This year, the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah will be celebrated starting 12/24/16 - 01/01/17, which overlaps the traditional Christmas celebratory time frame. Beware and on the lookout for any instance of kikery trying to overshadow the spirit of Christmas with the perverted religion that is Judaism.

Allow now duality of celebration between the two with concepts like "Christmaskah"

Allow no shaming of our holiday with guilt phrases like "Christians should celebrate Hannukah. Christians today would do well to remember the faithfulness of God to the Jews on that first Hanukkah. Had Antiochus succeeded to annihilate the nation of Israel, there would have been no Jewish woman named Mary to become the mother of Jesus Christ."

Jews have slowly been pushing themselves into the winter holiday season through television and advertising year after year. Don't let the tribe who denounced Christianity push their religion and traditions into our homes this Christmas.

Other urls found in this thread:


And fuck Kwanzaa too

I've been ignoring Hanuka since I was a child.


I'm pretty sure nobody here is in any danger of celebrating hanukkah, OP

Kikes can eat Chinese food and fuck right off with their shitty candle holiday. If Jesus really was the son of the Roman soldier Pantera, then he was Roman and White, which would explain his innate opposition to kikery. I don't care about Hanukkah and "Judeo-"Christianity is a myth, like unicorns or good Jews or the Holocaust.

I understand that nobody here will embrace Hannukah, I guess I'm really searching for a way to push it's national recognition back into the shadow where it belongs.

And if Jesus really was the son of God, then that would also explain his innate opposition to kikery, since in His own words, jews are of the devil (John 8:44).

Just beware of kicking up a stink and pushing it more into the spotlight. Don't fall into the same trap the media did with Trump.

I went to a hippy cult school in san francisco and we celebrated all religious holidays from christmas to ramadan. Hannukkah was probably one of my favorites as a kid because a bunch of jews would come in and basically let us gamble all day for chocolate shekels i shit you not.

It's a recent thing celebrating the mass murder of Greeks.

We need to start pushing for the removal of menorahs the way kikes get Nativity Scenes removed.

What about life day?

Good point! Images #2, 4 & 5 saved. Thanks!

Turn the PC back on them
Menorah=holiday candelabra
Dreidel=holiday spinning top
Yarmulke=special hat


christmas is a pagan tradition

has nothing to do with the bible

No-one here gives a shit, creating a thread is counter productive to say the least.

I stopped caring about holidays long time ago.

Polite sage since Kike holidays do not deserve attention

All ceremonies are professions of faith, in which the interior worship of God consists. Now man can make profession of his inward faith, by deeds as well as by words: and in either profession, if he make a false declaration, he sins mortally. Now, though our faith in Christ is the same as that of the fathers of old; yet, since they came before Christ, whereas we come after Him, the same faith is expressed in different words, by us and by them. For by them was it said: "Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son," where the verbs are in the future tense: whereas we express the same by means of verbs in the past tense, and say that she "conceived and bore." In like manner the ceremonies of the Old Law betokened Christ as having yet to be born and to suffer: whereas our sacraments signify Him as already born and having suffered. Consequently, just as it would be a mortal sin now for anyone, in making a profession of faith, to say that Christ is yet to be born, which the fathers of old said devoutly and truthfully; so too it would be a mortal sin now to observe those ceremonies which the fathers of old fulfilled with devotion and fidelity. Such is the teaching Augustine (Contra Faust. xix, 16), who says: "It is no longer promised that He shall be born, shall suffer and rise again, truths of which their sacraments were a kind of image: but it is declared that He is already born, has suffered and risen again; of which our sacraments, in which Christians share, are the actual representation."

-St. Thomas Aquinas

No way I am celebrating Christmas this year. NO WAY.

You can call it yuletide in that case.

Nice try Jew, but both are equally perverse. Celebrating the birth of a Jew or the prolonged burning of oil in a kike temple is equally perverse. Europeans have their own traditions. Keep Christ out of Yule, Koleda etc.

Even if you believe this, we still celebrate our Lord's birth on Christmas and have for many years.

I do keep the kike out of X-mas.

How's that different from what we always do? Except for our very large spy network, none of us go out wishing people a happy hadouken on xmas.

The only good alternative to Christmas is Festivus, but only because it's a meme. The rest are shit which is why they get jealous and want to can Christmas so much.


Kikes wouldn't combine their stuff with others. They'd only ever replace and destroy. To combine Christmas with Hanukkah is to kill Hanukkah. They're more likely to make some kind of Non-Specific Consumerist Day Celebration bullshit going to replace Christmas in public while still celebrating Hanukkah on their own. Case in point:


Yeah, go on and celebrate that jewish holiday, it's just another way of kikes trying to defile our traditions and culture. The kikes are anti-christians and thus the minions of the anti-christ.

Good to know the theological position on it. Fuck me I find all the jewish subversion of wholesome christianity fucking irksome, like finding rat shit on a juicy steak.


Yeah, but Seinfeld loathed jews so much he went to an even worse religion - Scientology.

also ignore shit like the "put the christ back in christmas by removal of pagan decorations" meme being spread on kikebook by maximum christcucks right now

go full yule

i mean god damn have you seen how japan decorates their cities for chrismas

in the west this triggers jews and fedoras and is probably banned

This year, the Jewish Sect, Christianity has their holiday Christmas which will be celebrated on Dec 25, which overlaps the European tradition Yule/Koleda. Beware and be on the lookout for any instance of kikery trying to overshadow the spirit of Yule with the perverted sect that is Christianity.

Allow no duality of celebration between the 2 concepts like Christmas by putting the birth of a Jew next to a European tree decorated with pagan symbology.

Allow no repression of our holiday with guild phrases like "Christmas is just the modern version of Yule". European would do well to remember what the Christian have done, and continue to do to us. Had the Germanic and Celtic tribes exterminated the Romans and Jews there would have been no Jewish Sect called Christianity.

Jews have slowly been slowly trying to exterminate European traditions and culture for the last 2000 years. Don't the the traitorous Christians(Jews who are technically white) push this filth into our mind and homes this Yule.

They're both holidays of the same semitic god.

A European tradition is a tradition that comes of Europe. Not a tradition Europeans celebrated. You might as well some British citizen named Mohamed is European because he lives on European soil.

Fuck off kike

I didn't know what "channaka" was until I was about 15…. As I lived in a place that had few jews. It was in my teens when the autistic cat lady teachers started pushing judaism first with the holocaust then with their "holidays".



Festive banking cap.

Christmas= Church stuff + tradition+pagan stuff….. You don't like church stuff don't go to church.Where is the problem? Celebrate Christmas because it is a fun time of year to spend with your loved ones and it pisses off jews everybody wins.

Underrated bost m8. This is a fantastic idea.


ooooh my sides

He’s not a scientologist, idiot. He’s just a typical jew.

Solstice is on December 21st at 2:44 AM Pacific. Axial tilt is the reason for the season; praise Kek; Sol Invictus; and praise the Black Sun.

I agree, user. Christians have been pretending to be part of European traditions when it suits them, and attempting to destroy the people of Europe when it doesn't. We can't abide by it any longer.

Fuck you, any christian that celebrates the likes of christmas will have a rood awakening at judgement day.
Although channukah is extra biblical because they removed the book of maccabees, it is no abomination to celebrate.
The celebration of chanukkah is non the less pointless because it is a feast to celebrate the inauguration of the temple of herod which does not stand anymore

Just took kids to Disneyland, I swear I fucking heard a gods damned Hannukah carol playing on loudspeakers in Commiefornia Adventure.

Did not want to make a new thread for this, but it's too keky not to share:
Ketubah Destroyed in the Fire? Rabbi Says You and Your Spouse Can't Live Together
However, chief rabbis rule that a married couple can live together without a ketubah, as long as they get a replacement speedily.

