Jewgle is at it again by trying to very subtly redefine the word "ethnicity". Now it is merely your belonging to a "social group"
First it was race. Now it's ethnicity.
Awfully convenient timing, don't you think?
Jewgle is at it again by trying to very subtly redefine the word "ethnicity". Now it is merely your belonging to a "social group"
First it was race. Now it's ethnicity.
Awfully convenient timing, don't you think?
Other urls found in this thread:
Everything is a social fucking construct.
This post is a social construct.
the idea of social construct is a social construct.
As kiked as this is, I do somewhat see the semantic point. For example, take pics related. Three separate "ethnicities" belonging to the Germanic(?) race. You might be able to detect a very minor genetic difference between them, but the margin of error probably would cover it. They're essentially the same thing, the difference in these cases is literally pretty much only skin deep.
Although again, it's semantics. Is Aryan the race, and things like Germanic, Scandinavian, and Celtic are ethnicities? Would they be subraces? Would Aryan be a species? It depends on how low or how high on the tree you want to start.
Yeah nice Marxian lingo you got there, Jewgle.
Those examples aren't so much "ethnicities" as much as regional variants of the same ethnicity or ethnic subclade, itself derivative from a racial clade.
Compare any of the three to, say, an Iberian, a Slav or a Greek, and in all respective fields you're liable to find variation sufficient to delineate with comparative efficacy; while at the same time, comparison of any of the aforementioned ethnic subclades would show greater similarity to one another, each falling with a European racial clade, than they would relative to, say, a Yoruban, an Arab or a Korean.
Ethnicity is not a matter of tradition, it is a matter of genetics - in the context of extant hominid clades, genetic admixture was limited and selective pressures varied, across the various racial/ethnic clades, in proportion to effective environmental distance, which is what results in races and ethnic subclades thereof.
The semantic argument you presented just muddies the waters with unnecessary and undue complexity (not that such complexity is not extant, merely that it has no applicable inclusion in this context), and its a totally different matter to what meager argument could be offered for Jewgle's bullshit, which is basically just another form of "race is a social construct!" bullshit.
Reality is a Talmudic construct
ethnicity has always been a social construct, you dipshit. its culture. to say culture (or ethnicity) is socially constructed is like saying rain is wet.
ur using your words wrong you halfwit. ethnicity denotes culture, not genes. it always has. get over it
A nigger adopting German culture isn't ethnically German.
It's not that hard, our ancient forebears worked most of it out bar for their lack of knowledge of shitskins.
Individual-Family-Clan-Tribe-Ethnicity-Race with Subspecies like asiatic and negroid and so on filling in the last step before your talking about things on the Linnaean level.
soon color wont exist, only grey allowed, reds too offensive and blues too ignorant. also speech is just a social construct too, it dosent exist. now shut up and go watch tv, the smart people have to use their telepethy to feed the world.
Somehow Princeton is keeping it real
ethnicity (an ethnic quality or affiliation resulting from racial or cultural ties) "ethnicity has a strong influence on community status relations"
Social constructs are the constructs of a society which is also a social construct but is also racist but race is a social construct in a social construct which is a social construct.
Geez. Mental gymnastics are hard. no wonder lefties take so much drugs to cope.
Reminder to read Nicolas Wade's book 'A Troublesome Inheritance'. The only mainstream (aka not from a natsoc or related view) book that earnestly examines race and genetics.
what are some books on race that are purely based on facts? any recommendations would be appreciated
Ethnicity is a localized regional variant subclade.
Someone being ethnically German or ethnically English or ethnically Jewish says nothing about the culture they espouse - it dictates something about their biological heritage.
Genetics -> Physiology -> Psychology -> Behavior -> Culture -> Society -> Civilization
Obviously, there's all sorts of backflow and depth to that, but this is a highly-accurate and reasonably simple demonstration of the paradigms via which evolution creates different races and ethnicities thereof, and why these different races/ethnicities have different cultures derivative from their variable behavioral predispositions (and why thinking Aztecs, Somalis or Arabs can hope to effectively 'integrate' or 'assimilate' into Western civilization without altering it at a foundational level is retarded).
