Researchers claim time travel is possible

November 27, 2016

There are multiple timelines playing out in parallel universes, according to a team of researchers.

The sensational claim was made by a team of physicists, who believe that the parallel universes can all affect one another.

Professor Howard Wiseman and Dr. Michael Hall, from Griffith University’s Center for Quantum Dynamics, claim that the idea of parallel universes is more than just science fiction.

Fellow researcher Dr. Dirk-Andre Deckert, from the University of California, helped further the researchers’ theory, which goes against almost all conventional understanding of space and time.

If there really are multiple, interacting universes, then it would be possible for time travelers to visit Earth, and every imaginable scenario would be played out in a parallel universe at some point.

The team’s “Many Interacting Worlds Theory” provides a whole new perspective on the ideas underpinning quantum theory, a notoriously complex strand of physics.

Other urls found in this thread:

Wiseman said: “The idea of parallel universes in quantum mechanics has been around since 1957.

“In the well-known ‘Many Worlds Interpretation,’ each universe branches into a bunch of new universes every time a quantum measurement is made.

“All possibilities are therefore realized — in some universes the dinosaur-killing asteroid missed Earth. In others, Australia was colonized by the Portuguese.

“But critics question the reality of these other universes, since they do not influence our universe at all.

“On this score, our ‘Many Interacting Worlds’ approach is completely different, as its name implies.”

According to the theory, our universe is just one of many enormous worlds, with some identical to our reality and others completely different.

The Express reports that the worlds are all real, and all on the same timeline, but interact when they essentially bump into each other.

Hall believes that the group’s sensational theory fits with current scientific understanding, offering a new perspective rather than rewriting the physics rule book completely.

He said: “The beauty of our approach is that if there is just one world, our theory reduces to Newtonian mechanics, while if there is a gigantic number of worlds, it reproduces quantum mechanics.

“In between it predicts something new that is neither Newton’s theory nor quantum theory.

“We also believe that, in providing a new mental picture of quantum effects, it will be useful in planning experiments to test and exploit quantum phenomena.”

sorry for the suboptimal formatting, that's how it pasted

I don't even want to begin to think about uncucking other dimensions yet before we sort out our own shit


Just thought it was interesting that this hit the news after all our bullshit memeing about Trump the time traveller

Consider that this also means that there are universes where the Jews never made it out of Egypt. Ones where they did, but their subversion in Russia was discovered and they were massacred before the Red October. Yet another where they missed JFK and his retaliation was so severe that they are literal history.

Jews are a very small population, and that means that in any universe where they did not become a large one, every happenstance is more likely to work against them than not.

If you think too much about this stuff, it'll drive you nuts.

Jews were never in Egypt m8


I do it as a hobby.

In this universe. :^)

not me m8

what keeps one of these worlds from inventing a means of effecting other worlds? because i had this thought does it automatically create a world in which this is nearly done?

Fuck dude, I want to jump to the timeline where Germany won WWII and Judaism is illegal worldwide.

That would be nice.
If we fuck up, other timelines may still be there were shit is good.

Also, fuck, I recognize that video by the thumbnail.

Excellent watch for what is probably not a good example of skipping universes, but an excellent stylistic representation of it.


When I heard about it on the radio, it was claimed that the worlds did interact.

user you have no idea the power we have here. There's a reason for this and you need to lurk a whole lot more to understand it.


I bet Africa sucks in all of the hundreds of trillions of universes. Every single one.

So you are one of those huh? Drop it before it hurts you.

What about the universe where Europeans conquered the whole Africa and removed jungleman?


interesting. i assume that by interacting one may change "timelines", like mentioned. now imagine we transferred to the timeline in which Hitler won. how would we experience that? i dont believe we'd all just wake up one day in a NatSoc. it would leave us no history, no logical reasoning behind why we're suddenly in this new timeline. instead, i think the events from the timeline in which Hitler won are made manifest in our reality based on the unrealized potential (unrealzed because in our timeline hitler lost whereas in another he won). Our timeline would change just enough to relect the ultmate reality (or 'big picture') of another timeline. So, for example, shifting over to the timeline in which Hitler won wouldn't result in Hitler being magically restored to life in our own reality. Instead, Hitler would take a form thats possible in our reality (such as Trump), and NatSoc would take a like form (first a rise in Nationalism).



pretty sketchy logic

possibly. but imagine if we jumped to a timeline in which the Sun is purple. would we all remember the Sun isnt actually purple? or would we be implanted with false memories of the Sun always being purple? if we go with the former, and say we'd remember the Sun *not* being purple, then there has to be something to explain why the Sun is suddenly purple. to overcome this problem, the Sun would slowly begin changes colors based on the physics and history of this timeline. but who knows m8

I'm thinking some people would retain false memories and then be gaslighted out of them, something like the mandela effect

thats very possible

Get the fuck off our board with your jewish science mistifying BULLSHIT. Either talk about something that Newton discovered or shut the fuck up.

So Trump traveled from one of those universes to fix the problem. If in one universe the jews did not win, then the progress made by whites could have helped build a time traveling machine. Now they send out agents all over the other universes to fix the jewish problem.

Trump is the real correct the record agent of our timeline.

If you genuinely remembered the sun being purple, would you tell anyone? Or would you keep it to yourself, out of fear of being labelled crazy? Would you doubt your own memory to the point of revising it?

Assuming physics remain the same, shifting into another reality won't change you like that.

Bare in mind that these are theories based upon other theories

a lot of this can be easily dismissed as conjecture if one theory is proven wrong

it's similar to how researchers claim warp travel is theoretically possible if faster than light travel is possible. But they'd need other theories to prove faster than light travel would be possible because at the moment it isn't.

tl;dr until more theories are substantiated it's just a fancy way of saying "maybe". Bare in mind there isn't even a clear consensus on how time would work if time travel would be possible. IE: If paradoxes would occur or if everything is a closed loop.


The problem with the idea of being able to visit an infinite number of parallel universes from divergent timelines would be that, if you were to travel to a random one, the divergent point would more likely than not be at some unfathomably distant point in the past to the point where evolution would have happened differently if it happened at all and there aren't any humans.

I mean, such a world would be interesting to observe but I'd doubt you'd want to live there.


true, but consider the mandela effect so far. theres tons of people talking about it. this would throw a wrench in the gears of people who may want to change the world for their own reasons. too many people would realize the plot for it to take place?

what about saturn's hexagram changing colors?

Not so sure about this meme user. They are literally everywhere.


That is some magnificent autism, I love when people study the physics of game worlds, and how similar to real physics they can be (e.g. I'm sure I saw quantum tunneling once).

It's actually less complicated than a conspiracy theory. In reality the story of Moses is based on a lot of earlier stories. Like people have pointed out there are a lot of similarities between the story of Moses and Hammurabi and really really old Middle Eastern religious figures.

it's more that over time the story evolved and the Jews who were writing the story inserted themselves into it, and Egypt was involved later and when it was rewritten the story became that the jews were enslaved in Egypt. When in reality there's no actual records of it.

There's a lot of similar comparisons to a lot of other stories in the old and new testimates. A lot of old religious stories are just borrowed and rewritten from much earlier stories in a completely new context. Like the biblical flood is way older than the old testimate and even the Greeks had one that was similar but way different. (Like way more people survive and survive on things like mountain tops). And it's thought to be based on a really ancient flood that occurred in Mesopotamia. When people actually thought the world was only a few kilometers in size, and floods there actually go past the tree tops.

Comparative religions is a fascinating subject to me because of how a lot of the same stories just get adapted and reused. It's almost like the modern movie industry today.

I see the destruction of Science & Mathematics is right on schedule.

Well I guess people need something bigger than themselves to believe in, otherwise they just roll over and die.

interesting ideas, user. some meat for you to chew on perhaps is the issue of the Jews and the Amalekites. the jews claim that after they had left Egypt (thanks to moses), they were captured and had terrible things done to them by a group of people called Amalekites. its much more likely that this smaller group of Aryans enslaved the Jew and even genocided them, and instead of admitting defeat to this people they Jew instead claimed it was Egypt - greatest of all great nations - that did these things. what makes a better story: your people got fucked up by average Aryans or your people got fucked up by the strongest nation on earth and STILL prevailed?

It doesn't need to change physics, just the human brain's interpretation of colors.

bare in mind that when these stories were created it was exceptionally rare they were written down. They were usually told orally.

If you want an experiment as to how statements told orally change over time just get a few kids together and play telephone. And even if you give them a prize to keep it 100% accurate almost every time the last kid will say something completely different.

That's not including the instances where the original story is found and there's records of people intentionally changing it. Like how Lilith was written out of the bible from earlier languages when it was adapted into later ones.




never post again, there is zero evidence that points towards backwards time travel being possible

If this is true, someone could go back in time dressed as an alien in an anti-gravity ship and disprove or prove shit. The collective ass hurt of certain people would be glorious. Reputations and careers destroyed left and right.

It's not true.

true very good points fam

Go back to when and where?

Watch out, it's the no fun police!

The holla cost? Meteor and dinosaurs? Noah? Anywhere!

Without a specific time and place, how will you know if you've found the evidence you were looking for?

How would said timetraveler judge whether or not he's in the right timeline at point of departure and arrival?

I guess he would have to figure it out traveling minutes back and minutes forth first, do you think he would just go for it without prior experimentation?


I don't mean the traveler himself.
Assuming he knows how to do it, what would YOU look for?

Jaws one is wrong

why are you contributing to the conversation yet also saging? if you dont like the thread why engage? if you like the thread why sage? did you wake up today and ask yourself how can I be cancer today?

If you don't understand the point of sage then you need to lurk more.

You are stupid

>"reports that the worlds are all real, and all on the same timeline, but interact when they essentially bump into each other."

What qualifies as a quantum measurement in this case, any observable phenomenon by a conscious mind? In this case I fail to see how it's possible to pinpoint the exact temporal and spatial location in which such an event occurred.

this. the timeline change could be happening every few milliseconds. how would we know?

Timetravel isn't real

Let me get this straight, so there's essentially two possibilities within the many worlds theory:
1- the infinite worlds interact with eachother, meaning travel between them might be possible; or,
2- the infinite worlds do not interact with eachother meaning all of this is pointless and essentially just pseudo scientific philosophy.

First option seems neat until you think if there are infinite universes bumping against eachother, the will be infinite bumps being made for infinity, whatever the energy of these bumps, once you add then ask together it would suggest a positively curved universe which is not what observation tells us.



The alternative is a wall of text that no one will read.

Prove it

That Lord Kuk shit is a big part of what finally killed old/pol/.
It's really just an excuse to have Holla Forumstier get threads.
Drop one of those "reply to this post or your mother dies" pics in one of their threads and see how much cancer exists there.
Fucking faggot children.


Im content that there is another universe where the Jews all perished in Babylon.

Anything is possible. Our perception of the universe directly shapes it, we can truly shoot for the stars.

Stop posting, Oprah.

does anyone else think these faggots need to get real jobs?
i guess so.


Please learn to format that shit tier post.

Just imagine what the technology is like and how futuristic it is.

Wow, if this isn't going to trick, amaze and distract the public, nothing will.

Crazy that I agree with all the original stuff.

How is it wrong? That clip says "You're gonna need a bigger boat" and the info graphic has the line as originally being "We're gonna need a bigger boat"

The Interview with a Vampire one fucks me up pretty good. I remember coming across that a few weeks ago. I have watched that movie a few times over the years and it NEVER had the subtitle of "The Vampire Chronicles"

Very nice.


And not a single shred of evidence was provided that day.

You know I've been sitting here trying to make sense of this for about 10 minutes but cant really come up with an answer other than this

If you time travel, say to change event A (the original branching point that leads to your timeline), then the point to which you're time traveling to creates an entirely new universe despite no decision yet being made.

So instead of what you would think of as a normal flow chart design, wherein you simply go back and alter the choice made at point A and erase a flow line. Instead, you've now created an additional branch BEFORE A, where in you arrived in the past in one branch, and didnt in the other. Your timeline is completely unaltered because you exist from the branch where you didnt travel back, which never gets altered. But you create an additional branch before A where you do go back and do change things.

So lets say you have breakfast and you choose either eggs or bacon. On your timeline, at choice A (eggs/bacon) you choose eggs, and decide to go back and change the past and pick bacon. Well, rather than just changing choice A which would results in your timeline never existing which creates a paradox, you've now created an event at A minus 1 which creates an additional branch. In the original branch you didnt go back (didnt arrive, or w/e else), thus preserving your timeline, but you've now created a branch prior to point A in which you did go back. You havent altered your timeline at all, instead just created a new tangent universe that exists from a decision prior to point A.

The only question then, is if you go forward, do you hop back to your own timeline (ala Trunks from DBZ), or do you now travel down the new path you've created (ala Back to the Future), at which point "you" from that line wouldnt have gone back to begin with, thus there would be two of you in the future (BttF2s Biff-pocolypse universe has two marty's though you never see that timelines marty). Theres still no paradox though because theres only one of you per original timeline, "you" simply changed timelines.

In concept these universes would already exist. Because at some point in the "universal future" timetravel will happen, and people will go back and will have already created the alternate timelines. Now, we could be living in a timeline already where such things have happened, but its not as if we'd ever notice, since to us, that was just the normal course of our timeline. Its not like we'll wake up one day and find ourselves living in a timeline where hitler won yet retain all our memories of the universe where he lost. If that universe exists, and was created by time travel, it ALREADY exists and we simply arent in that timeline nor can we ever be without ourselves traveling back to before that point and ending up in that universe.

