Look at this picture then you tell me how you think the "Romney Secretary of State" meme is going.
Look at this picture then you tell me how you think the "Romney Secretary of State" meme is going
Other urls found in this thread:
wtf it didn't post the 2nd image
What a great image.
I love it, he really does look like he's making a deal with the devil.
The devil being Trump.
SoS? Romney would be lucky to make it out alive at this rate.
Looks like someone's going to the cuck shed tonight.
That smug is otherworldly
hahahahahaha holy shit Romney's fucked
He's making the most of these meetings his son in law keeps pressuring him to do
It just screams "Do you feel in charge?"
Did Trump REALLY Bring him over, get the press all erect over the possibility of choosing him, getting Romney getting all excited just to tell him right before the Photo was about to be taken that he has absolutely No chance?
That's the look of a man that has fully accepted the obligation to gas himself
Not quite as well as the "Farage US Ambassador" meme, it looks like.
The expression on Mittens' face is the expression of a man who wants to die.
Absolutely not.
We need more smug.
criminally unchecked
Ehhhhh. That's one of those issues where I think absolutely everyone is wrong. The police have been counterproductively heavy-handed; the Indian tribes have no claim on the land; and all the white shitlibs showing up to the battle should shut the fuck up until they stop consuming oil. Remember, NatSoc is an environmentalist philosophy. Besides, let's face it, she's just grandstanding. She's a fucking Hawaiian - she's just playing politics and grandstanding. I do admit it's not a good look on her. That whole situation is coyote ugly any way you slice it.
She's a leftist loony who hates Muslims because she's Hindu.
She's perfectly fine from a foreign policy standpoint.
Trump is beginning to scare the shit out of even me
All I can say is that I would not ever want to be his enemy.
I swear every photo of Trump after he's won has been extremely smug
I wonder what they're laughing about
That is TOO MUCH smug for these earthly eyes.
Well Jared wanted Trump to pick him so Trump likely tells Jared that Romney has to be strong enough to be his Secretary of State meaning he'll have to pass a test, if he fails then Trump picks someone else and looks like he failed
Fucking nice
dubs confirm
Actually on second inspection Trump has eaten all his food and Romney hasn't even touched his food and his fork is the wrong way
What was this food
quads confirmed
I love this man so much. I cannot wait to see him sitting behind the POTUS desk in the Oval Office. My heart may explode with joy.
Dear god those Hitler quads
Quads of Glory!
Praise Kek.
Fuck, them based quads hammered the point home. Romney BTFO by the God Emperor.
Those Quads confirm.
I love Trump so much.
lol the press has to sneak in to get coverage
You mean they are being forced to engage in actual journalism?
checkidy checked
Mitt… you know that Pony your wife keeps, you just ate it.
Come on, even I know that Mormons can't eat chocolate.
You are what you eat.
I don't just now realize it, user. I hate having my picture taken. And, much like Rmoney, I will never be Secretary of State.
Better frog meat than human meat, user.
Kek offers us his body; his blood, our precious meme magic.
Since when can't mormons eat chocolate?
We can actually, we just can't have brown sodas, alcohol, cigarettes, or non-prescribed (lmao but prescription meth and heroin is just fine) drugs.
t. former Mormon for 1.5 years
That’s more fucking food than I eat in a week. How the hell can anyone do that?
I would begrudgingly trust Trump's judgment if he did appoint Romney as SOS – he knows Romney better than we do, and if he chooses him then he must feel confident that he controls him.
Nonetheless, I wouldn't be shocked to see Trump stringing Romney along publicly and having him come visit Trump repeatedly to kiss the ring in front of supporters as one final revenge for how hard Romney worked to sabotage his election. Romney slandered Trump with 100x the ferocity that he went after Obama with, and even ran the no-name candidate McMullin to siphon votes away from Trump. No one has been a greater traitor to his own party's nominee than Mitt Romney and it would be poetic justice if this was all a ruse by Trump to publicly humiliate him. Wouldn't be his first time playing 4d chess.
This is like a scary horror movie for Mittens.
wait brown soda?
It contains caffeine.
