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God bless this man.
call me a nigger but I won't be satisfied until the kikes responsible for making the decision to move jobs in the first place are all hanged.
Cuckchan migrants really are unbearable
That's pretty damned good.
I cannot fathom that level of stupid. We sure it's not just the site fucking up? I've had trouble with posts going through earlier.
b-but muh (you)s
they should just go to >>>/reddit/
What the fuck? For what? The inducement is you leave and you get hit with a tariff, you don't leave and you don't. You have got to be fucking kidding me. The people paying some corporation to stay with the money the corporation paid them with.
He's not even president yet and he's already doing what he said he'd do. MAGA!
Checked and Amened
This. We need to keep a scorecard for easy distribution of all the shit he has done before being inaugurated, hell, before the electoral college has met up.
I'm not so sure it's just them. The sheer volume of actual plebbit threads as well as a huge influx of twitter sourced threads is really out of control lately. I'm used to a certain amount of shilling, but it's pretty fucking obvious something behind the scenes is going on to help facilitate/coordinate this "invasion".
For example my last two bans were on election night for "spam" for gore-posting an anti-Trump thread, and just the other day for "le downboating" a fucking thread about some fake Donald Trump sub-plebbit…
I like sand
Good. You worthless faggots are unbearable.
I'm with this guy really. Goreposting is just newfags trying to larp as oldfags. The new thing is to pick out a topic and collect a thousand images and then max out threads like that. Think jewdog, elvis, or lain posters. A recent favorite of mine has been the smug chocolatier posting. If you see anyone spamming skellingtons in a thread, that's probably me.
The captcha is broken, throws an error message. Report the duplicates.
Liberals are gonna bitch its not all 2000 jobs.
Some sources say Marjory while other say just under 1000.
No. What's unbearble is literal plebbit threads here on 8/pol/. I would tolerate cuckchan cross-posts to an extent, but you reddit faggots need to gtfo. Goreposting and sage bombing you faggots seems to expose you well enough; so expect to see things that hurts your fee-fees should continue to direct link your sub-plebbits.
jej I've been around longer than you lad, only newfags gorepost nowadays
i don't care either way, be a newfag all you want
jej I've been around longer than you lad, only newfags think that only newfags gorepost nowadays
i don't care either way, be a newfag all you want
Also stop typing like a retard.
Suck shit nigger.
Nope. The site is designed for you to lurk more faggot, not spam the board with you're snowflake bullshit. Check the fucking catalog newfag cancer.
pic related
Not even president yet and he's fulfilling campaign promises. This is great news. I'm very interested in knowing what the "new inducements" from the state are.
What is this baby's first gore? This is Ebaums-tier
lul lemme guess you think that's edgy
Yes, as a matter of fact it is babbies first gore. That was the point.
I'm already staring to get tired of winning.
Way to waste a pig.
Can they please take the Praise Kuk/check these sick digits faggots with them?
There are so many fucking hogs in America, I don't know why we even bother to farm them anymore. Just walk out your front door and shoot a few ferals. Yeah they're tougher, but they make fine sausage.
Hog hunting in the south doesn't even need a license in some places.
Shit, in some places they let you do it from helicopters and with machine guns. My favorite is tannerite though. sage for offtopic.
Florida here. That's how it is. Any way you can bag one, as long as you don't irradiate or ignite the area, it's legal.
apparently the wild ones are filled with parasites/worms.
Texas has a feral hog problem. It's a matter of culling.
You'd never do this to game animals, only pests and vermin when it's actually a big deal and a huge problem.
I wish he would have put tariffs on them instead of giving them tax breaks
Probably not a problem if it's butchered and cooked properly, right? I've only eaten hog sausage my uncle makes a few times… should I get dewormed?
Of course. They're an absolute menace to farms and the environment.
I've been on imageboards since 2006, and you gore faggots are unbearable edgelords being edgy babbies. Instead of wasting the sage posts with gore, you could sage with redpills and infographics. Go to Holla Forums if you want to be an internet tough edgelord otherwise you are not better than your regular Holla Forums loli porn raiders or anime-hating goon beta complainers.