And if you DO attempt to change the past, and end up in that new timeline, and move forward in its time, you arent actually improving your original timeline, you're just abandoning it and moving to a new one. The only one who truly benefits is the traveler. Like moving out of a nigger infested neighborhood. You havent fixed that neighborhood (your original timeline), you just moved to a better one.

That, of course, all relies ENTIRELY upon the idea of multiverse/many worlds.

Now, the thread OP is more about if those timelines can somehow interact as well. If decisions in TL1 can somehow have an effect on TL2. The question is how would such things manifest. I suspect it wouldnt be big things that are glaringly obvious, and would likely need to be from two timelines interacting that are very similar to begin with. Essentially, a timeline where dinosaurs survived wouldnt interact with ours because of how wildly different they would be, but one where they spelled it "stein" and not "stain" could, since relatively little else could theoritically be different.

At least thats my guess. So minor things, ala the mandella effect, could be possible since they are mostly insignificant things which could honestly end up being the biggest difference between two universes if all possibilities exist, I mean theres likely an infinite number of timelines that are identical to our own with the exception of stupid shit like "did person A start to clip their toenails at 10:58:19 or 10:58:20" if you assume EVERY choice or quantum event leads to a new timeline, I mean thats a damn near infinite number of new lines a damn near infinite number of times a second.

Basically, the point is this. IF timetravel is possible, and IF multiverse is true, and even IF the stuff in OP is right one way or another. None of it matters. The only person who would experience the new line as "different" is the traveler, and the original line would still exist as it was.

go back in time and fix your reddit spacing

You mean a universe where Cecil Rhodes didn't get the insane idea to hold a general election?

You gotta add this one, its the worst for me because it makes logical sense and CANNOT be a simple forgetful mistake. the girl had braces which made it FUNNY IT WAS A JOKE but now she doesnt

i've posted this before, but i'm a former paranormal investigator. "former" mostly due to lack of funding, but also because the field is considered a joke. all my research has been disregarded. even if i were to continue it, even if i discovered something amazing, it would all still be thrown out. either by orthodox science or LARPing faggots

anyway, my theory is that all of the paranormal phenomena i tested is explained by cross-contamination between our reality and one of two parallel realities. to understand it, you have to understand the dimensional relationship. it's fairly simple.

first, we have 3 dimensions that we all know. we live in this dimension. think of it as an axis. now, going straight through this axis is a line, the 4th dimension. this is time, and our 3 dimensions move along this line, which enables the entropic principle. perpendicular to this line of time is a 5th line, going straight through the axis also, and this is the dimension of realities. along this line is an infinite number of parallel realities, but only two exist on either side of any one reality.

now, just as gravity is present in our 3 dimensions, and just as this gravity causes time compression, it also causes intra-reality compression, drawing our reality close to adjacent ones. this causes a lot of phenomena. first, the more simple forms of energy reach an equilibrium. electricity will lose current, temperatures will drop. force is transferred, acting on air usually, creating gusts of wind where there should be none. then, sound. the boundary is continuously pushed. different areas possess greater compression and most of my work was focused on determining how and why. unfortunately it wasn't kosher enough for any recognition.

Can you elaborate? Have any of the data you've collected?
>>>/pdf/ is a good place to put it if you've formatted it in latex.

I don't want to derail, because nearly every time this is brought up a slough of shitposters comes pouring in to detract from the discussion, but the GATE threads came to the conclusion that there's a lot of connections involving these effects and near-death experiences. We also figured out that a disproportionate number of people on Holla Forums were involved in these educational programs, whether or not they were put through the wringer version of these "advanced classes" seems to depend on the person.

Certain organizations like t-st0ck have been consistently involved in organizing disinformation campaigns to specifically halt people from looking into that sort of thing. You get canned on GLP forums just for mentioning that one. Shit just gets weirder the further down that rabbit hole you go.

Also, the people who started the whole gifted education fad were the same people that founded the new age movement. The man who pushed this "superkids" program in the Esalen Institute during the 60's was the same one that brough Uri Geller over and basically tutored him. I don't want to draw connections where there aren't any, but there's potential this hooks into pizzagate-tier material as well. At least one of the core researchers for the New York-based superkids program was a prominent writer for NAMBLA. Make of that what you will.
After I was put in gifted education I was put through an "independent study" involving systems analysis and they did things as strange as Zener card tests
Just an example that there's more shit than just International-Baccalaureate-tier bureaucracy going on

Not a bad theory tbh.

I've read numerous Near Death Experience accounts where people are get into a deadly car accident, feel the glass shatter; their faces impact against the steering wheel; the whole shebang - and then there's some kind of spiritual interference. They meet an angel or a long-forgotten distant relative. Then they find themselves back in their cars, on the road, with the rig in their rear-view mirror and no comprehension of how they avoided death or what really happened to them. The first two or three, you know, it sounds like nonsense talk. But it's a narrative that's so consistent that it becomes impossible to ignore the more you read about these encounters.

Nice Ganzfeld cards by the way.

Just imagine, their technology has gotten so large and advanced. Going around spreading RWDS throughout the galaxy, liberating people from jews. They could come here, if they wanted.

Would they be willing to save us?

Kek and Heh bless this thread

Having contemplated and studied time travel phenomenon I can attest that non-local information can travel between timelines. Basically astral travel, telepathy, memes, gods, chaos frogs, etc.

Local phenomenon like bodies, mass, etc cannot transition. However there are many many beings including humans capable of non-local interactions.

When I was younger I used to play around with this idea that when we die we actually just keep living but in a different "timeline" while the timeline where you did die keeps going at the same time. So people around you could die but you cant. Makes more sense today then any other time in my life.

Maybe. But I'm getting older, and sicker, and more tired every time I wake up in the morning. Sooner or later some kind of renewal has to interfere and break the cycle. I suppose that renewal probably takes many different forms. Some people attain ultimate enlightenment and become God itself, others lose their self-consciousness completely and dissolve into the sleep from which all infant minds are born. Some people reïncarnate into new bodies. And some - I hope - are so supremely lucky as to reäwaken as a great and beautiful being of light, with more powers of self-expression, which can paint itself upon a much deeper canvas than mere humans can accomplish.

The two down front and to the right are Hall and Wiseman. This isn't just jewish physics this is gay jewish physics.

Actually you just made me realise a probable scenario. That we all live in a simulation thus by creating a new instance every time one of us dies you can gather much more data then one instance of death. So every possible permutation is recorded. It explains why it would occur and why we can still die of old age.

The big question that leaves us - at least as I see it - is about the limits of the soul. If self-hood and growth is limited to a single human body, even if you're right, we've still only got our 40 or 60 or 80 or 120 years of branching possibilities. I want to believe there's more than that. That there's a hundred trillion things we're still not seeing, because our biology is a larval form of an astral entity whose experiential complexity we can only perceive in a childlike way. Of course, I'm probably not a good example for any of this. It's been a month or two since I had an unguarded conversation IRL. When I explore my neighborhood, I seem to always find myself unsatisfied, no matter how much beauty runs across the tips of my fingers.

Our destiny is to make our dimension great again, and then uncuck every single dimension in the multi-verse.

If you think colonizing space is the final frontier, you're wrong.

What's the current consensus on GATE? I was in a class but only for a year.

Basically… through unknown methods, they knew we were a threat to them before we knew they were a threat to us. Tàv**ck and friends got the jump on us. All of us who failed to become good little Commissars got addled up and spilled out all over the world, with nary a friend and ostracized by the society from which we desperately needed deep, strategic support to ever succeed. So that's why we're here now. Because everywhere else we could have turned was burned down before our eyes.

What does GATE stand for?


I don't remember much of it. To be honest, a lot of my memories around that time are weirdly fuzzy.

Gifted And Talented Education.

Forgive me, but I have this weird intuition that you're a handler. It's interesting whether true or false. But I certainly do wonder; even after all this time, I see shapes in the shadows.

I was in this shit for 4 years. Coincidentally I have very little memory from this time.

You wouldn't be labeled crazy if you told a doctor people would just think you're color blind.

Everyone is time traveling, we travel from one second to the next.

I don't know what a handler is, or at least not in this context.

I hadn't considered that the two might be connected. The thought that they are is… Worrying.

Don't forget Kit-Kats are now KitKats. And the BMW logo now has lines cut into it instead of a solid V and W merged together.


How the fuck are journalists writing this nowadays? A single sentence does not qualify as a paragraph.


Kek my bad faggot, I meant volkswagon.

I could swear it used to have a hyphen. Maybe a rebranding or update?

If I could mind control people, I'd mind control myself into having more internal motivation. Sorry, user; I can barely 'handle' my own life.






Isn't it Volkswagen?

It's the People's Car.

Well. I suppose I can believe that. This is - after all - the absolute edge of the human world. We've pushed our abilities as far as we could imagine they could go, and beyond.

I'm pretty sure I could go further if I could convince myself that I could. If that makes sense.

So is it volkswagOn or volkswagEn

Eh heh. Don't worry there. I've slept with a pistol on my nightstand for years and I haven't been able to kill myself yet. The ones who've made it this far seem in it for the long haul, whether they want to be or not.

Degenerate boson states are indistinguishable from one another. All closely-coupled timelines prior to our *now* are the same, or nearly the same, allowing a crossing between possibility states. To jump backward in time would be diabatic - you're irreversibly jumping to an excited state, as the timelines are nowhere near degenerate. … Except when wildly different timelines are degenerate through chance alone - then you have a conical intersection…

That would indicate that the dark ones have established control in your zone. Be on your guard.

Volkswagen. Interestingly, Volkswag means 'caravan'.

I thought about killing myself for a while. What stopped me is the knowledge that I would be leaving a psychologically damaging mess for my family, especially my mother. I couldn't do that to them. Now she's gone when she didn't want to be and I'm still here. Not really fair, is it?

I won't say it's forbidden. Just… it still seems like we can make a better future, even with the bad hand we've been dealt.

Ha! In all honesty, it's mostly Mexicans in my zone. That's not great or anything, but they don't even have the wherewithal to be demonic. Just brown, shitty mestizos.

My neighborhood is full of Indians and ninjas.

I'm not planning on checking out any time soon. I'm in agreement. There's definitely hope for the future.

so speaketh the digits

Heil trips!

Welp, can't argue with that.


This is the only possible explanation of how one man could have won against such impossible odds and continue to win.

What finally killed 4/pol/ was Gamergate's production of Moot kiking out; the majority of good Holla Forumslacks promptly ABANDONED BOARD to 8/pol/ and here we are. This base group has since been supplemented with 2nd, 3rd, 4th Exoduses and a steady trickle of newfags.


They tried to brainwash us, if the brainwashing failed they'd work to destroy your spine (identity, ego, whatever, they'd fuck with your head so you'd never succeed in life). There were a lot of jews in my classes, I think they were there to try to learn how to fight us.

you forgot that we were the field trials for sjw shit too, lots of the stuff that hit mainstream in the past 4-8 years was shit they tried to push on us in middle school. Funny enough there was some stuff about boys getting neglected in society, proto-MGTOW shit.

It's called Quantum Immortality

Watch Steins;Gate
It predicted a lot of what we're going through.

I will argue that you are missing something here, infinity.
Lets say you have a defined space filled with an infinite amount of balloons, size of balloons isn't that important for our thought experiment.
All of them are filled with another infinity of balloons and if you pop one up all that infinity is set free, but the room will remain the same, per definition the amount of balloons also because infinity + infinity = infinity.

Now, lets take your breakfast example here. Your normal timeline would be the normal balloon, but as soon as you change the order of that timeline, saying you went back or forth in time, you are opening a new infinity of possibilities. It isn't only you the one changing, but all possible outcomes of you interacting with your normal timeline will also be disturbed. But that isn't the case here, inside that infinity of balloons that popped out, there MUST exists one where you didn't change timelines.
That is why infinity is important into taking account the multiverse theory.

But he biggest question would really be, does the universe really have an order, a "timeline"? What if, in the bigger picture, the universe we are living in was always meant to break the boundaries of time? Meaning that even if you manage to travel in time, no big change would happen to the universe, no paradox nor loophole, because the universe is the room where the infinity of balloons exist. You will be able to do whatever you want and nothing will ever disrupt the fabric of that room, you will only fuck your reality real bad.

Pic related, how you could explain those things geometrically.
geometrically not physically, just saying before people takes it too seriously

Don't be silly, user. This is Jewish math wizardry science. We don't need any data!


if there are an infinite number of universes there are an infinite number of universes where anime is real

Yes it is.

I'm open for more. It's been to much kek-coincidences for me to not be open to just about anything, to be honest.

Shill harder NYtimes and wapo


I know it's not an Anime, it's a VN

You forgot to sage.

The ID

Nice bait

I'm not that great with math but I thought infinity was thought of in terms of sets, so infinities could in fact be different from one another.

Time travel is gay and you're gay if you like it.

Star wars one is BS it was always "no, i am your father"

If the universe is infinite, how can there be parallels? You can't have more than one infinity.

Why not?

Infinity is defined in sets. I tried to simplify the idea with the balloons. But each one of them would be a set, the order of the other sets inside of itself is not defined and each balloon has a different order. Little example:

Let's say we have a set of 4 digits, composed of 1s and 0s. The order of that set can vary, for example:
1 - 1 - 0 - 0
1 - 0 - 1 - 0
0 - 1 - 0 - 1
0 - 0 - 1 - 1
They all share the same characteristics, but their properties are different. Same could be applied to the universes. You can have an infinite amount of universes sharing the same "digits" but the order in which those digits are, is always different, thus "parallel" universes.

