Kong Cuck Island (((Director))) fights Alt-Right Nazi!


Films for Holla Forums to boycott:

Rogue One: A Nu-Star Wars Story
Kong: Cuck Island

Films for Holla Forums to boycott:
All of them.

The director has also done numerous episodes of a show called You're the Worst which normalizes and encourages cuckoldry for white men. This is a show on cable TV on the station FX.


heat street is jewish cancer tbh

Don't be a faggot. There are nerd son here who probably are interested in seeing this shitty movie, and there are parents who should be informed of this so they don't take their children.

Exactly, have to think of the bigger picture here and all the good material it will add.

provide an archive link or fuck off

I don't give clicks to needy kikes


This is below cuckchan tier, please lurk for 365 more days, and provide a better OP next year so the discussion below can be constructive in implementing the God Emperor protocols.

I torrent cuck movies, never pay for them.

I go pay if they are good movies.




What did he mean by this?

if you still consume hollyjew you don't belong here
>>>Holla Forums

I don't watch TV or movies anymore, but can we make an exception for Uncle Mel? It's a pro-Allies WW2 film, but it's very pro-Christian and not degenerate. Worth supporting IMO.

It passes.

Also as a side note, did they shut down Jdar?


When do we expect Commiefornia to sink? I really want them to drown.

Hacksaw Ridge was the most powerful film I've seen in years. Take it from this user, it's worth a watch!

As much as I like Mel Gibson, even the good ones have to hurt. We can't allow ourselves to give Hollyjew more money if we want to get rid of them, even if the movie is good.

Dubs checked, but I don't watch movies that encourage the massacre of whites by fellow whites.

Sorry user, I legit don't know what this means. Try and throw that movie some Shekels if you can though, it's also got Vince Vaughn in it who is outspoken in favor of the 2A. We should try and support the very few Goys on our side in Hollywood.

College education everyone.

FILM IS NOT ART. Even good film is still NOT ART.

It's about the whites at war with the japs.

It's about Okinawa

Dubs checked again. I'm a retard, please forgive me.

Hacksaw Ridge is in the Pacific, they're fighting nips

K din.

either that or alliance scum.

I just need to trade in my car for a bicycle and start procuring my own food, and then I'll escape from the shekel farm.

Get a motorcycle instead.

Just look up motorized bicycle kits they are like $120. They say it goes 25-40MPH and gets like 120-170 miles per gallon but that seems a little off. You can still peddle it like a normal bike too.

dont worry, everything is alt-right