An Israeli couple whose ketubah (rabbinical marriage contract) was destroyed in the fires that swept across the country last week is not allowed to live together until they get a new one, the chief rabbi of Zichron Ya'acov said yesterday.
Zichron Ya'acov, in the coastal area of northern Israel, was one of several communities in which homes were damaged or destroyed in the spate of fires.
Under Jewish law, couples cannot live together without a ketubah, a document established during the Talmudic era to protect women’s rights in a marriage.
The town's chief rabbi, Mordechai Abramovski, told the ultra-Orthodox website Kikar HaShabbat in an interview that the prohibition against living together without a ketubah is applicable in cases in which the document has been destroyed.
Abramovski is also the rabbi in charge of issuing marriage licenses in Haifa, Israel's third-largest city, which suffered considerable damage from the fire.
In contrast, Israel’s Chief Rabbis Yitzhak Yosef and David Lau ruled on Monday that couples whose ketubah was destroyed in the fires could continue to live together, but needed to procure a replacement ketubah as soon as possible.
The reason they gave was that the local branches of the rabbinate have copies of every ketubah.
http:// www.haaretz.com/israel-news/1.756041

Potatoes are cultural appropriation, chaim!
No pancakes for you, eat your nasty back crackers!


oh fugg, its a kike, Rav Yeshua here to set things straight

I thought the brits were jossing when they said the anti-christian larpers showed up in every thread. Come on lad, you know that's a bunch of rubish.

There is no kike blood in my vains and I dont follow the religion of the jews.
But I am a christian non the less, following the faith practised by christ and the apostless, which the jews described them as the sect of the Netzer.

Original Christianity is just a slightly reformed Judaism, fuck off kike. Once you go muh sola or primo scriptura, you go back to the original shit. That is the way to be as semitic as possible.

On a different note, I seriously hope Trump doesn't say "Happy Hanukkah" on twitter, or goes out and celebrate it with his jewish friends. I know he has plenty of jews sourrounding him, but I would prefer if he just used a excuse to not go out and do the obligatary photo session. I know he can't avoid it once his in, but I would like to spent this year jewish-free at least. Also don't get surprised if he does it 2017, this shit is fucking obligatory apparently.


And when you are Christian, you are spiritually a Jew. You literally go: "My blood and spirit is not good enough, I must become a Jew, glory to (((Yahweh))).

I though you guys said Christian were the goodest goyim, now they are jews too? Oy vey, where's my unlimited media contacts and passport to Israel?

"28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus."

Galatians 3:28

Cuckstianity is just another kike scheme.

Does the Talmud say something similar or such? I never read it.


"Christmas" is an alien desert holiday of Jewish creation.
Jewish desert religions have no place in White countries.

Lets not forget that the ever popular "Happy Holidays" is the most common and most blatant attack on our Spiritual roots in Christmas.

Merry Christmas to all my fellow Holla Forumslacks!

So no Jesus Mary and Joseph? They were all kikes. That's why kikes still exist instead of being a small dead tribe.
What about the Zoroastrian wisemen?





LOL Now I am going to make this a thing!

Hail Wotan you Jewish mind-slave!

So, yuletide then?

**Keep the Kike out of Winter harvest/Solstuce etc


Persecuted? that means it's true


I don't think you have to worry about Holla Forums giving any acknowledgement to a fucking fake Jew holiday.

Not Jews, user.
The Pharisees.
pick exactly one.






There is no Snow in Israel

Judaism is the religion made up by a religous group called pharacees. Israel had many religous flavors at that time. Jesus decided to reject the rabbinic group and follow a more conservative route.
The rabbinic judaism was not the mother religion nore the most popular, they only where about 1/3 of the general population at jesus time, the 2/3 majority rejected the rabbinic judaism and practised a more biblical and conservative "judaism", from which jesus build his religous group upon.


Happy Yule time user
Happy Yule time user
Happy Yule time user
Happy Yule time user
Happy Yule time user
Happy Yule time user
Happy Yule time user


I fucking hate when Pagans go full fucking Injun and start crying about DESTRUCTION OF MUH ANCIENT CULTURE AND OUR SACRED TREES! Get the fuck over it, Lars, it was like 1500 years ago!

Jesus was a Rabbi and was called Rabbi.

Santa (Father Time/Wotan) is our traditional God of Yule.

Nice meme

Except that it still exists.

What did you ask Father Time (Wotan) for this year, user?

You are a pathetic cuckold and deserve to be murdered with a blunt instrument, sir.

Semites (this includes arabs and co) have always feared the mighty gods of the west.

Not even in their wildest fever dreams could semites imagine the terror and the darkness echoing from the stormbeaten and snowcapped jagged mountains and the blood curdling shrieks of the thick forests that harbor countless spirits and wraiths.

Europe was forged in the darkness of a snowy night, on a giant anvil of horror and frost.

From these things we have been born.
Sons of iron and earth. Roots deep like the world tree. Raised in a merciless, but beautiful clime. Where giants roamed the mountains and fey beings haunted the forests.

No desert dweller who is only used to sunshine and sand will ever understand or even come close to us.
We have true strength and conquered the world…until we fell prey to the semitic cordyceps. Worse than any plague ridden blanket. A virus that destroys minds and saps vigor.

A gigantic jewish foot in the door of our fortresses that are our minds.

Selling ourselves out to placate sandmen, harboring them among us as if there is nothing more natural than that.


Father Time = Odin = Santa

According to the biblical story the "judaism" i am refering to, correctly named hebrewism, has its feasts, traditions and laws given to them by God and did not develop it themselves. Hebrewism is a proxy religion generated by God



Hebrew = nomad

Your religion is from desert nomads


Have some cookie, user! They're from our traditional Yule spirit Father Time, aka Wotan, aka Santa.

Not defending the jew worshippers but wasn't Santa actually Saint Nikolas? I don't know much about the pagan roots of the holiday other than maybe Krampus. In Italy we have a weird holiday where supposedly a witch comes and gives you a present on christmas eve.

Lad, i'm not a larper…


No joke, I always thought this was a bit wild

The thread was fairly unactive a few times ago. Who are you lads?

pick one

Pick 2

I don't have an issue with Paganism, and I'm not really a Christian theologically, so I understand lots of Paganism survives in Christianity. Well in Nicene Christianity, Protestantism went out of its way to purge as much Paganism from it as it could.

Do you even know what the word rabbi means?
Rabbi is translated "great one", jesus opposed the concept of calling priests or religous leaders "great one" because there is only one great one and that is God.
First jesus did not tell people to call him that and no where do you find him giving himself that title
Second, Yes when you consider that jesus was considering himself to be God, there is no wrong in accepting that title

Yeah the Catholics "Saints" are all European gods. Saint George slaying the Dragon is Zigfried and so on.

That's why Santa has elves and shit… Our traditions are still around. Jew worshipers hate Santa

pick one

Do you believe the Bible is historical fact? Jesus wasn't the one conquering and converting Pagan Germanic and Norse and Saxon and other tribes, that was wholly Gentiles doing.

rabbi = teacher (master). You fucking pathetic piece of shit stop making me teach you your own cult.

There is no larp.

When the runes will be donned again on our bodies, our clothes.
When the iron and steel from the belly of our soil will soar through the sky again and spread bloodied parts of our enemies over the landscape with thunderous booms is the time for all who oppose the west to tremble again.

When the heavy boots of our rune warriors march toward you with fearsome technlogy of war and destruction, when the trumpets of jericho howl again in the skies, ruled by iron birds of prey ready to strike and obliterate the opposition.

Is when the sandmen will learn what true fear is.

It will be in the darkness when they come.

Like vengeful angels will they circle above our enemies and bring death to all of them.

All I want is peace and quiet for Christmas.

So we should worship a jewish snake oil salesman because a jewish meme mind virus infected pre-enlightenment europeans to turn against their history?

Sorry lad but you can pick one and only one

Does that mean Catholic? Would you kiss the Pope's toe like in the old tradition, haha? If you were a great man you were allowed to kiss his hand though.

Jesus was a mythical zombie monster. The first records of him are over 100yrs after his death.

That's a happy scene

Slaying dragons is a popular trope across cultures lad. Do you think Zigfried is the same as Apollo and Beowulf?

We don't care (that much) about other peoples' cultures being destroyed because they are not ours.

Rabbi does not mean teacher, its a lie they teach at the synagoge.
"Moreh" (strongs number H4175b) is translated teacher
Rabbi (G4461) is litterly translated ; great of numbers = great one (chief one)
The hebrew origin is "rab" which is chief

I know the history Jew worshiper. You don't know shit because you're a subhuman slave. The St. George meme was created for a particular reason.