Good point.

Interesting, so parallel universes occupy the same space? My original comment at was going on the popular notion that they're stacked next to each other.


Just because I am having fun here, and people have forgotten the basics of maths.

Let's simplify the idea of the universes viewed as a simple line. The formula of a linear equation is:
y = kx + d

y and x are the coordinates of a point in a 2D system. They can be anything as long as the fulfill the equation in hand.
k is the slope or gradient, it only defines how dependent y from x is. k is defined as y/x, thus y = kx.
d is only the position of the line.
Just for the sake of completeness, people sometimes write:
f(x) = kx +d
or simply

f(x) is the same as y . It only means that the function f is dependent on the value of x.

So, lines can be identical, parallel or just different.
Gonna use numbers now so it becomes easier to understand.

our linear function or f(x) is now:
y = 2x + 1
a point in this line would be [1 / 3] when describing points, the x value comes first, then the y one
3 = 2 * 1 + 1

an identical line to this function would also be written as
y = 2x + 1 because they are identical, the same shit.

Parallel lines have are only different in the d value, for example:
y = 2x + 5

and for a different line we just need to change k.
y = 3x + 1 for example.

This concept can be applied to every function and dimension we know. Because sets can be written as functions depending on the order they are, also can be applied to sets, the idea, not the formula.
pic related are different parallel lines with the formula y = x+d , note d ca be positive or negative

And to a certain point yes, they all can happen in the same space. Your coordinate system, depending on how big or small your coordinates are.

But in my universe it was Chik-Fil-A…

Crazy scifi conspiracy time. The internet is not actually constituted by a network of physical computers in our universe, but rather the internet is the portal through which these different universes interact with each other. Imageboards with their forced anonymity permit the free flow of information between these universes without resulting in logical contradiction. Per quantum theory, interacting with another individual over the internet in such a way that precludes digital anonymity - and would thus open the door to logical contradictions - leads the multiple universes to collapse into a single timeline.

The Mandela effect (wait, wasn't it Mandala effect?!?!?) is evidence of these timelines collapsing. However, these collapses are lossy. The method for compression of information about the original universe by which information about descendant universes is obtained does not perfectly encode all aspects of information. Thus, in a way similar to how video codecs can introduce artifacts into video, the Mandela effect constitutes the residual evidence of these physical artifacts in the "simulation."

The reason the Mandela effect doesn't result in logical contradiction is because, epistemically speaking, we are all unable to access those observations that would result in any contradiction. Therefore the timeline remains informationally closed.

tl;dr the universe is a simulation, the Mandela effect is a phenomena similar to artifacts resulting from decompressing lossy compression formats

lol I wasn't even trying to be serious but now I'm kind of spooked. I'm trying to think of ways to test this theory out.

what happens to sin(1/x) as x approaches 0?

you know what makes this also a plausible idea?
Quantum entanglement, and the internet relies on electricity, electrons which can be entangled particles. Meaning that just as you say, we could be transferring information to different universes through the entanglement of particles. Maybe you are not living in the same universe or reality as I am, but I will never know because who the fuck are you?


gotta love them digits one after the other.

It is not defined, because we can't divide anything by 0. I am not that opinion tho, so I would assume happens the same as when
sin(x) with x to infinity. (a really big number which we can't define. But sin(x) functions are cyclical, so it won't be different than your values in a defined closed interval

if you were wondering how that function looks like, http ://

Maybe we're all the same person, but subject to the illusion of an ontologically distinct identity because self-interaction precludes mathematical - and therefore epistemic - completeness? Same goes for universes interacting with themselves. Maybe I've been reading too much Schopenhauer, but the more I get into information theory the more I'm moved towards metempsychosis. Holographic principle suggests the reduction of phenomena to dimensions of information is appropriate for other areas of study.

Entanglement would seem to permit a flow of information between universes. Our universe is informationally "closed" because we cannot access information simpler than Planck, but this could be the very source through which information between parallel universes flow. It would be impossible for us to verify because, again, we can't observe anything simpler than one Planck unit. Our very ability to describe reality at that level becomes totally meaningless because we cannot relate it to any actually observable reality. Uncertainty locks the reality of parallel universes behind an insuperable epistemic barrier, while still permitting the free flow of information into our universe at a level that is completely undetectable.

I'm totally bullshitting right now, but I think there may be something to the idea of the Mandela effect being an instance of an "artifact" resulting from lossy compression of the original universe.

Mandela Effect theory is a bunch of bullshit that is no greater than the flat Earth theory.
All of those examples on that list are either false examples or they only have a one word/letter variation, which is easily the result of misreading due to common word structure associations.
Go away disinfo shill.

When i have a vivid memory of me falling from my bicycle and waking up in a room with orange lights, then blacking out again, the thing is that when i asked my partents about it, they said it didn't happen to me, but my brother.
I've put down this event since then, but since i started reading these stuff in the recent year, i suspect i actually died in that room and changed timeline and body.

Also i happen to win a lot of card based games, like merchant in the fair, i've won the first price four time in a row (and still haven't lost a game) after chosing the first price every time, while playing against 3 other opponents and one neutral every time.

I have a vivid memory of when i was a kid
of me….

I saw the news report as a kid, that Nelson Mandela had just died in fucking prison. I remember thinking "who the fuck is that" and going back to playing some game produced by blizzard, on my HP desktop computer.

Praise kek

infinite timelines =/= an ever-increasing number of possible timelines that's so big it's easier to just assume that it's infinite for the sake of discussion



The future hasn't happened yet, so it isn't real.
The past is past, so it isn't real either. The only thing we have of the past are memories. They give us the illusion that there is 'something' out there to return to, but that's the same as the illusion of there being another person and another 'world' on the other side of a mirror. It isn't there. Just and artifact of perception. The only thing that is real is the ever-changing ``now``, and even that just barely. Still it is the
'anchor point' . Without ``now`` nothing is real and there is nothing but the ``now``. You can go 'anywhere' sometime, but you can't go anywhen but now.

I'd say that it's a lot more complex than that. In a way, we're constantly experiencing the future, we have no way of really tapping into the absolute "now". On the other hand, we don't actually experience anything as it happens, we're constantly in the past.

It have ALWAYS been Sex AND the city

You're talking concepts, not predictions of possible states of the world. Language is tricky like that.

Again, concepts. The word "past" has multiple meanings, one of which that I'll assume is "a record of the world as it was observed at this particular time". If you argue that there is no record like that, if something in the past is observed by someone, then it is recorded. If it wasn't, things get wonky and if multiple people disagree in a certain way things get wonky too.

But how does the time flow if we can't go anywhen but now?
We go to the future with every passing moment, that is the definition of time flow. If you argue that universe is unstable enough that the very notion of time flow cannot be trusted to continue, I'm pretty sure we'd be fucked. And we'd know that we're fucked too.

You can quote Spaceballs, but if there is no future, there is no time flow and if there's no time flow our world is toast. And if time flow exists, there could be, in theory, a method to reverse it. We already have cryonics, so if we somehow get a method to reverse timeflow in a specific space, we could theoretically send a human back in time. The problem is, if is correct then it doesn't do jack shit for our timeline.

nope sex in the city

They would look us in the eyes and say:

Let's assume time keeps going forward, not in a linear way but is simply happening. The process of things happening, moving and changing will not stop, and talking about the amount of shit happening, you have to take into account everything, even the smallest particles. They all happened and are still changing, otherwise we wouldn't get this concept of "time".
If one little thing had taken a different course, things could be completely different. Dunno how is it called but the scifi people surely have a specific term for that.
Thing is, can you count the different timelines in which everything had a different outcome? That is why I said there were infinite timeles.
If the possibility exists, there must be something more to it that just a thought experiment.

pic related. you can put everything you want in a coordinate system, doesn't matter the size, you just change the values of your axis. That doesn't make it real tho, but the most important aspect, you describe everything that fits inside our brain in a coordinate system. Talking about maths, the perfect form is the sphere, if you throw objects to infinite dimensional analysis, they are only reached by spheres.
That doesn't make you able to fit infinity inside a finite space, you only make a finite representation of the system you are talking about. You simulate something.
In the end we come back to this
That is why physics relies so much on mathematical description, for example.

Or maybe there is no thing-in-itself, and our conscious perception exhausts the entire ontological structure of reality. Jussayin'. We perceive time and space because we are finite and therefore necessarily unable to meaningfully incorporate the infinite information of the past and future into the present.Theoretically speaking, and if you're familiar with Laplace's demon, all past and future events can be deduced from present information - if you could have perfect access to all information at any present moment. Unfortunately, we can't have that perfect access, and so we are bounded to only perceive a narrow band of the temporal process at any one "moment in time," but this is only a construct. The appearance of individual identity (now we're getting Parmenidean) occurs for similar reasons, having to do with the limits on access to information imposed by self-interaction.

tl;dr time is an abstract property of becoming, it is a real phenomenon like green is a real phenomenon, but which must always be instantiated by some specific thing e.g. a green leaf, a green light, a green bug, but never just "green" in and of itself

You are all retarded.

reminds me picrelated

RIDF pls go.

Entropy suggests that, as time increases, the likelihood of stochastic processes having effectively identical outcomes grows closer to 1. This suggests that, starting with a single primordial universe, for which all computational possibilities were instantiated through informationally compartmentalized universes, the likelihood that all parallel timelines, no matter that they are infinite, will all increasingly resemble each other until there is no way for an individual who is a part of that system, i.e. ourselves, to subjectively observe the difference.

So there may be infinite parallel timelines, but there would also be an exceedingly high likelihood that they will be effectively indistinguishable for the partial (as in part-of-the-whole) observer. Our consciousness could exist entangled in every single one of these universes but there would always be a practically perfect overlap between our thought patterns. But this prediction based on entropy appears subject to another variable that could effect whether there would tend to be a positive accumulation of increasingly disparate universes, some kind of timeline equilibrium, or the negative selection pressure leading to absolute conformity. Call that variable r:

Hypotemporality: r < 1
Equitemporality: r = 1
Hypertemporality: r > 1

I've given them these names on the basis of their selection pressure on timelines. r is the variable representing the rate of selection, and whether that rate of selection is greater or less than the production of newly informationally compartmentalized universes. Is this making any sense? Just trying to introduce some rigor to our hypothesizing.

(Hey you wouldn't have an email? I really want to explore this much further than an imageboard thread might allow.)

So if r is the rate at which timelines accumulate, we might represent it with this equation:

r = g / s

where g is the rate of growth of new timelines and s is the entropic selection of these timelines. This also makes me wonder whether it is possible to identify mathematically describable limits on what might appear in a fractal so that different fractals can be compared. Obviously our universe is a fractal so this might help us to recognize where on the cosmic spandrel we exist.

Precisely. Are you familiar with Donald Hoffman's interface theory of perception?

I think we should be able to gain significant knowledge about ourselves and the world by being able to compute how many and where cognitive-perceptual artifacts crop up in our sensorium. Key to making any real scientific progress on the (ir)reality of parallel timelines will require alternatively modeling timelines like we do other things. Do timelines stand under evolutionary selection pressures? What might this reveal about the history and structure of the observable universe? Stuff like that.

'Flow' exists, but there doesn't exists any 'Time' to flow to. It's an error of language to attribute a subject to every verb. I argued in concepts because it's easier on the mind.

Now, general relativity proves you can alter the experience of said flow, make it 'slower' of 'faster' . But that's altogether different from changing the flow itself. Quite simply, 'time' ,if we are to imagine such a thing, goes one way because minds go one way. You can reverse the physical state of a system to an 'earlier' state (increasing the entropy of the surrounding environment), but you can't reverse 'mind' . So called time-travel is mental masturbation. To actually accomplish such a feat you'd have to somehow put yourself 'outside' and apart from the flow of the Universe, like a godlike observer . Then you'd have to 'reverse' the flow for every other mind in existence except your own . Then you'd have to re-insert yourself in this modified flow.

That, to the extent that the flow even is reversible .Melting an ice sculpture is easy. Un-melting it is hard. Just as there are multiple futures compatible with our present, so there are multiple 'pasts' .

The only condition for a past to 'have been real' is to correlate with present observations and memories. So yeah, basically the whole thing is ludicrous.

Nice dubs and nice theory. I had alien intelligence demonstrate such principle to me. It showed that where sufficiently similar information existed that timeline/universes merged. The merge created a heightened probability of related information becoming indistinguishable and a further merge. Conceptually this is like a black hole sucking two timelines into union. The information can be at any point in time or space. Consequently there are temporal locus of merging and physical locations. Splits are generated by high energy phenomenon which contain suitably diverse set up possible outcomes. The Hadron collidor would be an example physically whereas 9/11 would be an example emotionally. This is why the infinite universe theory is correct but misleading. There are an infinite set of universes but not every universe is manifested. Only sufficiently different universes are manifested. The deciding factor is conscious observation. As others stated this is equivalent to an efficient simulation. However it is not a simulation because nothing exists outside of the simulation aside from the Infinite Mind.

That's not how oral tradition works m8.

Excellent thoughts. You overlook that it is possible to reverse your personal mind while not reversing the minds of others. We do this in memory and dreams as your quote suggests. This is not in any sense of the word unreal. It is real. You can also transmit data forward and backward in time through this phenomenon. This is real. You can experiment with it by changing how you feel about your past and then watching the Mandela Effect sweep through your life and edit it to comply with your new perspective. The Future can be edited by changing how you feel about it. This is how you draw things to yourself or "manifest" as the hippies say. However the universe will respond much more powerfully to physical actions than merely mental ones.

