Trump and Romney Break Bread Over Frog Legs

ktla. com/2016/11/29/trump-and-mitt-romney-further-thaw-rocky-relationship-over-frog-legs-at-trump-hotel-restaurant/

Is this just some mason joke about Egyptian gods? This is some high level memeing and Romney has become nothing but a joke.

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I just screamed in the weirdest way when I read frog legs holy shit


Maybe Kek offered one of his children, and imbued the meat with powerful anti-Kike warding magic to protect Trump in the Presidency?

Trump knows


I got no idea what he means by doing this, either he knows and is sending a signal for or against, or we've memed good tasting frog legs to him.

Either way, memes continue to contol the world.

Requesting higher res version of first pic. Need that reaction face in my smug collection.

did it kinda go a little like this:

If Christians can drink wine that's literally the blood of Christ, to become Christ, why can't we consume the flesh of a frog, to become Kek?


Mittens has become an initiate.


because thats kike faggotry

lol romneys face

Trump is maximum smug.

Eating a sacrificial offering to a god is a pagan influence.

In this case the frog part is all that matters.
Not being eaten or otherwise.
Just the fact that frogs where involved is important.

you eat the frog to gain its power

Frogs aren't kosher fam.

There's already a thread about this.

That's kind of a bold statement especially when there truly is no such thing as coincidences as well as many other facts such as that both Romney AND Priebus were there. What those 3 men discussed while they munched on froggy meat is between them and God. I bet the conversation was palpably smug


I'm going broke just reading this.

so is kek cool with romney now?

Or he's a cryptokike and Trump was feeding him non-kosher food on purpose

Tbh that would be easy to make. Diver scallops are probably some rare specialty scallop, but without those it wouldn't even be a very expensive meal.

Nigger don't steal my fucking thread

Mostly as thanks or appeasement. The Romans would sacrifice for damn near any reason, though. Sometimes just because they wanted to throw a party.


Those dubs don't lie.

Scallops aren't exactly cheap, but I'm assuming not much is needed for the soup. They're also easy to turn into rubber.


So is human sacrifice. Is Trump sacrificing Romney to the gods or what?

Dogma aside, either Romney was promised a spot in the new GOP administration about a year ago and he's become bad goy, or Trump is pulling some Godfather shit by keeping his enemies closer.

You can cross link a thread.
Your OP didn't raise any red flag when I checked the catalog because it has fuck all nothing in the text

Kek confirmed for more hardcore than Christ.

I do hate to admit it but 4f3d26 is right, that thread has fuck-all catalog searchable relevance text to the dinner in the OP.

Who is trump going to pick for head chef at the WH?

Smart money says Paula Deen. I just got that feelin'

Diver scallops can sell anywhere from $5 to $15 a piece for decent sized ones. Some guy has to go down to the bottom and dig through weeds and mud with their hands in zero visibility (silt clouds).

Trump Messaging us to accept Mittens

Lick the frog to gain humility.
Eat the frog to gain power.
Become the frog to gain gnosis.

He was born for this

This man should be Secretary of State. Maybe head chef could go to Alton Brown.

That's right. She's not super PC, either. The team up might form Voltron to destroy the Kebabs, though.

Let's do it.


have you faggots ever considered the possibility that, they are just eating frog legs? like humans have done since they found out that not all frogs are poisonous?

That, along with the smug face… if Trump has a speech about "having a talk" with Mittens, I might actually accept him. He could have shit on Mittens to keep him in line and use him as a way to keep the GOP in line as well. The GOP would look traitorous even to evangelicals if mittens were betrayed.

Go away, fun-police.

Is that dog gonna be okay?

For fucks' sake, this cuck had better not become secretary of state…

Everything sounds so delicious.

Fuck off, Herschel.

the fuck is that and what happened to it


Remember that the Secretary of State pick is immensely important because they'll have to deal with the "shadow government" within the department.
I had hoped that Newt "Bring Back HUAC" Gingrich would be the pick, but he's declined to be in the cabinet at all.

