post your surrealist garbage here
and don't be a faggotthese captchas are niggers
post your surrealist garbage here
and don't be a faggotthese captchas are niggers
made some fun cuts from murdoch murdoch for you fgts
Murdoch murdoch is a cuck
posts requests too if you want can't guarantee anything
Why is there a 1/4 second of black at the end of all of them instead of a loop
That episode where the killed Dr. Pierce was fucking terrible, but I think they were just newfags who didn't really understand who he was. Some of their work is pretty fucking great.
oh god please some drawfag make that pic fappable. murdoch-chan is my waifu forever
I was hoping that OP was Murdoch. I'm so disappointed.
Sage for broken dreams
This. And they made up for it with the meme magic episode. Last Son of the West was a surprising masterpiece from them, that and Hold Back the Night was their best work.
those episodes were fucking hilarious fgt kys
idk. i'll work on it. how do i loop in openshot?
sry. they were on… Rebel Yell? one of those TRS programs… did you hear it?
Murdoch is my nigger but murdoch-chan creeps me the fuck out with her 3d-ness.
user, she is… vid related
What's this? Describe it in words.
i think its randomly adding in black frames what faggotry
Murdoch murdoch are alt right cucks tbh famalam
it doesn't matter. this is an OC thread not a murdik thread
Don't let the Jews keep your humanity.
laughing primordial god, also flutes
Nah I haven't and I don't really care anymore, mentioning TRS affiliation made me care even less. I was hoping for Holla Forums ties instead. But whatever I have more important things to worry about and normies to redpill.
Sage for indifference
*yawn* nobody is buying your D&C kikery
Posting my dankest OC
Yeah, I can't be mad at people who actually produce shit and are willing to admit when they were wrong. I used to be a liberal a few years ago, now I'm a committed Natsoc, there's a lot of people who are getting redpilled rather quickly and we all make mistakes. It's owning up to them that shows character.
Yeah, that one is really effective, it's a fucking great work. (Nice dubs btw)
No, that episode sucked dude. Dr Pierce was a fucking hero of the movement, you should respect men like him who sacrificed so much for our people. They were on TRS btw (radio.therightstuff.biz
Learn your history newfag:
stop being faggots and post oc
If nobody else will anonymously claim memes they made then I'm gonna stop.
Check the show out, the one sounds like even more of a (literal) faggot than Dicky Spencer, proving once again that the Alt-RIght is infested with sodomites.
Is that shit really that bad? I have it sitting in my watch later queue, but I have an allergic reaction to shitty humor.
That gif is pro. On almost any other site you'd have to be a libshit to post that.
They identify with the alt-kike (and proud of it), support milo, TRS-tier MUH DONATIONS, "stormfags", the shill episode, took the taylor swift meme SERIOUSLY, killed Dr. Willian L Pierce and fucking said "genocide is bad goyim. diversity :)"
Their mrme magic episode was a poor attempt to rekindle the real nat socs he cucked on.
he also did a reddit AMA cancer. frequents both cuckchan and TRS (know this since they pushed an inside joke meme from TRS in an episode).
That was the most effective post possible in steering me away. Thanks user.
user these are very good. Goebbels-tier good.
They really aren't that bad, but take them with a grain of salt. If it's not coming directly from Der Fuhrers mouth, someone here will find something to bitch about.
wtf are you talking about? this is the first thread I've made in months. why would you fucking bumplock an OC thread on an imageboard? this is fucking retarded
Because this isn't OC, it's just converted murdoch murdoch bullshit with a sprinkling of untalented cancer.
the fuck is wrong with you people
Orange county is lame