Christians are essentially Communists. They take all the National Socialists good ideas and ignore all the great ideas, then pretend it was their idea.

You didn't adress any of what I said though.

Do you understand that Rabbi = master = chief one? Have you ever taken a Martial Arts class you beta Jew slave? Stop making me teach you Jew worship. Christians are so fucking dumb. Sad thing is I would of made a great Preacher and been rich schooling idiots like you.

Too bad I have ACTUAL morals (unlike you)

Because you're fringing out on me with your fucking Joseph Campbell. Stop showing off. It was created for a specific purpose.

i was 13 once too



But you call them fags when they do it, and yes they are fags. So when you do it too. What's that make you? Well, at least the injun fags are more serious about their reiligions, but they also use it mostly just to sell shit to tourists. You guys don't do anything else that larp on the internet, but you also don't sell out like they do. I guess you sort of have a balance, a balance of fagginess.

We know that the Christians on here are all shitskins

When? Last week?

I don't know who's Joseph Cambell. You're the one that keeps dodging.


National Socialism was NOT Christian

Go back to your desolate deserts and squabble over who is the real Jew there, kike.

I don't care stupid. You don't mean anything to me.


You're been repeating the same three already-addressed arguments over and over again all day. Get a life!

Maybe you should consider attending your next local church service.

Have you ever read Mein Kampf? Hitler explicitly says Pagans are useless to the cause because they spent most of their time in the clouds. He was about creating something new, while the Pagans in his group were about being idea guys and not doing anything.


Israel killed Christ, they have no right using Him to promote their zionist entity.

I know more about your religion than anyone you have ever met.

Or in other words.
You think Germany would have been allowed to "remain Christian" if National Socialism and Hitler had been putting that on their banners high and far?

But that guy is an atheist lad. I met him on old Holla Forums once. I think you're just replaying your days as an edgy teen trolling christians on facebook and youtube, now you're a young adult and you're still the same, messin' with christians on the chans. Tell me, are you angry because a member of your family is christian, mad at the corrupt church, that the supposed atheist chans now have visible christians, or is this just the persistant feeling of a contrarian teenager?

Who says that calling someone master is moral?
Are you a slave that you feel the ned to put yourself under the ownership of someone else?
I will not call my teachers master, nore will I call my religous leaders masters.
I am no slave to anyone, I am a free man.

This is the whole point about "dont call anyone rabbi=master=great one, for there is only one Master and that is God"
He is the one that owns all, you have been created by him on his property, all the earth is yahovah's and all that is within it, and he giveth to whoever he wants.

Have you read Mein Kampf? I just paste a page there for you, or two…. Way to avoid.

And I know what verses you're talking about. But he was talking about a specific group of larpers who weren't soldiers and didn't want to get dirty. He never addressed "Pagans". That's your bullshit. You're reading into it like a fucking Jews slave cunt who argues like a Feminist.

See Jung's "Wotan" for a real perspective

Who says those larpers that didn't do anything won't turn up like you though. You guys could be what those larpers were to Hitler.

No, I just studies the scriptures in such depth that I could be a preacher and make bank. In fact, I could argue against Holla Forums the opposite position and shut everyone up if I wanted to. But It's a lie. And lies are wrong.

You are mistaking the hippie like pagans with warriors.

There was a reason why the majority of national socialist iconography was runic and co.

Who am I, user? Do you know me? Do you know my level of violent history? Do you have a silly picture in your head? It's all in your head. You're picturing some death metal fag, aren't you?
Not everyone who argues against your Semitic mental virus is a long haired fat kid listening to some Swedish death metal band, you know that right?


Those aren't fake quotes. Look them up you coward


Wait, this text is telling me that Hitler being pagan is propagando from the Christian church, so as to make Hitler a bad person in the eyes of Christians. Who's jewing me now? Pagans or Christians?

You have a mental virus called Christianity

Hitler was a deist if anything


No, there were plenty of skinny, awkward builded kids too that looked like normalfags. I know my fair share of Atheists lad. It's not about the body anyway, it's about the lifestyle and ideology.

The ones who voted for Hitler were Protestant Christians.

That site is pretty much saying guys like you are D&C jews, and you're just saying they are the real jews. All you guys are doing is going in circles…

Sounds familiar tbh.

You gonna believe that site or are you going to believe the reality of a fucking of army plastered with runes and other non christian things?

The iron cross is not a crucifix, you know?

I don't know tbh. Maybe I would trust a man like Hitler because he showed results, but you on the other hand…

You're reading Jew worshiper interpretations on history, user? Come onnnnnnnn

There is a reason why Hitler and the NatSoc created movies like Zigfried to reinvigorate Germanic spirit.

Again: see Carl Jung "Wotan"

He's saying that it's not going to create a New Aryan Man. He was a futurist

They weren't fighting. They were faggots. If they were fighting, he would of respected them.
Himmler was a "pagan"

I just call them jew candles.

Yeah I don't know what you're talking about. I just know you're a childish liar who worships Jews. And like all of you, you're beta as fuck, weak, dishonest, and creepy.
No he's not. He just has to sell it to weak faggots like you because you're weak.

And what are you guys doing? You're crying like Injuns to Christians instead of actually trying to make your ideals work…

You dumb nigger. I'm talking specifically about the past.

National Germany was not christian.
If christinanity had given national socialists strength and power then Germany would not be christian today, lest it would lead back to "evil nazi ways".

There is a reason why a shitload of runes are banned in Germany and classified as "hate speech".

What ever could that reason be?

The reason is that NatSoc Germany was Germanic through and through.

Don't mistake, we are trying to save you from your own internalized jewry, user. I'm glad to tell you to fuck off, but I don't want it to be that way.

What are you doing? You're giving the Jew more power while we're here memeing the New Aryan

How about Christmas where there was originally no tradition of such a celebration?

I mean fuck, the consumerist holiday of November 11 and Christmas are treated as grand feasts, meanwhile Chinese new year is just treated as 7 days off.

this faggot totally ignores what I said and interprets shit in some insane self centered way like a woman bleeding.

Christians argue like feminists


Catholicism these days is full on Marxism, I don't think comparing the real historical Catholic Church with this modern undead corpse shambling about is very fair.

You're not doing anything lad. You're just leeching off the Kek guys at most. And that is a redux of Egyptian mythism.

Yeah, again you're trying to create an image in your head. I don't know where you are from but I've been everywhere. And Christians are the weak males, they meak and pissy little cry babies. All the alphas, the military guys, they only pay lip service to it unless they're scared and stupid, then they might pray or something, but only the dumb fucks.

So there is your choice in Christian warriors. The Ned Flanders, or the dumb spics in the Army. Because that's the reality in America. And we have every kind of Jew worship here

Lad you ignored plenty of my points too. But as for the Third Reich being poo in loo and never interacting with Christians.

So you would kiss the Pope's toes? Because that's the old tradition


The christian church fought the third reich at every turn when it came to race issues.

They don't look very enthusiastic.


Catholics turned on Germany, hide Jews, and sided with Communism. And they are Commies today.

Wasn't Falanders created by jews to make fun of do-gooders Christians though? Are you agreeing with jews now? Every character in the Simpsons is a mouthpiece too, they change their whole character when it suits them.




Well Hitler did. Goebbels didn't because he was an ex-catholic.

Christmas was established by the Roman Emperor, you D&C kike.

There was some mingling, but if you think that NatSoc Germany was mainly Christian at the core then you're simply deluded.

It sure would be nice if not nearly everything on Earth was corrupted.

I've met like 50 Ned Flanders in my life time. They're in every church. Church is filled with the worst people really. I guess if you go to some mongrel church like Italians or Russians or Spics then people are just there because the family all goes. But only weirdo white people go to Church these days.
That and the stupid redneck backwoods people living in shitholes like Missorri or wherever. But the men don't go, just the women and kids and creepy pissy little bitch men. Unless they are there to make business connections like golf. But that's a kind of atheism within the church in itself

Only creepy beta males and old men go to church

But it wasn't pagan either lad. It was more christian too in population density. No one actually did whatever it is that pagans do. The thule society is not the same as wotanism.


