Jews literally stole our childhood


See this, see the camaraderie the joy in this film, manly white males, doing sports, learning how to shoot, going in hunt, having friendly fights, overcoming dificulties.
If the hitler had won the war i could had spent my childhood living with a expy of the hitler youth, instead now kids spend their childhood getting obesse, crying about being bullied, being brainwashed about history, race and being indoctrinated into being good little goys, it took Holla Forums to make us realize that all that we believed was wrong
Fuck the ZOG, fuck political correctness, i want them to give me back the childhood i never had because of them.
Sorry if i am blogposting but i wanted to print my toughts somewhere.

Whining doesn't help

Things are going to get better .

And Trump is only the beginning.

my childhood was pretty good tbh

What can we do to fix this? I want to start living the true life of a man..

If you're in the US, acquire a gun and learn how to use it. If you're in Europe, put a cork in your ass and hope you don't get gang raped.

I grew up on a farm in a small town. I played outside with friends, picked fresh plumbs off the trees, collected eggs, joined the Boy Scouts, went camping, and shared a bond with family and friends.

Maybe your childhood sucked, but mine was idyllic.

I don't live in the US neither in Europe but i do have guns anyway.

It wasn't that bad, but it wasnt that good like yours sounds.

They stole the erogenous zone of our penis

Sorry for ameribros

Sucks to suck dude, my scout years were straight out of a Hitlerjugend manual.

My feefees: The Thread
Quit your sobbing you little bitch.

Oh I don't know how about:
By the way, these are all normal things that young boys do today. Not every child is raised like you see in (((the media))) Sorry about your pozzed parents.

I can tell you are still a child. Men come up with solutions to their problems not cry about them.

Kek has blessed this thread


Kikes are evil. The world is not a fraction of what it could be.

Bless you, kek.

Though I should mention that I was born in 1972. Times were different.


born in 1982 in commiefornia, was good, we rode bikes and had neighborhood dirtclod-throwing wars in the alleys, had a camping and gun shooting dad that hated niggers mexicans and gooks. so that helped.

Born in Mexico, 1986. We rode bikes, we gathered junk to build a mini car, we caught bugs and made arts and crafts with our grandmother, often went to explore a close by railroad and fought with South American illegal immigrant children that came in the train wagons, their parents were often loitering somewhere and left them to run wild by the railroad. We hated them because they were very uppity and annoying (they spoke to us in broken English so we wouldn't know what they were saying) so we'd often build traps for them or make slingshots to shoot dried spiky seeds at them.

Good goy, send your kids to be raised by the state.
What do you think they did to the Hitler youth you delusional twat?