Nice try, magic underoos. I'm on to your sick Mormon ways.
Oh ok, some of you definitely freak out about chocolate.
Give him a break user, he had a year and a half of brainwashing.
Hey Mitt, remember your car elevator? It's taking you straight down to hell now.
I'll keep your binders full of women.
Yeah I don't remember the specifics, but the brown sodas have an ingredient in it that messes with your liver or something.
Oh fuck off with this shit, it would be totally contradicting his "drain the swamp" pledge to hire a fucking K-Street fishermen like Romney.
Magic underwear only happens in Utah.
Its more of an eating to excess thing. We're allowed to have wine too but not to excess.
Eh… not really, if you actually like to read rather than just recite hymns its pretty easy to not get wrapped up in brainwashing since its laid out just like the South Park episode, plus how hard they pressure you for cash. Mormons don't have much luck in poor neighborhoods.
Fancy restaurants always serve bite sized portions. The shit on Romney's plate and in the middle of the table would barely count as an afternoon snack.
>Mormons: No caffeine, tobacco, alcohol, pussy, dancing, plus magic underwear
Fucking Hell, I really don't think God wants us to be unhappy all the time.
Oh come on now user you know damn well that Muslims can have all the goat and little boy pussy that they want.
Praise him
This likely means Trump will make him SoS, but he's going to try and break him before he does.
Dubs with Hilter quad confirmation? We have been blessed with repeating digits! Kek's will be done.
user, that picture is of Heqet, not Kek.
After the Darkness comes the Light!
Praise Kek!
Why'd you join in in the first place, a woman?
Checkin' em
After the Darkness comes the Light!
Praise Kek!
Moloch is so fucked
Thread theme. Meme it away boys.
Nicely done user
Mittens looks like he's been taken hostage.
Their suffering has only just begun.
www nydailynews.com/news/politics/trump-dines-ex-rival-mitt-romney-manhattan-restaurant-article-1.2891935
Looks like a jew.
Damn Trump looks spooky in that one.
Fucker wasn't kidding when he said that he was vengeful. I honestly think he enjoys crushing the spirits of his enemies.
It almost looks like a movie scene.
Trump knows what is best in life.
>"okay so I won't be Secretary of State but do my black grandchildren really need to be sent to Guantonomo?! I'm begging you Donald don't do this"
Looks like they're at the part where Mitt is explaining himself for why he attacked Trump during the campaign. They're not falling for his bullshit hopefully.
After the Darkness comes the Light!
After the Darkness comes the Light!
Praise Kek!
After the Darkness comes the Light!
Praise Kek!
Don't worry.
You're fired.
After the Darkness come the Light!
Praise Kek!
looks like poopoo on the plate
Dubs confirm
I wanna habeeb
I mean Mormons are also allowed to have beer too according to their "word of wisdom" but if you are a member and you told another member you drink any alcoholic beverage of any quantity or sort they will likely ostracize you and report you to the bishop/stake president.
lol, no.
Okay nigger what fucking Mormon church do you go to because in Arizona 80% of Mormons are lard heads who can't live without their soda, they will drink a gallon of carbonated poison a day but won't ever touch a beer. That being said there are a few "based" Mormons but most of them are either not die-hard or are jack-mormons.
As much as those protests are filled with libshits, I can't help but have absolutely no sympathy for (((oil companies))) that didn't even bother to fill out the proper paperwork.
Same. They thought they could be lazy about it and have no consequences.
After the Darkness comes the Light!
Praise Kek!
Truly Kek must be praised! After the Darkness comes the Light! Praise Kek!
But user, Trump is praising Heqet in that picture.
Kek manifests in many forms.
And all are frog.
"He did what I couldn't do"
The look on Romney's face screams…
Yes user, but Heqet is a fertility goddess that would be willing to help out with white birthrates if you were to stop saying everything about her is Kek instead.
Kek IS Heqet though
In summary…
He isn't. Kek is married to Kauket if that's who you're referring to, while Heqet is married to Khnum.
Criminally underchecked trips
WebM version to compliment the MP4
Kek is just the male aspect of primordial darkness while Kauket is the female aspect and Kek's snek waifu.
