable of seeing beyond the horizon into the future.

Only then will people mentally depend upon the alt right for salvation because we have foresight and plan for the long term.

We are allowed to be skeptical of Trumps decisions. There are not many here that blindly believed that Trump was "the one", we just hoped he is. As he makes more appointments the bigger picture becomes more clear. Mnuchin and Romney are terrible choices and I will fucking point out every time Trump's actions look bad.

It means we need to scrutinise him like we're about to gas em.

If he does nothing. Then no qualms.

The reality is we are not going to full hitler.
But we'll "destroy jews" in a different way - by finally steering them from their cancerous chosen ones mentality.

Yes i know this is stupid. But as socrates noted. A talented person always goes beyond excess (ie no jews can live). An expert knows when to stop and realise it's too far.
An expert also knows when to cut the throat though.. so this needs to be made clear and we need to change our scrutinisation.

We must learn to control the untameable. Or nothing will change and we'll end up destroying each other.

God emperor is cringy reddit/thedonald shit.

Note that the architect did not destroy the matrix and humanity. It instrumentalised it. Even though they had the ability to power robots outside of earth.
They knew they had the same common plausible enemies or potential allies to other enemies.

Only a foolish jew would choose the other side for their own gain (which would actually most likely be a trick to destroy them and their peers)

China is getting more suspicious every day for example.

I said it and i will say it again: If we had hillary shills working here, why aren't trump shills a thing?

Because Hillary has a lot more funding. Thank soros. And trumps memes have that naturalised trait. Apart from some awoos and pepes.
unless soros funds both sides :^)


Absolutely disgusting if true. Holla Forums better meme something against this kike, or Trumps shabbos goy is going to start to come out real badly.

This is what mental illness looks like.

With this terrible pick of TS and this thread, can Holla Forums go back to being the board it was before trumps election? I dont regret supporting trump because our choice was 100% certain globalist anti white death spiral versus a chance. I went with the chance to turn our economy and demographics around but we need to be able to criticize trump and talk about our next steps now that world war 3 has been averted.

I worked with the guy a few years back for some days. He's ok.


Who the fuck talks like this? You don't belong here faggot.

Is this you Rick WIlson, have you refined your cuckposting method?


Hey Rabbi whatcha posting?

Also holy shit I watched this thread go from standard defeatist shills, to Trump-Jew meme spammers, to straight up calling people Trump cucks. They must know something we don't, maybe Mnuchin privately has talked big about how corrupt the system is. There's no other way to explain such blatant, hysterical shilling.

To be fair all he talks about is giving a huge tax cut to the middle class and encouraging banks to lend more.

What globalist agenda?

So you don't want to be in power?

The only reason leftism needs people to be mentally dependent on it is because it's intellectually bankrupt at it's core. Fascism and general conservative principles attract people all on their own. You aren't from here are you? Go back to >>Holla Forums and try and dredge up a stronger argument.

Big mistake, anything that puts more jews in government is no good.

Creativity attracts people, not the above.

What did Mussolini say, The crowd is like a woman?

Saw it coming. I never had any real hope [lel] for Trump but there was a better shot with him than the alternatives.

Ah this would be glorious and yeah he could do it if he had the willpower.

Its not even that the US is so far left its the americans cannot accept that they are not the center of attention and trump will be the demigod king of mankind

And you suggested that anons should sperg out and tell people the end is near. That'll definitely work!

Tavistock, pedowood, rick adler. Tavistock, cheese pizzza, hollywood, pedophile.

Steve Sailer

Are you here in this thread?

Remember, you're here forever if you keep this up


Non sequitur

Oh, you're part of the ineducable conspiritard fungus that has parasitized this board since Jim banned pedos.

Not really, just look at demographics. Want to get the biggest blackpill of your life? Go to any kindergarten outside of the midwest. THAT is your fucking future. Pajeets, muslims, beaners and like 30% white kids.

He is right, I think a lot of Holla Forumsacks are from super white midwestern, rust belt states. I live in a border state that is going to be nonwhite when the old people die, and its spreading fucking FAST. The panic he feels is the panic I feel. I voted for Trump as a desperate cry for help that he would do something. He has THE POWER. He CAN do it. He would earn the eternal love and devotion millions upon millions of white people and their descendants. Trump has shown little indications of helping us though.

Deporting illegals already in prison? That is FUCKING NOTHING. A wall? I don't give a FUCK about the wall, its 30 years too late for a wall. All he is doing is walling in a beaner population. I am waiting until inauguration for judgement but man I will hate trump if he goes soft and instead tries to push the "coalition of multi-colored patriots" instead of white america plan.

Yeah, Holla Forums is turning into r/donald. This used to be a National Socialist board. Very sad.

He's done nothing but indicate – both in this election cycle and in his long track record of public commentary – of being 100% on board with good goy multicult patriotardism. He never had anything good to say about Pat Buchanan until it was time to run for office.

This image is shit.