Stop crying like a Christian. Embrace the horrible and beautiful nature of life, and be a lion not a sheep.

Lad you're sounding like one of those christian-hating SJWs. Creepy old white men, creepy young white males. Hmmm… Perhaps you have found some shared ideas between you and that community? Then again those folks love the Wicca thing, could be the female quivalent of your sort.

The church has mainly opposed the Reich, but had been in power before.

NatSoc Germany was Germanic, not Christian. I know you don't want to admit this to yourself, but, again.
It's in the runes.

Jewry 101, accuse the enemy of being what they fight or despise.

It was deep into the Industrial Revolution. Most people, like today, were moving on from the kike god and appreciating the Scientific, and natural. Hitler was a Vegetarian

The white man's true religion is Science, Nature, Philosophy. It always has been. It always will be

And now you're throwing the vegan shit in too. Gimme a break man… You're such a stereotype. Let me guess, the webm of the snake killing the dog triggers you but you also call for RWDS?

It's pretty telling considering evangelists are not tar and feathered regularly.

Yes, but you're preaching to the choir with me, so to say. I only really celebrate the holiday out of family togetherness. I'm the one that usually does profane shit to the nativity set for keks.

What makes you think Wiccans and Christians aren't the same people from a different voting block? It's in their breeding. They were all once Christians who fucked like rabbits and created more sickly stupid people.

A Leftist = an ill-bred Christian offspring

This is why Aryans practice Eugenics

Now Jewry 101 is acussing the enemy of doing exactly what you're doing. I on the other hand just pointed out you're quite similar to Wiccan SJWs. Which I would know because I have argued with my fair share of them.


Christians are merely confused because white man, who could thrive to excellence in pretty much everything, achieved great things under Christian oppression.


Leftists = Christians (bad breeding)

Wiccans are the sister to the LARPagan brother. One to the right, one to the left. But all merely an illusion because at the core both are the same.

I kind of agree with the other user, your phrasing was a bit peculiar but I rolled with it.

I wonder who's behind that post…

And then they take credit for it.

The city wanted to fine this guy for having a zombie nativity scene

But the red states are mostly Christians. And even in the blue states, they mostly won due to city folk that were all for Al Gore's climate change environmentalist garbage.

Redneck is an insult. Rednecks are white niggers

Again, there is no larping.

Yout think any of us in this thread wouldn't be willing to chip into the runic war effort?

You're retarded.
You, on the other hand, would most likely crawl under the nearest rock if another crusade were about to happen again.

Keep larping faggot

I would die for my faith. I owe Christians a lot. And there's plenty of Wiccas that would kill for their cause too, crazy bitches they are.

I know, but my point is they are all the offspring and mass breeding by Christian retards. That's what a Leftist is, a Christian grandchild.

That's why we need Eugenics. We need to kill your babies

We'll have plenty of time to call eachother cucks after we preserve our nation's futures

Calm down Mohommad

Lads you are both on the same side. LARPagans fighting eachother. This is the second time in the thread…

You want me to die for it or not?

GO back to 4chan

Christianity = the source of Jewish power in the West…. It always has

Kill white babies? I heard that from a pagan before. Why are you so insistent on killing white people?

I want you to not breed. You're a fucking retard. Die for your race and kill some Jews

After we kill the shitkins I mean

It's clear you're a butt blasted jew pretending to be pagan.

You don't want me to create more white babies? Lad if you're gonna be like that…

No wiccans are literally the daughters of Christians. This because Christians bred like niggers in the West, and not like Aryans. This is why we have so many stupid white people now.

Eugenics is the white man's morality

You can't reproduce without jewish myths?

That better be the case user. But the same images are used all the time. This is a very dedicated jew, yet the mods don't do anything about them.

And LARPagans are the brothers of Wiccas, and both have Christian fathers. I have seen that quite a lot.

Christianity is the source of Jewish power. This is why they rule ONLY Western Nations

you ARE GIVING (((them))) POWER


It is impossible for sandmen to understand this.

The brothers of Wiccans are usually wiggers

It depends on how direthe situation is. If everyone was moral then there would be no need.

But you're immoral. You're a liar and you have Christian slave morals instead of a Noble spirit

I lean more to heathenism, but at this point in time there's no point in dividing ourselves for no reason when we're both on the brink.

It's funny because you still don't understand that race is the font of morality and not your jewish myths.

And Asia is ruled by communists, extreme capitalists and criminal organizations. What nation have Pagans saved?

You don't understand. Christianity is the source of their power! This is why they rule Western nations and never ruled them before Christianity.




Until the jewish good goy golems came.

You want to kill white babies though, how are you a noble spirit?

The brits didn't bomb Germany for Christ lad. It wasn't a crusade or such.

And I'm trying to tell you that if a christian is relatively redpilled compared to the rest of the normalfag christians, we should work with them instead of turning them away. But that's what you want anyway because you're a kike

Many of the posters that were used to recruit American soldiers to fight the Germans were using themes that said the Germans were disrespecting their religion (christianity). Good goy golems indeed

They bombed it for Judas.
Gave them their ethnostate.
Aided them with the holocaust lie (which the jews have turned around on them, ever since)

The allies ruined the west back then and have been suffering all in the same way since then.

Including "re-educated and denazified" Germany, under anglo/allied rule.

That's why they all suffer from the same problems and why they all now want Le Pen, Trump and Farage.

Because they realize that Hitler was right.

Lads they were getting bombed too, what did you expect them to do? Take it in the ass?

What is a pagan to you again "jew worshiper"? Because let's see what Pagan Nations are:


I could go on…

You're the other American from /brit/ yeah?

Join the axis, instead of being self destructive fools who shoot themselves in the foot and now have to endure the Raj on home soil instead of Pakistan, while they have muslim mayors and kikes in the capital.
And every time they even dare about showing in group preference the ADL and co immediately reprimand them.

There would have been no reason for Hitler to fight anyone if they had allied themselves with Germany.

You're reaching really hard lad. And all those civilizations are dead lad, or fringe groups. Besides, I thought you wanted to kill all of them too or something.

And I'm telling you that no one gives a shit if you repeat what you heard on 4chan like a fucking follower. I'm telling you that there are two things that keep the white man enslaved
1. The Holohoax
2. Christianity
If you remove these two viruses, then we don't have to sit around argueing with SJW and niggers and watching China use cloning research to create a New Man while we argue over if it's OK to abort some fucking Spic's or whore's baby.

So shut your cunt mouth and fall in line. Don't repeat shit to me you head other people say

Christianity = the source of Jewish power in the West for thousand years

Lad, if you wanna discuss that go to britpol anyday, i'm sure they have much more to say about it that me.


See now I know you're a christian shill. GTFO you fucking shill

Yeah. You know muh dresden an all that.

You call for killing all shitskins all the time. Besides didn't the vikings get in skirmish by native americans because they tried to start colonies there, only to get raided and raped?

meant for

Sounds like you yourself are reading from a script. I agree with point one but your second point I have to contend that we're not in any position to turn away help. Also there's been an increasing amount of fedoras these past few decades and they're 10X more progressive and cucked than what christians can eke out.

Why would the axis be bombing them if they had been friendly?

Britain pretty much instigated the whole thing anyway.


But that's the past, nobody from the former allied nations should be stupid enough to ever fight for the jews and against their brothers again.

I was wondering jow long before you brought out the eternal anglo memi.

And you went from "Heathon" to Christian real fast. Why do Christians come here and lie so much? Aren't you suppose to be moral and honest? Kek

Christians are the reason Jews control the West. They are responsible for usury laws, for protecting Jews, for creating Islam, for forgiving Jews, for making Jews chosen (sometimes good, sometimes evil.) Jews only thrive in Christian nations.

Here is some more "paganism" for you. Pinocchio

If you don't like it, don't be it.

While your kinsmen are waking up, you remain asleep. You, personally, stop being an eternal Anglo, and everything will be just peachy.

Paganism on Holla Forums!

Sounds dafty tbh lad. Are you one of those blokes that want us all to be united under a single aryan nation too?

The Jew God destroyed you Father Christmas! You are a pagan symbol and no longer exist! Begone!