This is why civic nationalism is a waste of time., ethno-nationlism or nothing. Praise Kek.
Other dictionary's list it as of or relating to large groups of people classed according to common racial, national, tribal, religious, linguistic, or cultural origin or background.
I think Google autoamates results from Oxford dictionary. Oxford dictionary must be jewed up they even added Selfie to the english language.
ethnicity has always included descent (i.e. genes) as an important factor
I remember reading something by voxday once where he claimed that there is more in common genetically between a chihuahua and a german shephard than an Englishman and a Frenchman. I wonder then how close your specific example actually is.
Daily reminder that jewgle does not actually run their own dictionary - they pull definition from some (((respected dictionary))) under a license (Webster's, IIRC).
You fags need to lay blame at the source they are pulling this shit from, not jewgle (though they undoubtedly chose their source with ideology in mind).
This famalamadingdong
Ethno-nationalism is the only incorruptible future.
I really disliked the regular "b-but i'm not saying one race is better than the other…" comments.
Talmudic constructs are a social construct.
Any taxonomic category can be dismissed as a social construct, rendering the very concept, "social construct" (as it pertains to ethno-biology) a red herring.
You know repeating the same lie doesn't make it true right?
What they mean when they say it's a social construct is that it's purely a social construct with no biological basis
None of it makes sense, it's just word games
They don't even make sense how can different races interbreed if different races don't exist?
my hands are a social construct
The dead children in my basement are a social construct.
Which Webster's dictionary should I put in my classroom?
t. spelling teacher
It is really up to us to build up the importance of ethnicity. Thousands of years of survival the ice age glaciations will go to shit, our ancestors did not learn to build better tools, better shelters, better clothing, long term planning, higher intellect, and all of that stuff, so that it can all get wiped away.
Seriously, entire pol is sitting on its ass doing nothing while you have google, facebook, hollywood, the entire fucking (((social media))) and what have you pushing the """social constructs""" everywhere.
Why is no one doing anything? Why is no one asking why is it so important to have shitskin leaders if race doesnt matter? Why is no one asking how come there arent enough Jewish people in NBA? Why is no one asking how come there arent any shitskin powerlifters or swimmers? Why does success corelates so strongly with ethnicity? Why is all of modern medicine and science and technology almost entirely tied to one ethnicity?
There's no one out there, it is entirely up to us to wake up wider society about the utmost importance of ethnicity.
I consider species, as all categories, being a non-Platonist, a social construct. It's a damn useful one, which keeps us from eating dogs and keeps us from keeping rhinocerous as pets. But it doesn't exist independently.
ethnicity is though
race is not
There's nothing social or constructed about it. It would exist whether someone constructs it or not. It is an objective, empirical, measurable fact, there's nothing social or constructed about it.. besides, what does "social construct" even implies? What do shitters that use this even mean? What do they even want to say with it? What's the God damn fucking point or purpose or meaning in saying "social construct" over and over?
Suits making you look professional? I don't even know.
Ethnicity kind of is a social construct, connected to the sociological concept of passing. Race is a biological concept but naturally, only some phenotypic expression is visible (eg skin colour, hence why the term "skin colour" is used as synonymous with "race" by fucktarded idiots) so the overlap between race and ethnicity is governed by passing.
And by the way, that's exactly why the jews are so fucking dangerous: they *pass* as white, and normies don't question it when jews walk among us pretending to be part of our ethnic group working for our interests. That's why they are so able to infiltrate, and it's why you see idiot jews saying "hello fellow whites, us whites sure do have to X, don't we" and so on.
For categories, you need at least someone to sort things and set the criteria for such sorting.
The categories themselves are based on empirical, measurable facts but imo exist in our minds and not in nature. Don't confuse the map with the territory.
To me, agreeing with race deniers on an irrelevant point and going on to point out the obvious mean psychometric and real world (criminality, fatherlessness, poverty) differences between Sub-saharan Africans and Northern Europeans is more effective than arguing over semantics.
So in that aspect is social construct just code word for a type of social engineering? I am retarded tho.
The word "phenotype" will solve all your problems.