Honestly we should praise Kauket more since she's literally the same deity as Kek.
After the darkness comes the light
Not necessarily, user. Lore differs from time period to time period to area to area, and the two are separate deities in some cases. The most well-known example of members of a single element of the Ogdoad being portrayed as a couple of two separate beings is the case of Amun and Amaunet leaving the Ogdoad and being replaced by Niu and Niut, the god and goddess of "void/nothingness".
After the Darkness comes the Light!
Praise Kek!
Trump made him cuck himself right there. Didn't even give him a place either it seems.
You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?
kek'd and check'd
Are you a true believer yet?
Who paid for dinner…wtf kind of question is that. When you invite someone to a business dinner, the etiquette is you pay. Fucking moron reporters.
He forced him to eat frogs legs.
not sure is blasphemy or super trolling
chekd and kekd
What the …
Catholics have been eating Jesus for nearly two millennia.
Praise… praise Kek?
No he wouldn't because that would be jew like.
I bet trump made sure all the food was stuff Romney didn't like. See Romney hasn't touched his food and trump has a clean plate? Like when putin brought his dog around merkel
After thinking about it, the situation seems to be going in a particular direction. Trump is going to be doing a rally in Ohio. Part of his victory tour around the country. I am going to predict that Trump will have Romney go on stage to address the crowd. They will likely boo at him, or something to that effect. Romney will have that chance alone to have the audience cheering for him afterwards, or he will not have SoS position or any part of the administration.
He takes our Lord into himself
The Cult of Kek memed you the presidency…
Is this heresy or not?
The man who was cucked to death.
i think he is signalling to us.
He can't possibly be against us with the amount of digits we have gotten here.
Where do you think he ranks Holla Forums?
this isn't blasphemy in its context.
remember: Kek is God and Trump is his Earthly avatar. Forcing Romney to eat the frog legs is a symbolic gesture representing him 'eating' or accepting the will of God-Emperor Trump.
Can't argue with digits like that.
Also, regarding the frogs legs,
This is the first actual level headed post I've seen regarding that situation. The whole things fucked from both sides but ultimately the natives need to go the fuck home the pipeline is better than any of the alternatives and they already went to court over the dispute of the land claim and won but it doesn't fucking matter because the Supreme Court offered them $2 million not the physical land. They have no legal claim over that land and never will the Supreme Court already settled this
Yup, they're quints alright.
Consider them checked.
LARPing Mormonism? Hot drinks and strong drinks is the proscription. Everyone wears temple garments after their endowments. The church operates one of the largest private members-only charities in the world for its poor. Poor Mormons get free food, job assistance, tuition assistance, and the rest of the in-group jew package (from other Mormons - they're tribal) without having to actually follow the kike laws.
These are perhaps the best quints I've ever seen, and I've seen many quints in my lifetime folks. Nothing even comes close to these.
I okay. I'm gunna stop what I'm doing and check those. Nicely done.
Imagine that.
Hell is forever!
That cutey has incredible lips
sup Holla Forums
good call
Checked, oh God Emperor.
Oh, look.
My ID has 777 in it.
Doesn't that make me a prophet or something?
The prophet says Lord Kuk said to move your cancer to 4chins. Now.
He also said you are board-destroying faggots.
gas gas gas
That is the face of a man so butthurt that his soul has been torn out through his rectum.
I'm broke as fuck and got no chance of getting out of it, but it's still going to be a Merry Christmas.
Interesting story. I've met Trump's personal golf caddy and he's a pretty chill black guy. Apparently Trump originally ran mainly so he could BTFO Obama and Hillary at every chance he could get but during the general election he realized he could actually beat the rigged vote.
My coworker's friend who I met is actually going to be at a new years party with Trump and knows him personally.
After the Darkness comes the Light!
Praise Kek!
After the Darkness comes the Light!
Praise Kek!
May the power of Kek unfuck my shit and lead me to a prosperous life!
We're hitting smug levels that shouldn't even be possible
It would be fascinating to learn more, secondhand.
I hope he knows what den of vipers he's getting himself into and knows not to trust any lobbyist slimeball there. He got in with the power of smug and memes, I hope he grabs life by the reins and destroys all the entrenched interests.