Nigger what are you talking about? I'm still a heathen I never said I was christian, you said that. I'm saying that right now we have no room to fight amongst ourselves. Do that shit when we're both safe from destruction

Well, you can, of course, stick to your "Winning formula", if you prefer that.

Santa as of today is pretty much a capitalist globalist thing tbh. With some America flavor too. He's pretty much the same as Mickey Mouse.

And I'm telling you that you're a fucking retard. Shut your bitch mouth 4chan. The reason Jews rule over us is Christianity. We worship their memes.

What are your winning formulas lad? Please don't tell me NA…

==user, i…=

Are these Christian memis?

Germany was 95% Christian during the 3rd Reich and led by a Roman Catholic Fuhrer. Meanwhile the Allied gangster states Britain and the US were both led by Freemasons who were supposedly Christian, when Churchill cavorted around with Aleister Crowley and even adapted his satanic "V sign" as an Allied symbol (look it up) and Roosevelt was dressing up as a Muslim and taking oaths on the Quran as part of his Shriner rituals. Don't forget that the Nuremberg executions were basically one big Jewish Purim ritual.

No "pagan"
Elves are European not Semitic. Father time = Wotan = Santa

Look at NatSoc Germany.
Revive this in all white nations.
Don't be a backstabbing foolish Anglo/Murrican this time.

Bam, presto.
Instead of trying communism again and again, go white power.
Shun kikery and thrive again.

Another youtube scholar. Prove it faggot

So then we are worshipping pagan memis. What are you on about lad?

I've had about enough of your low energy retardation now.

Into the filter you finally go.

Lad, don't be one of those yanks that think all white nations can use the same system, you give the rest of us a bad name.

It's pretty clear you're a kike trying to D&C Europeans at the worst possible time to do it, but I'll give you a (you) anyway. Gotta get them shekels after all.

Yes I saw you sperg on the thread about how Christmas was really pagan, but lad Santa is not religious at all. He's a capitalist figure, meant to be taken by all.

Christianity is a Jewish mental virus, and we worship Jewish memes. I don't care if Jesus fought with other rabbis over the meaning of the Torah or they killed him. They killed him over money.
Now we have to talk about their myths forever and not ours

So you really don't care about any argument, you're just gonna go lalala can't hear you everytime you sperg out in these threads?

Tell that to Christians who freak out over Santa being a pagan symbol and not "christmas" related haha

He's not wrong.
A lot of christian shit is warped pagan stuff.

Christianity is a bit like yiddish.
They took German and they made a kike version of it.
They took paganism and made it kikeish, too.

They think they have "chutzpah" but kikes never had civilization, that's why their retardation is always ultimately met with rejection.

The guy you think is a kike is doing cleanup.
He's an exterminator and the house is full of fleas and ticks, sucking on the shriveled up body of Germanic culture.


I know that m8. I'm simply saying now is not the time to clean up when there's niggers still tracking mud through the house.

I thought you wanted people to celebrate things their own way. If some guys don't wanna use Santa because it has no meaning to them, then what's wrong with that?

It's always a great time for it.
It's not like we're talking about removing some organ, or something.

When should this all be addressed? After things have been built up?

Fair enough, but it will be harder, not easier to build things up as long as semitic desert mind magic is being enabled by the west.

You don't have an argument when you repeat verbatim what 4cuck says about D/C. You think that you are really thinking for yourself when you repeat thoughts like that? Now you know why SJW exist, user.
That bullshit line was created because Christians lose every single argument. They can't handle debate. But the truth is the truth.

The longer we worship Jews as Aryans and Aryans as filthy "pagans", the longer we forgive our enemies, the longer we practice slave morality while Jews practice their own tribal willful morality, the longer we see other races as equal in Christ, the longer we fight Jews just so they can convert and take over Christian churches, the longer we FUCKING DIE

Jesus is virus
That's what is wrong with it

Lad you keep saying the same over and over, and you didn't deliver on your butthured feelings to filter me.

That's not an argument.

I don't want to believe that you are so obtuse that you're unable to do two things at the same time. You are supposed to be smarter than the common lemming if you're here.

That's not what you said. And the source reference is a book on Crowley which means it's sketchy Wikipedia bullshit. You need to learn how to do historical research, user. I know you're a lazy Millennial in college or whatever but fuck… that's a pretty MASSIVE claim you made

what do you want delivered Christian?
You can't hear anything anyways. You have a mental virus.

Either you keep switching IDs or this is some sort of faggy group. I'm gonna go with IDs though since this is not the first time that it happens in the thread.

It say 64 you lying Christian scum

Nigger if you think heathens can handle cleaning out our countries of shitskins and christians (which the majority of Europeans at the moment) you are deluded. We're too small to exert any amount of influence right now, we can't afford to drive christians away right now.

An argument as to why you is a bad thing to reject Santa based on him just not representing your culture. Do you have the same problem with the families that choose to celebrate Kwanza instead too, or something else?

I celebrate Yule, an exclusively White holiday, so I don't care.

But Merry Christmas to all our White Christian kindred.
As for Jews & Mudslimes…get the hell out of my country.

I clicked the wrong post. This is you.

And most of the (1)'s and (4)'s too. Why would anyone come in, say ONE or TWO things and then fuck off? And then some guy that has over 60 posts says the sme garbage as you. Because oh boy, it is you!

If Christians are the majority in Europe, then that must be why you're getting fucking raped by Islam. Europeans were pure white for 30,000yrs until Christianity came

Yeah I didn't write that. Notice how sloppy I write because I'm doing 3 different things at once

Pagans didn't save muh Evropa from muslims though. That was Spain who pushed back, after years of muslim rule…

Where do you live, Turkey? Santa is in all white cultures because he's a white God. I know if you're a white person from a white country then you grew up with Santa. Do they not have Santa in Russia?
Jesus is a foreign sub-human sub-god.

You're samefagging really hard lad. What is switching posting style. What is having more that one computer, VPNs, proxies, etc.

user, you know simplifying the problem of globalism down to one aspect of Europe isn't doing your argument much favors.

Earlier I said you guys were not as faggy as injuns because at least you didn't sell out your culture. But if you're gonna cling to Santa so bad, I guess I was wrong.

Spain is Muslims now. You're all shitskins. You failed. It doesn't matter if you worship Jesus or Mohomo, it's the same shit. At least we could have 5 wives that would wait on us hand and foot and could take a bitch slap. Now we have Christian cunts acting like SJW because of "muh sympathic WWJD morality".

Pagan Mongolians BTFO of Muslims and CHristians whites lost. What does that tell you? haha
Islam was created by Christians too

"We" are not driving anything away, all Europeans need to fight together against these monsters, you have no idea how terrible things will get for all gentiles if whites disappear and kikes win, we have not the luxury to make choices, you and i NEED to fight back, by a bond of blood.
If you're too much of a wimp to consider other realities and cannot help but scream D&C, then you will be abandoned.

You also lies and said you were heathen. Christians never stop lying. Proof it's a Jewish faith

You celebrate foreign mongolians killing white people and shitting over your Evropa? And besides those were repelled too. Lad, you're acting like a huge sperg.


Yeah way to back track

Christian morality lead to SJW morality; FACT

Go tell a VIking he is being "racist" hahaha

Why did you greentext that? I did say that.

You're not white Spaniard. You're a nigger now

Santa started out as Odin, and was celebrated on Yule as he participated in his "Wild Hunt."

Christians later appropriated him, claiming he was "Saint Nicholas."
But his fur-lined winter clothing & snow-white beard give away his true origins…even the number of deer that pull his sleigh is an allegory for Sleipnir, Odin's 8 legged horse.

Even the word "God" is taken from "Gott" which is another name for Odin.

You were talking about the past lad. The Mongols and Muzzies were repelled lad.

Because it's english lad. In french, spanish, italian and the rest of the romance lenguage, they use Deux derivatives.

Too many niggers in this video.
Niggers have utterly nothing to do with Yule.

user, you're just repeating my argument back to me

Correction, Deus.
Zeus is more patrician that Odin tbh.