I think you're being a bit melodramatic about the gore, but you're right about infographic saging. Holohoax infographics, particularly those book excerpts of ridiculous shit, are the best way to sagebomb a thread filled with outsiders.
Geez. He is not even President yet and he has already done more for Americans than Obama.
Fucking incredible. He is going to be the best President we have had in a long long time.
He is not letting us down guys. He is the real deal.
I have no problem seeing cartel member peel off human faces, but animal gore disturbs me. They are innocent creatures. Humans deserve it.
Nah, most normies skip right over Holohoax stuff, most have way too many words and aren't visually appealing. I like the side-by-side media headlines exposing bias myself. A lot more effective for striking that little bit of cognitive dissonance.
More like absolutely seething with rage and frothing at the mouth over not being able to hunt down, capture and flay alive those pieces of shit for abusing animals in that manner.
Animal abuse (especially cats/dogs) = honorary shitskin
Texas here, can confirm. Not only is no license required, you're encouraged to kill them.
They're not even native, they're an invasive species that bred with ANOTHER invasive species to become even bigger assholes.
Holy shit it's still alive?
Why did they do that ? Pigs are extremely convenient as they are the perfect repellent for mudslimes.
Reflexes are controlled by the spinal cord, not the brain. That's why it keeps twitching.
Wild hogs are filthy pests who root up fields, attack your pets and drive off the valuable game. Muslims don't want to eat pork because that'd be cannibalism.
You can judge someone's morals by how they treat animals, like how in underdeveloped nigger countries they euthanize dogs with rusty needles and blunt blades
I've read that pigs are actually pretty smart. Humans have a lot more in common with pigs than common pets like dogs and cats and we can use pig organs to some extent.
They're also supposedly very clean, if made pets. The whole pig wallowing in mud trope is actually just a pig coating itself with protection against the sun.
pigs are one of the few farm animals that won't eat their own shit.
Mexicans are mad as fuck about this, especially since some of the local e-celebs and the media are framing this as a victory of TRUMP over Mexico, not as a good thing for the US as a whole.
I'll be mining some salt there and I encourage any other taco speaking anons to do the same Sé que están aquí.
I can only laugh. Let them frame themselves as anti american, it'll make things easier later.
Wow hold on Trump, you're winning too fast. Wait until you are Emperor before you start making America great again.
I think he is an actual Mexican in Mexico.
Do you suck doggy dick and swallow their cum as well animal cuck?
Nice edge you fucking pussy. That pig would gladly rip you in half and devour you if it was bigger than you.
That is correct. I'm just realy sick and tired of these people being quick to blame Trump for everything bad that happens to this country. They do it mostly because the MSM spreads the exact same shit as their US equivalent, and will most likely keep doing so for the next 8 years.
It's almost as if they temporarily forgot that Mexico has a sad excuse for a president still in charge, and they should take their complaints about lack of emplyment options to him instead. Or maybe it's just the typical mexican attitude of always being jealous of other people's successes instead of working to improve themselves.
Seriously, I fucking hate this country, but especially it's people.
Every country on Earth belongs to the US
What a bunch of hypocrites. In Mexico it's illegal and heavily punished to disrespect our flag in any way or our anthem in any way. You cannot wear mexican flag themed underwear or clothes (you can use the colors and all but not the flag with the eagle and snake symbol). There was once a singer that had the idea of singing the national anthem to a salsa rhythm at a soccer match, he was stopped and heavily sanctioned. To change the lyrics of the national anthem is cause for sanction too.
Institutions and bussinesses must buy the flag from a government approved distributor for offical uses and matters.
You cannot use the national anthem, the flag or its imagery for commercial ads or campaigns. You cannot draw a perody version of the flag either.
This is why I dislike those 'Mexican' protestors in USA, they do to the American flag everything they would be trialed for doing to our own flag. They parade a mockery of our culture on foreign streets, claiming a land that is not theirs, treating Mexicans living in Mexico as if we are inferior somehow when many of them are living there illegally and giving us bad rep on a foreign land.
t.Mexican living in Mexico
i hope a nigger murders you
You Americanons better not get tired of winning.