They're going to go watch Mitt's prancing horses afterwards

"He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him." ~ John 6:56

I wish he would wear that everywhere he goes.

The "7th floor" is the 7th floor of the CIA headquarters where the conference rooms and leadership offices are at.
There is nothing shadow about it it's just the regular government.

They literally called it the Shadow Government in the podesta emails dude.

Gordon Ramsay. Then he will promote him to Secretary of State.

To eat a frog is to honor a frog.

get a load of this pleb

Reminder: In the musical Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith fucks a frog to cure his AIDS.

That's nothing more than a new 'secular' religion.

I want to believe Trump is sending us a signal, but in all likelihood he did this to troll Romney into eating something he thinks is gross.
This could be Trump's equivalent of Putin bringing a dog to meet Merkel. He makes politicians eat fancy

Pretty sure Hillary and the Ping Pong Pedos "honored" lots of dead kids. Whats your point?

This is beautiful. Romney is the the posterboy for everything that is wrong with the modern American "right". Trump has destroyed the neo-cons, and now Romney has come to him to beg his favor. And what does Trump do? He makes him eat frog legs. He brings him into his tower and says "this is the future. This is what the world is now. Eat it". Romney is in every way powerless and submissive in this context, and he must literally swallow our new world order if Trump is to let him survive the shift.

That's right Romney – eat the fucking frog legs. The frog is the nourishment of the American right, now. Kek Vult.

Look how fucking smug he is along side frogs. Is he onto us Holla Forums?

frog legs are an acceptable dish in many parts of europe, not just France, and it can be done in different ways
not that unnusual

Maybe Frog legs give godlike powers to those who consume them. The plebs don`t eat frog legs, the elites do.

Gotta check those user, fucking Heil`ed

You are so fucking stupid it's embarrasing. This is the equivalent of the Christian Eucharist, you daft cunts

No wonder Trump has such an evil grin. There's also something lewd about taking in frogs in the mouth like that.


He had communion

Body of Kek



do you merican plebeians have any idea how delishious Frog Legs really are?
Gloire à Kek

Kill yourself faggot, hope ahmed shoves a frog up your arse.

why the butthurt?

lel, le tip le tip much?

class is an attitude
class is a meme

Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day.
For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed.
He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him.

praise Kek

Looking at the size of those scallops, they don't seem to be anything special, and there's not that many of them. You could probably feed all three people off of $20 worth (a pound) of jumbo scallops from your local supermarket.

Frog legs aren't that expensive either. They are just hard to find sometimes. Prob have to get them frozen unless you have an upscale supermarket nearby. Probably about $8/pound.

If Holla Forums learned to cook, they could make this meal for three for about $50. Not bad for a special occasion.

Substitute a choice filet for the prime sirloin and you could do it for even less and still have a nice, tender cut.

The CIA is supposed to be foreign intelligence. They aren't allowed to operate on US soil, much less make policy, much MUCH less act as a government.

or Trump smugness depicts that he knows frogs by being depicted looking similar to Kek or his son Pepe and is sending a message that Trump not picking Romney as SoS means war. It is the establishments last hope of control in this fury of appointments.
or he's being tainted with non-kosher food from a non-kosher kitchen using non-kosher utensils.

I'll alow it!

Frogs eat frogs, it's a fact.
I was watching good ol' attenbourough and I noticed the ones that get eaten are usually the smaller ones that decide to invade the frogs personal space, like "the fuck you think was gonna happen?" and said frogs give no fucks, It's all about the unpredictability if that tongue comes out or not, they sense weakness, they pounce, you walk up to that frog and stand before it fearlessly, you earn your blessings.

This delicious "dinner with Hannibal Lechter" moment.

Did he serve the frog legs with a chianti and fava beans?

And that's probably the reason Trump's making that face, Romney is fucked and Trump is about to unfold his roof tongue and drag that fucker into his gullet, and Romney doesn't know when, because Trump isn't even flinching.