Telephone is a frequently used but very bad analogy. In oral tradition the story is heard by multiple listeners and told multiple times. This greats a powerful statistical sample from which to draw. Whereas single observations have a very low signal to noise ration, repeated aggregate observations have a very high signal to noise ratio. Consequently the oral traditions mutate at a much lower rate than a series of single listeners would suggest.

It's not a matter of "can you count", it's a matter of "can you, in theory, count, if you had access to required information/technology to perform calculations". For the sake of an argument, assuming that you can, you don't get infinity - you get a very real number that represents the amount of possible world states, counting from the starting point. If you substitute that number for infinity, you ignore it's rate of increase, which happens when every world state branches out.

You approximate infinity + infinity = infinity in this case, but that is fucking wrong. You get x + y = z instead.

This theory is absolute horseshit.
As soon as you realize how often splits would happen and how many interacting universes this would result in, you realize that if they all interact, certainty itself becomes impossible. Since there are things that are certain, the theory can't work.

This sounds very much like a typical Marxist ploy to push scientific relativism. Somebody check the department for Jews

spaces fiddles with my fertility

That is, if you view language 100% with literal kind of rationality. Anyway, if you're arguing that the 'Flow' is a flow of information that reaches us instead of the flow of time, then you'd also have to argue that the system which provides said information cannot be solely comprised of your person. In which case, you'd either have to argue that something else is also responsible for the flow - meaning God and/or collective consciousness. However, in case that it's God - a potentially omnipotent/omniscient entity - it would naturally imply that time travel is possible because God is omnipotent, though not probable since he wouldn't waste it on you. Collective consciousness is another can of worms that basically implies that meme magic is real.

You're just arguing that an impossible thing is impossible. However, we still don't know just how deep is a rabbit hole that's called Quantum Mechanics. Not to mention how many people historically argued against some of the inventions that we use in our daily lives now.

To expand on the "collective conscious" bit, you have 1000 people. You show them an apple. 999 see a red apple, 1 sees a green apple. An apple is red. This principle is, yes, ludicrous, but it's an approximation of the "now" that "was" and thus it existed because we saw it. If anyone didn't, they didn't because their perspective was distorted. It's easy as that.

I am interested in sharing ideas, will write you in the following days gotta go to work now and then going out with my lady, but expect me coming back to the thread and directly writing you

Do you happen to have more formulas or figures showing what you have found? Also, which would be the came when the entropic selection of timelines is 0? Is it possible under your definition?
About the rate growth of new timelines, have you found a constant? Is it a exponential growth or a linear one?
I have a theory about the distribution of universes based on a time constant, but by doing that the speed of light becomes irrelevant the farther away we go from our "size", which is the idea behind it, it is not dependent on our ways of measure and technology. Still only a mathematical model. also using the idea of a real "prime number" which is the basis of creation, the ideal model, not the real one, making golden ration OUR prime number, but its only an idea

So many questions, but leaving you with couple of pictures about that which I have been investigating, all mathematical theory, still haven't fund correlations between my model and the real world. although I think the alpha particles relate strongly to my model.

added to my reading list.

Shit, not again.

No it doesn't.

One thing I remember when I was young it was always "A portrait of Dorian Gray"
Now it is "A picture of Dorian Gray"
When the novel was written there were no pictures if you wanted a "picture" of yourself you commissioned an artist to paint a portrait of you.

Seconding. It's a portrait, damn it.

You are the first one to agree with me, and I have pointed this out a few times before.
I was beginning to think I was beginning to think I was misrembering

Jesus Christ
It's two words being merged into one, as is common in the german language (they're used as building blocks).
"Volk" means (a) people, folk, nation, populace
"Wagen" (as a noun) means car, carriage
So the "Volkswagen" is the people car or people's car (national car).

"caravan" would be "Wohnwagen" (living car / home car)
Sage for autism

Digits mean the age of science is over, the age of Kek shall be once with magic.

Use quotation marks, dummy.

It is always sex and the city.

Well yeah, thats essentially what I was saying (though frankly, I had been up for about 28 hours on 2 hours of sleep when I wrote it, so I wasnt explaining it very well)

I used small numbers because, in truth, its hard to conceptualize infinity (at least for me). GATE classes/programs as a kid or not I've always had problems with "infinity." So I chose instead to use small numbers. Naturally, with infinite possibilities, going back to your balloon example, there would still exist a possibility in which the original balloon didnt pop to begin with.

So, as far as I understand it, in "popping" that balloon by way of time travel and altering the past, you're not ACTUALLY popping the balloon, you're simply releasing a whole new set of infinite balloons from within that balloon, but the original balloon would still exist.

To use the breakfast example again. You go back to alter your choice, well you had "infinite" choices (what you ate, if you ate, how you ate, what size bites you took, at what time intervals you ate, etc) to begin with and one of those lines created you. But for YOU your balloon of possibilities existed wherein you didnt go back and made your choice w/o interference. So, you wouldnt be destroying the balloon and releasing infinite new possibilities, more, you would be duplicating that balloon with a whole new set of possibilities. Your balloon series still exists but you've simply created more balloons from which new possibilities can emerge.

At least thats how I rationalize the idea that paradoxes dont exist to begin with.

Either way, I think we're explaining the same thing just in different ways because we have different ways OF understanding it, but we're describing the same answer to the same problem in different ways.

I remember it as "No Luke, I am your father." Same concept though, we may have all come from very slightly different possible timelines or had memories from different ones at least.

Maybe similar timelines could simply intersect again later down the line, creating the mandella effect we see going on.

If I recall, there was a theory floated at some point about "anti-time" (no, not from star trek TNG), essentially that there exists a plane of reality in which time flows backwards from the end of the universe towards the creation of it. Maybe there is something there, maybe not, but if for example timelines were wiped out by something like running into a completely similar universe only with time flowing backward, those timelines are both destroyed and merge back into the next nearest similar universe. So for example we have universes 1-100, 76 and 77 are very close with the only difference being "no I am.." versus "luke, I am" but the universe with "luke" as the first word was in effect wiped out and merged into the next nearest similar universe, some remember the original timelines variant, others dont.

I have no explanation for why some would remember and some wouldnt though, maybe w/e anti-force wiped out the first line wiped out most of it but left only fragments to merge with this universe… who even knows.

This is complete out of the box speculation though, obviously theres no proof for any of this, but then again theres no proof for any of this stuff


Holy shit you're right it changed! What the fuck. Sometimes I wonder if it's not an experiment to see how much of the past they can re-write without anyone noticing. Think of how much information is online now.

OY VEY! If there are multiple timelines then that means there might be a dimension that is not diverse enough! Those bigots need to embrace diversity and they will when we set our universe on a collision course with theirs! That will show those nazi scum!

TFW there might be a dimension with no monetary slavery


It technically explains why he want's to shock homo's so much, there was probably a theoretical cure for the gay involving electrocution in his time.

That, or Pence really is a Stormlord

God, I hope they fuck up and Pic related shows up.

If Jews open a portal to hell they'll basically win.

Good, with a little bit of luck things will go our way in such a way where we could become murderous cyborgs, after we established some outer world colonies in this existence, we shall travel to other planes of existence and eradicate the jew from all of them.

Again something that was just a matter of common sense to anyone even mildly interested in philosophy through human history is now apparently a big discovery. Bunch of degenerate fucks.


Everything you can imagine already exists

Uh. What are the implications for probability here?

You better start believing in anime, user…
You're in one.

Fuck yeah, finally a good chance to post this

According to the most modern interpretation of the structure of the Universe, time travel isn’t impossible, nor is cross-dimensional travel. We have to define those terms first, though, so we have to begin by agreeing that the 4th, 5th, and 6th dimensions are just as physically present as the three we can directly TOUCH. Time (4) is a physical dimension. Even without being able to see or manipulate time ourselves, we know that it’s physical because we once WERE. We were physical entities in the past, the past isn’t happening now, and we are also physical entities in the present, which is. You can draw an unbroken line between your conception and your death, and at every Planck second along that line, a physical being exists, so to an entity that can view the 4th dimension, you’d appear as a long, undulating snake, growing, shrinking, and then finally decaying.

But it’s not just one snake. There are 10^81 factorial decisions that can be made at every step along that journey, conscious or otherwise. These decisions–some over which you have control, some you don’t, and some which are totally random–make up the sum total of probability (5). The 5th dimension governs the shape of your “snake” in the 4th; where it goes, what it does, when it ends, etc.

Time travel (moving freely backward or forward in the 4th dimension) requires you to fold through the 6th dimension (a single sum total of all 5th dimensional probabilities that happened along a SINGLE 4th dimensional axis). To move between parallel universes (different 6th dimensional universes; our Universe being a capital U to distinguish it), you have to move through the 7th dimension.

The act of defining the operations required to do what you want to do is really very easy. The math of doing it is harder, and actually physically doing it, we think right NOW, requires more energy than can ever be gathered.

BUT, we also once thought that it would take energy from the mass of the entire galaxy to travel faster than light, and now we have the math nailed down to do it with only the mass of Jupiter. In 300 years, we may well be building our first FTL ship.

This is why you shouldn't visit 4/pol/. Endless LARP shitposting with no evidence


That's interesting, the translated Polish version is literally titled "sex in the great city" rather than "and the great city". Granted, "and the great city" or "with respect to the great city" ("a wielkie miasto") would have sounded awkward as fuck.
I overheard it from mom's women's TV channels so many times when I was little it's hard to forget. Don't know if it's changed now in accordance with the English and I don't want Google to think I'm into that sort of shit.

just came back in time to say checkem

OP confirmed for cockguzzling faggot

We are flatlanders that have ascended from seeing infinitely narrow cross sections on a 3d plain as they lived in the second dimension. To percieving infinitely small cross sections of time (the fourth dimension) as we live in the third.

Nigger, come on.

Watch this afterwards

I look forward to your email friend. To answer your questions, I really don't know yet, I'm only trying to introduce some concepts to make this problem tractable. For all I know both g and s aren't constants but are themselves composed of further changing variables.

Mathematics will always work even if they're practiced in a flawed reality.
You cannot draw a perfect circle, and no object can be perfectly circular, yet we understand what a circle is by its definition alone.
Furthermore, we know that three cartesian dimensions are the optimal arrangement of space, and most mathematical concepts known to us can be extrapolated independently from that.
The only inconsistency that remains is the irrationality of pretty much every fundamental constant, but it's more likely that our universe doesn't run on integers or anything built out of them, and approximation is all we can do in the face of that. I'd say that integers are the more abstract concept out of the two, something that also doesn't exist in nature. Maybe there exists some mathematical system in which things like π or e make as much sense as the numbers 1 and 2 do. I know about the natural logarithm, but that still lives within the limitations of our current understanding.

I do not believe in simulations, especially infinitely nested ones. Take a system. Reduce its complexity to a number, let's say z. Now, if you want to simulate a system within it, its complexity can approach but never equal z, for several reasons. A universe sized computer devoting all of its resources to simulating a universe in the most accurate way possible, essentially becomes the universe it's "simulating", and there's no simulation going on.
Thanks to entropy, any universe you simulate within this one with acceptable accuracy will have less time until its end than this one. If our current understanding of physics is wrong, cosmic inflation sounds like quasar-sized horse shit and we have infinite time and possibilities, then why would you want to start a nested simulation to begin with?


I remember it as Sex and The City.

Here's an interesting thing.
The phrases "Sex and the City", "No, I am your father" and "magic mirror on the wall" have been translated into many languages.
The translations still more often than not reflect the version that people remember, and do not refer to the words that were changed. Bluntly, the translations make no fucking sense now.

i've always remembered "luke" and i'm not english speaking

Is this another glitch? I seem to recall it was called TAG when I was in it in the late 80's/early 90's. Talented And Gifted.

What's going on here?

No glitch, just you shitposting

Send a particle to another dimension then bring it back and I'll pay attention to this shit

wodde i duud

Okay, I claim that I did just that, and provide a paper that is consistent with some theory, showing claimed measurements and whatnot, but nobody can confirm the experiment because I have one-of-a-kind equipment like (say I'm CERN). Do you believe me? Do you understand that much of cutting-edge physics is based off of claims using equipment that very few have access to?

proofs or not buying it.



Snoop Doggs Lodi Dodi (1993)
I threw some soap on my face and put my hands up on a cup
and said um "Mirror mirror, on, the wall
Who is the top Dogg of them all?"
There was a rubble dubble, five minutes it lasted
The mirror said, "You are you conceited bastard"

No way it was ever magic mirror

The idea is neat but there are a lot of false assumptions in this post.

People inside a simulation like that wouldn't be able to see the aliasing (which is what the user meant but confused it with AA), because that's just a side effect of the rendering process, which is something that's just there to present the simulated inverse to us, the external observer.

That guy makes things sound a lot more complicated than they actually are. The whole video could have easily been less than 10 minutes but he talks so much yet says so little. He spent like 5 minutes explaining why you can't have values greater than 255 in 8 bits ffs. In the end he never actually explains how or why these PUs even happen (is it the way the engine works or just a glitch?)
Not to mention that's some elite form of autism.

A better question would be this:
let's say you have an open world game like GTA, let's say someone went into the game to meet the protagonist let's call him digi guy. Now, digi guy is told his reality consists of numbers on a floppy disc, everything around him is created by an architect who planned out exactly how this world is created, the physics everything. Now let's say you are digi guy, god is the creator of the game, and the guy sitting in front of the screen holding a controller is your soul. That's how the layers of the spiritual plane coincide with material reality, and the actual purpose of the soul as a controlling entity. Pythagoras number theory, and Metatrons cube are ways of decoding this code of reality. You have to look for the number correlations, numbers like 4,5,7,8,12,72 are very important, and encoded in religious texts.