What actually happened? Was Obuma using tax payers money to pay for failed auto companies which he managed to string along for a short while before they collapsed in debt anyway?
Yay! Gore thread! Post your goriest gores, reddit
It's amazing how much he has already accomplished with nothing more than an unofficial title. We will actually have 8 years and 2 months of a Trump presidency. I wonder what Obama did for the two months after he won? Got handjobs from Clinton while the FBI told him all about aliens and sheeeeeiiiiiiiiiiit?
how did he cause a loss of 1100 jobs, or is benny boy talking about jobs in mexico?
Cucks will defend this.
Yes, it's the jobs that are still moving to Mexico.
Meanwhile, retarded mexicans are calling for a boycott against Carrier, as if they suddenly stoped operations in the Mexico plant.
They are willing to make things harder for the mexicans still working there, because this president elect that the media told them to hate is taking away some jobs that mexicans are totally entitled to have for themselves.
Already doing more than Obama
can liberals do math?
math is racist
Yes how dare he not give a corporation a billion dollars in spite of fucking up
In the past hours liberals in twatter are trying to downplay this in various ways:
Seriously they are going full tinfoil.
Feels good man
None of those things is in any way bad though? Its like liberals want to cut their nose off to spite their face.
The guy didnt even bailout anybody. State based tax breaks make sense tbh.
(sage goes in the email field friend)
I've seen some shit, but this is just fucking pure disgusting evil. Fuck you.
They are going all out.
Also I don't get why they are memeing this shit about Carrier getting special tax treatment in exchange for this, considering we will know the details until tomorrow. Which fake news article is spreading that BS?
He keeps doing it. He's not even sworn in yet and he keeps doing it. The man is so high energy that he can't even wait to take the oath, he has to grab it by the pussy and Make America Great Again NOW. 1000 jobs today, 1000 jobs next week, 1000 jobs the week after that, this shit adds up.
Of course not. That would be a loosing strategy for socialists? Why would anyone be that stupid? Work with big buiss or subvert big buiss. Never "Take on big buiss".
You deserve honor for you're words user. Thank you.
The media knows if they get the first word in, about 98% of liberals will take what they have said as truth regardless of what is said later on. These people do not care about sources, and whenever they are confronted by a Trump supporter or one of the 2% of non-Trump supporters who give a shit about facts; they will simply regurgitate what they heard "Trump is working with the big businesses by giving them tax breaks; he is against the working class." They will not fully understand their statement, but in their minds it will nullify any of the positivity that the factually inclined might mention. Regardless of how many times they are told or have the information explained to them; they will just sit there with a smug smile on their faces and repeat the mantra of 'tax breaks for the big corporations, enemy of the working man (I should say person, I think working man is deemed sexist these days).
Leftist media does this all the time. They just make shit up when they have no facts or sources knowing full-well that the vast majority of their readership will unquestioningly accept it as fact, and insist that it is fact thereafter regardless of how much evidence to the contrary is given to them.
Pigs are actually pretty rad. If it was viable for me I'd have a pet pig.
And it's even more retarded when the White House joins this shitfest.
Hello newfriend. Brush up your reading comprehension.
He lost money in the end. And got us indebted to the kikes.
So double win for them.
Threatening import taxes on foreign is the only way to go so the country compensates for Eternal Commie Chink/ Kike Cabal plot in trying to bring USA down by draining the country, corrupting the politicians and nuking us with Russia.
Thankfully, the 'vast majority' are becoming a smaller and smaller percentage of the actual majority. >Libshits are basically a dying breed, heh.
Yes and no, most parasites can usually be cooked out, or treated out, however if the parasite has matured/lodged itself in the meat to a certain point it can survive or the eggs can survive. Also there are a few breeds of evil that can't be cooked out. Sage for off topic.
You're either retarded and have never dealt with pigs, or are full of shit. Take your pick. While it is true they will shit in the furthest corner of their pen, they will not hesitate to chow down on ANYTHING in a pinch.
I work right across the street from the plant. News vans everywhere.