Hitler went from a homeless guy to a leader of a great power fighting against the whole mystery religion cabal by sheer will alone.
And he was winning for some time.

Trump still has to show his greatest smarts and strengths.

it was a natsoc board for 5-6 months before the election fagging really took over. throughout 2015 a lot of anons thought the natsocs were larping but eventually they realized it was 100% serious. this was right before the shemitah shit where half the posts were effortposting instead of 9gag tier meme shitposting. the election destroyed all of that and Holla Forums began to take its role way too seriously and muh pr'd its way to where we are now. instead of being the most uncompromising and radical place on the internet, we allowed the memes to control us (god emperor shit) instead of controlling the memes. we had no legitimate reason to meme trump as the god emperor, it was a shot in the dark and we missed. a huge opportunity to redpill millions on the elections jewish influence on both sides.

Its an old image from when Holla Forums had about 40/40% libertarians /natsoc and 20% other

it doesn't make libertarianism any less shit.

Call it shifting the Overton window. Call it slippery slope fallacy (all roads lead to NatSoc), call it the result of endless debate and how a generation of optimistic people got redpilled when Ron Paul got fucked over and Rand became a complete cuck.

It's part of MY history Not yours, you are a newfag and didn't lurk and without that LOLbertarian phase - there is no evil nazi frogposting headlining MSM articles, jews self identifying on Twitter, or young white men unironically worshiping an Egyptian Frog God of chaos in the year of Fire Monkey.

We tried to be peaceful. Don't Step on Snek is the proof that we really, really tried to prevent the upcoming race war and have the high moral ground.

We see where you faggot NatSoc types took us, into worship of brave leader God Emperor Trump. You wanted to cuck yourself so badly to a strong man, and this is what you got: business as usual with a populist veneer and an occasional bone thrown to common sense.

Ron Paul, for all of his flaws, would have been 10x better as a president than Donald Trump is showing himself to be. And the old Ron Paul memes BTFO the Holla Forums Trump memes.

I can see why he'd make the mistake.
90% of the pizzagate threads are shills now

Hahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahhahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaah fuck off nigger, nobody gives a shit about libertarianism anymore. Gary "Dudeweed" Johnson saw to that. People payed more attention to a kike bitch who believe in magic healing crystals than your shit party.

And no libertarians gave a shit about him for the past 2 election cycles. You didn't see much real interest in Gary Johnson anywhere, but you saw Trump worship up and down Holla Forums, faggot. You even had the mods wrecking any attempts to discuss Donald Trump honestly, that is how deep the Trumpcuck corruption went on NatSoc Holla Forums.

Fuck off retard.

Whenever pushed, this is all the Trumpcucks have got.

Didn't the Pauls both back Cruz and Johnson?

I don't know about Rand, as he doesn't even call himself a libertarian, but Ron did not endorse anyone. If anything, he seemed to give slightly more praise to Jill Stein than Gary Johnson, but that is more an indication of how little he thought of Johnson, and because Jill Stein, who was a batshit insane progressive on most issues, actually had the best foreign policy of any candidate, one that specifically named the Israeli government as criminal, and supported a boycott of Israel and a complete end to American aid.

Trump is a shabos goy and everyone knows it.

How does someone with the last name Stein call for ending aid to Israel. She really is crazy haha.

What's really worrying is all the people that refuse to give up the God Emperor shtick. Yeah it was necessary during the election to get him in but now that he's in he must be held to standard.

Who is Chomsky.

This whole election has been a fight between trump's ziofanatics and diaspora leftists.

Chomsky is a gatekeeper. Some kikes might genuinely oppose Israel, but he isn't one of them.

Unfortunately it's starting to look like Trump wasn't a secret Holla Forumsack or WN of any sort after all.
Oh well, at least we got to see the progressives cry.

Daily reminder a natsoc vanguard will never be generated by men who hide on imageboards.

This user answered it well. Many American Jews, probably at least half, are pretty critical of Israel, and quite a few are very critical. Some of it is general humanitarian concerns, but a lot of it is simply that Israel makes Jews look really bad, and bad by the same standards that Jews have often criticized other groups for.

Jeffrey Blankfort has done some great videos and articles on this. Norman Finkelstein is also 100x better than Chomsky when it comes to discussing Israel, but Norm cops out when it comes to the question of AIPAC influence.

I think we are much better off than we were 18 months ago, in terms of the cultural shift, and Trump is far less likely to start some insane war with Russia than Hillary would. Things are still moving in a good direction.

Typical goons and jews on a typical crossboard thread from typical /leftycuck/
OP and this whole thread are full of faggots and goons
crying in your sleep after hillary lost must have been a blast, eh? all that tavistock and mkultra psyops shit was all for nothing

Interesting fact…. All 4 Trump kids married Jews - JTF

Well… Tiffany hasnt married yet…. and this means nothing about his presidency or how he will handle Israel, he could very well be another RINO traitor to Israel, but its just kinda a 'did you know' fact, and an extraordinary coincidence.

