Refugees not welcome here! Sandniggers not welcome here!


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can't wait to see trump and putin together bombing the hell out of isis

He's right you know


he is, Somalia is literally an exporter of terrorists. we just need to go in, gun everyone down, and give the land to ethiopia.

I agreed with you up til you said we should give nigger land to other niggers. No, it's time that the white race reclaimed Africa and stopped letting their fertile earth be squandered by niggers who don't know how to use it.

I misread it as 'give the land to whitetopia'

Somalia is like the RL Mad Max world. Why in the fuck would we accept people from there?

Somalia has an average IQ in the 60's
the whole country should be wiped out imo

By Ethiopia you mean Italy and Britain right

I genuinely love you, Banter Master. When this man makes a visit to Canada, I seriously want to have the opportunity to shake his hand.

The Chinese beat the US to it. And they're much more prepared to put down feral niggers that get uppity than the PC Americans.


Considering that whites have given up on colonialism and let the nigs run rampant, it's pretty much true.

Go read about the Chinese in Africa before you post nonsense, retard.

I keep seeing more of those ugly Somalian fuckers on the streets of Rotterdam. Small ugly and bad for the enviroment.

Good all the disgusting chinks will just die of aids from eating nigger brains. Then we can clean up the rest of them and take back Africa and give all of Asia to Japan.

Neato, I was wondering when he'd weigh in. I'm happy he's still taking the stance that all of these rapefugees don't belong here.

I dont think all the chinks have gone to Africa.

Just some of them.

These people are paid to be here. They are essentially mercenaries hired by liberal politicians to occupy, shame, and terrorize the populace. All of it under the guise of diversity.

Are you fucking retarded? Get the hell out of there as soon as possible.

He kind of is. Brain drain is a serious blight on 3rd world countries and if these KANGZ had the wherewithal to navigate the US immigration process then this surely is a net loss for Somalia.

Jews are deliberately flooding the whitest areas in the midwest with Somalis. I think I even saw an article (written by a delighted jew, of course) that called Somalis the "newface of the midwest"

The sub-70 IQ Somali subhumans are another tool of white genocide.

it's something that specifically came up in those Soros leaks a few months back. it's clear they've been selected for a very particular reason and it's because they're basically the ideal candidates for this new fusion of American hip-hop/ghetto culture and jihad. Eritrea is another one of these tiny, minuscule countries that somehow seems to have large colonies in virtually every Western country.

Muh capt'in, muh capt'in

This needs to be understood by ALL Western Christian Americans.

I want to see a final pushback in my lifetime.

I want straight up, ethnic European ONLY communities with protection by the law to do so, if not encouragement.

I'm as fucked as any millennial in my morals and outlook but I've fucking had enough of this. I'm ready to fight if these displacement and racemix encouragement levels continue.

Can we just start burning and lynching? I want to lynch these "journalists" as soon as possible, like TODAY

I will never get over the fact that Belgium colonized the Congo and that Germany went out of their way to capture Tanzania.

I think the best idea would be to simply pack things up, go to Western Africa and simply retake the whole place and set up new countries there. I don't want to sound like defeatist scum, but dindus don't procreate as much in America as the media tends to let you believe as back in their own designated mating grounds in Africa. Simply clear Liberia, Sierra Leone and some other surrounding countries, make them White again and shoot down the invading dindus with your new ethnostate which won't be corrupted for at least a hundred years.

Chinks don't eat human brains.

They will when they finish destroying every last bit of environment they could use for growing.


Funny, no terrorist attacks for months and months leading up to the elections and now, suddenly, they've started again. Weird coincidence…huh?

Oy vey we need to attack ISIS immediately.

They gave their territory away. If they want it back, they need to take it back.

We need another one

This isn't a bad idea. Move from the north, so any refugees are pushed further into Africa. What's a nice, highly unstable and small African country that no one would give a shit about?

Be the change you want to see.

Ethiopians aren't niggers, you anthropologically illiterate nigger.

Ehtiopians are the only blacks that aren't violent and dumb, the only Somali bloods are those tribes that put metallic disks stretched on their lower lip.

t. abdul ooga booga lablu tyrone


Ethiopians might not be the same subspecies as most of Africa, but they're certainly not white, either.

What an original and hilarious post!

This guy. Lmao.

that might be the worst thing I've ever seen™

Nobody is stopping you.

I know that feel, but I ain't doing shit until the Trumpenfuhrer tells me to.

Careful, they'll call you a vatnik or whatever for saying anything even remotely positive about russia.


Why? Why did I had to click on that link…
I knew what it was and I still clicked.


You had one job.

I did it for free.

Bad idea. Magnetic fields effect the minds of people, it would lead to degradation.

ok. we have to kill all chinks, NOW.

they were busy voting, obviously.

You first fbi

Nanjing didn't happen but it should have.

Not even 3 months after he wrote that article and "The future face of the Midwest" along with the "religion of peace" strike again.

The problem is the globalists haven't figured out how to train chimps. No matter how they try to spin it the refugees will always do what they do best. Every time. No exceptions

Dont chinks eat monkey brains?

nah just strip them from power fbi dude nice trying to get a notch on your belt let me guess you got the explosives ready to do it to right ?KYS (((RAT)))

never had a monley as a pet heard they more like having a mini nigger that can't talk but killing dogs !!!???!!! All CHINKS MUST DIE!!!