Odin was more realistic. Zues was just a planet and Thor magic that got out of hand

Do you want us to repel them again, or not? Do you just not want it to be christians the ones that do it again? I think you would be rather happy to see the Muslims kill off all the white people in Europe, just as long as there were no more Christians.

Fuck religion, I'm taking no part in celebrating a 2000 year old dead jew on a stick.

Zeus scored more that Odin, and so did Jupiter. Odin was a NEET.

Zues fucked animals

What about a 4,000 year old dead sky wizard? Isn't that what they all are, sky wizards?

And fucked while transformed as an animal, he was hardcore.

No, you separated European manpower by classifying them by religion, i told you that your faggotry will crush us.
Saying that worshipping YHVH is counterproductive and saying that only some Europeans can do certain things are completely different things.

Go tell one of these guys he is "racist", then. Christianity existed for 1,894 years before the concept of a "racist", and it will exist long after the word "racist" has become an obscure historical curiosity.

I don't know the point you're trying to make. I'm seperating Europeans by making a distinction between heathens and christians now, despite saying we both need to work together otherwise we'll both be destroyed?

That's because it's a multicultural faith, user

Unless you're not spending more time online fighting christians that you do liberals and socialists, then you're part of the problem user.

The first part of your post disagreed and misquoted me, the last agreed with me, simple.
I just wanted to further point that out with my posts.

What is Zeus and Jupiter? The romans are not the evolution of the greeks lad. And then when they expanded the Romans brought their religion to the lands they conquered.

We can't work together. Christianity is the reason we are being destroyed

Christianity made Jews Chosen and allowed for the slave morality that lead to Communism. As long as you cuck out to Jews we are doomed.







Don't work together goyim. And please don't revolt agaisn't the muzzies too, let them kill off all the white christians in Europe… You will be stronger without them…

You really hate history don't you son? Because that was insanely incorrect on so many levels. You don't even deserve a response

I've been meaning to ask for a redpill on this, because I don't trust any source that comes up on Google.

What is Hanukkah actually celebrating?

Oh and, didn't all comunists countries outlaw religion as well, especially Christianity? Or are you gonna tell me that wasn't real comunism?

Christians are divided among themselves, which makes it even more ridiculous to hold onto that foolish system.

Without the umbrella term "Christian", the denominations would hate one anothers guts again just as hard as they did back in the days.

Christianity has done nothing but divide our people.

Yeah, "Kill the Muslims for Jesus!"…. And then forgive them! And then race mix because Islam bad but shitskin Christians are GOOD!

White Christians and White Pagans need to band together as kindred, otherwise the shit-skinned invaders and their hooked-nosed masters will crush us.from within.

Worship the Jewish god & his rabbi son, if you want, but don't denigrate our faith in the old northern gods.

Whites need to set aside their disrespect, we have real enemies that must be utterly destroyed.

Greece integrated into Rome lad, it didn't become Rome itself. The Romans took their culture because it was superior.

The D&C in here is unreal. This is Bui-tier shitposting.

Christians will never fight for anything but their faith. And they can live with Muslims just fine.

They will not kill all the Muslims, they will push a little back and then forgive

And don't forget all those marxists who deeply hate Christians, what's up with that?

Communism outlawed Buddhism, Islam, and Aryanism too, user. It's the natural progression of Christianity

But they push. Pagans would have gotten raped by the mongols and the muslims. Even without the union under Islam, they would have become.

Communists hate Christians like Christians hate Catholics. But they are both from the same family tree



You have switched tactics so much in a single thread. It's pathetic. None of them are going to work because they're all bullshit lad. And you present your arguments like a sperg.

This is just sad, fam.

The only thing that raped Pagans was their own Christian-converted people and their turn-coat leadership.

Pretty much like right now.

Kill yourself pedo

https:// sputniknews.com/russia/201505311022778000/

https ://themoscowtimes.com/news/religious-icon-depicting-stalin-elicits-outrage-in-russia-47496

No shit. But you're still lying about what's happening there.

Oh I thought complaining about pedos was a Christian things and only faggots did it. Don't pagans hold that there's nothing wrong with being attracted to females of 13 years because they are breedable?

Catholics rape little boys.

If it weren't for them you wouldn't even exist right now though. But it would be better because at least your ancestor went down as pagans true to their culture right?

I have info on kol nidre and something on yom kippur


It's basically blood magic and ritual murder.






Didn't the Romans do that too? I recall Zeus raping a boy too…

And seriously, a pagan lecturing me about pedophilia. You guys always get mad at Christians for being prudes and demand the age restriction be lowered…

Your grandchildren's argument, same difference. You're both Jews slaves and traitors to your kind

No Romans had morals, despite what you see on cable TV


A CHABAD article confirming Gulf War 1 ended on Purim:



Suddenly, then the long-awaited land war was underway. The Allies marched into Kuwait and invaded Iraq. Then, on February 27, after a mere 100 hours of Allied fighting, the BBC announced that the Persian Gulf War was over. Not for a moment did any of the soldiers believe it. Two weeks later, on March 11, 1991, Newsweek published a cover story on the war and called the Persian Gulf War "a triumph of almost Biblical proportions." Only after returning to the United States, did David find out that the War had actually ended on Purim.

You've officially crossed the line into parody.

Thanks, user.

Purim 2003 began in the evening of

Monday, March 17

and ended in the evening of

Tuesday, March 18


Bush: 'Leave Iraq within 48 hours'

Monday, March 17, 2003 Posted: 9:34 PM EST (0234 GMT)

(CNN) – Here is a transcript of President George W. Bush's Monday night televised address to the nation:

Purim is celebrated annually according to the Hebrew calendar on the 14th day of the Hebrew month of Adar (and on Adar II in Hebrew leap years that take place every 2 to 3 years), the day following the victory of the Jews over their enemies. In cities that were protected by a surrounding wall at the time of the Biblical Joshua, Purim is instead celebrated on the 15th of the month of Adar on what is known as Shushan Purim, since fighting in the walled city of Shushan continued through the 14th day of Adar.[9] Today, only Jerusalem and a few other cities celebrate Purim on the 15th of Adar.

Catholics are the biggest pedos. It's a homosexual cult and always has been

Hey, i'm not the one that's always talking about making a single Aryan nation across all Evropa.

So I guess this is all bullshit too

Purim is the jewish holiday from the Book of Esther where they infiltrate a jewish girlfriend into the Persian King Ahasuerus' court, keeping it secret that she's jewish. The evil goy grand vizier Haman commands Mordecai to kiss his ass, and when Mordecai refuses, Haman decides to hang him and convinces the King to holohoax the jews. Mordecai gets Esther to bang the King, after which she reveals that she's jewish. Esther tells the king about ebil Haman and then Ahasuerus decides to hang Haman and gives Mordecai his job. The first decree to holohoax the jews can't be rescinded, so Mordecai sends out another saying the jews can preemptively attack the goyim. 75000 Persians were then killed, saving the day.


It's kinda odd that the Brussels attack just happens the day before Purim, when jews celebrate killing their enemies.

Gulf War 1 ended on Purim, Gulf War 2 started on Purim, Stalin was killed on Purim before he was going to do holohoax part 2 electric boogaloo, and (((Netanyahu)))'s Iran speech to Congress last year was on the day before Purim.

Helllllo Shitskin
You brown fucks are always the Jewsus larpers on here aren't you?



The Book of Esther begins with a six-month (180-day) drinking feast given by King Ahasuerus for the army of Persia and Media and for the civil servants and princes in the 127 provinces of his kingdom, concluding with a seven-day drinking feast for the inhabitants of Shushan (Susa), rich and poor, and a separate drinking feast for the women organized by Queen Vashti in the pavilion of the royal courtyard.

At this feast Ahasuerus gets thoroughly drunk, and at the prompting of his courtiers, orders his wife Vashti to display her beauty before the nobles and populace, wearing only her royal crown (the Rabbis of the Oral Torah understand this to mean naked, something she would have wanted to do, but due to a skin condition she refuses to do). Her refusal prompts Ahasuerus to have her removed from her post. Ahasuerus then orders all young women to be presented to him, so he can choose a new queen to replace Vashti. One of these is Esther, who was orphaned at a young age and was being fostered by her first cousin Mordecai. Some rabbinic commentators state that she was actually Mordecai's wife, since the Torah permits an uncle to marry his cousin. She finds favor in the king's eyes, and is made his new wife. Esther does not reveal her origins and that she is Jewish.