The word "race" itself has malformed into a "social construct" word in general usage, for example two different kinds of black people will both indentify as "black" to refer to their race (generally) as if they were very much the same biologically even though phenotypes of "black" people as a whole vary greatly. People prefer to throw a net over a bunch of similar people nearly the same and call it a day.
The controversial but correct way to classify humans as we do we animals.
The older, the better.
culture comes from your genes
this makes my blood simmer
The dead boner in my hands is a social commentary.
It's always good to know where words come from.
show me the "5th Symphony" gene or the "English language" gene you fucking moron
substituting faith-based, evidence-poor reductionism with a different type of faith-based, evidence-poor reductionism doesn't make you smart, fgt kys
Hilarious. So you're saying tyrone is just as capable of producing great symphonies as Beethoven?
lurk moar newfag. Its clear you're not from these parts.
Beethoven was black n shit
not him but lemme shitpost instead:
culture stems from genetics, because humans shaped their cultures, and different climates shaped different humans
take for example humans living in regions that had ice age glaciations, they had to develop better tools, better shelters, better clothing, better everything to survive
while troughout middle east and africa your survival depended solely on aggression, if you wanted to eat or to fuck you just had to beat others up, in europe you actually had to cooperate, make long term plans, assume the worst, develop higher analytical skills in general
why is it ALWAYS, not matter the amount of training, no matter the funding, no matter social status, no matter norms, AAAALWAYS that west africans keep winning those running competitions, that slavs and nordics keep winning those powerlifting competition, and that jews keep winning those nobel prizes??
explain how twins raised in different families ended up pretty similar, almost identical, explain how poor whites have similar iq to rich whites, how poor blacks have similar iq to rich blacks, how chinese parents do not have arab babies, how different dog races have different intellect and aggression no matter the upbringing, be it jungle or a human home, explain how ashkenazi jews are three times more likely to finish universities and five times more likely to be prime ministers and presidents then shepardic jews, even tho both have the same society, same schools, same language, same writing system, same incomes, etc etc et fucking c
only tested and confirmed theory that explains all these correlations, is called genetics
just like no shark has wings, and just like no eagle has gills, just like different environments adapt life differently,
DIFFERENT ENVIRONMENTS SHAPED DIFFERENT HUMANS, and now these different humans created different cultures
also notice the extreme correlation with primitive cultures and their environments, and with the developed, civilized, industrialized world and their cultures
Oy vey, very well said! We jews have never created paintings or music just because our culture, nothing related with our nature, or our genes, its all a social construct goys!
wew lad
jesus you're fucking retarded. I never said culture had nothing to do with genes; I just said that there is no 1 to 1 relationship between culture and genes. Therefore, its useful to separate the two and talk about ethnicity on one hand and race on the other – provided we do realize that the two mutually interpenetrate. Remember: culture can shape genes as well - for instance, the genetic pacification of the European population due to Catholicism. I trust you've read that article not really; I know you haven't bc ur a dipshit
ahh.. good old google. Never running out jokes.
That file name, lel.
From Oxford unabridged:
ethnic, a. and n.
Forms: 4–6 ethnyke, 5–7 ethnik(e, 6–8 ethnick(e, (6 æth-, ethenicke, etneke), 7 ethnique, (ethnycke), 6– ethnic.
[ad. Gr. ἐθνικ-ός heathen, f. ἔθνος nation; in the LXX, hence in N.T. and the Fathers, τὰ ἔθνη = the nations, Gentiles (rendering Heb. gōyīm, pl. of gōy, nation, esp. non-Israelitish or ‘Gentile’ nation).
The Gr. ἔθνος was formerly often imagined to be the source of Eng. heathen; hence the confused forms hethnic, heathenic, which might be regarded as corrupt variants of this word.]
A.A adj.
