Nevada is one of the few states Trump actually did worse than the polls suggested. This makes me wonder if illegals voted in mass for Clinton, it would also make a lot of sense in the context of his tweet about illegals voting.

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Then it would be important to know who's is spearheading this.

Kill me.

The only problem with this is it's a recount, not an audit.
Recount will only change the vote totals slightly, if at all, unless some serious fraud goes on after the original tally.

It just seems like a waste of tax payer money to me.

An actual audit would be nice though, then we could actually have a better chance at finding some illegal votes.

Exactly. When illegals vote - they actually vote. The votes are there, they aren't made up, they just should never have been cast. They will just recount the illegal votes.


then why are they recounting its votes?
I am not a burger

Because pro-Trump people are pushing for the recount.

lel love it how quickly recounting is a problem when it's a state that shillary now
NH next

We need recounts in California and Virginia, too.

California is guaranteed Hillary, but Trump won the popular vote in THE ENTIRE FUCKING COUNTRY if you take out California, so you know at least 3 million illegals voted there. Virginia because of the FUCKING FELONS they let vote, and it was damn fucking close.

is en masse retard

fugging typos


What we need to fucking do is recount the fucking gun rights referendum, my fucking gun rights sold down the tubes for under 1000 votes fuck all.

Remember that Nevada is also a state without voter ID laws and full of illegal spics. This is bound to turn something juicy up.

If they want a recount in WI, MI, and PA then why not do a recount in Maine, New Hampshire, Minnesota, and Nevada where the election was just as close?

Oh, right, Hillary won those.

It depends. While an audit would be better, a recount can also do good. For recounts, they use paper ballots and the printout receipts from voting machines, not the actual numbers from the machine itself. the printouts reflect what the person actually chose, regardless of whatever kikery coding is going on in the machine. This will remove the possibility of electronic voter fraud. But as you pointed out, any and all illegal votes will still be counted.

Jesus fucking Christ! This recount bullshit is going to go on until the 19th, isn't it? I want to see these people strung up and hung by their own intestines just for wasting everybody's time.

Hillary won Nevada and they started this bs so let's play

We need to make sure the Republicans make the entire country at least orange and preferably red before 2020.

bring back literacy tests as well.

Don't you remember the last time? Recount bullshit will go on until the democrat presidency or mass deportation of leftists.

If Trump implements nationwide voter ID, either Dems, stripped of their Mexican voter base, will have to dial back their "progress" to at most a 1980s level, or they'll never win another US election again.

Nevada politics are controlled from Clark County (las vegas and surrounding areas) Clark County is also a heavy democrat stronghold as
2 million people live in Clark County
2.8 million people live in the state
So if you win Clark County you win the whole state essentially. The only other cities in the state that even exist are
and even they are barely a drop in the bucket. Most of Nevada is uninhabited.

hummmm I wonder????

A recount in New Hampshire would seem much more important.

How the hell a photo ID isn't mandatory?

Do they require I.d.'s at the casinos out there?

How about to vote?

Calling you kikes out now. Fucking blood is coming

Because liberals know niggers are too stupid to get photo IDs. They call it racist to enforce IDs.

any other time or place i'd say this was a typo, but given that it's nevada, it's probably more apt than one would think.


Well memed.

Macomb, Wayne and Oakland county are being recounted by hand in Michigan.

why in the mother fuck would anyone think this is a good idea? who the fuck doesnt have an id?? who besides commies/shitlibs would think thats acceptable to just walk up and vote and not even have to identify yourself? can someone in one of these shithole states tell me how that works? Do you just sign your name in crayon or something?

Pen, and you have to have been registered, but yes.

The problem is that this requires either a constitutional amendment (preferable) or a SCOTUS that rules “Regarding upholding the sanctity of voting franchise, proof of citizenship must be required to ensure persons are voting legally,” but that can be overturned.

I get the 10th Amendment argument, but it's a fucking federal election. The federal fucking election is not a states issue, it's a federal issue.

Don't make it a law that you need a picture ID to vote in any election, just make it so that you need one to vote in the federal election. If a state wants to allow people to vote multiple times or allow illegals to vote then fine, that's their problem. How states run their elections is up to them; how the federal government runs its election should be up to the federal government.

You sign in to a registry and give them some initials. Or at least that's how you normally do it; this election I was able to get a ballot just by naming the street I live on. Something's fucking fishy, whether it's poor training for poll workers or purposeful malfeasance.
-t. Commiefornian

Why is it every time I go on twitter, there's always some CTR-tier Jew-looking sub-humans propagandizing for free? Doesn't matter what the story is, or who it concerns, so long as it's against the "progressive" agenda there's always Jews crawling all over the place like ants on a piece of food on the sidewalk.


I would orgasm.

Missouri approved a photo ID amendment this year.

and a vivid imagination

I doubt this would happen though. I think this is a scheme to further rig / "fix" the election results for Clinton.

Remember goyim, Soros IS behind this effort!

this looks like satire but I don't think it is

That's just the excuse they use (with hippies and other libtards thrown in) - the reason is because if an ID is required people can't cast votes on behalf of dead people they simply know the name of. That's how voter fraud works - the libshits rigging things get a list of names of dead people in each location who haven't been removed since the last census, then assign those names to people they bus around along with fake utility bills to prove residence when needed (for instance while crossing between multiple counties.) Voter IDs would effectively eliminate the issue of voter fraud without fake IDs being used, which most certainly would be, but a fake ID is a much more serious crime and if coupled with a database of who is actually alive and where they are actually allowed to vote could catch people on the spot.

choose one and only one

The idea that Jewish ethics are anti-racist, multicultural, pro-woman, and egalitarian is hilarious.

You're also meant to start phrases with a capital and end them with a dot you fat twat
And it's "it's" instead of "its".

For some reason I'm always shocked to find out leftists really use these dumb insults.

Sometimes it does backfire. There actually are elderly people who are fully qualified to vote, but can't get to the office to get an ID. I personally see no problem in funding a service that helps the elderly and disabled get to the State ID office.


look at all those fat fucking beaners.

I don't believe you are going to see that much difference with a recount. The real problem, as others are saying, is looking at who exactly is voting. This is a much more difficult task but it is where the majority of the fraud is happening.

Masses of absentee ballots from dead people or others being filled out and non-US citizens voting.

Pic-related. Online voter registration in California, its as easy as just having an address and then a ballot is sent to you. Is anyone going to say with a straight face that this is not being abused when no one looks into who is voting?

It makes sense in that California has overload of illegals, but they do no good there as the state will go blue no matter what. So send them to Nevada to vote?

You can go through the steps yourself and see.

Make voting require a valid photo ID and I guarantee you will see very different voting patterns especially in states with high illegal immigrants.

They cant do a recount in PA, dummy.

The Talmud confirms that Jewish ethics do not exist.

If it looks like a jew it is a jew

So you can fraud.

I voted by mail. No ID, no verification. I could have sent in dozens of votes.

Hillary won my state.

You fuckers do realize votes are completely anonymous right? Thats WHY voter fraud is so easy.