Shortly afterwards, Mordecai discovers a plot by two courtiers Bigthan and Teresh to kill Ahasuerus. They are apprehended and hanged, and Mordecai's service to the king is recorded in the daily record of the court.[10]

Ahasuerus appoints Haman as his viceroy. Mordecai, who sits at the palace gates, falls into Haman's disfavor as he refuses to bow down to him. Having found out that Mordecai is Jewish, Haman plans to kill not just Mordecai but the entire Jewish minority in the empire. Obtaining Ahasuerus' permission and funds to execute this plan, he casts lots ("purim") to choose the date on which to do this – the thirteenth of the month of Adar. When Mordecai finds out about the plans, he puts on sackcloth and ashes, a sign of mourning, publicly weeping and lamenting, and many other Jews in Shushan and other parts of Ahasuerus' empire do likewise, with widespread penitence and fasting. Esther discovers what has transpired; there follows an exchange of messages between her and Mordecai, with Hatach, one of the palace servants, as the intermediary. Mordecai requests that she intercede with the king on behalf of the embattled Jews; she replies that nobody is allowed to approach the king, under penalty of death. Mordecai warns her that she will not be any safer in the palace than any other Jew, says that if she keeps silent, salvation for the Jews will arrive from some other quarter but "you and your father's house will perish," and suggests that she was elevated to the position of queen to be of help in just such an emergency. Esther has a change of heart, says she will fast and pray for three days and will then approach the king to seek his help, despite the law against doing so, and "if I perish, I perish." She also requests that Mordecai tell all Jews of Shushan to fast and pray for three days together with her. On the third day, she seeks an audience with Ahasuerus, during which she invites him to a feast in the company of Haman. During the feast, she asks them to attend a further feast the next evening. Meanwhile, Haman is again offended by Mordecai's refusal to bow to him; egged on by his wife Zeresh and unidentified friends, he builds a gallows for Mordecai, with the intention to hang him there the very next day.[11]


That night, Ahasuerus suffers from insomnia, and when the court's daily records are read to him to help him fall asleep, he learns of the services rendered by Mordecai in the earlier plot against his life. Ahasuerus asks whether anything was done for Mordecai and is told that he received no recognition for saving the king's life. Just then, Haman appears, and King Ahasuerus asks him what should be done for the man that the king wishes to honor. Thinking that the king is referring to Haman himself, Haman says that the honoree should be dressed in the king's royal robes and led around on the king's royal horse. To Haman's horror, the king instructs Haman to render such honors to Mordecai.

Later that evening, Ahasuerus and Haman attend Esther's second banquet, at which she reveals that she is Jewish and that Haman is planning to exterminate her people, which includes her. Ahasuerus becomes enraged and instead orders Haman hanged on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai. The previous decree against the Jewish people could not be annulled, so the King allows Mordecai and Esther to write another decree as they wish. They decree that Jewish people may preemptively kill those thought to pose a lethal risk. As a result, on 13 Adar, five hundred attackers and Haman's ten sons are killed in Shushan. Throughout the empire 75,000 of the Jewish peoples' enemies are killed (Esther 9:16). On the 14th, another 300 are killed in Shushan. No spoils are taken.[12]

Mordecai assumes the position of second in rank to Ahasuerus, and institutes an annual commemoration of the delivery of the Jewish people from annihilation.[13]




Purim 2012: Kill the “Anti-Semites”

By Michael Hoffman

On Purim 1994 Brooklyn-born Israeli settler (((Baruch Goldstein))) slaughtered 40 Palestinians while they prayed in Hebron.

On Purim 2003 the U.S. invaded the sovereign nation of Iraq, officially to eliminate illicit weapons of mass destruction but in reality to neutralize a possible Iraqi threat to the Israeli government. Nearly 5,000 dead Americans and a trillion dollars later and Iraq has been totally neutered, just as the Israelis and their American agents had hoped, notwithstanding the damage to the US economy and our service men and women.

In the run-up to Purim 2012, which begins on Wednesday evening March 7, Senator John McCain has called for a deficit-ridden America to undertake a multi-million dollar bombing of Syria, while Senator (((Joseph Lieberman))), speaking at the Israeli lobby’s (((AIPAC))) conference, demanded a U.S. attack on Iran if the government of that Persian nation will not stop its non-existent nuclear weapons program. The German philosopher G.W.F. Hegel observed that the only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history.

Ancient Race War Revived

J.D. Longstreet on the website of the “Save America Foundation: Patriots in Action” states: “Before Iran was renamed Iran it was Persia. The rift between the Jews and the Persians is not new. It goes back many centuries…It is impossible to read the book of Esther this week, especially, and not see the parallels between an ancient Jew approaching a great potentate asking for help to save the lives of the Jewish people. One can only hope Obama reacts as did King Ahasuerus and that Obama and (((Netanyahu))) can both enjoy a few of those famous “Haman’s Ear” cookies in celebration of the special occasion when the Jews were saved and Haman, the evil prime minister of Persia, did not succeed in his plot to kill all the Jews…"

On Sunday March 4 Herb Keinon wrote in the Jerusalem Post: “(((Netanyahu)))…will meet with US President Barack Obama on Monday to discuss how to stop a Persian tyrant interested in killing Jews. The meeting is just two days before Purim, a holiday retelling a similar tale, involving a Persian tyrant intent on killing Jews thousands of years earlier. Do not be surprised if (((Netanyahu))) somehow connects those two dots during public comments he will make in Washington.”

Why are we not surprised that, according to Israel National News, during the three hours that President Barack Obama spent with Israeli Prime Minister (((Binyamin Netanyahu))) in the White House on March 5, “(((Netanyahu))) took the opportunity to draw a parallel between the narrative in the Book of Esther – wherein the wicked Haman seeks to destroy the Jewish people throughout the Persian Empire – with Israel's modern day conflict with Iran…Iran is geographically Persia and the Iranians are descendants of the ancient Persians.”

A race war thousands of years old is invoked in deliberations of the President of the United States concerning our nation’s war policy. The modern nation of Iran is identified with the ancient nation of Persia by the Israeli Prime Minister and his supporters in the Zionist press and American “patriot” right wing. The high Persian official Haman is likened unto the officials of present day Iran. This would be little more than Grade B schlock movie fare were it not invested with international gravitas before our very eyes. The ancient racial stereotyping against which the rabbis and the media howl when applied to “the Jews,” is freely applied to the Iranians in the name of Israeli national survival and self-defense.

This contemporary racial targeting becomes more ominous when we consider that Haman was identified as part of the nation of Amalek which God ordered annihilated. In Christian teaching, the nation of Amalek is no longer mentioned. This belief is in accordance with the Bible at Deuteronomy 25:17-19 “to blot out the memory of Amalek from under Heaven.” Since Amalek is gone from the face of the earth and Bible-believers are to blot out his memory, those who keep the memory alive are in violation of God’s prophetic will. This defiance emanates from the Babylonian Talmud, which envisions an on-going war with Amalekites who are defined by 21st century rabbis as the anti-semites among us, meaning anyone who thwarts Zionism or Judaism.

In addition to the grave threat of extermination that this warped belief presents to the dehumanized people of Iran, it is also a warrant for the murder of all the opponents of Talmudic Judaism and the apartheid “State of Israel” who are classed as “anti-Semites,” whether or not they are Iranian.


The next time your pagan buddies start talking about why fucking little girls is totally okay, I hope you tell them why they're faggots.

I guess all the painters and sculptors were just larping then. Besides, you can't cherry pick which myths were real and which ones weren't. That's the same shit you tell Christians NOT to do.

Another jewish article confirming Gulf War 1 ended on Purim:



Gulf War Miracles

Saddam Hussein, a "reincarnated Babylonian king," ended his evil plan to kill the Jews with a Purim miracle.

by Charles Samuel

The End Is Just The Beginning

The streets of Tel Aviv are filled with children and adults wearing masks. This time they are not gas masks, but the traditional costumes celebrating the Jewish festival of Purim. People are walking to synagogue, carrying their gas masks in boxes slung over their shoulders.