>romney realizes he called Trump's bluff and lost
Criminally underchecked digits.
After the Darkness comes the Light!
Praise Kek!
Looks legit.
really good we don't need to imagine the face now
No fucking way
this is a good shoop
I know this because I've seen a lot of good shoops in my time
Remember that face.
Trump has withheld a good number of his deal making faces from the public thus far.
it's real in my mind
He's a great guy to hang out with according to the caddy. He travels with Trump and stays in his hotels (for free) sometimes for months at a time. I talked to him a few weeks ago when he had just gotten back from being in Florida.
Trump sees through all the kiss-ass bullshit. After a lifetime of dealing with greedy Jews he's more prepared then anyone to vet his cabinet members. He's redpilled alright. There's a reason why he's been on infowars a few times and accepted Alex Jones's personal call to congratulate him on winning. Not everything on infowars is true but there's enough to grab his attention. Keep in mind that infowars usually covers stories that originated here.
Don't believe screenshots of anything. We live in an age where things can be changed at will.
Change text
can someone photoshop his hair into the 'just fuck my shit up' style?
That's perfect.
cheers user
Praise Kek!
dubs confirm perfect
Does any /fringe/ user know what the consumption of frogs represents or what even frogs represent to the mystery religion?
This could be basically Trump stuffing it down his throat and throwing him over the walls.
"Take your Jahbulon and EAT IT"
i interpret it as forced communion
the consumption of frog legs should not be interpreted as blasphemy - especially when our enemy is forced to. I was a strong skeptic about the frog being the avatar of meme magic, but this is too much to be coincidence at this point.
I feel an immense duty to check these digits.
At least some user understands.
Hes not confirmed yet, thats why they deleted it
nice poast but Hitler had blue eyes
The Delegates, Dahnald!
There's too many!
After the Darkness comes the Light!
Praise Kek!
Yeah I thought of that also.
Frogs are also a symbol of change. They are mentioned in the bible.
Freemasonry: traditioninaction.org
Maybe even out of the fable of the frog and the scorpion?
This is not coincidental becouse taking a potential SOS to a French restaurant on frogs legs it a little bizarre if you don't understand the undertones.
A+++++ get would check again
Of course they're not, Trump is the new head of the GOP, Preibus is the loyalist representing the future of the party, while Romney is the traitor representing the GOP Old Guard who still have power and influence all throughout the US.
This is the real transition of power right here, the media just keeps spinning it as Trump selling out. Never forget how many powerful people Romney represents.
Found it
Check em
fuck me wrong pic
Kek forgive my low energy
*Record scratch*
*Freeze frame*
Yup, you're wondering how I ended up in this situation…
Agreed, at least there are a few who get it.
>reddit spacing
I don't get it. Why is Trump putting women and a bunch of retarded cucks on his staff?
so the operator of that position can't do shit, people are either doormats or matadors in that business.
So he can grab the women by the pussy and cuck the cucks when they get out of line easiler
Eat well to live well user.
That's retarded shit people on 4ch say. You're not one of these retards that believes Trump is going to run EVERYTHING right? I feel sorry for people like you I really do.
Right, because Trump is a literal God right? the only difference between you and a communist faggot, is that you just happen to be on the other side of the fence. Same mentality, different ideas. In a parallel universe somewhere lefty pol is Holla Forums and the other way around.
I hope all of you mindless faggots burn along with every other retard that puts people like trump up as a god figure.
Did you think Hillary was going to be worse? You're such a silly goy.
inb4 waiting for hitler
inb4 doing nothing
inb4 blah blah usual response
Trump will never get rid of the Federal Reserve
Whites will still become a minority in the US
White birthrates will still fall
Whites will still be raped by niggers
Whites will still be murdered by niggers
Whites will still be brainwashed
The GOD emperor is going to build a wall! Holy shit guys! My sister will still be raped by Jamal, but oh by, at least there will be less Mexicans r–r-ight guys???
I hate all of you faggots with a passion, maybe even more than leftists. You're race traitors that skipped out for the easy path with Trump.