Ivanka 'socialist' Trump:
Married Jared Kushner, converted before marrying, follows kosher diet, observes Shabbat, her kids are being raised orthodox, and are attending an orthodox school.

Eric Trump:
Married Jewish TV producer Lara Yunaska. Had a Jewish wedding, but didnt convert himself.

Donald 'skittles' Trump Jr.
Married model Vanessa Kay Haydon, a secular Jew of Dutch Decent.

And now….. Tiffany:

What a surname… 'mechanic??'… so it will be Tiffany Mechanic… lol.

Let’s not forget, Trump has 3 adult children have Ashkenazi Jewish spouses.

Lara Yunaska(Ashkenazi Jew) – Eric Trump’s wife
Jared Kushner(Ashkenazi Jew) – Ivanka Trump’s husband
Vanessa Haydon(Ashkenazi Jew/White) – Donald Trump Jr.’s wife

Donald John Trump Sr. has 5 children, 4 are adults as of 2016. Of the 4 adult children of Donald Trump Sr., 3 have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 75%. Jews are 2% of the U.S. populous, thus Trump’s adult children being married to Jews is over-represented by a factor of 37.5 times (3750%).

But don’t forget about Donald Trump’s other daughter, Tiffany Trump. She’s dating a Jew (Ross Mechanic).

Vanessa Trump is a confirmed Jewess. Ashkenazi Jew father and Danish mother. Vanessa’s droopy eyes and big bottom lip are common traits among Jews.

Who Controls Donald Trump? | WHO CONTROLS AMERICA?

The circle is now complete. I figured that Vanessa Haydon was at least half Jewish based on her appearance, so I looked for evidence online of either of her parents being Jewish but couldn’t find anything. I looked at several pictures of her mother and obviously her mother isn’t the Jewish parent. So it makes perfect sense that her father would turn out to be Jewish (I couldn’t find any images of him online, so that’s why I never mentioned it). Vanessa Haydon possesses that ambiguous physical appearance that half-Jews always seem to have (Ben Rhodes and David Rhodes are two other examples).

So in conclusion, all four of Donald Trump’s adult children are married to or dating Jews:

Donald Trump Jr. (Vanessa Haydon)
Eric Trump (Lara Yunaska)
Ivanka Trump (Jared Kushner)
Tiffany Trump (Ross Mechanic)


what we need to do here is push Trump to reconsider on Mnuchin.

now we have to do it sensibly. don't put anything about jews or triple parenthases in your letters. instead talk about how he's part of the swamp that we are supposed to be draining, he's connected to
Soros/Rothschilds/Goldman Sachs, and talk about him foreclosing on old ladies and other such things that would be "bad PR" to have him in such an important role.

if enough people do it, if we push #NeverMnuchin as hard as we did with #NeverRomney (just try to keep it apart from the 1488 stuff, don't spill your spaghetti)

This story of the foreclosure on a home belonging to a 90 year old woman who owed him 27 cents needs extensive coverage.

who gives a fuck if he does a great job? if you really think
jew = always bad
white = always good

you should go back to stormfront you retarded nigger

fuck, this user is pushing it, but 2 out of four ARE jews at the very least… this looks really bad. If this concretizes a bad result for a Trump presidency that's it, we all have to fight for real.

On some level, I'd say it is just coincidence. In the wealthy NYC circles that Trump travels in, you will find a lot of Jews.

At the same time, this seems to show that the Trump family has zero identity separate from that of Jews. It's one thing to know Jews, befriend Jews, or even marry Jews, if by that you mean people with Jewish ancestry but are great people & have a low opinion of their cult and no connection to it other than birth. But to convert to Judaism to marry one? That's a different story.

Add the half-jew Vanessa Kay Haydon

And it looks really, really bad.

Donald Trump Jr's wife Vanessa née Haydon (half-Jewish): Operation Smile Annual Gala YJDFkZMreD9m.jpg


Because despite their superior cunning and tribalism, they are a race of sociopaths and psychopaths, cold and dead like reptiles for the most part. They are a repugnant culture, with repugnant genotypes, and repugnant values (or a vacuum thereof in most cases). I should know, I'm a mischling. I've disowned the side of my family that's Jewish, and embraced Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.== ==Thankfully, I have a nordic phenotype, so I can leave that part of life behind…but I will always know how evil Jews are, and I will always speak against them. hivemind/page/6/

Looks like the stupid shill fucks from yesterday got up from bed and is at it again with their copypasta shit oc from leftypol and intl
What a bunch of kissless virgin losers who does it for free.


Have a bump, Shlomo.


Considering how many times they've been kicked out of nations, enslaved, gassed, etc. I wouldn't say they're very cunning. Sociopaths yes, but not cunning.

You still have to be ovened, even if you've repented. We can't have your genetics roaming free.

Straight from the 1996 classic book How to Flame Internet Bulletin Boards


He did not run in 2016, faggot.