I don't think it was entirely explained either unless I'm retarded
My half guess half understanding is that Mario's real (floating point) location is used to render him but the collision checks done every frame are converted to shorts and confined within the -32,768 32,767 limit
I don't understand why this would work like this
Does anyone actually understand the difference here

it's simply bullshit to grab more of pic related, goym.

This is going to bother me, why would the player's location be used and manipulated as float values but collision would be checked as short values?

In mine, we did a lot of little puzzles, riddles, mind games, vocab, and math. I remember them teaching us stuff like Fibonacci's numbers very early, how to use the stock market, lots of logic puzzles. We only had it 3-6th grade, but I don't remember it being creepy or ostracizing. However, I wouldn't be surprised if they left us alone because we were smart but not genius/prodigy level. I'm pretty sure most of the others are quite liberal-minded today, so maybe I failed their programming scheme.

I think it may be the opposite in fact. It's good to have an IQ of 115, 120, 130… but once you get much beyond that, thinking becomes qualitatively different, not just thinking the same way normalfags do just faster and more accurately. We are born pariahs, essentially, and we are set up for failure unless we have an extensive network for social support keeping us upright. We're navigating a world in which we are, in some deeply meaningful way, alien.

Yes he did, he said that values greater than the 8 bit limit get converted with modular arithmetic to values within the allowed range. Which is why you get "PU"s, because mario has moved so far out into empty space that his collision detection has looped back around and now the game thinks he's colliding with the "origin PU". Pay attention you normalfaggot.

Yeah but it's the exact same idea. Just like viruses mutate much quicker than mammals but it's the same thing happening.

Classic textbook example, you can construct different sequences of inputs of the form 1/(1+npi) that approach zero but when plugged into sin(1/x) they approach different values.

Infact you can find a sequence of inputs that tends to zero, but their output converges to any number between -1 and +1

Names like this are kind of subject to change though, because different school systems can call it different things. I was in it from 2000-2004, but we called it GATEways.

I guess, yeah. I was wondering if they want the prodigal minds for working in behind-the-scenes intel programs. But it is possible that they wanted to work on normal thinkers. I haven't really felt unsupported (have a decent family and friends) but I have felt increasingly distant from most of my friends starting this year. And I know I'm way more into conspiracy theories, distrustful of the government/media, and interested in supernatural stuff on top of actual science. I feel like I do understand some things and make connections on a deeper level at times, so I guess I would not mind being different if it meant being able to hunt for truth like this.
I hope your struggles haven't been unbearable.

"The Hare and the Tortoise"

gib moni plox

Not the user you're responding to, but my classes were similar. From 2-4th grade we were taken out of one of our normal classes and taken to an hour of "gifted" classes. Most of it in those years involved logic puzzles and problem solving, chess … lootttsss of time playing chess, was one of the things I did in there. But there was plenty of time for other activities.

5-8th grade it changed, its all a very long story though, and 9-12th there was no gifted program so we had "advanced" classes which were little different from normie ones.

I rebelled HARD my 5th and 6th grade years and 9th and 12th. Largely because in middle school our gifted classes changed to mainly an advanced english class that focused on literature and critical thinking skills with a MAJOR focus on english/literature work as opposed to logic and problem solving skills focused on more abstract things, I didnt take to the change well. Meanwhile in Elem school I started feeling outcast from "normies" as we know them now, but I was happy with being different and having a small group I could talk to and work with openly each in our different ways. But in MS most of my gifted peers ended up falling back into the normie folds, by HS I was the only one left who wasnt already some mindless HS moron who just connected the dots they were told.

At this point, I'm literally the only one out of an original class I think of 9 or 10 that isnt just another brainwashed sheep in one form or another. I've kept some small track of them through the years though.

One guy in HS took to being the "party guy" and flunked out of college and got a girl pregnant, hes now a green libertarian or some hippy shit. One girl got pregnant in HS, "modeled" for awhile and now is little more than some strumpet posting selfies on facebook. One guy dropped completely out of any advanced classes by the end of HS and last I heard he moved to FL and was just some pot smoking junkie. My two better friends, one ended up on meth with a ruined life, one is some die hard christian cuck preaching tolerance and love on social media these days. Two other girls, by far the smartest two in our group (well maybe not highest IQ, but the hardest working), ended up going nowhere in life and working at a grocery store, mostly due to poor families but also due to never adjusting properly to fit in to any type of basic normie behavior/society.

All in all, I'm the only one who retained anything from it all as far as I know. Everyone else was either warped by it, fucked by it, lost it in their quest for being normal, or out right abandoned it. Meanwhile I manage to still exist in society with a regular job where I'm able to keep up the social graces to a point, but few friends or social connections, and browsing Holla Forums hoping for the world to burn.

maybe this was the entire point of those programs. To track us and see where we'd end up. To see if they could take obviously talented kids, still nurture that talent to a point, then trash it all and force conformity back on them as long as they get them early enough. Perhaps to find out if they could still take children raised in good homes and destroy it and bring their kids back into the collectivist fold as long as they hit them early enough and under a tricky enough disguise to fool the parents?

This is also true. Tested at over 140IQ, close to 150, and even to this day, despite YEARS of training myself to function in a normal capacity in society, I still feel like little more than an observer staring at some foreign beings I do not belong with, that I am not a part of, and am simply trying to expand my understanding of them as time goes on so that I might better emulate them to a degree without compromising who I am fundamentally as my "gifted" peers did long ago.

I actually wish I knew the IQs of my peers from those classes. Only our parents were ever told what they were after testing. And none of them told us. I didnt even find mine out until I was in my mid 20s and my mother finally let it slip what I scored as a kid. It would make a lot of sense if I was the outlier, why I was the only one to "survive" basically, the highest and thus the most alien to normal society, meanwhile those in the 115-130 range were more prone to being able to think like and fit in with everyone else.

Oh well, at least I have you guys

Wow! They should get a Hugo award for this!

what is quantum physics

I'm still alive at least. For the time being.

Aye, lad. We are the Invisible College. That's why I think the government needs to help organize an intermediate layer. A group of 125, 130 IQ people who can more-or-less understand us or at the very least tolerate us with good humor. Normalfags don't get it and they find us threatening no matter how much we try to camouflage ourselves… or at least that's always been my experience. I'm very definitely psychic. Sometimes I accidentally blurt a person's deepest fear when I'm talking to them. As you can imagine, it's not a great benefit to social skills.

I think different GATE/TAG/w.e programs had different goals in different states/areas, the more I think about it it makes sense.

You had a nation, in our childhood, of probably 60 million kids under 18, if 1/3rd of that is elementary school (20m) and even 1% of that qualifies as gifted, thats still 200k kids to work with and test different things on across the nation. Why focus on one singular aspect like prodding them towards clandestine government work or some such end goal, why not divide them and test different things with them?

I dont think my group was ever being pushed towards any higher ultimate goal for work, I think we were tested to find out if the effects of a better education could be reversed once started or if those kids would rebel and seek those things out still. I'm betting the government has kept somewhat close tabs on us for most of our lives, easier now than ever before, I mean even at the highest end you're talking a few million people, a lot of work sure, but you dont need to know what they ate for breakfast, just what they're doing in life, their political leanings, social connections, jobs, education history, etc.

I'm sure others had different experiences, like I said, I think many different thinks were effectively "tested" on all the gifted program kids over the years. Its what I would do anyway.

As an aside though, supernatural/spiritual stuff… explain? Oddly I've found myself obsessed with such things (aayy lmaos as well) at times as well, hell I came to Holla Forums because of /x/ originally and cross shitposting between the two. I've never been sure what to make of it. Childish fascination with the unexplainable? Maybe genetic roots to indian tribes (some native cunt in my family about 5 gens back) asserting itself? Escapism to avoid the mundane crapfest that is the modern world? hell at times these days I basically want to go live like I'm amish (sans their religion) and spend my free time in mediation/thought and shove all the modernness out of my life.

Curious what another "gifted program" kid is doing looking into supernatural/spiritual stuff as well

Ever have that thing happen where you accidentally put a picture in someone's head?

Perhaps it could be fairly said that spirituality is and always has been about transhumanism. But not the techno-fetishistic transhumanism of the Silicon Valley Juden and microchip fellators, but something more ancient, fundamental, and primal to the enlightened man.

It has always been that way.

I dont think this is exclusive to us, as an aside. I think for every standard deviation in IQ (about 15 points IIRC) your mental capacity is different enough that people in the deviation below simply cannot understand you and view you as an outsider or threat in some way.

I mean look at blacks, we all know the majority of their IQ bell curve falls at the 85 point mark, and they consider even average IQ whites (100IQ) to be threatening and dont like them, they only get along with the ones who are below that and act as they do. Once you hit 115-120 the 85s are more likely to act aggressively towards them and view everything from them as an insult or attack.

I'm not even sure this is limited to race though. Blacks are more prone to the physical violence that comes with it, but even many average IQ whites, as you point out, view us as threatening or hostile for being so different and are more likely to lash out in different ways.

Frankly I wish I was psychic in some way (perhaps a reason for my obsession with supernatural/spiritual stuff), I think I could train it well enough to have it benefit me and be able to "fit in" easier to normal society, rather than the typical media/entertainment view that psychic people end up being eccentric outcasts who dont fit in anywhere ever. Or not, and I'd come to hate empty headed normal people to the point I couldnt stand to be around them.. who knows

user, you probably are, in all likelihood.

Hm. Not sure. Elaborate? I'm definitely good at sort of evoking mental images with words - a great parallel would be Trump's theme about draining the swamp. A mental image comes to mind as clear as day, different for every person but same in theme, with a statement like that.

Agreed. Oftentimes the skill of being psychic comes with the desire to be psychic. And then a little bit of quiet almost-but-not-quite wishing to not be psychic anymore eh heh.

I mean like, if you're with a group of people, and they're all debating on where to go eat, if you just envision the place YOU want hard enough, then suddenly they all want to go to that place.
Shit like that.

They always assert this fiction as if it were fact but I've never ever seen anything to even imply why this would exist.

Literally less proof for this than (((General Relativity)))

How the fuck. Are normalfags just that dumb?

That's not physic, shit like that happens if you think about things in a certain way hard enough for long enough. It drains a lot of energy to do this though.

I'll never take an IQ test again. My thinking is qualitatively different, not quantitatively different - and I'm guessing the same is true for you if you got that result.

Time's an abstraction, you only have states and relative rates of change. You'd have to prove that time exists outside of matter or energy and isn't merely a property of waves, and good luck with that.

Online IQ tests are bullshit, it's why >muh IQ is a meme. Even a proctored IQ test by PhDs in cognitive science will have errors and biases.

Stupid is as stupid does, user.

I feel like i am certainly more "redpilled" (for the sake of not saying smarter) than most normalfags but i always get some really low scores on those tests. It must be because i suck at math.

If you're concerned about IQ tests, you're automatically qualitatively different than normalfags. Think about it. Not everyone is skilled at everything. But being concerned about aptitude defeats Dunning-Kruger out of the gate, and sets you apart from the crowd. I think I'd probably score lower on IQ tests every year, but it's because I can't concentrate on the same dumb bullshit as normalfags anymore. The difference is proved by the feeling of difference now.

Guess so. Still though, allow me to go into supernatural for a moment - anybody had the same experience in real life when you picture something like what wrote and it works? I can't be the only one who does this. Been trying to replicate that ever since I got that to work, with limited success.

s-sorry for derailing

You're here, aren't you? This is the place for society's magical misfits to come and commiserate.

Mein gott. Do you fools not understand what this means? Somewhere, there is a world where anime and waifus are real. And they are looking for us. We must clean up this mess of a world before they get here

You are practicing a law of mental domination. That's one part of mental domination but in essence you just created a thoughtform to impress upon them your idea and simply believed it was their own.

lol watch me get called a shill for this one

No, so until you can I don't really give a fuck. If you want funding declassify the shit.

Before you get too wild ideas, we should assert certain things. Space travel is possible. Deep sea travel is possible. They are both actual, too. Extremely rare, though, and difficult, and only possible for small distances.

Time is a dimension, and dimension is a distance. We already know that our ordinary distance means jack when it comes to time - human observation affects light by drawing its history, billions of light years away, too. That's instantly, too.

How far is a month from now? How far is a second? How far can we travel, and at what "speed" would we do it? What can we make travel there, when and how?

Every 'choice' produces another universe? That's a lot of energy, user.

I think alternate-timeline civilizations would be more interested in harnessing that energy than visiting the Berenstain verse. Once that is done, nothing can stop the Cro-Mag Overmen from dominating all realities, but don't get ahead of yourself. Build the super-weapon that can pop enemy universes like soap-bubbles first, then set up inter-dimensional sex tourism.

What other sorts of skills fall into that general category and are there any good writings on the subject?


What if enough of these universes who were in the know about the multi-universe joined together to fabricate a (((universe)))? What if something were to sabotage that effort? What if that other sabotaging agent was the representative of nature?

It's actually a book. I got it from one of the libraries /fringe/ has set up. I'm trying to find the link for it so bear with me

No sweat, I'll search for it myself.

There would also be a universe where Jews are the good-guys. Perhaps a Chaim Hitler sought to free his naiton from the insidious Turkmenistani banking cabal but was overthrown but the Allies led by Burundi, Maldives, and the newly communist Aztecs.