You will never, ever, fix America by electing a President. If you haven't figured that out yet you might as well just start reading CNN and fuck off entirely.
I was actually being sincere.
Now dry your tears rainyface
Thread archaeologist reporting for duty!
Hmm, some choice posts here, AH!
From earlier ITT:
Here we have a concern troll trying to dampen our MAGA by claiming this goes against Trump's statements.
But waaaaaait, this is the Trump who said "I hire the best people. They might not be nice people or even good people, but they are the best at what they do," right?
Remember anons, this is the emprah who used Carl Icahn as an example of this policy.
Also, daily reminder pic related.
I hope it gets worse. I hope it gets worse enough that whites will finally realize how badly they're getting fucked by the system and the animals all around them.
That's whats currently happening in Europe. They're only reacting now when they're literally being murdered and raped.
Whites in America haven't been pushed to the edge yet, and that's where Trump comes in. he's a big elephant tranquilizer. All the anger and rage building up is being smashed yet again by false promises and false hope. And it happens every 8 years like clockwork. You have to love the red vs blue system. It's brilliant yet so fucking laughable.
It's so laughable, that a self proclaimed group of enlightened faggots that stand on top of morale high ground think a system that has been meticulously crafted for over a hundred years will work in their favor. How fucking STUPID do you have to be.
Like I said before, the only difference between you and a leftist is the fact that you just happen to be with conservative ideas.
r versus K.
God I love this picture. How much double- think can you faggots withstand?
He's just playing 1488d chess guys! XD
dubs within dubs
After the darkness comes light
Praise Kek!
I want to believe Trump is sending us a signal, but in all likelihood he did this to troll Romney into eating something he thinks is gross.
This could be Trump's equivalent of Putin bringing a dog to meet Merkel. He forces politicians to eat shit like frog legs and caviar and pretend to like it. Sends a very clear message about who is in charge.
It always gets better user just not in the way you want it but more of a unseen horrors type way.
It's been on a steady decline for over 200 years, non stop. The last person to have a chance at winning against Jews was a man with an entire country backing him, and a professional army.
What do we have. Absolutely fucking nothing. 3000 faggots on an image board still believing the failed system will work, and a population of people that are paralyzed with fear unable rise up. When people in america are scared, they buy shit.
That should tell you how utterly fucked everything is.
Thanks for correcting the record!
You're welcome.
Reminds me of this
After the Darkness comes the Light!
Repeat after me guys….
Fuckin checked!
This sums up the whole Trump-Romney relationship.
Oh dang, those are some pretty nice dubs.
Sweet mother of God. Those are amazing digits.
After the Darkness comes the Light
Praise Kek
The ride continues!
How can these all be in one thread?
After the Darkness comes the Light!
Hahahahah the look on Romney's face
"Why is he torturing me like this, I know I won't get shit"
Because cuck has been beaten to death and I'm sick of seeing it and le rebbit frog's lucky numbers threads.
But, speaking of kekchan, take a look at old/pol/. Then take a look at this thread. Note the striking similarities. Is that what you really want this board to become?
After the Darkness comes the Light!
Praise Kek!
You've got no chance in Hell
Imagine being the water sommelier that night.
==After the Darkness comes the Light!
Praise Kek!==
wew, checked
Phoneposting makes it inevitable.
Checked Mr Trump, Sir.
Mormons also cannot be trusted.
Romney's wife is under the table.
That's he looks like he's about to cry.
Kill yourself shill
This whole thread has me like pic related
Not in the Berenstein timeline
This is all psyops. He's publicly taking revenge on Romney by showing everyone, "Look now. He my bitch!" before unceremoniously dumping him in favor of Guiliani
Romney speaks out after Trump dinner? Speaks OUT?
Fucking lol. It's like he's some kind of whistleblower.
I wouldn't trust Gabbard. Her exile from the dems may be a ruse to get an infiltrator inside the repubs.
Well Washington underwent apotheosis to become a god-emperor. Trump will soon as well
Now Mormons having restrictions is confusing, because the Book of Mormon is supposed to be the sequel to the New Testament. I've paged through the Book of Mormon before, and I don't recall it reinstating dietary restrictions. In fact, most of what Mormons are known for aren't even in the Book of Mormon. Must be another book most non-Mormons aren't aware of.
also checked.