1.A.1 Pertaining to nations not Christian or Jewish; Gentile, heathen, pagan.
c 1470 Harding Chron. Printer's Pref. ix, The bible bookes of Iudges and Kynges‥farre surmounting all ethnike dooynges. 1545 Udall Erasm. Par. Pref. 3 An ethnike and a pagane kyng. 1581 Marbeck Bk. of Notes 61 That all composition is against the nature of God even the Ethnicke Philosophers perceived. 1611 Speed Hist. Gt. Brit. vi. xlix. §171 Professing himselfe to be a Christian, and withall protesting that he would not be a soueraigne ouer an Ethnike Empire. 1651 Hobbes Leviath. iii. xlii. 281 Exhorted their Converts to obey their then Ethnique Princes. 1804 Moore Epist. iii. iii. 45 All the charm that ethnic fancy gave To blessed arbours o'er the western wave. 18‥ Longfellow Drinking Song vii, These are ancient ethnic revels Of a faith long since forsaken. 1851 Carlyle Sterling i. vii. (1872) 45, I find at this time his religion is as good as altogether Ethnic, Greekish. 1873 Lowell Among my Bks. Ser. ii. 107 There is first the ethnic forecourt, then the purgatorial middle-space.
2. a.A.2.a Pertaining to race; peculiar to a race or nation; ethnological. Also, pertaining to or having common racial, cultural, religious, or linguistic characteristics, esp. designating a racial or other group within a larger system; hence (U.S. colloq.), foreign, exotic.
1851 D. Wilson Preh. Ann. (1863) I. ix. 229 That ethnic stock which embraced all existing European races. 1865 Reader 11 Feb. 163/1 The slight development of ethnic peculiarities in childhood. 1875 Lightfoot Comm. Col. (1886) 133 Heresies are at best ethnic: truth is essentially catholic. 1935 Huxley & Haddon We Europeans iv. 136 Nowhere does a human group now exist which corresponds closely to a systematic sub-species in animals, since various original sub-species have crossed repeatedly and constantly. For existing populations, the noncommittal term ethnic group should be used. Ibid. vi. 181 The special type of ethnic grouping of which the Jews form the best-known example. 1936 Discovery June 167 [In Africa] linguistic divisions are a very fair indication of ethnic groups. 1939 C. S. Coon Races of Europe xi. 444 The Jews are an ethnic unit, although one which has little regard for spatial considerations. Like other ethnic units, the Jews have their own standard racial character. 1964 Listener 6 Feb. 233/2 There are many groupings of people, ethnic units, population aggregates—call them what you will—that may be distinguished from each other. 1965 Sun 6 Dec. 7/6 Ethnic‥has come to mean foreign, or un-American or plain quaint. 1969 New Yorker 30 Aug. 76/2 Its hopelessly reactionary nature is best exemplified not‥even by the ethnic comedians. 1970 Daily Tel. 16 Apr. 18 The situation is fast becoming greatly complicated by the presence in Cambodia of large numbers, put at 400,000 to 500,000, of ‘ethnic’ Vietnamese.
b.A.2.b ethnic minority (group), a group of people differentiated from the rest of the community by racial origins or cultural background, and usu. claiming or enjoying official recognition of their group identity. Also attrib.
1945 Amer. Sociol. Rev. X. 481 (heading) Status and housing of ethnic minorities. 1964 Gould & Kolb Dict. Social Sci. 244/1 R. E. Park and his students have done outstanding research work into the patterns of adjustment, accommodation, and assimilation of ethnic minorities. 1968 [see bilinguality]. 1974 Educ. & Community Rel. Jan. 1, Primary and secondary schools were included which were in areas of ethnic minority group settlement but had no ethnic minority group children in the school. 1976 Equals Oct./Nov. 1/1 An all-out campaign against both racial hatred and the discrimination and disadvantages facing ethnic minorities in Britain has been launched by the Trades Union Congress. 1984 Guardian 20 Nov. 8/7 Ethnic minorities will hopefully be tempted into the force by the fact that a black and female PC is given a starring role in the film.
B.B n.