What does 'representative of nature' mean in this context?

we need a new GATE student thread or a discord (or any other IM) discussion group for ex-gate students

I can hardly keep up the theories in this thread but I'm loving this shit. Interdimensional waifus when?

A model.

She had braces.. I remember.

Even says she had braces here (though pic is without braces)

I'm scared.

A lot of scientific mumbo-jumbo crossed with wishful-thinking and pop-cultured-influence.

Because the universes start by wanting to discover something or instrumentalise beings.
Imagine an infinite chain of that.

Come user, time to leave your world, join mine!


I'm with you, user.
It was definitely TAG.

Also, I must say, I just looked at a map and S. America is about 2000 miles east of my knowledge and nowhere near centered to N America, Australia also has moved northwest and is WAY closer to New Guinea than I know it to be and the Panama Canal from my original timeline ran east-west, not north-south.
Where the actual fuck am I right now?

Multiverse confirmed unfair.

There's also a universe where you're fucking dead. At least you're alive.

I have no idea, but it's a pretty cool place.

It's fine if you don't want to help me, just please end my life.

Better dead than live in a possible universe out there where the Jews win and our people and civilisation have been destroyed by Marxism.

Hell in this universe alone we're halfway there as it is.

wait.. doesn't the panama canal start out going east west then it connects to a lake though a series of locks i've never heard of it connecting north south before are we in the same timeline?

id rather be in the Universe where monster girls are real….

from what i understand (head canon) for universon to cross link to each other you need a "reasonable point if entry" IE a place that would make sence for worlds to cross in our Universe such places are black holes and supercolliders and other such extreme places but in some other universe it may just be as easy as making a door frame and putting runes all around it depending if magic is a thing or not, and given the many worlds interpretation magic could well be a thing in some universes

hell we've shown that magic is a thing in our universe its just hard as fuck to use since it's link to consciousness and thank fuck loads of people to do even small things it might be that our universe is just magic weak to the point where it may as well not exist, magic of course being the power to shape one's reality with thought that being established fact with brexit and the Trumpeting if we all put our minds and hearts into it and i mean full bore its going to happen, somehow it will happen

meme magic is weak, but even a weak force can have a strong effect if you have enough of it



Welcome to the new world, user.
It seems you're with me.

it is



Ever considered this is not a multiverse paradox but just kikes testing the waters on how far they can get with revisionism before they are noticed?

Yeah, I remeber Dolly wearing braces, after all what the point of the joke if she did not.

Regarding the list what I remember:
99.9999… certain

Never looked deep into it since my cuntry did not broadcast it when I was a toddler and I did not like its design as a teen. Always remembered their names sound kikeish.

100% certain


I don't have a clue what this is about.

Surprisingly I remember both as:
>NO, LUKE. I am your father.
But the VA recalls the the just "Luke" rendering.

filled of dreams:
but far from certain

far from certain.


Certainly, there.

Like, come on! It's not like it is that old. Absolutely certain.

Don't know what that is.

Regarding Mandela I don't remember him dying in prison back in the 80s. I remember him we president nao and then croaking as President for Life almost a decade later.

Near death experiences: Almost drowned as toddler and almost died by blood infection of a super-strain of staph at third grade back in 1992 or so.

so there exists multiple universes where the book of revelations isn't just a prophecy?

that is spoopy


I swear to god it was (1,3).


who here /no am THE father/ master universe

/no, *I* am THE father/


That sounds extremely silly, man. Did you come from the Monty Pythons documentaries universe?

There's that myth that a lot of religious leaders were simply magicians that wooed the non-skeptic. I wonder if in fact they were time travelers with future technology.
to me it sounds like THE and not YOU

Why do shills like get so buttblasted at evidence for the mandela effect?

shills hate flat earth and the mandela effect because they are a real thread


What is Mandela effect?



Home depot… you mean the big box diy store?


Holy shit, I was in one of these classes since Kindergarten through 4th grade.
5th and 6th took a steep dive towards hedonism and rebellion. In 6th grade I was removed from the classes and basically became a burn out. I do alright with emulating normal people but it's shit and I'm an introvert. I feel like a large amount of the gifted kiddos either turned normie or went over the deep end with academia.
As far as what we did in the classes, it was definitely logic puzzles and things like that. How many more of us web2.0 speds ended up on Holla Forums? Do the GATE threads have a large turn out?

Thank you for the link.

Ok you have to deliberately messing with u-

Well fuck this kike bullshit. I'm tired of history being changed every two seconds.

Alternate universes don't exist. Here let me disprove it with a paradox I came up with.

Ergo no alternate universes.

There are alsoin theory'alternate universes that stops them from doing so.

Yes. And people who stop the stoppers and those who stop those and it goes on endlessly.

This extends to much beyond destroying. It exists for every possible interaction between worlds.

Still just because it hasn't happened to us doesn't mean it hasn't happened. it may be some realities get destroyed/conquered but we havent

What A Beautiful Time to be alive.

Waifus soon fellow aryan

Logically it's impossible for any universe to be able to interact with any other universe. There are an infinite number of people who have the capacity, means, and desire to enter our universe and blow up Earth with the press of a button. Yet we exist.

The only way this theory can work is that we are limited to a certain set of Universes, OR it is impossible in all Universes to travel to other universes at the present time.

One day if we just "crash" we would know why.

I had the mandela effect reading the bible the other day.
Like it was an intentional change to be seen.

This is odd. A lot of Holla Forums were a part of this in the us and other anglo countries.

That literally makes Holla Forums the intellectual 1% of the west's youth, possibly the world's. Because they took only that proportion from cohorts.

People are too retarded to read anymore, and if there are more than two consecutive lines, they'll bitch about "wall of text".

That seems plausible. It's taken us years of shitposting and meme magic just to come this far, so I suppose it's possible that we may be limited from crossing over or impacting alternate realities


Maybe jesus is your lord and saviour :^)



This brings up something which bothers me: How would you know if you've been MKUltra'd?

You will eventually come to the same conclusions that oldfags have. Once you are here you are here forever and once here all paths lead to Shadilay

Eh.. half-Aryan?


I am the same guy as

and following walls of text.

Something that have noticed in such Threads are people claiming that such ideas are only fiction and the LARPers, who at least are trying to come up with a real solution, are wasting their time with it.

I personally do believe such things are possible, we are maybe still not ready technologically nor mentally for such a thing to really happen. but what always moves me is the idea that we could be the pioneers of such discoveries. Maybe we are like that old crazy dude in the middle ages who said that one day man will be able to fly. He wasn't afraid of sharing his imagination and memeing that shit into existence. Maybe he would never see the day when man started conquering the clouds, but he sure believed somehow it was possible.

One day, far away in the future, some autist will be searching in the libraries of eternity trying to find some rare pepes, without much interest would find threads like this. He would felt like being among us, breaking the barrier of time and learning how we, some bags of flesh and bones believed in reaching the starts and the limits of our imagination. A couple of nobodies, discussing the betterment of their race, hidden from their society believing in something greater than themselves. Fighting and not being afraid of the barriers of their existence, not being afraid of death nor imprisonment. Always seeking the truth, a truth so hurtful it had to be hidden inside funny images.

I came here believing that a better future and a better reality for my family was possible and will not leave until my part is done. You are all my family, even you lurker out there who hides in the shadows.

Godspeed brothers and sisters, because our ride through the gates of eternity is only starting.


Sounds like "Ithe, am your father" I and the, both mixed mid breath

Not necessarily. Just because infinite possibilities exist, does not mean ALL possibilities exist that we can think of.

I know that sounds contradictory but hear me out.

Lets say we go back to the old jewish science of e=mc^2, and that to hit the speed of light in some vehicle, you'd need basically infinite mass for the energy required. Well, we know its crap, but lets say for a second that its not. Theoretically, it would then be impossible to ever go even a fraction of the speed of light. Effectively, physics would limit our ability to travel within our own universe and timeline.

Now, who is to say that even though we know that shit is bogus about traveling at high rates of speed, that there isnt some ACTUAL physical property of the universe in all w/e amount of dimensions (11, 12 w/e, basically "all universes of all timelines") that exist, that prevents mass travel between timelines/universes that would be necessary to "destroy" other realities through physical might, or that it might take so much energy from a universe+timeline to destroy another universe+timeline that its impossible or would wipe out the origin universe in the attempt regardless of how advanced its peoples are?

Its POSSIBLE small scale travel could happen (a single person or other small bits of information), how a car travels along at high rates of speed with refined fuels and specially designed engines and cars built for the task, that would be an analog for a single person or some quantity of information traveling between two universes. While still also being possible that its IMpossible to send invasion armies or harness the energy of a universe to destroy another universe, just as its likely impossible to go faster than light (though probable we can approach it).

I mean, for all we know, to time travel or universe travel, it may take very specific criteria if ever we manage to get to that point. It may take, for example, some effect using a star with properties that match our own star, and an insane amount of energy used to propel even a small amount of information or a single small vehicle of some kind into the past. There may be no returning, and it may in fact never be possible to send more than small scale units into the past without also directly harnessing the power of damn near the entire universe to do so (likely an impossible feat before the heat death of a given universe)

TLDR: your theory to disprove other theories, itself has a theory that disproves it just on the basis of physical limitations that may not be able to be overcome.

Universes may naturally interact on some very small scale (ala mandella effect), but still require vast sums of energy in order for such events to happen, which may be more energy than we can ever physically harness in order to actually destroy another universe in any way, thus "nature" itself prevents such possibilities from existing. Thus, infinite possibilities still exist, there would very likely be a universe out there hell bent on our destruction, BUT just because such a place exists, does not mean that they CAN achieve their goal if there is a physical property of the universe or time/dimension travel that prevents such things.

WHAM, disproven. We can all now go back to wild speculation about time travel and the interaction of universes, gifted programs, psychic abilities, if trump is actually kek, and so on

if our shitty jew infested science can figure this out, I am willing to bet the Nazi victory in WWII timelines are manipulating reality in parallel universes already considering how far ahead they got in tech during WWII, perhaps this explains why meme magic is happening, Nazi super-science applied from a parallel universe using the Thule's re-awakening of Kek as a conduit to try to save other universes from das juden.

I think looney tunes and berestain bears will always bother me. as well as "no, I am your father"

It bothers me more that people dont remember "stein" bears and only stain. Like, I get it, "stain" makes sense in the context of them being basically plushies who would get stains on them… but "stein" just sounds right

More Mandela Effect! Aids Skrillex originally said "You're a fucking white male", someone went back in time and changed it to "You're fucking a white male!"



Remember in the hype of the moment, people make mistakes, among the retardation of the fucker.
And for the memes, do you really expected people to write
on them?
come on now user. That is no argument,

Help me out here user, what am I looking at here?

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

if you actually where so smart as you claim to be you would have seen how stupid the so called IQ tests are. You realise that you can easily score a high score if you know what to look for. they are all the same type of shit. same strategy can be applied to most of the tests they are using. those tests works good for normal people but for people that can think a little futher can easily see the typical pattern they are trying to go for in the test and know what to look for if you have done it more than once.

you are probably a retard that thinks he is a special snowflake or a larper. i think its a bit of both really

According to whom? An infinate of every possible universe is not required.
Perhaps under certain circumstances.
Thats our jews using CERN, user.
Logical fail. See 1.
And they might still.
Are we? I for one can say for sure that this is not my timeline.
My map had AU below NZ and S.America directly south of N.America, not 2000 miles east as it sits now.
Korea never shared a border with Russia.
Mongolia was swallowed and became part of China, not its own country.
My Jane Goodall died in the late 80's in the jungle.
My "tank-boy" got run over in Tiananmen square.
My map cannot be found… no matter how old the map or how skewed the "projection" - none even come close.
Your AU touches New Guinea. Mine had a 3 hour plane trip to get there.
My JFK was killed by jews, but mine died in a 4 seat car as in the residue found in the related pic.
The Zapruder film has somehow changed to some 6 seat limo.
Your timeline is not my timeline.

What was in my reality > what currently is

berenstEin bears > berenSTAIN bears
febreEze > febreze
skeTchers shoes > skechers shoes
joHnny quest > jonny quest
oxY-clean > oxI-clean
cup 'O noodles > cup noodles (ramen in a styrofoam bucket)
chic-fil-a > chicK-fil-a
sex IN the city > sex AND the city
kit-kat > kitkat
captain crunch cereal > cap'n crunch cereal
frUIt loops cereal > frOOt loops cereal
ellioT's pizza > ellio's pizza
eDdy's ice cream > edy's ice cream
fao schwarTz toys > fao schwarz toys
mahatma gHandi > mahatma gandHi
haileys comey > halleys comet
dilema > dileMma

more residue from the copywrite office

It's because Quantum Mechanics is the only theory that is statistically based.

I remember she had braces..I always thought the Berenstein thing was just the overactive imaginations of our /pollack brothers. WTF…

The problem I have with time travel, is that a universe is supposed to be a closed system, matter and energy can neither be created nor destroyed. This ties into the whole big bang theory, if all the universe condensed into a single hot, dense point, and exploded outward to create everything, and this is a cyclic process, it means that the timeline would be unchanging as long as the universe starts and ends with the same content. If the big crunch contains all that was produced by the big bang, the variables for the next big bang should remain the same.