Trump's about to go fullblown Cell absorption on Romeny, nigga gonna absorb his powerlevels and become Perfect Trump or some shit.

Putting my shitty OC from the other thread here.



What in the fuck did that to that poor doge?

Not going to lie. That always drove me bananas.


Probably a bear.

Looks like a fucking shark, man. What did the dog do? Try to hump one of its cubs?

I remember eating frog legs as a wee-boy at this chinese restaurant in a small AZ town.
The owner was this ancient chinese fellow that always helped out my Mom.
Very tasty.
If it offends KeK I apologize. I didn't know.
If it is an honor to KeK then holy crap… I was initiated at young age into the movement of chaos.
Too much happening. Too much.
Just got to ride the waves.

Or I should have said. Ride the lily-pad upon thy holy pond.
The Chinese ancient was named Tommy Choy and the restaurant was called The Jade.
Jade as in green-jade everywhere.
Holy Moly.
See another sign was my mom who was gravely ill died this month, early morning as the sun broke over the mountains here in Colorado… on election day.

Have a (you) user, you deserve it.


Yes, and?

U wot?

I don't think kek would approve.

after all the signalling he has been doing over the course of the campaign it would look like Madman is still at it

Infidel detected

First time triggered by Holla Forums


it'll be fine user

She was probably shagging your mom

The pyramid texts have several verses describing the gods themselves being sacrificed to the Pharaoh as food for his table

Pharaoh is the Bull of the Sky,
who shatters at will,
who lives on the being of every god,
who eats their entrails,
even of those who come with their bodies
full of magic from the Island of Flame
Pharaoh is Lord of Offerings, who knots the cord,
and who himself prepares his meal.
Pharaoh is he who eats men and lives on gods,
Lord of Porters, who dispatches written messages.
It is Pharaoh who eats their magic and gulps down their Akhs.
Their big ones are for his morning meal,
their middle-sized ones are for his evening meal,
their little ones are for his night meal,
their old men and their old women are for his incense-burning.
It is the Great Ones in the North of the sky who light the fire for him
to the cauldrons containing them,
with the thighs of their eldest.
Those who are in the sky serve Pharaoh,
And the butcher's blocks are wiped over for him,
with the feet of their women.
He has revolved around the whole of the two skies.
He has circled the two banks.
For Pharaoh is the great power that overpowers the powers.
Pharaoh is a sacred image, the most sacred image
of the sacred images of the Great One.
Whom he finds in his way, him he devours bit by bit.
Pharaoh's place is at the head of all the noble ones who are in the horizon.
For Pharaoh is a god, older than the oldest.
Thousands revolve around him, hundreds offer to him.
There is given to him a warrant as a great power by Orion,
the father of the gods.
Pharaoh has risen again in the sky.
He is crowned as Lord of the Horizon.
He has smashed the back-bones,
and has seized the hearts of the gods.
He has eaten the Red Crown.
He has swallowed the Green One.
Pharaoh feeds on the lungs of the wise.
And likes to live on hearts and their magic.
Pharaoh abhors against licking the coils of the Red Crown.
But delights to have their magic in his belly.
Pharaoh's dignities will not be taken away from him.
For he has swallowed the knowledge of every god.
Pharaoh's lifetime is eternal repetition.
His limit is everlastingness.
In this his dignity of :
'If-he-likes-he-does. If-he-dislikes-he-does-not.'
He who is at the limits of the horizon,
for ever and ever.
Lo, their Ba is in Pharaoh's belly.
Their Akhs are in Pharaoh's possession,
as the surplus of his meal out of the gods.
Which is cooked for Pharaoh from their bones.
Lo, their Ba is in Pharaoh's possession.
Their shadows are removed from their owners,
while Pharaoh is this one who ever rises and lasting lasts.
The doers of ill deeds have no power to destroy,
the chosen seat of Pharaoh,
among the living in this land.
For ever and ever.