It is the morning of February 28, 1991. Inside the synagogues, the Book of Esther is read aloud. It is the story of a great turn of events for the Jewish people. The wicked viceroy of Persia, Haman, had plotted to murder all the Jews in the kingdom. Through a sequence of inexplicable and miraculous events, the tables were turned, and through the efforts of the Jewish leaders Mordechai and Esther, Haman was hung on the very day that he chose to kill the Jews. For 2,500 years, Purim has been a day to celebrate the triumph of good over evil.

One Israeli's personal account:

When I returned from synagogue that morning, my children greeted me with singing and laughing.

While we had been reading about the destruction of Haman, George Bush had announced that the Allied forces called a ceasefire.

My six-year-old asked if they would write a book about Saddam Hussein that would be read in synagogue next year! I smiled. In her own way, she could sense the cycle of history repeating itself.

Excerpted from "Missiles, Masks and Miracles" by Charles Samuel.

Published: February 2, 2003

HAHAHAHAHA Post more Catholic art

They use these stories to subvert us, you better learn what they do if you want to destroy them.



Destroy Christianity and the Holohoax narrative. Our race is dying because of you fucking pathetic Jew worshipers

Look, this is how pure they are.

Learn about ID's, imbecile.

More Roman and Greek culture you mean. To be fair now, I don't know of any myth of Odin fiddlin' a boy, or any norse myth of BL tbh. But all you guys have to do to close this argument is say that the Romans and Greeks were indeed pretty faggy. I am not aware of any Norses taking boy slaves for sex, but the Greeks on the other hand…


Mother Marie was a 14yr old girl when YHWH fucked her

You learn them fucktard. I don't want to learn Jewish fairy tales. Keep the kikes out of my Yule time

You're still not sayin' you have a problem when your pagan buddies encourage pedophilia. Is this a case of "it's okay when WE do it!" shit?

Why are you so autistic user?


Summary of action

Day 1: 19 March 2011

21h: The first main strike involved the launch of 112 Tomahawk cruise missiles from U.S. and UK ships against shoreline air defenses of the Gaddafi regime.[14][65][66][67] The U.S. Department of Defense reports that the dismantling of Libya's ability to hinder the enforcement of the UN no-fly zone was only the first of multiple stages in the operation.[68] USMC Harriers participated in an air strike against a large military convoy outside Benghazi.

Rabbi at Brussels before the attack.


Hamantash is also spelled hamentasch, homentash, homentasch, or even (h)umentash. The name hamantash is commonly viewed as a reference to Haman, the villain of Purim, as described in the Book of Esther. The pastries are supposed to symbolize the defeated enemy of the Jewish people.[2] The word tasch means "pouch" or "pocket" in Germanic languages, and thus the reference may instead be to "Haman's pockets", symbolizing the money which Haman offered to Ahasuerus in exchange for permission to destroy the Jews. Naked Archaeologist documentarian Simcha Jacobovici has shown the resemblance of hamantaschen to dice from the ancient Babylonian Royal Game of Ur, thus suggesting that the pastries are meant to symbolize the pyramidal shape of the dice cast by Haman in determining the day of destruction for the Jews.[3] Another possible source of the name is a folk etymology: the original Yiddish word מאָן־טאַשן (montashn) or the German word Mohntaschen, both meaning poppyseed-filled pouches,[4] was transformed to hamantaschen, likely by association with Haman. This use of "-tasche" in reference to filled pouches of dough is common in modern German, e.g. in "Teigtasche", "Apfeltasche", "Maultasche".

In Israel, hamantaschen are called oznei Haman (Hebrew: אוזני המן‎), Hebrew for "Haman's ears" in reference to their defeated enemy's ears.

Santa = Saint Nick = Santa Claus = Sankt Nikolaus = Saint Nicholas, the christian saint

Michael Obama looks like he is about to explode into literal laughter as the overly joyed kikes light their oppression candles.

The jews never did like the Obongos too much. The nigger was more about muh legacy that muh master. Of course he still did whatever they told him to do in the end but he was a real dissapoinment compared to Bush, who started the whole Hanukkah shit in the WH to begin with.


man i'm fucking hungry now.

you fucking retard
jesus is a filthy kike

Wrong. A Judean is not a Jew is not an Isrealite. Educate yourself, right now you come across as either a shill or a moron.

I would ask Wotan for the drive to become artistically talented and perhaps the discipline to avoid squandering it.


Everytime a you see a jew just tell him merry Christmas. It's even better after they say happy hanuukasjdfja. Works every time.

I'll take no.1 since even ashkenazi yids are still semitic patrilineally even if only a little and still just as disgusting as Jews in Jesus' time

Already saw this at Best Buy, fucking Menorah decals on the storefronts, saying "Christmas" is practically outlawed though. I wonder who could be behind that.

As I like to point out in every thread that turns into this, any op that starts out as or gets twisted into a discussion turns into this d&c garbage. Every time, some anons are genuine but many, it's safe to assume are shills since this topic tends actually divide many anons.

So there were no Christmas lights or Santa? What do you want a baby Jesus at Best Buy? I agree that their shouldn't be any kike stars though


How autistic would it be to wish everyone a happy Yule? It would cause liberal and Chrstian butthurt simultaneously.

The west should go full pagan, or bust, already.

Thinking that you cannot be a fulfilled western person without jew deities is the same as homosexuals thinking the only way to happiness is by sticking dicks up fecal chutes when you tell them they should be demanding a cure instead of pride parades.

and other such stupid things.

To add to that.
Yule is actually genuinely beautiful, hope giving and meaningful.

Much, much more than some jew desert baby in a manger acting as the fulcrum of a mind virus that focuses rewards on death and a life of servitude, etc.

The beauty of yule alone outplays the entirety of the bible, which means nothing but babble and retarded parables that divide people.

Not to mention actually rooted in reality.

The sun does give life.
The sun does give warmth.
Evergreen trees and plants do have an air of "preserving life even in the darkest winter hour".
Fire is warmth and life, too. Giving the sun strength with bonfires so it rises all the stronger is like sending Son Goku (a super sayan with blonde hair and blue eyes) your energy when he's charging for an attack.
Or your favorite god emperor politicians energy when he's runnig for president.

Kissing under the mistletoe because a goddess decided that its poisonous nature should never be used as a weapon (after some incident) is a sweet gesture.

The star on top of the yule tree represents the striving for excellence and wisdom.


Fuck your kike manger baby. It means nothing.
Fuck the three wise men.
So fucking typical of kikes, you get born and you already leech "deserved gifts" from the people around you.

Fucking entitled cocksuckers.

What a piece of rot to degrade our minds with.

the tism

Enjoy thinking it's a coincidence that the moment christianity arrived in the west it suddenly all looked like what the people already worshipped.

Sixtine chapel? All those puttos, goddesses, hell Yahweh and Adam all suddenly look like someone could write "Apollo" or "Zeus" under any of them without it looking out of place.

Kenshiro says:
Violets are blue
Roses are red
You're already dead.

Reality says:
Christmas or Easter
No matter in Washington or Copenhagen
You might think you are Christian
But you're already Pagan.

(((christmas))), lol


god doesn't give a shit about kike trees. in his own words, uh.. well, read it. it's somewhere in there.

kek agrees.


It's just pathetic at this point. Christianity proves again and again to be the king troll of religions.

Most Germans are Lutheran you fucking nigger.

cuck== ==the== ==kikes,== ==sex== ==war== ==now

DAILY REMINDER: Christians worship the God of Abraham, an infamous Semite who was prepared to ritually sacrifice his only child because the voices in his head said to.

But why? Anyone here already knows to not fall for jewish tricks.

"Europe" means Germanic Europe to people like that.

also, ID:a4f5fd is @woke8yearold on twitter, a literal bisexual fedora nietzschean who hates Christianity (and religion in general) because it (correctly) says that faggots do not deserve to live.

The Natural world is not corrupted. You, as a Christian, are projecting.

and i'm sure all those people living in the same small geographical region were very different from each other, culturally and genetically.

give me one good reason to care about any of this middle-eastern nonsense.