Time travel is always theorized as matter leaving a point in space/time and arriving at another point in space/time. This process assumes that matter and energy exits from space to maneuver through time, but once outside of space, time within that universe would not be observable, and may appear to expand and collapse in on itself simultaneously to the new observer, the problem now is that the big bang "equation" has been altered as fast as the time traveler popped out of the bubble, the entire universe now starts over with different variables that could spell catastrophe for the traveler's re-entry (like a lack of a planet earth, or solar system, or galaxy).
A solution to this, would be to transpose the traveler with something in the timeline that is close to equal that of their matter/energy, keeping the big bang equation from changing, but any energy lost from the displacement of these two bodies in space/time could still change the equation.

Is it possible to invent a phonewave machine to send messages back in time? We will need a hadrion collider which CERN has.

Go home Okabe, you're drunk.

After reading this thread cant just let it die. I was an 80s kid gifted program more than 2 sd beyond the avg i.q. once did an experiment where i had my gf at the time sit back to the wall with me on otherside of room no cheating could have her draw same images i was thinking. Watch the m83 (band) music video trilogy for midnight city. Also 12 monkees thats what this thread reminded me of. Also yeah the weird school shit and weird secluded (in room alone) tests that other kids never took. I thought it just happened to me and i must have been imagining things

Also did anyone get instructed to remember a specific number? Years after gifted program guy i never saw before or since comes and gets me out of class tells me i have to take a test but its weird the test has odd questions i dont remember but i remember they were unlike any other school test. I took this test in a small empty room by myself the guy tells me to remember a number and i might want to write it down, 17119 to this day wtf does that number have to do with anything.

Thats why IQ tests are, for purposes of accuracy, only given once and typically at a younger age so you havent been exposed to information like you suggest that would skew the results

IQ doesnt measure knowledge, it measures ability to reason, learn/adapt quickly, and solve logic puzzles. You either have these skills or you dont, ergo your score should be no different if taken at age 7 or age 27 (baring any brain damage suffered through accident or personal infliction from drug or alcohol abuse), the only difference would be exposure to enough knowledge or information about what to do/look for that it skews your results. Again, why the tests are only given once, and at early ages.

Your post reeks of someone who scored for shit as a kid and wants to try to rationalize it away, perhaps you're nigger tier IQ, honestly it doesnt matter. Because as I said, IQ doesnt measure knowledge, only aptitude. Someone with a 110 IQ can easily know more and be more versed on a multitude of subjects than someone with even a 180 IQ if the 180 does nothing but sit on their ass playing vidya and the 110 busts their ass studying. IQ is a measure of potential only.

I am traveling in time all my life.

There are quirks to this, but yes the ultimate end is that this holds true (as far as we know for now) — IN NATURE

There is nothing that says the laws of physics cannot exist in a way that allow matter to exit the universe through UNnatural means though. By nature, man cannot fly, but through manipulation of physics and advanced machinery we have accomplished this task.

Just because something doesnt occur naturally, does not mean it cannot occur period, ala matter being removed from the universe and sent to another point in space-time. It would simply be a matter of discovering a method of doing so


what are you talking about? i have never heard about IQ tests being given only once in a life time.
Are you really saying that a child at 7 has the same IQ at age 27? Also you dont seem to understand that you can train your brain to become better. of course you can only come so far if you have bad genes but that dont mean you cant train it to reach a somewhat decent point.

also you claim that IQ is only about potential only but in the post i replied to first you are clearly stating that you think highly of your 140IQ, are you claiming that you didnt train your brain and got used to these types of "tests" before you you ever did your first IQ test? 140 at age 7 without trying any logic puzzel or any of that type before the such test? you really going to try to make that statement?

Quantum physics is complete bollocks. Discuss.

Did.. Did we shape reality with Trump? Did we find a glitch in the matrix?

As I said, a method of time travel with minimal impact would have to be instantaneous displacement of equal parts matter/energy in two points in time, faster than light travel between two points in space may be possible by deforming the universe bubble into a klein bottle to connect two points in space, but time must be linear, cause and effect dictate how everything turns out starting at the birth of the universe.
The equation must be maintained.

Yes, because again, IQ isnt a measure of KNOWLEDGE, its a measure of ABILITY to reason/learn/adapt quickly. Sure maybe theres some wiggle room here and there for someone to "study" for this, maybe someone who spends those 20 years studying logic puzzles and learning solutions will change their would-be score either by memorizing solutions that later come in handy or by actually becoming innately better at puzzle solving, but how many people ACTUALLY do this? Very, very, VERY few, even one in a thousand doing this wouldnt invalidate the usefulness of IQ tests by altering the scoring mechanism enough

First, what purpose would it serve me to "brag" or feel "proud" of literally ANYTHING on an user image board? Tripfags are ridiculed into oblivion for a reason, and theres no way other than that of "carrying over" any kind of notoriety from one thread to another, plus theres nothing to stop anyone from claiming anything, even proof is often disregarded as faked, thus people disbelieve everything anyway so what purpose would it serve me to lie about this?

Second, I dont actually care about what my personal IQ is or was at any point. The point we were discussing is how higher IQs negatively effect people in a certain context, and I took it a step further to discuss how it extends further than just those at 130 or higher being more prone to being social outcasts and seems to be more that people treat those a standard deviation higher than them with contempt and/or suspicion (sorta like how you're treating me, go figure right?). What my number was in that context was, and is, irrelevant, I used it simply to toss into the pot my own experiences for consideration.

Finally, I did in fact score that high as a kid, I dont know what else to tell you other than the truth, which is that IQ doesnt test knowledge, it tests ability, and I was born with a well above average ability to process information quickly and adapt to it and alter how I think to adjust to the new situation. Thats literally all it means

The EFFECTS of this are self evident. At higher IQs you can come up with different ideas and view problems in different ways more rapidly and more easily (I think "genius level" people becoming bitter and often viewing people as "easy" in all cases and mostly disgusting has more to do with them being social outcasts most of their lives and thus bitter), you tend to not see just one solution or answer to a question, but multiple ones and multiple paths to get there. This is pretty apparent if you look at low IQ races, blacks for instance. Why do you think they are so quick to jump to conclusions, so easily convinced a single answer is right, and constantly ready to instigate violence? Because, for them the solution to most problems IS violence and they arent capable of seeing other paths/answers. The answer is that someone is being aggressive to you regardless of what their intentions actually are and the way to solve it is to elevate that violence to the highest level you are capable of and quickly beat them into submission (see: sucker punches), though they often LEARN (gain knowledge) to reign it in to acceptable levels that will get them in less trouble.

I can keep going if you'd like, there are other contexts/ways to see just how IQ effects how people think and reason, and how they respond to various situations. But the point is simply this, IQ tests are a measure of ability to think beyond the obvious problem in front of you and come up with alternative solutions, NOT a measure of finite knowledge or experience. The overwhelming majority of people cannot gain this ability by just solving a bunch of rubix cubes or playing a bunch of chess. And IQ tests serve a purpose and put a metric to something that is useful for understanding and gauging people.

I mean, look at you, you've come to a conclusion and I guarantee nothing I can say will change your mind. You see only one solution, that I'm a liar and everything I say is invalid and stupid, and you'll disregard basic understanding of how IQ tests even work in order to call me a liar however you are able. It sorta says, once more, that the original point we were discussing is likely true, that people view those at higher IQ levels than them in a negative way in one form or another, in this case you see me as a liar and possibly manipulative and will disregard anything I say as "bullshit" or "just more lies."

I guess uh.. thanks for validating the theory?

The solution to time travel is simple. Information does not need to be conserved. Information can travel through time (just remember Kek phenomenon) and can travel faster than light.

This is how you time travel in reality. This has been done and can theoretically be done by humans if they were such low energy babies.

1. Remove your soul from your body
2. You now exist as an information matrix outside of physicality
3. Relocate to your desired time/space
4. Reorganize local light/matter into a new body
5. Incarnate your soul into body.

All that has been done is transmission of information and coaxing quantum probabilities to manifest a new form. This can be accomplished simplistically if one possesses enough spiritual power. Spiritual power = meme power = emotional power = ability to influence quantum distributions = manifestation.

now that people are what we call a mentally handicapped person, probably the reason you feel so weird compared to others.

you dont even understand that humans actually grow. that include their brain you know.
first you claim this: >>" You either have these skills or you dont, ergo your score should be no different if taken at age 7 or age 27" then you claim this: >>"Sure maybe theres some wiggle room here and there for someone to "study" for this"

Now do you see that you just contradicted yourself? your IQ of 140 sure helped you there mate.

Then second you are claiming that because i said something opposite of you as in here: >>"and seems to be more that people treat those a standard deviation higher than them with contempt and/or suspicion (sorta like how you're treating me, go figure right?)" i am of lower IQ than you. Speaking for oneself and not being a pussy is surely because of low IQ

This is what i mean by having a high IQ is bullshit. you can easily be as retarded as any other normal person even if you have high IQ as you just have proven by being yourself.

as your self said Thanks for validating the theory.

i fucked up the green text lol.

Adding to the list:

google logo has a normal 'e' (80% confidence)
google logo has a slanted 'e'

kidneys are near the bottom of the back, both at the same height (95% confidence)
kidneys are way up near the middle of the back, one higher than the other (pic related)

beam me up, scotty!
(was never said, many somewhat close quotes)

JCPenny (80% confidence)

LOONY TOONS (60% confidence)
LOONEY TOONS (45% confidence)
LOONIE TOONS (25% confidence)
LOONEY TUNES (the logo definitely looks very strange)

Cruella DeVille (95% confidence)
Cruella De Vil

Volkswagen logo with no gap (100% confidence)
Volkswagen logo with gap between V and W

mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all? (110% confidence)
magic mirror on the wall, who's the fairest one of all?

here's a world map before and after (there's still something wrong with the Mediterranean)

You forgot

Like i said i rebelled hard. Went to college for information security and intelligence dropped out after writing a massive red pill essay on violation of 4th amendment by programs such as were taught in courses. Gang stalked by cops pulled over 18 times in one year for "computer glitch" that would report nothing back when they ran my plates supposedly. I think we are the ones who can manifest or prohect our thoughts into reality easiest (trump victory brexit etc ) so my idea is we can manifest our reality into being at will and that is a big threat.

Yes and that is their major fear. If a group of us decided to work in unison toward a mutual goal well look at current year. Watch hearts in atlantis or the m83 video trilogy for midnight city if we are alone we are a threat but less of a threat if several of us decided hillary clinton would get sick and not recover or soros etc they would have a real problem. So far we are too fragmented and unaware to be a major threat or so they thought but now they are in panic mode. Used to be either assimilate us into existing power structure or marginalize institutionalize etc and problem solved. Now theres too many of us all seemingly without any planning focusing on the same goals. That is a problem. Anyone notice any clues in mr. Robot like the weird test that blond girl had to take before meeting white rose?

i'm going to go back in time and vote for hitler, in the name of seth putnam

I thought this thread died last night after my bumps went unresponded im glad its still up. We need to pick a board where we can meet up and maybe work together on common goals of manifestation. Maybe pick a day or a set of dates each month like one a week to at the same time (adjusted for time zones) work on manifesting our goals. Like soros heart failure for x mas or hillary prison in feb

You're throwing the word "supposed" around as though it's meaningful. It doesn't matter if the universe is supposed to be a closed system by the people interpreting the theories you mentioned. The universe doesn't conform to what we suppose it to be.


It's almost like the people who:
are not normies

kind of reminds me of freesia ending where the mc gets away from dying by completely realizing that he lives in a fictional universe. The end brings up a meta point that as long as you read it and think about it he will continue to exists in his own "pocket dimension".
I believe that the same would apply to us if the universe was just a simulation.

Something about this sounds eerily familiar.

4th Reich soon, fellow anons~!

You possess 1000 times the knowledge of a normie, killing yourself would be a disservice to mankind


Your mind is worth it's weight in Californium.

looney "tunes" doesnt even make fucking sense. it's toons for cartoons. what the fuck?

Has anyone thought about how the war of the worlds broadcast worked? Was that some kind of meme delivered over the radio? That was the first era of mass broadcast via electronic means in history, and it was the first creation of a reality that didn't exist / wasn't fiction. So like at a meta-level or whatever it was a creation of reality in the minds of the listeners in a mass scale, while at the same time it wasn't a self-aware fiction to the listener. It wasn't *imagination* which is what your mind does when visualizing fiction, it was something else…


Not at all, but you've proven my point, you'll look for ANYTHING to try to assert your answer as the correct one, because you cannot see anything other than that single answer being correct. You'll even misread statements to falsely claim "gotcha" moments, here let me walk you through it all.

What I said was

Meaning, you have the skills an IQ test is meant to test, or you do not. (you, do not)

The test is meant to be taken WITHOUT prep, ie: no studying. In a situation where a subject doesnt go out of their way in whatever fashion to experience and take in as many experiences as possible to game the test by having experiences to draw on that will allow them to draw parallels to other such questions and use that to come up with similar answers that will also fit

Further, the test given to kids vs the test given to adults involves more complex puzzles for adults because it works under the assumption that a adult will have learned enough in their life to have gained general experiences which will allow them to otherwise end up with an over inflated number if they use the kid tests as an adult. It takes a certain amount of experience into consideration. Thus, you'd need to go far beyond that experience and specifically immerse yourself in logic and problem solving puzzles and study different pathways to answers (which would rarely if ever come in handy, other than gaming an IQ test), gaining more EXPERIENCE coming up with possible answers. But this doesnt mean you gain the innate ability TO see different answers out of the gate, you've gained the experience of different/similar puzzles which will allow you to use that experience to draw similarities between puzzles and ones you've already studied the answers to and thus come up with solutions that will inflate your score (this is all basic neuroscience btw, you should really learn how memories work and how the brain functions in general)

Which is where my statement
Comes into play

You arent improving your innate ability, you're attempting to game the test. However, the overwhelming majority of people are never going to do this thus never harming the usefulness of the test. Meaning, if taken without going to extremes to study, the score as a kid or an adult should be within the same SD. "studying" in this context doesnt mean improving your ability, you CANT improve your innate ability in this regard, all you can do is draw on past experiences and use them as parallels for the questions, but again this doesnt improve your innate ability to find answers, only your experience with such problems.