Romney's thinking 'motherfucker I didn't even say shit about 47% this time'.
Mormons have a few books. Pearl of Great Price is another. Doctrines and Covenants is the other
That explains it. Though I'll probably never read those. The Book of Mormon is boring enough.
After the Darkness comes the Light!
Praise Kek!
Can someone tell me the username of that fat autistic British Leftist on youtube whose comment sections get shit on by Holla Forums users? I always forget his damn name…
How inspiring.
You're not exactly helping narrow it down much.
He's fat. British. Wears glasses. He has some body deformity or some shit. He just recently made a video where he threatened that the world would destroy the US for electing a Nazi. He makes like 30 minute videos. All of his comments come from Holla Forums users mocking him.
Thought you where talking about sargon, think you mean this guy
I'm sure there is a good reason user.
Priebus looks casually poised just like a predator heh.
Plebposting. Get a desktop!
What a great poster image that would make tbh.
no cd player
Why haven't I noticed this in the decade I have seen this meme posted daily?
The CD player is the black appliance, watch the whole scene
The CD player is the black appliance, watch the whole scene
He's right you know.
faggots like you need to fucking acting like Trump is "le epib gawd emporawr! xD 1488!" this isn't /r/the_donald, this board needs to stop jacking each other off.
No hes not, this is the same fag who has been calling Trump a Jew Shill for 16 months. Criticizing Trump if he cucks on anything is one thing but doing the same garbage he does for 16 months is either major autiste or hes a paid shill.
You sir, are a idiot.
No. Even Randlet would be better
I like this Dana Roharbaker guy or however you spell it
i gotta check those ID quads
praise kek!
Damn, homey, high school you was the man homey, fuck happened to you…
On the bright side, you have a much better shot at it than he does
More like he's been raped
I'm with stupid.
Double Hitler dubs! Praise Kek.
get the fuck out of here.
After the Darkness comes the Light!
Praise Kek!
Rohrabacher. 'Gotta know your German!
You better not attack
my bad
(checked and kek'd)
After the Darkness comes the Light!
Praise Kek!
There are competent non-whites who push the Overtonwindow in a direction we favour. Trump also does not hold our views. We always strive to push politics in our favour, and so far the Don is performing extremely well. Learn to like winning you faggot
RIP Mittens
Just like everyone else who dared to stand against Trump, you too have been destroyed and made to pay the price.
romney looks like he is tasting his own vomit.
We literally meme'd peepee poopoo into reality, and made him the president of the most powerful nation.
Trump has been bullying him for days with his tricks. A desperate Romney thinks he has a slight chance that Trump will show mercy, and Trump stumps him without any.
this has ruined the meme for me
This might be true. If you look at the history of his fighting with fat Rosie it's clear he loves revenge and he never quits when he's angry. Mittens said way worse things about him than Rosie did. I really hope this is what's happening. Also this is his chance to see what makes Mittens tick. Keep him guessing and see what comes out of his mouth. The longer he drags it on the more Mittens reveals his power level. For no other reason than to file it away for future reference. Just in case.
honestly, from an environmental perspective, the pipeline will be much better than trains, and global warming is a boon to white people, as it enables us to inhabit ever higher latitudes, where our skin hair and eyes give us advatages, as well as increasing agricultural productivity for the largest swaths of land in white countries (siberia, canada, the americas and europe) by increasing global rainfall (higher temp = more water vapor) and increasing the growing season.
I'm pro-global warming, even if I realize that current global warming is a little lackluster in its "warming"
Holy shit
This is wrong. The solubility of water in air increases with temperature. The only way you get more rainfall is with temperature gradients, where hot moist air rapidly cools and water crashes out of solution.
The other issue is increased water loss from freshwater sources. But all this is assuming global warming is actually happening, which is absolutely not certain.
Is snek of relation to Kek?
nice quads
Quints you blasphemous faggot
Can 4D chess be won?
This image was worth the bump. Saved.