†1.B.1 One who is not a Christian or a Jew; a Gentile, heathen, pagan. Obs.
c 1375 Sc. Leg. Saints, Barnabas 161 A part of It [the temple] fel done & mad a gret distruccione Of ethnykis. c 1534 tr. Pol. Verg. Eng. Hist. (Camd. Soc.) I. 169 Beinge on all sides beesett with the Tracherie of these rude æthenickes, hee was sodainlie slayne. 1588 Allen Admon. 37 Yf he‥heare not the Churche, let him be taken for an Ethnike. 1625 B. Jonson Staple of N. ii. iv, A kind of Mule! That's half an Ethnick, half a Christian! 1664 Evelyn Sylva (1776) 614 The Ethnics do still repute all great trees to be divine. 1728 Morgan Algiers I. iv. 77 They look upon them [the Jews] as several degrees beneath‥Heathens, Ethnicks, Pagans, and Idolaters.
2.B.2 Greek Antiq. An epithet denoting nationality, derived from or corresponding to the name of a people or city [= ἐθνικόν (Steph. Byz.)]. Also gen.
1828 J. A. Cramer Anc. Greece III. Index p. i, The Greek ethnic of each town or place has been subjoined where there was authority for it. 1902 D. G. Hogarth Nearer East 194 Where the ‘Arab’ (to use the ethnic widely) lives under conditions similar to the Greek, he resembles him. 1921 C. T. Seltman Temple Coins Olympia 103 The dies‥upon which the full ethnic FΑΛΕΙΩΝ appears. 1921 Brit. Mus. Return 79 The ethnics of Damastium and Pelagia. 1959 A. G. Woodhead Study Gk. Inscriptions 44 Sometimes the single name, without further elaboration, sometimes with patronymic and demotic or ethnic, or with one of the two.
3.B.3 A member of an ethnic group or minority. orig. U.S.
1945 Warner & Srole Social Syst. Amer. Ethnic Groups (Yankee City Ser. III) v. 68 The Irish‥had their origins largely in the peasant stratum.‥ The Jews were of the burgher class.‥ These differences in the ethnics' social-class backgrounds will be seen later to have important bearing on their adaptation. Ibid. 93 The ethnics have conspicuously succeeded in ‘getting ahead’ in the Yankee City social hierarchy. 1961 Times Lit. Suppl. 17 Nov. 828/4 The former ‘ethnics’, a polite term for Jews, Italians, and other lesser breeds just inside the law. 1963 T. & P. Morris Pentonville iii. 62 It is the general view of the prison staff that the majority of ‘coloureds’ and ‘ethnics’ are West Indians. 1964 S. M. Miller in I. L. Horowitz New Sociology 297 As the white ethnics—first the Irish, later the Jews, and still more recently the Italians‥gained strength.
Additions 1993
Add: [A.] [2.]A.2 c.A.2.c Of music: of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a particular ethnic group or cultural tradition; hence applied to (esp. pop or rock) music which prominently incorporates elements of the music of a particular ethnic group.
1957 Time (Canad. ed.) 4 Feb. 63/1 The braves at the war dance start truckin' on down to that red-hot ethnic music. 1976 Eastern Even. News (Norwich) 13 Dec. 4/6 Ethnic rock, anything foreign. 1983 Washington Post 3 Apr. c3/2 Bloom describes the sound as ‘Sunny Ade meets Laurie Anderson, ethnic pop. It brings together African juju sounds and a real strong Cuban and Brazilian influence.’ 1989 Penguin Encycl. Pop. Mus. 977/1 He [sc. Steve Reich] deliberately rejected the increasing complexity of contemporary ‘serious’ music in favour of a reduced vocabulary, searching in ethnic and ancient musics for ideas. 1991 Times Educ. Suppl. 8 Feb. 42/5 The Radio Authority has helpfully decreed that classical music, light orchestra and non-amplified jazz, folk, country and ethnic music aren't pop. Neither is anything recorded pre-1960. This is a barmy decision.
'One race, the human race' is a social construct.
That pic really pisses me off. If it were commemorating a basketball team instead and they replaced half the players with Whites and the other half with women nobody would say it isn't racist.
And Jewgle is a Talmudic construct.
Woe for the never ending kikery.
How long before family becomes a social construct, and you're mom isn't really you're mom anymore, plus loving your mom just because she has the same genes is considered racist?
Where are these from?
Google is waging full war on reality