So again, no contradictions, you'd need to go massively out of your way for most of your life in order to rig the test results, and the overwhelming majority of people are never going to do something like this (if ANYONE is even willing to do such things), but even in doing so such a person isnt improving their innate ability (ie: what their score would be "at 7 or 27" as I stated) and only using experience to supplement lack of baseline ability.

Finally some other tidbits

Basically, you're an idiot who has chosen a specific answer and will see only what they want to see, and sees ANY disagreement with him as some sort of aggression/attack and responds in kind with insults, prejudice, and hatred.

Run along and pat yourself on the back now

criminally unchecked trips

you've got a point though. in fact the next large scale example i can think of of that kind of fiction-perceived-as-real subversion would be wrestling, followed by reality shows. the point of reality shows to capacitate normies and push a fantasy reality that's unachievable is pretty obvious to me, but i have no idea what the reasoning is behind wrestling. i mean if you really think about it wrestling pushes all the stuff that Holla Forums is into and jews would have no interest in: self improvement, national pride… though i guess you could say it subtly pushed the gay agenda. i'd like to think wrestling came from an honest place though, but i'm biased because i enjoy watching it sometimes.

first point, If you really wanted to debate this you should go back to school and not keep saying that every point i am making is making yourself look right instead of actually answering me. You dont seem to know what debating actually is do you?

then you are talking bullshit again. most if not every child have played one version of a puzzle game before the age of 7 which makes your "theory" bullshit once again. i could have understand your point if you are actually had a child that dont think at all before the test but that is impossible now isnt it? every thing that child have done from playing with toys to using their eyes will affect that test. this is like saying you can find out how tall a child will be from how it is at age 7. people grow different. and that includes their brain.

Third you are still contradicting yourself. the version of IQ tests that you are trying to push is once again flawed. the things a person learn in those years again will affect the answers at 27 years old.

then lastly get your cuck ass out of here if you cant handle it when people talk rough to you. being a cuck is the typical mentality for your type of people, so its easy to fuck with you by playing agressive. if you really where as smart as you claim and see thing from an observers view you should have realised what i did and not taken the bait by claiming i was stupid. come on now thats just basic shit you should understand on the internet. how old are you even? you must be under 18 as you act like a special little snowflake


Even if IQ tests measured knowledge (with problem solving as some abstract category of knowledge) it would still be a completely valid test of intelligence. All it does is compare averages.
It's like saying height is meaningless because someone could chop off their legs.

Using IQ as a measure of overall intelligence is like using someone's height to guess how long their cock is.

as i said such a test is flawed. children normally thinks before the age of 7.

So, generally accurate enough to warrant inspection?

Except IQ is a measure of overall intelligence. Just like height is a measure for height.
Or is there some hidden height like height of spirit or applied height or height work ethic.

100 years. I'd love to see them flaws. Only flaws people ever complained about was niggers doing badly but I'd be surprised if Holla Forums wanted to make that argument.

Does Bruno Mars is gay?

you must have changed your IP. good thing to know that there isnt actually a peron among us that are that stupid. just looking at the way you types remind me of the other guy. im am sorry to all other anons that wanted to talk about the actually topic but in cases like these that you dont know if its a shill or another reddit cuck its nice to "debate" them somewhat to get to know what the shills are up to.

buzzwords strawman. Good job Pedro.

Ok lets get back to the topic if the i.q. arguements have concluded.

I thought about that, too.
Wouldn't you get different memories if it was your timeline?
Wouldn't you, by having another past, delete the reason to travel back in time? < This is commonly called the Greatfather Paradox.

Does that mean ultimately NOT achieving your goal is the only way to successfully travel in time?

About 186000 miles

We will conquer space with memes, not nuts-and-bolts flying machines.

I came from the Berenstein universe. Where did you come from?

It's always been "Loony Tunes".

The original purpose of Loony Tunes and Merry Melodies was to showcase their catalog of copyrighted music.

Nigga, where you been?

I have no idea what i'm looking at.

You don't need to outlaw a race once its exterminated.

Does anyone else recognize the map where I'm from?
Its close, but still not quite right, so I'm looking for suggestions if it fits your dimension…

No, I've never recalled NZ being to the North East of Australia I'm from Australia, I do however remember it being closer in the South East than it currently is. Indonesia and Philippines and such are closer to my original approximation of them, and I also remember Italy resembling your map rather than the current erratic high heel shape, and I also remember the North Pole existing rather than just being the Arctic circle. Also Africa was larger in the North East within Egypt, giving it a rounder shape at the top, and I have issues with the canal that borders Arabia and Ethiopia, I swear it was narrower. North America and South America are closer to my original memory of them, placed more directly opposed to each other, and the crossing of Mexico being more straight than the current one. The more I look at it the more things I find myself questioning.

Really makes you wonder man, I swear I remember seeing that Bond movie on YouTube only last year or so, the one where Jaws meets his GF and she smiles and she shows that she has braces, that's what made it funny as another user in this thread pointed out, now she has none. I've never even seen these Bond movies, I hated 007 in general, but that one must've happened recently at least in my case…

correction: I remember NZ being further south than it currently is.

That's nice and all well but it doesn't explain one thing
Jews and Trump
Or is Trump's assigning Jews time travelling 6000000D chess?

Just to play devil's advocate, a "picture" could be a bit of word play, since the book is essentially a "picture" of Dorian's life.

Only thing that seems off about the maps now is that I've always thought that the white sea was much bigger and that the distance from Murmansk to Arkhangelsk was much larger.

The whole thing with jaws and braces girl was the fact that Jaws had finally found someone just like him…
If you remove her braces, you remove the common thread that bound them.

Whatever you did to this map… its disturbing me. I see you moved Hawaii, most of the Caribbean, Philippines/Malaysia, NZ, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, the opening of the Red and Mediterranean seas, the shape of China, Mexico… no Mongolia… this looks all wrong.

When people make references to anything pop culture, they are usually repeating something they heard someone else say. Paraphrasing/referencing the original, and for whatever reason, the paraphrased version seems to be catchier and more contextually appropriate as an expression as in the "Life was like a box of chocolates…" quote.

The only thing on this Mandela effect list that "gets me" is that Jaws girlfriend had braces… but it has been probably 15 years since I've seen that movie.

If this whole GATE thing is new to anyone here there was a board dedicated to discussing that topic… it's not /gate/ maybe someone remembers the name of it.

Also, although an interesting topic, this is one of the worst threads on Holla Forums right now. This is not the sort of subject matter that cannot be discussed rationally here and will mostly attract garbage posting

I've always believed in the many-worlds interpretation, but this is just a whole new level.

Makes you wonder then. Is our Trump actually from another timeline where the Jews had their way, and he went back in time to the point where US history was on a pivot, and decided to do something (that is, run for President), so that they couldn't have their way? He must have the Reading Steiner ability, it would explain his 42D underwater basket-weaving Starcraftian chess against the Jews. He knows every move they're gonna make, or at least the shit they'll try to pull, and can counter every bit of it.

I double negative'd my last sentance, ignore a "not"

Parallel universes are real and they are interacting with our universe

I'm just not from your dimension, user.
It's something that I've had to come to terms with.

Mongolia was not a present day country and certainly not the 19th largest in the world.
Mongolia only existed during the days of Genghis Khan and was part of China after the collapse of the Mongol Empire.
China was bigger and they had a VERY long shared border with Russia.

I recall Easter Island as having been discovered by James Cook, and I remember him finding it uninhabited. I remember the moai statues being a source of great mystery – who made them, how, and why? With there being no native people to ask, there was no way to know for certain, so we were left with nothing but theories of likely Polynesian settlers who had died out or moved elsewhere. I specifically recall that the soil was ill suited to agriculture, and that that was a theory that it was the most likely reason why earlier residents of the island had either died out or moved on. In this timestream, James Cook did not find Easter Island – a Dutch explorer did. This was also on Easter Sunday, and the island was named Easter Island in Dutch initially. It is now Rapa Nui, the name given to it by its native people, who have apparently continually inhabited the island for nearly 3,000 years in your dimension.

In your dimension, Ankara is the capitol of Turkey.
I had always known of Istanbul (Constantinople) being the place at which the Sultun lived and it was called the capitol.

I would love to know what happened to the Artic.

This is proof that it is a psyop.

Its not. I wish it were. C3PO NEVER had a silver leg. So much inconsequential shit is arbitrarily different… like the ford logo I see every day on my steering wheel. Nobody changed them all. Volvo now uses some esoteric mars symbol… Its all wrong.
My Mongolia never broke the great wall and after Khan, the empire was gone.
My Madagascar was a uninhabited nature preserve.
My Galapagos was also an uninhabited preserve.
I think CERN broke something.
I also think they've recently gone above the current record of 13 trillion electron volt events, accelerating this process.
I'm fearful they're collapsing the multiverse into a singularity.

Fucking kill yourself.

The Mona Lisa no longer wears a serious face.
The changes are drastic.
The inconsequential part is what changed.
My Jane Goodall died in the jungle hacked up by machetes. It was national news.
My Rodney King was beaten to death by police. Also major national news sparking almost nationwide riots. Thats pretty fucking specific for "mis-remembrance"
Be more observant.

So then, in your world, who was it that said "Can't we all just get along?"

This is literally our greatest fear, because
-it mean the jew had the technology somewhgere in the future
-they sabotaged the third reich tough time
-Hitler didn't died but got kidnapped by future jews
-communism still arround because future jews keep it alive from the future

He did, seconds before the cops baton hit him in the temple and turned him off.

(((theoretical physics)))

completely destroyed the beautiful art of discovery from experimentation.

King didn't say that during the beating, though. He said it much later on a television interview.

Reported. Get the fuck out.

H-how so?

That was Dian Fossey who got killed you dumb fuck. Yes, she sounds very similar to Jane Goodall, but your memory is kill.

Performance reasons, FLOPS are expensive.

Ok nigger.
It has nothing to do with memory.
Do you even comprehend the physics involved with CERN colliding 2 protons at a force of 13 trillion electronvolts of power?
Do you realize they do this many many times per second nonstop?
They are creating antimatter along with black holes and actively state that they've found what holds matter together and that they now intend to take matter apart.
The experiments they are doing have drastic side effects.
I could list the differences between where I'm from, but the list is immense at this point.
I no longer question what is happening. All that matters is why it is happening.
The chinese are building a LHC twice the size of CERN. It is estimated that they could potentially collide lead protons at or in excess of 50 trillion electronvolts of power.
Every time they attempt to poke a hole into a parallel universe, they pop the bubble between them and Schrodinger's cat can no longer be both dead and alive, a choice is made.
The further you get from where you belong, the more drastically the changes become, but the changes are small and build up gradually over time. Cognitive dissonance is the first thing you experience for sure.

You're right about the Mona Lisa, this shit is not right. I swear she also had a different face, more round than egg-shaped. Never let any non-believers or shills tell you otherwise, this is absolutely 100% real, the question is, what is its purpose? Is this part of the strong delusion that is coming upon the world?


I want to play a game of 4D chess with you.

What does it mean if I scored 132 as a kid and 115 as an adult? I don't remember suffering any notable brain damage between these events, though I did smash my head in the pavement way before the first test when my dog tripped me when I was 4 or 5 years old.

Jesus Christ. Mona actually looks a bit… smug?

"Infinite" is not the same as "all-encompassing".

Geometric interpretation

To give a geometric example: suppose you have an infinite, 2D plane P which is your universe. This plane is both infinite and all-encompassing.

Now suppose you partition P into two planes P1 and P2 via a straight line. P1 and P2 will both be infinite, but neither will be all-encompassing, as P1 lies outside P2 and vice versa. You have two infinite objects side-by-side.

Now suppose that you cut out a finite circle C from P. Now P - C is still infinite, but it's missing a finite chunk, hence it's not all-encompassing.

Computational interpretation

Suppose you have a CPU which speeds up each time it performs an instruction. It performs the first instruction in 1/2 hours, the second instruction in 1/4 hours, the third in 1/8, and so forth. How many hours do you need to perform a infinite number of instructions?

1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16 + … = Sum[i=1…] 1/2^i = 1

Even though our CPU performs each instruction in a finite amount of time, it can perform an infinite number of instructions in 1 hour.

We can thus see how infinitely large "bubbles" of spacetime might be next to each other: as you depart from their center, space in them gets more and more compressed, allowing you an infinite amount of space in a finite volume. I'm not saying that this is how it is, just that certain geometries would make it possible.

Multiple dimensions

Objects in X dimenisons of infinite extent can be embedded into X+1-dimensional space without touching each other.

Imagine an infinitely long line - a 1-dimensional object. If you have a 2-dimensional plane, you can place two of these lines parallel to each other and they'll never touch.

If you have to infinitely large planes, you can put them above each other in 3-dimensional space and they'll likewise never intersect. This can be repeated with infinitely large 3-dimensional objects in 4-dimensional space and so on.

great i can go back and kill myself as a child so this life would never happen.

back to the future is basically 9/11 the movie. about 30 years after it came out trump runs for president. they went back in time to do 9/11 to piss off trump so he would then become president. titor

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